| "summary": "A popup kit for creating highly customizable popup view, based on Swift 2.2", |
| "description": "This library is a highly customizable popup kit, contains alert view, action sheet, and other iOS components (picker, tableView, etc),\nall of them can popup over the existing view controller, this kit also provides a lot of configuration for you to customize your style.\nMeanwhile, it is expandable, you can implement your own view, and put the view in the popup, that's it.", |
| "homepage": "https://github.com/Cunqi/CQPopupKit", |
| "cunqi": "notice.xiao@gmail.com" |
| "git": "https://github.com/Cunqi/CQPopupKit.git", |
| "source_files": "CQPopupKit/**/*" |