| { |
| "name": "SimpleObjectiveCAPIService", |
| "version": "0.1", |
| "summary": "Allows developers to work with local JSON stub files and switch to live API seamlessly.", |
| "description": "A small Objective-C utility that helps stub out an API with local JSON files which are based on the live endpoint name they represent. A simple switch to go live allows front end and back end developers to be friends after all.", |
| "homepage": "http://garethshapiro.com/item/simple-objective-c-api-service", |
| "license": { |
| "type": "MIT", |
| "file": "LICENSE" |
| }, |
| "authors": { |
| "Gareth Shapiro": "gareth@sebenza-systems.com" |
| }, |
| "source": { |
| "git": "https://github.com/GarethShapiro/SimpleObjectiveCAPIService.git", |
| "tag": "0.1" |
| }, |
| "platforms": { |
| "ios": "5.0", |
| "osx": "10.7" |
| }, |
| "source_files": "*.{h,m}", |
| "requires_arc": false |
| } |