blob: 660a500b453eeca93c092e81e966d8f688d37a8e [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "DVACategories",
"version": "1.7.1",
"summary": "This pod hosts DVACategories commonly used by DVA iOS developers.",
"description": "This is a pod containing categories commonly used on iOS development.\n\n Currently it holds:\n\n * Analytics:\n ** GAI+DVALib: A category helper for the Google Analytics Platform\n * UIColor:\n ** UIColor+DVALib: A class that implements helper for UIColor.\n * NSAttributedString:\n ** NSAttributedString+DVASize: A class to compute size for attributtedString\n * UITableView:\n ** UITableView+DVACellHeight: Calculates heights for cells at tableViews\n\n Added 1.2.1:\n\n * CAGradientLayer:\n ** CAGradientLayer+DVAGradient: Creates a gradient layer for your views. Added animation possibilities.\n * CAShapeLayer:\n ** CAShapeLayer+DVADashedBorder: Creates a layer to set a dashed border on a view.\n ** CAShapeLayer+DVARound: Creates a layer to set a completely round side on a view.\n\n Added 1.3.0:\n * UITCollectionViewCell:\n ** UICollectionViewCell+DVAReusableCollectionCell: Reuses and registers cells at collectionViews\n\n Added 1.4.0:\n * NSString:\n ** NSString+DVASecure: MD5 hashing.\n ** NSString+DVAValidator: Some validation methods.\n\n Added 1.5.0:\n * NSString:\n ** NSString+DVAAttributedString: Attributed String converter.\n ** NSString+DVALocalized: Localized string convenience method.\n * NSAttributedString:\n ** NSAttributedString+DVAAttributedString: Add attributes to an attributed string.\n ** NSAttributedString+DVAImageAttachment: Attributted Strings with image attachments.\n * NSArray:\n ** NSArray+FP: Functional programming helpers.\n * NSDictionary:\n ** NSDictionary+FP: Functional programming helpers.\n * NSData:\n ** NSData+DVASecure: MD5 hashing.\n * UIImage:\n ** UIImage+DVASecure: MD5 hashing.\n * UILabel:\n ** UILabel+DVABadgeLabel: Setup a label over a view like a badge.\n * UIView:\n ** UIView+DVABadgeLabel: Setup a view over a view like a badge.\n Added 1.6.0:\n * NSString: Badge view now can be a string\n Added 1.7.0:\n * NSString: Strings from bundle\n\n# --------\n# ADD NEW CATEGORIES HERE\n# --------",
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": {
"Pablo Romeu": "",
"Pablo Salva": ""
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "1.7.1",
"submodules": true
"social_media_url": "",
"platforms": {
"ios": "7.1"
"requires_arc": true,
"frameworks": [
"subspecs": [
"name": "Core",
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/Core/**/*.{h,m,c}",
"dependencies": {
"DVACategories/UIColor": [
"DVACategories/NSAttributedString": [
"DVACategories/NSString": [
"DVACategories/CAGradientLayer": [
"DVACategories/CAShapeLayer": [
"DVACategories/UICollectionViewCell": [
"DVACategories/NSArray": [
"DVACategories/NSDictionary": [
"DVACategories/NSData": [
"DVACategories/UIImage": [
"DVACategories/UILabel": [
"DVACategories/UIView": [
"DVACategories/UITableView": [
"name": "UIColor",
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/UIColor/**/*.{h,m}"
"name": "NSAttributedString",
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/NSAttributtedString/**/*.{h,m}"
"name": "NSString",
"dependencies": {
"DVACategories/NSAttributedString": [
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/NSString/**/*.{h,m}"
"name": "UITableView",
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/UITableView/**/*.{h,m}"
"name": "CAGradientLayer",
"frameworks": "QuartzCore",
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/CAGradientLayer/**/*.{h,m}"
"name": "CAShapeLayer",
"frameworks": "QuartzCore",
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/CAShapeLayer/**/*.{h,m}"
"name": "UICollectionViewCell",
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/UICollectionViewCell/**/*.{h,m}"
"name": "NSArray",
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/NSArray/**/*.{h,m}"
"name": "NSDictionary",
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/NSDictionary/**/*.{h,m}"
"name": "NSData",
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/NSData/**/*.{h,m}"
"name": "UIImage",
"dependencies": {
"DVACategories/NSData": [
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/UIImage/**/*.{h,m}"
"name": "UILabel",
"dependencies": {
"DVACategories/UIView": [
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/UILabel/**/*.{h,m}"
"name": "UIView",
"source_files": "Pod/Classes/UIView/**/*.{h,m}"