blob: 85428f180d17760b5c9dcbf8296b846e25de1739 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "DWUWebView",
"version": "1.0.0",
"summary": "A WKWebView wrapper that serves as a drop-in replacement for the legacy UIWebView.",
"description": "#DWUWebView\n\nA **WKWebView** wrapper that serves as a drop-in replacement for the legacy **UIWebView**.\n\n\n#Why WKWebView?\n\nFacebook migrated from UIWebView to WKWebView and reported [a significant reduction of OOMs][fb_blog] due to the fact that WKWebView now renders web pages in separate processes out of the app.\n\nBesides, WKWebView is [so much faster][performance_blog] than UIWebView that your web development co-workers might burst into tears.\n\n#Installation\n\nStep 1: Drag [DWUWebView.h][h_file] and [DWUWebView.m][m_file] into your project.\n\nStep 2: There's no step 2.\n\nOr, if you are using CocoaPods, add the following requirement into your Podfile:\n\n`pod 'DWUWebView'`\n\n#Accurate Loading Progress\n\nIf you are using that popular JavaScript trick to simulate the web page loading progress, DWUWebView will likely break it (see *Known Issues* below). However, thanks to the new APIs brought by WKWebView, you can now have much more accurate loading progress callbacks.\n\nSee `DWUWebViewProgressDelegate` in [DWUWebView.h][h_file] for more details. It's a delegation style API and is really easy to use.\n\n\n#Known Issues\n\nDue to WKWebView's implementation details, you can find a list of unsupported APIs in [DWUWebView.h][h_file].\n\nBesides, due to an architectural change that forces WKWebView to process JavaScript injection on an asynchronous basis. The `stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:` API will always return a garbage value. So do not use its return value.\n\n\n\n[h_file]: ./DWUWebView.h\n[m_file]: ./DWUWebView.m\n[fb_blog]:\n[performance_blog]:",
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": {
"Di Wu": ""
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "1.0.0"
"platforms": {
"ios": "8.0"
"requires_arc": true,
"source_files": "*.{h,m}",
"frameworks": [