blob: aecf5702b4b918922a3129a423958b6a4ecb7dde [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2001, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "corba.idl"
#include "CORBAX.idl"
#pragma prefix ""
* All Mapping corresponds to the Chapter 11 of
* CORBA V2.3.1 specified by OMG document formal/99-10-07.pdf.
* The exception to this is the id attribute, which is added in ptc/00-08-06,
* section
module PortableServer {
#pragma version PortableServer 2.3
// forward reference
interface POA;
* List of POAs
typedef sequence<POA> POAList;
* Values of type Servant support a language specific
* programming interface that can be used by the ORB to
* obtain a default POA for that servant.
* Some language mappings may allow Servant values to
* be implicitly converted to object references under
* appropriate conditions.
native Servant;
* ObjectId value associated with the object reference.
typedef sequence<octet> ObjectId;
* ForwardRequest to indicate to the ORB
* that it is responsible for delivering
* the current request and subsequent
* requests to the object denoted in the
* forward_reference member of the exception.
exception ForwardRequest { Object forward_reference; };
// **********************************************
// Policy interfaces
// **********************************************
* The value representing THREAD_POLICY_ID.
const CORBA::PolicyType THREAD_POLICY_ID = 16;
* The value representing LIFESPAN_POLICY_ID.
const CORBA::PolicyType LIFESPAN_POLICY_ID = 17;
* The value representing ID_UNIQUENESS_POLICY_ID.
* The value representing ID_ASSIGNMENT_POLICY_ID.
* The value representing IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION_POLICY_ID.
* The value representing SERVANT_RETENTION_POLICY_ID.
* The value representing REQUEST_PROCESSING_POLICY_ID.
* The ThreadPolicyValue can have the following values.
* ORB_CTRL_MODEL - The ORB is responsible for assigning
* requests for an ORB- controlled POA to threads.
* SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL - Requests for a single-threaded
* POA are processed sequentially.
* The ThreadPolicy specifies the threading model
* used with the created POA. The default is
interface ThreadPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
#pragma sun_local ThreadPolicy ""
* specifies the policy value
readonly attribute ThreadPolicyValue value;
* The LifespanPolicyValue can have the following values.
* TRANSIENT - The objects implemented in the POA
* cannot outlive the POA instance in which they are
* first created.
* PERSISTENT - The objects implemented in the POA can
* outlive the process in which they are first created.
enum LifespanPolicyValue { TRANSIENT, PERSISTENT };
* The LifespanPolicy specifies the lifespan of the
* objects implemented in the created POA. The default
interface LifespanPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
#pragma sun_local LifespanPolicy ""
* specifies the policy value
readonly attribute LifespanPolicyValue value;
* IdUniquenessPolicyValue can have the following values.
* UNIQUE_ID - Servants activated with that POA support
* exactly one Object Id. MULTIPLE_ID - a servant
* activated with that POA may support one or more
* Object Ids.
enum IdUniquenessPolicyValue { UNIQUE_ID, MULTIPLE_ID };
* The IdUniquenessPolicy specifies whether the servants
* activated in the created POA must have unique object i
* identities. The default is UNIQUE_ID.
interface IdUniquenessPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
#pragma sun_local IdUniquenessPolicy ""
* specifies the policy value
readonly attribute IdUniquenessPolicyValue value;
* The IdAssignmentPolicyValue can have the following
* values. USER_ID - Objects created with that POA are
* assigned Object Ids only by the application.
* SYSTEM_ID - Objects created with that POA are
* assigned Object Ids only by the POA. If the POA also
* has the PERSISTENT policy, assigned Object Ids must
* be unique across all instantiations of the same POA.
enum IdAssignmentPolicyValue { USER_ID, SYSTEM_ID };
* IdAssignmentPolicy specifies whether Object Ids in
* the created POA are generated by the application or
* by the ORB. The default is SYSTEM_ID.
interface IdAssignmentPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
#pragma sun_local IdAssignmentPolicy ""
* specifies the policy value
readonly attribute IdAssignmentPolicyValue value;
* ImplicitActivationPolicyValue has the following
* semantics.
* IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION to indicate implicit activation
* of servants. This requires SYSTEM_ID and RETAIN
* policies to be set.
* NO_IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION to indicate no implicit
* servant activation.
enum ImplicitActivationPolicyValue {
* This policy specifies whether implicit activation
* of servants is supported in the created POA.
interface ImplicitActivationPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
#pragma sun_local ImplicitActivationPolicy ""
* specifies the policy value
readonly attribute ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value;
* ServantRetentionPolicyValue can have the following
* values. RETAIN - to indicate that the POA will retain
* active servants in its Active Object Map.
* NON_RETAIN - to indicate Servants are not retained by
* the POA. If no ServantRetentionPolicy is specified at
* POA creation, the default is RETAIN.
enum ServantRetentionPolicyValue { RETAIN, NON_RETAIN };
* This policy specifies whether the created POA retains
* active servants in an Active Object Map.
interface ServantRetentionPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
#pragma sun_local ServantRetentionPolicy ""
* specifies the policy value
readonly attribute ServantRetentionPolicyValue value;
* The RequestProcessingPolicyValue can have the following
* values. USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY - If the Object Id
* is not found in the Active Object Map,
* an OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exception is returned to the
* client. The RETAIN policy is also required.
* USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT - If the Object Id is not found in
* the Active Object Map or the NON_RETAIN policy is
* present, and a default servant has been registered
* with the POA using the set_servant operation,
* the request is dispatched to the default servant.
* USE_SERVANT_MANAGER - If the Object Id is not found
* in the Active Object Map or the NON_RETAIN policy
* is present, and a servant manager has been registered
* with the POA using the set_servant_manager operation,
* the servant manager is given the opportunity to
* locate a servant or raise an exception.
enum RequestProcessingPolicyValue {
* This policy specifies how requests are processed by
* the created POA. The default is
interface RequestProcessingPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
#pragma sun_local RequestProcessingPolicy ""
* specifies the policy value
readonly attribute RequestProcessingPolicyValue value;
// **************************************************
// POAManager interface
// **********************************
* Each POA object has an associated POAManager object.
* A POA manager may be associated with one or more
* POA objects. A POA manager encapsulates the processing
* state of the POAs it is associated with.
interface POAManager {
#pragma sun_local POAManager ""
exception AdapterInactive{ };
* Specifies the states for the POAManager
* This operation changes the state of the POA manager
* to active, causing associated POAs to start processing
* requests.
* @exception AdapterInactive is raised if the operation is
* invoked on the POAManager in inactive state.
void activate()
* This operation changes the state of the POA manager
* to holding, causing associated POAs to queue incoming
* requests.
* @param wait_for_completion if FALSE, the operation
* returns immediately after changing state.
* If TRUE, it waits for all active requests
* to complete.
* @exception AdapterInactive is raised if the operation is
* invoked on the POAManager in inactive state.
void hold_requests(in boolean wait_for_completion)
* This operation changes the state of the POA manager
* to discarding. This causes associated POAs to discard
* incoming requests.
* @param wait_for_completion if FALSE, the operation
* returns immediately after changing state.
* If TRUE, it waits for all active requests
* to complete.
* @exception AdapterInactive is raised if the operation is
* invoked on the POAManager in inactive state.
void discard_requests(in boolean wait_for_completion)
* This operation changes the state of the POA manager
* to inactive, causing associated POAs to reject the
* requests that have not begun executing as well as
* as any new requests.
* @param etherealize_objects a flag to indicate whether
* to invoke the etherealize operation of the
* associated servant manager for all active
* objects.
* @param wait_for_completion if FALSE, the operation
* returns immediately after changing state.
* If TRUE, it waits for all active requests
* to complete.
* @exception AdapterInactive is raised if the operation is
* invoked on the POAManager in inactive state.
void deactivate(in boolean etherealize_objects,
in boolean wait_for_completion)
* This operation returns the state of the POA manager.
State get_state();
// **************************************************
// AdapterActivator interface
// ****************************
* An adapter activator supplies a POA with the ability
* to create child POAs on demand, as a side-effect of
* receiving a request that names the child POA
* (or one of its children), or when find_POA is called
* with an activate parameter value of TRUE.
interface AdapterActivator {
#pragma sun_local AdapterActivator ""
#pragma version AdapterActivator 2.3
* This operation is invoked when the ORB receives
* a request for an object reference that identifies
* a target POA that does not exist. The ORB invokes
* this operation once for each POA that must be
* created in order for the target POA to exist.
* @param parent indicates the parent POA for the POA
* that needs to be created.
* @param name identifies the name of the POA relative to
* the parent.
* @return returns TRUE if the POA was created or FALSE
* otherwise.
boolean unknown_adapter(in POA parent, in string name);
// **************************************************
// ServantManager interface
// ******************************
* A servant manager supplies a POA with the ability
* to activate objects on demand when the POA receives
* a request targeted at an inactive object. A servant
* manager is registered with a POA as a callback object,
* to be invoked by the POA when necessary.
* ServantManagers can either be ServantActivators or
* ServantLocators. A ServantManager object must be
* local to the process containing the POA objects
* it is registered with.
interface ServantManager
{ #pragma sun_local ServantManager "" };
* When the POA has the RETAIN policy it uses servant
* managers that are ServantActivators.
interface ServantActivator : ServantManager {
#pragma version ServantActivator 2.3
#pragma sun_localservant ServantActivator ""
* This operation is invoked by the POA whenever the
* POA receives a request for an object that is not
* currently active, assuming the POA has the
* @param oid object Id associated with the object on
* the request was made.
* @param adapter object reference for the POA in which
* the object is being activated.
* @return Servant corresponding to oid is created or
* located by the user supplied servant manager.
* @exception ForwardRequest to indicate to the ORB
* that it is responsible for delivering
* the current request and subsequent
* requests to the object denoted in the
* forward_reference member of the exception.
Servant incarnate ( in ObjectId oid, in POA adapter )
raises (ForwardRequest);
* This operation is invoked whenever a servant for
* an object is deactivated, assuming the POA has
* the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER and RETAIN policies.
* @param oid object Id associated with the object
* being deactivated.
* @param adapter object reference for the POA in which
* the object was active.
* @param serv contains reference to the servant
* associated with the object being deactivated.
* @param cleanup_in_progress if TRUE indicates that
* destroy or deactivate is called with
* etherealize_objects param of TRUE. FALSE
* indicates that etherealize was called due to
* other reasons.
* @param remaining_activations indicates whether the
* Servant Manager can destroy a servant. If
* set to TRUE, the Servant Manager should wait
* until all invocations in progress have
* completed.
void etherealize ( in ObjectId oid,
in POA adapter,
in Servant serv,
in boolean cleanup_in_progress,
in boolean remaining_activations);
* When the POA has the NON_RETAIN policy it uses servant
* managers that are ServantLocators. Because the POA
* knows that the servant returned by this servant
* manager will be used only for a single request,
* it can supply extra information to the servant
* manager's operations and the servant manager's pair
* of operations may be able to cooperate to do
* something different than a ServantActivator.
* When the POA uses the ServantLocator interface,
* immediately after performing the operation invocation
* on the servant returned by preinvoke, the POA will
* invoke postinvoke on the servant manager, passing the
* ObjectId value and the Servant value as parameters
* (among others). This feature may be used to force
* every request for objects associated with a POA to
* be mediated by the servant manager.
interface ServantLocator : ServantManager {
#pragma sun_localservant ServantLocator ""
* Opaque data used to pass the information from
* preinvoke to postinvoke hooks. This specific
* by the language mapping, that is why it is
* specified as native.
native Cookie;
* This operations is used to get a servant that will be
* used to process the request that caused preinvoke to
* be called.
* @param oid the object id associated with object on
* which the request was made.
* @param adapter the reference for POA in which the
* object is being activated.
* @param operation the operation name.
* @param the_cookie an opaque value that can be set
* by the servant manager to be used
* during postinvoke.
* @return Servant used to process incoming request.
* @exception ForwardRequest to indicate to the ORB
* that it is responsible for delivering
* the current request and subsequent
* requests to the object denoted in the
* forward_reference member of the exception.
Servant preinvoke( in ObjectId oid, in POA adapter,
in CORBA::Identifier operation,
out Cookie the_cookie )
raises (ForwardRequest);
* This operation is invoked whenener a servant completes
* a request.
* @param oid the object id ssociated with object on which
* the request was made.
* @param adapter the reference for POA in which the
* object was active.
* @param the_cookie an opaque value that contains
* the data set by preinvoke.
* @param the_servant reference to the servant that is
* associated with the object.
void postinvoke( in ObjectId oid, in POA adapter,
in CORBA::Identifier operation,
in Cookie the_cookie,
in Servant the_servant);
// **************************************************
// POA interface
// *****************************************
* A POA object manages the implementation of a
* collection of objects. The POA supports a name space
* for the objects, which are identified by Object Ids.
* A POA also provides a name space for POAs. A POA is
* created as a child of an existing POA, which forms a
* hierarchy starting with the root POA. A POA object
* must not be exported to other processes, or
* externalized with ORB::object_to_string.
interface POA {
#pragma sun_local POA ""
#pragma version POA 2.3
* specifies that an child POA with the specified
* name already exists.
exception AdapterAlreadyExists { };
* This is raised if the POA with a specified Name cannot
* be found.
exception AdapterNonExistent { };
* This is raised if any of the policy objects are
* not valid for the ORB
exception InvalidPolicy {
unsigned short index;
* This is raised if no default servant is associated
* with the POA.
exception NoServant { };
* specifies that an object is already active or
* exists in the Active Object Map.
exception ObjectAlreadyActive { };
* specifies that the object is not active or its
* mapping does not exist in the Active Object Map.
exception ObjectNotActive { };
* This is raised when an attempt is made to activate
* a servant that is already active or has a mapping in
* the Active Object Map.
exception ServantAlreadyActive { };
* This is raised when an attempt is made to access a
* servant that is not active or is not registered in
* the Active Object Map.
exception ServantNotActive { };
* This is raised if the reference was not created by
* the POA
* specified in the reference.
exception WrongAdapter { };
* WrongPolicy is specified when the POA does not
* specify the policy appropriate for its operations.
exception WrongPolicy { };
// POA creation and destruction
* This operation creates a new POA as a child of the
* target POA.
* @param adapter_name identifies the new POA with
* respect to other POAs with the same parent POA.
* @param a_POAManager specifies the POA Manager to be
* associated with the new POA.
* @param policies specifies policy objects to be
* associated with the POA to control its behavior.
* @exception AdapterAlreadyExists specifies that the
* target POA already has a child POA with
* the specified name.
* @exception InvalidPolicy is raised if any of the
* policy objects are not valid for the ORB,
* or are in conflict, or require an
* administrative action that has not been
* performed.
POA create_POA(in string adapter_name,
in POAManager a_POAManager,
in CORBA::PolicyList policies)
raises (AdapterAlreadyExists, InvalidPolicy);
* If the target POA is the parent of a child POA with
* the specified name (relative to the target POA), that
* child POA is returned.
* @param adapter_name POA name to be found.
* @param activate_it if a POA with the specified
* name does not exist and the value of
* the activate_it parameter is TRUE, the target
* POA's AdapterActivator, if one exists,
* is invoked.
* @return POA if one exists or is activated by the
* AdapterActivator.
* @return AdapterNonExistent is raised if POA with
* a specified name cannot be found or
* activated using AdapaterActivator.
POA find_POA(in string adapter_name,
in boolean activate_it)
raises (AdapterNonExistent);
* This operation destroys the POA and all descendant
* POAs. All descendant POAs are destroyed (recursively)
* before the destruction of the containing POA. The POA
* so destroyed (that is, the POA with its name) may be
* re-created later in the same process.
* @param etherealize_objects flag to indicate whether
* etherealize operation on servant manager needs
* to be called.
* @param wait_for_completion flag to indicate whether
* POA and its children need to wait for active
* requests and the etherealization to complete.
void destroy( in boolean etherealize_objects,
in boolean wait_for_completion);
// **************************************************
// Factories for Policy objects
// ************
* These operations each return a reference to a policy
* object with the specified value.
* @param value policy type
* @return ThreadPolcy Object
ThreadPolicy create_thread_policy(
in ThreadPolicyValue value);
* These operations each return a reference to a policy
* object with the specified value.
* @param value policy type
* @return LifespanPolicy Object.
LifespanPolicy create_lifespan_policy(
in LifespanPolicyValue value);
* These operations each return a reference to a policy
* object with the specified value.
* @param value policy type
* @return IdUniquenessPolicy Object.
IdUniquenessPolicy create_id_uniqueness_policy(
in IdUniquenessPolicyValue value);
* These operations each return a reference to a policy
* object with the specified value.
* @param value policy type
* @return IdAssignmentPolicy Object.
IdAssignmentPolicy create_id_assignment_policy(
in IdAssignmentPolicyValue value);
* These operations each return a reference to a policy
* object with the specified value.
* @param value policy type
* @return ImplicitActivationPolicy Object.
ImplicitActivationPolicy create_implicit_activation_policy(
in ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value);
* These operations each return a reference to a policy
* object with the specified value.
* @param value policy type
* @return ServantRetentionPolicy Object.
ServantRetentionPolicy create_servant_retention_policy(
in ServantRetentionPolicyValue value);
* These operations each return a reference to a policy
* object with the specified value.
* @param value policy type
* @return RequestProcessingPolicy Object.
RequestProcessingPolicy create_request_processing_policy(
in RequestProcessingPolicyValue value);
// POA attributes
* This attribute identifies the POA relative to its
* parent. This name is assigned when the POA is created.
readonly attribute string the_name;
* This attribute identifies the parent of the POA.
* The parent of the root POA is null.
readonly attribute POA the_parent;
* This attribute identifies the current set of all
* child POAs of the POA. The set of child POAs
* includes only the POA's immediate children, and
* not their descendants.
readonly attribute POAList the_children;
* This attribute identifies the POA manager
* associated with the POA.
readonly attribute POAManager the_POAManager;
* This attribute identifies the adapter activator
* associated with the POA.
attribute AdapterActivator the_activator;
// Servant Manager registration:
* If the ServantRetentionPolicy of the POA is RETAIN,
* then the ServantManager argument (imgr) shall support
* the ServantActivator interface. For a NON_RETAIN policy,
* the ServantManager shall support the ServantLocator
* interface. If the argument is nil, or does not support
* the required interface, then the OBJ_ADAPTER
* exception is raised.
* @return ServantManager associated with a POA or null if
* none exists.
* @exception WrongPolicy raised if the
* USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policy is not specified.
ServantManager get_servant_manager()
raises (WrongPolicy);
* This operation sets the default servant manager
* associated with the POA. This operation may only be
* invoked once after a POA has been created. Attempting
* to set the servant manager after one has already
* been set will result in the BAD_INV_ORDER exception
* being raised.
* @param imgr servant manager to be used as a default.
* @exception WrongPolicy raised if the
* USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policy is not specified.
void set_servant_manager( in ServantManager imgr)
raises (WrongPolicy);
// operations for the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy
* This operation returns the default servant associated
* with the POA.
* @return p_servant default servant associated with a POA.
* @exception NoServant raised if no default servant is
* associated with the POA.
* @exception WrongPolicy raised if the
* USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy is not specified.
Servant get_servant()
raises (NoServant, WrongPolicy);
* This operation registers the specified servant with
* the POA as the default servant. This servant will
* be used for all requests for which no servant is
* found in the Active Object Map.
* @param p_servant servant to be used as a default.
* @exception WrongPolicy raised if the
* USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy is not specified.
void set_servant(in Servant p_servant)
raises (WrongPolicy);
// **************************************************
// object activation and deactivation
// ************
* This operation generates an Object Id and enters
* the Object Id and the specified servant in the
* Active Object Map.
* @param p_servant servant to be associated with an
* object to be activated.
* @return POA generated object id.
* @exception ServantAlreadyActive is raised if the
* POA has UNIQUE_ID policy and servant is
* is already in the Active Object Map.
* @exception WrongPolicy raised if the SYSTEM_ID and
* RETAIN policies are not specified.
ObjectId activate_object( in Servant p_servant )
raises (ServantAlreadyActive, WrongPolicy);
* This operation enters an association between the
* specified Object Id and the specified servant in the
* Active Object Map.
* @param id object id for the object to be activated.
* @param p_servant servant to be associated with the
* object.
* @exception ServantAlreadyActive raised if the POA
* has the UNIQUE_ID policy and the servant
* is already in the Active Object Map.
* @exception ObjectAlreadyActive raised if the object is
* already active in the POA.
* @exception WrongPolicy raised if the RETAIN policy is
* is not specified.
void activate_object_with_id( in ObjectId id,
in Servant p_servant)
raises ( ServantAlreadyActive, ObjectAlreadyActive,
* This operation causes the ObjectId specified in the
* oid parameter to be deactivated. An ObjectId which
* has been deactivated continues to process requests
* until there are no active requests for that ObjectId.
* A deactivated ObjectId is removed from the Active
* Object Map when all requests executing for that
* ObjectId have completed.
* @param oid Object Id for the object to be deactivated.
* @exception ObjectNotActive if the object with the
* specified oid is not in the Active Object
* Map.
* @exception WrongPolicy raised if the RETAIN policy is
* is not specified.
void deactivate_object(in ObjectId oid)
raises (ObjectNotActive, WrongPolicy);
// **************************************************
// reference creation operations
// *****************
* This operation creates an object reference that
* encapsulates a POA-generated Object Id value and
* the specified interface repository id.
* @param intf rep id for creating an object reference.
* @return object reference created using intf.
* @exception WrongPolicy if SYSTEM_ID policy is not
* specified.
Object create_reference ( in CORBA::RepositoryId intf )
raises (WrongPolicy);
* This operation creates an object reference that
* encapsulates the specified Object Id and interface
* repository Id values. It does not cause an activation
* to take place. The resulting reference may be passed
* to clients, so that subsequent requests on those
* references will cause the object to be activated
* if necessary, or the default servant used, depending
* on the applicable policies.
* @param oid object id for creating an objref
* @param intf rep id for creating an objref
* @return object reference created using oid and intf
* @exception BAD_PARAM is raised if the POA has the
* SYSTEM_ID policy and it detects that the
* Object Id value was not generated by the
* system or for this POA.
Object create_reference_with_id ( in ObjectId oid,
in CORBA::RepositoryId intf );
// not specified in raises (WrongPolicy);
// Identity mapping operations:
* This operation has four possible behaviors.
* 1. If the POA has the UNIQUE_ID policy and the
* specified servant is active, the Object Id associated
* with that servant is returned.
* 2. If the POA has the IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policy and
* either the POA has the MULTIPLE_ID policy or the
* specified servant is not active, the servant is
* activated using a POA-generated Object Id and the
* Interface Id associated with the servant, and that
* Object Id is returned.
* 3. If the POA has the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy,
* the servant specified is the default servant, and the
* operation is being invoked in the context of executing
* a request on the default servant, then the ObjectId
* associated with the current invocation is returned.
* 4. Otherwise, the ServantNotActive exception is raised.
* @param p_servant servant for which the object disi returned.
* @return object id associated with the servant.
* @exception ServantNotActive if the above rules and
* policy combination is not met.
* @exception WrongPolicy if the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy
* or a combination of the RETAIN policy and
* policies are not present.
ObjectId servant_to_id(in Servant p_servant)
raises (ServantNotActive, WrongPolicy);
* This operation requires the RETAIN policy and either
* invoked outside the context of an operation dispatched
* by this POA. It has four possible behaviors.
* 1. If the POA has both the RETAIN and the
* UNIQUE_ID policy and the specified servant is active,
* an object reference encapsulating the information used
* to activate the servant is returned.
* 2. If the POA has both the RETAIN and the
* IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policy and either the POA has the
* MULTIPLE_ID policy or the specified servant is not
* active, the servant is activated using a POA-generated
* Object Id and the Interface Id associated with the
* servant, and a corresponding object reference is
* returned.
* 3. If the operation was invoked in the context of
* executing a request on the specified servant, the
* reference associated with the current invocation
* is returned.
* 4. Otherwise, the ServantNotActive exception is raised.
* @param p_servant servant for which the object reference
* needs to be obtained.
* @return object reference associated with the servant.
* @exception WrongPolicy if the operation is not invoked
* in the context of executing a request on
* the specified servant and the required
* policies are not present.
* @exception ServantNotActive if the above specified
* policies and rules are not met.
Object servant_to_reference(in Servant p_servant)
raises (ServantNotActive, WrongPolicy);
* If the POA has the RETAIN policy and the specified
* object is present in the Active Object Map, this
* operation returns the servant associated with that
* object in the Active Object Map. Otherwise, if the
* POA has the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy and a default
* servant has been registered with the POA, this
* operation returns the default servant. If the object
* reference was not created by this POA,
* the WrongAdapter exception is raised. (OMG Issue
* on inconsistency with the POA.IDL.
* @param reference object reference for which the
* servant is returned.
* @return servant associated with the reference.
* @exception WrongPolicy if neither the RETAIN policy or
* the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy is present.
* @exception ObjectNotActive if the servant is not
* present in the Active Object Map (for RETAIN)
* or no default servant is registered (for
* @exception WrongAdapter if reference was not created by
* this POA instance.
Servant reference_to_servant(in Object reference)
raises (ObjectNotActive, WrongPolicy, WrongAdapter);
* This operation returns the Object Id value
* encapsulated by the specified reference. This
* operation is valid only if the reference was created
* by the POA on which the operation is being performed.
* The object denoted by the reference does not have
* to be active for this operation to succeed.
* @param reference the object reference from which the
* object id needs to be returned.
* @return object id encapsulated in the reference.
* @exception WrongAdapter if the reference was not
* created by the POA specified in the
* reference.
* @exception WrongPolicy declared to allow future
* extensions.
ObjectId reference_to_id(in Object reference)
raises (WrongAdapter, WrongPolicy);
* If the POA has the RETAIN policy and the specified
* ObjectId is in the Active Object Map, this operation
* returns the servant associated with that object in
* the Active Object Map. Otherwise, if the POA has
* the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy and a default servant
* has been registered with the POA, this operation
* returns the default servant.
* @param oid object id for the which the servant is
* returned.
* @return servant associated with oid.
* @exception ObjectNotActive is raised if ObjectId is
* is not in the Active Object Map (for RETAIN
* policy), or no default servant is registered
* (for USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy).
* @exception WrongPolicy is raised if the RETAIN policy
* policy is not present.
Servant id_to_servant(in ObjectId oid)
raises (ObjectNotActive, WrongPolicy);
* If an object with the specified Object Id value is
* currently active, a reference encapsulating the
* information used to activate the object is returned.
* @param oid id of the object for which the
* reference is returned.
* @return the object reference
* @exception ObjectNotActive if the Object Id value
* is not active in the POA.
* @exception WrongPolicy if the RETAIN policy is not
* present.
Object id_to_reference(in ObjectId oid)
raises (ObjectNotActive, WrongPolicy);
* This returns the unique id of the POA in the process in which it
* is created. It is for use by portable interceptors.
* <p>
* This id is guaranteed unique for the life span of the POA in the
* process. For persistent POAs, this means that if a POA is created
* in the same path with the same name as another POA, these POAs
* are identical and, therefore, have the same id. For transient
* POAs, each POA is unique.
readonly attribute ::org::omg::CORBA::OctetSeq id;
// *****************************************************
// Current interface:
// *****************************************************
* The PortableServer::Current interface, derived from
* CORBA::Current, provides method implementations with
* access to the identity of the object on which the
* method was invoked. The Current interface is provided
* to support servants that implement multiple objects,
* but can be used within the context of POA-dispatched
* method invocations on any servant. To provide location
* transparency, ORBs are required to support use of
* Current in the context of both locally and remotely
* invoked operations. An instance of Current can be
* obtained by the application by issuing the
* CORBA::ORB::resolve_initial_references("POACurrent")
* operation. Thereafter, it can be used within the
* context of a method dispatched by the POA to obtain
* the POA and ObjectId that identify the object on
* which that operation was invoked.
interface Current : CORBA::Current {
#pragma sun_local Current ""
#pragma version Current 2.3
* The exception that is used to indicate that the
* operation is invoked outside the context of the
* POA-dispatched operation.
exception NoContext { };
* Returns reference to the POA implementing the
* object in whose context it is called.
* @return The poa implementing the object
* @exception NoContext is raised when the operation is
* outside the context of a POA-dispatched
* operation
POA get_POA()
raises (NoContext);
* Returns the ObjectId identifying the object in
* whose context it is called.
* @return the ObjectId of the object
* @exception NoContext is raised when the operation
* is called outside the context of a POA-dispatched
* operation.
ObjectId get_object_id()
raises (NoContext);