blob: 48a5d7ba8bd422976ef7c5401c78445cdd677e2e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'variables': {
'chromium_code': 1,
'targets': [
'target_name': 'multiple_proguards_test_apk',
'type': 'none',
'variables': {
'app_manifest_version_name%': '<(android_app_version_name)',
'java_in_dir': '.',
'proguard_enabled': 'true',
'proguard_flags_paths': [
# Both these proguard?.flags files need to be part of the build to
# remove both warnings from the src/dummy/ file, else the
# build will fail.
'R_package': 'dummy',
'R_package_relpath': 'dummy',
'apk_name': 'MultipleProguards',
# This is a build-only test. There's nothing to install.
'gyp_managed_install': 0,
# The Java code produces warnings, so force the build to not show them.
'chromium_code': 0,
'includes': [ '../../../../build/java_apk.gypi' ],