blob: 1f885b3c2cdb2c076dead4afb66fa7aadf049cfb [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "GDCoreDataConcurrencyDebugging",
"version": "0.0.4",
"summary": "Find out when you're accessing an NSManagedObject on the wrong queue/thread.",
"description": " \n GDCoreDataConcurrencyDebugging helps you find cases where NSManagedObject's are being called on the wrong thread or dispatch queue.\n Simply add it to your project and you will get a log message for every invalid access to an NSManagedObject.\n \n",
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": {
"Graham Dennis": ""
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "0.0.4"
"platforms": {
"ios": "3.1",
"osx": "10.6"
"requires_arc": false,
"source_files": "Classes",
"public_header_files": "Classes/{GDCoreDataConcurrencyDebugging,GDConcurrencyCheckingManagedObject}.h",
"frameworks": "CoreData",
"dependencies": {
"JRSwizzle": [