| { |
| "name": "FantasticView-Swifty", |
| "version": "0.4.0", |
| "summary": "By far the most fantastic view I have seen in my entire life. No joke.", |
| "description": "hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe", |
| "homepage": "https://github.com/palozinski/FantasticView", |
| "license": { |
| "type": "MIT", |
| "file": "LICENSE" |
| }, |
| "authors": { |
| "Pawel": "palozinski@gmail.com" |
| }, |
| "source": { |
| "git": "https://github.com/palozinski/FantasticView.git", |
| "tag": "0.4.0" |
| }, |
| "platforms": { |
| "ios": "10.0" |
| }, |
| "source_files": "FantasticView/FantasticView.swift", |
| "pushed_with_swift_version": "3.0" |
| } |