| { |
| "name": "OguryChoiceManager", |
| "summary": "Ogury Choice Manager handles user consent collection and storage for all your vendors, with a simple integration, ensuring compliance with the GDPR regulation. Your users are shown a single consent notice giving them the choice of the data they want to share, if any.", |
| "description": "Ogury Choice Manager handles user consent collection and storage for all your vendors, with a simple integration, ensuring compliance with the GDPR regulation. Your users are shown a single consent notice giving them the choice of the data they want to share, if any. \nAs an IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) approved solution, Ogury Choice Manager not only meets the letter of the law, but is also aligned with all relevant best practice standards. \nBut where other solutions draw the line here, Ogury Choice Manager goes one step further by incorporating vendors that fall outside of IAB jurisdiction, including Facebook and Google. The net result is a definitive, one-stop consent notice that covers most vendors available on the market today.", |
| "homepage": "https://www.ogury.com", |
| "screenshots": [ |
| "https://ogury.com/wp-content/themes/fableco/img/choice-manager/laptop1.jpg", |
| "https://ogury.com/wp-content/themes/fableco/img/choice-manager/slider1-a.jpg", |
| "https://ogury.com/wp-content/themes/fableco/img/choice-manager/slider2-a.jpg" |
| ], |
| "social_media_url": "https://www.facebook.com/weareogury", |
| "documentation_url": "https://docs.ogury.co/", |
| "authors": { |
| "Ogury Ltd.": "contact-paris@ogury.co" |
| }, |
| "license": { |
| "type": "COMMERCIAL", |
| "text": " Copyright (c) Ogury Ltd. All rights reserved.\n" |
| }, |
| "platforms": { |
| "ios": "10.0" |
| }, |
| "frameworks": [ |
| "AdSupport", |
| "SystemConfiguration", |
| "UIKit" |
| ], |
| "weak_frameworks": "CoreTelephony", |
| "libraries": "z", |
| "requires_arc": true, |
| "vendored_frameworks": "OguryChoiceManager/OguryChoiceManager.framework", |
| "version": "3.0.0", |
| "source": { |
| "http": "https://consent-ios-sdk.ogury.co/OguryChoiceManager_3.0.0.zip", |
| "type": "zip" |
| } |
| } |