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package sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.posix;
public class POSIXSignals {
private static String[] signalNames = {
"", /* No signal 0 */
"SIGHUP", /* hangup */
"SIGINT", /* interrupt (rubout) */
"SIGQUIT", /* quit (ASCII FS) */
"SIGILL", /* illegal instruction (not reset when caught) */
"SIGTRAP", /* trace trap (not reset when caught) */
"SIGABRT", /* used by abort, replace SIGIOT in the future */
"SIGEMT", /* EMT instruction */
"SIGFPE", /* floating point exception */
"SIGKILL", /* kill (cannot be caught or ignored) */
"SIGBUS", /* bus error */
"SIGSEGV", /* segmentation violation */
"SIGSYS", /* bad argument to system call */
"SIGPIPE", /* write on a pipe with no one to read it */
"SIGALRM", /* alarm clock */
"SIGTERM", /* software termination signal from kill */
"SIGUSR1", /* user defined signal 1 */
"SIGUSR2", /* user defined signal 2 */
"SIGCHLD", /* child status change alias (POSIX) */
"SIGPWR", /* power-fail restart */
"SIGWINCH", /* window size change */
"SIGURG", /* urgent socket condition */
"SIGPOLL", /* pollable event occured */
"SIGSTOP", /* stop (cannot be caught or ignored) */
"SIGTSTP", /* user stop requested from tty */
"SIGCONT", /* stopped process has been continued */
"SIGTTIN", /* background tty read attempted */
"SIGTTOU", /* background tty write attempted */
"SIGVTALRM", /* virtual timer expired */
"SIGPROF", /* profiling timer expired */
"SIGXCPU", /* exceeded cpu limit */
"SIGXFSZ", /* exceeded file size limit */
"SIGWAITING", /* process's lwps are blocked */
"SIGLWP", /* special signal used by thread library */
"SIGFREEZE", /* special signal used by CPR */
"SIGTHAW", /* special signal used by CPR */
"SIGCANCEL", /* thread cancellation signal used by libthread */
"SIGLOST", /* resource lost (eg, record-lock lost) */
public static String getSignalName(int sigNum) {
if ((sigNum <= 0) || (sigNum >= signalNames.length)) {
// Probably best to fail in a non-destructive way
return "<Error: Illegal signal number " + sigNum + ">";
return signalNames[sigNum];