| { |
| "name": "MediaLibraryKit-prod", |
| "version": "2.6.4", |
| "summary": "A MediaLibrary framework in Objective-C for iOS and OS X", |
| "description": "MediaLibraryKit is an abstraction of CoreData to be used with for any kind of audio-visual media. It can do thumbnailing, metadata parsing as well as playback state management. It is a proven code based deployed with VLC-iOS since day one.", |
| "homepage": "https://code.videolan.org/videolan/MediaLibraryKit", |
| "license": { |
| "type": "LGPLv2.1", |
| "file": "COPYING" |
| }, |
| "authors": { |
| "Pierre d'Herbemont": "pdherbemont@videolan.org", |
| "Felix Paul Kühne": "fkuehne@videolan.org", |
| "Tobias Conradi": "videolan@tobias-conradi.de", |
| "Carola Nitz": "caro@videolan.org" |
| }, |
| "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/videolan", |
| "platforms": { |
| "ios": "7.0", |
| "watchos": "2.0" |
| }, |
| "source": { |
| "git": "https://code.videolan.org/videolan/MediaLibraryKit.git", |
| "tag": "2.6.4" |
| }, |
| "prefix_header_file": "MediaLibraryKit_Prefix.pch", |
| "public_header_files": "Headers/Public/*.h", |
| "source_files": [ |
| "Headers/Internal/*.h", |
| "Sources/*.m", |
| "Headers/Public/*.h" |
| ], |
| "exclude_files": [ |
| "Sources/MLMovieInfoGrabber.m", |
| "Sources/MLTVShowEpisodesInfoGrabber.m", |
| "Sources/MLTVShowInfoGrabber.m", |
| "Sources/MLURLConnection.m", |
| "Sources/NSXMLNode_Additions.m", |
| "Headers/Internal/MLMovieInfoGrabber.h", |
| "Headers/Internal/MLTVShowEpisodesInfoGrabber.h", |
| "Headers/Internal/MLTVShowInfoGrabber.h", |
| "Headers/Internal/MLURLConnection.h", |
| "Headers/Internal/NSXMLNode_Additions.h", |
| "Headers/Internal/TheTVDBGrabber.h" |
| ], |
| "header_dir": "MediaLibraryKit", |
| "resources": [ |
| "MappingModel_2_5_to_2_6.xcmappingmodel", |
| "MediaLibrary.xcdatamodeld" |
| ], |
| "frameworks": [ |
| "Foundation", |
| "CoreData" |
| ], |
| "requires_arc": true, |
| "watchos": { |
| "xcconfig": { |
| } |
| }, |
| "ios": { |
| "dependencies": { |
| "MobileVLCKit-prod": [ |
| |
| ] |
| } |
| } |
| } |