blob: ce944e43b9fe3fb30a7b699863efeb9ab0c8ee13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include "base/debug/alias.h"
#include "base/hash.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock_impl.h"
extern "C" {
__declspec(dllexport) void* GetHandleVerifier();
typedef void* (*GetHandleVerifierFn)();
namespace {
struct HandleHash {
size_t operator()(const HANDLE& handle) const {
char buffer[sizeof(handle)];
memcpy(buffer, &handle, sizeof(handle));
return base::Hash(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
struct Info {
const void* owner;
const void* pc1;
const void* pc2;
DWORD thread_id;
typedef std::unordered_map<HANDLE, Info, HandleHash> HandleMap;
// g_lock protects the handle map and setting g_active_verifier.
typedef base::internal::LockImpl NativeLock;
base::LazyInstance<NativeLock>::Leaky g_lock = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
bool CloseHandleWrapper(HANDLE handle) {
if (!::CloseHandle(handle))
return true;
// Simple automatic locking using a native critical section so it supports
// recursive locking.
class AutoNativeLock {
explicit AutoNativeLock(NativeLock& lock) : lock_(lock) {
~AutoNativeLock() {
NativeLock& lock_;
// Implements the actual object that is verifying handles for this process.
// The active instance is shared across the module boundary but there is no
// way to delete this object from the wrong side of it (or any side, actually).
class ActiveVerifier {
explicit ActiveVerifier(bool enabled)
: enabled_(enabled), closing_(false), lock_(g_lock.Pointer()) {
// Retrieves the current verifier.
static ActiveVerifier* Get();
// The methods required by HandleTraits. They are virtual because we need to
// forward the call execution to another module, instead of letting the
// compiler call the version that is linked in the current module.
virtual bool CloseHandle(HANDLE handle);
virtual void StartTracking(HANDLE handle, const void* owner,
const void* pc1, const void* pc2);
virtual void StopTracking(HANDLE handle, const void* owner,
const void* pc1, const void* pc2);
virtual void Disable();
virtual void OnHandleBeingClosed(HANDLE handle);
~ActiveVerifier(); // Not implemented.
static void InstallVerifier();
bool enabled_;
bool closing_;
NativeLock* lock_;
HandleMap map_;
ActiveVerifier* g_active_verifier = NULL;
// static
ActiveVerifier* ActiveVerifier::Get() {
if (!g_active_verifier)
return g_active_verifier;
// static
void ActiveVerifier::InstallVerifier() {
#if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD)
AutoNativeLock lock(g_lock.Get());
g_active_verifier = new ActiveVerifier(true);
// If you are reading this, wondering why your process seems deadlocked, take
// a look at your DllMain code and remove things that should not be done
// there, like doing whatever gave you that nice windows handle you are trying
// to store in a ScopedHandle.
HMODULE main_module = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL);
GetHandleVerifierFn get_handle_verifier =
main_module, "GetHandleVerifier"));
if (!get_handle_verifier) {
g_active_verifier = new ActiveVerifier(false);
ActiveVerifier* verifier =
// This lock only protects against races in this module, which is fine.
AutoNativeLock lock(g_lock.Get());
g_active_verifier = verifier ? verifier : new ActiveVerifier(true);
bool ActiveVerifier::CloseHandle(HANDLE handle) {
if (!enabled_)
return CloseHandleWrapper(handle);
AutoNativeLock lock(*lock_);
closing_ = true;
closing_ = false;
return true;
void ActiveVerifier::StartTracking(HANDLE handle, const void* owner,
const void* pc1, const void* pc2) {
if (!enabled_)
// Idea here is to make our handles non-closable until we close it ourselves.
// Handles provided could be totally fabricated especially through our
// unittest, we are ignoring that for now by not checking return value.
::SetHandleInformation(handle, HANDLE_FLAG_PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE,
// Grab the thread id before the lock.
DWORD thread_id = GetCurrentThreadId();
AutoNativeLock lock(*lock_);
Info handle_info = { owner, pc1, pc2, thread_id };
std::pair<HANDLE, Info> item(handle, handle_info);
std::pair<HandleMap::iterator, bool> result = map_.insert(item);
if (!result.second) {
Info other = result.first->second;
void ActiveVerifier::StopTracking(HANDLE handle, const void* owner,
const void* pc1, const void* pc2) {
if (!enabled_)
// We expect handle to be protected till this point.
DWORD flags = 0;
if (::GetHandleInformation(handle, &flags)) {
// Unprotect handle so that it could be closed.
::SetHandleInformation(handle, HANDLE_FLAG_PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE, 0);
AutoNativeLock lock(*lock_);
HandleMap::iterator i = map_.find(handle);
if (i == map_.end())
Info other = i->second;
if (other.owner != owner) {
void ActiveVerifier::Disable() {
enabled_ = false;
void ActiveVerifier::OnHandleBeingClosed(HANDLE handle) {
AutoNativeLock lock(*lock_);
if (closing_)
HandleMap::iterator i = map_.find(handle);
if (i == map_.end())
Info other = i->second;
} // namespace
void* GetHandleVerifier() {
return g_active_verifier;
namespace base {
namespace win {
// Static.
bool HandleTraits::CloseHandle(HANDLE handle) {
return ActiveVerifier::Get()->CloseHandle(handle);
// Static.
void VerifierTraits::StartTracking(HANDLE handle, const void* owner,
const void* pc1, const void* pc2) {
return ActiveVerifier::Get()->StartTracking(handle, owner, pc1, pc2);
// Static.
void VerifierTraits::StopTracking(HANDLE handle, const void* owner,
const void* pc1, const void* pc2) {
return ActiveVerifier::Get()->StopTracking(handle, owner, pc1, pc2);
void DisableHandleVerifier() {
return ActiveVerifier::Get()->Disable();
void OnHandleBeingClosed(HANDLE handle) {
return ActiveVerifier::Get()->OnHandleBeingClosed(handle);
} // namespace win
} // namespace base