blob: 827b666d633df9ede50c68a489e9d80efe370693 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1996, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
* RMI-IIOP v1.0
* Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 1999 All Rights Reserved
import ;
import ;
public final class TransientObjectManager {
private ORB orb ;
private int maxSize = 128;
private Element[] elementArray;
private Element freeList;
void dprint( String msg ) {
ORBUtility.dprint( this, msg ) ;
public TransientObjectManager( ORB orb )
this.orb = orb ;
elementArray = new Element[maxSize];
elementArray[maxSize-1] = new Element(maxSize-1,null);
for ( int i=maxSize-2; i>=0; i-- )
elementArray[i] = new Element(i,elementArray[i+1]);
freeList = elementArray[0];
public synchronized byte[] storeServant(java.lang.Object servant, java.lang.Object servantData)
if ( freeList == null )
Element elem = freeList;
freeList = (Element)freeList.servant;
byte[] result = elem.getKey(servant, servantData);
if (orb.transientObjectManagerDebugFlag)
dprint( "storeServant returns key for element " + elem ) ;
return result ;
public synchronized java.lang.Object lookupServant(byte transientKey[])
int index = ORBUtility.bytesToInt(transientKey,0);
int counter = ORBUtility.bytesToInt(transientKey,4);
if (orb.transientObjectManagerDebugFlag)
dprint( "lookupServant called with index=" + index + ", counter=" + counter ) ;
if (elementArray[index].counter == counter &&
elementArray[index].valid ) {
if (orb.transientObjectManagerDebugFlag)
dprint( "\tcounter is valid" ) ;
return elementArray[index].servant;
// servant not found
if (orb.transientObjectManagerDebugFlag)
dprint( "\tcounter is invalid" ) ;
return null;
public synchronized java.lang.Object lookupServantData(byte transientKey[])
int index = ORBUtility.bytesToInt(transientKey,0);
int counter = ORBUtility.bytesToInt(transientKey,4);
if (orb.transientObjectManagerDebugFlag)
dprint( "lookupServantData called with index=" + index + ", counter=" + counter ) ;
if (elementArray[index].counter == counter &&
elementArray[index].valid ) {
if (orb.transientObjectManagerDebugFlag)
dprint( "\tcounter is valid" ) ;
return elementArray[index].servantData;
// servant not found
if (orb.transientObjectManagerDebugFlag)
dprint( "\tcounter is invalid" ) ;
return null;
public synchronized void deleteServant(byte transientKey[])
int index = ORBUtility.bytesToInt(transientKey,0);
if (orb.transientObjectManagerDebugFlag)
dprint( "deleting servant at index=" + index ) ;
freeList = elementArray[index];
public synchronized byte[] getKey(java.lang.Object servant)
for ( int i=0; i<maxSize; i++ )
if ( elementArray[i].valid &&
elementArray[i].servant == servant )
return elementArray[i].toBytes();
// if we come here Object does not exist
return null;
private void doubleSize()
// Assume caller is synchronized
Element old[] = elementArray;
int oldSize = maxSize;
maxSize *= 2;
elementArray = new Element[maxSize];
for ( int i=0; i<oldSize; i++ )
elementArray[i] = old[i];
elementArray[maxSize-1] = new Element(maxSize-1,null);
for ( int i=maxSize-2; i>=oldSize; i-- )
elementArray[i] = new Element(i,elementArray[i+1]);
freeList = elementArray[oldSize];
final class Element {
java.lang.Object servant=null; // also stores "next pointer" in free list
java.lang.Object servantData=null;
int index=-1;
int counter=0;
boolean valid=false; // valid=true if this Element contains
// a valid servant
Element(int i, java.lang.Object next)
servant = next;
index = i;
byte[] getKey(java.lang.Object servant, java.lang.Object servantData)
this.servant = servant;
this.servantData = servantData;
this.valid = true;
return toBytes();
byte[] toBytes()
// Convert the index+counter into an 8-byte (big-endian) key.
byte key[] = new byte[8];
ORBUtility.intToBytes(index, key, 0);
ORBUtility.intToBytes(counter, key, 4);
return key;
void delete(Element freeList)
if ( !valid ) // prevent double deletion
servantData = null;
valid = false;
// add this to freeList
servant = freeList;
public String toString()
return "Element[" + index + ", " + counter + "]" ;