blob: 5b0e56b8387e4f3a93b696fbf381657674876120 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
* RMI-IIOP v1.0
* Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 1999 All Rights Reserved
package sun.rmi.rmic.iiop;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import sun.rmi.rmic.IndentingWriter;
import java.util.HashSet;
import sun.rmi.rmic.Main;
* An IDL generator for rmic.
* @author Steve Newberry, Bryan Atsatt
public class IDLGenerator extends sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.Generator {
private boolean valueMethods = true;
private boolean factory = true; //init==!factory
private Hashtable ifHash = new Hashtable(); //IDL file Hashtable
private Hashtable imHash = new Hashtable(); //IDL module Hashtable
private boolean isThrown = true; //flag for writeInclude
private boolean isException = true; //flag for writeBanner, writeIfndef
private boolean isForward = true; //flag for writeIfndef
private boolean forValuetype = true; //flag for writeInherits
* Default constructor for Main to use.
public IDLGenerator() {
* Return true if a new instance should be created for each
* class on the command line. Subclasses which return true
* should override newInstance() to return an appropriately
* constructed instance.
protected boolean requireNewInstance() {
return false;
* Return true if non-conforming types should be parsed.
* @param stack The context stack.
protected boolean parseNonConforming(ContextStack stack) {
return valueMethods;
* Create and return a top-level type.
* @param env The compiler environment.
* @param cdef The top-level class definition.
* @return An RemoteType or null if is non-conforming.
protected sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.CompoundType getTopType(ClassDefinition cdef,
ContextStack stack) {
return CompoundType.forCompound(cdef,stack);
* Return an Identifier which contains the fully-qualified IDL filename
* for the given OutputType.
* The OutputType contains a filename string (not directory) and Type.
* @param ot the OutputType for which directory nesting is to be defined.
* @return the new identifier.
protected Identifier getOutputId (
OutputType ot ) {
Identifier id = super.getOutputId( ot );
Type t = ot.getType();
String fName = ot.getName();
if ( id == idJavaLangClass ) //java.lang.Class and array of
if ( t.isArray() )
return Identifier.lookup(
"org.omg.boxedRMI.javax.rmi.CORBA." + fName );
else return idClassDesc;
if ( id == idJavaLangString && //array of java.lang.String
t.isArray() )
return Identifier.lookup( "org.omg.boxedRMI.CORBA." + fName );
if ( "org.omg.CORBA.Object".equals( t.getQualifiedName() ) &&
t.isArray() ) //array of org.omg.CORBA.Object
return Identifier.lookup( "org.omg.boxedRMI." + fName );
if ( t.isArray()) { //array
ArrayType at = (ArrayType)t;
Type et = at.getElementType();
if ( et.isCompound() ) {
CompoundType ct = (CompoundType)et;
String qName = ct.getQualifiedName();
if ( ct.isIDLEntity() )
return Identifier.lookup( getQualifiedName( at ) );
return Identifier.lookup( idBoxedRMI,id );
if ( t.isCompound() ) { //boxed IDLEntity
CompoundType ct = (CompoundType)t;
String qName = ct.getQualifiedName();
if ( ct.isBoxed() )
return Identifier.lookup( getQualifiedName( ct ) );
return id;
* Return the file name extension for the given file name (e.g. ".java").
* All files generated with the ".java" extension will be compiled. To
* change this behavior for ".java" files, override the compileJavaSourceFile
* method to return false.
* @param outputType One of the items returned by getOutputTypesFor(...)
protected String getFileNameExtensionFor(OutputType outputType) {
* Examine and consume command line arguments.
* @param argv The command line arguments. Ignore null
* and unknown arguments. Set each consumed argument to null.
* @param error Report any errors using the main.error() methods.
* @return true if no errors, false otherwise.
public boolean parseArgs(String argv[], Main main) {
boolean result = super.parseArgs(argv,main);
String idlFrom;
String idlTo;
if (result) {
for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) {
if (argv[i] != null) {
if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-idl")) {
idl = true;
argv[i] = null;
else if ( argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase( "-valueMethods" ) ) {
valueMethods = true;
argv[i] = null;
else if ( argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase( "-noValueMethods" ) ) {
valueMethods = false;
argv[i] = null;
else if ( argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase( "-init" ) ) {
factory = false;
argv[i] = null;
else if ( argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase( "-factory" ) ) {
factory = true;
argv[i] = null;
else if ( argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase( "-idlfile" ) ) {
argv[i] = null;
if ( ++i < argv.length && argv[i] != null && !argv[i].startsWith("-") ) {
idlFrom = argv[i];
argv[i] = null;
if ( ++i < argv.length && argv[i] != null && !argv[i].startsWith("-") ) {
idlTo = argv[i];
argv[i] = null;
ifHash.put( idlFrom,idlTo );
continue nextArg;
main.error("rmic.option.requires.argument", "-idlfile");
result = false;
else if ( argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase( "-idlmodule" ) ) {
argv[i] = null;
if ( ++i < argv.length && argv[i] != null && !argv[i].startsWith("-") ) {
idlFrom = argv[i];
argv[i] = null;
if ( ++i < argv.length && argv[i] != null && !argv[i].startsWith("-") ) {
idlTo = argv[i];
argv[i] = null;
imHash.put( idlFrom,idlTo );
continue nextArg;
main.error("rmic.option.requires.argument", "-idlmodule");
result = false;
return result;
* Return an array of OutputTypes for the IDL files that need to be
* generated for the given top-level type.
* OutputTypes contain filename string (not directory) and Type.
* @param topType The type returned by getTopType().
* @param alreadyChecked A set of Types which have already been checked.
* @return Array of OutputTypes to generate
protected OutputType[] getOutputTypesFor(
CompoundType topType,
HashSet alreadyChecked ) {
Vector refVec = getAllReferencesFor( topType );
Vector outVec = new Vector();
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < refVec.size(); i1++ ) { //forall references
Type t = (Type)refVec.elementAt( i1 );
if ( t.isArray() ) {
ArrayType at = (ArrayType)t;
int dim = at.getArrayDimension();
Type et = at.getElementType();
String fName = unEsc( et.getIDLName() ).replace( ' ','_' );
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < dim; i2++ ) { //foreach dimension
String fileName = "seq" + ( i2 + 1 ) + "_" + fName;
outVec.addElement( new OutputType( fileName,at ) );
else if ( t.isCompound() ) {
String fName = unEsc( t.getIDLName() );
outVec.addElement( new OutputType( fName.replace( ' ','_' ),t ) );
if ( t.isClass() ) {
ClassType ct = (ClassType)t;
if ( ct.isException() ) { //exception file
fName = unEsc( ct.getIDLExceptionName() );
outVec.addElement( new OutputType( fName.replace( ' ','_' ),t ) );
OutputType[] outArr = new OutputType[outVec.size()];
outVec.copyInto( outArr );
return outArr;
* Get all referenced types of a given tyoe for which an IDL file needs
* to be generated.
* @param ct The given type.
* @return Vector of Types for which IDL must be generated.
protected Vector getAllReferencesFor(
CompoundType ct ) {
Hashtable refHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable spcHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable arrHash = new Hashtable();
int refSize;
refHash.put( ct.getQualifiedName(),ct ); //put the given type
accumulateReferences( refHash,spcHash,arrHash );
do {
refSize = refHash.size();
accumulateReferences( refHash,spcHash,arrHash );
while ( refSize < refHash.size() ); //till hashtable stays same size
Vector outVec = new Vector();
Enumeration e = refHash.elements(); //ordinary references
while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
CompoundType t = (CompoundType)e.nextElement();
outVec.addElement( t );
e = spcHash.elements(); //special references
while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
CompoundType t = (CompoundType)e.nextElement();
outVec.addElement( t );
e = arrHash.elements(); //array references
while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
ArrayType at = (ArrayType)e.nextElement();
int dim = at.getArrayDimension();
Type et = at.getElementType();
Enumeration e2 = arrHash.elements();
while ( e2.hasMoreElements() ) { //eliminate duplicates
ArrayType at2 = (ArrayType)e2.nextElement();
if ( et == at2.getElementType() && //same element type &
dim < at2.getArrayDimension() ) //smaller dimension?
continue nextSequence; //ignore this one
outVec.addElement( at );
return outVec;
* Accumulate and filter all those types that are referenced by the given
* referenced types.
* Keep only those for which IDL is to be generated.
* @param refHash Hashtable containing the given types
* @param spcHash Hashtable containing referenced specials (IDL typedefs)
* @param arrHash Hashtable containing referenced arrays (dimensioned)
protected void accumulateReferences(
Hashtable refHash,
Hashtable spcHash,
Hashtable arrHash ) {
Enumeration e = refHash.elements();
while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
CompoundType t = (CompoundType)e.nextElement();
Vector datVec = getData( t ); //collect and sort data
Vector mthVec = getMethods( t ); //collect and filter methods
getInterfaces( t,refHash ); //collect interfaces
getInheritance( t,refHash ); //add inheritance
getMethodReferences( mthVec,refHash,spcHash,arrHash,refHash );
getMemberReferences( datVec,refHash,spcHash,arrHash );
e = arrHash.elements(); //add array element references
while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
ArrayType at = (ArrayType)e.nextElement();
Type et = at.getElementType();
addReference( et,refHash,spcHash,arrHash );
e = refHash.elements();
while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
CompoundType t = (CompoundType)e.nextElement();
if ( !isIDLGeneratedFor( t ) ) //remove if no IDL generation
refHash.remove( t.getQualifiedName() );
* Determine if IDL should be generated for a referenced type.
* Do not generate IDL for a CORBA Object reference. It gets mapped
* to the original IDL or to Object (if exactly org.omg.CORBA.Object)
* Generate (boxed) IDL for an IDL Entity unless it is an IDL user
* exception, a ValueBase, an AbstractBase (or a CORBA Object).
* Do not generate IDL for Implementation classes..unless they inherit
* from multiple distinct remote interfaces
* @param t The type to check.
* @return true or false
protected boolean isIDLGeneratedFor(
CompoundType t ) {
if ( t.isCORBAObject() ) return false;
if ( t.isIDLEntity() )
if ( t.isBoxed() ) return true;
else if ( "org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity"
.equals( t.getQualifiedName() ) ) return true;
else if ( t.isCORBAUserException() ) return true;
else return false;
Hashtable inhHash = new Hashtable();
getInterfaces( t,inhHash );
if ( t.getTypeCode() == TYPE_IMPLEMENTATION )
if ( inhHash.size() < 2 ) return false; //no multiple inheritance
else return true;
return true; //generate IDL for this type
* Write the output for the given OutputFileName into the output stream.
* (The IDL mapping for java.lang.Class is generated from
* javax.rmi.CORBA.ClassDesc in the tools workspace)
* @param OutputType ot One of the items returned by getOutputTypesFor(...)
* @param alreadyChecked A set of Types which have already been checked.
* Intended to be passed to Type.collectMatching(filter,alreadyChecked).
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeOutputFor(
OutputType ot,
HashSet alreadyChecked,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
Type t = ot.getType();
if ( t.isArray() ) { //specialcase: sequence
writeSequence( ot,p );
if ( isSpecialReference( t ) ) { //specialcase: IDL typecode
writeSpecial( t,p );
if ( t.isCompound() ) { //specialcase: boxed IDL
CompoundType ct = (CompoundType)t;
if ( ct.isIDLEntity() && ct.isBoxed() ) {
writeBoxedIDL( ct,p );
if ( t.isClass() ) { //specialcase: exception
ClassType ct = (ClassType)t;
if ( ct.isException() ) {
String eName = unEsc( ct.getIDLExceptionName() );
String fName = ot.getName();
if ( fName.equals( eName.replace( ' ','_' ) ) ) {
writeException( ct,p );
switch ( t.getTypeCode() ) { //general case
writeImplementation( (ImplementationType)t,p );
writeNCType( (CompoundType)t,p );
case TYPE_ABSTRACT: //AbstractType is a RemoteType
writeRemote( (RemoteType)t,p );
writeValue( (ValueType)t,p );
throw new CompilerError(
"IDLGenerator got unexpected type code: "
+ t.getTypeCode());
* Write an IDL interface definition for a Java implementation class
* @param t The current ImplementationType
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeImplementation(
ImplementationType t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
Hashtable inhHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable refHash = new Hashtable();
getInterfaces( t,inhHash ); //collect interfaces
writeBanner( t,0,!isException,p );
writeInheritedIncludes( inhHash,p );
writeIfndef( t,0,!isException,!isForward,p );
writeIncOrb( p );
writeModule1( t,p );
p.p( "interface " + t.getIDLName() );
writeInherits( inhHash,!forValuetype,p );
p.pln( " {" );
p.pln( "};" );
writeModule2( t,p );
writeEpilog( t,refHash,p );
* Write an IDL valuetype definition for
* 1) a nonconforming Java class
* 2) a nonconforming Java interface (that is not an AbstractType)
* @param t The current NC Type (NCClassType or NCInterfaceType)
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeNCType(
CompoundType t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
Vector conVec = getConstants( t ); //collect constants
Vector mthVec = getMethods( t ); //collect methods
Hashtable inhHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable refHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable spcHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable arrHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable excHash = new Hashtable();
getInterfaces( t,inhHash ); //collect interfaces
getInheritance( t,inhHash ); //add inheritance
getMethodReferences( mthVec,refHash,spcHash,arrHash,excHash );
writeProlog( t,refHash,spcHash,arrHash,excHash,inhHash,p );
writeModule1( t,p );
p.p( "abstract valuetype " + t.getIDLName() );
writeInherits( inhHash,!forValuetype,p );
p.pln( " {" );
if ( conVec.size() + mthVec.size() > 0 ) { //any content?
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < conVec.size(); i1++ ) //write constants
writeConstant( (CompoundType.Member)conVec.elementAt( i1 ),p );
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < mthVec.size(); i1++ ) //write methods
writeMethod( (CompoundType.Method)mthVec.elementAt( i1 ),p );
p.pln( "};" );
writeModule2( t,p );
writeEpilog( t,refHash,p );
* Write an IDL interface definition for either:
* 1) a conforming Java remote interface (RemoteType)..or
* 2) a non-conforming Java interface whose methods all throw
* java.rmi.RemoteException (AbstractType)
* @param t The current RemoteType
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeRemote(
RemoteType t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
Vector conVec = getConstants( t ); //collect constants
Vector mthVec = getMethods( t ); //collect methods
Hashtable inhHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable refHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable spcHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable arrHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable excHash = new Hashtable();
getInterfaces( t,inhHash ); //collect interfaces
getMethodReferences( mthVec,refHash,spcHash,arrHash,excHash );
writeProlog( t,refHash,spcHash,arrHash,excHash,inhHash,p );
writeModule1( t,p );
if ( t.getTypeCode() == TYPE_ABSTRACT ) p.p( "abstract " );
p.p( "interface " + t.getIDLName() );
writeInherits( inhHash,!forValuetype,p );
p.pln( " {" );
if ( conVec.size() + mthVec.size() > 0 ) { //any constants or methods?
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < conVec.size(); i1++ ) //constants
writeConstant( (CompoundType.Member)conVec.elementAt( i1 ),p );
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < mthVec.size(); i1++ ) //methods, attributes
writeMethod( (CompoundType.Method)mthVec.elementAt( i1 ),p );
p.pln( "};" );
writeRepositoryID ( t,p );
writeModule2( t,p );
writeEpilog( t,refHash,p );
* Write an IDL valuetype definition for a conforming Java class.
* Methods and constructors are optional..controlled by -valueMethods flag
* @param t The current ValueType
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeValue(
ValueType t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
Vector datVec = getData( t ); //collect and sort data
Vector conVec = getConstants( t ); //collect constants
Vector mthVec = getMethods( t ); //collect and filter methods
Hashtable inhHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable refHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable spcHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable arrHash = new Hashtable();
Hashtable excHash = new Hashtable();
getInterfaces( t,inhHash ); //collect interfaces
getInheritance( t,inhHash ); //add inheritance
getMethodReferences( mthVec,refHash,spcHash,arrHash,excHash );
getMemberReferences( datVec,refHash,spcHash,arrHash );
writeProlog( t,refHash,spcHash,arrHash,excHash,inhHash,p );
writeModule1( t,p );
if ( t.isCustom() ) p.p( "custom " );
p.p( "valuetype " + t.getIDLName() );
writeInherits( inhHash,forValuetype,p );
p.pln( " {" );
if ( conVec.size() + datVec.size() + mthVec.size() > 0 ) { //any content?
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < conVec.size(); i1++ ) //write constants
writeConstant( (CompoundType.Member)conVec.elementAt( i1 ),p );
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < datVec.size(); i1++ ) {
CompoundType.Member mem = (CompoundType.Member)datVec.elementAt( i1 );
if ( mem.getType().isPrimitive() )
writeData( mem,p ); //write primitive data
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < datVec.size(); i1++ ) {
CompoundType.Member mem = (CompoundType.Member)datVec.elementAt( i1 );
if ( !mem.getType().isPrimitive() )
writeData( mem,p ); //write non-primitive data
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < mthVec.size(); i1++ ) //write methods
writeMethod( (CompoundType.Method)mthVec.elementAt( i1 ),p );
p.pln( "};" );
writeRepositoryID ( t,p );
writeModule2( t,p );
writeEpilog( t,refHash,p );
* Write IDL prolog for a CompoundType.
* @param t The CompoundType.
* @param refHash Hashtable loaded with type references.
* @param spcHash Hashtable loaded with special type references.
* @param arrHash Hashtable loaded with array references.
* @param excHash Hashtable loaded with exceptions thrown.
* @param inhHash Hashtable loaded with inherited types.
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeProlog(
CompoundType t,
Hashtable refHash,
Hashtable spcHash,
Hashtable arrHash,
Hashtable excHash,
Hashtable inhHash,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
writeBanner( t,0,!isException,p );
writeForwardReferences( refHash,p );
writeIncludes( excHash,isThrown,p ); //#includes for exceptions thrown
writeInheritedIncludes( inhHash,p );
writeIncludes( spcHash,!isThrown,p ); //#includes for special types
writeBoxedRMIIncludes( arrHash,p );
writeIDLEntityIncludes( refHash,p );
writeIncOrb( p );
writeIfndef( t,0,!isException,!isForward,p );
* Write IDL epilog for a CompoundType.
* @param t The CompoundType.
* @param refHash Hashtable loaded with type references.
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeEpilog(
CompoundType t,
Hashtable refHash,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
writeIncludes( refHash,!isThrown,p ); //#includes for forward dcl types
writeEndif( p );
* Write special typedef
* @param t A special Type.
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeSpecial(
Type t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
String spcName = t.getQualifiedName();
if ( "".equals( spcName ) )
writeJavaIoSerializable( t,p );
else if ( "".equals( spcName ) )
writeJavaIoExternalizable( t,p );
else if ( "java.lang.Object".equals( spcName) )
writeJavaLangObject( t,p );
else if ( "java.rmi.Remote".equals( spcName) )
writeJavaRmiRemote( t,p );
else if ( "org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity".equals( spcName) )
writeIDLEntity( t,p );
* Write a hard-coded IDL typedef definition for the special case
* @param t The current Type
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeJavaIoSerializable(
Type t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
writeBanner( t,0,!isException,p );
writeIfndef( t,0,!isException,!isForward,p );
writeModule1( t,p );
p.pln( "typedef any Serializable;" );
writeModule2( t,p );
writeEndif( p );
* Write a hard-coded IDL typedef definition for the special case
* @param t The current Type
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeJavaIoExternalizable(
Type t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
writeBanner( t,0,!isException,p );
writeIfndef( t,0,!isException,!isForward,p );
writeModule1( t,p );
p.pln( "typedef any Externalizable;" );
writeModule2( t,p );
writeEndif( p );
* Write a hard-coded IDL typedef definition for the special case
* java.lang.Object.
* @param t The current Type
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeJavaLangObject(
Type t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
writeBanner( t,0,!isException,p );
writeIfndef( t,0,!isException,!isForward,p );
writeModule1( t,p );
p.pln( "typedef any _Object;" );
writeModule2( t,p );
writeEndif( p );
* Write a hard-coded IDL typedef definition for the special case
* java.rmi.Remote.
* @param t The current Type
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeJavaRmiRemote(
Type t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
writeBanner( t,0,!isException,p );
writeIfndef( t,0,!isException,!isForward,p );
writeModule1( t,p );
p.pln( "typedef Object Remote;" );
writeModule2( t,p );
writeEndif( p );
* Write a hard-coded IDL typedef definition for the special case
* org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity
* @param t The current Type
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeIDLEntity(
Type t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
writeBanner( t,0,!isException,p );
writeIfndef( t,0,!isException,!isForward,p );
writeModule1( t,p );
p.pln( "typedef any IDLEntity;" );
writeModule2( t,p );
writeEndif( p );
* Filter and collect non-duplicate inherited interfaces for a type
* @param ct The current CompoundType
* @param inhHash Hashtable containing the inherited interfaces
protected void getInterfaces(
CompoundType ct,
Hashtable inhHash ) {
InterfaceType[] infs = ct.getInterfaces();
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < infs.length; i1++ ) { //forall inherited interfaces
String inhName = infs[i1].getQualifiedName();
switch ( ct.getTypeCode() ) {
case TYPE_VALUE: //filter for classes
if ( "".equals( inhName ) ||
"".equals( inhName ) ||
"org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity".equals( inhName ) )
continue nextInterface;
default: //filter for all others
if ( "java.rmi.Remote".equals( inhName ) )
continue nextInterface;
inhHash.put( inhName,infs[i1] ); //add this one
* Filter and add base class inheritance for a class type
* @param ct The current CompoundType
* @param inhHash Hashtable containing inherited types
protected void getInheritance(
CompoundType ct,
Hashtable inhHash ) {
ClassType par = ct.getSuperclass(); //get parent
if ( par == null ) return;
String parName = par.getQualifiedName();
switch ( ct.getTypeCode() ) {
if ( "java.lang.Object".equals( parName ) ) //this is implicit
default: return; //ignore other types
inhHash.put( parName,par ); //add valid base class
* Collect and filter type and array references from methods
* @param mthVec Given Vector of methods
* @param refHash Hashtable for type references
* @param spcHash Hashtable for special type references
* @param arrHash Hashtable for array references
* @param excHash Hashtable for exceptions thrown
protected void getMethodReferences(
Vector mthVec,
Hashtable refHash,
Hashtable spcHash,
Hashtable arrHash,
Hashtable excHash ) {
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < mthVec.size(); i1++ ) { //forall methods
CompoundType.Method mth = (CompoundType.Method)mthVec.elementAt( i1 );
Type[] args = mth.getArguments();
Type ret = mth.getReturnType();
getExceptions( mth,excHash ); //collect exceptions thrown
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < args.length; i2++ ) //forall arguments
addReference( args[i2],refHash,spcHash,arrHash );
addReference( ret,refHash,spcHash,arrHash );
* Collect and filter type and array references from data members
* @param datVec Given Vector of data members
* @param refHash Hashtable for type references
* @param spcHash Hashtable for special type references
* @param arrHash Hashtable for array references
protected void getMemberReferences(
Vector datVec,
Hashtable refHash,
Hashtable spcHash,
Hashtable arrHash ) {
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < datVec.size(); i1++ ) { //forall datamembers
CompoundType.Member mem = (CompoundType.Member)datVec.elementAt( i1 );
Type dat = mem.getType();
addReference( dat,refHash,spcHash,arrHash );
* Add reference for given type avoiding duplication.
* Sort into specials, arrays and regular references.
* Filter out types which are not required.
* @param t Given Type
* @param refHash Hashtable for type references
* @param spcHash Hashtable for special type references
* @param arrHash Hashtable for array references
protected void addReference(
Type ref,
Hashtable refHash,
Hashtable spcHash,
Hashtable arrHash ) {
String rName = ref.getQualifiedName();
switch ( ref.getTypeCode() ) {
refHash.put( rName,ref );
if ( "org.omg.CORBA.Object".equals( rName ) ) return; //don't want
refHash.put( rName,ref );
case TYPE_ARRAY: //array?
arrHash.put( rName + ref.getArrayDimension(),ref );
if ( isSpecialReference( ref ) ) //special IDL typedef?
spcHash.put( rName,ref );
* Determine whether given Type is a special reference.
* Special cases are:,,
* java.lang.Object, java.rmi.Remote and org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity
* They are special because they have a hard-coded typedef defined in the
* spec.
* @param ref A referenced Type
* @return boolean indicating whether it's a special reference
protected boolean isSpecialReference(
Type ref ) {
String rName = ref.getQualifiedName();
if ( "".equals( rName ) ) return true;
if ( "".equals( rName ) ) return true;
if ( "java.lang.Object".equals( rName) ) return true;
if ( "java.rmi.Remote".equals( rName) ) return true;
if ( "org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity".equals( rName) ) return true;
return false;
* Collect and filter thrown exceptions for a given pre-filtered method.
* Keep only 'checked' exception classes minus java.rmi.RemoteException
* and its subclasses
* @param method The current method
* @param excHash Hashtable containing non-duplicate thrown exceptions
protected void getExceptions(
CompoundType.Method mth,
Hashtable excHash ) {
ClassType[] excs = mth.getExceptions();
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < excs.length; i1++ ) { //forall exceptions
ClassType exc = excs[i1];
if ( exc.isCheckedException() &&
!exc.isRemoteExceptionOrSubclass() ) {
excHash.put( exc.getQualifiedName(),exc );
* Collect and filter methods for a type.
* Remove any private or inherited methods.
* @param ct The current CompoundType
* @return Vector containing the methods
protected Vector getMethods(
CompoundType ct ) {
Vector vec = new Vector();
int ctType = ct.getTypeCode();
switch ( ctType ) {
case TYPE_REMOTE: break;
case TYPE_VALUE: if ( valueMethods ) break;
default: return vec;
Identifier ctId = ct.getIdentifier();
CompoundType.Method[] mths = ct.getMethods();
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < mths.length; i1++ ) { //forall methods
if ( mths[i1].isPrivate() || //private method?
mths[i1].isInherited() ) //inherited method?
continue nextMethod; //yes..ignore it
if ( ctType == TYPE_VALUE ) {
String mthName = mths[i1].getName();
if ( "readObject" .equals( mthName ) ||
"writeObject" .equals( mthName ) ||
"readExternal".equals( mthName ) ||
"writeExternal".equals( mthName ) )
continue nextMethod; //ignore this one
if ( ( ctType == TYPE_NC_CLASS ||
ctType == TYPE_NC_INTERFACE ) &&
mths[i1].isConstructor() ) //init not valid for abstract valuetype
continue nextMethod; //ignore this one
vec.addElement( mths[i1] ); //add this one
return vec;
* Collect constants for a type.
* A valid constant is a "public final static" field with a compile-time
* constant value for a primitive type or String
* @param ct The current CompoundType
* @return Vector containing the constants
protected Vector getConstants(
CompoundType ct ) {
Vector vec = new Vector();
CompoundType.Member[] mems = ct.getMembers();
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < mems.length; i1++ ) { //forall members
Type memType = mems[i1].getType();
String memValue = mems[i1].getValue();
if ( mems[i1].isPublic() &&
mems[i1].isFinal() &&
mems[i1].isStatic() &&
( memType.isPrimitive() || "String".equals( memType.getName() ) ) &&
memValue != null )
vec.addElement( mems[i1] ); //add this one
return vec;
* Collect and sort data fields for a ValueType.
* Sort in Java (not IDL) Unicode name string lexicographic increasing
* order.
* Non-static, non-transient fields are mapped.
* If the type is a custom valuetype, only public fields are mapped.
* @param ct The current CompoundType
* @return Vector containing the data fields
protected Vector getData(
CompoundType t ) {
Vector vec = new Vector();
if ( t.getTypeCode() != TYPE_VALUE ) return vec;
ValueType vt = (ValueType)t;
CompoundType.Member[] mems = vt.getMembers();
boolean notCust = !vt.isCustom();
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < mems.length; i1++ ) { //forall members
if ( !mems[i1].isStatic() &&
!mems[i1].isTransient() &&
( mems[i1].isPublic() || notCust ) ) {
int i2;
String memName = mems[i1].getName();
for ( i2 = 0; i2 < vec.size(); i2++ ) { //insert in java lex order
CompoundType.Member aMem = (CompoundType.Member)vec.elementAt( i2 );
if ( memName.compareTo( aMem.getName() ) < 0 ) break;
vec.insertElementAt( mems[i1],i2 ); //insert this one
return vec;
* Write forward references for referenced interfaces and valuetypes
* ...but not if the reference is to a boxed IDLEntity,
* @param refHash Hashtable loaded with referenced types
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeForwardReferences(
Hashtable refHash,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
Enumeration refEnum = refHash.elements();
while ( refEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
Type t = (Type)refEnum.nextElement();
if ( t.isCompound() ) {
CompoundType ct = (CompoundType)t;
if ( ct.isIDLEntity() )
continue nextReference; //ignore IDLEntity reference
writeForwardReference( t,p );
* Write forward reference for given type
* @param t Given type
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeForwardReference(
Type t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
String qName = t.getQualifiedName();
if ( "java.lang.String".equals( qName ) ) ;
else if ( "org.omg.CORBA.Object".equals( qName ) ) return ; //no fwd dcl
writeIfndef( t,0,!isException,isForward,p );
writeModule1( t,p );
switch ( t.getTypeCode() ) {
case TYPE_NC_INTERFACE: p.p( "abstract valuetype " ); break;
case TYPE_ABSTRACT: p.p( "abstract interface " ); break;
case TYPE_VALUE: p.p( "valuetype " ); break;
case TYPE_CORBA_OBJECT: p.p( "interface " ); break;
default: ; //all other types were filtered
p.pln( t.getIDLName() + ";" );
writeModule2( t,p );
writeEndif( p );
* Write forward reference for boxed valuetype for single dimension of IDL
* sequence.
* If the dimension is <1 and the element is a CompoundType, write a
* forward declare for the element
* @param at ArrayType for forward declare
* @param dim The dimension to write
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeForwardReference(
ArrayType at,
int dim,
IndentingWriter p)
throws IOException {
Type et = at.getElementType();
if ( dim < 1 ) {
if ( et.isCompound() ) {
CompoundType ct = (CompoundType)et;
writeForwardReference( et,p);
String fName = unEsc( et.getIDLName() ).replace( ' ','_' );
writeIfndef( at,dim,!isException,isForward,p );
writeModule1( at,p );
switch ( et.getTypeCode() ) {
case TYPE_NC_INTERFACE: p.p( "abstract valuetype " ); break;
case TYPE_ABSTRACT: p.p( "abstract interface " ); break;
case TYPE_VALUE: p.p( "valuetype " ); break;
case TYPE_CORBA_OBJECT: p.p( "interface " ); break;
default: ; //all other types were filtered
p.pln( "seq" + dim + "_" + fName + ";" );
writeModule2( at,p );
writeEndif( p );
* Write #includes for boxed IDLEntity references.
* @param refHash Hashtable loaded with referenced types
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeIDLEntityIncludes(
Hashtable refHash,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
Enumeration refEnum = refHash.elements();
while ( refEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
Type t = (Type)refEnum.nextElement();
if ( t.isCompound() ) {
CompoundType ct = (CompoundType)t;
if ( ct.isIDLEntity() ) { //select IDLEntities
writeInclude( ct,0,!isThrown,p );
refHash.remove( ct.getQualifiedName() ); //avoid another #include
* Write #includes
* @param incHash Hashtable loaded with Types to include
* @param isThrown true if Types are thrown exceptions
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeIncludes(
Hashtable incHash,
boolean isThrown,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
Enumeration incEnum = incHash.elements();
while ( incEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
CompoundType t = (CompoundType)incEnum.nextElement();
writeInclude( t,0,isThrown,p );
* Write includes for boxedRMI valuetypes for IDL sequences.
* Write only the maximum dimension found for an ArrayType.
* @param arrHash Hashtable loaded with array types
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeBoxedRMIIncludes(
Hashtable arrHash,
IndentingWriter p)
throws IOException {
Enumeration e1 = arrHash.elements();
while ( e1.hasMoreElements() ) {
ArrayType at = (ArrayType)e1.nextElement();
int dim = at.getArrayDimension();
Type et = at.getElementType();
Enumeration e2 = arrHash.elements();
while ( e2.hasMoreElements() ) { //eliminate duplicates
ArrayType at2 = (ArrayType)e2.nextElement();
if ( et == at2.getElementType() && //same element type &
dim < at2.getArrayDimension() ) //smaller dimension?
continue nextSequence; //ignore this one
writeInclude( at,dim,!isThrown,p );
* Write #includes
* @param incHash Hashtable loaded with Types to include
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeInheritedIncludes(
Hashtable inhHash,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
Enumeration inhEnum = inhHash.elements();
while ( inhEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
CompoundType t = (CompoundType)inhEnum.nextElement();
writeInclude( t,0,!isThrown,p );
* Write a #include.
* @param t Type to include
* @param dim The dimension to write if t is an array.
* @param isThrown boolean indicating if include is for thrown exception.
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeInclude(
Type t,
int dim,
boolean isThrown,
IndentingWriter p)
throws IOException {
CompoundType ct;
String tName;
String[] modNames;
if ( t.isCompound() ) {
ct = (CompoundType)t;
String qName = ct.getQualifiedName();
if ( "java.lang.String".equals( qName ) ) {
writeIncOrb( p ); //#include orb.idl for String
if ( "org.omg.CORBA.Object".equals( qName ) )
return; //Object treated like primitive
modNames = getIDLModuleNames( ct ); //module name array
tName = unEsc( ct.getIDLName() ); //file name default
if ( ct.isException() )
if ( ct.isIDLEntityException() )
if ( ct.isCORBAUserException() )
if ( isThrown ) tName = unEsc( ct.getIDLExceptionName() );
else ;
else tName = ct.getName(); //use original IDL name
else if ( isThrown )
tName = unEsc( ct.getIDLExceptionName() );
else if ( t.isArray() ) {
Type et = t.getElementType(); //file name for sequence
if ( dim > 0 ) {
modNames = getIDLModuleNames( t ); //module name array
tName = "seq" + dim + "_" + unEsc( et.getIDLName().replace( ' ','_' ) );
else{ //#include element
if ( !et.isCompound() ) return; //no include needed for primitive
ct = (CompoundType) et;
modNames = getIDLModuleNames( ct ); //no boxedRMI for element
tName = unEsc( ct.getIDLName() );
writeInclude( ct,modNames,tName,p );
else return; //no include needed for primitive
writeInclude( t,modNames,tName,p );
* Write a #include doing user specified -idlFile translation (if any) for
* IDLEntities.
* @param t Type to include.
* @param modNames Preprocessed module names (default).
* @param tName Preprocessed Type name (default).
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeInclude(
Type t,
String[] modNames,
String tName,
IndentingWriter p)
throws IOException {
if ( t.isCompound() ) {
CompoundType it = (CompoundType)t;
if ( ifHash.size() > 0 && //any -idlFile translation to apply
it.isIDLEntity() ) { //..for this IDLEntity?
String qName = t.getQualifiedName(); //fully qualified orig Java name
Enumeration k = ifHash.keys();
while ( k.hasMoreElements() ) { //loop thro user-defined -idlFiles
String from = (String)k.nextElement();
if ( qName.startsWith( from ) ) { //found a match?
String to = (String)ifHash.get( from );
p.pln( "#include \"" + to + "\"" ); //user-specified idl filename
return; //don't look for any more
else if ( t.isArray() ) ; //no -idlFile translation needed for array
else return; //no #include needed for primitive
p.p( "#include \"" ); //no -idlFile translation required
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < modNames.length; i1++ ) p.p( modNames[i1] + "/" );
p.p( tName + ".idl\"" );
* Return the fully qualified Java Name for a Type.
* IDLEntity preprocessing done by getIDLModuleNames(t)
* @param t Given Type
* @return Array containing the original module nesting.
protected String getQualifiedName(
Type t ) {
String[] modNames = getIDLModuleNames( t );
int len = modNames.length;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < len; i1++ )
buf.append( modNames[i1] + "." );
buf.append( t.getIDLName() );
return buf.toString();
* Return the global fully qualified IDL Name for a Type.
* IDLEntity preprocessing done by getIDLModuleNames(t)
* @param t Given Type
* @return Array containing the original module nesting.
protected String getQualifiedIDLName(Type t) {
if ( t.isPrimitive() )
return t.getIDLName();
if ( !t.isArray() &&
"org.omg.CORBA.Object".equals( t.getQualifiedName() ) )
return t.getIDLName();
String[] modNames = getIDLModuleNames( t );
int len = modNames.length;
if (len > 0) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < len; i1++ )
buf.append( IDL_NAME_SEPARATOR + modNames[i1] );
buf.append( IDL_NAME_SEPARATOR + t.getIDLName() );
return buf.toString();
} else {
return t.getIDLName();
* Return the IDL module nesting of the given Type.
* For IDLEntity CompoundTypes (or their arrays) apply any user specified
* -idlModule translation or, if none applicable, strip any package
* prefix.
* Add boxedIDL or boxedRMI modules if required.
* @param t Given Type
* @return Array containing the original module nesting.
protected String[] getIDLModuleNames(Type t) {
String[] modNames = t.getIDLModuleNames(); //default module name array
CompoundType ct;
if ( t.isCompound() ) {
ct = (CompoundType)t;
if ( !ct.isIDLEntity ) return modNames; //normal (non-IDLEntity) case
if ( "org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity"
.equals( t.getQualifiedName() ) )
return modNames;
else if ( t.isArray() ) {
Type et = t.getElementType();
if ( et.isCompound() ) {
ct = (CompoundType)et;
if ( !ct.isIDLEntity ) return modNames; //normal (non-IDLEntity) case
if ( "org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity"
.equals( t.getQualifiedName() ) )
return modNames;
else return modNames;
else return modNames; //no preprocessing needed for primitives
//it's an IDLEntity or an array of...
Vector mVec = new Vector();
if ( !translateJavaPackage( ct,mVec ) ) //apply -idlModule translation
stripJavaPackage( ct,mVec ); //..or strip prefixes (not both)
if ( ct.isBoxed() ) { //add boxedIDL if required
mVec.insertElementAt( "org",0 );
mVec.insertElementAt( "omg",1 );
mVec.insertElementAt( "boxedIDL",2 );
if ( t.isArray() ) { //add boxedRMI if required
mVec.insertElementAt( "org",0 );
mVec.insertElementAt( "omg",1 );
mVec.insertElementAt( "boxedRMI",2 );
String[] outArr = new String[mVec.size()];
mVec.copyInto( outArr );
return outArr;
* Apply user specified -idlModule translation to package names of given
* IDLEntity ct. Example:
* -idlModule real::mod::nesting
* @param ct CompoundType containing given IDLEntity.
* @param vec Returned Vector of translated IDL module names.
* @return boolean true if any translation was done.
protected boolean translateJavaPackage(
CompoundType ct,
Vector vec ) {
boolean ret = false;
String fc = null;
if ( ! ct.isIDLEntity() ) return ret;
String pName = ct.getPackageName(); //start from Java package names
if ( pName == null ) return ret;
StringTokenizer pt = new StringTokenizer( pName,"." );
while ( pt.hasMoreTokens() ) vec.addElement( pt.nextToken() );
if ( imHash.size() > 0 ) { //any -idlModule translation to apply?
Enumeration k = imHash.keys();
while ( k.hasMoreElements() ) { //loop thro user-defined -idlModules
String from = (String)k.nextElement(); //from String..
StringTokenizer ft = new StringTokenizer( from,"." );
int vecLen = vec.size();
int ifr;
for ( ifr = 0; ifr < vecLen && ft.hasMoreTokens(); ifr++ )
if ( ! vec.elementAt(ifr).equals( ft.nextToken() ) )
continue nextModule; // match
if ( ft.hasMoreTokens() ) { //matched so far..
fc = ft.nextToken(); //a 'from' token remains
if ( ! ct.getName().equals( fc ) || //matches class name?
ft.hasMoreTokens() )
continue nextModule; // match
ret = true; //found a match
for ( int i4 = 0; i4 < ifr; i4++ )
vec.removeElementAt( 0 ); //remove 'from' package
String to = (String)imHash.get( from ); // String
StringTokenizer tt = new StringTokenizer( to,IDL_NAME_SEPARATOR );
int itoco = tt.countTokens();
int ito = 0;
if ( fc != null ) itoco--; //user may have given IDL type
for ( ito = 0; ito < itoco; ito++ )
vec.insertElementAt( tt.nextToken(),ito ); //insert 'to' modules
if ( fc != null ) {
String tc = tt.nextToken();
if ( ! ct.getName().equals( tc ) ) //not the IDL type, so..
vec.insertElementAt( tc,ito ); //insert final 'to' module
return ret;
* Strip Java #pragma prefix and/or -pkgPrefix prefix package names from
* given IDLEntity ct.
* Strip any package prefix which may have been added by comparing with
* repository id. For example in Java package
* repid = IDL:phoney.pfix/omega/Juliet:1.0 gives { "omega" }
* @param ct CompoundType containing given IDLEntity.
* @param vec Returned Vector of stripped IDL module names.
protected void stripJavaPackage(
CompoundType ct,
Vector vec ) {
if ( ! ct.isIDLEntity() ) return;
String repID = ct.getRepositoryID().substring( 4 );
StringTokenizer rept = new StringTokenizer( repID,"/" );
if ( rept.countTokens() < 2 ) return;
while ( rept.hasMoreTokens() )
vec.addElement( rept.nextToken() );
vec.removeElementAt( vec.size() - 1 );
String pName = ct.getPackageName(); //start from Java package names
if ( pName == null ) return;
Vector pVec = new Vector();
StringTokenizer pt = new StringTokenizer( pName,"." );
while ( pt.hasMoreTokens() ) pVec.addElement( pt.nextToken() );
int i1 = vec.size() - 1;
int i2 = pVec.size() - 1;
while ( i1 >= 0 && i2 >= 0 ) { //go R->L till mismatch
String rep = (String)( vec.elementAt( i1 ) );
String pkg = (String)( pVec.elementAt( i2 ) );
if ( ! pkg.equals( rep ) ) break;
i1--; i2--;
for ( int i3 = 0; i3 <= i1; i3++ )
vec.removeElementAt( 0 ); //strip prefix
* Write boxedRMI valuetype for a single dimension of an IDL sequence
* indicated by the given OutputType.
* The filename for the OutputType is of the form "seqn_elemName" where n
* is the dimension required.
* @param ot Given OutputType.
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeSequence(
OutputType ot,
IndentingWriter p)
throws IOException {
ArrayType at = (ArrayType)ot.getType();
Type et = at.getElementType();
String fName = ot.getName();
int dim = Integer.parseInt( fName.substring( 3,fName.indexOf( "_" ) ) );
String idlName = unEsc( et.getIDLName() ).replace( ' ','_' );
String qIdlName = getQualifiedIDLName( et );
String qName = et.getQualifiedName();
String repID = at.getRepositoryID();
int rix1 = repID.indexOf( '[' ); //edit repository id
int rix2 = repID.lastIndexOf( '[' ) + 1;
StringBuffer rid = new StringBuffer(
repID.substring( 0,rix1 ) +
repID.substring( rix2 ) );
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < dim; i1++ ) rid.insert( rix1,'[' );
String vtName = "seq" + dim + "_" + idlName;
boolean isFromIDL = false;
if ( et.isCompound() ) {
CompoundType ct = (CompoundType)et;
isFromIDL = ct.isIDLEntity() || ct.isCORBAObject();
boolean isForwardInclude =
et.isCompound() &&
!isSpecialReference( et ) &&
dim == 1 &&
!isFromIDL &&
!"org.omg.CORBA.Object".equals(qName) &&
writeBanner( at,dim,!isException,p );
if ( dim == 1 && "java.lang.String".equals(qName) ) //special case
writeIncOrb( p );
if ( dim == 1 && "org.omg.CORBA.Object".equals(qName) ) ;
else if ( isSpecialReference( et ) || dim > 1 || isFromIDL )
writeInclude( at,dim-1,!isThrown,p ); //"trivial" include
writeIfndef( at,dim,!isException,!isForward,p );
if ( isForwardInclude )
writeForwardReference( at,dim-1,p ); //forward declare
writeModule1( at,p );
p.p( "valuetype " + vtName );
p.p( " sequence<" );
if ( dim == 1 ) p.p( qIdlName );
else {
p.p( "seq" + ( dim - 1 ) + "_" );
p.p( idlName );
p.pln( ">;" );
p.pln( "#pragma ID " + vtName + " \"" + rid + "\"" );
writeModule2( at,p );
if ( isForwardInclude )
writeInclude( at,dim-1,!isThrown,p ); //#include for forward declare
writeEndif( p );
* Write valuetype for a boxed IDLEntity.
* @param t Given CompoundType representing the IDLEntity.
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeBoxedIDL(
CompoundType t,
IndentingWriter p)
throws IOException {
String[] boxNames = getIDLModuleNames( t );
int len = boxNames.length;
String[] modNames = new String[len - 3]; //remove box modules
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < len - 3; i1++ ) modNames[i1] = boxNames[i1 + 3];
String tName = unEsc( t.getIDLName() );
writeBanner( t,0,!isException,p );
writeInclude( t,modNames,tName,p );
writeIfndef( t,0,!isException,!isForward,p );
writeModule1( t,p );
p.p( "valuetype " + tName + " " );
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < modNames.length; i1++ )
p.p( IDL_NAME_SEPARATOR + modNames[i1] );
p.pln( IDL_NAME_SEPARATOR + tName + ";" );
writeRepositoryID( t,p );
writeModule2( t,p );
writeEndif( p );
* Write an exception.
* @param t Given ClassType representing the exception.
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeException(
ClassType t,
IndentingWriter p)
throws IOException {
writeBanner( t,0,isException,p );
writeIfndef( t,0,isException,!isForward,p );
writeForwardReference( t,p );
writeModule1( t,p );
p.pln( "exception " + t.getIDLExceptionName() + " {" );
p.pln( t.getIDLName() + " value;" );
p.pln( "};" );
writeModule2( t,p );
writeInclude( t,0,!isThrown,p ); //include valuetype idl file
writeEndif( p );
* Write #pragma to identify the repository ID of the given type
* @param t The given Type.
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeRepositoryID(
Type t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
String repid = t.getRepositoryID();
if ( t.isCompound() ) {
CompoundType ct = (CompoundType)t;
if ( ct.isBoxed() )
repid = ct.getBoxedRepositoryID();
p.pln( "#pragma ID " + t.getIDLName() + " \"" +
repid + "\"" );
* Write inheritance for an IDL interface or valuetype. Any class
* inheritance precedes any interface inheritance.
* For a valutype any inheritance from abstract interfaces then
* follows the "supports" keyword.
* @param inhHash Hashtable loaded with inherited Types
* @param forValuetype true if writing inheritance for a valuetype
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeInherits(
Hashtable inhHash,
boolean forValuetype,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
int itot = inhHash.size();
int iinh = 0;
int isup = 0;
if ( itot < 1 ) return; //any inheritance to write?
Enumeration inhEnum = inhHash.elements();
CompoundType ct;
if ( forValuetype )
while ( inhEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
ct = (CompoundType)inhEnum.nextElement();
if ( ct.getTypeCode() == TYPE_ABSTRACT ) isup++;
iinh = itot - isup;
if ( iinh > 0 ) {
p.p( ": " );
inhEnum = inhHash.elements();
while ( inhEnum.hasMoreElements() ) { //write any class inheritance
ct = (CompoundType)inhEnum.nextElement();
if ( ct.isClass() ) {
p.p( getQualifiedIDLName( ct ) );
if ( iinh > 1 ) p.p( ", " ); //delimit them with commas
else if ( itot > 1 ) p.p( " " );
break; //only one parent
int i = 0;
inhEnum = inhHash.elements();
while ( inhEnum.hasMoreElements() ) { //write any interface inheritance
ct = (CompoundType)inhEnum.nextElement();
if ( !ct.isClass() &&
!( ct.getTypeCode() == TYPE_ABSTRACT ) ) {
if ( i++ > 0 ) p.p( ", " ); //delimit with commas
p.p( getQualifiedIDLName( ct ) );
if ( isup > 0 ) { //write abstract interface inheritance
p.p( " supports " );
int i = 0;
inhEnum = inhHash.elements();
while ( inhEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
ct = (CompoundType)inhEnum.nextElement();
if ( ct.getTypeCode() == TYPE_ABSTRACT ) {
if ( i++ > 0 ) p.p( ", " ); //delimit with commas
p.p( getQualifiedIDLName( ct ) );
* Write an IDL constant
* @param constant The current CompoundType.Member constant
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeConstant(
CompoundType.Member constant,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
Type t = constant.getType();
p.p( "const " );
p.p( getQualifiedIDLName( t ) );
p.p( " " + constant.getIDLName() + " = " + constant.getValue() );
p.pln( ";" );
* Write an IDL data member
* @param data The current CompoundType.Member data member
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeData(
CompoundType.Member data,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
if ( data.isInnerClassDeclaration() ) return; //ignore
Type t = data.getType();
if ( data.isPublic() )
p.p( "public " );
else p.p( "private " );
p.pln( getQualifiedIDLName( t ) + " " +
data.getIDLName() + ";" );
* Write an IDL Attribute
* @param attr The current CompoundType.Method attribute
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeAttribute(
CompoundType.Method attr,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
if ( attr.getAttributeKind() == ATTRIBUTE_SET ) return; //use getters only
Type t = attr.getReturnType();
if ( !attr.isReadWriteAttribute() ) p.p( "readonly " );
p.p( "attribute " + getQualifiedIDLName( t ) + " " );
p.pln( attr.getAttributeName() + ";" );
* Write an IDL method
* @param method The current CompoundType.Method
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeMethod(
CompoundType.Method method,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
if ( method.isAttribute() ) {
writeAttribute( method,p );
Type[] pts = method.getArguments();
String[] paramNames = method.getArgumentNames();
Type rt = method.getReturnType();
Hashtable excHash = new Hashtable();
getExceptions( method,excHash );
if ( method.isConstructor() )
if ( factory ) p.p( "factory " + method.getIDLName() + "(" );
else p.p( "init(" ); //IDL initializer
else {
p.p( getQualifiedIDLName( rt ) );
p.p( " " + method.getIDLName() + "(" );
for ( int i=0; i < pts.length; i++ ) {
if ( i > 0 ) p.pln( "," ); //delimit with comma and newline
else p.pln();
p.p( "in " );
p.p( getQualifiedIDLName( pts[i] ) );
p.p( " " + paramNames[i] );
p.p( " )" );
if ( excHash.size() > 0 ) { //any exceptions to write?
p.pln( " raises (" );
int i = 0;
Enumeration excEnum = excHash.elements();
while ( excEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
ValueType exc = (ValueType)excEnum.nextElement();
if ( i > 0 ) p.pln( "," ); //delimit them with commas
if ( exc.isIDLEntityException() )
if ( exc.isCORBAUserException() )
p.p( "::org::omg::CORBA::UserEx" );
else {
String[] modNames = getIDLModuleNames( exc );
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < modNames.length; i2++ )
p.p( IDL_NAME_SEPARATOR + modNames[i2] );
p.p( IDL_NAME_SEPARATOR + exc.getName() );
else p.p( exc.getQualifiedIDLExceptionName( true ) );
p.p( " )" );
p.pln( ";" );
* Remove escape character ("_"), if any, from given String
* @param name Given String
* @return String with any escape character removed
protected String unEsc(
String name ) {
if ( name.startsWith( "_" ) ) return name.substring( 1 );
else return name;
* Write IDL banner into the output stream for a given Type
* @param t The given Type.
* @param dim The dimension required if t is an ArrayType.
* @param isException true if writing an exception.
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeBanner(
Type t,
int dim,
boolean isException,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
String[] modNames = getIDLModuleNames( t ); //module name array
String fName = unEsc( t.getIDLName() ); //file name default
if ( isException && t.isClass() ) {
ClassType ct = (ClassType)t; //file name for Exception
fName = unEsc( ct.getIDLExceptionName() );
if ( dim > 0 && t.isArray() ) {
Type et = t.getElementType(); //file name for sequence
fName = "seq" + dim + "_" + unEsc( et.getIDLName().replace( ' ','_' ) );
p.pln( "/**" );
p.p( " * " );
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < modNames.length; i1++ )
p.p( modNames[i1] + "/" );
p.pln( fName + ".idl" );
p.pln( " * Generated by rmic -idl. Do not edit" );
String d = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(
DateFormat.FULL,DateFormat.FULL,Locale.getDefault() )
.format( new Date() );
String ocStr = "o'clock";
int ocx = d.indexOf( ocStr ); //remove unwanted o'clock, if any
p.p ( " * " );
if ( ocx > -1 )
p.pln( d.substring( 0,ocx ) + d.substring( ocx + ocStr.length() ) );
else p.pln( d );
p.pln( " */" );
* Write #include for orb.idl
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeIncOrb(
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
p.pln( "#include \"orb.idl\"" );
* Write #ifndef guard into the output stream for a given Type
* @param t The given Type.
* @param dim The dimension required if t is an ArrayType.
* @param isException true if writing an exception.
* @param isForward. No #define needed if it's a forward declare
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeIfndef(
Type t,
int dim,
boolean isException,
boolean isForward,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
String[] modNames = getIDLModuleNames( t ); //module name array
String fName = unEsc( t.getIDLName() ); //file name default
if ( isException && t.isClass() ) {
ClassType ct = (ClassType)t; //file name for Exception
fName = unEsc( ct.getIDLExceptionName() );
if ( dim > 0 && t.isArray() ) {
Type et = t.getElementType(); //file name for sequence
fName = "seq" + dim + "_" + unEsc( et.getIDLName().replace( ' ','_' ) );
p.p( "#ifndef __" );
for ( int i = 0; i < modNames.length; i++ ) p.p( modNames[i] + "_" );
p.pln( fName + "__" );
if ( !isForward ) {
p.p( "#define __" );
for ( int i = 0; i < modNames.length; i++ ) p.p( modNames[i] + "_" );
p.pln( fName + "__" );
* Write #endif bracket into the output stream
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeEndif(
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
* Write Module start bracketing for the given type into the output stream
* @param t The given Type
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeModule1(
Type t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
String[] modNames = getIDLModuleNames( t );
for ( int i = 0; i < modNames.length; i++ )
p.pln( "module " + modNames[i] + " {" );
* Write Module end bracketing for the given type into the output stream
* @param t The given Type
* @param p The output stream.
protected void writeModule2(
Type t,
IndentingWriter p )
throws IOException {
String[] modNames = getIDLModuleNames( t );
for ( int i=0; i < modNames.length; i++ ) p.pln( "};" );