blob: c936f4e93dd6e539cf498dc37f3afdde431c42eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_allocation_context.h"
#include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_heap_dump_writer.h"
#include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_stack_frame_deduplicator.h"
#include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_type_name_deduplicator.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event_argument.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
// Define all strings once, because the deduplicator requires pointer equality,
// and string interning is unreliable.
const char kBrowserMain[] = "BrowserMain";
const char kRendererMain[] = "RendererMain";
const char kCreateWidget[] = "CreateWidget";
const char kInitialize[] = "Initialize";
const char kInt[] = "int";
const char kBool[] = "bool";
const char kString[] = "string";
} // namespace
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
// Asserts that an integer stored in the json as a string has the correct value.
void AssertIntEq(const DictionaryValue* entry,
const char* key,
int expected_value) {
std::string str;
ASSERT_TRUE(entry->GetString(key, &str));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_value, atoi(str.c_str()));
scoped_ptr<Value> DumpAndReadBack(HeapDumpWriter* writer) {
scoped_refptr<TracedValue> traced_value = writer->WriteHeapDump();
std::string json;
return JSONReader::Read(json);
TEST(HeapDumpWriterTest, BacktraceTypeNameTable) {
auto sf_deduplicator = make_scoped_refptr(new StackFrameDeduplicator);
auto tn_deduplicator = make_scoped_refptr(new TypeNameDeduplicator);
HeapDumpWriter writer(sf_deduplicator.get(), tn_deduplicator.get());
AllocationContext ctx = AllocationContext::Empty();
ctx.backtrace.frames[0] = kBrowserMain;
ctx.backtrace.frames[1] = kCreateWidget;
ctx.type_name = kInt;
// 10 bytes with context { type: int, bt: [BrowserMain, CreateWidget] }.
writer.InsertAllocation(ctx, 2);
writer.InsertAllocation(ctx, 3);
writer.InsertAllocation(ctx, 5);
ctx.type_name = kBool;
// 18 bytes with context { type: bool, bt: [BrowserMain, CreateWidget] }.
writer.InsertAllocation(ctx, 7);
writer.InsertAllocation(ctx, 11);
ctx.backtrace.frames[0] = kRendererMain;
ctx.backtrace.frames[1] = kInitialize;
// 30 bytes with context { type: bool, bt: [RendererMain, Initialize] }.
writer.InsertAllocation(ctx, 13);
writer.InsertAllocation(ctx, 17);
ctx.type_name = kString;
// 19 bytes with context { type: string, bt: [RendererMain, Initialize] }.
writer.InsertAllocation(ctx, 19);
// At this point the heap looks like this:
// | | CrWidget <- BrMain | Init <- RenMain | Sum |
// +--------+--------------------+-----------------+-----+
// | int | 10 | 0 | 10 |
// | bool | 18 | 30 | 48 |
// | string | 0 | 19 | 19 |
// +--------+--------------------+-----------------+-----+
// | Sum | 28 | 49 | 77 |
scoped_ptr<Value> heap_dump = DumpAndReadBack(&writer);
// The json heap dump should at least include this:
// {
// "entries": [
// { "size": "4d" }, // 77 = 0x4d.
// { "size": "31", "bt": "id_of(Init <- RenMain)" }, // 49 = 0x31.
// { "size": "1c", "bt": "id_of(CrWidget <- BrMain)" }, // 28 = 0x1c.
// { "size": "30", "type": "id_of(bool)" }, // 48 = 0x30.
// { "size": "13", "type": "id_of(string)" }, // 19 = 0x13.
// { "size": "a", "type": "id_of(int)" } // 10 = 0xa.
// ]
// }
// Get the indices of the backtraces and types by adding them again to the
// deduplicator. Because they were added before, the same number is returned.
int bt_renderer_main_initialize =
sf_deduplicator->Insert({{kRendererMain, kInitialize}});
int bt_browser_main_create_widget =
sf_deduplicator->Insert({{kBrowserMain, kCreateWidget}});
int type_id_int = tn_deduplicator->Insert(kInt);
int type_id_bool = tn_deduplicator->Insert(kBool);
int type_id_string = tn_deduplicator->Insert(kString);
const DictionaryValue* dictionary;
const ListValue* entries;
ASSERT_TRUE(dictionary->GetList("entries", &entries));
// Keep counters to verify that every entry is present exactly once.
int x4d_seen = 0;
int x31_seen = 0;
int x1c_seen = 0;
int x30_seen = 0;
int x13_seen = 0;
int xa_seen = 0;
for (const Value* entry_as_value : *entries) {
const DictionaryValue* entry;
// The "size" field, not to be confused with |entry->size()| which is the
// number of elements in the dictionary.
std::string size;
ASSERT_TRUE(entry->GetString("size", &size));
if (size == "4d") {
// Total size, should not include any other field.
ASSERT_EQ(1u, entry->size()); // Dictionary must have one element.
} else if (size == "31") {
// Entry for backtrace "Initialize <- RendererMain".
ASSERT_EQ(2u, entry->size()); // Dictionary must have two elements.
AssertIntEq(entry, "bt", bt_renderer_main_initialize);
} else if (size == "1c") {
// Entry for backtrace "CreateWidget <- BrowserMain".
ASSERT_EQ(2u, entry->size()); // Dictionary must have two elements.
AssertIntEq(entry, "bt", bt_browser_main_create_widget);
} else if (size == "30") {
// Entry for type bool.
ASSERT_EQ(2u, entry->size()); // Dictionary must have two elements.
AssertIntEq(entry, "type", type_id_bool);
} else if (size == "13") {
// Entry for type string.
ASSERT_EQ(2u, entry->size()); // Dictionary must have two elements.
AssertIntEq(entry, "type", type_id_string);
} else if (size == "a") {
// Entry for type int.
ASSERT_EQ(2u, entry->size()); // Dictionary must have two elements.
AssertIntEq(entry, "type", type_id_int);
ASSERT_EQ(1, x4d_seen);
ASSERT_EQ(1, x31_seen);
ASSERT_EQ(1, x1c_seen);
ASSERT_EQ(1, x30_seen);
ASSERT_EQ(1, x13_seen);
ASSERT_EQ(1, xa_seen);
// Test that the entry for the empty backtrace ends up in the json with the
// "bt" field set to the empty string. Also test that an entry for "unknown
// type" (nullptr type name) does not dereference the null pointer when writing
// the type names, and that the type ID is 0.
TEST(HeapDumpWriterTest, EmptyBacktraceIndexIsEmptyString) {
auto sf_deduplicator = make_scoped_refptr(new StackFrameDeduplicator);
auto tn_deduplicator = make_scoped_refptr(new TypeNameDeduplicator);
HeapDumpWriter writer(sf_deduplicator.get(), tn_deduplicator.get());
// A context with empty backtrace and unknown type (nullptr).
AllocationContext ctx = AllocationContext::Empty();
writer.InsertAllocation(ctx, 1);
scoped_ptr<Value> heap_dump = DumpAndReadBack(&writer);
const DictionaryValue* dictionary;
const ListValue* entries;
ASSERT_TRUE(dictionary->GetList("entries", &entries));
int empty_backtrace_seen = 0;
int unknown_type_seen = 0;
for (const Value* entry_as_value : *entries) {
const DictionaryValue* entry;
// Note that |entry->size()| is the number of elements in the dictionary.
if (entry->HasKey("bt") && entry->size() == 2) {
std::string backtrace;
ASSERT_TRUE(entry->GetString("bt", &backtrace));
ASSERT_EQ("", backtrace);
if (entry->HasKey("type") && entry->size() == 2) {
std::string type_id;
ASSERT_TRUE(entry->GetString("type", &type_id));
ASSERT_EQ("0", type_id);
ASSERT_EQ(1, unknown_type_seen);
ASSERT_EQ(1, empty_backtrace_seen);
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base