blob: 5617d053e6e0298bf254fc67a578b8b763a09818 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
public abstract class AbstractTextCanvasModel implements ITextCanvasModel {
private final List<ITextCanvasModelListener> listeners = new ArrayList<ITextCanvasModelListener>();
private final Point selectionAnchor = new Point(0, 0);
private final ITerminalTextDataSnapshot snapshot;
private int cursorLine;
private int cursorColumn;
private boolean showCursor;
private long cursorTime;
private boolean cursorIsEnabled;
private int lines;
private int selectionStartLine = -1;
private int seletionEndLine;
private int selectionStartCoumn;
private int selectionEndColumn;
private ITerminalTextDataSnapshot selectionSnapshot;
private String currentSelection = "";
* do not update while update is running
boolean inUpdate;
private int columns;
public AbstractTextCanvasModel(ITerminalTextDataSnapshot snapshot) {
this.snapshot = snapshot;
lines = this.snapshot.getHeight();
@Override public void addCellCanvasModelListener(ITextCanvasModelListener listener) {
@Override public void removeCellCanvasModelListener(ITextCanvasModelListener listener) {
private void fireCellRangeChanged(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
for (ITextCanvasModelListener listener : listeners) {
listener.rangeChanged(x, y, width, height);
private void fireDimensionsChanged(int width, int height) {
for (ITextCanvasModelListener listener : listeners) {
listener.dimensionsChanged(width, height);
private void fireTerminalDataChanged() {
for (ITextCanvasModelListener listener : listeners) {
@Override public ITerminalTextDataReadOnly getTerminalText() {
return snapshot;
protected ITerminalTextDataSnapshot getSnapshot() {
return snapshot;
private void updateSnapshot() {
if (!inUpdate && snapshot.isOutOfDate()) {
inUpdate = true;
try {
if (snapshot.hasTerminalChanged()) {
// TODO why does hasDimensionsChanged not work?
// if (snapshot.hasDimensionsChanged()) fireDimensionsChanged();
if (lines != snapshot.getHeight() || columns != snapshot.getWidth()) {
fireDimensionsChanged(snapshot.getWidth(), snapshot.getHeight());
lines = snapshot.getHeight();
columns = snapshot.getWidth();
int y = snapshot.getFirstChangedLine();
// has any line changed?
if (y < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
int height = snapshot.getLastChangedLine() - y + 1;
fireCellRangeChanged(0, y, snapshot.getWidth(), height);
} finally {
inUpdate = false;
* This method must be called from the UI thread.
public void update() {
@Override public int getCursorColumn() {
return cursorColumn;
@Override public int getCursorLine() {
return cursorLine;
@Override public boolean isCursorOn() {
return showCursor && cursorIsEnabled;
// TODO: should be called regularly to draw an update of the blinking cursor?
private void updateCursor() {
if (!cursorIsEnabled) {
int cursorLine = getSnapshot().getCursorLine();
int cursorColumn = getSnapshot().getCursorColumn();
// If cursor at the end put it to the end of the last line.
if (cursorLine >= getSnapshot().getHeight()) {
cursorLine = getSnapshot().getHeight() - 1;
cursorColumn = getSnapshot().getWidth() - 1;
// Has the cursor moved?
if (this.cursorLine != cursorLine || this.cursorColumn != cursorColumn) {
// Hide the old cursor!
showCursor = false;
// Clean the previous cursor. Bug 206363: paint also the char to the left and right of the cursor
int col = this.cursorColumn;
int width = 2;
if (col > 0) {
fireCellRangeChanged(col, this.cursorLine, width, 1);
// The cursor is shown when it moves.
showCursor = true;
cursorTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.cursorLine = cursorLine;
this.cursorColumn = cursorColumn;
// Draw the new cursor
fireCellRangeChanged(this.cursorColumn, this.cursorLine, 1, 1);
} else {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
// TODO Make the cursor blink time customizable.
if (time - cursorTime > 500) {
showCursor = !showCursor;
cursorTime = time;
// On some windows machines, there is some leftover when updating the cursor.
int col = this.cursorColumn;
int width = 2;
if (col > 0) {
fireCellRangeChanged(col, this.cursorLine, width, 1);
@Override public void setVisibleRectangle(int startLine, int startCol, int height, int width) {
snapshot.setInterestWindow(Math.max(0, startLine), Math.max(1, height));
protected void showCursor(boolean show) {
showCursor = true;
@Override public void setCursorEnabled(boolean visible) {
cursorTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
showCursor = visible;
cursorIsEnabled = visible;
fireCellRangeChanged(cursorColumn, cursorLine, 1, 1);
@Override public boolean isCursorEnabled() {
return cursorIsEnabled;
@Override public Point getSelectionEnd() {
if (selectionStartLine < 0) {
return null;
return new Point(selectionEndColumn, seletionEndLine);
@Override public Point getSelectionStart() {
if (selectionStartLine < 0) {
return null;
return new Point(selectionStartCoumn, selectionStartLine);
@Override public Point getSelectionAnchor() {
if (selectionStartLine < 0) {
return null;
return new Point(selectionAnchor.x, selectionAnchor.y);
@Override public void setSelectionAnchor(Point anchor) {
selectionAnchor.x = anchor.x;
selectionAnchor.y = anchor.y;
@Override public void setSelection(int startLine, int endLine, int startColumn, int endColumn) {
doSetSelection(startLine, endLine, startColumn, endColumn);
currentSelection = extractSelectedText();
private void doSetSelection(int startLine, int endLine, int startColumn, int endColumn) {
Assert.isTrue(startLine < 0 || startLine <= endLine);
if (startLine >= 0) {
if (selectionSnapshot == null) {
selectionSnapshot = snapshot.getTerminalTextData().makeSnapshot();
} else if (selectionSnapshot != null) {
selectionSnapshot = null;
int oldStart = selectionStartLine;
int oldEnd = seletionEndLine;
selectionStartLine = startLine;
seletionEndLine = endLine;
selectionStartCoumn = startColumn;
selectionEndColumn = endColumn;
if (selectionSnapshot != null) {
selectionSnapshot.setInterestWindow(0, selectionSnapshot.getHeight());
int changedStart;
int changedEnd;
if (oldStart < 0) {
changedStart = selectionStartLine;
changedEnd = seletionEndLine;
} else if (selectionStartLine < 0) {
changedStart = oldStart;
changedEnd = oldEnd;
} else {
changedStart = Math.min(oldStart, selectionStartLine);
changedEnd = Math.max(oldEnd, seletionEndLine);
if (changedStart >= 0) {
fireCellRangeChanged(0, changedStart, snapshot.getWidth(), changedEnd - changedStart + 1);
@Override public boolean hasLineSelection(int line) {
if (selectionStartLine < 0) {
return false;
return line >= selectionStartLine && line <= seletionEndLine;
@Override public String getSelectedText() {
return currentSelection;
* Calculates the currently selected text
* @return the currently selected text
private String extractSelectedText() {
if (selectionStartLine < 0 || selectionStartCoumn < 0 || selectionSnapshot == null) {
return "";
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int line = selectionStartLine; line <= seletionEndLine; line++) {
String text;
char[] chars = selectionSnapshot.getChars(line);
if (chars != null) {
text = new String(chars);
if (line == seletionEndLine && selectionEndColumn >= 0) {
text = text.substring(0, Math.min(selectionEndColumn + 1, text.length()));
if (line == selectionStartLine) {
text = text.substring(Math.min(selectionStartCoumn, text.length()));
// get rid of the empty space at the end of the lines
text = text.replaceAll("\000+$","");
// null means space
text = text.replace('\000', ' ');
} else {
text = "";
if (line < seletionEndLine) {
return buffer.toString();
private void updateSelection() {
if (selectionSnapshot != null && selectionSnapshot.isOutOfDate()) {
// Has the selection moved?
if (selectionSnapshot != null && selectionStartLine >= 0 && selectionSnapshot.getScrollWindowSize() > 0) {
int start = selectionStartLine + selectionSnapshot.getScrollWindowShift();
int end = seletionEndLine + selectionSnapshot.getScrollWindowShift();
if (start < 0) {
if (end >= 0) {
start = 0;
} else {
start = -1;
doSetSelection(start, end, selectionStartCoumn, selectionEndColumn);
// Check if the content of the selection has changed. If the content has changed, clear the selection.
if (currentSelection.length() > 0 && selectionSnapshot != null
&& selectionSnapshot.getFirstChangedLine() <= seletionEndLine
&& selectionSnapshot.getLastChangedLine() >= selectionStartLine) {
// Has the selected text changed?
if (!currentSelection.equals(extractSelectedText())) {
setSelection(-1, -1, -1, -1);
// Update the observed window...
if (selectionSnapshot != null) {
// TODO make -1 to work!
selectionSnapshot.setInterestWindow(0, selectionSnapshot.getHeight());