Merge branch 'js/emu-write-epipe-on-windows'

The write(2) emulation for Windows learned to set errno to EPIPE
when necessary.

* js/emu-write-epipe-on-windows:
  mingw: emulate write(2) that fails with a EPIPE
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 4fd81ba..1c2f832 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3bf9c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+language: c
+  - linux
+  - osx
+  - clang
+  - gcc
+  apt:
+    packages:
+    - language-pack-is
+  global:
+    - P4_VERSION="15.2"
+    - GIT_LFS_VERSION="1.1.0"
+    - GIT_PROVE_OPTS="--timer --jobs 3"
+    - GIT_TEST_OPTS="--verbose --tee"
+    - CFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wall -Werror"
+    - GIT_TEST_CLONE_2GB=YesPlease
+    # t9810 occasionally fails on Travis CI OS X
+    # t9816 occasionally fails with "TAP out of sequence errors" on Travis CI OS X
+    - GIT_SKIP_TESTS="t9810 t9816"
+  - >
+    case "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-linux}" in
+    linux)
+      mkdir --parents custom/p4
+      pushd custom/p4
+        wget --quiet$P4_VERSION/bin.linux26x86_64/p4d
+        wget --quiet$P4_VERSION/bin.linux26x86_64/p4
+        chmod u+x p4d
+        chmod u+x p4
+        export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
+      popd
+      mkdir --parents custom/git-lfs
+      pushd custom/git-lfs
+        wget --quiet$GIT_LFS_VERSION/git-lfs-linux-amd64-$GIT_LFS_VERSION.tar.gz
+        tar --extract --gunzip --file "git-lfs-linux-amd64-$GIT_LFS_VERSION.tar.gz"
+        cp git-lfs-$GIT_LFS_VERSION/git-lfs .
+        export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
+      popd
+      ;;
+    osx)
+      brew_force_set_latest_binary_hash () {
+        FORMULA=$1
+        SHA=$(brew fetch --force $FORMULA 2>&1 | grep ^SHA256: | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
+        sed -E -i.bak "s/sha256 \"[0-9a-f]{64}\"/sha256 \"$SHA\"/g" \
+          /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-binary/$FORMULA.rb
+      }
+      brew update --quiet
+      brew tap homebrew/binary --quiet
+      brew_force_set_latest_binary_hash perforce
+      brew_force_set_latest_binary_hash perforce-server
+      brew install git-lfs perforce-server perforce gettext
+      brew link --force gettext
+      ;;
+    esac;
+    echo "$(tput setaf 6)Perforce Server Version$(tput sgr0)";
+    p4d -V | grep Rev.;
+    echo "$(tput setaf 6)Perforce Client Version$(tput sgr0)";
+    p4 -V | grep Rev.;
+    echo "$(tput setaf 6)Git-LFS Version$(tput sgr0)";
+    git-lfs version;
+before_script: make --jobs=2
+script: make --quiet test
+  - >
+    : '<-- Click here to see detailed test output!                                                        ';
+    for TEST_EXIT in t/test-results/*.exit;
+    do
+      if [ "$(cat "$TEST_EXIT")" != "0" ];
+      then
+        TEST_OUT="${TEST_EXIT%exit}out";
+        echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------";
+        echo "$(tput setaf 1)${TEST_OUT}...$(tput sgr0)";
+        echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------";
+        cat "${TEST_OUT}";
+      fi;
+    done;
+  email: false
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..215528b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+Git 2.7 Release Notes
+Updates since v2.6
+UI, Workflows & Features
+ * The appearance of "gitk", particularly on high DPI monitors, have
+   been improved.  "gitk" also comes with an undated translation for
+   Swedish and Japanese.
+ * "git remote" learned "get-url" subcommand to show the URL for a
+   given remote name used for fetching and pushing.
+ * There was no way to defeat a configured rebase.autostash variable
+   from the command line, as "git rebase --no-autostash" was missing.
+ * "git log --date=local" used to only show the normal (default)
+   format in the local timezone.  The command learned to take 'local'
+   as an instruction to use the local timezone with other formats,
+ * The refs used during a "git bisect" session is now per-worktree so
+   that independent bisect sessions can be done in different worktrees
+   created with "git worktree add".
+ * Users who are too busy to type three extra keystrokes to ask for
+   "git stash show -p" can now set stash.showPatch configuration
+   variable to true to always see the actual patch, not just the list
+   of paths affected with feel for the extent of damage via diffstat.
+ * "quiltimport" allows to specify the series file by honoring the
+   $QUILT_SERIES environment and also --series command line option.
+ * The use of 'good/bad' in "git bisect" made it confusing to use when
+   hunting for a state change that is not a regression (e.g. bugfix).
+   The command learned 'old/new' and then allows the end user to
+   say e.g. "bisect start --term-old=fast --term-new=slow" to find a
+   performance regression.
+ * "git interpret-trailers" can now run outside of a Git repository.
+ * "git p4" learned to reencode the pathname it uses to communicate
+   with the p4 depot with a new option.
+ * Give progress meter to "git filter-branch".
+ * Allow a later "!/abc/def" to override an earlier "/abc" that
+   appears in the same .gitignore file to make it easier to express
+   "everything in /abc directory is ignored, except for ...".
+ * Teach "git p4" to send large blobs outside the repository by
+   talking to Git LFS.
+ * Prepare for Git on-disk repository representation to undergo
+   backward incompatible changes by introducing a new repository
+   format version "1", with an extension mechanism.
+ * "git worktree" learned a "list" subcommand.
+ * "git clone --dissociate" learned that it can be used even when
+   "--reference" was not used at the same time.
+ * "git blame" learnt to take "--first-parent" and "--reverse" at the
+   same time when it makes sense.
+ * "git checkout" did not follow the usual "--[no-]progress"
+   convention and implemented only "--quiet" that is essentially
+   a superset of "--no-progress".  Extend the command to support the
+   usual "--[no-]progress".
+ * The semantics of transfer.hideRefs configuration variable have been
+   extended to work better with the ref "namespace" feature that lets
+   you throw unrelated bunches of repositories in a single physical
+   repository and virtually serve them as separate ones.
+ * send-email config variables whose values are pathnames now go
+   through the ~username/ expansion.
+ * bash completion learnt to TAB-complete recipient addresses given
+   to send-email.
+ * The credential-cache daemon can be told to ignore SIGHUP to work
+   around issue when running Git from inside emacs.
+ * "git push" learned new configuration for doing "--recurse-submodules"
+   on each push.
+ * "format-patch" has learned a new option to zero-out the commit
+   object name on the mbox "From " line.
+Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc.
+ * The infrastructure to rewrite "git submodule" in C is being built
+   incrementally.  Let's polish these early parts well enough and make
+   them graduate to 'next' and 'master', so that the more involved
+   follow-up can start cooking on a solid ground.
+ * Some features from "git tag -l" and "git branch -l" have been made
+   available to "git for-each-ref" so that eventually the unified
+   implementation can be shared across all three.  The version merged
+   to the 'master' branch earlier had a performance regression in "tag
+   --contains", which has since been corrected.
+ * Because "test_when_finished" in our test framework queues the
+   clean-up tasks to be done in a shell variable, it should not be
+   used inside a subshell.  Add a mechanism to allow 'bash' to catch
+   such uses, and fix the ones that were found.
+ * The debugging infrastructure for pkt-line based communication has
+   been improved to mark the side-band communication specifically.
+ * Update "git branch" that list existing branches, using the
+   ref-filter API that is shared with "git tag" and "git
+   for-each-ref".
+ * The test for various line-ending conversions has been enhanced.
+ * A few test scripts around "git p4" have been improved for
+   portability.
+ * Many allocations that is manually counted (correctly) that are
+   followed by strcpy/sprintf have been replaced with a less error
+   prone constructs such as xstrfmt.
+ * The internal stripspace() function has been moved to where it
+   logically belongs to, i.e. strbuf API, and the command line parser
+   of "git stripspace" has been updated to use the parse_options API.
+ * "git am" used to spawn "git mailinfo" via run_command() API once
+   per each patch, but learned to make a direct call to mailinfo()
+   instead.
+ * The implementation of "git mailinfo" was refactored so that a
+   mailinfo() function can be directly called from inside a process.
+ * With a "debug" helper, debugging of a single "git" invocation in
+   our test scripts has become a lot easier.
+ * The "configure" script did not test for -lpthread correctly, which
+   upset some linkers.
+ * Cross completed task off of subtree project's todo list.
+ * Test cleanups for the subtree project.
+ * Clean up style in an ancient test t9300.
+ * Work around some test flakiness with p4d.
+ * Fsck did not correctly detect a NUL-truncated header in a tag.
+ * Use a safer behavior when we hit errors verifying remote certificates.
+ * Speed up filter-branch for cases where we only care about rewriting
+   commits, not tree data.
+ * The parse-options API has been updated to make "-h" command line
+   option work more consistently in all commands.
+ * "git svn rebase/mkdirs" got optimized by keeping track of empty
+   directories better.
+ * Fix some racy client/server tests by treating SIGPIPE the same as a
+   normal non-zero exit.
+ * The necessary infrastructure to build topics using the free Travis
+   CI has been added. Developers forking from this topic (and enabling
+   Travis) can do their own builds, and we can turn on auto-builds for
+   git/git (including build-status for pull requests that people
+   open).
+Also contains various documentation updates and code clean-ups.
+Fixes since v2.6
+Unless otherwise noted, all the fixes since v2.6 in the maintenance
+track are contained in this release (see the maintenance releases'
+notes for details).
+ * Very small number of options take a parameter that is optional
+   (which is not a great UI element as they can only appear at the end
+   of the command line).  Add notice to documentation of each and
+   every one of them.
+ * "git blame --first-parent v1.0..v2.0" was not rejected but did not
+   limit the blame to commits on the first parent chain.
+ * "git subtree" (in contrib/) now can take whitespaces in the
+   pathnames, not only in the in-tree pathname but the name of the
+   directory that the repository is in.
+ * The ssh transport, just like any other transport over the network,
+   did not clear GIT_* environment variables, but it is possible to
+   use SendEnv and AcceptEnv to leak them to the remote invocation of
+   Git, which is not a good idea at all.  Explicitly clear them just
+   like we do for the local transport.
+ * Correct "git p4 --detect-labels" so that it does not fail to create
+   a tag that points at a commit that is also being imported.
+ * The Makefile always runs the library archiver with hardcoded "crs"
+   options, which was inconvenient for exotic platforms on which
+   people want to use programs with totally different set of command
+   line options.
+ * Customization to change the behaviour with "make -w" and "make -s"
+   in our Makefile was broken when they were used together.
+ * Allocation related functions and stdio are unsafe things to call
+   inside a signal handler, and indeed killing the pager can cause
+   glibc to deadlock waiting on allocation mutex as our signal handler
+   tries to free() some data structures in wait_for_pager().  Reduce
+   these unsafe calls.
+ * The way how --ref/--notes to specify the notes tree reference are
+   DWIMmed was not clearly documented.
+ * "git gc" used to barf when a symbolic ref has gone dangling
+   (e.g. the branch that used to be your upstream's default when you
+   cloned from it is now gone, and you did "fetch --prune").
+ * "git clone --dissociate" runs a big "git repack" process at the
+   end, and it helps to close file descriptors that are open on the
+   packs and their idx files before doing so on filesystems that
+   cannot remove a file that is still open.
+ * Description of the "log.follow" configuration variable in "git log"
+   documentation is now also copied to "git config" documentation.
+ * "git rebase -i" had a minor regression recently, which stopped
+   considering a line that begins with an indented '#' in its insn
+   sheet not a comment. Further, the code was still too picky on
+   Windows where CRLF left by the editor is turned into a trailing CR
+   on the line read via the "read" built-in command of bash.  Both of
+   these issues are now fixed.
+ * After "git checkout --detach", "git status" reported a fairly
+   useless "HEAD detached at HEAD", instead of saying at which exact
+   commit.
+ * When "git send-email" wanted to talk over Net::SMTP::SSL,
+   Net::Cmd::datasend() did not like to be fed too many bytes at the
+   same time and failed to send messages.  Send the payload one line
+   at a time to work around the problem.
+ * When "git am" was rewritten as a built-in, it stopped paying
+   attention to user.signingkey, which was fixed.
+ * It was not possible to use a repository-lookalike created by "git
+   worktree add" as a local source of "git clone".
+ * On a case insensitive filesystems, setting GIT_WORK_TREE variable
+   using a random cases that does not agree with what the filesystem
+   thinks confused Git that it wasn't inside the working tree.
+ * Performance-measurement tests did not work without an installed Git.
+ * A test script for the HTTP service had a timing dependent bug,
+   which was fixed.
+ * There were some classes of errors that "git fsck" diagnosed to its
+   standard error that did not cause it to exit with non-zero status.
+ * Work around "git p4" failing when the P4 depot records the contents
+   in UTF-16 without UTF-16 BOM.
+ * When "git gc --auto" is backgrounded, its diagnosis message is
+   lost.  Save it to a file in $GIT_DIR and show it next time the "gc
+   --auto" is run.
+ * The submodule code has been taught to work better with separate
+   work trees created via "git worktree add".
+ * "git gc" is safe to run anytime only because it has the built-in
+   grace period to protect young objects.  In order to run with no
+   grace period, the user must make sure that the repository is
+   quiescent.
+ * A recent "filter-branch --msg-filter" broke skipping of the commit
+   object header, which is fixed.
+ * The normalize_ceiling_entry() function does not muck with the end
+   of the path it accepts, and the real world callers do rely on that,
+   but a test insisted that the function drops a trailing slash.
+ * A test for interaction between untracked cache and sparse checkout
+   added in Git 2.5 days were flaky.
+ * A couple of commands still showed "[options]" in their usage string
+   to note where options should come on their command line, but we
+   spell that "[<options>]" in most places these days.
+ * The synopsis text and the usage string of subcommands that read
+   list of things from the standard input are often shown as if they
+   only take input from a file on a filesystem, which was misleading.
+ * "git am -3" had a small regression where it is aborted in its error
+   handling codepath when underlying merge-recursive failed in certain
+   ways, as it assumed that the internal call to merge-recursive will
+   never die, which is not the case (yet).
+ * The linkage order of libraries was wrong in places around libcurl.
+ * The name-hash subsystem that is used to cope with case insensitive
+   filesystems keeps track of directories and their on-filesystem
+   cases for all the paths in the index by holding a pointer to a
+   randomly chosen cache entry that is inside the directory (for its
+   ce->ce_name component).  This pointer was not updated even when the
+   cache entry was removed from the index, leading to use after free.
+   This was fixed by recording the path for each directory instead of
+   borrowing cache entries and restructuring the API somewhat.
+ * "git merge-file" tried to signal how many conflicts it found, which
+   obviously would not work well when there are too many of them.
+ * The error message from "git blame --contents --reverse" incorrectly
+   talked about "--contents --children".
+ * "git imap-send" did not compile well with older version of cURL library.
+ * Merging a branch that removes a path and another that changes the
+   mode bits on the same path should have conflicted at the path, but
+   it didn't and silently favoured the removal.
+ * "git --literal-pathspecs add -u/-A" without any command line
+   argument misbehaved ever since Git 2.0.
+ * "git daemon" uses "run_command()" without "finish_command()", so it
+   needs to release resources itself, which it forgot to do.
+ * "git status --branch --short" accessed beyond the constant string
+   "HEAD", which has been corrected.
+ * We peek objects from submodule's object store by linking it to the
+   list of alternate object databases, but the code to do so forgot to
+   correctly initialize the list.
+ * The code to prepare the working tree side of temporary directory
+   for the "dir-diff" feature forgot that symbolic links need not be
+   copied (or symlinked) to the temporary area, as the code already
+   special cases and overwrites them.  Besides, it was wrong to try
+   computing the object name of the target of symbolic link, which may
+   not even exist or may be a directory.
+ * A Range: request can be responded with a full response and when
+   asked properly libcurl knows how to strip the result down to the
+   requested range.  However, we were hand-crafting a range request
+   and it did not kick in.
+ * Having a leftover .idx file without corresponding .pack file in
+   the repository hurts performance; "git gc" learned to prune them.
+ * Apple's common crypto implementation of SHA1_Update() does not take
+   more than 4GB at a time, and we now have a compile-time workaround
+   for it.
+ * Produce correct "dirty" marker for shell prompts, even when we
+   are on an orphan or an unborn branch.
+ * A build without NO_IPv6 used to use gethostbyname() when guessing
+   user's hostname, instead of getaddrinfo() that is used in other
+   codepaths in such a build.
+ * The exit code of git-fsck did not reflect some types of errors
+   found in packed objects, which has been corrected.
+ * The helper used to iterate over loose object directories to prune
+   stale objects did not closedir() immediately when it is done with a
+   directory--a callback such as the one used for "git prune" may want
+   to do rmdir(), but it would fail on open directory on platforms
+   such as WinXP.
+ * "git p4" used to import Perforce CLs that touch only paths outside
+   the client spec as empty commits.  It has been corrected to ignore
+   them instead, with a new configuration git-p4.keepEmptyCommits as a
+   backward compatibility knob.
+ * The completion script (in contrib/) used to list "git column"
+   (which is not an end-user facing command) as one of the choices
+   (merge 160fcdb sg/completion-no-column later to maint).
+ * The error reporting from "git send-email", when SMTP TLS fails, has
+   been improved.
+   (merge 9d60524 jk/send-email-ssl-errors later to maint).
+ * When getpwuid() on the system returned NULL (e.g. the user is not
+   in the /etc/passwd file or other uid-to-name mappings), the
+   codepath to find who the user is to record it in the reflog barfed
+   and died.  Loosen the check in this codepath, which already accepts
+   questionable ident string (e.g. host part of the e-mail address is
+   obviously bogus), and in general when we operate fmt_ident() function
+   in non-strict mode.
+   (merge 92bcbb9 jk/ident-loosen-getpwuid later to maint).
+ * Code clean-up, minor fixes etc.
diff --git a/Documentation/blame-options.txt b/Documentation/blame-options.txt
index a09969b..760eab7 100644
--- a/Documentation/blame-options.txt
+++ b/Documentation/blame-options.txt
@@ -63,11 +63,10 @@
 	`-` to make the command read from the standard input).
 --date <format>::
-	The value is one of the following alternatives:
-	{relative,local,default,iso,rfc,short}. If --date is not
+	Specifies the format used to output dates. If --date is not
 	provided, the value of the config variable is
 	used. If the config variable is also not set, the
-	iso format is used. For more information, See the discussion
+	iso format is used. For supported values, see the discussion
 	of the --date option at linkgit:git-log[1].
diff --git a/Documentation/config.txt b/Documentation/config.txt
index fec0dea..f617886 100644
--- a/Documentation/config.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config.txt
@@ -1122,6 +1122,9 @@ See linkgit:gitcredentials[7] for details on how URLs are
+	Tell git-credential-cache--daemon to ignore SIGHUP, instead of quitting.
@@ -1829,9 +1832,7 @@
 	Set the default date-time mode for the 'log' command.
 	Setting a value for is similar to using 'git log''s
-	`--date` option.  Possible values are `relative`, `local`,
-	`default`, `iso`, `rfc`, and `short`; see linkgit:git-log[1]
-	for details.
+	`--date` option.  See linkgit:git-log[1] for details.
 	Print out the ref names of any commits that are shown by the log
@@ -2228,6 +2229,20 @@
 	override a value from a lower-priority config file. An explicit
 	command-line flag always overrides this config option.
+	Make sure all submodule commits used by the revisions to be pushed
+	are available on a remote-tracking branch. If the value is 'check'
+	then Git will verify that all submodule commits that changed in the
+	revisions to be pushed are available on at least one remote of the
+	submodule. If any commits are missing, the push will be aborted and
+	exit with non-zero status. If the value is 'on-demand' then all
+	submodules that changed in the revisions to be pushed will be
+	pushed. If on-demand was not able to push all necessary revisions
+	it will also be aborted and exit with non-zero status. If the value
+	is 'no' then default behavior of ignoring submodules when pushing
+	is retained. You may override this configuration at time of push by
+	specifying '--recurse-submodules=check|on-demand|no'.
 	Whether to show a diffstat of what changed upstream since the last
 	rebase. False by default.
@@ -2593,6 +2608,16 @@
 	submodule summary' command, which shows a similar output but does
 	not honor these settings.
+	If this is set to true, the `git stash show` command without an
+	option will show the stash in patch form.  Defaults to false.
+	See description of 'show' command in linkgit:git-stash[1].
+	If this is set to true, the `git stash show` command without an
+	option will show diffstat of the stash.  Defaults to true.
+	See description of 'show' command in linkgit:git-stash[1].
 	The path within this project and URL for a submodule. These
@@ -2665,6 +2690,15 @@
 explicitly exposing it, even if an earlier entry marked it as hidden.
 If you have multiple hideRefs values, later entries override earlier ones
 (and entries in more-specific config files override less-specific ones).
+If a namespace is in use, the namespace prefix is stripped from each
+reference before it is matched against `transfer.hiderefs` patterns.
+For example, if `refs/heads/master` is specified in `transfer.hideRefs` and
+the current namespace is `foo`, then `refs/namespaces/foo/refs/heads/master`
+is omitted from the advertisements but `refs/heads/master` and
+`refs/namespaces/bar/refs/heads/master` are still advertised as so-called
+"have" lines. In order to match refs before stripping, add a `^` in front of
+the ref name. If you combine `!` and `^`, `!` must be specified first.
 	When `fetch.unpackLimit` or `receive.unpackLimit` are
diff --git a/Documentation/git-bisect.txt b/Documentation/git-bisect.txt
index 1b7a97b..7e79aae 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-bisect.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-bisect.txt
@@ -16,9 +16,11 @@
 The command takes various subcommands, and different options depending
 on the subcommand:
- git bisect start [--no-checkout] [<bad> [<good>...]] [--] [<paths>...]
- git bisect bad [<rev>]
- git bisect good [<rev>...]
+ git bisect start [--term-{old,good}=<term> --term-{new,bad}=<term>]
+		  [--no-checkout] [<bad> [<good>...]] [--] [<paths>...]
+ git bisect (bad|new) [<rev>]
+ git bisect (good|old) [<rev>...]
+ git bisect terms [--term-good | --term-bad]
  git bisect skip [(<rev>|<range>)...]
  git bisect reset [<commit>]
  git bisect visualize
@@ -36,6 +38,13 @@
 down the range until it finds the exact commit that introduced the
+In fact, `git bisect` can be used to find the commit that changed
+*any* property of your project; e.g., the commit that fixed a bug, or
+the commit that caused a benchmark's performance to improve. To
+support this more general usage, the terms "old" and "new" can be used
+in place of "good" and "bad", or you can choose your own terms. See
+section "Alternate terms" below for more information.
 Basic bisect commands: start, bad, good
@@ -111,6 +120,79 @@
 current bisection commit and avoid switching commits at all.
+Alternate terms
+Sometimes you are not looking for the commit that introduced a
+breakage, but rather for a commit that caused a change between some
+other "old" state and "new" state. For example, you might be looking
+for the commit that introduced a particular fix. Or you might be
+looking for the first commit in which the source-code filenames were
+finally all converted to your company's naming standard. Or whatever.
+In such cases it can be very confusing to use the terms "good" and
+"bad" to refer to "the state before the change" and "the state after
+the change". So instead, you can use the terms "old" and "new",
+respectively, in place of "good" and "bad". (But note that you cannot
+mix "good" and "bad" with "old" and "new" in a single session.)
+In this more general usage, you provide `git bisect` with a "new"
+commit has some property and an "old" commit that doesn't have that
+property. Each time `git bisect` checks out a commit, you test if that
+commit has the property. If it does, mark the commit as "new";
+otherwise, mark it as "old". When the bisection is done, `git bisect`
+will report which commit introduced the property.
+To use "old" and "new" instead of "good" and bad, you must run `git
+bisect start` without commits as argument and then run the following
+commands to add the commits:
+git bisect old [<rev>]
+to indicate that a commit was before the sought change, or
+git bisect new [<rev>...]
+to indicate that it was after.
+To get a reminder of the currently used terms, use
+git bisect terms
+You can get just the old (respectively new) term with `git bisect term
+--term-old` or `git bisect term --term-good`.
+If you would like to use your own terms instead of "bad"/"good" or
+"new"/"old", you can choose any names you like (except existing bisect
+subcommands like `reset`, `start`, ...) by starting the
+bisection using
+git bisect start --term-old <term-old> --term-new <term-new>
+For example, if you are looking for a commit that introduced a
+performance regression, you might use
+git bisect start --term-old fast --term-new slow
+Or if you are looking for the commit that fixed a bug, you might use
+git bisect start --term-new fixed --term-old broken
+Then, use `git bisect <term-old>` and `git bisect <term-new>` instead
+of `git bisect good` and `git bisect bad` to mark commits.
 Bisect visualize
@@ -387,6 +469,21 @@
 has at least one parent whose reachable graph is fully traversable in the sense
 required by 'git pack objects'.
+* Look for a fix instead of a regression in the code
+$ git bisect start
+$ git bisect new HEAD    # current commit is marked as new
+$ git bisect old HEAD~10 # the tenth commit from now is marked as old
+$ git bisect start --term-old broken --term-new fixed
+$ git bisect fixed
+$ git bisect broken HEAD~10
 Getting help
diff --git a/Documentation/git-branch.txt b/Documentation/git-branch.txt
index bbbade4..4a7037f 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-branch.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-branch.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
 'git branch' [--color[=<when>] | --no-color] [-r | -a]
 	[--list] [-v [--abbrev=<length> | --no-abbrev]]
 	[--column[=<options>] | --no-column]
-	[(--merged | --no-merged | --contains) [<commit>]] [<pattern>...]
+	[(--merged | --no-merged | --contains) [<commit>]] [--sort=<key>]
+	[--points-at <object>] [<pattern>...]
 'git branch' [--set-upstream | --track | --no-track] [-l] [-f] <branchname> [<start-point>]
 'git branch' (--set-upstream-to=<upstream> | -u <upstream>) [<branchname>]
 'git branch' --unset-upstream [<branchname>]
@@ -231,6 +232,19 @@
 	The new name for an existing branch. The same restrictions as for
 	<branchname> apply.
+	Sort based on the key given. Prefix `-` to sort in descending
+	order of the value. You may use the --sort=<key> option
+	multiple times, in which case the last key becomes the primary
+	key. The keys supported are the same as those in `git
+	for-each-ref`. Sort order defaults to sorting based on the
+	full refname (including `refs/...` prefix). This lists
+	detached HEAD (if present) first, then local branches and
+	finally remote-tracking branches.
+--points-at <object>::
+	Only list branches of the given object.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-checkout.txt b/Documentation/git-checkout.txt
index e269fb1..5e5273e 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-checkout.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-checkout.txt
@@ -107,6 +107,12 @@
 	Quiet, suppress feedback messages.
+	Progress status is reported on the standard error stream
+	by default when it is attached to a terminal, unless `--quiet`
+	is specified. This flag enables progress reporting even if not
+	attached to a terminal, regardless of `--quiet`.
 	When switching branches, proceed even if the index or the
diff --git a/Documentation/git-clone.txt b/Documentation/git-clone.txt
index f1f2a3f..6bf000d 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-clone.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-clone.txt
@@ -104,8 +104,13 @@
 	Borrow the objects from reference repositories specified
 	with the `--reference` options only to reduce network
-	transfer and stop borrowing from them after a clone is made
-	by making necessary local copies of borrowed objects.
+	transfer, and stop borrowing from them after a clone is made
+	by making necessary local copies of borrowed objects.  This
+	option can also be used when cloning locally from a
+	repository that already borrows objects from another
+	repository--the new repository will borrow objects from the
+	same repository, and this option can be used to stop the
+	borrowing.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-for-each-ref.txt b/Documentation/git-for-each-ref.txt
index 7f8d9a5..c6f073c 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-for-each-ref.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-for-each-ref.txt
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 'git for-each-ref' [--count=<count>] [--shell|--perl|--python|--tcl]
 		   [(--sort=<key>)...] [--format=<format>] [<pattern>...]
+		   [--points-at <object>] [(--merged | --no-merged) [<object>]]
+		   [--contains [<object>]]
@@ -62,6 +64,20 @@
 	the specified host language.  This is meant to produce
 	a scriptlet that can directly be `eval`ed.
+--points-at <object>::
+	Only list refs which points at the given object.
+--merged [<object>]::
+	Only list refs whose tips are reachable from the
+	specified commit (HEAD if not specified).
+--no-merged [<object>]::
+	Only list refs whose tips are not reachable from the
+	specified commit (HEAD if not specified).
+--contains [<object>]::
+	Only list tags which contain the specified commit (HEAD if not
+	specified).
@@ -111,6 +127,17 @@
 	Change output color.  Followed by `:<colorname>`, where names
 	are described in `color.branch.*`.
+	Left-, middle-, or right-align the content between
+	%(align:...) and %(end). The "align:" is followed by `<width>`
+	and `<position>` in any order separated by a comma, where the
+	`<position>` is either left, right or middle, default being
+	left and `<width>` is the total length of the content with
+	alignment. If the contents length is more than the width then
+	no alignment is performed. If used with '--quote' everything
+	in between %(align:...) and %(end) is quoted, but if nested
+	then only the topmost level performs quoting.
 In addition to the above, for commit and tag objects, the header
 field names (`tree`, `parent`, `object`, `type`, and `tag`) can
 be used to specify the value in the header field.
@@ -123,20 +150,23 @@
 Its first line is `contents:subject`, where subject is the concatenation
 of all lines of the commit message up to the first blank line.  The next
 line is 'contents:body', where body is all of the lines after the first
-blank line.  Finally, the optional GPG signature is `contents:signature`.
+blank line.  The optional GPG signature is `contents:signature`.  The
+first `N` lines of the message is obtained using `contents:lines=N`.
 For sorting purposes, fields with numeric values sort in numeric
 order (`objectsize`, `authordate`, `committerdate`, `taggerdate`).
 All other fields are used to sort in their byte-value order.
+There is also an option to sort by versions, this can be done by using
+the fieldname `version:refname` or its alias `v:refname`.
 In any case, a field name that refers to a field inapplicable to
 the object referred by the ref does not cause an error.  It
 returns an empty string instead.
 As a special case for the date-type fields, you may specify a format for
-the date by adding one of `:default`, `:relative`, `:short`, `:local`,
-`:iso8601`, `:rfc2822` or `:raw` to the end of the fieldname; e.g.
+the date by adding `:` followed by date format name (see the
+values the `--date` option to linkgit::git-rev-list[1] takes).
diff --git a/Documentation/git-format-patch.txt b/Documentation/git-format-patch.txt
index 4035649..e3cdaeb 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-format-patch.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-format-patch.txt
@@ -256,6 +256,10 @@
 	using this option cannot be applied properly, but they are
 	still useful for code review.
+  Output an all-zero hash in each patch's From header instead
+  of the hash of the commit.
 	Treat the revision argument as a <revision range>, even if it
 	is just a single commit (that would normally be treated as a
diff --git a/Documentation/git-p4.txt b/Documentation/git-p4.txt
index b3e768e..738cfde 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-p4.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-p4.txt
@@ -510,6 +510,45 @@
 	option '--use-client-spec'.  See the "CLIENT SPEC" section above.
 	This variable is a boolean, not the name of a p4 client.
+	Perforce keeps the encoding of a path as given by the originating OS.
+	Git expects paths encoded as UTF-8. Use this config to tell git-p4
+	what encoding Perforce had used for the paths. This encoding is used
+	to transcode the paths to UTF-8. As an example, Perforce on Windows
+	often uses “cp1252” to encode path names.
+	Specify the system that is used for large (binary) files. Please note
+	that large file systems do not support the 'git p4 submit' command.
+	Only Git LFS [1] is implemented right now. Download
+	and install the Git LFS command line extension to use this option
+	and configure it like this:
+git config       git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS
+	[1]
+	All files matching a file extension in the list will be processed
+	by the large file system. Do not prefix the extensions with '.'.
+	All files with an uncompressed size exceeding the threshold will be
+	processed by the large file system. By default the threshold is
+	defined in bytes. Add the suffix k, m, or g to change the unit.
+	All files with a compressed size exceeding the threshold will be
+	processed by the large file system. This option might slow down
+	your clone/sync process. By default the threshold is defined in
+	bytes. Add the suffix k, m, or g to change the unit.
+	Boolean variable which defines if large files are automatically
+	pushed to a server.
 	A changelist that contains only excluded files will be imported
 	as an empty commit if this boolean option is set to true.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-push.txt b/Documentation/git-push.txt
index 85a4d7d..4c775bc 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-push.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-push.txt
@@ -257,16 +257,20 @@
 	is specified. This flag forces progress status even if the
 	standard error stream is not directed to a terminal.
-	Make sure all submodule commits used by the revisions to be
-	pushed are available on a remote-tracking branch. If 'check' is
-	used Git will verify that all submodule commits that changed in
-	the revisions to be pushed are available on at least one remote
-	of the submodule. If any commits are missing the push will be
-	aborted and exit with non-zero status. If 'on-demand' is used
-	all submodules that changed in the revisions to be pushed will
-	be pushed. If on-demand was not able to push all necessary
-	revisions it will also be aborted and exit with non-zero status.
+	May be used to make sure all submodule commits used by the
+	revisions to be pushed are available on a remote-tracking branch.
+	If 'check' is used Git will verify that all submodule commits that
+	changed in the revisions to be pushed are available on at least one
+	remote of the submodule. If any commits are missing the push will
+	be aborted and exit with non-zero status. If 'on-demand' is used
+	all submodules that changed in the revisions to be pushed will be
+	pushed. If on-demand was not able to push all necessary revisions
+	it will also be aborted and exit with non-zero status. A value of
+	'no' or using '--no-recurse-submodules' can be used to override the
+	push.recurseSubmodules configuration variable when no submodule
+	recursion is required.
 	Toggle the pre-push hook (see linkgit:githooks[5]).  The
diff --git a/Documentation/git-quiltimport.txt b/Documentation/git-quiltimport.txt
index d64388c..ff633b0 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-quiltimport.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-quiltimport.txt
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 'git quiltimport' [--dry-run | -n] [--author <author>] [--patches <dir>]
+		[--series <file>]
@@ -42,13 +43,19 @@
 	information can be found in the patch description.
 --patches <dir>::
-	The directory to find the quilt patches and the
-	quilt series file.
+	The directory to find the quilt patches.
 The default for the patch directory is patches
 or the value of the $QUILT_PATCHES environment
+--series <file>::
+	The quilt series file.
+The default for the series file is <patches>/series
+or the value of the $QUILT_SERIES environment
 Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite
diff --git a/Documentation/git-remote.txt b/Documentation/git-remote.txt
index 8bd22af..1d7ecea 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-remote.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-remote.txt
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 'git remote remove' <name>
 'git remote set-head' <name> (-a | --auto | -d | --delete | <branch>)
 'git remote set-branches' [--add] <name> <branch>...
+'git remote get-url' [--push] [--all] <name>
 'git remote set-url' [--push] <name> <newurl> [<oldurl>]
 'git remote set-url --add' [--push] <name> <newurl>
 'git remote set-url --delete' [--push] <name> <url>
@@ -131,6 +132,15 @@
 With `--add`, instead of replacing the list of currently tracked
 branches, adds to that list.
+Retrieves the URLs for a remote. Configurations for `insteadOf` and
+`pushInsteadOf` are expanded here. By default, only the first URL is listed.
+With '--push', push URLs are queried rather than fetch URLs.
+With '--all', all URLs for the remote will be listed.
 Changes URLs for the remote. Sets first URL for remote <name> that matches
diff --git a/Documentation/git-rev-list.txt b/Documentation/git-rev-list.txt
index 7b49c85..ef22f17 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-rev-list.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-rev-list.txt
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 	     [ --regexp-ignore-case | -i ]
 	     [ --extended-regexp | -E ]
 	     [ --fixed-strings | -F ]
-	     [ --date=(local|relative|default|iso|iso-strict|rfc|short) ]
+	     [ --date=<format>]
 	     [ [ --objects | --objects-edge | --objects-edge-aggressive ]
 	       [ --unpacked ] ]
 	     [ --pretty | --header ]
diff --git a/Documentation/git-send-email.txt b/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
index b9134d2..771a7b5 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 'git send-email' [options] <file|directory|rev-list options>...
+'git send-email' --dump-aliases
@@ -387,6 +388,16 @@
 	Send emails even if safety checks would prevent it.
+	Instead of the normal operation, dump the shorthand alias names from
+	the configured alias file(s), one per line in alphabetical order. Note,
+	this only includes the alias name and not its expanded email addresses.
+	See 'sendemail.aliasesfile' for more information about aliases.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-stash.txt b/Documentation/git-stash.txt
index 375213f..92df596 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-stash.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-stash.txt
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@
 	shows the latest one. By default, the command shows the diffstat, but
 	it will accept any format known to 'git diff' (e.g., `git stash show
 	-p stash@{1}` to view the second most recent stash in patch form).
+	You can use stash.showStat and/or stash.showPatch config variables
+	to change the default behavior.
 pop [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]::
diff --git a/Documentation/git-tag.txt b/Documentation/git-tag.txt
index 08b4dfb..7220e5e 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-tag.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-tag.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
 	<tagname> [<commit> | <object>]
 'git tag' -d <tagname>...
 'git tag' [-n[<num>]] -l [--contains <commit>] [--points-at <object>]
-	[--column[=<options>] | --no-column] [--create-reflog] [<pattern>...]
+	[--column[=<options>] | --no-column] [--create-reflog] [--sort=<key>]
+	[--format=<format>] [--[no-]merged [<commit>]] [<pattern>...]
 'git tag' -v <tagname>...
@@ -94,14 +95,16 @@
 	using fnmatch(3)).  Multiple patterns may be given; if any of
 	them matches, the tag is shown.
-	Sort in a specific order. Supported type is "refname"
-	(lexicographic order), "version:refname" or "v:refname" (tag
+	Sort based on the key given.  Prefix `-` to sort in
+	descending order of the value. You may use the --sort=<key> option
+	multiple times, in which case the last key becomes the primary
+	key. Also supports "version:refname" or "v:refname" (tag
 	names are treated as versions). The "version:refname" sort
 	order can also be affected by the
-	"versionsort.prereleaseSuffix" configuration variable. Prepend
-	"-" to reverse sort order. When this option is not given, the
-	sort order defaults to the value configured for the 'tag.sort'
+	"versionsort.prereleaseSuffix" configuration variable.
+	The keys supported are the same as those in `git for-each-ref`.
+	Sort order defaults to the value configured for the 'tag.sort'
 	variable if it exists, or lexicographic order otherwise. See
@@ -156,6 +159,16 @@
 	The object that the new tag will refer to, usually a commit.
 	Defaults to HEAD.
+	A string that interpolates `%(fieldname)` from the object
+	pointed at by a ref being shown.  The format is the same as
+	that of linkgit:git-for-each-ref[1].  When unspecified,
+	defaults to `%(refname:short)`.
+--[no-]merged [<commit>]::
+	Only list tags whose tips are reachable, or not reachable
+	if '--no-merged' is used, from the specified commit ('HEAD'
+	if not specified).
diff --git a/Documentation/git-worktree.txt b/Documentation/git-worktree.txt
index fb68156..5b9ad04 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-worktree.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-worktree.txt
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 'git worktree add' [-f] [--detach] [-b <new-branch>] <path> [<branch>]
 'git worktree prune' [-n] [-v] [--expire <expire>]
+'git worktree list' [--porcelain]
@@ -59,6 +60,13 @@
 Prune working tree information in $GIT_DIR/worktrees.
+List details of each worktree.  The main worktree is listed first, followed by
+each of the linked worktrees.  The output details include if the worktree is
+bare, the revision currently checked out, and the branch currently checked out
+(or 'detached HEAD' if none).
@@ -86,6 +94,11 @@
 	With `prune`, do not remove anything; just report what it would
+	With `list`, output in an easy-to-parse format for scripts.
+	This format will remain stable across Git versions and regardless of user
+	configuration.  See below for details.
 	With `prune`, report all removals.
@@ -134,6 +147,41 @@
 `test-next` entry from being pruned.  See
 linkgit:gitrepository-layout[5] for details.
+The worktree list command has two output formats.  The default format shows the
+details on a single line with columns.  For example:
+S git worktree list
+/path/to/bare-source            (bare)
+/path/to/linked-worktree        abcd1234 [master]
+/path/to/other-linked-worktree  1234abc  (detached HEAD)
+Porcelain Format
+The porcelain format has a line per attribute.  Attributes are listed with a
+label and value separated by a single space.  Boolean attributes (like 'bare'
+and 'detached') are listed as a label only, and are only present if and only
+if the value is true.  An empty line indicates the end of a worktree.  For
+S git worktree list --porcelain
+worktree /path/to/bare-source
+worktree /path/to/linked-worktree
+HEAD abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234
+branch refs/heads/master
+worktree /path/to/other-linked-worktree
+HEAD 1234abc1234abc1234abc1234abc1234abc1234a
 You are in the middle of a refactoring session and your boss comes in and
@@ -167,7 +215,6 @@
 - `remove` to remove a linked working tree and its administrative files (and
   warn if the working tree is dirty)
 - `mv` to move or rename a working tree and update its administrative files
-- `list` to list linked working trees
 - `lock` to prevent automatic pruning of administrative files (for instance,
   for a working tree on a portable device)
diff --git a/Documentation/gitignore.txt b/Documentation/gitignore.txt
index 473623d..79a1948 100644
--- a/Documentation/gitignore.txt
+++ b/Documentation/gitignore.txt
@@ -82,12 +82,12 @@
  - An optional prefix "`!`" which negates the pattern; any
    matching file excluded by a previous pattern will become
-   included again. It is not possible to re-include a file if a parent
-   directory of that file is excluded. Git doesn't list excluded
-   directories for performance reasons, so any patterns on contained
-   files have no effect, no matter where they are defined.
+   included again.
    Put a backslash ("`\`") in front of the first "`!`" for patterns
    that begin with a literal "`!`", for example, "`\!important!.txt`".
+   It is possible to re-include a file if a parent directory of that
+   file is excluded if certain conditions are met. See section NOTES
+   for detail.
  - If the pattern ends with a slash, it is removed for the
    purpose of the following description, but it would only find
@@ -141,6 +141,21 @@
 To stop tracking a file that is currently tracked, use
 'git rm --cached'.
+To re-include files or directories when their parent directory is
+excluded, the following conditions must be met:
+ - The rules to exclude a directory and re-include a subset back must
+   be in the same .gitignore file.
+ - The directory part in the re-include rules must be literal (i.e. no
+   wildcards)
+ - The rules to exclude the parent directory must not end with a
+   trailing slash.
+ - The rules to exclude the parent directory must have at least one
+   slash.
diff --git a/Documentation/glossary-content.txt b/Documentation/glossary-content.txt
index 8c6478b..e2259742 100644
--- a/Documentation/glossary-content.txt
+++ b/Documentation/glossary-content.txt
@@ -413,8 +413,9 @@
 [[def_per_worktree_ref]]per-worktree ref::
 	Refs that are per-<<def_working_tree,worktree>>, rather than
-	global.  This is presently only <<def_HEAD,HEAD>>, but might
-	later include other unusual refs.
+	global.  This is presently only <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> and any refs
+	that start with `refs/bisect/`, but might later include other
+	unusual refs.
 	Pseudorefs are a class of files under `$GIT_DIR` which behave
diff --git a/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt b/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt
index f1c5220..4f009d4 100644
--- a/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt
+++ b/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt
@@ -701,15 +701,19 @@
 	Synonym for `--date=relative`.
 	Only takes effect for dates shown in human-readable format, such
 	as when using `--pretty`. `` config variable sets a default
-	value for the log command's `--date` option.
+	value for the log command's `--date` option. By default, dates
+	are shown in the original time zone (either committer's or
+	author's). If `-local` is appended to the format (e.g.,
+	`iso-local`), the user's local time zone is used instead.
 `--date=relative` shows dates relative to the current time,
-e.g. ``2 hours ago''.
+e.g. ``2 hours ago''. The `-local` option cannot be used with
+`--raw` or `--relative`.
-`--date=local` shows timestamps in user's local time zone.
+`--date=local` is an alias for `--date=default-local`.
 `--date=iso` (or `--date=iso8601`) shows timestamps in a ISO 8601-like format.
 The differences to the strict ISO 8601 format are:
@@ -732,10 +736,15 @@
 `--date=format:...` feeds the format `...` to your system `strftime`.
 Use `--date=format:%c` to show the date in your system locale's
 preferred format.  See the `strftime` manual for a complete list of
-format placeholders.
+format placeholders. When using `-local`, the correct syntax is
-`--date=default` shows timestamps in the original time zone
-(either committer's or author's).
+`--date=default` is the default format, and is similar to
+`--date=rfc2822`, with a few exceptions:
+	- there is no comma after the day-of-week
+	- the time zone is omitted when the local time zone is used
index f2a001f..4478007 100755
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 37e2d9e..fd19b54 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -77,8 +77,6 @@
 # Define HAVE_PATHS_H if you have paths.h and want to use the default PATH
 # it specifies.
-# Define NO_D_INO_IN_DIRENT if you don't have d_ino in your struct dirent.
 # Define NO_D_TYPE_IN_DIRENT if your platform defines DT_UNKNOWN but lacks
 # d_type in struct dirent (Cygwin 1.5, fixed in Cygwin 1.7).
@@ -737,6 +735,7 @@
 LIB_OBJS += ll-merge.o
 LIB_OBJS += lockfile.o
 LIB_OBJS += log-tree.o
+LIB_OBJS += mailinfo.o
 LIB_OBJS += mailmap.o
 LIB_OBJS += match-trees.o
 LIB_OBJS += merge.o
@@ -773,6 +772,7 @@
 LIB_OBJS += read-cache.o
 LIB_OBJS += reflog-walk.o
 LIB_OBJS += refs.o
+LIB_OBJS += refs/files-backend.o
 LIB_OBJS += ref-filter.o
 LIB_OBJS += remote.o
 LIB_OBJS += replace_object.o
@@ -818,6 +818,7 @@
 LIB_OBJS += versioncmp.o
 LIB_OBJS += walker.o
 LIB_OBJS += wildmatch.o
+LIB_OBJS += worktree.o
 LIB_OBJS += wrapper.o
 LIB_OBJS += write_or_die.o
 LIB_OBJS += ws.o
@@ -913,6 +914,7 @@
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/show-branch.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/show-ref.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/stripspace.o
+BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/submodule--helper.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/symbolic-ref.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/tag.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/unpack-file.o
@@ -1172,9 +1174,6 @@
@@ -2434,7 +2433,7 @@
 	$(RM) $(addsuffix *.gcno,$(addprefix $(PROFILE_DIR)/, $(object_dirs)))
 clean: profile-clean coverage-clean
-	$(RM) *.o *.res block-sha1/*.o ppc/*.o compat/*.o compat/*/*.o
+	$(RM) *.o *.res refs/*.o block-sha1/*.o ppc/*.o compat/*.o compat/*/*.o
 	$(RM) xdiff/*.o vcs-svn/*.o ewah/*.o builtin/*.o
diff --git a/RelNotes b/RelNotes
index 4570bdf..3ba13ce 120000
--- a/RelNotes
+++ b/RelNotes
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archive-tar.c b/archive-tar.c
index 0d1e6bd..501ca97 100644
--- a/archive-tar.c
+++ b/archive-tar.c
@@ -167,21 +167,21 @@
 			   struct ustar_header *header,
 			   unsigned int mode, unsigned long size)
-	sprintf(header->mode, "%07o", mode & 07777);
-	sprintf(header->size, "%011lo", S_ISREG(mode) ? size : 0);
-	sprintf(header->mtime, "%011lo", (unsigned long) args->time);
+	xsnprintf(header->mode, sizeof(header->mode), "%07o", mode & 07777);
+	xsnprintf(header->size, sizeof(header->size), "%011lo", S_ISREG(mode) ? size : 0);
+	xsnprintf(header->mtime, sizeof(header->mtime), "%011lo", (unsigned long) args->time);
-	sprintf(header->uid, "%07o", 0);
-	sprintf(header->gid, "%07o", 0);
+	xsnprintf(header->uid, sizeof(header->uid), "%07o", 0);
+	xsnprintf(header->gid, sizeof(header->gid), "%07o", 0);
 	strlcpy(header->uname, "root", sizeof(header->uname));
 	strlcpy(header->gname, "root", sizeof(header->gname));
-	sprintf(header->devmajor, "%07o", 0);
-	sprintf(header->devminor, "%07o", 0);
+	xsnprintf(header->devmajor, sizeof(header->devmajor), "%07o", 0);
+	xsnprintf(header->devminor, sizeof(header->devminor), "%07o", 0);
 	memcpy(header->magic, "ustar", 6);
 	memcpy(header->version, "00", 2);
-	sprintf(header->chksum, "%07o", ustar_header_chksum(header));
+	snprintf(header->chksum, sizeof(header->chksum), "%07o", ustar_header_chksum(header));
 static int write_extended_header(struct archiver_args *args,
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
 	memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header));
 	*header.typeflag = TYPEFLAG_EXT_HEADER;
 	mode = 0100666;
-	sprintf(, "%s.paxheader", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+	xsnprintf(, sizeof(, "%s.paxheader", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
 	prepare_header(args, &header, mode, size);
 	write_blocked(&header, sizeof(header));
 	write_blocked(buffer, size);
@@ -233,10 +233,10 @@
 		size_t rest = pathlen - plen - 1;
 		if (plen > 0 && rest <= sizeof( {
 			memcpy(header.prefix, path, plen);
-				memcpy(, path + plen + 1, rest);
+			memcpy(, path + plen + 1, rest);
 		} else {
-			sprintf(, "",
-				sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+			xsnprintf(, sizeof(, "",
+				  sha1_to_hex(sha1));
 			strbuf_append_ext_header(&ext_header, "path",
 						 path, pathlen);
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@
 	if (S_ISLNK(mode)) {
 		if (size > sizeof(header.linkname)) {
-			sprintf(header.linkname, "see %s.paxheader",
-			        sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+			xsnprintf(header.linkname, sizeof(header.linkname),
+				  "see %s.paxheader", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
 			strbuf_append_ext_header(&ext_header, "linkpath",
 			                         buffer, size);
 		} else
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
 	memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header));
 	*header.typeflag = TYPEFLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
 	mode = 0100666;
-	strcpy(, "pax_global_header");
+	xsnprintf(, sizeof(, "pax_global_header");
 	prepare_header(args, &header, mode, ext_header.len);
 	write_blocked(&header, sizeof(header));
 	write_blocked(ext_header.buf, ext_header.len);
diff --git a/archive.c b/archive.c
index 01b0899..0687afa 100644
--- a/archive.c
+++ b/archive.c
@@ -171,13 +171,14 @@
 		unsigned mode, int stage, struct archiver_context *c)
 	struct directory *d;
-	d = xmallocz(sizeof(*d) + base->len + 1 + strlen(filename));
+	size_t len = base->len + 1 + strlen(filename) + 1;
+	d = xmalloc(sizeof(*d) + len);
 	d->up	   = c->bottom;
 	d->baselen = base->len;
 	d->mode	   = mode;
 	d->stage   = stage;
 	c->bottom  = d;
-	d->len = sprintf(d->path, "%.*s%s/", (int)base->len, base->buf, filename);
+	d->len = xsnprintf(d->path, len, "%.*s%s/", (int)base->len, base->buf, filename);
 	hashcpy(d->oid.hash, sha1);
@@ -240,7 +241,7 @@
 		if (args->verbose)
 			fprintf(stderr, "%.*s\n", (int)len, args->base);
-		err = write_entry(args, args->tree->object.sha1, args->base,
+		err = write_entry(args, args->tree->object.oid.hash, args->base,
 				  len, 040777);
 		if (err)
 			return err;
@@ -373,7 +374,7 @@
 	commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(oid.hash, 1);
 	if (commit) {
-		commit_sha1 = commit->object.sha1;
+		commit_sha1 = commit->object.oid.hash;
 		archive_time = commit->date;
 	} else {
 		commit_sha1 = NULL;
@@ -389,7 +390,7 @@
 		unsigned int mode;
 		int err;
-		err = get_tree_entry(tree->object.sha1, prefix,
+		err = get_tree_entry(tree->object.oid.hash, prefix,
 				     tree_oid.hash, &mode);
 		if (err || !S_ISDIR(mode))
 			die("current working directory is untracked");
diff --git a/bisect.c b/bisect.c
index 041a13d..42aa7aa 100644
--- a/bisect.c
+++ b/bisect.c
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
 	b = (struct commit_dist *)b_;
 	if (a->distance != b->distance)
 		return b->distance - a->distance; /* desc sort */
-	return hashcmp(a->commit->object.sha1, b->commit->object.sha1);
+	return oidcmp(&a->commit->object.oid, &b->commit->object.oid);
 static struct commit_list *best_bisection_sorted(struct commit_list *list, int nr)
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
 		struct commit_list *next = list->next;
 		list->next = NULL;
 		if (0 <= sha1_array_lookup(&skipped_revs,
-					   list->item->object.sha1)) {
+					   list->item->object.oid.hash)) {
 			if (skipped_first && !*skipped_first)
 				*skipped_first = 1;
 			/* Move current to tried list */
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@
 	for (i = 0; cur; cur = cur->next, i++) {
 		if (i == index) {
-			if (hashcmp(cur->item->object.sha1, current_bad_oid->hash))
+			if (oidcmp(&cur->item->object.oid, current_bad_oid))
 				return cur;
 			if (previous)
 				return previous;
@@ -730,6 +730,11 @@
 				"This means the bug has been fixed "
 				"between %s and [%s].\n",
 				bad_hex, bad_hex, good_hex);
+		} else if (!strcmp(term_bad, "new") && !strcmp(term_good, "old")) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "The merge base %s is new.\n"
+				"The property has changed "
+				"between %s and [%s].\n",
+				bad_hex, bad_hex, good_hex);
 		} else {
 			fprintf(stderr, "The merge base %s is %s.\n"
 				"This means the first '%s' commit is "
@@ -762,11 +767,11 @@
- * "check_merge_bases" checks that merge bases are not "bad".
+ * "check_merge_bases" checks that merge bases are not "bad" (or "new").
- * - If one is "bad", it means the user assumed something wrong
+ * - If one is "bad" (or "new"), it means the user assumed something wrong
  * and we must exit with a non 0 error code.
- * - If one is "good", that's good, we have nothing to do.
+ * - If one is "good" (or "old"), that's good, we have nothing to do.
  * - If one is "skipped", we can't know but we should warn.
  * - If we don't know, we should check it out and ask the user to test.
@@ -779,7 +784,7 @@
 	result = get_merge_bases_many(rev[0], rev_nr - 1, rev + 1);
 	for (; result; result = result->next) {
-		const unsigned char *mb = result->item->object.sha1;
+		const unsigned char *mb = result->item->object.oid.hash;
 		if (!hashcmp(mb, current_bad_oid->hash)) {
 		} else if (0 <= sha1_array_lookup(&good_revs, mb)) {
@@ -968,7 +973,7 @@
-	bisect_rev = revs.commits->item->object.sha1;
+	bisect_rev = revs.commits->item->object.oid.hash;
 	if (!hashcmp(bisect_rev, current_bad_oid->hash)) {
 		exit_if_skipped_commits(tried, current_bad_oid);
diff --git a/branch.c b/branch.c
index d013374..7ff3f20 100644
--- a/branch.c
+++ b/branch.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include "refs.h"
 #include "remote.h"
 #include "commit.h"
+#include "worktree.h"
 struct tracking {
 	struct refspec spec;
@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@
 	if ((commit = lookup_commit_reference(sha1)) == NULL)
 		die(_("Not a valid branch point: '%s'."), start_name);
-	hashcpy(sha1, commit->object.sha1);
+	hashcpy(sha1, commit->object.oid.hash);
 	if (forcing)
 		snprintf(msg, sizeof msg, "branch: Reset to %s",
@@ -311,84 +312,6 @@
-static char *find_linked_symref(const char *symref, const char *branch,
-				const char *id)
-	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
-	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
-	struct strbuf gitdir = STRBUF_INIT;
-	char *existing = NULL;
-	/*
-	 * $GIT_COMMON_DIR/$symref (e.g. HEAD) is practically outside
-	 * $GIT_DIR so resolve_ref_unsafe() won't work (it uses
-	 * git_path). Parse the ref ourselves.
-	 */
-	if (id)
-		strbuf_addf(&path, "%s/worktrees/%s/%s", get_git_common_dir(), id, symref);
-	else
-		strbuf_addf(&path, "%s/%s", get_git_common_dir(), symref);
-	if (!strbuf_readlink(&sb, path.buf, 0)) {
-		if (!starts_with(sb.buf, "refs/") ||
-		    check_refname_format(sb.buf, 0))
-			goto done;
-	} else if (strbuf_read_file(&sb, path.buf, 0) >= 0 &&
-	    starts_with(sb.buf, "ref:")) {
-		strbuf_remove(&sb, 0, strlen("ref:"));
-		strbuf_trim(&sb);
-	} else
-		goto done;
-	if (strcmp(sb.buf, branch))
-		goto done;
-	if (id) {
-		strbuf_reset(&path);
-		strbuf_addf(&path, "%s/worktrees/%s/gitdir", get_git_common_dir(), id);
-		if (strbuf_read_file(&gitdir, path.buf, 0) <= 0)
-			goto done;
-		strbuf_rtrim(&gitdir);
-	} else
-		strbuf_addstr(&gitdir, get_git_common_dir());
-	strbuf_strip_suffix(&gitdir, ".git");
-	existing = strbuf_detach(&gitdir, NULL);
-	strbuf_release(&path);
-	strbuf_release(&sb);
-	strbuf_release(&gitdir);
-	return existing;
-char *find_shared_symref(const char *symref, const char *target)
-	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
-	DIR *dir;
-	struct dirent *d;
-	char *existing;
-	if ((existing = find_linked_symref(symref, target, NULL)))
-		return existing;
-	strbuf_addf(&path, "%s/worktrees", get_git_common_dir());
-	dir = opendir(path.buf);
-	strbuf_release(&path);
-	if (!dir)
-		return NULL;
-	while ((d = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
-		if (!strcmp(d->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(d->d_name, ".."))
-			continue;
-		existing = find_linked_symref(symref, target, d->d_name);
-		if (existing)
-			goto done;
-	}
-	closedir(dir);
-	return existing;
 void die_if_checked_out(const char *branch)
 	char *existing;
diff --git a/branch.h b/branch.h
index d3446ed..58aa45f 100644
--- a/branch.h
+++ b/branch.h
@@ -59,12 +59,4 @@
 extern void die_if_checked_out(const char *branch);
- * Check if a per-worktree symref points to a ref in the main worktree
- * or any linked worktree, and return the path to the exising worktree
- * if it is.  Returns NULL if there is no existing ref.  The caller is
- * responsible for freeing the returned path.
- */
-extern char *find_shared_symref(const char *symref, const char *target);
diff --git a/builtin.h b/builtin.h
index 79aaf0a..6b95006 100644
--- a/builtin.h
+++ b/builtin.h
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@
 extern int cmd_show_branch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
 extern int cmd_status(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
 extern int cmd_stripspace(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
+extern int cmd_submodule__helper(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
 extern int cmd_symbolic_ref(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
 extern int cmd_tag(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
 extern int cmd_tar_tree(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
diff --git a/builtin/am.c b/builtin/am.c
index 4e396c8..9fb42fd 100644
--- a/builtin/am.c
+++ b/builtin/am.c
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include "notes-utils.h"
 #include "rerere.h"
 #include "prompt.h"
+#include "mailinfo.h"
  * Returns 1 if the file is empty or does not exist, 0 otherwise.
@@ -1258,58 +1259,61 @@
 static int parse_mail(struct am_state *state, const char *mail)
 	FILE *fp;
-	struct child_process cp = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
 	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct strbuf msg = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct strbuf author_name = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct strbuf author_date = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct strbuf author_email = STRBUF_INIT;
 	int ret = 0;
+	struct mailinfo mi;
-	cp.git_cmd = 1;
- = xopen(mail, O_RDONLY, 0);
-	cp.out = xopen(am_path(state, "info"), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0777);
+	setup_mailinfo(&mi);
-	argv_array_push(&cp.args, "mailinfo");
-	argv_array_push(&cp.args, state->utf8 ? "-u" : "-n");
+	if (state->utf8)
+		mi.metainfo_charset = get_commit_output_encoding();
+	else
+		mi.metainfo_charset = NULL;
 	switch (state->keep) {
 	case KEEP_FALSE:
 	case KEEP_TRUE:
-		argv_array_push(&cp.args, "-k");
+		mi.keep_subject = 1;
-		argv_array_push(&cp.args, "-b");
+		mi.keep_non_patch_brackets_in_subject = 1;
 		die("BUG: invalid value for state->keep");
 	if (state->message_id)
-		argv_array_push(&cp.args, "-m");
+		mi.add_message_id = 1;
 	switch (state->scissors) {
-		argv_array_push(&cp.args, "--no-scissors");
+		mi.use_scissors = 0;
-		argv_array_push(&cp.args, "--scissors");
+		mi.use_scissors = 1;
 		die("BUG: invalid value for state->scissors");
-	argv_array_push(&cp.args, am_path(state, "msg"));
-	argv_array_push(&cp.args, am_path(state, "patch"));
-	if (run_command(&cp) < 0)
+	mi.input = fopen(mail, "r");
+	if (!mi.input)
+		die("could not open input");
+	mi.output = fopen(am_path(state, "info"), "w");
+	if (!mi.output)
+		die("could not open output 'info'");
+	if (mailinfo(&mi, am_path(state, "msg"), am_path(state, "patch")))
 		die("could not parse patch");
-	close(;
-	close(cp.out);
+	fclose(mi.input);
+	fclose(mi.output);
 	/* Extract message and author information */
 	fp = xfopen(am_path(state, "info"), "r");
@@ -1341,8 +1345,7 @@
 	strbuf_addstr(&msg, "\n\n");
-	if (strbuf_read_file(&msg, am_path(state, "msg"), 0) < 0)
-		die_errno(_("could not read '%s'"), am_path(state, "msg"));
+	strbuf_addbuf(&msg, &mi.log_message);
 	strbuf_stripspace(&msg, 0);
 	if (state->signoff)
@@ -1366,6 +1369,7 @@
+	clear_mailinfo(&mi);
 	return ret;
@@ -1437,7 +1441,7 @@
 	msg = strstr(buffer, "\n\n");
 	if (!msg)
-		die(_("unable to parse commit %s"), sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+		die(_("unable to parse commit %s"), oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 	state->msg = xstrdup(msg + 2);
 	state->msg_len = strlen(state->msg);
diff --git a/builtin/apply.c b/builtin/apply.c
index 4aa53f7..deb1364 100644
--- a/builtin/apply.c
+++ b/builtin/apply.c
@@ -77,8 +77,7 @@
 static const char *patch_input_file;
-static const char *root;
-static int root_len;
+static struct strbuf root = STRBUF_INIT;
 static int read_stdin = 1;
 static int options;
@@ -494,8 +493,8 @@
 	strbuf_remove(&name, 0, cp - name.buf);
-	if (root)
-		strbuf_insert(&name, 0, root, root_len);
+	if (root.len)
+		strbuf_insert(&name, 0, root.buf, root.len);
 	return squash_slash(strbuf_detach(&name, NULL));
@@ -697,11 +696,8 @@
 			return squash_slash(xstrdup(def));
-	if (root) {
-		char *ret = xmalloc(root_len + len + 1);
-		strcpy(ret, root);
-		memcpy(ret + root_len, start, len);
-		ret[root_len + len] = '\0';
+	if (root.len) {
+		char *ret = xstrfmt("%s%.*s", root.buf, len, start);
 		return squash_slash(ret);
@@ -1277,8 +1273,8 @@
 	 * the default name from the header.
 	patch->def_name = git_header_name(line, len);
-	if (patch->def_name && root) {
-		char *s = xstrfmt("%s%s", root, patch->def_name);
+	if (patch->def_name && root.len) {
+		char *s = xstrfmt("%s%s", root.buf, patch->def_name);
 		patch->def_name = s;
@@ -4501,14 +4497,9 @@
 static int option_parse_directory(const struct option *opt,
 				  const char *arg, int unset)
-	root_len = strlen(arg);
-	if (root_len && arg[root_len - 1] != '/') {
-		char *new_root;
-		root = new_root = xmalloc(root_len + 2);
-		strcpy(new_root, arg);
-		strcpy(new_root + root_len++, "/");
-	} else
-		root = arg;
+	strbuf_reset(&root);
+	strbuf_addstr(&root, arg);
+	strbuf_complete(&root, '/');
 	return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/blame.c b/builtin/blame.c
index 6cac59c..1df13cf 100644
--- a/builtin/blame.c
+++ b/builtin/blame.c
@@ -459,12 +459,13 @@
 static struct origin *make_origin(struct commit *commit, const char *path)
 	struct origin *o;
-	o = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*o) + strlen(path) + 1);
+	size_t pathlen = strlen(path) + 1;
+	o = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*o) + pathlen);
 	o->commit = commit;
 	o->refcnt = 1;
 	o->next = commit->util;
 	commit->util = o;
-	strcpy(o->path, path);
+	memcpy(o->path, path, pathlen); /* includes NUL */
 	return o;
@@ -505,7 +506,7 @@
 	if (!is_null_sha1(origin->blob_sha1))
 		return 0;
-	if (get_tree_entry(origin->commit->object.sha1,
+	if (get_tree_entry(origin->commit->object.oid.hash,
 			   origin->blob_sha1, &origin->mode))
 		goto error_out;
@@ -556,11 +557,11 @@
 		       PATHSPEC_LITERAL_PATH, "", paths);
-	if (is_null_sha1(origin->commit->object.sha1))
-		do_diff_cache(parent->tree->object.sha1, &diff_opts);
+	if (is_null_oid(&origin->commit->object.oid))
+		do_diff_cache(parent->tree->object.oid.hash, &diff_opts);
-		diff_tree_sha1(parent->tree->object.sha1,
-			       origin->commit->tree->object.sha1,
+		diff_tree_sha1(parent->tree->object.oid.hash,
+			       origin->commit->tree->object.oid.hash,
 			       "", &diff_opts);
@@ -626,11 +627,11 @@
 	diff_opts.single_follow = origin->path;
-	if (is_null_sha1(origin->commit->object.sha1))
-		do_diff_cache(parent->tree->object.sha1, &diff_opts);
+	if (is_null_oid(&origin->commit->object.oid))
+		do_diff_cache(parent->tree->object.oid.hash, &diff_opts);
-		diff_tree_sha1(parent->tree->object.sha1,
-			       origin->commit->tree->object.sha1,
+		diff_tree_sha1(parent->tree->object.oid.hash,
+			       origin->commit->tree->object.oid.hash,
 			       "", &diff_opts);
@@ -976,8 +977,8 @@
 	if (diff_hunks(&file_p, &file_o, 0, blame_chunk_cb, &d))
 		die("unable to generate diff (%s -> %s)",
-		    sha1_to_hex(parent->commit->object.sha1),
-		    sha1_to_hex(target->commit->object.sha1));
+		    oid_to_hex(&parent->commit->object.oid),
+		    oid_to_hex(&target->commit->object.oid));
 	/* The rest are the same as the parent */
 	blame_chunk(&d.dstq, &d.srcq, INT_MAX, d.offset, INT_MAX, parent);
 	*d.dstq = NULL;
@@ -1125,7 +1126,7 @@
 	memset(split, 0, sizeof(struct blame_entry [3]));
 	if (diff_hunks(file_p, &file_o, 1, handle_split_cb, &d))
 		die("unable to generate diff (%s)",
-		    sha1_to_hex(parent->commit->object.sha1));
+		    oid_to_hex(&parent->commit->object.oid));
 	/* remainder, if any, all match the preimage */
 	handle_split(sb, ent, d.tlno, d.plno, ent->num_lines, parent, split);
@@ -1274,11 +1275,11 @@
 		&& (!porigin || strcmp(target->path, porigin->path))))
-	if (is_null_sha1(target->commit->object.sha1))
-		do_diff_cache(parent->tree->object.sha1, &diff_opts);
+	if (is_null_oid(&target->commit->object.oid))
+		do_diff_cache(parent->tree->object.oid.hash, &diff_opts);
-		diff_tree_sha1(parent->tree->object.sha1,
-			       target->commit->tree->object.sha1,
+		diff_tree_sha1(parent->tree->object.oid.hash,
+			       target->commit->tree->object.oid.hash,
 			       "", &diff_opts);
 	if (!DIFF_OPT_TST(&diff_opts, FIND_COPIES_HARDER))
@@ -1689,7 +1690,7 @@
 	if (len)
 		strbuf_add(&ret->summary, subject, len);
-		strbuf_addf(&ret->summary, "(%s)", sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+		strbuf_addf(&ret->summary, "(%s)", oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 	unuse_commit_buffer(commit, message);
@@ -1732,7 +1733,7 @@
 	if (suspect->previous) {
 		struct origin *prev = suspect->previous;
-		printf("previous %s ", sha1_to_hex(prev->commit->object.sha1));
+		printf("previous %s ", oid_to_hex(&prev->commit->object.oid));
 		write_name_quoted(prev->path, stdout, '\n');
@@ -1751,7 +1752,7 @@
 		struct origin *suspect = ent->suspect;
 		printf("%s %d %d %d\n",
-		       sha1_to_hex(suspect->commit->object.sha1),
+		       oid_to_hex(&suspect->commit->object.oid),
 		       ent->s_lno + 1, ent->lno + 1, ent->num_lines);
 		emit_one_suspect_detail(suspect, 0);
@@ -1879,9 +1880,9 @@
 	int cnt;
 	const char *cp;
 	struct origin *suspect = ent->suspect;
-	char hex[41];
+	char hex[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1];
-	strcpy(hex, sha1_to_hex(suspect->commit->object.sha1));
+	sha1_to_hex_r(hex, suspect->commit->object.oid.hash);
 	printf("%s %d %d %d\n",
 	       ent->s_lno + 1,
@@ -1917,11 +1918,11 @@
 	const char *cp;
 	struct origin *suspect = ent->suspect;
 	struct commit_info ci;
-	char hex[41];
+	char hex[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1];
 	int show_raw_time = !!(opt & OUTPUT_RAW_TIMESTAMP);
 	get_commit_info(suspect->commit, &ci, 1);
-	strcpy(hex, sha1_to_hex(suspect->commit->object.sha1));
+	sha1_to_hex_r(hex, suspect->commit->object.oid.hash);
 	cp = nth_line(sb, ent->lno);
 	for (cnt = 0; cnt < ent->num_lines; cnt++) {
@@ -2076,7 +2077,7 @@
 static int update_auto_abbrev(int auto_abbrev, struct origin *suspect)
-	const char *uniq = find_unique_abbrev(suspect->commit->object.sha1,
+	const char *uniq = find_unique_abbrev(suspect->commit->object.oid.hash,
 	int len = strlen(uniq);
 	if (auto_abbrev < len)
@@ -2152,7 +2153,7 @@
 		if (ent->suspect->refcnt <= 0) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "%s in %s has negative refcnt %d\n",
-				sha1_to_hex(ent->suspect->commit->object.sha1),
+				oid_to_hex(&ent->suspect->commit->object.oid),
 			baa = 1;
@@ -2215,7 +2216,7 @@
 	struct commit_list *parents;
 	for (parents = work_tree->parents; parents; parents = parents->next) {
-		const unsigned char *commit_sha1 = parents->item->object.sha1;
+		const unsigned char *commit_sha1 = parents->item->object.oid.hash;
 		unsigned char blob_sha1[20];
 		unsigned mode;
@@ -2309,7 +2310,7 @@
 	strbuf_addstr(&msg, "tree 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n");
 	for (parent = commit->parents; parent; parent = parent->next)
 		strbuf_addf(&msg, "parent %s\n",
-			    sha1_to_hex(parent->item->object.sha1));
+			    oid_to_hex(&parent->item->object.oid));
 		    "author %s\n"
 		    "committer %s\n\n"
@@ -2401,16 +2402,13 @@
 	return commit;
-static char *prepare_final(struct scoreboard *sb)
+static struct commit *find_single_final(struct rev_info *revs,
+					const char **name_p)
 	int i;
-	const char *final_commit_name = NULL;
-	struct rev_info *revs = sb->revs;
+	struct commit *found = NULL;
+	const char *name = NULL;
-	/*
-	 * There must be one and only one positive commit in the
-	 * revs->pending array.
-	 */
 	for (i = 0; i < revs->; i++) {
 		struct object *obj = revs->pending.objects[i].item;
 		if (obj->flags & UNINTERESTING)
@@ -2419,14 +2417,22 @@
 			obj = deref_tag(obj, NULL, 0);
 		if (obj->type != OBJ_COMMIT)
 			die("Non commit %s?", revs->pending.objects[i].name);
-		if (sb->final)
+		if (found)
 			die("More than one commit to dig from %s and %s?",
-			    revs->pending.objects[i].name,
-			    final_commit_name);
-		sb->final = (struct commit *) obj;
-		final_commit_name = revs->pending.objects[i].name;
+			    revs->pending.objects[i].name, name);
+		found = (struct commit *)obj;
+		name = revs->pending.objects[i].name;
-	return xstrdup_or_null(final_commit_name);
+	if (name_p)
+		*name_p = name;
+	return found;
+static char *prepare_final(struct scoreboard *sb)
+	const char *name;
+	sb->final = find_single_final(sb->revs, &name);
+	return xstrdup_or_null(name);
 static char *prepare_initial(struct scoreboard *sb)
@@ -2502,6 +2508,7 @@
 	long dashdash_pos, lno;
 	char *final_commit_name = NULL;
 	enum object_type type;
+	struct commit *final_commit = NULL;
 	static struct string_list range_list;
 	static int output_option = 0, opt = 0;
@@ -2612,7 +2619,6 @@
 		   fewer display columns. */
 		blame_date_width = utf8_strwidth(_("4 years, 11 months ago")) + 1; /* add the null */
-	case DATE_LOCAL:
 		blame_date_width = sizeof("Thu Oct 19 16:00:04 2006 -0700");
@@ -2692,11 +2698,11 @@
 	else if (contents_from)
 		die("--contents and --reverse do not blend well.");
-	else if (revs.first_parent_only)
-		die("combining --first-parent and --reverse is not supported");
 	else {
 		final_commit_name = prepare_initial(&sb); = compare_commits_by_reverse_commit_date;
+		if (revs.first_parent_only)
+ = NULL;
 	if (! {
@@ -2713,6 +2719,12 @@
 	else if (contents_from)
 		die("Cannot use --contents with final commit object name");
+	if (reverse && revs.first_parent_only) {
+		final_commit = find_single_final(sb.revs, NULL);
+		if (!final_commit)
+			die("--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit");
+	}
 	 * If we have bottom, this will mark the ancestors of the
 	 * bottom commits we would reach while traversing as
@@ -2721,7 +2733,26 @@
 	if (prepare_revision_walk(&revs))
 		die(_("revision walk setup failed"));
-	if (is_null_sha1(>object.sha1)) {
+	if (reverse && revs.first_parent_only) {
+		struct commit *c = final_commit;
+		sb.revs-> = "children";
+		while (c->parents &&
+		       oidcmp(&c->object.oid, &>object.oid)) {
+			struct commit_list *l = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*l));
+			l->item = c;
+			if (add_decoration(&sb.revs->children,
+					   &c->parents->item->object, l))
+				die("BUG: not unique item in first-parent chain");
+			c = c->parents->item;
+		}
+		if (oidcmp(&c->object.oid, &>object.oid))
+			die("--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain");
+	}
+	if (is_null_oid(&>object.oid)) {
 		o =>util;
 		sb.final_buf = xmemdupz(o->file.ptr, o->file.size);
 		sb.final_buf_size = o->file.size;
diff --git a/builtin/branch.c b/builtin/branch.c
index baaa44c..3f6c825 100644
--- a/builtin/branch.c
+++ b/builtin/branch.c
@@ -19,18 +19,17 @@
 #include "column.h"
 #include "utf8.h"
 #include "wt-status.h"
+#include "ref-filter.h"
 static const char * const builtin_branch_usage[] = {
 	N_("git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--merged | --no-merged]"),
 	N_("git branch [<options>] [-l] [-f] <branch-name> [<start-point>]"),
 	N_("git branch [<options>] [-r] (-d | -D) <branch-name>..."),
 	N_("git branch [<options>] (-m | -M) [<old-branch>] <new-branch>"),
+	N_("git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--points-at]"),
-#define REF_LOCAL_BRANCH    0x01
-#define REF_REMOTE_BRANCH   0x02
 static const char *head;
 static unsigned char head_sha1[20];
@@ -52,13 +51,6 @@
-static enum merge_filter {
-	NO_FILTER = 0,
-} merge_filter;
-static unsigned char merge_filter_ref[20];
 static struct string_list output = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
 static unsigned int colopts;
@@ -121,7 +113,7 @@
 	void *reference_name_to_free = NULL;
 	int merged;
-	if (kind == REF_LOCAL_BRANCH) {
+	if (kind == FILTER_REFS_BRANCHES) {
 		struct branch *branch = branch_get(name);
 		const char *upstream = branch_get_upstream(branch, NULL);
 		unsigned char sha1[20];
@@ -199,14 +191,14 @@
 	struct strbuf bname = STRBUF_INIT;
 	switch (kinds) {
 		fmt = "refs/remotes/%s";
 		/* For subsequent UI messages */
 		remote_branch = 1;
 		force = 1;
 		fmt = "refs/heads/%s";
@@ -223,7 +215,7 @@
 		int flags = 0;
 		strbuf_branchname(&bname, argv[i]);
-		if (kinds == REF_LOCAL_BRANCH && !strcmp(head, bname.buf)) {
+		if (kinds == FILTER_REFS_BRANCHES && !strcmp(head, bname.buf)) {
 			error(_("Cannot delete the branch '%s' "
 			      "which you are currently on."), bname.buf);
 			ret = 1;
@@ -279,147 +271,6 @@
-struct ref_item {
-	char *name;
-	char *dest;
-	unsigned int kind, width;
-	struct commit *commit;
-	int ignore;
-struct ref_list {
-	struct rev_info revs;
-	int index, alloc, maxwidth, verbose, abbrev;
-	struct ref_item *list;
-	struct commit_list *with_commit;
-	int kinds;
-static char *resolve_symref(const char *src, const char *prefix)
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
-	int flag;
-	const char *dst;
-	dst = resolve_ref_unsafe(src, 0, sha1, &flag);
-	if (!(dst && (flag & REF_ISSYMREF)))
-		return NULL;
-	if (prefix)
-		skip_prefix(dst, prefix, &dst);
-	return xstrdup(dst);
-struct append_ref_cb {
-	struct ref_list *ref_list;
-	const char **pattern;
-	int ret;
-static int match_patterns(const char **pattern, const char *refname)
-	if (!*pattern)
-		return 1; /* no pattern always matches */
-	while (*pattern) {
-		if (!wildmatch(*pattern, refname, 0, NULL))
-			return 1;
-		pattern++;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int append_ref(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid, int flags, void *cb_data)
-	struct append_ref_cb *cb = (struct append_ref_cb *)(cb_data);
-	struct ref_list *ref_list = cb->ref_list;
-	struct ref_item *newitem;
-	struct commit *commit;
-	int kind, i;
-	const char *prefix, *orig_refname = refname;
-	static struct {
-		int kind;
-		const char *prefix;
-	} ref_kind[] = {
-		{ REF_LOCAL_BRANCH, "refs/heads/" },
-		{ REF_REMOTE_BRANCH, "refs/remotes/" },
-	};
-	/* Detect kind */
-	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ref_kind); i++) {
-		prefix = ref_kind[i].prefix;
-		if (skip_prefix(refname, prefix, &refname)) {
-			kind = ref_kind[i].kind;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (ARRAY_SIZE(ref_kind) <= i)
-		return 0;
-	/* Don't add types the caller doesn't want */
-	if ((kind & ref_list->kinds) == 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (!match_patterns(cb->pattern, refname))
-		return 0;
-	commit = NULL;
-	if (ref_list->verbose || ref_list->with_commit || merge_filter != NO_FILTER) {
-		commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(oid->hash, 1);
-		if (!commit) {
-			cb->ret = error(_("branch '%s' does not point at a commit"), refname);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		/* Filter with with_commit if specified */
-		if (!is_descendant_of(commit, ref_list->with_commit))
-			return 0;
-		if (merge_filter != NO_FILTER)
-			add_pending_object(&ref_list->revs,
-					   (struct object *)commit, refname);
-	}
-	ALLOC_GROW(ref_list->list, ref_list->index + 1, ref_list->alloc);
-	/* Record the new item */
-	newitem = &(ref_list->list[ref_list->index++]);
-	newitem->name = xstrdup(refname);
-	newitem->kind = kind;
-	newitem->commit = commit;
-	newitem->width = utf8_strwidth(refname);
-	newitem->dest = resolve_symref(orig_refname, prefix);
-	newitem->ignore = 0;
-	/* adjust for "remotes/" */
-	if (newitem->kind == REF_REMOTE_BRANCH &&
-	    ref_list->kinds != REF_REMOTE_BRANCH)
-		newitem->width += 8;
-	if (newitem->width > ref_list->maxwidth)
-		ref_list->maxwidth = newitem->width;
-	return 0;
-static void free_ref_list(struct ref_list *ref_list)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < ref_list->index; i++) {
-		free(ref_list->list[i].name);
-		free(ref_list->list[i].dest);
-	}
-	free(ref_list->list);
-static int ref_cmp(const void *r1, const void *r2)
-	struct ref_item *c1 = (struct ref_item *)(r1);
-	struct ref_item *c2 = (struct ref_item *)(r2);
-	if (c1->kind != c2->kind)
-		return c1->kind - c2->kind;
-	return strcmp(c1->name, c2->name);
 static void fill_tracking_info(struct strbuf *stat, const char *branch_name,
 		int show_upstream_ref)
@@ -482,8 +333,8 @@
-static void add_verbose_info(struct strbuf *out, struct ref_item *item,
-			     int verbose, int abbrev)
+static void add_verbose_info(struct strbuf *out, struct ref_array_item *item,
+			     struct ref_filter *filter, const char *refname)
 	struct strbuf subject = STRBUF_INIT, stat = STRBUF_INIT;
 	const char *sub = _(" **** invalid ref ****");
@@ -494,81 +345,16 @@
 		sub = subject.buf;
-	if (item->kind == REF_LOCAL_BRANCH)
-		fill_tracking_info(&stat, item->name, verbose > 1);
+	if (item->kind == FILTER_REFS_BRANCHES)
+		fill_tracking_info(&stat, refname, filter->verbose > 1);
 	strbuf_addf(out, " %s %s%s",
-		find_unique_abbrev(item->commit->object.sha1, abbrev),
+		find_unique_abbrev(item->commit->object.oid.hash, filter->abbrev),
 		stat.buf, sub);
-static void print_ref_item(struct ref_item *item, int maxwidth, int verbose,
-			   int abbrev, int current, char *prefix)
-	char c;
-	int color;
-	struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT, name = STRBUF_INIT;
-	if (item->ignore)
-		return;
-	switch (item->kind) {
-		break;
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	c = ' ';
-	if (current) {
-		c = '*';
-	}
-	strbuf_addf(&name, "%s%s", prefix, item->name);
-	if (verbose) {
-		int utf8_compensation = strlen(name.buf) - utf8_strwidth(name.buf);
-		strbuf_addf(&out, "%c %s%-*s%s", c, branch_get_color(color),
-			    maxwidth + utf8_compensation, name.buf,
-			    branch_get_color(BRANCH_COLOR_RESET));
-	} else
-		strbuf_addf(&out, "%c %s%s%s", c, branch_get_color(color),
-			    name.buf, branch_get_color(BRANCH_COLOR_RESET));
-	if (item->dest)
-		strbuf_addf(&out, " -> %s", item->dest);
-	else if (verbose)
-		/* " f7c0c00 [ahead 58, behind 197] vcs-svn: drop obj_pool.h" */
-		add_verbose_info(&out, item, verbose, abbrev);
-	if (column_active(colopts)) {
-		assert(!verbose && "--column and --verbose are incompatible");
-		string_list_append(&output, out.buf);
-	} else {
-		printf("%s\n", out.buf);
-	}
-	strbuf_release(&name);
-	strbuf_release(&out);
-static int calc_maxwidth(struct ref_list *refs)
-	int i, w = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < refs->index; i++) {
-		if (refs->list[i].ignore)
-			continue;
-		if (refs->list[i].width > w)
-			w = refs->list[i].width;
-	}
-	return w;
 static char *get_head_description(void)
 	struct strbuf desc = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -600,97 +386,131 @@
 	return strbuf_detach(&desc, NULL);
-static void show_detached(struct ref_list *ref_list)
+static void format_and_print_ref_item(struct ref_array_item *item, int maxwidth,
+				      struct ref_filter *filter, const char *remote_prefix)
-	struct commit *head_commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(head_sha1, 1);
+	char c;
+	int current = 0;
+	int color;
+	struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT, name = STRBUF_INIT;
+	const char *prefix = "";
+	const char *desc = item->refname;
+	char *to_free = NULL;
-	if (head_commit && is_descendant_of(head_commit, ref_list->with_commit)) {
-		struct ref_item item;
- = get_head_description();
-		item.width = utf8_strwidth(;
-		item.kind = REF_LOCAL_BRANCH;
-		item.dest = NULL;
-		item.commit = head_commit;
-		item.ignore = 0;
-		if (item.width > ref_list->maxwidth)
-			ref_list->maxwidth = item.width;
-		print_ref_item(&item, ref_list->maxwidth, ref_list->verbose, ref_list->abbrev, 1, "");
-		free(;
+	switch (item->kind) {
+		skip_prefix(desc, "refs/heads/", &desc);
+		if (!filter->detached && !strcmp(desc, head))
+			current = 1;
+		else
+		break;
+		skip_prefix(desc, "refs/remotes/", &desc);
+		prefix = remote_prefix;
+		break;
+		desc = to_free = get_head_description();
+		current = 1;
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	c = ' ';
+	if (current) {
+		c = '*';
+	}
+	strbuf_addf(&name, "%s%s", prefix, desc);
+	if (filter->verbose) {
+		int utf8_compensation = strlen(name.buf) - utf8_strwidth(name.buf);
+		strbuf_addf(&out, "%c %s%-*s%s", c, branch_get_color(color),
+			    maxwidth + utf8_compensation, name.buf,
+			    branch_get_color(BRANCH_COLOR_RESET));
+	} else
+		strbuf_addf(&out, "%c %s%s%s", c, branch_get_color(color),
+			    name.buf, branch_get_color(BRANCH_COLOR_RESET));
+	if (item->symref) {
+		skip_prefix(item->symref, "refs/remotes/", &desc);
+		strbuf_addf(&out, " -> %s", desc);
+	}
+	else if (filter->verbose)
+		/* " f7c0c00 [ahead 58, behind 197] vcs-svn: drop obj_pool.h" */
+		add_verbose_info(&out, item, filter, desc);
+	if (column_active(colopts)) {
+		assert(!filter->verbose && "--column and --verbose are incompatible");
+		string_list_append(&output, out.buf);
+	} else {
+		printf("%s\n", out.buf);
+	}
+	strbuf_release(&name);
+	strbuf_release(&out);
+	free(to_free);
-static int print_ref_list(int kinds, int detached, int verbose, int abbrev, struct commit_list *with_commit, const char **pattern)
+static int calc_maxwidth(struct ref_array *refs, int remote_bonus)
+	int i, max = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < refs->nr; i++) {
+		struct ref_array_item *it = refs->items[i];
+		const char *desc = it->refname;
+		int w;
+		skip_prefix(it->refname, "refs/heads/", &desc);
+		skip_prefix(it->refname, "refs/remotes/", &desc);
+		w = utf8_strwidth(desc);
+		if (it->kind == FILTER_REFS_REMOTES)
+			w += remote_bonus;
+		if (w > max)
+			max = w;
+	}
+	return max;
+static void print_ref_list(struct ref_filter *filter, struct ref_sorting *sorting)
 	int i;
-	struct append_ref_cb cb;
-	struct ref_list ref_list;
+	struct ref_array array;
+	int maxwidth = 0;
+	const char *remote_prefix = "";
-	memset(&ref_list, 0, sizeof(ref_list));
-	ref_list.kinds = kinds;
-	ref_list.verbose = verbose;
-	ref_list.abbrev = abbrev;
-	ref_list.with_commit = with_commit;
-	if (merge_filter != NO_FILTER)
-		init_revisions(&ref_list.revs, NULL);
-	cb.ref_list = &ref_list;
-	cb.pattern = pattern;
-	cb.ret = 0;
-	for_each_rawref(append_ref, &cb);
-	if (merge_filter != NO_FILTER) {
-		struct commit *filter;
-		filter = lookup_commit_reference_gently(merge_filter_ref, 0);
-		if (!filter)
-			die(_("object '%s' does not point to a commit"),
-			    sha1_to_hex(merge_filter_ref));
+	/*
+	 * If we are listing more than just remote branches,
+	 * then remote branches will have a "remotes/" prefix.
+	 * We need to account for this in the width.
+	 */
+	if (filter->kind != FILTER_REFS_REMOTES)
+		remote_prefix = "remotes/";
-		filter->object.flags |= UNINTERESTING;
-		add_pending_object(&ref_list.revs,
-				   (struct object *) filter, "");
- = 1;
+	memset(&array, 0, sizeof(array));
-		if (prepare_revision_walk(&ref_list.revs))
-			die(_("revision walk setup failed"));
+	verify_ref_format("%(refname)%(symref)");
+	filter_refs(&array, filter, filter->kind | FILTER_REFS_INCLUDE_BROKEN);
-		for (i = 0; i < ref_list.index; i++) {
-			struct ref_item *item = &ref_list.list[i];
-			struct commit *commit = item->commit;
-			int is_merged = !!(commit->object.flags & UNINTERESTING);
-			item->ignore = is_merged != (merge_filter == SHOW_MERGED);
-		}
+	if (filter->verbose)
+		maxwidth = calc_maxwidth(&array, strlen(remote_prefix));
-		for (i = 0; i < ref_list.index; i++) {
-			struct ref_item *item = &ref_list.list[i];
-			clear_commit_marks(item->commit, ALL_REV_FLAGS);
-		}
-		clear_commit_marks(filter, ALL_REV_FLAGS);
+	/*
+	 * If no sorting parameter is given then we default to sorting
+	 * by 'refname'. This would give us an alphabetically sorted
+	 * array with the 'HEAD' ref at the beginning followed by
+	 * local branches 'refs/heads/...' and finally remote-tacking
+	 * branches 'refs/remotes/...'.
+	 */
+	if (!sorting)
+		sorting = ref_default_sorting();
+	ref_array_sort(sorting, &array);
-		if (verbose)
-			ref_list.maxwidth = calc_maxwidth(&ref_list);
-	}
+	for (i = 0; i <; i++)
+		format_and_print_ref_item(array.items[i], maxwidth, filter, remote_prefix);
-	qsort(ref_list.list, ref_list.index, sizeof(struct ref_item), ref_cmp);
-	detached = (detached && (kinds & REF_LOCAL_BRANCH));
-	if (detached && match_patterns(pattern, "HEAD"))
-		show_detached(&ref_list);
-	for (i = 0; i < ref_list.index; i++) {
-		int current = !detached &&
-			(ref_list.list[i].kind == REF_LOCAL_BRANCH) &&
-			!strcmp(ref_list.list[i].name, head);
-		char *prefix = (kinds != REF_REMOTE_BRANCH &&
-				ref_list.list[i].kind == REF_REMOTE_BRANCH)
-				? "remotes/" : "";
-		print_ref_item(&ref_list.list[i], ref_list.maxwidth, verbose,
-			       abbrev, current, prefix);
-	}
-	free_ref_list(&ref_list);
-	if (cb.ret)
-		error(_("some refs could not be read"));
-	return cb.ret;
+	ref_array_clear(&array);
 static void rename_branch(const char *oldname, const char *newname, int force)
@@ -746,20 +566,6 @@
-static int opt_parse_merge_filter(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
-	merge_filter = ((opt->long_name[0] == 'n')
-	if (unset)
-		merge_filter = SHOW_NOT_MERGED; /* b/c for --no-merged */
-	if (!arg)
-		arg = "HEAD";
-	if (get_sha1(arg, merge_filter_ref))
-		die(_("malformed object name %s"), arg);
-	return 0;
 static const char edit_description[] = "BRANCH_DESCRIPTION";
 static int edit_branch_description(const char *branch_name)
@@ -799,17 +605,16 @@
 int cmd_branch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
 	int delete = 0, rename = 0, force = 0, list = 0;
-	int verbose = 0, abbrev = -1, detached = 0;
 	int reflog = 0, edit_description = 0;
 	int quiet = 0, unset_upstream = 0;
 	const char *new_upstream = NULL;
 	enum branch_track track;
-	int kinds = REF_LOCAL_BRANCH;
-	struct commit_list *with_commit = NULL;
+	struct ref_filter filter;
+	static struct ref_sorting *sorting = NULL, **sorting_tail = &sorting;
 	struct option options[] = {
 		OPT_GROUP(N_("Generic options")),
-		OPT__VERBOSE(&verbose,
+		OPT__VERBOSE(&filter.verbose,
 			N_("show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch")),
 		OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("suppress informational messages")),
 		OPT_SET_INT('t', "track",  &track, N_("set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"),
@@ -819,25 +624,15 @@
 		OPT_STRING('u', "set-upstream-to", &new_upstream, "upstream", "change the upstream info"),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "unset-upstream", &unset_upstream, "Unset the upstream info"),
 		OPT__COLOR(&branch_use_color, N_("use colored output")),
-		OPT_SET_INT('r', "remotes",     &kinds, N_("act on remote-tracking branches"),
-		{
-			OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "contains", &with_commit, N_("commit"),
-			N_("print only branches that contain the commit"),
-			parse_opt_with_commit, (intptr_t)"HEAD",
-		},
-		{
-			OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "with", &with_commit, N_("commit"),
-			N_("print only branches that contain the commit"),
-			parse_opt_with_commit, (intptr_t) "HEAD",
-		},
-		OPT__ABBREV(&abbrev),
+		OPT_SET_INT('r', "remotes",     &filter.kind, N_("act on remote-tracking branches"),
+		OPT_CONTAINS(&filter.with_commit, N_("print only branches that contain the commit")),
+		OPT_WITH(&filter.with_commit, N_("print only branches that contain the commit")),
+		OPT__ABBREV(&filter.abbrev),
 		OPT_GROUP(N_("Specific git-branch actions:")),
-		OPT_SET_INT('a', "all", &kinds, N_("list both remote-tracking and local branches"),
+		OPT_SET_INT('a', "all", &filter.kind, N_("list both remote-tracking and local branches"),
 		OPT_BIT('d', "delete", &delete, N_("delete fully merged branch"), 1),
 		OPT_BIT('D', NULL, &delete, N_("delete branch (even if not merged)"), 2),
 		OPT_BIT('m', "move", &rename, N_("move/rename a branch and its reflog"), 1),
@@ -847,22 +642,22 @@
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "edit-description", &edit_description,
 			 N_("edit the description for the branch")),
 		OPT__FORCE(&force, N_("force creation, move/rename, deletion")),
-		{
-			OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "no-merged", &merge_filter_ref,
-			N_("commit"), N_("print only not merged branches"),
-			opt_parse_merge_filter, (intptr_t) "HEAD",
-		},
-		{
-			OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "merged", &merge_filter_ref,
-			N_("commit"), N_("print only merged branches"),
-			opt_parse_merge_filter, (intptr_t) "HEAD",
-		},
+		OPT_MERGED(&filter, N_("print only branches that are merged")),
+		OPT_NO_MERGED(&filter, N_("print only branches that are not merged")),
 		OPT_COLUMN(0, "column", &colopts, N_("list branches in columns")),
+		OPT_CALLBACK(0 , "sort", sorting_tail, N_("key"),
+			     N_("field name to sort on"), &parse_opt_ref_sorting),
+		{
+			OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "points-at", &filter.points_at, N_("object"),
+			N_("print only branches of the object"), 0, parse_opt_object_name
+		},
+	memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(filter));
+	filter.kind = FILTER_REFS_BRANCHES;
+	filter.abbrev = -1;
 	if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-h"))
 		usage_with_options(builtin_branch_usage, options);
@@ -874,11 +669,9 @@
 	if (!head)
 		die(_("Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref."));
 	if (!strcmp(head, "HEAD"))
-		detached = 1;
+		filter.detached = 1;
 	else if (!skip_prefix(head, "refs/heads/", &head))
 		die(_("HEAD not found below refs/heads!"));
-	hashcpy(merge_filter_ref, head_sha1);
 	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, options, builtin_branch_usage,
@@ -886,17 +679,17 @@
 	if (!delete && !rename && !edit_description && !new_upstream && !unset_upstream && argc == 0)
 		list = 1;
-	if (with_commit || merge_filter != NO_FILTER)
+	if (filter.with_commit || filter.merge != REF_FILTER_MERGED_NONE ||
 		list = 1;
 	if (!!delete + !!rename + !!new_upstream +
 	    list + unset_upstream > 1)
 		usage_with_options(builtin_branch_usage, options);
-	if (abbrev == -1)
-		abbrev = DEFAULT_ABBREV;
+	if (filter.abbrev == -1)
+		filter.abbrev = DEFAULT_ABBREV;
 	finalize_colopts(&colopts, -1);
-	if (verbose) {
+	if (filter.verbose) {
 		if (explicitly_enable_column(colopts))
 			die(_("--column and --verbose are incompatible"));
 		colopts = 0;
@@ -910,20 +703,23 @@
 	if (delete) {
 		if (!argc)
 			die(_("branch name required"));
-		return delete_branches(argc, argv, delete > 1, kinds, quiet);
+		return delete_branches(argc, argv, delete > 1, filter.kind, quiet);
 	} else if (list) {
-		int ret = print_ref_list(kinds, detached, verbose, abbrev,
-					 with_commit, argv);
+		/*  git branch --local also shows HEAD when it is detached */
+		if ((filter.kind & FILTER_REFS_BRANCHES) && filter.detached)
+			filter.kind |= FILTER_REFS_DETACHED_HEAD;
+		filter.name_patterns = argv;
+		print_ref_list(&filter, sorting);
 		print_columns(&output, colopts, NULL);
 		string_list_clear(&output, 0);
-		return ret;
+		return 0;
 	else if (edit_description) {
 		const char *branch_name;
 		struct strbuf branch_ref = STRBUF_INIT;
 		if (!argc) {
-			if (detached)
+			if (filter.detached)
 				die(_("Cannot give description to detached HEAD"));
 			branch_name = head;
 		} else if (argc == 1)
@@ -1011,7 +807,7 @@
 		if (!branch)
 			die(_("no such branch '%s'"), argv[0]);
-		if (kinds != REF_LOCAL_BRANCH)
+		if (filter.kind != FILTER_REFS_BRANCHES)
 			die(_("-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"));
 		if (track == BRANCH_TRACK_OVERRIDE)
diff --git a/builtin/checkout.c b/builtin/checkout.c
index bc703c0..e8110a9 100644
--- a/builtin/checkout.c
+++ b/builtin/checkout.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 	int overwrite_ignore;
 	int ignore_skipworktree;
 	int ignore_other_worktrees;
+	int show_progress;
 	const char *new_branch;
 	const char *new_branch_force;
@@ -55,8 +56,8 @@
 			      int changed)
 	return run_hook_le(NULL, "post-checkout",
-			   sha1_to_hex(old ? old->object.sha1 : null_sha1),
-			   sha1_to_hex(new ? new->object.sha1 : null_sha1),
+			   sha1_to_hex(old ? old->object.oid.hash : null_sha1),
+			   sha1_to_hex(new ? new->object.oid.hash : null_sha1),
 			   changed ? "1" : "0", NULL);
 	/* "new" can be NULL when checking out from the index before
 	   a commit exists. */
@@ -400,7 +401,7 @@
 	if (!parse_commit(commit))
 		pp_commit_easy(CMIT_FMT_ONELINE, commit, &sb);
 	fprintf(stderr, "%s %s... %s\n", msg,
-		find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV), sb.buf);
+		find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV), sb.buf);
@@ -417,7 +418,7 @@
 	opts.reset = 1;
 	opts.merge = 1;
 	opts.fn = oneway_merge;
-	opts.verbose_update = !o->quiet && isatty(2);
+	opts.verbose_update = o->show_progress;
 	opts.src_index = &the_index;
 	opts.dst_index = &the_index;
@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@
 		topts.update = 1;
 		topts.merge = 1;
 		topts.gently = opts->merge && old->commit;
-		topts.verbose_update = !opts->quiet && isatty(2);
+		topts.verbose_update = opts->show_progress;
 		topts.fn = twoway_merge;
 		if (opts->overwrite_ignore) {
 			topts.dir = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*topts.dir));
@@ -509,10 +510,10 @@
 		tree = parse_tree_indirect(old->commit ?
-					   old->commit->object.sha1 :
+					   old->commit->object.oid.hash :
 		init_tree_desc(&trees[0], tree->buffer, tree->size);
-		tree = parse_tree_indirect(new->commit->object.sha1);
+		tree = parse_tree_indirect(new->commit->object.oid.hash);
 		init_tree_desc(&trees[1], tree->buffer, tree->size);
 		ret = unpack_trees(2, trees, &topts);
@@ -640,7 +641,7 @@
 	old_desc = old->name;
 	if (!old_desc && old->commit)
-		old_desc = sha1_to_hex(old->commit->object.sha1);
+		old_desc = oid_to_hex(&old->commit->object.oid);
 	reflog_msg = getenv("GIT_REFLOG_ACTION");
 	if (!reflog_msg)
@@ -652,7 +653,7 @@
 	if (!strcmp(new->name, "HEAD") && !new->path && !opts->force_detach) {
 		/* Nothing to do. */
 	} else if (opts->force_detach || !new->path) {	/* No longer on any branch. */
-		update_ref(msg.buf, "HEAD", new->commit->object.sha1, NULL,
+		update_ref(msg.buf, "HEAD", new->commit->object.oid.hash, NULL,
 		if (!opts->quiet) {
 			if (old->path && advice_detached_head)
@@ -703,7 +704,7 @@
 	strbuf_addstr(sb, "  ");
-		find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+		find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
 	strbuf_addch(sb, ' ');
 	if (!parse_commit(commit))
 		pp_commit_easy(CMIT_FMT_ONELINE, commit, sb);
@@ -761,7 +762,7 @@
 			" git branch <new-branch-name> %s\n\n",
 			/* Give ngettext() the count */
-			find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+			find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
@@ -779,10 +780,10 @@
 	setup_revisions(0, NULL, &revs, NULL);
 	object->flags &= ~UNINTERESTING;
-	add_pending_object(&revs, object, sha1_to_hex(object->sha1));
+	add_pending_object(&revs, object, oid_to_hex(&object->oid));
 	for_each_ref(add_pending_uninteresting_ref, &revs);
-	add_pending_sha1(&revs, "HEAD", new->object.sha1, UNINTERESTING);
+	add_pending_sha1(&revs, "HEAD", new->object.oid.hash, UNINTERESTING);
 	refs = revs.pending;
 	revs.leak_pending = 1;
@@ -1156,6 +1157,7 @@
 				N_("second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "ignore-other-worktrees", &opts.ignore_other_worktrees,
 			 N_("do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "progress", &opts.show_progress, N_("force progress reporting")),
@@ -1163,6 +1165,7 @@
 	memset(&new, 0, sizeof(new));
 	opts.overwrite_ignore = 1;
 	opts.prefix = prefix;
+	opts.show_progress = -1;
 	git_config(git_checkout_config, &opts);
@@ -1172,6 +1175,13 @@
 	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, options, checkout_usage,
+	if (opts.show_progress < 0) {
+		if (opts.quiet)
+			opts.show_progress = 0;
+		else
+			opts.show_progress = isatty(2);
+	}
 	if (conflict_style) {
 		opts.merge = 1; /* implied */
 		git_xmerge_config("merge.conflictstyle", conflict_style, NULL);
diff --git a/builtin/clean.c b/builtin/clean.c
index df53def..d7acb94 100644
--- a/builtin/clean.c
+++ b/builtin/clean.c
@@ -159,8 +159,7 @@
 	int gitfile_error;
 	size_t orig_path_len = path->len;
 	assert(orig_path_len != 0);
-	if (path->buf[orig_path_len - 1] != '/')
-		strbuf_addch(path, '/');
+	strbuf_complete(path, '/');
 	strbuf_addstr(path, ".git");
 	if (read_gitfile_gently(path->buf, &gitfile_error) || is_git_directory(path->buf))
 		ret = 1;
@@ -206,8 +205,7 @@
 		return res;
-	if (path->buf[original_len - 1] != '/')
-		strbuf_addch(path, '/');
+	strbuf_complete(path, '/');
 	len = path->len;
 	while ((e = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
diff --git a/builtin/clone.c b/builtin/clone.c
index 9eaecd9..a0b3cd9 100644
--- a/builtin/clone.c
+++ b/builtin/clone.c
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@
 	for (r = local_refs; r; r = r->next) {
 		if (!r->peer_ref)
-		if (ref_transaction_create(t, r->peer_ref->name, r->old_sha1,
+		if (ref_transaction_create(t, r->peer_ref->name, r->old_oid.hash,
 					   0, NULL, &err))
 			die("%s", err.buf);
@@ -579,9 +579,9 @@
 		if (ends_with(ref->name, "^{}"))
-		if (!has_sha1_file(ref->old_sha1))
+		if (!has_object_file(&ref->old_oid))
-		update_ref(msg, ref->name, ref->old_sha1,
+		update_ref(msg, ref->name, ref->old_oid.hash,
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
 	if (!ref)
 		return -1;
-	hashcpy(sha1, ref->old_sha1);
+	hashcpy(sha1, ref->old_oid.hash);
 	*rm = ref->next;
 	return 0;
@@ -650,14 +650,14 @@
 		/* Local default branch link */
 		create_symref("HEAD", our->name, NULL);
 		if (!option_bare) {
-			update_ref(msg, "HEAD", our->old_sha1, NULL, 0,
+			update_ref(msg, "HEAD", our->old_oid.hash, NULL, 0,
 			install_branch_config(0, head, option_origin, our->name);
 	} else if (our) {
-		struct commit *c = lookup_commit_reference(our->old_sha1);
+		struct commit *c = lookup_commit_reference(our->old_oid.hash);
 		/* --branch specifies a non-branch (i.e. tags), detach HEAD */
-		update_ref(msg, "HEAD", c->object.sha1,
+		update_ref(msg, "HEAD", c->object.oid.hash,
 	} else if (remote) {
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@
 		 * HEAD points to a branch but we don't know which one.
 		 * Detach HEAD in all these cases.
-		update_ref(msg, "HEAD", remote->old_sha1,
+		update_ref(msg, "HEAD", remote->old_oid.hash,
@@ -801,11 +801,15 @@
 static void dissociate_from_references(void)
 	static const char* argv[] = { "repack", "-a", "-d", NULL };
+	char *alternates = git_pathdup("objects/info/alternates");
-	if (run_command_v_opt(argv, RUN_GIT_CMD|RUN_COMMAND_NO_STDIN))
-		die(_("cannot repack to clean up"));
-	if (unlink(git_path("objects/info/alternates")) && errno != ENOENT)
-		die_errno(_("cannot unlink temporary alternates file"));
+	if (!access(alternates, F_OK)) {
+		if (run_command_v_opt(argv, RUN_GIT_CMD|RUN_COMMAND_NO_STDIN))
+			die(_("cannot repack to clean up"));
+		if (unlink(alternates) && errno != ENOENT)
+			die_errno(_("cannot unlink temporary alternates file"));
+	}
+	free(alternates);
 int cmd_clone(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
@@ -954,10 +958,6 @@
 	if (
-	else if (option_dissociate) {
-		warning(_("--dissociate given, but there is no --reference"));
-		option_dissociate = 0;
-	}
 	fetch_pattern = value.buf;
 	refspec = parse_fetch_refspec(1, &fetch_pattern);
@@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@
 		 * remote HEAD check.
 		for (ref = refs; ref; ref = ref->next)
-			if (is_null_sha1(ref->old_sha1)) {
+			if (is_null_oid(&ref->old_oid)) {
 				complete_refs_before_fetch = 0;
diff --git a/builtin/commit-tree.c b/builtin/commit-tree.c
index 8747c0f..3feeffe 100644
--- a/builtin/commit-tree.c
+++ b/builtin/commit-tree.c
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 static void new_parent(struct commit *parent, struct commit_list **parents_p)
-	unsigned char *sha1 = parent->object.sha1;
+	struct object_id *oid = &parent->object.oid;
 	struct commit_list *parents;
 	for (parents = *parents_p; parents; parents = parents->next) {
 		if (parents->item == parent) {
-			error("duplicate parent %s ignored", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+			error("duplicate parent %s ignored", oid_to_hex(oid));
 		parents_p = &parents->next;
diff --git a/builtin/commit.c b/builtin/commit.c
index f2a8b78..d054f84 100644
--- a/builtin/commit.c
+++ b/builtin/commit.c
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
 	opts.dst_index = &the_index;
 	opts.fn = oneway_merge;
-	tree = parse_tree_indirect(current_head->object.sha1);
+	tree = parse_tree_indirect(current_head->object.oid.hash);
 	if (!tree)
 		die(_("failed to unpack HEAD tree object"));
@@ -1769,7 +1769,7 @@
 	if (!transaction ||
 	    ref_transaction_update(transaction, "HEAD", sha1,
-				   ? current_head->object.sha1 : null_sha1,
+				   ? current_head->object.oid.hash : null_sha1,
 				   0, sb.buf, &err) ||
 	    ref_transaction_commit(transaction, &err)) {
@@ -1796,10 +1796,10 @@
 		cfg = init_copy_notes_for_rewrite("amend");
 		if (cfg) {
 			/* we are amending, so current_head is not NULL */
-			copy_note_for_rewrite(cfg, current_head->object.sha1, sha1);
+			copy_note_for_rewrite(cfg, current_head->object.oid.hash, sha1);
 			finish_copy_notes_for_rewrite(cfg, "Notes added by 'git commit --amend'");
-		run_rewrite_hook(current_head->object.sha1, sha1);
+		run_rewrite_hook(current_head->object.oid.hash, sha1);
 	if (!quiet)
 		print_summary(prefix, sha1, !current_head);
diff --git a/builtin/config.c b/builtin/config.c
index 71acc44..adc7727 100644
--- a/builtin/config.c
+++ b/builtin/config.c
@@ -246,8 +246,6 @@
 static char *normalize_value(const char *key, const char *value)
-	char *normalized;
 	if (!value)
 		return NULL;
@@ -258,27 +256,21 @@
 		 * "~/foobar/" in the config file, and to expand the ~
 		 * when retrieving the value.
-		normalized = xstrdup(value);
-	else {
-		normalized = xmalloc(64);
-		if (types == TYPE_INT) {
-			int64_t v = git_config_int64(key, value);
-			sprintf(normalized, "%"PRId64, v);
-		}
-		else if (types == TYPE_BOOL)
-			sprintf(normalized, "%s",
-				git_config_bool(key, value) ? "true" : "false");
-		else if (types == TYPE_BOOL_OR_INT) {
-			int is_bool, v;
-			v = git_config_bool_or_int(key, value, &is_bool);
-			if (!is_bool)
-				sprintf(normalized, "%d", v);
-			else
-				sprintf(normalized, "%s", v ? "true" : "false");
-		}
+		return xstrdup(value);
+	if (types == TYPE_INT)
+		return xstrfmt("%"PRId64, git_config_int64(key, value));
+	if (types == TYPE_BOOL)
+		return xstrdup(git_config_bool(key, value) ?  "true" : "false");
+	if (types == TYPE_BOOL_OR_INT) {
+		int is_bool, v;
+		v = git_config_bool_or_int(key, value, &is_bool);
+		if (!is_bool)
+			return xstrfmt("%d", v);
+		else
+			return xstrdup(v ? "true" : "false");
-	return normalized;
+	die("BUG: cannot normalize type %d", types);
 static int get_color_found;
diff --git a/builtin/describe.c b/builtin/describe.c
index 7df5543..8a25abe 100644
--- a/builtin/describe.c
+++ b/builtin/describe.c
@@ -252,14 +252,14 @@
 	if (!cmit)
 		die(_("%s is not a valid '%s' object"), arg, commit_type);
-	n = find_commit_name(cmit->object.sha1);
+	n = find_commit_name(cmit->object.oid.hash);
 	if (n && (tags || all || n->prio == 2)) {
 		 * Exact match to an existing ref.
 		if (longformat)
-			show_suffix(0, n->tag ? n->tag->tagged->sha1 : sha1);
+			show_suffix(0, n->tag ? n->tag->tagged->oid.hash : sha1);
 		if (dirty)
 			printf("%s", dirty);
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
 	if (!max_candidates)
-		die(_("no tag exactly matches '%s'"), sha1_to_hex(cmit->object.sha1));
+		die(_("no tag exactly matches '%s'"), oid_to_hex(&cmit->object.oid));
 	if (debug)
 		fprintf(stderr, _("searching to describe %s\n"), arg);
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
 		if (annotated_cnt && !list) {
 			if (debug)
 				fprintf(stderr, _("finished search at %s\n"),
-					sha1_to_hex(c->object.sha1));
+					oid_to_hex(&c->object.oid));
 		while (parents) {
@@ -334,9 +334,9 @@
 	if (!match_cnt) {
-		const unsigned char *sha1 = cmit->object.sha1;
+		struct object_id *oid = &cmit->object.oid;
 		if (always) {
-			printf("%s", find_unique_abbrev(sha1, abbrev));
+			printf("%s", find_unique_abbrev(oid->hash, abbrev));
 			if (dirty)
 				printf("%s", dirty);
@@ -345,11 +345,11 @@
 		if (unannotated_cnt)
 			die(_("No annotated tags can describe '%s'.\n"
 			    "However, there were unannotated tags: try --tags."),
-			    sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+			    oid_to_hex(oid));
 			die(_("No tags can describe '%s'.\n"
 			    "Try --always, or create some tags."),
-			    sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+			    oid_to_hex(oid));
 	qsort(all_matches, match_cnt, sizeof(all_matches[0]), compare_pt);
@@ -374,13 +374,13 @@
 				_("more than %i tags found; listed %i most recent\n"
 				"gave up search at %s\n"),
 				max_candidates, max_candidates,
-				sha1_to_hex(gave_up_on->object.sha1));
+				oid_to_hex(&gave_up_on->object.oid));
 	if (abbrev)
-		show_suffix(all_matches[0].depth, cmit->object.sha1);
+		show_suffix(all_matches[0].depth, cmit->object.oid.hash);
 	if (dirty)
 		printf("%s", dirty);
diff --git a/builtin/diff-tree.c b/builtin/diff-tree.c
index 12b683d..2a12b81 100644
--- a/builtin/diff-tree.c
+++ b/builtin/diff-tree.c
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
 	tree2 = lookup_tree(sha1);
 	if (!tree2 || parse_tree(tree2))
 		return -1;
-	printf("%s %s\n", sha1_to_hex(tree1->object.sha1),
-			  sha1_to_hex(tree2->object.sha1));
-	diff_tree_sha1(tree1->object.sha1, tree2->object.sha1,
+	printf("%s %s\n", oid_to_hex(&tree1->object.oid),
+			  oid_to_hex(&tree2->object.oid));
+	diff_tree_sha1(tree1->object.oid.hash, tree2->object.oid.hash,
 		       "", &log_tree_opt.diffopt);
 	return 0;
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 	case 1:
 		tree1 = opt->pending.objects[0].item;
-		diff_tree_commit_sha1(tree1->sha1);
+		diff_tree_commit_sha1(tree1->oid.hash);
 	case 2:
 		tree1 = opt->pending.objects[0].item;
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@
 			tree2 = tree1;
 			tree1 = tmp;
-		diff_tree_sha1(tree1->sha1,
-			       tree2->sha1,
+		diff_tree_sha1(tree1->oid.hash,
+			       tree2->oid.hash,
 			       "", &opt->diffopt);
diff --git a/builtin/diff.c b/builtin/diff.c
index 4326fa5..ed0acca 100644
--- a/builtin/diff.c
+++ b/builtin/diff.c
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@
 	if (ent1->item->flags & UNINTERESTING)
 		swap = 1;
-	sha1[swap] = ent0->item->sha1;
-	sha1[1 - swap] = ent1->item->sha1;
+	sha1[swap] = ent0->item->oid.hash;
+	sha1[1 - swap] = ent1->item->oid.hash;
 	diff_tree_sha1(sha1[0], sha1[1], "", &revs->diffopt);
 	return 0;
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@
 	if (!revs->dense_combined_merges && !revs->combine_merges)
 		revs->dense_combined_merges = revs->combine_merges = 1;
 	for (i = 1; i < ents; i++)
-		sha1_array_append(&parents, ent[i].item->sha1);
-	diff_tree_combined(ent[0].item->sha1, &parents,
+		sha1_array_append(&parents, ent[i].item->oid.hash);
+	diff_tree_combined(ent[0].item->oid.hash, &parents,
 			   revs->dense_combined_merges, revs);
 	return 0;
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
 		const char *name = entry->name;
 		int flags = (obj->flags & UNINTERESTING);
 		if (!obj->parsed)
-			obj = parse_object(obj->sha1);
+			obj = parse_object(obj->oid.hash);
 		obj = deref_tag(obj, NULL, 0);
 		if (!obj)
 			die(_("invalid object '%s' given."), name);
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
 		} else if (obj->type == OBJ_BLOB) {
 			if (2 <= blobs)
 				die(_("more than two blobs given: '%s'"), name);
-			hashcpy(blob[blobs].sha1, obj->sha1);
+			hashcpy(blob[blobs].sha1, obj->oid.hash);
 			blob[blobs].name = name;
 			blob[blobs].mode = entry->mode;
diff --git a/builtin/fast-export.c b/builtin/fast-export.c
index d23f3be..d9ac5d8 100644
--- a/builtin/fast-export.c
+++ b/builtin/fast-export.c
@@ -544,13 +544,13 @@
 	author = strstr(commit_buffer, "\nauthor ");
 	if (!author)
 		die ("Could not find author in commit %s",
-		     sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+		     oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 	author_end = strchrnul(author, '\n');
 	committer = strstr(author_end, "\ncommitter ");
 	if (!committer)
 		die ("Could not find committer in commit %s",
-		     sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+		     oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 	committer_end = strchrnul(committer, '\n');
 	message = strstr(committer_end, "\n\n");
@@ -562,11 +562,11 @@
 	    get_object_mark(&commit->parents->item->object) != 0 &&
 	    !full_tree) {
-		diff_tree_sha1(commit->parents->item->tree->object.sha1,
-			       commit->tree->object.sha1, "", &rev->diffopt);
+		diff_tree_sha1(commit->parents->item->tree->object.oid.hash,
+			       commit->tree->object.oid.hash, "", &rev->diffopt);
-		diff_root_tree_sha1(commit->tree->object.sha1,
+		diff_root_tree_sha1(commit->tree->object.oid.hash,
 				    "", &rev->diffopt);
 	/* Export the referenced blobs, and remember the marks. */
@@ -661,13 +661,13 @@
 	if (tagged->type == OBJ_TREE) {
 		warning("Omitting tag %s,\nsince tags of trees (or tags of tags of trees, etc.) are not supported.",
-			sha1_to_hex(tag->object.sha1));
+			oid_to_hex(&tag->object.oid));
-	buf = read_sha1_file(tag->object.sha1, &type, &size);
+	buf = read_sha1_file(tag->object.oid.hash, &type, &size);
 	if (!buf)
-		die ("Could not read tag %s", sha1_to_hex(tag->object.sha1));
+		die ("Could not read tag %s", oid_to_hex(&tag->object.oid));
 	message = memmem(buf, size, "\n\n", 2);
 	if (message) {
 		message += 2;
@@ -706,16 +706,16 @@
 			case ABORT:
 				die ("Encountered signed tag %s; use "
 				     "--signed-tags=<mode> to handle it.",
-				     sha1_to_hex(tag->object.sha1));
+				     oid_to_hex(&tag->object.oid));
 			case WARN:
 				warning ("Exporting signed tag %s",
-					 sha1_to_hex(tag->object.sha1));
+					 oid_to_hex(&tag->object.oid));
 				/* fallthru */
 			case VERBATIM:
 			case WARN_STRIP:
 				warning ("Stripping signature from tag %s",
-					 sha1_to_hex(tag->object.sha1));
+					 oid_to_hex(&tag->object.oid));
 				/* fallthru */
 			case STRIP:
 				message_size = signature + 1 - message;
@@ -731,14 +731,14 @@
 		case ABORT:
 			die ("Tag %s tags unexported object; use "
 			     "--tag-of-filtered-object=<mode> to handle it.",
-			     sha1_to_hex(tag->object.sha1));
+			     oid_to_hex(&tag->object.oid));
 		case DROP:
 			/* Ignore this tag altogether */
 		case REWRITE:
 			if (tagged->type != OBJ_COMMIT) {
 				die ("Tag %s tags unexported %s!",
-				     sha1_to_hex(tag->object.sha1),
+				     oid_to_hex(&tag->object.oid),
 			p = (struct commit *)tagged;
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@
 				if (!p->parents)
 					die ("Can't find replacement commit for tag %s\n",
-					     sha1_to_hex(tag->object.sha1));
+					     oid_to_hex(&tag->object.oid));
 				p = p->parents->item;
 			tagged_mark = get_object_mark(&p->object);
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@
 		/* handle nested tags */
 		while (tag && tag->object.type == OBJ_TAG) {
-			parse_object(tag->object.sha1);
+			parse_object(tag->object.oid.hash);
 			string_list_append(&extra_refs, full_name)->util = tag;
 			tag = (struct tag *)tag->tagged;
@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@
 		case OBJ_COMMIT:
 		case OBJ_BLOB:
-			export_blob(commit->object.sha1);
+			export_blob(commit->object.oid.hash);
 		default: /* OBJ_TAG (nested tags) is already handled */
 			warning("Tag points to object of unexpected type %s, skipping.",
@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@
 		if (deco->base && deco->base->type == 1) {
 			mark = ptr_to_mark(deco->decoration);
 			if (fprintf(f, ":%"PRIu32" %s\n", mark,
-				sha1_to_hex(deco->base->sha1)) < 0) {
+				oid_to_hex(&deco->base->oid)) < 0) {
 			    e = 1;
diff --git a/builtin/fetch-pack.c b/builtin/fetch-pack.c
index 4a6b340..cf3019e 100644
--- a/builtin/fetch-pack.c
+++ b/builtin/fetch-pack.c
@@ -14,12 +14,14 @@
 				 const char *name, int namelen)
 	struct ref *ref = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*ref) + namelen + 1);
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
+	struct object_id oid;
+	const int chunksz = GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1;
-	if (namelen > 41 && name[40] == ' ' && !get_sha1_hex(name, sha1)) {
-		hashcpy(ref->old_sha1, sha1);
-		name += 41;
-		namelen -= 41;
+	if (namelen > chunksz && name[chunksz - 1] == ' ' &&
+		!get_oid_hex(name, &oid)) {
+		oidcpy(&ref->old_oid, &oid);
+		name += chunksz;
+		namelen -= chunksz;
 	memcpy(ref->name, name, namelen);
@@ -210,7 +212,7 @@
 	while (ref) {
 		printf("%s %s\n",
-		       sha1_to_hex(ref->old_sha1), ref->name);
+		       oid_to_hex(&ref->old_oid), ref->name);
 		ref = ref->next;
diff --git a/builtin/fetch.c b/builtin/fetch.c
index 9a3869f..c85f347 100644
--- a/builtin/fetch.c
+++ b/builtin/fetch.c
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
 	struct ref *rm = *head;
 	while (rm) {
-		if (!hashcmp(rm->old_sha1, sha1))
+		if (!hashcmp(rm->old_oid.hash, sha1))
 			return 1;
 		rm = rm->next;
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@
 		 * as one to ignore by setting util to NULL.
 		if (ends_with(ref->name, "^{}")) {
-			if (item && !has_sha1_file(ref->old_sha1) &&
-			    !will_fetch(head, ref->old_sha1) &&
+			if (item && !has_object_file(&ref->old_oid) &&
+			    !will_fetch(head, ref->old_oid.hash) &&
 			    !has_sha1_file(item->util) &&
 			    !will_fetch(head, item->util))
 				item->util = NULL;
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
 		item = string_list_insert(&remote_refs, ref->name);
-		item->util = (void *)ref->old_sha1;
+		item->util = (void *)&ref->old_oid;
 	string_list_clear(&existing_refs, 1);
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
 			struct ref *rm = alloc_ref(item->string);
 			rm->peer_ref = alloc_ref(item->string);
-			hashcpy(rm->old_sha1, item->util);
+			oidcpy(&rm->old_oid, item->util);
 			**tail = rm;
 			*tail = &rm->next;
@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@
 	transaction = ref_transaction_begin(&err);
 	if (!transaction ||
 	    ref_transaction_update(transaction, ref->name,
-				   ref->new_sha1,
-				   check_old ? ref->old_sha1 : NULL,
+				   ref->new_oid.hash,
+				   check_old ? ref->old_oid.hash : NULL,
 				   0, msg, &err))
 		goto fail;
@@ -453,11 +453,11 @@
 	struct branch *current_branch = branch_get(NULL);
 	const char *pretty_ref = prettify_refname(ref->name);
-	type = sha1_object_info(ref->new_sha1, NULL);
+	type = sha1_object_info(ref->new_oid.hash, NULL);
 	if (type < 0)
-		die(_("object %s not found"), sha1_to_hex(ref->new_sha1));
+		die(_("object %s not found"), oid_to_hex(&ref->new_oid));
-	if (!hashcmp(ref->old_sha1, ref->new_sha1)) {
+	if (!oidcmp(&ref->old_oid, &ref->new_oid)) {
 		if (verbosity > 0)
 			strbuf_addf(display, "= %-*s %-*s -> %s",
 				    TRANSPORT_SUMMARY(_("[up to date]")),
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@
 	if (current_branch &&
 	    !strcmp(ref->name, current_branch->name) &&
 	    !(update_head_ok || is_bare_repository()) &&
-	    !is_null_sha1(ref->old_sha1)) {
+	    !is_null_oid(&ref->old_oid)) {
 		 * If this is the head, and it's not okay to update
 		 * the head, and the old value of the head isn't empty...
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
 		return 1;
-	if (!is_null_sha1(ref->old_sha1) &&
+	if (!is_null_oid(&ref->old_oid) &&
 	    starts_with(ref->name, "refs/tags/")) {
 		int r;
 		r = s_update_ref("updating tag", ref, 0);
@@ -492,8 +492,8 @@
 		return r;
-	current = lookup_commit_reference_gently(ref->old_sha1, 1);
-	updated = lookup_commit_reference_gently(ref->new_sha1, 1);
+	current = lookup_commit_reference_gently(ref->old_oid.hash, 1);
+	updated = lookup_commit_reference_gently(ref->new_oid.hash, 1);
 	if (!current || !updated) {
 		const char *msg;
 		const char *what;
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
 		if ((recurse_submodules != RECURSE_SUBMODULES_OFF) &&
 		    (recurse_submodules != RECURSE_SUBMODULES_ON))
-			check_for_new_submodule_commits(ref->new_sha1);
+			check_for_new_submodule_commits(ref->new_oid.hash);
 		r = s_update_ref(msg, ref, 0);
 		strbuf_addf(display, "%c %-*s %-*s -> %s%s",
 			    r ? '!' : '*',
@@ -528,36 +528,38 @@
 	if (in_merge_bases(current, updated)) {
-		char quickref[83];
+		struct strbuf quickref = STRBUF_INIT;
 		int r;
-		strcpy(quickref, find_unique_abbrev(current->object.sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
-		strcat(quickref, "..");
-		strcat(quickref, find_unique_abbrev(ref->new_sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+		strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&quickref, current->object.oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
+		strbuf_addstr(&quickref, "..");
+		strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&quickref, ref->new_oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
 		if ((recurse_submodules != RECURSE_SUBMODULES_OFF) &&
 		    (recurse_submodules != RECURSE_SUBMODULES_ON))
-			check_for_new_submodule_commits(ref->new_sha1);
+			check_for_new_submodule_commits(ref->new_oid.hash);
 		r = s_update_ref("fast-forward", ref, 1);
 		strbuf_addf(display, "%c %-*s %-*s -> %s%s",
 			    r ? '!' : ' ',
-			    TRANSPORT_SUMMARY_WIDTH, quickref,
+			    TRANSPORT_SUMMARY_WIDTH, quickref.buf,
 			    REFCOL_WIDTH, remote, pretty_ref,
 			    r ? _("  (unable to update local ref)") : "");
+		strbuf_release(&quickref);
 		return r;
 	} else if (force || ref->force) {
-		char quickref[84];
+		struct strbuf quickref = STRBUF_INIT;
 		int r;
-		strcpy(quickref, find_unique_abbrev(current->object.sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
-		strcat(quickref, "...");
-		strcat(quickref, find_unique_abbrev(ref->new_sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+		strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&quickref, current->object.oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
+		strbuf_addstr(&quickref, "...");
+		strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&quickref, ref->new_oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
 		if ((recurse_submodules != RECURSE_SUBMODULES_OFF) &&
 		    (recurse_submodules != RECURSE_SUBMODULES_ON))
-			check_for_new_submodule_commits(ref->new_sha1);
+			check_for_new_submodule_commits(ref->new_oid.hash);
 		r = s_update_ref("forced-update", ref, 1);
 		strbuf_addf(display, "%c %-*s %-*s -> %s  (%s)",
 			    r ? '!' : '+',
-			    TRANSPORT_SUMMARY_WIDTH, quickref,
+			    TRANSPORT_SUMMARY_WIDTH, quickref.buf,
 			    REFCOL_WIDTH, remote, pretty_ref,
 			    r ? _("unable to update local ref") : _("forced update"));
+		strbuf_release(&quickref);
 		return r;
 	} else {
 		strbuf_addf(display, "! %-*s %-*s -> %s  %s",
@@ -578,7 +580,7 @@
 	if (!ref)
 		return -1; /* end of the list */
 	*rm = ref->next;
-	hashcpy(sha1, ref->old_sha1);
+	hashcpy(sha1, ref->old_oid.hash);
 	return 0;
@@ -629,7 +631,7 @@
-			commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(rm->old_sha1, 1);
+			commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(rm->old_oid.hash, 1);
 			if (!commit)
 				rm->fetch_head_status = FETCH_HEAD_NOT_FOR_MERGE;
@@ -637,10 +639,9 @@
 			if (rm->peer_ref) {
-				ref = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*ref) + strlen(rm->peer_ref->name) + 1);
-				strcpy(ref->name, rm->peer_ref->name);
-				hashcpy(ref->old_sha1, rm->peer_ref->old_sha1);
-				hashcpy(ref->new_sha1, rm->old_sha1);
+				ref = alloc_ref(rm->peer_ref->name);
+				oidcpy(&ref->old_oid, &rm->peer_ref->old_oid);
+				oidcpy(&ref->new_oid, &rm->old_oid);
 				ref->force = rm->peer_ref->force;
@@ -685,7 +686,7 @@
 				/* fall-through */
 				fprintf(fp, "%s\t%s\t%s",
-					sha1_to_hex(rm->old_sha1),
+					oid_to_hex(&rm->old_oid),
 				for (i = 0; i < url_len; ++i)
@@ -927,7 +928,7 @@
 			if (peer_item) {
 				struct object_id *old_oid = peer_item->util;
-				hashcpy(rm->peer_ref->old_sha1, old_oid->hash);
+				oidcpy(&rm->peer_ref->old_oid, old_oid);
@@ -1156,11 +1157,8 @@
 			die(_("--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together"));
 		else if (!is_repository_shallow())
 			die(_("--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense"));
-		else {
-			static char inf_depth[12];
-			sprintf(inf_depth, "%d", INFINITE_DEPTH);
-			depth = inf_depth;
-		}
+		else
+			depth = xstrfmt("%d", INFINITE_DEPTH);
 	/* no need to be strict, transport_set_option() will validate it again */
diff --git a/builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c b/builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c
index 846004b..e5658c3 100644
--- a/builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c
+++ b/builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
 		if (!sb.len)
-					   sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+					   oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 			string_list_append(&subjects, strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL));
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
 		if (!parent)
 		commit_list_insert(parent, &parents);
-		add_merge_parent(result, obj->sha1, parent->object.sha1);
+		add_merge_parent(result, obj->oid.hash, parent->object.oid.hash);
 	head_commit = lookup_commit(head);
 	if (head_commit)
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@
 	while (parents) {
 		struct commit *cmit = pop_commit(&parents);
 		for (i = 0; i < result->nr; i++)
-			if (!hashcmp(result->item[i].commit, cmit->object.sha1))
+			if (!hashcmp(result->item[i].commit, cmit->object.oid.hash))
 				result->item[i].used = 1;
diff --git a/builtin/for-each-ref.c b/builtin/for-each-ref.c
index 7919206..4e9f6c2 100644
--- a/builtin/for-each-ref.c
+++ b/builtin/for-each-ref.c
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 static char const * const for_each_ref_usage[] = {
 	N_("git for-each-ref [<options>] [<pattern>]"),
+	N_("git for-each-ref [--points-at <object>]"),
+	N_("git for-each-ref [(--merged | --no-merged) [<object>]]"),
+	N_("git for-each-ref [--contains [<object>]]"),
@@ -34,9 +37,18 @@
 		OPT_STRING(  0 , "format", &format, N_("format"), N_("format to use for the output")),
 		OPT_CALLBACK(0 , "sort", sorting_tail, N_("key"),
 			    N_("field name to sort on"), &parse_opt_ref_sorting),
+		OPT_CALLBACK(0, "points-at", &filter.points_at,
+			     N_("object"), N_("print only refs which points at the given object"),
+			     parse_opt_object_name),
+		OPT_MERGED(&filter, N_("print only refs that are merged")),
+		OPT_NO_MERGED(&filter, N_("print only refs that are not merged")),
+		OPT_CONTAINS(&filter.with_commit, N_("print only refs which contain the commit")),
+	memset(&array, 0, sizeof(array));
+	memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(filter));
 	parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, opts, for_each_ref_usage, 0);
 	if (maxcount < 0) {
 		error("invalid --count argument: `%d'", maxcount);
@@ -55,9 +67,8 @@
 	/* for warn_ambiguous_refs */
 	git_config(git_default_config, NULL);
-	memset(&array, 0, sizeof(array));
-	memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(filter));
 	filter.name_patterns = argv;
+	filter.match_as_path = 1;
 	filter_refs(&array, &filter, FILTER_REFS_ALL | FILTER_REFS_INCLUDE_BROKEN);
 	ref_array_sort(sorting, &array);
diff --git a/builtin/fsck.c b/builtin/fsck.c
index b9a74f0..55eac75 100644
--- a/builtin/fsck.c
+++ b/builtin/fsck.c
@@ -40,14 +40,6 @@
 #define ERROR_PACK 04
 #define ERROR_REFS 010
-#define SORT_DIRENT 0
-#define DIRENT_SORT_HINT(de) 0
-#define SORT_DIRENT 1
-#define DIRENT_SORT_HINT(de) ((de)->d_ino)
 static int fsck_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
 	if (strcmp(var, "fsck.skiplist") == 0) {
@@ -75,7 +67,7 @@
 			const char *err)
 	fprintf(stderr, "%s in %s %s: %s\n",
-		msg_type, typename(obj->type), sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1), err);
+		msg_type, typename(obj->type), oid_to_hex(&obj->oid), err);
 static int objerror(struct object *obj, const char *err)
@@ -105,7 +97,7 @@
 	if (!obj) {
 		/* ... these references to parent->fld are safe here */
 		printf("broken link from %7s %s\n",
-			   typename(parent->type), sha1_to_hex(parent->sha1));
+			   typename(parent->type), oid_to_hex(&parent->oid));
 		printf("broken link from %7s %s\n",
 			   (type == OBJ_ANY ? "unknown" : typename(type)), "unknown");
 		errors_found |= ERROR_REACHABLE;
@@ -120,11 +112,11 @@
 		return 0;
 	obj->flags |= REACHABLE;
 	if (!(obj->flags & HAS_OBJ)) {
-		if (parent && !has_sha1_file(obj->sha1)) {
+		if (parent && !has_object_file(&obj->oid)) {
 			printf("broken link from %7s %s\n",
-				 typename(parent->type), sha1_to_hex(parent->sha1));
+				 typename(parent->type), oid_to_hex(&parent->oid));
 			printf("              to %7s %s\n",
-				 typename(obj->type), sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+				 typename(obj->type), oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 			errors_found |= ERROR_REACHABLE;
 		return 1;
@@ -194,11 +186,11 @@
 	 * do a full fsck
 	if (!(obj->flags & HAS_OBJ)) {
-		if (has_sha1_pack(obj->sha1))
+		if (has_sha1_pack(obj->oid.hash))
 			return; /* it is in pack - forget about it */
-		if (connectivity_only && has_sha1_file(obj->sha1))
+		if (connectivity_only && has_object_file(&obj->oid))
-		printf("missing %s %s\n", typename(obj->type), sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+		printf("missing %s %s\n", typename(obj->type), oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 		errors_found |= ERROR_REACHABLE;
@@ -223,7 +215,7 @@
 	 * since this is something that is prunable.
 	if (show_unreachable) {
-		printf("unreachable %s %s\n", typename(obj->type), sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+		printf("unreachable %s %s\n", typename(obj->type), oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
@@ -242,11 +234,11 @@
 	if (!obj->used) {
 		if (show_dangling)
 			printf("dangling %s %s\n", typename(obj->type),
-			       sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+			       oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 		if (write_lost_and_found) {
 			char *filename = git_pathdup("lost-found/%s/%s",
 				obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT ? "commit" : "other",
-				sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+				oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 			FILE *f;
 			if (safe_create_leading_directories_const(filename)) {
@@ -257,10 +249,10 @@
 			if (!(f = fopen(filename, "w")))
 				die_errno("Could not open '%s'", filename);
 			if (obj->type == OBJ_BLOB) {
-				if (stream_blob_to_fd(fileno(f), obj->sha1, NULL, 1))
+				if (stream_blob_to_fd(fileno(f), obj->oid.hash, NULL, 1))
 					die_errno("Could not write '%s'", filename);
 			} else
-				fprintf(f, "%s\n", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+				fprintf(f, "%s\n", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 			if (fclose(f))
 				die_errno("Could not finish '%s'",
@@ -279,7 +271,7 @@
 static void check_object(struct object *obj)
 	if (verbose)
-		fprintf(stderr, "Checking %s\n", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+		fprintf(stderr, "Checking %s\n", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 	if (obj->flags & REACHABLE)
@@ -315,7 +307,7 @@
 	if (verbose)
 		fprintf(stderr, "Checking %s %s\n",
-			typename(obj->type), sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+			typename(obj->type), oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 	if (fsck_walk(obj, NULL, &fsck_obj_options))
 		objerror(obj, "broken links");
@@ -334,15 +326,15 @@
 		if (!commit->parents && show_root)
-			printf("root %s\n", sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			printf("root %s\n", oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 	if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) {
 		struct tag *tag = (struct tag *) obj;
 		if (show_tags && tag->tagged) {
-			printf("tagged %s %s", typename(tag->tagged->type), sha1_to_hex(tag->tagged->sha1));
-			printf(" (%s) in %s\n", tag->tag, sha1_to_hex(tag->object.sha1));
+			printf("tagged %s %s", typename(tag->tagged->type), oid_to_hex(&tag->tagged->oid));
+			printf(" (%s) in %s\n", tag->tag, oid_to_hex(&tag->object.oid));
@@ -374,102 +366,6 @@
 	return fsck_obj(obj);
- * This is the sorting chunk size: make it reasonably
- * big so that we can sort well..
- */
-#define MAX_SHA1_ENTRIES (1024)
-struct sha1_entry {
-	unsigned long ino;
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
-static struct {
-	unsigned long nr;
-	struct sha1_entry *entry[MAX_SHA1_ENTRIES];
-} sha1_list;
-static int ino_compare(const void *_a, const void *_b)
-	const struct sha1_entry *a = _a, *b = _b;
-	unsigned long ino1 = a->ino, ino2 = b->ino;
-	return ino1 < ino2 ? -1 : ino1 > ino2 ? 1 : 0;
-static void fsck_sha1_list(void)
-	int i, nr =;
-		qsort(sha1_list.entry, nr,
-		      sizeof(struct sha1_entry *), ino_compare);
-	for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
-		struct sha1_entry *entry = sha1_list.entry[i];
-		unsigned char *sha1 = entry->sha1;
-		sha1_list.entry[i] = NULL;
-		if (fsck_sha1(sha1))
-			errors_found |= ERROR_OBJECT;
-		free(entry);
-	}
- = 0;
-static void add_sha1_list(unsigned char *sha1, unsigned long ino)
-	struct sha1_entry *entry = xmalloc(sizeof(*entry));
-	int nr;
-	entry->ino = ino;
-	hashcpy(entry->sha1, sha1);
-	nr =;
-	if (nr == MAX_SHA1_ENTRIES) {
-		fsck_sha1_list();
-		nr = 0;
-	}
-	sha1_list.entry[nr] = entry;
- = ++nr;
-static inline int is_loose_object_file(struct dirent *de,
-				       char *name, unsigned char *sha1)
-	if (strlen(de->d_name) != 38)
-		return 0;
-	memcpy(name + 2, de->d_name, 39);
-	return !get_sha1_hex(name, sha1);
-static void fsck_dir(int i, char *path)
-	DIR *dir = opendir(path);
-	struct dirent *de;
-	char name[100];
-	if (!dir)
-		return;
-	if (verbose)
-		fprintf(stderr, "Checking directory %s\n", path);
-	sprintf(name, "%02x", i);
-	while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
-		unsigned char sha1[20];
-		if (is_dot_or_dotdot(de->d_name))
-			continue;
-		if (is_loose_object_file(de, name, sha1)) {
-			add_sha1_list(sha1, DIRENT_SORT_HINT(de));
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (starts_with(de->d_name, "tmp_obj_"))
-			continue;
-		fprintf(stderr, "bad sha1 file: %s/%s\n", path, de->d_name);
-	}
-	closedir(dir);
 static int default_refs;
 static void fsck_handle_reflog_sha1(const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1)
@@ -559,9 +455,28 @@
+static int fsck_loose(const unsigned char *sha1, const char *path, void *data)
+	if (fsck_sha1(sha1))
+		errors_found |= ERROR_OBJECT;
+	return 0;
+static int fsck_cruft(const char *basename, const char *path, void *data)
+	if (!starts_with(basename, "tmp_obj_"))
+		fprintf(stderr, "bad sha1 file: %s\n", path);
+	return 0;
+static int fsck_subdir(int nr, const char *path, void *progress)
+	display_progress(progress, nr + 1);
+	return 0;
 static void fsck_object_dir(const char *path)
-	int i;
 	struct progress *progress = NULL;
 	if (verbose)
@@ -569,14 +484,11 @@
 	if (show_progress)
 		progress = start_progress(_("Checking object directories"), 256);
-	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
-		static char dir[4096];
-		sprintf(dir, "%s/%02x", path, i);
-		fsck_dir(i, dir);
-		display_progress(progress, i+1);
-	}
+	for_each_loose_file_in_objdir(path, fsck_loose, fsck_cruft, fsck_subdir,
+				      progress);
+	display_progress(progress, 256);
-	fsck_sha1_list();
 static int fsck_head_link(void)
@@ -688,16 +600,18 @@
 	git_config(fsck_config, NULL);
-	if (!connectivity_only)
+	if (!connectivity_only) {
-	prepare_alt_odb();
-	for (alt = alt_odb_list; alt; alt = alt->next) {
-		char namebuf[PATH_MAX];
-		int namelen = alt->name - alt->base;
-		memcpy(namebuf, alt->base, namelen);
-		namebuf[namelen - 1] = 0;
-		fsck_object_dir(namebuf);
+		prepare_alt_odb();
+		for (alt = alt_odb_list; alt; alt = alt->next) {
+			/* directory name, minus trailing slash */
+			size_t namelen = alt->name - alt->base - 1;
+			struct strbuf name = STRBUF_INIT;
+			strbuf_add(&name, alt->base, namelen);
+			fsck_object_dir(name.buf);
+			strbuf_release(&name);
+		}
 	if (check_full) {
diff --git a/builtin/gc.c b/builtin/gc.c
index 42258fe..c583aad 100644
--- a/builtin/gc.c
+++ b/builtin/gc.c
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
 		return NULL;
 	if (gethostname(my_host, sizeof(my_host)))
-		strcpy(my_host, "unknown");
+		xsnprintf(my_host, sizeof(my_host), "unknown");
 	pidfile_path = git_pathdup("");
 	fd = hold_lock_file_for_update(&lock, pidfile_path,
diff --git a/builtin/grep.c b/builtin/grep.c
index d04f440..4229cae 100644
--- a/builtin/grep.c
+++ b/builtin/grep.c
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
 		       struct object *obj, const char *name, const char *path)
 	if (obj->type == OBJ_BLOB)
-		return grep_sha1(opt, obj->sha1, name, 0, path);
+		return grep_sha1(opt, obj->oid.hash, name, 0, path);
 	if (obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT || obj->type == OBJ_TREE) {
 		struct tree_desc tree;
 		void *data;
@@ -468,12 +468,12 @@
 		int hit, len;
-		data = read_object_with_reference(obj->sha1, tree_type,
+		data = read_object_with_reference(obj->oid.hash, tree_type,
 						  &size, NULL);
 		if (!data)
-			die(_("unable to read tree (%s)"), sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+			die(_("unable to read tree (%s)"), oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 		len = name ? strlen(name) : 0;
 		strbuf_init(&base, PATH_MAX + len + 1);
@@ -612,11 +612,6 @@
 	return 0;
-static int help_callback(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
-	return -1;
 int cmd_grep(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
 	int hit = 0;
@@ -738,18 +733,9 @@
 			PARSE_OPT_OPTARG, NULL, (intptr_t)default_pager },
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "ext-grep", &external_grep_allowed__ignored,
 			 N_("allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)")),
-		{ OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "help-all", NULL, NULL, N_("show usage"),
-		  PARSE_OPT_HIDDEN | PARSE_OPT_NOARG, help_callback },
-	/*
-	 * 'git grep -h', unlike 'git grep -h <pattern>', is a request
-	 * to show usage information and exit.
-	 */
-	if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-h"))
-		usage_with_options(grep_usage, options);
 	git_config(grep_cmd_config, NULL);
 	grep_init(&opt, prefix);
@@ -766,8 +752,7 @@
 	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, options, grep_usage,
 	grep_commit_pattern_type(pattern_type_arg, &opt);
 	if (use_index && !startup_info->have_repository)
diff --git a/builtin/help.c b/builtin/help.c
index 3422e73..1cd0c1e 100644
--- a/builtin/help.c
+++ b/builtin/help.c
@@ -140,17 +140,10 @@
 		/* It's simpler to launch konqueror using kfmclient. */
 		if (path) {
-			const char *file = strrchr(path, '/');
-			if (file && !strcmp(file + 1, "konqueror")) {
-				char *new = xstrdup(path);
-				char *dest = strrchr(new, '/');
-				/* strlen("konqueror") == strlen("kfmclient") */
-				strcpy(dest + 1, "kfmclient");
-				path = new;
-			}
-			if (file)
-				filename = file;
+			size_t len;
+			if (strip_suffix(path, "/konqueror", &len))
+				path = xstrfmt("%.*s/kfmclient", (int)len, path);
+			filename = basename((char *)path);
 		} else
 			path = "kfmclient";
 		strbuf_addf(&man_page, "man:%s(1)", page);
@@ -183,7 +176,7 @@
 	while (*p)
 		p = &((*p)->next);
 	*p = xcalloc(1, (sizeof(**p) + len + 1));
-	strncpy((*p)->name, name, len);
+	memcpy((*p)->name, name, len); /* NUL-terminated by xcalloc */
 static int supported_man_viewer(const char *name, size_t len)
@@ -199,7 +192,7 @@
 	struct man_viewer_info_list *new = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*new) + len + 1);
-	strncpy(new->name, name, len);
+	memcpy(new->name, name, len); /* NUL-terminated by xcalloc */
 	new->info = xstrdup(value);
 	new->next = man_viewer_info_list;
 	man_viewer_info_list = new;
@@ -295,16 +288,6 @@
 		is_in_cmdlist(&other_cmds, s);
-static const char *prepend(const char *prefix, const char *cmd)
-	size_t pre_len = strlen(prefix);
-	size_t cmd_len = strlen(cmd);
-	char *p = xmalloc(pre_len + cmd_len + 1);
-	memcpy(p, prefix, pre_len);
-	strcpy(p + pre_len, cmd);
-	return p;
 static const char *cmd_to_page(const char *git_cmd)
 	if (!git_cmd)
@@ -312,9 +295,9 @@
 	else if (starts_with(git_cmd, "git"))
 		return git_cmd;
 	else if (is_git_command(git_cmd))
-		return prepend("git-", git_cmd);
+		return xstrfmt("git-%s", git_cmd);
-		return prepend("git", git_cmd);
+		return xstrfmt("git%s", git_cmd);
 static void setup_man_path(void)
diff --git a/builtin/index-pack.c b/builtin/index-pack.c
index 3431de2..6a01509 100644
--- a/builtin/index-pack.c
+++ b/builtin/index-pack.c
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
 		return -1;
 	if (type != OBJ_ANY && obj->type != type)
-		die(_("object type mismatch at %s"), sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+		die(_("object type mismatch at %s"), oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 	obj->flags |= FLAG_LINK;
 	return 0;
@@ -217,13 +217,13 @@
 	if (!(obj->flags & FLAG_CHECKED)) {
 		unsigned long size;
-		int type = sha1_object_info(obj->sha1, &size);
+		int type = sha1_object_info(obj->oid.hash, &size);
 		if (type <= 0)
 			die(_("did not receive expected object %s"),
-			      sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+			      oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 		if (type != obj->type)
 			die(_("object %s: expected type %s, found %s"),
-			    sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1),
+			    oid_to_hex(&obj->oid),
 			    typename(obj->type), typename(type));
 		obj->flags |= FLAG_CHECKED;
 		return 1;
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
 	int hdrlen;
 	if (!is_delta_type(type)) {
-		hdrlen = sprintf(hdr, "%s %lu", typename(type), size) + 1;
+		hdrlen = xsnprintf(hdr, sizeof(hdr), "%s %lu", typename(type), size) + 1;
 		git_SHA1_Update(&c, hdr, hdrlen);
 	} else
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@
 			    fsck_object(obj, buf, size, &fsck_options))
 				die(_("Error in object"));
 			if (fsck_walk(obj, NULL, &fsck_options))
-				die(_("Not all child objects of %s are reachable"), sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+				die(_("Not all child objects of %s are reachable"), oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 			if (obj->type == OBJ_TREE) {
 				struct tree *item = (struct tree *) obj;
diff --git a/builtin/init-db.c b/builtin/init-db.c
index 69323e1..07229d6 100644
--- a/builtin/init-db.c
+++ b/builtin/init-db.c
@@ -24,22 +24,11 @@
 static const char *init_db_template_dir;
 static const char *git_link;
-static void safe_create_dir(const char *dir, int share)
-	if (mkdir(dir, 0777) < 0) {
-		if (errno != EEXIST) {
-			perror(dir);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-	}
-	else if (share && adjust_shared_perm(dir))
-		die(_("Could not make %s writable by group"), dir);
-static void copy_templates_1(char *path, int baselen,
-			     char *template, int template_baselen,
+static void copy_templates_1(struct strbuf *path, struct strbuf *template,
 			     DIR *dir)
+	size_t path_baselen = path->len;
+	size_t template_baselen = template->len;
 	struct dirent *de;
 	/* Note: if ".git/hooks" file exists in the repository being
@@ -49,77 +38,64 @@
 	 * with the way the namespace under .git/ is organized, should
 	 * be really carefully chosen.
-	safe_create_dir(path, 1);
+	safe_create_dir(path->buf, 1);
 	while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
 		struct stat st_git, st_template;
-		int namelen;
 		int exists = 0;
+		strbuf_setlen(path, path_baselen);
+		strbuf_setlen(template, template_baselen);
 		if (de->d_name[0] == '.')
-		namelen = strlen(de->d_name);
-		if ((PATH_MAX <= baselen + namelen) ||
-		    (PATH_MAX <= template_baselen + namelen))
-			die(_("insanely long template name %s"), de->d_name);
-		memcpy(path + baselen, de->d_name, namelen+1);
-		memcpy(template + template_baselen, de->d_name, namelen+1);
-		if (lstat(path, &st_git)) {
+		strbuf_addstr(path, de->d_name);
+		strbuf_addstr(template, de->d_name);
+		if (lstat(path->buf, &st_git)) {
 			if (errno != ENOENT)
-				die_errno(_("cannot stat '%s'"), path);
+				die_errno(_("cannot stat '%s'"), path->buf);
 			exists = 1;
-		if (lstat(template, &st_template))
-			die_errno(_("cannot stat template '%s'"), template);
+		if (lstat(template->buf, &st_template))
+			die_errno(_("cannot stat template '%s'"), template->buf);
 		if (S_ISDIR(st_template.st_mode)) {
-			DIR *subdir = opendir(template);
-			int baselen_sub = baselen + namelen;
-			int template_baselen_sub = template_baselen + namelen;
+			DIR *subdir = opendir(template->buf);
 			if (!subdir)
-				die_errno(_("cannot opendir '%s'"), template);
-			path[baselen_sub++] =
-				template[template_baselen_sub++] = '/';
-			path[baselen_sub] =
-				template[template_baselen_sub] = 0;
-			copy_templates_1(path, baselen_sub,
-					 template, template_baselen_sub,
-					 subdir);
+				die_errno(_("cannot opendir '%s'"), template->buf);
+			strbuf_addch(path, '/');
+			strbuf_addch(template, '/');
+			copy_templates_1(path, template, subdir);
 		else if (exists)
 		else if (S_ISLNK(st_template.st_mode)) {
-			char lnk[256];
-			int len;
-			len = readlink(template, lnk, sizeof(lnk));
-			if (len < 0)
-				die_errno(_("cannot readlink '%s'"), template);
-			if (sizeof(lnk) <= len)
-				die(_("insanely long symlink %s"), template);
-			lnk[len] = 0;
-			if (symlink(lnk, path))
-				die_errno(_("cannot symlink '%s' '%s'"), lnk, path);
+			struct strbuf lnk = STRBUF_INIT;
+			if (strbuf_readlink(&lnk, template->buf, 0) < 0)
+				die_errno(_("cannot readlink '%s'"), template->buf);
+			if (symlink(lnk.buf, path->buf))
+				die_errno(_("cannot symlink '%s' '%s'"),
+					  lnk.buf, path->buf);
+			strbuf_release(&lnk);
 		else if (S_ISREG(st_template.st_mode)) {
-			if (copy_file(path, template, st_template.st_mode))
-				die_errno(_("cannot copy '%s' to '%s'"), template,
-					  path);
+			if (copy_file(path->buf, template->buf, st_template.st_mode))
+				die_errno(_("cannot copy '%s' to '%s'"),
+					  template->buf, path->buf);
-			error(_("ignoring template %s"), template);
+			error(_("ignoring template %s"), template->buf);
 static void copy_templates(const char *template_dir)
-	char path[PATH_MAX];
-	char template_path[PATH_MAX];
-	int template_len;
+	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf template_path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	size_t template_len;
 	DIR *dir;
-	const char *git_dir = get_git_dir();
-	int len = strlen(git_dir);
 	char *to_free = NULL;
 	if (!template_dir)
@@ -132,26 +108,23 @@
-	template_len = strlen(template_dir);
-	if (PATH_MAX <= (template_len+strlen("/config")))
-		die(_("insanely long template path %s"), template_dir);
-	strcpy(template_path, template_dir);
-	if (template_path[template_len-1] != '/') {
-		template_path[template_len++] = '/';
-		template_path[template_len] = 0;
-	}
-	dir = opendir(template_path);
+	strbuf_addstr(&template_path, template_dir);
+	strbuf_complete(&template_path, '/');
+	template_len = template_path.len;
+	dir = opendir(template_path.buf);
 	if (!dir) {
 		warning(_("templates not found %s"), template_dir);
 		goto free_return;
 	/* Make sure that template is from the correct vintage */
-	strcpy(template_path + template_len, "config");
+	strbuf_addstr(&template_path, "config");
 	repository_format_version = 0;
-			     template_path, NULL);
-	template_path[template_len] = 0;
+			     template_path.buf, NULL);
+	strbuf_setlen(&template_path, template_len);
 	if (repository_format_version &&
 	    repository_format_version != GIT_REPO_VERSION) {
@@ -162,17 +135,15 @@
 		goto close_free_return;
-	memcpy(path, git_dir, len);
-	if (len && path[len - 1] != '/')
-		path[len++] = '/';
-	path[len] = 0;
-	copy_templates_1(path, len,
-			 template_path, template_len,
-			 dir);
+	strbuf_addstr(&path, get_git_dir());
+	strbuf_complete(&path, '/');
+	copy_templates_1(&path, &template_path, dir);
+	strbuf_release(&path);
+	strbuf_release(&template_path);
 static int git_init_db_config(const char *k, const char *v, void *cb)
@@ -199,28 +170,20 @@
 static int create_default_files(const char *template_path)
-	const char *git_dir = get_git_dir();
-	unsigned len = strlen(git_dir);
-	static char path[PATH_MAX];
 	struct stat st1;
+	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+	char *path;
 	char repo_version_string[10];
 	char junk[2];
 	int reinit;
 	int filemode;
-	if (len > sizeof(path)-50)
-		die(_("insane git directory %s"), git_dir);
-	memcpy(path, git_dir, len);
-	if (len && path[len-1] != '/')
-		path[len++] = '/';
 	 * Create .git/refs/{heads,tags}
-	safe_create_dir(git_path("refs"), 1);
-	safe_create_dir(git_path("refs/heads"), 1);
-	safe_create_dir(git_path("refs/tags"), 1);
+	safe_create_dir(git_path_buf(&buf, "refs"), 1);
+	safe_create_dir(git_path_buf(&buf, "refs/heads"), 1);
+	safe_create_dir(git_path_buf(&buf, "refs/tags"), 1);
 	/* Just look for `init.templatedir` */
 	git_config(git_init_db_config, NULL);
@@ -244,16 +207,16 @@
 	if (shared_repository) {
-		adjust_shared_perm(git_path("refs"));
-		adjust_shared_perm(git_path("refs/heads"));
-		adjust_shared_perm(git_path("refs/tags"));
+		adjust_shared_perm(git_path_buf(&buf, "refs"));
+		adjust_shared_perm(git_path_buf(&buf, "refs/heads"));
+		adjust_shared_perm(git_path_buf(&buf, "refs/tags"));
 	 * Create the default symlink from ".git/HEAD" to the "master"
 	 * branch, if it does not exist yet.
-	strcpy(path + len, "HEAD");
+	path = git_path_buf(&buf, "HEAD");
 	reinit = (!access(path, R_OK)
 		  || readlink(path, junk, sizeof(junk)-1) != -1);
 	if (!reinit) {
@@ -262,13 +225,12 @@
 	/* This forces creation of new config file */
-	sprintf(repo_version_string, "%d", GIT_REPO_VERSION);
+	xsnprintf(repo_version_string, sizeof(repo_version_string),
+		  "%d", GIT_REPO_VERSION);
 	git_config_set("core.repositoryformatversion", repo_version_string);
-	path[len] = 0;
-	strcpy(path + len, "config");
 	/* Check filemode trustability */
+	path = git_path_buf(&buf, "config");
 	filemode = TEST_FILEMODE;
 	if (TEST_FILEMODE && !lstat(path, &st1)) {
 		struct stat st2;
@@ -289,14 +251,13 @@
 		/* allow template config file to override the default */
 		if (log_all_ref_updates == -1)
 		    git_config_set("core.logallrefupdates", "true");
-		if (needs_work_tree_config(git_dir, work_tree))
+		if (needs_work_tree_config(get_git_dir(), work_tree))
 			git_config_set("core.worktree", work_tree);
 	if (!reinit) {
 		/* Check if symlink is supported in the work tree */
-		path[len] = 0;
-		strcpy(path + len, "tXXXXXX");
+		path = git_path_buf(&buf, "tXXXXXX");
 		if (!close(xmkstemp(path)) &&
 		    !unlink(path) &&
 		    !symlink("testing", path) &&
@@ -307,31 +268,35 @@
 			git_config_set("core.symlinks", "false");
 		/* Check if the filesystem is case-insensitive */
-		path[len] = 0;
-		strcpy(path + len, "CoNfIg");
+		path = git_path_buf(&buf, "CoNfIg");
 		if (!access(path, F_OK))
 			git_config_set("core.ignorecase", "true");
-		probe_utf8_pathname_composition(path, len);
+		probe_utf8_pathname_composition();
+	strbuf_release(&buf);
 	return reinit;
 static void create_object_directory(void)
-	const char *object_directory = get_object_directory();
-	int len = strlen(object_directory);
-	char *path = xmalloc(len + 40);
+	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	size_t baselen;
-	memcpy(path, object_directory, len);
+	strbuf_addstr(&path, get_object_directory());
+	baselen = path.len;
-	safe_create_dir(object_directory, 1);
-	strcpy(path+len, "/pack");
-	safe_create_dir(path, 1);
-	strcpy(path+len, "/info");
-	safe_create_dir(path, 1);
+	safe_create_dir(path.buf, 1);
-	free(path);
+	strbuf_setlen(&path, baselen);
+	strbuf_addstr(&path, "/pack");
+	safe_create_dir(path.buf, 1);
+	strbuf_setlen(&path, baselen);
+	strbuf_addstr(&path, "/info");
+	safe_create_dir(path.buf, 1);
+	strbuf_release(&path);
 int set_git_dir_init(const char *git_dir, const char *real_git_dir,
@@ -414,13 +379,13 @@
 		if (shared_repository < 0)
 			/* force to the mode value */
-			sprintf(buf, "0%o", -shared_repository);
+			xsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "0%o", -shared_repository);
 		else if (shared_repository == PERM_GROUP)
-			sprintf(buf, "%d", OLD_PERM_GROUP);
+			xsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", OLD_PERM_GROUP);
 		else if (shared_repository == PERM_EVERYBODY)
-			sprintf(buf, "%d", OLD_PERM_EVERYBODY);
+			xsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", OLD_PERM_EVERYBODY);
-			die("oops");
+			die("BUG: invalid value for shared_repository");
 		git_config_set("core.sharedrepository", buf);
 		git_config_set("receive.denyNonFastforwards", "true");
diff --git a/builtin/log.c b/builtin/log.c
index a491d3d..e00cea7 100644
--- a/builtin/log.c
+++ b/builtin/log.c
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@
 		const char *name = objects[i].name;
 		switch (o->type) {
 		case OBJ_BLOB:
-			ret = show_blob_object(o->sha1, &rev, name);
+			ret = show_blob_object(o->oid.hash, &rev, name);
 		case OBJ_TAG: {
 			struct tag *t = (struct tag *)o;
@@ -563,14 +563,14 @@
 					diff_get_color_opt(&rev.diffopt, DIFF_COMMIT),
 					diff_get_color_opt(&rev.diffopt, DIFF_RESET));
-			ret = show_tag_object(o->sha1, &rev);
+			ret = show_tag_object(o->oid.hash, &rev);
 			rev.shown_one = 1;
 			if (ret)
-			o = parse_object(t->tagged->sha1);
+			o = parse_object(t->tagged->oid.hash);
 			if (!o)
 				ret = error(_("Could not read object %s"),
-					    sha1_to_hex(t->tagged->sha1));
+					    oid_to_hex(&t->tagged->oid));
 			objects[i].item = o;
@@ -796,8 +796,7 @@
 		if (filename.len >=
 		    PATH_MAX - FORMAT_PATCH_NAME_MAX - suffix_len)
 			return error(_("name of output directory is too long"));
-		if (filename.buf[filename.len - 1] != '/')
-			strbuf_addch(&filename, '/');
+		strbuf_complete(&filename, '/');
 	if (rev->numbered_files)
@@ -831,8 +830,8 @@
 	o2 = rev->pending.objects[1].item;
 	flags1 = o1->flags;
 	flags2 = o2->flags;
-	c1 = lookup_commit_reference(o1->sha1);
-	c2 = lookup_commit_reference(o2->sha1);
+	c1 = lookup_commit_reference(o1->oid.hash);
+	c2 = lookup_commit_reference(o2->oid.hash);
 	if ((flags1 & UNINTERESTING) == (flags2 & UNINTERESTING))
 		die(_("Not a range."));
@@ -897,8 +896,8 @@
 static char *find_branch_name(struct rev_info *rev)
 	int i, positive = -1;
-	unsigned char branch_sha1[20];
-	const unsigned char *tip_sha1;
+	struct object_id branch_oid;
+	const struct object_id *tip_oid;
 	const char *ref, *v;
 	char *full_ref, *branch = NULL;
@@ -913,10 +912,10 @@
 	if (positive < 0)
 		return NULL;
 	ref = rev->cmdline.rev[positive].name;
-	tip_sha1 = rev->cmdline.rev[positive].item->sha1;
-	if (dwim_ref(ref, strlen(ref), branch_sha1, &full_ref) &&
+	tip_oid = &rev->cmdline.rev[positive].item->oid;
+	if (dwim_ref(ref, strlen(ref), branch_oid.hash, &full_ref) &&
 	    skip_prefix(full_ref, "refs/heads/", &v) &&
-	    !hashcmp(tip_sha1, branch_sha1))
+	    !oidcmp(tip_oid, &branch_oid))
 		branch = xstrdup(v);
 	return branch;
@@ -994,8 +993,8 @@
-	diff_tree_sha1(origin->tree->object.sha1,
-		       head->tree->object.sha1,
+	diff_tree_sha1(origin->tree->object.oid.hash,
+		       head->tree->object.oid.hash,
 		       "", &opts);
@@ -1197,6 +1196,7 @@
 	int cover_letter = -1;
 	int boundary_count = 0;
 	int no_binary_diff = 0;
+	int zero_commit = 0;
 	struct commit *origin = NULL;
 	const char *in_reply_to = NULL;
 	struct patch_ids ids;
@@ -1237,6 +1237,8 @@
 			    PARSE_OPT_NOARG | PARSE_OPT_NONEG, keep_callback },
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "no-binary", &no_binary_diff,
 			 N_("don't output binary diffs")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "zero-commit", &zero_commit,
+			 N_("output all-zero hash in From header")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "ignore-if-in-upstream", &ignore_if_in_upstream,
 			 N_("don't include a patch matching a commit upstream")),
 		{ OPTION_SET_INT, 'p', "no-stat", &use_patch_format, NULL,
@@ -1381,6 +1383,8 @@
 	/* Always generate a patch */
 	rev.diffopt.output_format |= DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH;
+	rev.zero_commit = zero_commit;
 	if (!DIFF_OPT_TST(&rev.diffopt, TEXT) && !no_binary_diff)
 		DIFF_OPT_SET(&rev.diffopt, BINARY);
@@ -1444,7 +1448,7 @@
 		/* Don't say anything if head and upstream are the same. */
 		if ( == 2) {
 			struct object_array_entry *o = rev.pending.objects;
-			if (hashcmp(o[0].item->sha1, o[1].item->sha1) == 0)
+			if (oidcmp(&o[0].item->oid, &o[1].item->oid) == 0)
 				return 0;
 		get_patch_ids(&rev, &ids);
@@ -1551,7 +1555,7 @@
-			gen_message_id(&rev, sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			gen_message_id(&rev, oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 		if (!use_stdout &&
@@ -1613,12 +1617,12 @@
 	if (!verbose) {
 		printf("%c %s\n", sign,
-		       find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, abbrev));
+		       find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash, abbrev));
 	} else {
 		struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 		pp_commit_easy(CMIT_FMT_ONELINE, commit, &buf);
 		printf("%c %s %s\n", sign,
-		       find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, abbrev),
+		       find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash, abbrev),
@@ -1676,7 +1680,7 @@
 	/* Don't say anything if head and upstream are the same. */
 	if ( == 2) {
 		struct object_array_entry *o = revs.pending.objects;
-		if (hashcmp(o[0].item->sha1, o[1].item->sha1) == 0)
+		if (oidcmp(&o[0].item->oid, &o[1].item->oid) == 0)
 			return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/ls-remote.c b/builtin/ls-remote.c
index 5e9d545..fa65a84 100644
--- a/builtin/ls-remote.c
+++ b/builtin/ls-remote.c
@@ -93,12 +93,8 @@
 	if (argv[i]) {
 		int j;
 		pattern = xcalloc(argc - i + 1, sizeof(const char *));
-		for (j = i; j < argc; j++) {
-			int len = strlen(argv[j]);
-			char *p = xmalloc(len + 3);
-			sprintf(p, "*/%s", argv[j]);
-			pattern[j - i] = p;
-		}
+		for (j = i; j < argc; j++)
+			pattern[j - i] = xstrfmt("*/%s", argv[j]);
 	remote = remote_get(dest);
 	if (!remote) {
@@ -129,7 +125,7 @@
 		if (!tail_match(pattern, ref->name))
-		printf("%s	%s\n", sha1_to_hex(ref->old_sha1), ref->name);
+		printf("%s	%s\n", oid_to_hex(&ref->old_oid), ref->name);
 		status = 0; /* we found something */
 	return status;
diff --git a/builtin/ls-tree.c b/builtin/ls-tree.c
index 3b04a0f..0e30d86 100644
--- a/builtin/ls-tree.c
+++ b/builtin/ls-tree.c
@@ -96,12 +96,13 @@
 			if (!strcmp(type, blob_type)) {
 				unsigned long size;
 				if (sha1_object_info(sha1, &size) == OBJ_BAD)
-					strcpy(size_text, "BAD");
+					xsnprintf(size_text, sizeof(size_text),
+						  "BAD");
-					snprintf(size_text, sizeof(size_text),
-						 "%lu", size);
+					xsnprintf(size_text, sizeof(size_text),
+						  "%lu", size);
 			} else
-				strcpy(size_text, "-");
+				xsnprintf(size_text, sizeof(size_text), "-");
 			printf("%06o %s %s %7s\t", mode, type,
 			       find_unique_abbrev(sha1, abbrev),
diff --git a/builtin/mailinfo.c b/builtin/mailinfo.c
index 999a525..f6df274 100644
--- a/builtin/mailinfo.c
+++ b/builtin/mailinfo.c
@@ -6,1029 +6,7 @@
 #include "builtin.h"
 #include "utf8.h"
 #include "strbuf.h"
-static FILE *cmitmsg, *patchfile, *fin, *fout;
-static int keep_subject;
-static int keep_non_patch_brackets_in_subject;
-static const char *metainfo_charset;
-static struct strbuf line = STRBUF_INIT;
-static struct strbuf name = STRBUF_INIT;
-static struct strbuf email = STRBUF_INIT;
-static char *message_id;
-static enum  {
-} transfer_encoding;
-static struct strbuf charset = STRBUF_INIT;
-static int patch_lines;
-static struct strbuf **p_hdr_data, **s_hdr_data;
-static int use_scissors;
-static int add_message_id;
-static int use_inbody_headers = 1;
-#define MAX_HDR_PARSED 10
-static void cleanup_space(struct strbuf *sb);
-static void get_sane_name(struct strbuf *out, struct strbuf *name, struct strbuf *email)
-	struct strbuf *src = name;
-	if (name->len < 3 || 60 < name->len || strchr(name->buf, '@') ||
-		strchr(name->buf, '<') || strchr(name->buf, '>'))
-		src = email;
-	else if (name == out)
-		return;
-	strbuf_reset(out);
-	strbuf_addbuf(out, src);
-static void parse_bogus_from(const struct strbuf *line)
-	/* John Doe <johndoe> */
-	char *bra, *ket;
-	/* This is fallback, so do not bother if we already have an
-	 * e-mail address.
-	 */
-	if (email.len)
-		return;
-	bra = strchr(line->buf, '<');
-	if (!bra)
-		return;
-	ket = strchr(bra, '>');
-	if (!ket)
-		return;
-	strbuf_reset(&email);
-	strbuf_add(&email, bra + 1, ket - bra - 1);
-	strbuf_reset(&name);
-	strbuf_add(&name, line->buf, bra - line->buf);
-	strbuf_trim(&name);
-	get_sane_name(&name, &name, &email);
-static void handle_from(const struct strbuf *from)
-	char *at;
-	size_t el;
-	struct strbuf f;
-	strbuf_init(&f, from->len);
-	strbuf_addbuf(&f, from);
-	at = strchr(f.buf, '@');
-	if (!at) {
-		parse_bogus_from(from);
-		return;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If we already have one email, don't take any confusing lines
-	 */
-	if (email.len && strchr(at + 1, '@')) {
-		strbuf_release(&f);
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Pick up the string around '@', possibly delimited with <>
-	 * pair; that is the email part.
-	 */
-	while (at > f.buf) {
-		char c = at[-1];
-		if (isspace(c))
-			break;
-		if (c == '<') {
-			at[-1] = ' ';
-			break;
-		}
-		at--;
-	}
-	el = strcspn(at, " \n\t\r\v\f>");
-	strbuf_reset(&email);
-	strbuf_add(&email, at, el);
-	strbuf_remove(&f, at - f.buf, el + (at[el] ? 1 : 0));
-	/* The remainder is name.  It could be
-	 *
-	 * - "John Doe <john.doe@xz>"			(a), or
-	 * - "john.doe@xz (John Doe)"			(b), or
-	 * - "John (zzz) Doe <john.doe@xz> (Comment)"	(c)
-	 *
-	 * but we have removed the email part, so
-	 *
-	 * - remove extra spaces which could stay after email (case 'c'), and
-	 * - trim from both ends, possibly removing the () pair at the end
-	 *   (cases 'a' and 'b').
-	 */
-	cleanup_space(&f);
-	strbuf_trim(&f);
-	if (f.buf[0] == '(' && f.len && f.buf[f.len - 1] == ')') {
-		strbuf_remove(&f, 0, 1);
-		strbuf_setlen(&f, f.len - 1);
-	}
-	get_sane_name(&name, &f, &email);
-	strbuf_release(&f);
-static void handle_header(struct strbuf **out, const struct strbuf *line)
-	if (!*out) {
-		*out = xmalloc(sizeof(struct strbuf));
-		strbuf_init(*out, line->len);
-	} else
-		strbuf_reset(*out);
-	strbuf_addbuf(*out, line);
-/* NOTE NOTE NOTE.  We do not claim we do full MIME.  We just attempt
- * to have enough heuristics to grok MIME encoded patches often found
- * on our mailing lists.  For example, we do not even treat header lines
- * case insensitively.
- */
-static int slurp_attr(const char *line, const char *name, struct strbuf *attr)
-	const char *ends, *ap = strcasestr(line, name);
-	size_t sz;
-	strbuf_setlen(attr, 0);
-	if (!ap)
-		return 0;
-	ap += strlen(name);
-	if (*ap == '"') {
-		ap++;
-		ends = "\"";
-	}
-	else
-		ends = "; \t";
-	sz = strcspn(ap, ends);
-	strbuf_add(attr, ap, sz);
-	return 1;
-static struct strbuf *content[MAX_BOUNDARIES];
-static struct strbuf **content_top = content;
-static void handle_content_type(struct strbuf *line)
-	struct strbuf *boundary = xmalloc(sizeof(struct strbuf));
-	strbuf_init(boundary, line->len);
-	if (slurp_attr(line->buf, "boundary=", boundary)) {
-		strbuf_insert(boundary, 0, "--", 2);
-		if (++content_top > &content[MAX_BOUNDARIES]) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Too many boundaries to handle\n");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		*content_top = boundary;
-		boundary = NULL;
-	}
-	slurp_attr(line->buf, "charset=", &charset);
-	if (boundary) {
-		strbuf_release(boundary);
-		free(boundary);
-	}
-static void handle_message_id(const struct strbuf *line)
-	if (add_message_id)
-		message_id = strdup(line->buf);
-static void handle_content_transfer_encoding(const struct strbuf *line)
-	if (strcasestr(line->buf, "base64"))
-		transfer_encoding = TE_BASE64;
-	else if (strcasestr(line->buf, "quoted-printable"))
-		transfer_encoding = TE_QP;
-	else
-		transfer_encoding = TE_DONTCARE;
-static int is_multipart_boundary(const struct strbuf *line)
-	return (((*content_top)->len <= line->len) &&
-		!memcmp(line->buf, (*content_top)->buf, (*content_top)->len));
-static void cleanup_subject(struct strbuf *subject)
-	size_t at = 0;
-	while (at < subject->len) {
-		char *pos;
-		size_t remove;
-		switch (subject->buf[at]) {
-		case 'r': case 'R':
-			if (subject->len <= at + 3)
-				break;
-			if ((subject->buf[at + 1] == 'e' ||
-			     subject->buf[at + 1] == 'E') &&
-			    subject->buf[at + 2] == ':') {
-				strbuf_remove(subject, at, 3);
-				continue;
-			}
-			at++;
-			break;
-		case ' ': case '\t': case ':':
-			strbuf_remove(subject, at, 1);
-			continue;
-		case '[':
-			pos = strchr(subject->buf + at, ']');
-			if (!pos)
-				break;
-			remove = pos - subject->buf + at + 1;
-			if (!keep_non_patch_brackets_in_subject ||
-			    (7 <= remove &&
-			     memmem(subject->buf + at, remove, "PATCH", 5)))
-				strbuf_remove(subject, at, remove);
-			else {
-				at += remove;
-				/*
-				 * If the input had a space after the ], keep
-				 * it.  We don't bother with finding the end of
-				 * the space, since we later normalize it
-				 * anyway.
-				 */
-				if (isspace(subject->buf[at]))
-					at += 1;
-			}
-			continue;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	strbuf_trim(subject);
-static void cleanup_space(struct strbuf *sb)
-	size_t pos, cnt;
-	for (pos = 0; pos < sb->len; pos++) {
-		if (isspace(sb->buf[pos])) {
-			sb->buf[pos] = ' ';
-			for (cnt = 0; isspace(sb->buf[pos + cnt + 1]); cnt++);
-			strbuf_remove(sb, pos + 1, cnt);
-		}
-	}
-static void decode_header(struct strbuf *line);
-static const char *header[MAX_HDR_PARSED] = {
-	"From","Subject","Date",
-static inline int cmp_header(const struct strbuf *line, const char *hdr)
-	int len = strlen(hdr);
-	return !strncasecmp(line->buf, hdr, len) && line->len > len &&
-			line->buf[len] == ':' && isspace(line->buf[len + 1]);
-static int is_format_patch_separator(const char *line, int len)
-	static const char SAMPLE[] =
-		"From e6807f3efca28b30decfecb1732a56c7db1137ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001\n";
-	const char *cp;
-	if (len != strlen(SAMPLE))
-		return 0;
-	if (!skip_prefix(line, "From ", &cp))
-		return 0;
-	if (strspn(cp, "0123456789abcdef") != 40)
-		return 0;
-	cp += 40;
-	return !memcmp(SAMPLE + (cp - line), cp, strlen(SAMPLE) - (cp - line));
-static int check_header(const struct strbuf *line,
-				struct strbuf *hdr_data[], int overwrite)
-	int i, ret = 0, len;
-	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
-	/* search for the interesting parts */
-	for (i = 0; header[i]; i++) {
-		int len = strlen(header[i]);
-		if ((!hdr_data[i] || overwrite) && cmp_header(line, header[i])) {
-			/* Unwrap inline B and Q encoding, and optionally
-			 * normalize the meta information to utf8.
-			 */
-			strbuf_add(&sb, line->buf + len + 2, line->len - len - 2);
-			decode_header(&sb);
-			handle_header(&hdr_data[i], &sb);
-			ret = 1;
-			goto check_header_out;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Content stuff */
-	if (cmp_header(line, "Content-Type")) {
-		len = strlen("Content-Type: ");
-		strbuf_add(&sb, line->buf + len, line->len - len);
-		decode_header(&sb);
-		strbuf_insert(&sb, 0, "Content-Type: ", len);
-		handle_content_type(&sb);
-		ret = 1;
-		goto check_header_out;
-	}
-	if (cmp_header(line, "Content-Transfer-Encoding")) {
-		len = strlen("Content-Transfer-Encoding: ");
-		strbuf_add(&sb, line->buf + len, line->len - len);
-		decode_header(&sb);
-		handle_content_transfer_encoding(&sb);
-		ret = 1;
-		goto check_header_out;
-	}
-	if (cmp_header(line, "Message-Id")) {
-		len = strlen("Message-Id: ");
-		strbuf_add(&sb, line->buf + len, line->len - len);
-		decode_header(&sb);
-		handle_message_id(&sb);
-		ret = 1;
-		goto check_header_out;
-	}
-	/* for inbody stuff */
-	if (starts_with(line->buf, ">From") && isspace(line->buf[5])) {
-		ret = is_format_patch_separator(line->buf + 1, line->len - 1);
-		goto check_header_out;
-	}
-	if (starts_with(line->buf, "[PATCH]") && isspace(line->buf[7])) {
-		for (i = 0; header[i]; i++) {
-			if (!strcmp("Subject", header[i])) {
-				handle_header(&hdr_data[i], line);
-				ret = 1;
-				goto check_header_out;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	strbuf_release(&sb);
-	return ret;
-static int is_rfc2822_header(const struct strbuf *line)
-	/*
-	 * The section that defines the loosest possible
-	 * field name is "3.6.8 Optional fields".
-	 *
-	 * optional-field = field-name ":" unstructured CRLF
-	 * field-name = 1*ftext
-	 * ftext = %d33-57 / %59-126
-	 */
-	int ch;
-	char *cp = line->buf;
-	/* Count mbox From headers as headers */
-	if (starts_with(cp, "From ") || starts_with(cp, ">From "))
-		return 1;
-	while ((ch = *cp++)) {
-		if (ch == ':')
-			return 1;
-		if ((33 <= ch && ch <= 57) ||
-		    (59 <= ch && ch <= 126))
-			continue;
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int read_one_header_line(struct strbuf *line, FILE *in)
-	/* Get the first part of the line. */
-	if (strbuf_getline(line, in, '\n'))
-		return 0;
-	/*
-	 * Is it an empty line or not a valid rfc2822 header?
-	 * If so, stop here, and return false ("not a header")
-	 */
-	strbuf_rtrim(line);
-	if (!line->len || !is_rfc2822_header(line)) {
-		/* Re-add the newline */
-		strbuf_addch(line, '\n');
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Now we need to eat all the continuation lines..
-	 * Yuck, 2822 header "folding"
-	 */
-	for (;;) {
-		int peek;
-		struct strbuf continuation = STRBUF_INIT;
-		peek = fgetc(in); ungetc(peek, in);
-		if (peek != ' ' && peek != '\t')
-			break;
-		if (strbuf_getline(&continuation, in, '\n'))
-			break;
-		continuation.buf[0] = ' ';
-		strbuf_rtrim(&continuation);
-		strbuf_addbuf(line, &continuation);
-	}
-	return 1;
-static struct strbuf *decode_q_segment(const struct strbuf *q_seg, int rfc2047)
-	const char *in = q_seg->buf;
-	int c;
-	struct strbuf *out = xmalloc(sizeof(struct strbuf));
-	strbuf_init(out, q_seg->len);
-	while ((c = *in++) != 0) {
-		if (c == '=') {
-			int d = *in++;
-			if (d == '\n' || !d)
-				break; /* drop trailing newline */
-			strbuf_addch(out, (hexval(d) << 4) | hexval(*in++));
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (rfc2047 && c == '_') /* rfc2047 4.2 (2) */
-			c = 0x20;
-		strbuf_addch(out, c);
-	}
-	return out;
-static struct strbuf *decode_b_segment(const struct strbuf *b_seg)
-	/* Decode in..ep, possibly in-place to ot */
-	int c, pos = 0, acc = 0;
-	const char *in = b_seg->buf;
-	struct strbuf *out = xmalloc(sizeof(struct strbuf));
-	strbuf_init(out, b_seg->len);
-	while ((c = *in++) != 0) {
-		if (c == '+')
-			c = 62;
-		else if (c == '/')
-			c = 63;
-		else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
-			c -= 'A';
-		else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z')
-			c -= 'a' - 26;
-		else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
-			c -= '0' - 52;
-		else
-			continue; /* garbage */
-		switch (pos++) {
-		case 0:
-			acc = (c << 2);
-			break;
-		case 1:
-			strbuf_addch(out, (acc | (c >> 4)));
-			acc = (c & 15) << 4;
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			strbuf_addch(out, (acc | (c >> 2)));
-			acc = (c & 3) << 6;
-			break;
-		case 3:
-			strbuf_addch(out, (acc | c));
-			acc = pos = 0;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return out;
-static void convert_to_utf8(struct strbuf *line, const char *charset)
-	char *out;
-	if (!charset || !*charset)
-		return;
-	if (same_encoding(metainfo_charset, charset))
-		return;
-	out = reencode_string(line->buf, metainfo_charset, charset);
-	if (!out)
-		die("cannot convert from %s to %s",
-		    charset, metainfo_charset);
-	strbuf_attach(line, out, strlen(out), strlen(out));
-static int decode_header_bq(struct strbuf *it)
-	char *in, *ep, *cp;
-	struct strbuf outbuf = STRBUF_INIT, *dec;
-	struct strbuf charset_q = STRBUF_INIT, piecebuf = STRBUF_INIT;
-	int rfc2047 = 0;
-	in = it->buf;
-	while (in - it->buf <= it->len && (ep = strstr(in, "=?")) != NULL) {
-		int encoding;
-		strbuf_reset(&charset_q);
-		strbuf_reset(&piecebuf);
-		rfc2047 = 1;
-		if (in != ep) {
-			/*
-			 * We are about to process an encoded-word
-			 * that begins at ep, but there is something
-			 * before the encoded word.
-			 */
-			char *scan;
-			for (scan = in; scan < ep; scan++)
-				if (!isspace(*scan))
-					break;
-			if (scan != ep || in == it->buf) {
-				/*
-				 * We should not lose that "something",
-				 * unless we have just processed an
-				 * encoded-word, and there is only LWS
-				 * before the one we are about to process.
-				 */
-				strbuf_add(&outbuf, in, ep - in);
-			}
-		}
-		/* E.g.
-		 * ep : "=?iso-2022-jp?B?GyR...?= foo"
-		 * ep : "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Foo=FCbar?= baz"
-		 */
-		ep += 2;
-		if (ep - it->buf >= it->len || !(cp = strchr(ep, '?')))
-			goto decode_header_bq_out;
-		if (cp + 3 - it->buf > it->len)
-			goto decode_header_bq_out;
-		strbuf_add(&charset_q, ep, cp - ep);
-		encoding = cp[1];
-		if (!encoding || cp[2] != '?')
-			goto decode_header_bq_out;
-		ep = strstr(cp + 3, "?=");
-		if (!ep)
-			goto decode_header_bq_out;
-		strbuf_add(&piecebuf, cp + 3, ep - cp - 3);
-		switch (tolower(encoding)) {
-		default:
-			goto decode_header_bq_out;
-		case 'b':
-			dec = decode_b_segment(&piecebuf);
-			break;
-		case 'q':
-			dec = decode_q_segment(&piecebuf, 1);
-			break;
-		}
-		if (metainfo_charset)
-			convert_to_utf8(dec, charset_q.buf);
-		strbuf_addbuf(&outbuf, dec);
-		strbuf_release(dec);
-		free(dec);
-		in = ep + 2;
-	}
-	strbuf_addstr(&outbuf, in);
-	strbuf_reset(it);
-	strbuf_addbuf(it, &outbuf);
-	strbuf_release(&outbuf);
-	strbuf_release(&charset_q);
-	strbuf_release(&piecebuf);
-	return rfc2047;
-static void decode_header(struct strbuf *it)
-	if (decode_header_bq(it))
-		return;
-	/* otherwise "it" is a straight copy of the input.
-	 * This can be binary guck but there is no charset specified.
-	 */
-	if (metainfo_charset)
-		convert_to_utf8(it, "");
-static void decode_transfer_encoding(struct strbuf *line)
-	struct strbuf *ret;
-	switch (transfer_encoding) {
-	case TE_QP:
-		ret = decode_q_segment(line, 0);
-		break;
-	case TE_BASE64:
-		ret = decode_b_segment(line);
-		break;
-	default:
-		return;
-	}
-	strbuf_reset(line);
-	strbuf_addbuf(line, ret);
-	strbuf_release(ret);
-	free(ret);
-static void handle_filter(struct strbuf *line);
-static int find_boundary(void)
-	while (!strbuf_getline(&line, fin, '\n')) {
-		if (*content_top && is_multipart_boundary(&line))
-			return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int handle_boundary(void)
-	struct strbuf newline = STRBUF_INIT;
-	strbuf_addch(&newline, '\n');
-	if (line.len >= (*content_top)->len + 2 &&
-	    !memcmp(line.buf + (*content_top)->len, "--", 2)) {
-		/* we hit an end boundary */
-		/* pop the current boundary off the stack */
-		strbuf_release(*content_top);
-		free(*content_top);
-		*content_top = NULL;
-		/* technically won't happen as is_multipart_boundary()
-		   will fail first.  But just in case..
-		 */
-		if (--content_top < content) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Detected mismatched boundaries, "
-					"can't recover\n");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		handle_filter(&newline);
-		strbuf_release(&newline);
-		/* skip to the next boundary */
-		if (!find_boundary())
-			return 0;
-		goto again;
-	}
-	/* set some defaults */
-	transfer_encoding = TE_DONTCARE;
-	strbuf_reset(&charset);
-	/* slurp in this section's info */
-	while (read_one_header_line(&line, fin))
-		check_header(&line, p_hdr_data, 0);
-	strbuf_release(&newline);
-	/* replenish line */
-	if (strbuf_getline(&line, fin, '\n'))
-		return 0;
-	strbuf_addch(&line, '\n');
-	return 1;
-static inline int patchbreak(const struct strbuf *line)
-	size_t i;
-	/* Beginning of a "diff -" header? */
-	if (starts_with(line->buf, "diff -"))
-		return 1;
-	/* CVS "Index: " line? */
-	if (starts_with(line->buf, "Index: "))
-		return 1;
-	/*
-	 * "--- <filename>" starts patches without headers
-	 * "---<sp>*" is a manual separator
-	 */
-	if (line->len < 4)
-		return 0;
-	if (starts_with(line->buf, "---")) {
-		/* space followed by a filename? */
-		if (line->buf[3] == ' ' && !isspace(line->buf[4]))
-			return 1;
-		/* Just whitespace? */
-		for (i = 3; i < line->len; i++) {
-			unsigned char c = line->buf[i];
-			if (c == '\n')
-				return 1;
-			if (!isspace(c))
-				break;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int is_scissors_line(const struct strbuf *line)
-	size_t i, len = line->len;
-	int scissors = 0, gap = 0;
-	int first_nonblank = -1;
-	int last_nonblank = 0, visible, perforation = 0, in_perforation = 0;
-	const char *buf = line->buf;
-	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-		if (isspace(buf[i])) {
-			if (in_perforation) {
-				perforation++;
-				gap++;
-			}
-			continue;
-		}
-		last_nonblank = i;
-		if (first_nonblank < 0)
-			first_nonblank = i;
-		if (buf[i] == '-') {
-			in_perforation = 1;
-			perforation++;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (i + 1 < len &&
-		    (!memcmp(buf + i, ">8", 2) || !memcmp(buf + i, "8<", 2) ||
-		     !memcmp(buf + i, ">%", 2) || !memcmp(buf + i, "%<", 2))) {
-			in_perforation = 1;
-			perforation += 2;
-			scissors += 2;
-			i++;
-			continue;
-		}
-		in_perforation = 0;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * The mark must be at least 8 bytes long (e.g. "-- >8 --").
-	 * Even though there can be arbitrary cruft on the same line
-	 * (e.g. "cut here"), in order to avoid misidentification, the
-	 * perforation must occupy more than a third of the visible
-	 * width of the line, and dashes and scissors must occupy more
-	 * than half of the perforation.
-	 */
-	visible = last_nonblank - first_nonblank + 1;
-	return (scissors && 8 <= visible &&
-		visible < perforation * 3 &&
-		gap * 2 < perforation);
-static int handle_commit_msg(struct strbuf *line)
-	static int still_looking = 1;
-	if (!cmitmsg)
-		return 0;
-	if (still_looking) {
-		if (!line->len || (line->len == 1 && line->buf[0] == '\n'))
-			return 0;
-	}
-	if (use_inbody_headers && still_looking) {
-		still_looking = check_header(line, s_hdr_data, 0);
-		if (still_looking)
-			return 0;
-	} else
-		/* Only trim the first (blank) line of the commit message
-		 * when ignoring in-body headers.
-		 */
-		still_looking = 0;
-	/* normalize the log message to UTF-8. */
-	if (metainfo_charset)
-		convert_to_utf8(line, charset.buf);
-	if (use_scissors && is_scissors_line(line)) {
-		int i;
-		if (fseek(cmitmsg, 0L, SEEK_SET))
-			die_errno("Could not rewind output message file");
-		if (ftruncate(fileno(cmitmsg), 0))
-			die_errno("Could not truncate output message file at scissors");
-		still_looking = 1;
-		/*
-		 * We may have already read "secondary headers"; purge
-		 * them to give ourselves a clean restart.
-		 */
-		for (i = 0; header[i]; i++) {
-			if (s_hdr_data[i])
-				strbuf_release(s_hdr_data[i]);
-			s_hdr_data[i] = NULL;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (patchbreak(line)) {
-		if (message_id)
-			fprintf(cmitmsg, "Message-Id: %s\n", message_id);
-		fclose(cmitmsg);
-		cmitmsg = NULL;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	fputs(line->buf, cmitmsg);
-	return 0;
-static void handle_patch(const struct strbuf *line)
-	fwrite(line->buf, 1, line->len, patchfile);
-	patch_lines++;
-static void handle_filter(struct strbuf *line)
-	static int filter = 0;
-	/* filter tells us which part we left off on */
-	switch (filter) {
-	case 0:
-		if (!handle_commit_msg(line))
-			break;
-		filter++;
-	case 1:
-		handle_patch(line);
-		break;
-	}
-static void handle_body(void)
-	struct strbuf prev = STRBUF_INIT;
-	/* Skip up to the first boundary */
-	if (*content_top) {
-		if (!find_boundary())
-			goto handle_body_out;
-	}
-	do {
-		/* process any boundary lines */
-		if (*content_top && is_multipart_boundary(&line)) {
-			/* flush any leftover */
-			if (prev.len) {
-				handle_filter(&prev);
-				strbuf_reset(&prev);
-			}
-			if (!handle_boundary())
-				goto handle_body_out;
-		}
-		/* Unwrap transfer encoding */
-		decode_transfer_encoding(&line);
-		switch (transfer_encoding) {
-		case TE_BASE64:
-		case TE_QP:
-		{
-			struct strbuf **lines, **it, *sb;
-			/* Prepend any previous partial lines */
-			strbuf_insert(&line, 0, prev.buf, prev.len);
-			strbuf_reset(&prev);
-			/*
-			 * This is a decoded line that may contain
-			 * multiple new lines.  Pass only one chunk
-			 * at a time to handle_filter()
-			 */
-			lines = strbuf_split(&line, '\n');
-			for (it = lines; (sb = *it); it++) {
-				if (*(it + 1) == NULL) /* The last line */
-					if (sb->buf[sb->len - 1] != '\n') {
-						/* Partial line, save it for later. */
-						strbuf_addbuf(&prev, sb);
-						break;
-					}
-				handle_filter(sb);
-			}
-			/*
-			 * The partial chunk is saved in "prev" and will be
-			 * appended by the next iteration of read_line_with_nul().
-			 */
-			strbuf_list_free(lines);
-			break;
-		}
-		default:
-			handle_filter(&line);
-		}
-	} while (!strbuf_getwholeline(&line, fin, '\n'));
-	strbuf_release(&prev);
-static void output_header_lines(FILE *fout, const char *hdr, const struct strbuf *data)
-	const char *sp = data->buf;
-	while (1) {
-		char *ep = strchr(sp, '\n');
-		int len;
-		if (!ep)
-			len = strlen(sp);
-		else
-			len = ep - sp;
-		fprintf(fout, "%s: %.*s\n", hdr, len, sp);
-		if (!ep)
-			break;
-		sp = ep + 1;
-	}
-static void handle_info(void)
-	struct strbuf *hdr;
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; header[i]; i++) {
-		/* only print inbody headers if we output a patch file */
-		if (patch_lines && s_hdr_data[i])
-			hdr = s_hdr_data[i];
-		else if (p_hdr_data[i])
-			hdr = p_hdr_data[i];
-		else
-			continue;
-		if (!strcmp(header[i], "Subject")) {
-			if (!keep_subject) {
-				cleanup_subject(hdr);
-				cleanup_space(hdr);
-			}
-			output_header_lines(fout, "Subject", hdr);
-		} else if (!strcmp(header[i], "From")) {
-			cleanup_space(hdr);
-			handle_from(hdr);
-			fprintf(fout, "Author: %s\n", name.buf);
-			fprintf(fout, "Email: %s\n", email.buf);
-		} else {
-			cleanup_space(hdr);
-			fprintf(fout, "%s: %s\n", header[i], hdr->buf);
-		}
-	}
-	fprintf(fout, "\n");
-static int mailinfo(FILE *in, FILE *out, const char *msg, const char *patch)
-	int peek;
-	fin = in;
-	fout = out;
-	cmitmsg = fopen(msg, "w");
-	if (!cmitmsg) {
-		perror(msg);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	patchfile = fopen(patch, "w");
-	if (!patchfile) {
-		perror(patch);
-		fclose(cmitmsg);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	p_hdr_data = xcalloc(MAX_HDR_PARSED, sizeof(*p_hdr_data));
-	s_hdr_data = xcalloc(MAX_HDR_PARSED, sizeof(*s_hdr_data));
-	do {
-		peek = fgetc(in);
-	} while (isspace(peek));
-	ungetc(peek, in);
-	/* process the email header */
-	while (read_one_header_line(&line, fin))
-		check_header(&line, p_hdr_data, 1);
-	handle_body();
-	handle_info();
-	return 0;
-static int git_mailinfo_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *unused)
-	if (!starts_with(var, "mailinfo."))
-		return git_default_config(var, value, unused);
-	if (!strcmp(var, "mailinfo.scissors")) {
-		use_scissors = git_config_bool(var, value);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* perhaps others here */
-	return 0;
+#include "mailinfo.h"
 static const char mailinfo_usage[] =
 	"git mailinfo [-k | -b] [-m | --message-id] [-u | --encoding=<encoding> | -n] [--scissors | --no-scissors] <msg> <patch> < mail >info";
@@ -1036,34 +14,36 @@
 int cmd_mailinfo(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
 	const char *def_charset;
+	struct mailinfo mi;
+	int status;
 	/* NEEDSWORK: might want to do the optional .git/ directory
 	 * discovery
-	git_config(git_mailinfo_config, NULL);
+	setup_mailinfo(&mi);
 	def_charset = get_commit_output_encoding();
-	metainfo_charset = def_charset;
+	mi.metainfo_charset = def_charset;
 	while (1 < argc && argv[1][0] == '-') {
 		if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-k"))
-			keep_subject = 1;
+			mi.keep_subject = 1;
 		else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-b"))
-			keep_non_patch_brackets_in_subject = 1;
+			mi.keep_non_patch_brackets_in_subject = 1;
 		else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-m") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--message-id"))
-			add_message_id = 1;
+			mi.add_message_id = 1;
 		else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-u"))
-			metainfo_charset = def_charset;
+			mi.metainfo_charset = def_charset;
 		else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-n"))
-			metainfo_charset = NULL;
+			mi.metainfo_charset = NULL;
 		else if (starts_with(argv[1], "--encoding="))
-			metainfo_charset = argv[1] + 11;
+			mi.metainfo_charset = argv[1] + 11;
 		else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--scissors"))
-			use_scissors = 1;
+			mi.use_scissors = 1;
 		else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--no-scissors"))
-			use_scissors = 0;
+			mi.use_scissors = 0;
 		else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--no-inbody-headers"))
-			use_inbody_headers = 0;
+			mi.use_inbody_headers = 0;
 		argc--; argv++;
@@ -1072,5 +52,10 @@
 	if (argc != 3)
-	return !!mailinfo(stdin, stdout, argv[1], argv[2]);
+	mi.input = stdin;
+	mi.output = stdout;
+	status = !!mailinfo(&mi, argv[1], argv[2]);
+	clear_mailinfo(&mi);
+	return status;
diff --git a/builtin/mailsplit.c b/builtin/mailsplit.c
index 8e02ea1..104277a 100644
--- a/builtin/mailsplit.c
+++ b/builtin/mailsplit.c
@@ -98,30 +98,37 @@
 	DIR *dir;
 	struct dirent *dent;
-	char name[PATH_MAX];
+	char *name = NULL;
 	char *subs[] = { "cur", "new", NULL };
 	char **sub;
+	int ret = -1;
 	for (sub = subs; *sub; ++sub) {
-		snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s", path, *sub);
+		free(name);
+		name = xstrfmt("%s/%s", path, *sub);
 		if ((dir = opendir(name)) == NULL) {
 			if (errno == ENOENT)
 			error("cannot opendir %s (%s)", name, strerror(errno));
-			return -1;
+			goto out;
 		while ((dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
 			if (dent->d_name[0] == '.')
-			snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s", *sub, dent->d_name);
+			free(name);
+			name = xstrfmt("%s/%s", *sub, dent->d_name);
 			string_list_insert(list, name);
-	return 0;
+	ret = 0;
+	free(name);
+	return ret;
 static int maildir_filename_cmp(const char *a, const char *b)
@@ -148,8 +155,8 @@
 static int split_maildir(const char *maildir, const char *dir,
 	int nr_prec, int skip)
-	char file[PATH_MAX];
-	char name[PATH_MAX];
+	char *file = NULL;
+	FILE *f = NULL;
 	int ret = -1;
 	int i;
 	struct string_list list = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
@@ -160,8 +167,11 @@
 		goto out;
 	for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
-		FILE *f;
-		snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s", maildir, list.items[i].string);
+		char *name;
+		free(file);
+		file = xstrfmt("%s/%s", maildir, list.items[i].string);
 		f = fopen(file, "r");
 		if (!f) {
 			error("cannot open mail %s (%s)", file, strerror(errno));
@@ -173,14 +183,19 @@
 			goto out;
-		sprintf(name, "%s/%0*d", dir, nr_prec, ++skip);
+		name = xstrfmt("%s/%0*d", dir, nr_prec, ++skip);
 		split_one(f, name, 1);
+		free(name);
+		f = NULL;
 	ret = skip;
+	if (f)
+		fclose(f);
+	free(file);
 	string_list_clear(&list, 1);
 	return ret;
@@ -188,7 +203,6 @@
 static int split_mbox(const char *file, const char *dir, int allow_bare,
 		      int nr_prec, int skip)
-	char name[PATH_MAX];
 	int ret = -1;
 	int peek;
@@ -215,8 +229,9 @@
 	while (!file_done) {
-		sprintf(name, "%s/%0*d", dir, nr_prec, ++skip);
+		char *name = xstrfmt("%s/%0*d", dir, nr_prec, ++skip);
 		file_done = split_one(f, name, allow_bare);
+		free(name);
 	if (f != stdin)
diff --git a/builtin/merge-base.c b/builtin/merge-base.c
index 08a8217..a891162 100644
--- a/builtin/merge-base.c
+++ b/builtin/merge-base.c
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 		return 1;
 	while (result) {
-		printf("%s\n", sha1_to_hex(result->item->object.sha1));
+		printf("%s\n", oid_to_hex(&result->item->object.oid));
 		if (!show_all)
 			return 0;
 		result = result->next;
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 		return 1;
 	while (result) {
-		printf("%s\n", sha1_to_hex(result->item->object.sha1));
+		printf("%s\n", oid_to_hex(&result->item->object.oid));
 		result = result->next;
 	return 0;
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 		return 1;
 	while (result) {
-		printf("%s\n", sha1_to_hex(result->item->object.sha1));
+		printf("%s\n", oid_to_hex(&result->item->object.oid));
 		if (!show_all)
 			return 0;
 		result = result->next;
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
 		goto cleanup_return;
-	printf("%s\n", sha1_to_hex(bases->item->object.sha1));
+	printf("%s\n", oid_to_hex(&bases->item->object.oid));
diff --git a/builtin/merge-index.c b/builtin/merge-index.c
index 1a1eafa..1c3427c 100644
--- a/builtin/merge-index.c
+++ b/builtin/merge-index.c
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 	int found;
 	const char *arguments[] = { pgm, "", "", "", path, "", "", "", NULL };
-	char hexbuf[4][60];
+	char hexbuf[4][GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1];
 	char ownbuf[4][60];
 	if (pos >= active_nr)
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 		if (strcmp(ce->name, path))
-		strcpy(hexbuf[stage], sha1_to_hex(ce->sha1));
-		sprintf(ownbuf[stage], "%o", ce->ce_mode);
+		sha1_to_hex_r(hexbuf[stage], ce->sha1);
+		xsnprintf(ownbuf[stage], sizeof(ownbuf[stage]), "%o", ce->ce_mode);
 		arguments[stage] = hexbuf[stage];
 		arguments[stage + 4] = ownbuf[stage];
 	} while (++pos < active_nr);
diff --git a/builtin/merge-recursive.c b/builtin/merge-recursive.c
index a90f28f..491efd5 100644
--- a/builtin/merge-recursive.c
+++ b/builtin/merge-recursive.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 	if (strlen(branch) != 40)
 		return branch;
-	sprintf(githead_env, "GITHEAD_%s", branch);
+	xsnprintf(githead_env, sizeof(githead_env), "GITHEAD_%s", branch);
 	name = getenv(githead_env);
 	return name ? name : branch;
diff --git a/builtin/merge-tree.c b/builtin/merge-tree.c
index 2a4aafe..d4f0cbd 100644
--- a/builtin/merge-tree.c
+++ b/builtin/merge-tree.c
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 	const char *path = entry->path;
 	if (!entry->stage)
-		return read_sha1_file(entry->blob->object.sha1, &type, size);
+		return read_sha1_file(entry->blob->object.oid.hash, &type, size);
 	base = NULL;
 	if (entry->stage == 1) {
 		base = entry->blob;
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 	enum object_type type;
 	while (entry) {
 		if (entry->stage == 2)
-			return read_sha1_file(entry->blob->object.sha1, &type, size);
+			return read_sha1_file(entry->blob->object.oid.hash, &type, size);
 		entry = entry->link;
 	return NULL;
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
 	do {
 		struct merge_list *link = entry->link;
 		static const char *desc[4] = { "result", "base", "our", "their" };
-		printf("  %-6s %o %s %s\n", desc[entry->stage], entry->mode, sha1_to_hex(entry->blob->object.sha1), entry->path);
+		printf("  %-6s %o %s %s\n", desc[entry->stage], entry->mode, oid_to_hex(&entry->blob->object.oid), entry->path);
 		entry = link;
 	} while (entry);
diff --git a/builtin/merge.c b/builtin/merge.c
index 3ec97a8..15bf95b 100644
--- a/builtin/merge.c
+++ b/builtin/merge.c
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
 	while ((commit = get_revision(&rev)) != NULL) {
 		strbuf_addch(&out, '\n');
 		strbuf_addf(&out, "commit %s\n",
-			sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 		pretty_print_commit(&ctx, commit, &out);
 	if (write_in_full(fd, out.buf, out.len) != out.len)
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
 		   const unsigned char *new_head, const char *msg)
 	struct strbuf reflog_message = STRBUF_INIT;
-	const unsigned char *head = head_commit->object.sha1;
+	const unsigned char *head = head_commit->object.oid.hash;
 	if (!msg)
 		strbuf_addstr(&reflog_message, getenv("GIT_REFLOG_ACTION"));
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@
 		if (ref_exists(truname.buf)) {
 				    "%s\t\tbranch '%s'%s of .\n",
-				    sha1_to_hex(remote_head->object.sha1),
+				    sha1_to_hex(remote_head->object.oid.hash),
 				    truname.buf + 11,
 				    (early ? " (early part)" : ""));
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
 		desc = merge_remote_util(remote_head);
 		if (desc && desc->obj && desc->obj->type == OBJ_TAG) {
 			strbuf_addf(msg, "%s\t\t%s '%s'\n",
-				    sha1_to_hex(desc->obj->sha1),
+				    sha1_to_hex(desc->obj->oid.hash),
 			goto cleanup;
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@
 	strbuf_addf(msg, "%s\t\tcommit '%s'\n",
-		sha1_to_hex(remote_head->object.sha1), remote);
+		sha1_to_hex(remote_head->object.oid.hash), remote);
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@
 		second_token = lookup_commit_reference_gently(second_sha1, 0);
 		if (!second_token)
 			die(_("'%s' is not a commit"), argv[1]);
-		if (hashcmp(second_token->object.sha1, head))
+		if (hashcmp(second_token->object.oid.hash, head))
 			return NULL;
 	return second_token;
@@ -958,14 +958,14 @@
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	for (j = remoteheads; j; j = j->next) {
-		unsigned const char *sha1;
+		struct object_id *oid;
 		struct commit *c = j->item;
 		if (c->util && merge_remote_util(c)->obj) {
-			sha1 = merge_remote_util(c)->obj->sha1;
+			oid = &merge_remote_util(c)->obj->oid;
 		} else {
-			sha1 = c->object.sha1;
+			oid = &c->object.oid;
-		strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s\n", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+		strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s\n", oid_to_hex(oid));
 	filename = git_path_merge_head();
 	fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666);
@@ -1274,8 +1274,8 @@
 			die(_("%s - not something we can merge"), argv[0]);
 		if (remoteheads->next)
 			die(_("Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head"));
-		read_empty(remote_head->object.sha1, 0);
-		update_ref("initial pull", "HEAD", remote_head->object.sha1,
+		read_empty(remote_head->object.oid.hash, 0);
+		update_ref("initial pull", "HEAD", remote_head->object.oid.hash,
 		goto done;
@@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@
 	 * additional safety measure to check for it.
 	if (!have_message &&
-	    is_old_style_invocation(argc, argv, head_commit->object.sha1)) {
+	    is_old_style_invocation(argc, argv, head_commit->object.oid.hash)) {
 		warning("old-style 'git merge <msg> HEAD <commit>' is deprecated.");
 		strbuf_addstr(&merge_msg, argv[0]);
 		head_arg = argv[1];
@@ -1317,13 +1317,13 @@
 	if (verify_signatures) {
 		for (p = remoteheads; p; p = p->next) {
 			struct commit *commit = p->item;
-			char hex[41];
+			char hex[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1];
 			struct signature_check signature_check;
 			memset(&signature_check, 0, sizeof(signature_check));
 			check_commit_signature(commit, &signature_check);
-			strcpy(hex, find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+			find_unique_abbrev_r(hex, commit->object.oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
 			switch (signature_check.result) {
 			case 'G':
@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@
 	for (p = remoteheads; p; p = p->next) {
 		struct commit *commit = p->item;
 		strbuf_addf(&buf, "GITHEAD_%s",
-			    sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			    sha1_to_hex(commit->object.oid.hash));
 		setenv(buf.buf, merge_remote_util(commit)->name, 1);
 		if (fast_forward != FF_ONLY &&
@@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@
-	update_ref("updating ORIG_HEAD", "ORIG_HEAD", head_commit->object.sha1,
+	update_ref("updating ORIG_HEAD", "ORIG_HEAD", head_commit->object.oid.hash,
 	if (remoteheads && !common)
@@ -1409,19 +1409,19 @@
 		goto done;
 	} else if (fast_forward != FF_NO && !remoteheads->next &&
 			!common->next &&
-			!hashcmp(common->item->object.sha1, head_commit->object.sha1)) {
+			!hashcmp(common->item->object.oid.hash, head_commit->object.oid.hash)) {
 		/* Again the most common case of merging one remote. */
 		struct strbuf msg = STRBUF_INIT;
 		struct commit *commit;
-		char hex[41];
-		strcpy(hex, find_unique_abbrev(head_commit->object.sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
-		if (verbosity >= 0)
-			printf(_("Updating %s..%s\n"),
-				hex,
-				find_unique_abbrev(remoteheads->item->object.sha1,
+		if (verbosity >= 0) {
+			char from[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1], to[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1];
+			find_unique_abbrev_r(from, head_commit->object.oid.hash,
+					      DEFAULT_ABBREV);
+			find_unique_abbrev_r(to, remoteheads->item->object.oid.hash,
+					      DEFAULT_ABBREV);
+			printf(_("Updating %s..%s\n"), from, to);
+		}
 		strbuf_addstr(&msg, "Fast-forward");
 		if (have_message)
@@ -1432,14 +1432,14 @@
 			goto done;
-		if (checkout_fast_forward(head_commit->object.sha1,
-					  commit->object.sha1,
+		if (checkout_fast_forward(head_commit->object.oid.hash,
+					  commit->object.oid.hash,
 					  overwrite_ignore)) {
 			ret = 1;
 			goto done;
-		finish(head_commit, remoteheads, commit->object.sha1, msg.buf);
+		finish(head_commit, remoteheads, commit->object.oid.hash, msg.buf);
 		goto done;
 	} else if (!remoteheads->next && common->next)
@@ -1458,9 +1458,9 @@
 			/* See if it is really trivial. */
 			printf(_("Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n"));
-			if (!read_tree_trivial(common->item->object.sha1,
-					       head_commit->object.sha1,
-					       remoteheads->item->object.sha1)) {
+			if (!read_tree_trivial(common->item->object.oid.hash,
+					       head_commit->object.oid.hash,
+					       remoteheads->item->object.oid.hash)) {
 				ret = merge_trivial(head_commit, remoteheads);
 				goto done;
@@ -1483,8 +1483,8 @@
 			 * HEAD^^" would be missed.
 			common_one = get_merge_bases(head_commit, j->item);
-			if (hashcmp(common_one->item->object.sha1,
-				j->item->object.sha1)) {
+			if (hashcmp(common_one->item->object.oid.hash,
+				j->item->object.oid.hash)) {
 				up_to_date = 0;
@@ -1520,7 +1520,7 @@
 		int ret;
 		if (i) {
 			printf(_("Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"));
-			restore_state(head_commit->object.sha1, stash);
+			restore_state(head_commit->object.oid.hash, stash);
 		if (use_strategies_nr != 1)
 			printf(_("Trying merge strategy %s...\n"),
@@ -1586,7 +1586,7 @@
 	 * it up.
 	if (!best_strategy) {
-		restore_state(head_commit->object.sha1, stash);
+		restore_state(head_commit->object.oid.hash, stash);
 		if (use_strategies_nr > 1)
 				_("No merge strategy handled the merge.\n"));
@@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@
 		; /* We already have its result in the working tree. */
 	else {
 		printf(_("Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"));
-		restore_state(head_commit->object.sha1, stash);
+		restore_state(head_commit->object.oid.hash, stash);
 		printf(_("Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n"),
 		try_merge_strategy(best_strategy, common, remoteheads,
diff --git a/builtin/name-rev.c b/builtin/name-rev.c
index 248a3eb..092e03c 100644
--- a/builtin/name-rev.c
+++ b/builtin/name-rev.c
@@ -55,20 +55,16 @@
 			parents = parents->next, parent_number++) {
 		if (parent_number > 1) {
-			int len = strlen(tip_name);
-			char *new_name = xmalloc(len +
-				1 + decimal_length(generation) +  /* ~<n> */
-				1 + 2 +				  /* ^NN */
-				1);
+			size_t len;
+			char *new_name;
-			if (len > 2 && !strcmp(tip_name + len - 2, "^0"))
-				len -= 2;
+			strip_suffix(tip_name, "^0", &len);
 			if (generation > 0)
-				sprintf(new_name, "%.*s~%d^%d", len, tip_name,
-						generation, parent_number);
+				new_name = xstrfmt("%.*s~%d^%d", (int)len, tip_name,
+						   generation, parent_number);
-				sprintf(new_name, "%.*s^%d", len, tip_name,
-						parent_number);
+				new_name = xstrfmt("%.*s^%d", (int)len, tip_name,
+						   parent_number);
 			name_rev(parents->item, new_name, 0,
 				distance + MERGE_TRAVERSAL_WEIGHT, 0);
@@ -166,7 +162,7 @@
 		struct tag *t = (struct tag *) o;
 		if (!t->tagged)
 			break; /* broken repository */
-		o = parse_object(t->tagged->sha1);
+		o = parse_object(t->tagged->oid.hash);
 		deref = 1;
 	if (o && o->type == OBJ_COMMIT) {
@@ -197,7 +193,7 @@
 		tip_table.sorted = 1;
-	found = sha1_pos(o->sha1, tip_table.table,,
+	found = sha1_pos(o->oid.hash, tip_table.table,,
 	if (0 <= found)
 		return tip_table.table[found].refname;
@@ -236,19 +232,19 @@
 		      int always, int allow_undefined, int name_only)
 	const char *name;
-	const unsigned char *sha1 = obj->sha1;
+	const struct object_id *oid = &obj->oid;
 	if (!name_only)
-		printf("%s ", caller_name ? caller_name : sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+		printf("%s ", caller_name ? caller_name : oid_to_hex(oid));
 	name = get_rev_name(obj);
 	if (name)
 		printf("%s\n", name);
 	else if (allow_undefined)
 	else if (always)
-		printf("%s\n", find_unique_abbrev(sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+		printf("%s\n", find_unique_abbrev(oid->hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
-		die("cannot describe '%s'", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+		die("cannot describe '%s'", oid_to_hex(oid));
 static char const * const name_rev_usage[] = {
diff --git a/builtin/notes.c b/builtin/notes.c
index bb23d55..52aa9af 100644
--- a/builtin/notes.c
+++ b/builtin/notes.c
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "string-list.h"
 #include "notes-merge.h"
 #include "notes-utils.h"
-#include "branch.h"
+#include "worktree.h"
 static const char * const git_notes_usage[] = {
 	N_("git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] [list [<object>]]"),
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@
 		die("Could not parse commit from NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL.");
 	if (partial->parents)
-		hashcpy(parent_sha1, partial->parents->item->object.sha1);
+		hashcpy(parent_sha1, partial->parents->item->object.oid.hash);
diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index 1c63f8f..4dae5b1 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@
 static void show_commit(struct commit *commit, void *data)
-	add_object_entry(commit->object.sha1, OBJ_COMMIT, NULL, 0);
+	add_object_entry(commit->object.oid.hash, OBJ_COMMIT, NULL, 0);
 	commit->object.flags |= OBJECT_ADDED;
 	if (write_bitmap_index)
@@ -2291,7 +2291,7 @@
 	char *name = path_name(path, last);
-	add_object_entry(obj->sha1, obj->type, name, 0);
+	add_object_entry(obj->oid.hash, obj->type, name, 0);
 	obj->flags |= OBJECT_ADDED;
@@ -2303,7 +2303,7 @@
 static void show_edge(struct commit *commit)
-	add_preferred_base(commit->object.sha1);
+	add_preferred_base(commit->object.oid.hash);
 struct in_pack_object {
@@ -2319,7 +2319,7 @@
 static void mark_in_pack_object(struct object *object, struct packed_git *p, struct in_pack *in_pack)
-	in_pack->array[in_pack->nr].offset = find_pack_entry_one(object->sha1, p);
+	in_pack->array[in_pack->nr].offset = find_pack_entry_one(object->oid.hash, p);
 	in_pack->array[in_pack->nr].object = object;
@@ -2338,7 +2338,7 @@
 	else if (a->offset > b->offset)
 		return 1;
-		return hashcmp(a->object->sha1, b->object->sha1);
+		return oidcmp(&a->object->oid, &b->object->oid);
 static void add_objects_in_unpacked_packs(struct rev_info *revs)
@@ -2376,7 +2376,7 @@
 		for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
 			struct object *o = in_pack.array[i].object;
-			add_object_entry(o->sha1, o->type, "", 0);
+			add_object_entry(o->oid.hash, o->type, "", 0);
@@ -2484,12 +2484,12 @@
 				 const char *last,
 				 void *data)
-	sha1_array_append(&recent_objects, obj->sha1);
+	sha1_array_append(&recent_objects, obj->oid.hash);
 static void record_recent_commit(struct commit *commit, void *data)
-	sha1_array_append(&recent_objects, commit->object.sha1);
+	sha1_array_append(&recent_objects, commit->object.oid.hash);
 static void get_object_list(int ac, const char **av)
diff --git a/builtin/pull.c b/builtin/pull.c
index bf3fd3f..5145fc6 100644
--- a/builtin/pull.c
+++ b/builtin/pull.c
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@
 	if (!result)
 		return 1;
-	hashcpy(merge_base, result->item->object.sha1);
+	hashcpy(merge_base, result->item->object.oid.hash);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/push.c b/builtin/push.c
index 3bda430..8963dbd 100644
--- a/builtin/push.c
+++ b/builtin/push.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include "transport.h"
 #include "parse-options.h"
 #include "submodule.h"
+#include "submodule-config.h"
 #include "send-pack.h"
 static const char * const push_usage[] = {
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
 static const char *receivepack;
 static int verbosity;
 static int progress = -1;
+static int recurse_submodules = RECURSE_SUBMODULES_DEFAULT;
 static struct push_cas_option cas;
@@ -452,22 +454,14 @@
 static int option_parse_recurse_submodules(const struct option *opt,
 				   const char *arg, int unset)
-	int *flags = opt->value;
+	int *recurse_submodules = opt->value;
-		die("%s can only be used once.", opt->long_name);
-	if (arg) {
-		if (!strcmp(arg, "check"))
-		else if (!strcmp(arg, "on-demand"))
-		else
-			die("bad %s argument: %s", opt->long_name, arg);
-	} else
-		die("option %s needs an argument (check|on-demand)",
-				opt->long_name);
+	if (unset)
+		*recurse_submodules = RECURSE_SUBMODULES_OFF;
+	else if (arg)
+		*recurse_submodules = parse_push_recurse_submodules_arg(opt->long_name, arg);
+	else
+		die("%s missing parameter", opt->long_name);
 	return 0;
@@ -522,6 +516,10 @@
 					return error("Invalid value for '%s'", k);
+	} else if (!strcmp(k, "push.recursesubmodules")) {
+		const char *value;
+		if (!git_config_get_value("push.recursesubmodules", &value))
+			recurse_submodules = parse_push_recurse_submodules_arg(k, value);
 	return git_default_config(k, v, NULL);
@@ -549,7 +547,7 @@
 		  0, CAS_OPT_NAME, &cas, N_("refname>:<expect"),
 		  N_("require old value of ref to be at this value"),
 		  PARSE_OPT_OPTARG, parseopt_push_cas_option },
-		{ OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "recurse-submodules", &flags, "check|on-demand",
+		{ OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "recurse-submodules", &recurse_submodules, "check|on-demand|no",
 			N_("control recursive pushing of submodules"),
 			PARSE_OPT_OPTARG, option_parse_recurse_submodules },
 		OPT_BOOL( 0 , "thin", &thin, N_("use thin pack")),
@@ -580,6 +578,11 @@
 	if (deleterefs && argc < 2)
 		die(_("--delete doesn't make sense without any refs"));
+	if (recurse_submodules == RECURSE_SUBMODULES_CHECK)
+	else if (recurse_submodules == RECURSE_SUBMODULES_ON_DEMAND)
 	if (tags)
diff --git a/builtin/read-tree.c b/builtin/read-tree.c
index 2379e11..8c693e7 100644
--- a/builtin/read-tree.c
+++ b/builtin/read-tree.c
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 	debug_stage("index", stages[0], o);
 	for (i = 1; i <= o->merge_size; i++) {
 		char buf[24];
-		sprintf(buf, "ent#%d", i);
+		xsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ent#%d", i);
 		debug_stage(buf, stages[i], o);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/receive-pack.c b/builtin/receive-pack.c
index e6b93d0..ca38131 100644
--- a/builtin/receive-pack.c
+++ b/builtin/receive-pack.c
@@ -195,9 +195,6 @@
 static void show_ref(const char *path, const unsigned char *sha1)
-	if (ref_is_hidden(path))
-		return;
 	if (sent_capabilities) {
 		packet_write(1, "%s %s\n", sha1_to_hex(sha1), path);
 	} else {
@@ -219,9 +216,14 @@
-static int show_ref_cb(const char *path, const struct object_id *oid, int flag, void *unused)
+static int show_ref_cb(const char *path_full, const struct object_id *oid,
+		       int flag, void *unused)
-	path = strip_namespace(path);
+	const char *path = strip_namespace(path_full);
+	if (ref_is_hidden(path, path_full))
+		return 0;
 	 * Advertise refs outside our current namespace as ".have"
 	 * refs, so that the client can use them to minimize data
@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@
 static void collect_one_alternate_ref(const struct ref *ref, void *data)
 	struct sha1_array *sa = data;
-	sha1_array_append(sa, ref->old_sha1);
+	sha1_array_append(sa, ref->old_oid.hash);
 static void write_head_info(void)
@@ -280,10 +282,10 @@
 static void report_message(const char *prefix, const char *err, va_list params)
-	int sz = strlen(prefix);
+	int sz;
 	char msg[4096];
-	strncpy(msg, prefix, sz);
+	sz = xsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", prefix);
 	sz += vsnprintf(msg + sz, sizeof(msg) - sz, err, params);
 	if (sz > (sizeof(msg) - 1))
 		sz = sizeof(msg) - 1;
@@ -1071,8 +1073,11 @@
 	const char *dst_name;
 	struct string_list_item *item;
 	struct command *dst_cmd;
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
-	char cmd_oldh[41], cmd_newh[41], dst_oldh[41], dst_newh[41];
+	unsigned char sha1[GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ];
+	char cmd_oldh[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1],
+	     cmd_newh[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1],
+	     dst_oldh[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1],
+	     dst_newh[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1];
 	int flag;
 	strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s%s", get_git_namespace(), cmd->ref_name);
@@ -1103,10 +1108,10 @@
 	dst_cmd->skip_update = 1;
-	strcpy(cmd_oldh, find_unique_abbrev(cmd->old_sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
-	strcpy(cmd_newh, find_unique_abbrev(cmd->new_sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
-	strcpy(dst_oldh, find_unique_abbrev(dst_cmd->old_sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
-	strcpy(dst_newh, find_unique_abbrev(dst_cmd->new_sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+	find_unique_abbrev_r(cmd_oldh, cmd->old_sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
+	find_unique_abbrev_r(cmd_newh, cmd->new_sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
+	find_unique_abbrev_r(dst_oldh, dst_cmd->old_sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
+	find_unique_abbrev_r(dst_newh, dst_cmd->new_sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
 	rp_error("refusing inconsistent update between symref '%s' (%s..%s) and"
 		 " its target '%s' (%s..%s)",
 		 cmd->ref_name, cmd_oldh, cmd_newh,
@@ -1192,16 +1197,29 @@
 static void reject_updates_to_hidden(struct command *commands)
+	struct strbuf refname_full = STRBUF_INIT;
+	size_t prefix_len;
 	struct command *cmd;
+	strbuf_addstr(&refname_full, get_git_namespace());
+	prefix_len = refname_full.len;
 	for (cmd = commands; cmd; cmd = cmd->next) {
-		if (cmd->error_string || !ref_is_hidden(cmd->ref_name))
+		if (cmd->error_string)
+			continue;
+		strbuf_setlen(&refname_full, prefix_len);
+		strbuf_addstr(&refname_full, cmd->ref_name);
+		if (!ref_is_hidden(cmd->ref_name, refname_full.buf))
 		if (is_null_sha1(cmd->new_sha1))
 			cmd->error_string = "deny deleting a hidden ref";
 			cmd->error_string = "deny updating a hidden ref";
+	strbuf_release(&refname_full);
 static int should_process_cmd(struct command *cmd)
@@ -1521,15 +1539,18 @@
 		if (status)
 			return "unpack-objects abnormal exit";
 	} else {
-		int s;
-		char keep_arg[256];
-		s = sprintf(keep_arg, "--keep=receive-pack %"PRIuMAX" on ", (uintmax_t) getpid());
-		if (gethostname(keep_arg + s, sizeof(keep_arg) - s))
-			strcpy(keep_arg + s, "localhost");
+		char hostname[256];
 		argv_array_pushl(&child.args, "index-pack",
-				 "--stdin", hdr_arg, keep_arg, NULL);
+				 "--stdin", hdr_arg, NULL);
+		if (gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)))
+			xsnprintf(hostname, sizeof(hostname), "localhost");
+		argv_array_pushf(&child.args,
+				 "--keep=receive-pack %"PRIuMAX" on %s",
+				 (uintmax_t)getpid(),
+				 hostname);
 		if (fsck_objects)
 			argv_array_pushf(&child.args, "--strict%s",
diff --git a/builtin/reflog.c b/builtin/reflog.c
index cf1145e..f39960e 100644
--- a/builtin/reflog.c
+++ b/builtin/reflog.c
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
 		struct commit_list *parent;
 		c = (struct commit *)study.objects[].item;
-		if (!c->object.parsed && !parse_object(c->object.sha1))
+		if (!c->object.parsed && !parse_object(c->object.oid.hash))
 			c->object.flags |= INCOMPLETE;
 		if (c->object.flags & INCOMPLETE) {
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
 		for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
 			struct commit *c =
 				(struct commit *)found.objects[i].item;
-			if (!tree_is_complete(c->tree->object.sha1)) {
+			if (!tree_is_complete(c->tree->object.oid.hash)) {
 				is_incomplete = 1;
 				c->object.flags |= INCOMPLETE;
diff --git a/builtin/remote-ext.c b/builtin/remote-ext.c
index 3b8c22c..e3cd25d 100644
--- a/builtin/remote-ext.c
+++ b/builtin/remote-ext.c
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #include "builtin.h"
 #include "transport.h"
 #include "run-command.h"
+#include "pkt-line.h"
  * URL syntax:
@@ -142,36 +143,11 @@
 static void send_git_request(int stdin_fd, const char *serv, const char *repo,
 	const char *vhost)
-	size_t bufferspace;
-	size_t wpos = 0;
-	char *buffer;
-	/*
-	 * Request needs 12 bytes extra if there is vhost (xxxx \0host=\0) and
-	 * 6 bytes extra (xxxx \0) if there is no vhost.
-	 */
-	if (vhost)
-		bufferspace = strlen(serv) + strlen(repo) + strlen(vhost) + 12;
+	if (!vhost)
+		packet_write(stdin_fd, "%s %s%c", serv, repo, 0);
-		bufferspace = strlen(serv) + strlen(repo) + 6;
-	if (bufferspace > 0xFFFF)
-		die("Request too large to send");
-	buffer = xmalloc(bufferspace);
-	/* Make the packet. */
-	wpos = sprintf(buffer, "%04x%s %s%c", (unsigned)bufferspace,
-		serv, repo, 0);
-	/* Add vhost if any. */
-	if (vhost)
-		sprintf(buffer + wpos, "host=%s%c", vhost, 0);
-	/* Send the request */
-	if (write_in_full(stdin_fd, buffer, bufferspace) < 0)
-		die_errno("Failed to send request");
-	free(buffer);
+		packet_write(stdin_fd, "%s %s%chost=%s%c", serv, repo, 0,
+			     vhost, 0);
 static int run_child(const char *arg, const char *service)
diff --git a/builtin/remote.c b/builtin/remote.c
index 181668d..6694cf2 100644
--- a/builtin/remote.c
+++ b/builtin/remote.c
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 	N_("git remote prune [-n | --dry-run] <name>"),
 	N_("git remote [-v | --verbose] update [-p | --prune] [(<group> | <remote>)...]"),
 	N_("git remote set-branches [--add] <name> <branch>..."),
+	N_("git remote get-url [--push] [--all] <name>"),
 	N_("git remote set-url [--push] <name> <newurl> [<oldurl>]"),
 	N_("git remote set-url --add <name> <newurl>"),
 	N_("git remote set-url --delete <name> <url>"),
@@ -65,6 +66,11 @@
+static const char * const builtin_remote_geturl_usage[] = {
+	N_("git remote get-url [--push] [--all] <name>"),
 static const char * const builtin_remote_seturl_usage[] = {
 	N_("git remote set-url [--push] <name> <newurl> [<oldurl>]"),
 	N_("git remote set-url --add <name> <newurl>"),
@@ -395,7 +401,7 @@
 		if (!ref->peer_ref)
-		hashcpy(ref->new_sha1, ref->peer_ref->new_sha1);
+		oidcpy(&ref->new_oid, &ref->peer_ref->new_oid);
 		item = string_list_append(&states->push,
@@ -404,14 +410,14 @@
 		info->forced = ref->force;
 		info->dest = xstrdup(abbrev_branch(ref->name));
-		if (is_null_sha1(ref->new_sha1)) {
+		if (is_null_oid(&ref->new_oid)) {
 			info->status = PUSH_STATUS_DELETE;
-		} else if (!hashcmp(ref->old_sha1, ref->new_sha1))
+		} else if (!oidcmp(&ref->old_oid, &ref->new_oid))
 			info->status = PUSH_STATUS_UPTODATE;
-		else if (is_null_sha1(ref->old_sha1))
+		else if (is_null_oid(&ref->old_oid))
 			info->status = PUSH_STATUS_CREATE;
-		else if (has_sha1_file(ref->old_sha1) &&
-			 ref_newer(ref->new_sha1, ref->old_sha1))
+		else if (has_object_file(&ref->old_oid) &&
+			 ref_newer(&ref->new_oid, &ref->old_oid))
 			info->status = PUSH_STATUS_FASTFORWARD;
 			info->status = PUSH_STATUS_OUTOFDATE;
@@ -1467,6 +1473,57 @@
 	return set_remote_branches(argv[0], argv + 1, add_mode);
+static int get_url(int argc, const char **argv)
+	int i, push_mode = 0, all_mode = 0;
+	const char *remotename = NULL;
+	struct remote *remote;
+	const char **url;
+	int url_nr;
+	struct option options[] = {
+		OPT_BOOL('\0', "push", &push_mode,
+			 N_("query push URLs rather than fetch URLs")),
+		OPT_BOOL('\0', "all", &all_mode,
+			 N_("return all URLs")),
+		OPT_END()
+	};
+	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, NULL, options, builtin_remote_geturl_usage, 0);
+	if (argc != 1)
+		usage_with_options(builtin_remote_geturl_usage, options);
+	remotename = argv[0];
+	if (!remote_is_configured(remotename))
+		die(_("No such remote '%s'"), remotename);
+	remote = remote_get(remotename);
+	url_nr = 0;
+	if (push_mode) {
+		url = remote->pushurl;
+		url_nr = remote->pushurl_nr;
+	}
+	/* else fetch mode */
+	/* Use the fetch URL when no push URLs were found or requested. */
+	if (!url_nr) {
+		url = remote->url;
+		url_nr = remote->url_nr;
+	}
+	if (!url_nr)
+		die(_("no URLs configured for remote '%s'"), remotename);
+	if (all_mode) {
+		for (i = 0; i < url_nr; i++)
+			printf_ln("%s", url[i]);
+	} else {
+		printf_ln("%s", *url);
+	}
+	return 0;
 static int set_url(int argc, const char **argv)
 	int i, push_mode = 0, add_mode = 0, delete_mode = 0;
@@ -1576,6 +1633,8 @@
 		result = set_head(argc, argv);
 	else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "set-branches"))
 		result = set_branches(argc, argv);
+	else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "get-url"))
+		result = get_url(argc, argv);
 	else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "set-url"))
 		result = set_url(argc, argv);
 	else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "show"))
diff --git a/builtin/replace.c b/builtin/replace.c
index 6b3c469..748c6ca 100644
--- a/builtin/replace.c
+++ b/builtin/replace.c
@@ -358,10 +358,10 @@
 	/* iterate over new parents */
 	for (i = 1; i < mergetag_data->argc; i++) {
-		unsigned char sha1[20];
-		if (get_sha1(mergetag_data->argv[i], sha1) < 0)
+		struct object_id oid;
+		if (get_sha1(mergetag_data->argv[i], oid.hash) < 0)
 			die(_("Not a valid object name: '%s'"), mergetag_data->argv[i]);
-		if (!hashcmp(tag->tagged->sha1, sha1))
+		if (!oidcmp(&tag->tagged->oid, &oid))
 			return; /* found */
diff --git a/builtin/rerere.c b/builtin/rerere.c
index 88e1359..1bf7242 100644
--- a/builtin/rerere.c
+++ b/builtin/rerere.c
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@
 			return 0;
 		for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
 			const char *path = merge_rr.items[i].string;
-			const char *name = (const char *)merge_rr.items[i].util;
-			if (diff_two(rerere_path(name, "preimage"), path, path, path))
-				die("unable to generate diff for %s", name);
+			const struct rerere_id *id = merge_rr.items[i].util;
+			if (diff_two(rerere_path(id, "preimage"), path, path, path))
+				die("unable to generate diff for %s", rerere_path(id, NULL));
 	} else
 		usage_with_options(rerere_usage, options);
diff --git a/builtin/reset.c b/builtin/reset.c
index c503e75..092c3a5 100644
--- a/builtin/reset.c
+++ b/builtin/reset.c
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 	const char *hex, *body;
 	const char *msg;
-	hex = find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
+	hex = find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
 	printf(_("HEAD is now at %s"), hex);
 	msg = logmsg_reencode(commit, NULL, get_log_output_encoding());
 	body = strstr(msg, "\n\n");
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
 	int reset_type = NONE, update_ref_status = 0, quiet = 0;
 	int patch_mode = 0, unborn;
 	const char *rev;
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
+	struct object_id oid;
 	struct pathspec pathspec;
 	int intent_to_add = 0;
 	const struct option options[] = {
@@ -295,26 +295,26 @@
 	parse_args(&pathspec, argv, prefix, patch_mode, &rev);
-	unborn = !strcmp(rev, "HEAD") && get_sha1("HEAD", sha1);
+	unborn = !strcmp(rev, "HEAD") && get_sha1("HEAD", oid.hash);
 	if (unborn) {
 		/* reset on unborn branch: treat as reset to empty tree */
-		hashcpy(sha1, EMPTY_TREE_SHA1_BIN);
+		hashcpy(oid.hash, EMPTY_TREE_SHA1_BIN);
 	} else if (! {
 		struct commit *commit;
-		if (get_sha1_committish(rev, sha1))
+		if (get_sha1_committish(rev, oid.hash))
 			die(_("Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid revision."), rev);
-		commit = lookup_commit_reference(sha1);
+		commit = lookup_commit_reference(oid.hash);
 		if (!commit)
 			die(_("Could not parse object '%s'."), rev);
-		hashcpy(sha1, commit->object.sha1);
+		oidcpy(&oid, &commit->object.oid);
 	} else {
 		struct tree *tree;
-		if (get_sha1_treeish(rev, sha1))
+		if (get_sha1_treeish(rev, oid.hash))
 			die(_("Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid tree."), rev);
-		tree = parse_tree_indirect(sha1);
+		tree = parse_tree_indirect(oid.hash);
 		if (!tree)
 			die(_("Could not parse object '%s'."), rev);
-		hashcpy(sha1, tree->object.sha1);
+		oidcpy(&oid, &tree->object.oid);
 	if (patch_mode) {
@@ -357,15 +357,15 @@
 		hold_locked_index(lock, 1);
 		if (reset_type == MIXED) {
 			int flags = quiet ? REFRESH_QUIET : REFRESH_IN_PORCELAIN;
-			if (read_from_tree(&pathspec, sha1, intent_to_add))
+			if (read_from_tree(&pathspec, oid.hash, intent_to_add))
 				return 1;
 			if (get_git_work_tree())
 				refresh_index(&the_index, flags, NULL, NULL,
 					      _("Unstaged changes after reset:"));
 		} else {
-			int err = reset_index(sha1, reset_type, quiet);
+			int err = reset_index(oid.hash, reset_type, quiet);
 			if (reset_type == KEEP && !err)
-				err = reset_index(sha1, MIXED, quiet);
+				err = reset_index(oid.hash, MIXED, quiet);
 			if (err)
 				die(_("Could not reset index file to revision '%s'."), rev);
@@ -377,10 +377,10 @@
 	if (! && !unborn) {
 		/* Any resets without paths update HEAD to the head being
 		 * switched to, saving the previous head in ORIG_HEAD before. */
-		update_ref_status = reset_refs(rev, sha1);
+		update_ref_status = reset_refs(rev, oid.hash);
 		if (reset_type == HARD && !update_ref_status && !quiet)
-			print_new_head_line(lookup_commit_reference(sha1));
+			print_new_head_line(lookup_commit_reference(oid.hash));
 	if (!
diff --git a/builtin/rev-list.c b/builtin/rev-list.c
index d80d1ed..3aa89a1 100644
--- a/builtin/rev-list.c
+++ b/builtin/rev-list.c
@@ -81,14 +81,14 @@
 	if (!revs->graph)
 		fputs(get_revision_mark(revs, commit), stdout);
 	if (revs->abbrev_commit && revs->abbrev)
-		fputs(find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, revs->abbrev),
+		fputs(find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash, revs->abbrev),
-		fputs(sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1), stdout);
+		fputs(oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid), stdout);
 	if (revs->print_parents) {
 		struct commit_list *parents = commit->parents;
 		while (parents) {
-			printf(" %s", sha1_to_hex(parents->item->object.sha1));
+			printf(" %s", oid_to_hex(&parents->item->object.oid));
 			parents = parents->next;
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 		children = lookup_decoration(&revs->children, &commit->object);
 		while (children) {
-			printf(" %s", sha1_to_hex(children->item->object.sha1));
+			printf(" %s", oid_to_hex(&children->item->object.oid));
 			children = children->next;
@@ -182,10 +182,10 @@
 			  void *cb_data)
 	struct rev_list_info *info = cb_data;
-	if (obj->type == OBJ_BLOB && !has_sha1_file(obj->sha1))
-		die("missing blob object '%s'", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+	if (obj->type == OBJ_BLOB && !has_object_file(&obj->oid))
+		die("missing blob object '%s'", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 	if (info->revs->verify_objects && !obj->parsed && obj->type != OBJ_COMMIT)
-		parse_object(obj->sha1);
+		parse_object(obj->oid.hash);
 static void show_object(struct object *obj,
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
 static void show_edge(struct commit *commit)
-	printf("-%s\n", sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+	printf("-%s\n", oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 static void print_var_str(const char *var, const char *val)
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
 static int show_bisect_vars(struct rev_list_info *info, int reaches, int all)
 	int cnt, flags = info->flags;
-	char hex[41] = "";
+	char hex[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1] = "";
 	struct commit_list *tried;
 	struct rev_info *revs = info->revs;
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
 		cnt = reaches;
 	if (revs->commits)
-		strcpy(hex, sha1_to_hex(revs->commits->item->object.sha1));
+		sha1_to_hex_r(hex, revs->commits->item->object.oid.hash);
 	if (flags & BISECT_SHOW_ALL) {
 		traverse_commit_list(revs, show_commit, show_object, info);
diff --git a/builtin/rev-parse.c b/builtin/rev-parse.c
index e92a782..7e074aa 100644
--- a/builtin/rev-parse.c
+++ b/builtin/rev-parse.c
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
 			exclude = get_merge_bases(a, b);
 			while (exclude) {
 				struct commit *commit = pop_commit(&exclude);
-				show_rev(REVERSED, commit->object.sha1, NULL);
+				show_rev(REVERSED, commit->object.oid.hash, NULL);
 		*dotdot = '.';
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
 	commit = lookup_commit_reference(sha1);
 	for (parents = commit->parents; parents; parents = parents->next)
 		show_rev(parents_only ? NORMAL : REVERSED,
-				parents->item->object.sha1, arg);
+				parents->item->object.oid.hash, arg);
 	*dotdot = '^';
 	return 1;
diff --git a/builtin/shortlog.c b/builtin/shortlog.c
index 007cc66..35ebd17 100644
--- a/builtin/shortlog.c
+++ b/builtin/shortlog.c
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 	if (!author) {
 		warning(_("Missing author: %s"),
-		    sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+		    oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 	if (log->user_format) {
diff --git a/builtin/show-branch.c b/builtin/show-branch.c
index 717a8e7..2566935 100644
--- a/builtin/show-branch.c
+++ b/builtin/show-branch.c
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
 			printf("[%s] ",
-			       find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1,
+			       find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash,
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
 		int flags = commit->object.flags & all_mask;
 		if (!(flags & UNINTERESTING) &&
 		    ((flags & all_revs) == all_revs)) {
-			puts(sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			puts(oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 			exit_status = 0;
 			commit->object.flags |= UNINTERESTING;
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
 		unsigned int flag = rev_mask[i];
 		if (commit->object.flags == flag)
-			puts(sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			puts(oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 		commit->object.flags |= UNINTERESTING;
 	return 0;
@@ -724,6 +724,8 @@
 			fake_av[1] = NULL;
 			av = fake_av;
 			ac = 1;
+			if (!*av)
+				die("no branches given, and HEAD is not valid");
 		if (ac != 1)
 			die("--reflog option needs one branch name");
@@ -865,7 +867,7 @@
-						  rev[i]->object.sha1);
+						  rev[i]->object.oid.hash);
 			if (extra < 0)
 				printf("%c [%s] ",
 				       is_head ? '*' : ' ', ref_name[i]);
diff --git a/builtin/show-ref.c b/builtin/show-ref.c
index 264c392..6d4e669 100644
--- a/builtin/show-ref.c
+++ b/builtin/show-ref.c
@@ -161,11 +161,6 @@
 	return 0;
-static int help_callback(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
-	return -1;
 static const struct option show_ref_options[] = {
 	OPT_BOOL(0, "tags", &tags_only, N_("only show tags (can be combined with heads)")),
 	OPT_BOOL(0, "heads", &heads_only, N_("only show heads (can be combined with tags)")),
@@ -186,18 +181,13 @@
 	{ OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "exclude-existing", &exclude_existing_arg,
 	  N_("pattern"), N_("show refs from stdin that aren't in local repository"),
 	  PARSE_OPT_OPTARG | PARSE_OPT_NONEG, exclude_existing_callback },
-	{ OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "help-all", NULL, NULL, N_("show usage"),
-	  PARSE_OPT_HIDDEN | PARSE_OPT_NOARG, help_callback },
 int cmd_show_ref(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
-	if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-h"))
-		usage_with_options(show_ref_usage, show_ref_options);
 	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, show_ref_options,
-			     show_ref_usage, PARSE_OPT_NO_INTERNAL_HELP);
+			     show_ref_usage, 0);
 	if (exclude_arg)
 		return exclude_existing(exclude_existing_arg);
diff --git a/builtin/submodule--helper.c b/builtin/submodule--helper.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4c3eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/submodule--helper.c
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+#include "builtin.h"
+#include "cache.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
+#include "quote.h"
+#include "pathspec.h"
+#include "dir.h"
+#include "utf8.h"
+#include "submodule.h"
+#include "submodule-config.h"
+#include "string-list.h"
+#include "run-command.h"
+struct module_list {
+	const struct cache_entry **entries;
+	int alloc, nr;
+#define MODULE_LIST_INIT { NULL, 0, 0 }
+static int module_list_compute(int argc, const char **argv,
+			       const char *prefix,
+			       struct pathspec *pathspec,
+			       struct module_list *list)
+	int i, result = 0;
+	char *max_prefix, *ps_matched = NULL;
+	int max_prefix_len;
+	parse_pathspec(pathspec, 0,
+		       prefix, argv);
+	/* Find common prefix for all pathspec's */
+	max_prefix = common_prefix(pathspec);
+	max_prefix_len = max_prefix ? strlen(max_prefix) : 0;
+	if (pathspec->nr)
+		ps_matched = xcalloc(pathspec->nr, 1);
+	if (read_cache() < 0)
+		die(_("index file corrupt"));
+	for (i = 0; i < active_nr; i++) {
+		const struct cache_entry *ce = active_cache[i];
+		if (!S_ISGITLINK(ce->ce_mode) ||
+		    !match_pathspec(pathspec, ce->name, ce_namelen(ce),
+				    max_prefix_len, ps_matched, 1))
+			continue;
+		ALLOC_GROW(list->entries, list->nr + 1, list->alloc);
+		list->entries[list->nr++] = ce;
+		while (i + 1 < active_nr &&
+		       !strcmp(ce->name, active_cache[i + 1]->name))
+			/*
+			 * Skip entries with the same name in different stages
+			 * to make sure an entry is returned only once.
+			 */
+			i++;
+	}
+	free(max_prefix);
+	if (ps_matched && report_path_error(ps_matched, pathspec, prefix))
+		result = -1;
+	free(ps_matched);
+	return result;
+static int module_list(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+	int i;
+	struct pathspec pathspec;
+	struct module_list list = MODULE_LIST_INIT;
+	struct option module_list_options[] = {
+		OPT_STRING(0, "prefix", &prefix,
+			   N_("path"),
+			   N_("alternative anchor for relative paths")),
+		OPT_END()
+	};
+	const char *const git_submodule_helper_usage[] = {
+		N_("git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"),
+	};
+	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, module_list_options,
+			     git_submodule_helper_usage, 0);
+	if (module_list_compute(argc, argv, prefix, &pathspec, &list) < 0) {
+		printf("#unmatched\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
+		const struct cache_entry *ce = list.entries[i];
+		if (ce_stage(ce))
+			printf("%06o %s U\t", ce->ce_mode, sha1_to_hex(null_sha1));
+		else
+			printf("%06o %s %d\t", ce->ce_mode, sha1_to_hex(ce->sha1), ce_stage(ce));
+		utf8_fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", ce->name);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int module_name(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+	const struct submodule *sub;
+	if (argc != 2)
+		usage(_("git submodule--helper name <path>"));
+	gitmodules_config();
+	sub = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, argv[1]);
+	if (!sub)
+		die(_("no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"),
+		    argv[1]);
+	printf("%s\n", sub->name);
+	return 0;
+static int clone_submodule(const char *path, const char *gitdir, const char *url,
+			   const char *depth, const char *reference, int quiet)
+	struct child_process cp;
+	child_process_init(&cp);
+	argv_array_push(&cp.args, "clone");
+	argv_array_push(&cp.args, "--no-checkout");
+	if (quiet)
+		argv_array_push(&cp.args, "--quiet");
+	if (depth && *depth)
+		argv_array_pushl(&cp.args, "--depth", depth, NULL);
+	if (reference && *reference)
+		argv_array_pushl(&cp.args, "--reference", reference, NULL);
+	if (gitdir && *gitdir)
+		argv_array_pushl(&cp.args, "--separate-git-dir", gitdir, NULL);
+	argv_array_push(&cp.args, url);
+	argv_array_push(&cp.args, path);
+	cp.git_cmd = 1;
+	cp.env = local_repo_env;
+	cp.no_stdin = 1;
+	return run_command(&cp);
+static int module_clone(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+	const char *path = NULL, *name = NULL, *url = NULL;
+	const char *reference = NULL, *depth = NULL;
+	int quiet = 0;
+	FILE *submodule_dot_git;
+	char *sm_gitdir, *cwd, *p;
+	struct strbuf rel_path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct option module_clone_options[] = {
+		OPT_STRING(0, "prefix", &prefix,
+			   N_("path"),
+			   N_("alternative anchor for relative paths")),
+		OPT_STRING(0, "path", &path,
+			   N_("path"),
+			   N_("where the new submodule will be cloned to")),
+		OPT_STRING(0, "name", &name,
+			   N_("string"),
+			   N_("name of the new submodule")),
+		OPT_STRING(0, "url", &url,
+			   N_("string"),
+			   N_("url where to clone the submodule from")),
+		OPT_STRING(0, "reference", &reference,
+			   N_("string"),
+			   N_("reference repository")),
+		OPT_STRING(0, "depth", &depth,
+			   N_("string"),
+			   N_("depth for shallow clones")),
+		OPT__QUIET(&quiet, "Suppress output for cloning a submodule"),
+		OPT_END()
+	};
+	const char *const git_submodule_helper_usage[] = {
+		N_("git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] "
+		   "[--reference <repository>] [--name <name>] [--url <url>]"
+		   "[--depth <depth>] [--] [<path>...]"),
+	};
+	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, module_clone_options,
+			     git_submodule_helper_usage, 0);
+	strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s/modules/%s", get_git_dir(), name);
+	sm_gitdir = strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL);
+	if (!file_exists(sm_gitdir)) {
+		if (safe_create_leading_directories_const(sm_gitdir) < 0)
+			die(_("could not create directory '%s'"), sm_gitdir);
+		if (clone_submodule(path, sm_gitdir, url, depth, reference, quiet))
+			die(_("clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed"),
+			    url, path);
+	} else {
+		if (safe_create_leading_directories_const(path) < 0)
+			die(_("could not create directory '%s'"), path);
+		strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s/index", sm_gitdir);
+		unlink_or_warn(sb.buf);
+		strbuf_reset(&sb);
+	}
+	/* Write a .git file in the submodule to redirect to the superproject. */
+	if (safe_create_leading_directories_const(path) < 0)
+		die(_("could not create directory '%s'"), path);
+	if (path && *path)
+		strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s/.git", path);
+	else
+		strbuf_addstr(&sb, ".git");
+	if (safe_create_leading_directories_const(sb.buf) < 0)
+		die(_("could not create leading directories of '%s'"), sb.buf);
+	submodule_dot_git = fopen(sb.buf, "w");
+	if (!submodule_dot_git)
+		die_errno(_("cannot open file '%s'"), sb.buf);
+	fprintf(submodule_dot_git, "gitdir: %s\n",
+		relative_path(sm_gitdir, path, &rel_path));
+	if (fclose(submodule_dot_git))
+		die(_("could not close file %s"), sb.buf);
+	strbuf_reset(&sb);
+	strbuf_reset(&rel_path);
+	cwd = xgetcwd();
+	/* Redirect the worktree of the submodule in the superproject's config */
+	if (!is_absolute_path(sm_gitdir)) {
+		strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s/%s", cwd, sm_gitdir);
+		free(sm_gitdir);
+		sm_gitdir = strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL);
+	}
+	strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s/%s", cwd, path);
+	p = git_pathdup_submodule(path, "config");
+	if (!p)
+		die(_("could not get submodule directory for '%s'"), path);
+	git_config_set_in_file(p, "core.worktree",
+			       relative_path(sb.buf, sm_gitdir, &rel_path));
+	strbuf_release(&sb);
+	strbuf_release(&rel_path);
+	free(sm_gitdir);
+	free(cwd);
+	free(p);
+	return 0;
+struct cmd_struct {
+	const char *cmd;
+	int (*fn)(int, const char **, const char *);
+static struct cmd_struct commands[] = {
+	{"list", module_list},
+	{"name", module_name},
+	{"clone", module_clone},
+int cmd_submodule__helper(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+	int i;
+	if (argc < 2)
+		die(_("fatal: submodule--helper subcommand must be "
+		      "called with a subcommand"));
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(commands); i++)
+		if (!strcmp(argv[1], commands[i].cmd))
+			return commands[i].fn(argc - 1, argv + 1, prefix);
+	die(_("fatal: '%s' is not a valid submodule--helper "
+	      "subcommand"), argv[1]);
diff --git a/builtin/tag.c b/builtin/tag.c
index f048cae..8db8c87 100644
--- a/builtin/tag.c
+++ b/builtin/tag.c
@@ -17,271 +17,50 @@
 #include "gpg-interface.h"
 #include "sha1-array.h"
 #include "column.h"
+#include "ref-filter.h"
 static const char * const git_tag_usage[] = {
 	N_("git tag [-a | -s | -u <key-id>] [-f] [-m <msg> | -F <file>] <tagname> [<head>]"),
 	N_("git tag -d <tagname>..."),
 	N_("git tag -l [-n[<num>]] [--contains <commit>] [--points-at <object>]"
-		"\n\t\t[<pattern>...]"),
+		"\n\t\t[--format=<format>] [--[no-]merged [<commit>]] [<pattern>...]"),
 	N_("git tag -v <tagname>..."),
-#define STRCMP_SORT     0	/* must be zero */
-#define VERCMP_SORT     1
-#define SORT_MASK       0x7fff
-#define REVERSE_SORT    0x8000
-static int tag_sort;
-struct tag_filter {
-	const char **patterns;
-	int lines;
-	int sort;
-	struct string_list tags;
-	struct commit_list *with_commit;
-static struct sha1_array points_at;
 static unsigned int colopts;
-static int match_pattern(const char **patterns, const char *ref)
+static int list_tags(struct ref_filter *filter, struct ref_sorting *sorting, const char *format)
-	/* no pattern means match everything */
-	if (!*patterns)
-		return 1;
-	for (; *patterns; patterns++)
-		if (!wildmatch(*patterns, ref, 0, NULL))
-			return 1;
-	return 0;
-static const unsigned char *match_points_at(const char *refname,
-					    const unsigned char *sha1)
-	const unsigned char *tagged_sha1 = NULL;
-	struct object *obj;
-	if (sha1_array_lookup(&points_at, sha1) >= 0)
-		return sha1;
-	obj = parse_object(sha1);
-	if (!obj)
-		die(_("malformed object at '%s'"), refname);
-	if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG)
-		tagged_sha1 = ((struct tag *)obj)->tagged->sha1;
-	if (tagged_sha1 && sha1_array_lookup(&points_at, tagged_sha1) >= 0)
-		return tagged_sha1;
-	return NULL;
-static int in_commit_list(const struct commit_list *want, struct commit *c)
-	for (; want; want = want->next)
-		if (!hashcmp(want->item->object.sha1, c->object.sha1))
-			return 1;
-	return 0;
-enum contains_result {
- * Test whether the candidate or one of its parents is contained in the list.
- * Do not recurse to find out, though, but return -1 if inconclusive.
- */
-static enum contains_result contains_test(struct commit *candidate,
-			    const struct commit_list *want)
-	/* was it previously marked as containing a want commit? */
-	if (candidate->object.flags & TMP_MARK)
-		return 1;
-	/* or marked as not possibly containing a want commit? */
-	if (candidate->object.flags & UNINTERESTING)
-		return 0;
-	/* or are we it? */
-	if (in_commit_list(want, candidate)) {
-		candidate->object.flags |= TMP_MARK;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if (parse_commit(candidate) < 0)
-		return 0;
-	return -1;
- * Mimicking the real stack, this stack lives on the heap, avoiding stack
- * overflows.
- *
- * At each recursion step, the stack items points to the commits whose
- * ancestors are to be inspected.
- */
-struct stack {
-	int nr, alloc;
-	struct stack_entry {
-		struct commit *commit;
-		struct commit_list *parents;
-	} *stack;
-static void push_to_stack(struct commit *candidate, struct stack *stack)
-	int index = stack->nr++;
-	ALLOC_GROW(stack->stack, stack->nr, stack->alloc);
-	stack->stack[index].commit = candidate;
-	stack->stack[index].parents = candidate->parents;
-static enum contains_result contains(struct commit *candidate,
-		const struct commit_list *want)
-	struct stack stack = { 0, 0, NULL };
-	int result = contains_test(candidate, want);
-	if (result != CONTAINS_UNKNOWN)
-		return result;
-	push_to_stack(candidate, &stack);
-	while ( {
-		struct stack_entry *entry = &stack.stack[ - 1];
-		struct commit *commit = entry->commit;
-		struct commit_list *parents = entry->parents;
-		if (!parents) {
-			commit->object.flags |= UNINTERESTING;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * If we just popped the stack, parents->item has been marked,
-		 * therefore contains_test will return a meaningful 0 or 1.
-		 */
-		else switch (contains_test(parents->item, want)) {
-			commit->object.flags |= TMP_MARK;
-			break;
-		case CONTAINS_NO:
-			entry->parents = parents->next;
-			break;
-			push_to_stack(parents->item, &stack);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	free(stack.stack);
-	return contains_test(candidate, want);
-static void show_tag_lines(const struct object_id *oid, int lines)
+	struct ref_array array;
+	char *to_free = NULL;
 	int i;
-	unsigned long size;
-	enum object_type type;
-	char *buf, *sp, *eol;
-	size_t len;
-	buf = read_sha1_file(oid->hash, &type, &size);
-	if (!buf)
-		die_errno("unable to read object %s", oid_to_hex(oid));
-	if (type != OBJ_COMMIT && type != OBJ_TAG)
-		goto free_return;
-	if (!size)
-		die("an empty %s object %s?",
-		    typename(type), oid_to_hex(oid));
+	memset(&array, 0, sizeof(array));
-	/* skip header */
-	sp = strstr(buf, "\n\n");
-	if (!sp)
-		goto free_return;
+	if (filter->lines == -1)
+		filter->lines = 0;
-	/* only take up to "lines" lines, and strip the signature from a tag */
-	if (type == OBJ_TAG)
-		size = parse_signature(buf, size);
-	for (i = 0, sp += 2; i < lines && sp < buf + size; i++) {
-		if (i)
-			printf("\n    ");
-		eol = memchr(sp, '\n', size - (sp - buf));
-		len = eol ? eol - sp : size - (sp - buf);
-		fwrite(sp, len, 1, stdout);
-		if (!eol)
-			break;
-		sp = eol + 1;
-	}
-	free(buf);
-static int show_reference(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid,
-			  int flag, void *cb_data)
-	struct tag_filter *filter = cb_data;
-	if (match_pattern(filter->patterns, refname)) {
-		if (filter->with_commit) {
-			struct commit *commit;
-			commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(oid->hash, 1);
-			if (!commit)
-				return 0;
-			if (!contains(commit, filter->with_commit))
-				return 0;
-		}
-		if ( && !match_points_at(refname, oid->hash))
-			return 0;
-		if (!filter->lines) {
-			if (filter->sort)
-				string_list_append(&filter->tags, refname);
-			else
-				printf("%s\n", refname);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		printf("%-15s ", refname);
-		show_tag_lines(oid, filter->lines);
-		putchar('\n');
+	if (!format) {
+		if (filter->lines) {
+			to_free = xstrfmt("%s %%(contents:lines=%d)",
+					  "%(align:15)%(refname:short)%(end)",
+					  filter->lines);
+			format = to_free;
+		} else
+			format = "%(refname:short)";
-	return 0;
+	verify_ref_format(format);
+	filter->with_commit_tag_algo = 1;
+	filter_refs(&array, filter, FILTER_REFS_TAGS);
+	ref_array_sort(sorting, &array);
-static int sort_by_version(const void *a_, const void *b_)
-	const struct string_list_item *a = a_;
-	const struct string_list_item *b = b_;
-	return versioncmp(a->string, b->string);
+	for (i = 0; i <; i++)
+		show_ref_array_item(array.items[i], format, 0);
+	ref_array_clear(&array);
+	free(to_free);
-static int list_tags(const char **patterns, int lines,
-		     struct commit_list *with_commit, int sort)
-	struct tag_filter filter;
-	filter.patterns = patterns;
-	filter.lines = lines;
-	filter.sort = sort;
-	filter.with_commit = with_commit;
-	memset(&filter.tags, 0, sizeof(filter.tags));
-	filter.tags.strdup_strings = 1;
-	for_each_tag_ref(show_reference, (void *)&filter);
-	if (sort) {
-		int i;
-		if ((sort & SORT_MASK) == VERCMP_SORT)
-			qsort(filter.tags.items,,
-			      sizeof(struct string_list_item), sort_by_version);
-		if (sort & REVERSE_SORT)
-			for (i = - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-				printf("%s\n", filter.tags.items[i].string);
-		else
-			for (i = 0; i <; i++)
-				printf("%s\n", filter.tags.items[i].string);
-		string_list_clear(&filter.tags, 0);
-	}
 	return 0;
@@ -348,35 +127,26 @@
 	"Lines starting with '%c' will be kept; you may remove them"
 	" yourself if you want to.\n");
- * Parse a sort string, and return 0 if parsed successfully. Will return
- * non-zero when the sort string does not parse into a known type. If var is
- * given, the error message becomes a warning and includes information about
- * the configuration value.
- */
-static int parse_sort_string(const char *var, const char *arg, int *sort)
+/* Parse arg given and add it the ref_sorting array */
+static int parse_sorting_string(const char *arg, struct ref_sorting **sorting_tail)
-	int type = 0, flags = 0;
+	struct ref_sorting *s;
+	int len;
-	if (skip_prefix(arg, "-", &arg))
-		flags |= REVERSE_SORT;
+	s = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*s));
+	s->next = *sorting_tail;
+	*sorting_tail = s;
-	if (skip_prefix(arg, "version:", &arg) || skip_prefix(arg, "v:", &arg))
-		type = VERCMP_SORT;
-	else
-		type = STRCMP_SORT;
-	if (strcmp(arg, "refname")) {
-		if (!var)
-			return error(_("unsupported sort specification '%s'"), arg);
-		else {
-			warning(_("unsupported sort specification '%s' in variable '%s'"),
-				var, arg);
-			return -1;
-		}
+	if (*arg == '-') {
+		s->reverse = 1;
+		arg++;
+	if (skip_prefix(arg, "version:", &arg) ||
+	    skip_prefix(arg, "v:", &arg))
+		s->version = 1;
-	*sort = (type | flags);
+	len = strlen(arg);
+	s->atom = parse_ref_filter_atom(arg, arg+len);
 	return 0;
@@ -384,11 +154,12 @@
 static int git_tag_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
 	int status;
+	struct ref_sorting **sorting_tail = (struct ref_sorting **)cb;
 	if (!strcmp(var, "tag.sort")) {
 		if (!value)
 			return config_error_nonbool(var);
-		parse_sort_string(var, value, &tag_sort);
+		parse_sorting_string(value, sorting_tail);
 		return 0;
@@ -546,30 +317,6 @@
 	return check_refname_format(sb->buf, 0);
-static int parse_opt_points_at(const struct option *opt __attribute__((unused)),
-			const char *arg, int unset)
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
-	if (unset) {
-		sha1_array_clear(&points_at);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (!arg)
-		return error(_("switch 'points-at' requires an object"));
-	if (get_sha1(arg, sha1))
-		return error(_("malformed object name '%s'"), arg);
-	sha1_array_append(&points_at, sha1);
-	return 0;
-static int parse_opt_sort(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
-	int *sort = opt->value;
-	return parse_sort_string(NULL, arg, sort);
 int cmd_tag(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -578,17 +325,19 @@
 	const char *object_ref, *tag;
 	struct create_tag_options opt;
 	char *cleanup_arg = NULL;
-	int annotate = 0, force = 0, lines = -1;
 	int create_reflog = 0;
+	int annotate = 0, force = 0;
 	int cmdmode = 0;
 	const char *msgfile = NULL, *keyid = NULL;
 	struct msg_arg msg = { 0, STRBUF_INIT };
-	struct commit_list *with_commit = NULL;
 	struct ref_transaction *transaction;
 	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct ref_filter filter;
+	static struct ref_sorting *sorting = NULL, **sorting_tail = &sorting;
+	const char *format = NULL;
 	struct option options[] = {
 		OPT_CMDMODE('l', "list", &cmdmode, N_("list tag names"), 'l'),
-		{ OPTION_INTEGER, 'n', NULL, &lines, N_("n"),
+		{ OPTION_INTEGER, 'n', NULL, &filter.lines, N_("n"),
 				N_("print <n> lines of each tag message"),
 		OPT_CMDMODE('d', "delete", &cmdmode, N_("delete tags"), 'd'),
@@ -610,32 +359,25 @@
 		OPT_GROUP(N_("Tag listing options")),
 		OPT_COLUMN(0, "column", &colopts, N_("show tag list in columns")),
+		OPT_CONTAINS(&filter.with_commit, N_("print only tags that contain the commit")),
+		OPT_WITH(&filter.with_commit, N_("print only tags that contain the commit")),
+		OPT_MERGED(&filter, N_("print only tags that are merged")),
+		OPT_NO_MERGED(&filter, N_("print only tags that are not merged")),
+		OPT_CALLBACK(0 , "sort", sorting_tail, N_("key"),
+			     N_("field name to sort on"), &parse_opt_ref_sorting),
-			OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "sort", &tag_sort, N_("type"), N_("sort tags"),
-			PARSE_OPT_NONEG, parse_opt_sort
+			OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "points-at", &filter.points_at, N_("object"),
+			N_("print only tags of the object"), 0, parse_opt_object_name
-		{
-			OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "contains", &with_commit, N_("commit"),
-			N_("print only tags that contain the commit"),
-			parse_opt_with_commit, (intptr_t)"HEAD",
-		},
-		{
-			OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "with", &with_commit, N_("commit"),
-			N_("print only tags that contain the commit"),
-			parse_opt_with_commit, (intptr_t)"HEAD",
-		},
-		{
-			OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "points-at", NULL, N_("object"),
-			N_("print only tags of the object"), 0, parse_opt_points_at
-		},
+		OPT_STRING(  0 , "format", &format, N_("format"), N_("format to use for the output")),
-	git_config(git_tag_config, NULL);
+	git_config(git_tag_config, sorting_tail);
 	memset(&opt, 0, sizeof(opt));
+	memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(filter));
+	filter.lines = -1;
 	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, options, git_tag_usage, 0);
@@ -652,11 +394,13 @@
 		usage_with_options(git_tag_usage, options);
 	finalize_colopts(&colopts, -1);
-	if (cmdmode == 'l' && lines != -1) {
+	if (cmdmode == 'l' && filter.lines != -1) {
 		if (explicitly_enable_column(colopts))
 			die(_("--column and -n are incompatible"));
 		colopts = 0;
+	if (!sorting)
+		sorting = ref_default_sorting();
 	if (cmdmode == 'l') {
 		int ret;
 		if (column_active(colopts)) {
@@ -665,19 +409,20 @@
 			copts.padding = 2;
 			run_column_filter(colopts, &copts);
-		if (lines != -1 && tag_sort)
-			die(_("--sort and -n are incompatible"));
-		ret = list_tags(argv, lines == -1 ? 0 : lines, with_commit, tag_sort);
+		filter.name_patterns = argv;
+		ret = list_tags(&filter, sorting, format);
 		if (column_active(colopts))
 		return ret;
-	if (lines != -1)
+	if (filter.lines != -1)
 		die(_("-n option is only allowed with -l."));
-	if (with_commit)
+	if (filter.with_commit)
 		die(_("--contains option is only allowed with -l."));
-	if (
+	if (
 		die(_("--points-at option is only allowed with -l."));
+	if (filter.merge_commit)
+		die(_("--merged and --no-merged option are only allowed with -l"));
 	if (cmdmode == 'd')
 		return for_each_tag_name(argv, delete_tag);
 	if (cmdmode == 'v')
diff --git a/builtin/unpack-file.c b/builtin/unpack-file.c
index 1920029..6fc6bcd 100644
--- a/builtin/unpack-file.c
+++ b/builtin/unpack-file.c
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 	if (!buf || type != OBJ_BLOB)
 		die("unable to read blob object %s", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
-	strcpy(path, ".merge_file_XXXXXX");
+	xsnprintf(path, sizeof(path), ".merge_file_XXXXXX");
 	fd = xmkstemp(path);
 	if (write_in_full(fd, buf, size) != size)
 		die_errno("unable to write temp-file");
diff --git a/builtin/unpack-objects.c b/builtin/unpack-objects.c
index 7c3e79c..875e7ed 100644
--- a/builtin/unpack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/unpack-objects.c
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 	obj->buffer = buffer;
 	obj->size = size;
 	if (add_decoration(&obj_decorate, object, obj))
-		die("object %s tried to add buffer twice!", sha1_to_hex(object->sha1));
+		die("object %s tried to add buffer twice!", oid_to_hex(&object->oid));
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
 	unsigned char sha1[20];
 	if (write_sha1_file(obj_buf->buffer, obj_buf->size, typename(obj->type), sha1) < 0)
-		die("failed to write object %s", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+		die("failed to write object %s", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 	obj->flags |= FLAG_WRITTEN;
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
 	if (!(obj->flags & FLAG_OPEN)) {
 		unsigned long size;
-		int type = sha1_object_info(obj->sha1, &size);
+		int type = sha1_object_info(obj->oid.hash, &size);
 		if (type != obj->type || type <= 0)
 			die("object of unexpected type");
 		obj->flags |= FLAG_WRITTEN;
@@ -203,12 +203,12 @@
 	obj_buf = lookup_object_buffer(obj);
 	if (!obj_buf)
-		die("Whoops! Cannot find object '%s'", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+		die("Whoops! Cannot find object '%s'", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 	if (fsck_object(obj, obj_buf->buffer, obj_buf->size, &fsck_options))
 		die("Error in object");
 	fsck_options.walk = check_object;
 	if (fsck_walk(obj, NULL, &fsck_options))
-		die("Error on reachable objects of %s", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+		die("Error on reachable objects of %s", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 	write_cached_object(obj, obj_buf);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/upload-archive.c b/builtin/upload-archive.c
index 32ab94c..dbfe14f 100644
--- a/builtin/upload-archive.c
+++ b/builtin/upload-archive.c
@@ -49,15 +49,14 @@
 __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2)))
 static void error_clnt(const char *fmt, ...)
-	char buf[1024];
+	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	va_list params;
-	int len;
 	va_start(params, fmt);
-	len = vsprintf(buf, fmt, params);
+	strbuf_vaddf(&buf, fmt, params);
-	send_sideband(1, 3, buf, len, LARGE_PACKET_MAX);
-	die("sent error to the client: %s", buf);
+	send_sideband(1, 3, buf.buf, buf.len, LARGE_PACKET_MAX);
+	die("sent error to the client: %s", buf.buf);
 static ssize_t process_input(int child_fd, int band)
diff --git a/builtin/worktree.c b/builtin/worktree.c
index 33d2d37..475b958 100644
--- a/builtin/worktree.c
+++ b/builtin/worktree.c
@@ -8,10 +8,13 @@
 #include "run-command.h"
 #include "sigchain.h"
 #include "refs.h"
+#include "utf8.h"
+#include "worktree.h"
 static const char * const worktree_usage[] = {
 	N_("git worktree add [<options>] <path> [<branch>]"),
 	N_("git worktree prune [<options>]"),
+	N_("git worktree list [<options>]"),
@@ -274,7 +277,7 @@
 	if (commit)
 		argv_array_pushl(&cp.args, "update-ref", "HEAD",
-				 sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1), NULL);
+				 oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid), NULL);
 		argv_array_pushl(&cp.args, "symbolic-ref", "HEAD",
 				 symref.buf, NULL);
@@ -359,6 +362,89 @@
 	return add_worktree(path, branch, &opts);
+static void show_worktree_porcelain(struct worktree *wt)
+	printf("worktree %s\n", wt->path);
+	if (wt->is_bare)
+		printf("bare\n");
+	else {
+		printf("HEAD %s\n", sha1_to_hex(wt->head_sha1));
+		if (wt->is_detached)
+			printf("detached\n");
+		else
+			printf("branch %s\n", wt->head_ref);
+	}
+	printf("\n");
+static void show_worktree(struct worktree *wt, int path_maxlen, int abbrev_len)
+	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+	int cur_path_len = strlen(wt->path);
+	int path_adj = cur_path_len - utf8_strwidth(wt->path);
+	strbuf_addf(&sb, "%-*s ", 1 + path_maxlen + path_adj, wt->path);
+	if (wt->is_bare)
+		strbuf_addstr(&sb, "(bare)");
+	else {
+		strbuf_addf(&sb, "%-*s ", abbrev_len,
+				find_unique_abbrev(wt->head_sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+		if (!wt->is_detached)
+			strbuf_addf(&sb, "[%s]", shorten_unambiguous_ref(wt->head_ref, 0));
+		else
+			strbuf_addstr(&sb, "(detached HEAD)");
+	}
+	printf("%s\n", sb.buf);
+	strbuf_release(&sb);
+static void measure_widths(struct worktree **wt, int *abbrev, int *maxlen)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; wt[i]; i++) {
+		int sha1_len;
+		int path_len = strlen(wt[i]->path);
+		if (path_len > *maxlen)
+			*maxlen = path_len;
+		sha1_len = strlen(find_unique_abbrev(wt[i]->head_sha1, *abbrev));
+		if (sha1_len > *abbrev)
+			*abbrev = sha1_len;
+	}
+static int list(int ac, const char **av, const char *prefix)
+	int porcelain = 0;
+	struct option options[] = {
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "porcelain", &porcelain, N_("machine-readable output")),
+		OPT_END()
+	};
+	ac = parse_options(ac, av, prefix, options, worktree_usage, 0);
+	if (ac)
+		usage_with_options(worktree_usage, options);
+	else {
+		struct worktree **worktrees = get_worktrees();
+		int path_maxlen = 0, abbrev = DEFAULT_ABBREV, i;
+		if (!porcelain)
+			measure_widths(worktrees, &abbrev, &path_maxlen);
+		for (i = 0; worktrees[i]; i++) {
+			if (porcelain)
+				show_worktree_porcelain(worktrees[i]);
+			else
+				show_worktree(worktrees[i], path_maxlen, abbrev);
+		}
+		free_worktrees(worktrees);
+	}
+	return 0;
 int cmd_worktree(int ac, const char **av, const char *prefix)
 	struct option options[] = {
@@ -371,5 +457,7 @@
 		return add(ac - 1, av + 1, prefix);
 	if (!strcmp(av[1], "prune"))
 		return prune(ac - 1, av + 1, prefix);
+	if (!strcmp(av[1], "list"))
+		return list(ac - 1, av + 1, prefix);
 	usage_with_options(worktree_usage, options);
diff --git a/bulk-checkin.c b/bulk-checkin.c
index 7cffc3a..4347f5c 100644
--- a/bulk-checkin.c
+++ b/bulk-checkin.c
@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@
 	if (seekback == (off_t) -1)
 		return error("cannot find the current offset");
-	header_len = sprintf((char *)obuf, "%s %" PRIuMAX,
-			     typename(type), (uintmax_t)size) + 1;
+	header_len = xsnprintf((char *)obuf, sizeof(obuf), "%s %" PRIuMAX,
+			       typename(type), (uintmax_t)size) + 1;
 	git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, obuf, header_len);
diff --git a/bundle.c b/bundle.c
index b9dacc0..506ac49 100644
--- a/bundle.c
+++ b/bundle.c
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
 		if (!(refs.objects[i].item->flags & SHOWN)) {
 			if (++ret == 1)
 				error("%s", message);
-			error("%s %s", sha1_to_hex(refs.objects[i].item->sha1),
+			error("%s %s", oid_to_hex(&refs.objects[i].item->oid),
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
 	if (revs->max_age == -1 && revs->min_age == -1)
 		goto out;
-	buf = read_sha1_file(tag->sha1, &type, &size);
+	buf = read_sha1_file(tag->oid.hash, &type, &size);
 	if (!buf)
 		goto out;
 	line = memmem(buf, size, "\ntagger ", 8);
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
 		struct object *object = revs->pending.objects[i].item;
 		if (object->flags & UNINTERESTING)
 			write_or_die(, "^", 1);
-		write_or_die(, sha1_to_hex(object->sha1), 40);
+		write_or_die(, oid_to_hex(&object->oid), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ);
 		write_or_die(, "\n", 1);
@@ -321,16 +321,16 @@
 	for (i = 0; i < revs->; i++) {
 		struct object_array_entry *e = revs->pending.objects + i;
-		unsigned char sha1[20];
+		struct object_id oid;
 		char *ref;
 		const char *display_ref;
 		int flag;
 		if (e->item->flags & UNINTERESTING)
-		if (dwim_ref(e->name, strlen(e->name), sha1, &ref) != 1)
+		if (dwim_ref(e->name, strlen(e->name), oid.hash, &ref) != 1)
 			goto skip_write_ref;
-		if (read_ref_full(e->name, RESOLVE_REF_READING, sha1, &flag))
+		if (read_ref_full(e->name, RESOLVE_REF_READING, oid.hash, &flag))
 			flag = 0;
 		display_ref = (flag & REF_ISSYMREF) ? e->name : ref;
@@ -360,13 +360,13 @@
 		 * commit that is referenced by the tag, and not the tag
 		 * itself.
-		if (hashcmp(sha1, e->item->sha1)) {
+		if (oidcmp(&oid, &e->item->oid)) {
 			 * Is this the positive end of a range expressed
 			 * in terms of a tag (e.g. v2.0 from the range
 			 * "v1.0..v2.0")?
-			struct commit *one = lookup_commit_reference(sha1);
+			struct commit *one = lookup_commit_reference(oid.hash);
 			struct object *obj;
 			if (e->item == &(one->object)) {
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
 				 * end up triggering "empty bundle"
 				 * error.
-				obj = parse_object_or_die(sha1, e->name);
+				obj = parse_object_or_die(oid.hash, e->name);
 				obj->flags |= SHOWN;
 				add_pending_object(revs, obj, e->name);
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
-		write_or_die(bundle_fd, sha1_to_hex(e->item->sha1), 40);
+		write_or_die(bundle_fd, oid_to_hex(&e->item->oid), 40);
 		write_or_die(bundle_fd, " ", 1);
 		write_or_die(bundle_fd, display_ref, strlen(display_ref));
 		write_or_die(bundle_fd, "\n", 1);
diff --git a/cache-tree.c b/cache-tree.c
index feace8b..a59e6f1 100644
--- a/cache-tree.c
+++ b/cache-tree.c
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@
 	struct name_entry entry;
 	int cnt;
-	hashcpy(it->sha1, tree->object.sha1);
+	hashcpy(it->sha1, tree->object.oid.hash);
 	init_tree_desc(&desc, tree->buffer, tree->size);
 	cnt = 0;
 	while (tree_entry(&desc, &entry)) {
diff --git a/cache.h b/cache.h
index 6f53962..c63fcc1 100644
--- a/cache.h
+++ b/cache.h
@@ -750,6 +750,8 @@
 	__attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4)));
 extern void strbuf_git_path(struct strbuf *sb, const char *fmt, ...)
 	__attribute__((format (printf, 2, 3)));
+extern char *git_path_buf(struct strbuf *buf, const char *fmt, ...)
+	__attribute__((format (printf, 2, 3)));
 extern void strbuf_git_path_submodule(struct strbuf *sb, const char *path,
 				      const char *fmt, ...)
 	__attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4)));
@@ -810,8 +812,26 @@
 extern char *sha1_pack_index_name(const unsigned char *sha1);
-extern const char *find_unique_abbrev(const unsigned char *sha1, int);
+ * Return an abbreviated sha1 unique within this repository's object database.
+ * The result will be at least `len` characters long, and will be NUL
+ * terminated.
+ *
+ * The non-`_r` version returns a static buffer which will be overwritten by
+ * subsequent calls.
+ *
+ * The `_r` variant writes to a buffer supplied by the caller, which must be at
+ * least `GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1` bytes. The return value is the number of bytes
+ * written (excluding the NUL terminator).
+ *
+ * Note that while this version avoids the static buffer, it is not fully
+ * reentrant, as it calls into other non-reentrant git code.
+ */
+extern const char *find_unique_abbrev(const unsigned char *sha1, int len);
+extern int find_unique_abbrev_r(char *hex, const unsigned char *sha1, int len);
 extern const unsigned char null_sha1[GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ];
+extern const struct object_id null_oid;
 static inline int hashcmp(const unsigned char *sha1, const unsigned char *sha2)
@@ -1029,6 +1049,9 @@
 	return has_sha1_file_with_flags(sha1, 0);
+/* Same as the above, except for struct object_id. */
+extern int has_object_file(const struct object_id *oid);
  * Return true iff an alternate object database has a loose object
  * with the specified name.  This function does not respect replace
@@ -1092,6 +1115,18 @@
 extern int get_sha1_hex(const char *hex, unsigned char *sha1);
 extern int get_oid_hex(const char *hex, struct object_id *sha1);
+ * Convert a binary sha1 to its hex equivalent. The `_r` variant is reentrant,
+ * and writes the NUL-terminated output to the buffer `out`, which must be at
+ * least `GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1` bytes, and returns a pointer to out for
+ * convenience.
+ *
+ * The non-`_r` variant returns a static buffer, but uses a ring of 4
+ * buffers, making it safe to make multiple calls for a single statement, like:
+ *
+ *   printf("%s -> %s", sha1_to_hex(one), sha1_to_hex(two));
+ */
+extern char *sha1_to_hex_r(char *out, const unsigned char *sha1);
 extern char *sha1_to_hex(const unsigned char *sha1);	/* static buffer result! */
 extern char *oid_to_hex(const struct object_id *oid);	/* same static buffer as sha1_to_hex */
@@ -1118,7 +1153,6 @@
@@ -1126,6 +1160,7 @@
 	} type;
 	const char *strftime_fmt;
+	int local;
@@ -1309,7 +1344,7 @@
 extern void unuse_pack(struct pack_window **);
 extern void free_pack_by_name(const char *);
 extern void clear_delta_base_cache(void);
-extern struct packed_git *add_packed_git(const char *, int, int);
+extern struct packed_git *add_packed_git(const char *path, size_t path_len, int local);
  * Return the SHA-1 of the nth object within the specified packfile.
@@ -1737,4 +1772,12 @@
 int versioncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
 void sleep_millisec(int millisec);
+ * Create a directory and (if share is nonzero) adjust its permissions
+ * according to the shared_repository setting. Only use this for
+ * directories under $GIT_DIR.  Don't use it for working tree
+ * directories.
+ */
+void safe_create_dir(const char *dir, int share);
 #endif /* CACHE_H */
diff --git a/color.c b/color.c
index 9027352..8f85153 100644
--- a/color.c
+++ b/color.c
@@ -145,27 +145,34 @@
 	return color_parse_mem(value, strlen(value), dst);
+void color_set(char *dst, const char *color_bytes)
+	xsnprintf(dst, COLOR_MAXLEN, "%s", color_bytes);
  * Write the ANSI color codes for "c" to "out"; the string should
  * already have the ANSI escape code in it. "out" should have enough
  * space in it to fit any color.
-static char *color_output(char *out, const struct color *c, char type)
+static char *color_output(char *out, int len, const struct color *c, char type)
 	switch (c->type) {
 	case COLOR_ANSI:
+		if (len < 2)
+			die("BUG: color parsing ran out of space");
 		*out++ = type;
 		*out++ = '0' + c->value;
 	case COLOR_256:
-		out += sprintf(out, "%c8;5;%d", type, c->value);
+		out += xsnprintf(out, len, "%c8;5;%d", type, c->value);
 	case COLOR_RGB:
-		out += sprintf(out, "%c8;2;%d;%d;%d", type,
-			       c->red, c->green, c->blue);
+		out += xsnprintf(out, len, "%c8;2;%d;%d;%d", type,
+				 c->red, c->green, c->blue);
 	return out;
@@ -180,12 +187,13 @@
 	const char *ptr = value;
 	int len = value_len;
+	char *end = dst + COLOR_MAXLEN;
 	unsigned int attr = 0;
 	struct color fg = { COLOR_UNSPECIFIED };
 	struct color bg = { COLOR_UNSPECIFIED };
 	if (!strncasecmp(value, "reset", len)) {
-		strcpy(dst, GIT_COLOR_RESET);
+		xsnprintf(dst, end - dst, GIT_COLOR_RESET);
 		return 0;
@@ -224,12 +232,19 @@
 			goto bad;
+#undef OUT
+#define OUT(x) do { \
+	if (dst == end) \
+		die("BUG: color parsing ran out of space"); \
+	*dst++ = (x); \
+} while(0)
 	if (attr || !color_empty(&fg) || !color_empty(&bg)) {
 		int sep = 0;
 		int i;
-		*dst++ = '\033';
-		*dst++ = '[';
+		OUT('\033');
+		OUT('[');
 		for (i = 0; attr; i++) {
 			unsigned bit = (1 << i);
@@ -237,27 +252,28 @@
 			attr &= ~bit;
 			if (sep++)
-				*dst++ = ';';
-			dst += sprintf(dst, "%d", i);
+				OUT(';');
+			dst += xsnprintf(dst, end - dst, "%d", i);
 		if (!color_empty(&fg)) {
 			if (sep++)
-				*dst++ = ';';
+				OUT(';');
 			/* foreground colors are all in the 3x range */
-			dst = color_output(dst, &fg, '3');
+			dst = color_output(dst, end - dst, &fg, '3');
 		if (!color_empty(&bg)) {
 			if (sep++)
-				*dst++ = ';';
+				OUT(';');
 			/* background colors are all in the 4x range */
-			dst = color_output(dst, &bg, '4');
+			dst = color_output(dst, end - dst, &bg, '4');
-		*dst++ = 'm';
+		OUT('m');
-	*dst = 0;
+	OUT(0);
 	return 0;
 	return error(_("invalid color value: %.*s"), value_len, value);
+#undef OUT
 int git_config_colorbool(const char *var, const char *value)
diff --git a/color.h b/color.h
index 7fe77fb..e155d13 100644
--- a/color.h
+++ b/color.h
@@ -75,6 +75,13 @@
 int git_color_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb);
 int git_color_default_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb);
+ * Set the color buffer (which must be COLOR_MAXLEN bytes)
+ * to the raw color bytes; this is useful for initializing
+ * default color variables.
+ */
+void color_set(char *dst, const char *color_bytes);
 int git_config_colorbool(const char *var, const char *value);
 int want_color(int var);
 int color_parse(const char *value, char *dst);
diff --git a/combine-diff.c b/combine-diff.c
index 0f62f54..5571304 100644
--- a/combine-diff.c
+++ b/combine-diff.c
@@ -1540,9 +1540,9 @@
 	struct sha1_array parents = SHA1_ARRAY_INIT;
 	while (parent) {
-		sha1_array_append(&parents, parent->item->object.sha1);
+		sha1_array_append(&parents, parent->item->object.oid.hash);
 		parent = parent->next;
-	diff_tree_combined(commit->object.sha1, &parents, dense, rev);
+	diff_tree_combined(commit->object.oid.hash, &parents, dense, rev);
diff --git a/commit.c b/commit.c
index d1810c9..40388d7 100644
--- a/commit.c
+++ b/commit.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 	struct commit *c = lookup_commit_reference(sha1);
 	if (!c)
 		die(_("could not parse %s"), ref_name);
-	if (hashcmp(sha1, c->object.sha1)) {
+	if (hashcmp(sha1, c->object.oid.hash)) {
 		warning(_("%s %s is not a commit!"),
 			ref_name, sha1_to_hex(sha1));
@@ -262,13 +262,13 @@
 	if (!ret) {
 		enum object_type type;
 		unsigned long size;
-		ret = read_sha1_file(commit->object.sha1, &type, &size);
+		ret = read_sha1_file(commit->object.oid.hash, &type, &size);
 		if (!ret)
 			die("cannot read commit object %s",
-			    sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			    oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 		if (type != OBJ_COMMIT)
 			die("expected commit for %s, got %s",
-			    sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1), typename(type));
+			    oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid), typename(type));
 		if (sizep)
 			*sizep = size;
@@ -327,22 +327,22 @@
 	tail += size;
 	if (tail <= bufptr + tree_entry_len + 1 || memcmp(bufptr, "tree ", 5) ||
 			bufptr[tree_entry_len] != '\n')
-		return error("bogus commit object %s", sha1_to_hex(item->object.sha1));
+		return error("bogus commit object %s", oid_to_hex(&item->object.oid));
 	if (get_sha1_hex(bufptr + 5, parent.hash) < 0)
 		return error("bad tree pointer in commit %s",
-			     sha1_to_hex(item->object.sha1));
+			     oid_to_hex(&item->object.oid));
 	item->tree = lookup_tree(parent.hash);
 	bufptr += tree_entry_len + 1; /* "tree " + "hex sha1" + "\n" */
 	pptr = &item->parents;
-	graft = lookup_commit_graft(item->object.sha1);
+	graft = lookup_commit_graft(item->object.oid.hash);
 	while (bufptr + parent_entry_len < tail && !memcmp(bufptr, "parent ", 7)) {
 		struct commit *new_parent;
 		if (tail <= bufptr + parent_entry_len + 1 ||
 		    get_sha1_hex(bufptr + 7, parent.hash) ||
 		    bufptr[parent_entry_len] != '\n')
-			return error("bad parents in commit %s", sha1_to_hex(item->object.sha1));
+			return error("bad parents in commit %s", oid_to_hex(&item->object.oid));
 		bufptr += parent_entry_len + 1;
 		 * The clone is shallow if nr_parent < 0, and we must
@@ -380,15 +380,15 @@
 		return -1;
 	if (item->object.parsed)
 		return 0;
-	buffer = read_sha1_file(item->object.sha1, &type, &size);
+	buffer = read_sha1_file(item->object.oid.hash, &type, &size);
 	if (!buffer)
 		return quiet_on_missing ? -1 :
 			error("Could not read %s",
-			     sha1_to_hex(item->object.sha1));
+			     oid_to_hex(&item->object.oid));
 	if (type != OBJ_COMMIT) {
 		return error("Object %s not a commit",
-			     sha1_to_hex(item->object.sha1));
+			     oid_to_hex(&item->object.oid));
 	ret = parse_commit_buffer(item, buffer, size);
 	if (save_commit_buffer && !ret) {
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
 	if (parse_commit(item))
 		die("unable to parse commit %s",
-		    item ? sha1_to_hex(item->object.sha1) : "(null)");
+		    item ? oid_to_hex(&item->object.oid) : "(null)");
 int find_commit_subject(const char *commit_buffer, const char **subject)
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@
 	for (i = 0; i < a->nr; i++) {
 		object = a->objects[i].item;
-		commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(object->sha1, 1);
+		commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(object->oid.hash, 1);
 		if (commit)
 			clear_commit_marks(commit, mark);
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@
 	desc = merge_remote_util(parent);
 	if (!desc || !desc->obj)
-	buf = read_sha1_file(desc->obj->sha1, &type, &size);
+	buf = read_sha1_file(desc->obj->oid.hash, &type, &size);
 	if (!buf || type != OBJ_TAG)
 		goto free_return;
 	len = parse_signature(buf, size);
@@ -1539,7 +1539,7 @@
 	while (parents) {
 		struct commit *parent = pop_commit(&parents);
 		strbuf_addf(&buffer, "parent %s\n",
-			    sha1_to_hex(parent->object.sha1));
+			    oid_to_hex(&parent->object.oid));
 	/* Person/date information */
@@ -1623,7 +1623,7 @@
 	for ( ; list; list = list->next) {
 		const char *format = list->next ? format_cur : format_last;
-		printf(format, sha1_to_hex(list->item->object.sha1));
+		printf(format, oid_to_hex(&list->item->object.oid));
diff --git a/compat/hstrerror.c b/compat/hstrerror.c
index 069c555..b85a2fa 100644
--- a/compat/hstrerror.c
+++ b/compat/hstrerror.c
@@ -16,6 +16,6 @@
 	case TRY_AGAIN:
 		return "Non-authoritative \"host not found\", or SERVERFAIL";
-	sprintf(buffer, "Name resolution error %d", err);
+	snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Name resolution error %d", err);
 	return buffer;
diff --git a/compat/inet_ntop.c b/compat/inet_ntop.c
index 90b7cc4..6830726 100644
--- a/compat/inet_ntop.c
+++ b/compat/inet_ntop.c
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
 	nprinted = snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), fmt, src[0], src[1], src[2], src[3]);
 	if (nprinted < 0)
 		return (NULL);	/* we assume "errno" was set by "snprintf()" */
-	if ((size_t)nprinted > size) {
+	if ((size_t)nprinted >= size) {
 		errno = ENOSPC;
 		return (NULL);
-	strcpy(dst, tmp);
+	strlcpy(dst, tmp, size);
 	return (dst);
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
 		errno = ENOSPC;
 		return (NULL);
-	strcpy(dst, tmp);
+	strlcpy(dst, tmp, size);
 	return (dst);
diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 1d70f64..5edea29 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -2148,11 +2148,13 @@
 int uname(struct utsname *buf)
-	DWORD v = GetVersion();
+	unsigned v = (unsigned)GetVersion();
 	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(*buf));
-	strcpy(buf->sysname, "Windows");
-	sprintf(buf->release, "%u.%u", v & 0xff, (v >> 8) & 0xff);
+	xsnprintf(buf->sysname, sizeof(buf->sysname), "Windows");
+	xsnprintf(buf->release, sizeof(buf->release),
+		 "%u.%u", v & 0xff, (v >> 8) & 0xff);
 	/* assuming NT variants only.. */
-	sprintf(buf->version, "%u", (v >> 16) & 0x7fff);
+	xsnprintf(buf->version, sizeof(buf->version),
+		  "%u", (v >> 16) & 0x7fff);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/compat/nedmalloc/nedmalloc.c b/compat/nedmalloc/nedmalloc.c
index 609ebba..a0a16eb 100644
--- a/compat/nedmalloc/nedmalloc.c
+++ b/compat/nedmalloc/nedmalloc.c
@@ -957,8 +957,9 @@
 	char *s2 = 0;
 	if (s1) {
-		s2 = malloc(strlen(s1) + 1);
-		strcpy(s2, s1);
+		size_t len = strlen(s1) + 1;
+		s2 = malloc(len);
+		memcpy(s2, s1, len);
 	return s2;
diff --git a/compat/precompose_utf8.c b/compat/precompose_utf8.c
index 95fe849..079070f 100644
--- a/compat/precompose_utf8.c
+++ b/compat/precompose_utf8.c
@@ -36,24 +36,26 @@
-void probe_utf8_pathname_composition(char *path, int len)
+void probe_utf8_pathname_composition(void)
+	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
 	static const char *auml_nfc = "\xc3\xa4";
 	static const char *auml_nfd = "\x61\xcc\x88";
 	int output_fd;
 	if (precomposed_unicode != -1)
 		return; /* We found it defined in the global config, respect it */
-	strcpy(path + len, auml_nfc);
-	output_fd = open(path, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_RDWR, 0600);
+	git_path_buf(&path, "%s", auml_nfc);
+	output_fd = open(path.buf, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_RDWR, 0600);
 	if (output_fd >= 0) {
-		strcpy(path + len, auml_nfd);
-		precomposed_unicode = access(path, R_OK) ? 0 : 1;
+		git_path_buf(&path, "%s", auml_nfd);
+		precomposed_unicode = access(path.buf, R_OK) ? 0 : 1;
 		git_config_set("core.precomposeunicode", precomposed_unicode ? "true" : "false");
-		strcpy(path + len, auml_nfc);
-		if (unlink(path))
-			die_errno(_("failed to unlink '%s'"), path);
+		git_path_buf(&path, "%s", auml_nfc);
+		if (unlink(path.buf))
+			die_errno(_("failed to unlink '%s'"), path.buf);
+	strbuf_release(&path);
@@ -139,9 +141,8 @@
 				size_t inleft = namelenz;
 				char *outpos = &prec_dir->dirent_nfc->d_name[0];
 				size_t outsz = prec_dir->dirent_nfc->max_name_len;
-				size_t cnt;
 				errno = 0;
-				cnt = iconv(prec_dir->ic_precompose, &cp, &inleft, &outpos, &outsz);
+				iconv(prec_dir->ic_precompose, &cp, &inleft, &outpos, &outsz);
 				if (errno || inleft) {
 					 * iconv() failed and errno could be E2BIG, EILSEQ, EINVAL, EBADF
diff --git a/compat/precompose_utf8.h b/compat/precompose_utf8.h
index 3b73585..a94e7c4 100644
--- a/compat/precompose_utf8.h
+++ b/compat/precompose_utf8.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 void precompose_argv(int argc, const char **argv);
-void probe_utf8_pathname_composition(char *, int);
+void probe_utf8_pathname_composition(void);
 PREC_DIR *precompose_utf8_opendir(const char *dirname);
 struct dirent_prec_psx *precompose_utf8_readdir(PREC_DIR *dirp);
diff --git a/compat/winansi.c b/compat/winansi.c
index efc5bb3..ceff55b 100644
--- a/compat/winansi.c
+++ b/compat/winansi.c
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@
 	/* create a named pipe to communicate with the console thread */
-	sprintf(name, "\\\\.\\pipe\\winansi%lu", GetCurrentProcessId());
+	xsnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "\\\\.\\pipe\\winansi%lu", GetCurrentProcessId());
 	hwrite = CreateNamedPipe(name, PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND,
 	if (hwrite == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index 943c439..f34dcaa 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -166,7 +166,6 @@
 ifeq ($(uname_O),Cygwin)
 	ifeq ($(shell expr "$(uname_R)" : '1\.[1-6]\.'),4)
 		NO_D_TYPE_IN_DIRENT = YesPlease
-		NO_D_INO_IN_DIRENT = YesPlease
 		NO_STRCASESTR = YesPlease
 		NO_MEMMEM = YesPlease
 		NO_MKSTEMPS = YesPlease
@@ -370,7 +369,6 @@
 	NO_POSIX_GOODIES = UnfortunatelyYes
 	NATIVE_CRLF = YesPlease
-	NO_D_INO_IN_DIRENT = YesPlease
 	CC = compat/vcbuild/scripts/
 	AR = compat/vcbuild/scripts/
@@ -520,7 +518,6 @@
 	NO_INET_NTOP = YesPlease
 	NO_POSIX_GOODIES = UnfortunatelyYes
-	NO_D_INO_IN_DIRENT = YesPlease
 	COMPAT_OBJS += compat/mingw.o compat/winansi.o \
diff --git a/ b/
index 1f55009..89e2590 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -790,13 +790,6 @@
-# Define NO_D_INO_IN_DIRENT if you don't have d_ino in your struct dirent.
-AC_CHECK_MEMBER(struct dirent.d_ino,
-[#include <dirent.h>])
 # Define NO_D_TYPE_IN_DIRENT if your platform defines DT_UNKNOWN but lacks
 # d_type in struct dirent (latest Cygwin -- will be fixed soonish).
 AC_CHECK_MEMBER(struct dirent.d_type,
diff --git a/connect.c b/connect.c
index d3283b8..fd7ffe1 100644
--- a/connect.c
+++ b/connect.c
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 	*list = NULL;
 	for (;;) {
 		struct ref *ref;
-		unsigned char old_sha1[20];
+		struct object_id old_oid;
 		char *name;
 		int len, name_len;
 		char *buffer = packet_buffer;
@@ -139,34 +139,36 @@
 		if (len > 4 && skip_prefix(buffer, "ERR ", &arg))
 			die("remote error: %s", arg);
-		if (len == 48 && skip_prefix(buffer, "shallow ", &arg)) {
-			if (get_sha1_hex(arg, old_sha1))
+		if (len == GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + strlen("shallow ") &&
+			skip_prefix(buffer, "shallow ", &arg)) {
+			if (get_oid_hex(arg, &old_oid))
 				die("protocol error: expected shallow sha-1, got '%s'", arg);
 			if (!shallow_points)
 				die("repository on the other end cannot be shallow");
-			sha1_array_append(shallow_points, old_sha1);
+			sha1_array_append(shallow_points, old_oid.hash);
-		if (len < 42 || get_sha1_hex(buffer, old_sha1) || buffer[40] != ' ')
+		if (len < GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 2 || get_oid_hex(buffer, &old_oid) ||
+			buffer[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ] != ' ')
 			die("protocol error: expected sha/ref, got '%s'", buffer);
-		name = buffer + 41;
+		name = buffer + GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1;
 		name_len = strlen(name);
-		if (len != name_len + 41) {
+		if (len != name_len + GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1) {
 			server_capabilities = xstrdup(name + name_len + 1);
 		if (extra_have && !strcmp(name, ".have")) {
-			sha1_array_append(extra_have, old_sha1);
+			sha1_array_append(extra_have, old_oid.hash);
 		if (!check_ref(name, flags))
-		ref = alloc_ref(buffer + 41);
-		hashcpy(ref->old_sha1, old_sha1);
+		ref = alloc_ref(buffer + GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1);
+		oidcpy(&ref->old_oid, &old_oid);
 		*list = ref;
 		list = &ref->next;
 		got_at_least_one_head = 1;
@@ -333,7 +335,7 @@
 	static char addr[NI_MAXHOST];
 	if (getnameinfo(ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen, addr, sizeof(addr), NULL, 0,
-		strcpy(addr, "(unknown)");
+		xsnprintf(addr, sizeof(addr), "(unknown)");
 	return addr;
diff --git a/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash b/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
index 482ca84..6956807 100644
--- a/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
+++ b/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #    *) local and remote tag names
 #    *) .git/remotes file names
 #    *) git 'subcommands'
+#    *) git email aliases for git-send-email
 #    *) tree paths within 'ref:path/to/file' expressions
 #    *) file paths within current working directory and index
 #    *) common --long-options
@@ -663,6 +664,7 @@
 		check-mailmap)    : plumbing;;
 		check-ref-format) : plumbing;;
 		checkout-index)   : plumbing;;
+		column)           : internal helper;;
 		commit-tree)      : plumbing;;
 		count-objects)    : infrequent;;
 		credential)       : credentials;;
@@ -1711,6 +1713,15 @@
 _git_send_email ()
+	case "$prev" in
+	--to|--cc|--bcc|--from)
+		__gitcomp "
+		$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" send-email --dump-aliases 2>/dev/null)
+		"
+		return
+		;;
+	esac
 	case "$cur" in
 		__gitcomp "
@@ -1735,6 +1746,12 @@
 			" "" "${cur##--thread=}"
+	--to=*|--cc=*|--bcc=*|--from=*)
+		__gitcomp "
+		$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" send-email --dump-aliases 2>/dev/null)
+		" "" "${cur#--*=}"
+		return
+		;;
 		__gitcomp "--annotate --bcc --cc --cc-cmd --chain-reply-to
 			--compose --confirm= --dry-run --envelope-sender
diff --git a/contrib/hooks/multimail/CHANGES b/contrib/hooks/multimail/CHANGES
index 6bb1230..bc77e66 100644
--- a/contrib/hooks/multimail/CHANGES
+++ b/contrib/hooks/multimail/CHANGES
@@ -1,3 +1,44 @@
+Release 1.2.0
+* It is now possible to exclude some refs (e.g. exclude some branches
+  or tags). See refFilterDoSendRegex, refFilterDontSendRegex,
+  refFilterInclusionRegex and refFilterExclusionRegex.
+* New commitEmailFormat option which can be set to "html" to generate
+  simple colorized diffs using HTML for the commit emails.
+* git-multimail can now be ran as a Gerrit ref-updated hook, or from
+  Atlassian BitBucket Server (formerly known as Atlassian Stash).
+* The From: field is now more customizeable. It can be set
+  independently for refchange emails and commit emails (see
+  fromCommit, fromRefChange). The special values pusher and author can
+  be used in these configuration variable.
+* A new command-line option, --version, was added. The version is also
+  available in the X-Git-Multimail-Version header of sent emails.
+* Set X-Git-NotificationType header to differentiate the various types
+  of notifications. Current values are: diff, ref_changed_plus_diff,
+  ref_changed.
+* Preliminary support for Python 3. The testsuite passes with Python 3,
+  but it has not received as much testing as the Python 2 version yet.
+* Several encoding-related fixes. UTF-8 characters work in more
+  situations (but non-ascii characters in email address are still not
+  supported).
+* The testsuite and its documentation has been greatly improved.
+Plus all the bugfixes from version 1.1.1.
+This version has been tested with Python 2.4 and 2.6 to 3.5, and Git
+v1.7.10-406-gdc801e7, git- and 2.6.0. Git versions prior to
+v1.7.10-406-gdc801e7 probably work, but cannot run the testsuite
 Release 1.1.1 (bugfix-only release)
diff --git a/contrib/hooks/multimail/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/contrib/hooks/multimail/CONTRIBUTING.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09efdb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/hooks/multimail/CONTRIBUTING.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+git-multimail is an open-source project, built by volunteers. We would
+welcome your help!
+The current maintainers are Michael Haggerty <>
+and Matthieu Moy <>.
+Please note that although a copy of git-multimail is distributed in
+the "contrib" section of the main Git project, development takes place
+in a separate git-multimail repository on GitHub:
+Whenever enough changes to git-multimail have accumulated, a new
+code-drop of git-multimail will be submitted for inclusion in the Git
+We use the GitHub issue tracker to keep track of bugs and feature
+requests, and we use GitHub pull requests to exchange patches (though,
+if you prefer, you can send patches via the Git mailing list with CC
+to the maintainers). Please sign off your patches as per the `Git
+project practice
+General discussion of git-multimail can take place on the main Git
+mailing list,
+Please CC emails regarding git-multimail to the maintainers so that we
+don't overlook them.
diff --git a/contrib/hooks/multimail/README b/contrib/hooks/multimail/README
index e552c90..5512068 100644
--- a/contrib/hooks/multimail/README
+++ b/contrib/hooks/multimail/README
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-git-multimail Version 1.1.1
+git-multimail (version 1.2.0)
 .. image::
@@ -53,11 +53,13 @@
      + [git] 07/08: Merge branch 'mm/api-credentials-doc'
      + [git] 08/08: Git 1.7.11-rc2
-   Each commit appears in exactly one commit email, the first time
-   that it is pushed to the repository.  If a commit is later merged
-   into another branch, then a one-line summary of the commit is
-   included in the reference change email (as usual), but no
-   additional commit email is generated.
+   By default, each commit appears in exactly one commit email, the
+   first time that it is pushed to the repository.  If a commit is later
+   merged into another branch, then a one-line summary of the commit
+   is included in the reference change email (as usual), but no
+   additional commit email is generated. See
+   `multimailhook.refFilter(Inclusion|Exclusion|DoSend|DontSend)Regex`
+   below to configure which branches and tags are watched by the hook.
    By default, reference change emails have their "Reply-To" field set
    to the person who pushed the change, and commit emails have their
@@ -73,21 +75,8 @@
 * Python 2.x, version 2.4 or later.  No non-standard Python modules
-  are required.  git-multimail does *not* currently work with Python
-  3.x.
-  The example scripts invoke Python using the following shebang line
-  (following PEP 394 [1]_)::
-      #! /usr/bin/env python2
-  If your system's Python2 interpreter is not in your PATH or is not
-  called ``python2``, you can change the lines accordingly.  Or you can
-  invoke the Python interpreter explicitly, for example via a tiny
-  shell script like::
-      #! /bin/sh
-      /usr/local/bin/python /path/to/ "$@"
+  are required.  git-multimail has preliminary support for Python 3
+  (but it has been better tested with Python 2).
 * The ``git`` command must be in your PATH.  git-multimail is known to
   work with Git versions back to 1.7.1.  (Earlier versions have not
@@ -146,7 +135,9 @@
-    This describes the general environment of the repository.
+    This describes the general environment of the repository. In most
+    cases, you do not need to specify a value for this variable:
+    `git-multimail` will autodetect which environment to use.
     Currently supported values:
     * generic
@@ -161,18 +152,57 @@
       optionally read from gitolite.conf (see multimailhook.from).
       For more information about gitolite and git-multimail, read
-      doc/gitolite.rst
+      `<doc/gitolite.rst>`__
-    If neither of these environments is suitable for your setup, then
-    you can implement a Python class that inherits from Environment
-    and instantiate it via a script that looks like the example
+    * stash
+      Environment to use when ``git-multimail`` is ran as an Atlassian
+      BitBucket Server (formerly known as Atlassian Stash) hook.
+      **Warning:** this mode was provided by a third-party contributor
+      and never tested by the git-multimail maintainers. It is
+      provided as-is and may or may not work for you.
+      This value is automatically assumed when the stash-specific
+      flags (``--stash-user`` and ``--stash-repo``) are specified on
+      the command line. When this environment is active, the username
+      and repo come from these two command line flags, which must be
+      specified.
+    * gerrit
+      Environment to use when ``git-multimail`` is ran as a
+      ``ref-updated`` Gerrit hook.
+      This value is used when the gerrit-specific command line flags
+      (``--oldrev``, ``--newrev``, ``--refname``, ``--project``) for
+      gerrit's ref-updated hook are present. When this environment is
+      active, the username of the pusher is taken from the
+      ``--submitter`` argument if that command line option is passed,
+      otherwise 'Gerrit' is used. The repository name is taken from
+      the ``--project`` option on the command line, which must be passed.
+      For more information about gerrit and git-multimail, read
+      `<doc/gerrit.rst>`__
+    If none of these environments is suitable for your setup, then you
+    can implement a Python class that inherits from Environment and
+    instantiate it via a script that looks like the example
     post-receive script.
     The environment value can be specified on the command line using
-    the --environment option.  If it is not specified on the command
-    line or by multimailhook.environment, then it defaults to
-    ``gitolite`` if the environment contains variables $GL_USER and
-    $GL_REPO; otherwise ``generic``.
+    the ``--environment`` option. If it is not specified on the
+    command line or by ``multimailhook.environment``, the value is
+    guessed as follows:
+    * If stash-specific (respectively gerrit-specific) command flags
+      are present on the command-line, then ``stash`` (respectively
+      ``gerrit``) is used.
+    * If the environment variables $GL_USER and $GL_REPO are set, then
+      ``gitolite`` is used.
+    * If none of the above apply, then ``generic`` is used.
@@ -196,8 +226,8 @@
     reference changes should be sent, as RFC 2822 email addresses
     separated by commas.  This configuration option can be
     multivalued.  The default is the value in
-    multimailhook.mailingList.  Set this value to the empty string to
-    prevent reference change emails from being sent even if
+    multimailhook.mailingList.  Set this value to "none" (or the empty
+    string) to prevent reference change emails from being sent even if
     multimailhook.mailingList is set.
@@ -206,9 +236,9 @@
     tags should be sent, as RFC 2822 email addresses separated by
     commas.  This configuration option can be multivalued.  The
     default is the value in multimailhook.refchangeList or
-    multimailhook.mailingList.  Set this value to the empty string to
-    prevent annotated tag announcement emails from being sent even if
-    one of the other values is set.
+    multimailhook.mailingList.  Set this value to "none" (or the empty
+    string) to prevent annotated tag announcement emails from being sent
+    even if one of the other values is set.
@@ -216,7 +246,7 @@
     commits should be sent, as RFC 2822 email addresses separated by
     commas.  This configuration option can be multivalued.  The
     default is the value in multimailhook.mailingList.  Set this value
-    to the empty string to prevent notification emails about
+    to "none" (or the empty string) to prevent notification emails about
     individual commits from being sent even if
     multimailhook.mailingList is set.
@@ -230,6 +260,20 @@
     not so straightforward, then the shortlog might be confusing
     rather than useful.  Default is false.
+    The format of email messages for the individual commits, can be "text" or
+    "html". In the latter case, the emails will include diffs using colorized
+    HTML instead of plain text used by default. Note that this  currently the
+    ref change emails are always sent in plain text.
+    Note that when using "html", the formatting is done by parsing the
+    output of ``git log`` with ``-p``. When using
+    ``multimailhook.commitLogOpts`` to specify a ``--format`` for
+    ``git log``, one may get false positive (e.g. lines in the body of
+    the message starting with ``+++`` or ``---`` colored in red or
+    green).
     If this option is set to true, then summary emails about reference
@@ -305,7 +349,7 @@
       * multimailhook.smtpEncryption
-        Set the security type. Allowed values: none, ssl.
+        Set the security type. Allowed values: none, ssl, tls.
       * multimailhook.smtpServerDebugLevel
@@ -313,9 +357,26 @@
         Integer number. Set to greater than 0 to activate debugging.
-    If set, use this value in the From: field of generated emails.  If
-    unset, the value of the From: header is determined as follows:
+    If set, use this value in the From: field of generated emails.
+    ``fromCommit`` is used for commit emails, ``fromRefchange`` is
+    used for refchange emails, and ``from`` is used as fall-back in
+    all cases.
+    The value for these variables can be either:
+    - An email address, which will be used directly.
+    - The value ``pusher``, in which case the pusher's address (if
+      available) will be used.
+    - The value ``author`` (meaningful only for replyToCommit), in which
+      case the commit author's address will be used.
+    If config values are unset, the value of the From: header is
+    determined as follows:
     1. (gitolite environment only) Parse gitolite.conf, looking for a
        block of comments that looks like this::
@@ -425,6 +486,15 @@
     --stat -p --cc``.  Shell quoting is allowed; see
     multimailhook.logOpts for details.
+    String to use as a substitute for ``Date:`` in the output of ``git
+    log`` while formatting commit messages. This is usefull to avoid
+    emitting a line that can be interpreted by mailers as the start of
+    a cited message (Zimbra webmail in particular). Defaults to
+    ``CommitDate: ``. Set to an empty string or ``none`` to deactivate
+    the behavior.
     Domain name appended to the username of the person doing the push
@@ -440,21 +510,13 @@
     Addresses to use in the Reply-To: field for commit emails
     (replyToCommit) and refchange emails (replyToRefchange).
     multimailhook.replyTo is used as default when replyToCommit or
-    replyToRefchange is not set.  The value for these variables can be
-    either:
+    replyToRefchange is not set. The shortcuts ``pusher`` and
+    ``author`` are allowed with the same semantics as for
+    ``multimailhook.from``. In addition, the value ``none`` can be
+    used to omit the ``Reply-To:`` field.
-    - An email address, which will be used directly.
-    - The value `pusher`, in which case the pusher's address (if
-      available) will be used.  This is the default for refchange
-      emails.
-    - The value `author` (meaningful only for replyToCommit), in which
-      case the commit author's address will be used.  This is the
-      default for commit emails.
-    - The value `none`, in which case the Reply-To: field will be
-      omitted.
+    The default is ``pusher`` for refchange emails, and ``author`` for
+    commit emails.
@@ -478,6 +540,63 @@
     single email.
     Default: true
+    **Warning:** these options are experimental. They should work, but
+    the user-interface is not stable yet (in particular, the option
+    names may change). If you want to participate in stabilizing the
+    feature, please contact the maintainers and/or send pull-requests.
+    Regular expressions that can be used to limit refs for which email
+    updates will be sent.  It is an error to specify both an inclusion
+    and an exclusion regex.  If a ``refFilterInclusionRegex`` is
+    specified, emails will only be sent for refs which match this
+    regex.  If a ``refFilterExclusionRegex`` regex is specified,
+    emails will be sent for all refs except those that match this
+    regex (or that match a predefined regex specific to the
+    environment, such as "^refs/notes" for most environments and
+    "^refs/notes|^refs/changes" for the gerrit environment).
+    The expressions are matched against the complete refname, and is
+    considered to match if any substring matches. For example, to
+    filter-out all tags, set ``refFilterExclusionRegex`` to
+    ``^refs/tags/`` (note the leading ``^`` but no trailing ``$``). If
+    you set ``refFilterExclusionRegex`` to ``master``, then any ref
+    containing ``master`` will be excluded (the ``master`` branch, but
+    also ``refs/tags/master`` or ``refs/heads/foo-master-bar``).
+    ``refFilterDoSendRegex`` and ``refFilterDontSendRegex`` are
+    analogous to ``refFilterInclusionRegex`` and
+    ``refFilterExclusionRegex`` with one difference: with
+    ``refFilterDoSendRegex`` and ``refFilterDontSendRegex``, commits
+    introduced by one excluded ref will not be considered as new when
+    they reach an included ref. Typically, if you add a branch ``foo``
+    to  ``refFilterDontSendRegex``, push commits to this branch, and
+    later merge branch ``foo`` into ``master``, then the notification
+    email for ``master`` will contain a commit email only for the
+    merge commit. If you include ``foo`` in
+    ``refFilterExclusionRegex``, then at the time of merge, you will
+    receive one commit email per commit in the branch.
+    These variables can be multi-valued, like::
+      [multimailhook]
+              refFilterExclusionRegex = ^refs/tags/
+              refFilterExclusionRegex = ^refs/heads/master$
+    You can also provide a whitespace-separated list like::
+      [multimailhook]
+              refFilterExclusionRegex = ^refs/tags/ ^refs/heads/master$
+    Both examples exclude tags and the master branch, and are
+    equivalent to::
+      [multimailhook]
+              refFilterExclusionRegex = ^refs/tags/|^refs/heads/master$
 Email filtering aids
@@ -547,35 +666,8 @@
 Getting involved
-git-multimail is an open-source project, built by volunteers. We would
-welcome your help!
-The current maintainers are Michael Haggerty <>
-and Matthieu Moy <>.
-Please note that although a copy of git-multimail is distributed in
-the "contrib" section of the main Git project, development takes place
-in a separate git-multimail repository on GitHub:
-Whenever enough changes to git-multimail have accumulated, a new
-code-drop of git-multimail will be submitted for inclusion in the Git
-We use the GitHub issue tracker to keep track of bugs and feature
-requests, and we use GitHub pull requests to exchange patches (though,
-if you prefer, you can send patches via the Git mailing list with CC
-to the maintainers). Please sign off your patches as per the Git
-project practice.
-General discussion of git-multimail can take place on the main Git
-mailing list,
-Please CC emails regarding git-multimail to the maintainers so that we
-don't overlook them.
+Please, read `<CONTRIBUTING.rst>`__ for instructions on how to
+contribute to git-multimail.
diff --git a/contrib/hooks/multimail/README.Git b/contrib/hooks/multimail/README.Git
index f5d59a8..300a2a4 100644
--- a/contrib/hooks/multimail/README.Git
+++ b/contrib/hooks/multimail/README.Git
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
 The version in this directory was obtained from the upstream project
-on July 03 2015 and consists of the "git-multimail" subdirectory from
+on October 11 2015 and consists of the "git-multimail" subdirectory from
-    6d6c9eb62a054143322cfaecde3949189c065b46 refs/tags/1.1.1
+    c0791b9ef5821a746fc3475c25765e640452eaae refs/tags/1.2.0
 Please see the README file in this directory for information about how
 to report bugs or contribute to git-multimail.
diff --git a/contrib/hooks/multimail/doc/gerrit.rst b/contrib/hooks/multimail/doc/gerrit.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8011d05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/hooks/multimail/doc/gerrit.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Setting up git-multimail on Gerrit
+Gerrit has its own email-sending system, but you may prefer using
+``git-multimail`` instead. It supports Gerrit natively as a Gerrit
+``ref-updated`` hook (Warning: `Gerrit hooks
+are distinct from Git hooks). Setting up ``git-multimail`` on a Gerrit
+installation can be done following the instructions below.
+The explanations show an easy way to set up ``git-multimail``,
+but leave ``git-multimail`` installed and unconfigured for a while. If
+you run Gerrit on a production server, it is advised that you
+execute the step "Set up the hook" last to avoid confusing your users
+in the meantime.
+Set up the hook
+Create a directory ``$site_path/hooks/`` if it does not exist (if you
+don't know what ``$site_path`` is, run `` status`` and look
+for a ``GERRIT_SITE`` line). Either copy ```` to
+``$site_path/hooks/ref-updated`` or create a wrapper script like
+  #! /bin/sh
+  exec /path/to/ "$@"
+In both cases, make sure the file is named exactly
+``$site_path/hooks/ref-updated`` and is executable.
+(Alternatively, you may configure the ``[hooks]`` section of
+Log on the gerrit server and edit ``$site_path/git/$project/config``
+to configure ``git-multimail``.
+Warning: this will disable ``git-multimail`` during the debug, and
+could confuse your users. Don't run on a production server.
+To debug configuration issues with ``git-multimail``, you can add the
+``--stdout`` option when calling ```` like this::
+  #!/bin/sh
+  exec /path/to/git-multimail/git-multimail/ \
+    --stdout "$@" >> /tmp/log.txt
+and try pushing from a test repository. You should see the source of
+the email that would have been sent in the output of ``git push`` in
+the file ``/tmp/log.txt``.
diff --git a/contrib/hooks/multimail/doc/gitolite.rst b/contrib/hooks/multimail/doc/gitolite.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00aedd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/hooks/multimail/doc/gitolite.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Setting up git-multimail on gitolite
+``git-multimail`` supports gitolite 3 natively.
+The explanations below show an easy way to set up ``git-multimail``,
+but leave ``git-multimail`` installed and unconfigured for a while. If
+you run gitolite on a production server, it is advised that you
+execute the step "Set up the hook" last to avoid confusing your users
+in the meantime.
+Set up the hook
+Log in as your gitolite user.
+Create a file ``.gitolite/hooks/common/post-receive`` on your gitolite
+account containing (adapt the path, obviously)::
+  #!/bin/sh
+  exec /path/to/git-multimail/git-multimail/ "$@"
+Make sure it's executable (``chmod +x``). Record the hook in
+  gitolite setup
+First, you have to allow the admin to set Git configuration variables.
+As gitolite user, edit the line containing ``GIT_CONFIG_KEYS`` in file
+``.gitolite.rc``, to make it look like::
+  GIT_CONFIG_KEYS                 =>  'multimailhook\..*',
+You can now log out and return to your normal user.
+In the ``gitolite-admin`` clone, edit the file ``conf/gitolite.conf``
+and add::
+  repo @all
+      # Not strictly needed as will chose gitolite if
+      # $GL_USER is set.
+      config multimailhook.environment = gitolite
+      config multimailhook.mailingList = # Where emails should be sent
+      config multimailhook.from = # From address to use
+Obviously, you can customize all parameters on a per-repository basis by
+adding these ``config multimailhook.*`` lines in the section
+corresponding to a repository or set of repositories.
+To activate ``git-multimail`` on a per-repository basis, do not set
+``multimailhook.mailingList`` in the ``@all`` section and set it only
+for repositories for which you want ``git-multimail``.
+Alternatively, you can set up the ``From:`` field on a per-user basis
+by adding a ``BEGIN USER EMAILS``/``END USER EMAILS`` section (see
+Specificities of Gitolite for Configuration
+Empty configuration variables
+With gitolite, the syntax ``config multimailhook.commitList = ""``
+unsets the variable instead of setting it to an empty string (see
+As a result, there is no way to set a variable to the empty string.
+In all most places where an empty value is required, git-multimail
+now allows to specify special ``"none"`` value (case-sensitive) to
+mean the same.
+Alternatively, one can use ``" "`` (a single space) instead of ``""``.
+In most cases (in particular ``multimailhook.*List`` variables), this
+will be equivalent to an empty string.
+If you have a use-case where ``"none"`` is not an acceptable value and
+you need ``" "`` or  ``""`` instead, please report it as a bug to
+Allowing Regular Expressions in Configuration
+gitolite has a mechanism to prevent unsafe configuration variable
+values, which prevent characters like ``|`` commonly used in regular
+expressions. If you do not need the safety feature of gitolite and
+need to use regular expressions in your configuration (e.g. for
+``multimailhook.refFilter*`` variables), set
+<>`__ to a
+less restrictive value.
+Warning: this will disable ``git-multimail`` during the debug, and
+could confuse your users. Don't run on a production server.
+To debug configuration issues with ``git-multimail``, you can add the
+``--stdout`` option when calling ```` like this::
+  #!/bin/sh
+  exec /path/to/git-multimail/git-multimail/ --stdout "$@"
+and try pushing from a test repository. You should see the source of
+the email that would have been sent in the output of ``git push``.
diff --git a/contrib/hooks/multimail/ b/contrib/hooks/multimail/
index c06ce7a..0180dba 100755
--- a/contrib/hooks/multimail/
+++ b/contrib/hooks/multimail/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python2
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+__version__ = '1.2.0'
 # Copyright (c) 2015 Matthieu Moy and others
 # Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Michael Haggerty and others
@@ -56,8 +58,54 @@
 import optparse
 import smtplib
 import time
+import cgi
+PYTHON3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0)
+if sys.version_info <= (2, 5):
+    def all(iterable):
+        for element in iterable:
+            if not element:
+                return False
+            return True
+def is_ascii(s):
+    return all(ord(c) < 128 and ord(c) > 0 for c in s)
+if PYTHON3:
+    def str_to_bytes(s):
+        return s.encode(ENCODING)
+    def bytes_to_str(s):
+        return s.decode(ENCODING)
+    unicode = str
+    def write_str(f, msg):
+        # Try outputing with the default encoding. If it fails,
+        # try UTF-8.
+        try:
+            f.buffer.write(msg.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding()))
+        except UnicodeEncodeError:
+            f.buffer.write(msg.encode(ENCODING))
+    def str_to_bytes(s):
+        return s
+    def bytes_to_str(s):
+        return s
+    def write_str(f, msg):
+        f.write(msg)
+    def next(it):
+        return
+    from email.charset import Charset
     from email.utils import make_msgid
     from email.utils import getaddresses
     from email.utils import formataddr
@@ -65,6 +113,7 @@
     from email.header import Header
 except ImportError:
     # Prior to Python 2.5, the email module used different names:
+    from email.Charset import Charset
     from email.Utils import make_msgid
     from email.Utils import getaddresses
     from email.Utils import formataddr
@@ -109,7 +158,7 @@
 To: %(recipients)s
 Subject: %(subject)s
 MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%(charset)s
+Content-Type: text/%(contenttype)s; charset=%(charset)s
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 Message-ID: %(msgid)s
 From: %(fromaddr)s
@@ -120,6 +169,8 @@
 X-Git-Reftype: %(refname_type)s
 X-Git-Oldrev: %(oldrev)s
 X-Git-Newrev: %(newrev)s
+X-Git-NotificationType: ref_changed
+X-Git-Multimail-Version: %(multimail_version)s
 Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
@@ -238,7 +289,7 @@
 Cc: %(cc_recipients)s
 Subject: %(emailprefix)s%(num)02d/%(tot)02d: %(oneline)s
 MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%(charset)s
+Content-Type: text/%(contenttype)s; charset=%(charset)s
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 From: %(fromaddr)s
 Reply-To: %(reply_to)s
@@ -249,6 +300,8 @@
 X-Git-Refname: %(refname)s
 X-Git-Reftype: %(refname_type)s
 X-Git-Rev: %(rev)s
+X-Git-NotificationType: diff
+X-Git-Multimail-Version: %(multimail_version)s
 Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
@@ -270,7 +323,7 @@
 To: %(recipients)s
 Subject: %(subject)s
 MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%(charset)s
+Content-Type: text/%(contenttype)s; charset=%(charset)s
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 Message-ID: %(msgid)s
 From: %(fromaddr)s
@@ -282,6 +335,8 @@
 X-Git-Oldrev: %(oldrev)s
 X-Git-Newrev: %(newrev)s
 X-Git-Rev: %(rev)s
+X-Git-NotificationType: ref_changed_plus_diff
+X-Git-Multimail-Version: %(multimail_version)s
 Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
@@ -352,12 +407,14 @@
 def read_output(cmd, input=None, keepends=False, **kw):
     if input:
         stdin = subprocess.PIPE
+        input = str_to_bytes(input)
         stdin = None
     p = subprocess.Popen(
         cmd, stdin=stdin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kw
     (out, err) = p.communicate(input)
+    out = bytes_to_str(out)
     retcode = p.wait()
     if retcode:
         raise CommandError(cmd, retcode)
@@ -418,26 +475,37 @@
 def header_encode(text, header_name=None):
     """Encode and line-wrap the value of an email header field."""
-    try:
-        if isinstance(text, str):
-            text = text.decode(ENCODING, 'replace')
-        return Header(text, header_name=header_name).encode()
-    except UnicodeEncodeError:
-        return Header(text, header_name=header_name, charset=CHARSET,
-                      errors='replace').encode()
+    # Convert to unicode, if required.
+    if not isinstance(text, unicode):
+        text = unicode(text, 'utf-8')
+    if is_ascii(text):
+        charset = 'ascii'
+    else:
+        charset = 'utf-8'
+    return Header(text, header_name=header_name, charset=Charset(charset)).encode()
 def addr_header_encode(text, header_name=None):
     """Encode and line-wrap the value of an email header field containing
     email addresses."""
-    return Header(
-        ', '.join(
-            formataddr((header_encode(name), emailaddr))
-            for name, emailaddr in getaddresses([text])
-            ),
-        header_name=header_name
-        ).encode()
+    # Convert to unicode, if required.
+    if not isinstance(text, unicode):
+        text = unicode(text, 'utf-8')
+    text = ', '.join(
+        formataddr((header_encode(name), emailaddr))
+        for name, emailaddr in getaddresses([text])
+        )
+    if is_ascii(text):
+        charset = 'ascii'
+    else:
+        charset = 'utf-8'
+    return Header(text, header_name=header_name, charset=Charset(charset)).encode()
 class Config(object):
@@ -496,7 +564,8 @@
                 ['config', '--get-all', '--null', '%s.%s' % (self.section, name)],
                 env=self.env, keepends=True,
-        except CommandError, e:
+        except CommandError:
+            t, e, traceback = sys.exc_info()
             if e.retcode == 1:
                 # "the section or key is invalid"; i.e., there is no
                 # value for the specified key.
@@ -504,18 +573,6 @@
-    def get_recipients(self, name, default=None):
-        """Read a recipients list from the configuration.
-        Return the result as a comma-separated list of email
-        addresses, or default if the option is unset.  If the setting
-        has multiple values, concatenate them with comma separators."""
-        lines = self.get_all(name, default=None)
-        if lines is None:
-            return default
-        return ', '.join(line.strip() for line in lines)
     def set(self, name, value):
             ['config', '%s.%s' % (self.section, name), value],
@@ -542,7 +599,8 @@
                 ['config', '--unset-all', '%s.%s' % (self.section, name)],
-        except CommandError, e:
+        except CommandError:
+            t, e, traceback = sys.exc_info()
             if e.retcode == 5:
                 # The name doesn't exist, which is what we wanted anyway...
@@ -636,7 +694,7 @@
         if not self.sha1:
             raise ValueError('Empty commit has no summary')
-        return iter(generate_summaries('--no-walk', self.sha1)).next()
+        return next(iter(generate_summaries('--no-walk', self.sha1)))
     def __eq__(self, other):
         return isinstance(other, GitObject) and self.sha1 == other.sha1
@@ -647,6 +705,10 @@
     def __nonzero__(self):
         return bool(self.sha1)
+    def __bool__(self):
+        """Python 2 backward compatibility"""
+        return self.__nonzero__()
     def __str__(self):
         return self.sha1 or ZEROS
@@ -661,6 +723,12 @@
     def __init__(self, environment):
         self.environment = environment
         self._values = None
+        self._contains_html_diff = False
+    def _contains_diff(self):
+        # We do contain a diff, should it be rendered in HTML?
+        if self.environment.commit_email_format == "html":
+            self._contains_html_diff = True
     def _compute_values(self):
         """Return a dictionary {keyword: expansion} for this Change.
@@ -670,7 +738,12 @@
         get_values().  The return value should always be a new
-        return self.environment.get_values()
+        values = self.environment.get_values()
+        fromaddr = self.environment.get_fromaddr(change=self)
+        if fromaddr is not None:
+            values['fromaddr'] = fromaddr
+        values['multimail_version'] = get_version()
+        return values
     def get_values(self, **extra_values):
         """Return a dictionary {keyword: expansion} for this Change.
@@ -713,12 +786,18 @@
         skip lines that contain references to unknown variables."""
         values = self.get_values(**extra_values)
+        if self._contains_html_diff:
+            values['contenttype'] = 'html'
+        else:
+            values['contenttype'] = 'plain'
         for line in template.splitlines():
-            (name, value) = line.split(':', 1)
+            (name, value) = line.split(': ', 1)
                 value = value % values
-            except KeyError, e:
+            except KeyError:
+                t, e, traceback = sys.exc_info()
                 if DEBUG:
                         'Warning: unknown variable %r in the following line; line skipped:\n'
@@ -764,6 +843,24 @@
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def _wrap_for_html(self, lines):
+        """Wrap the lines in HTML <pre> tag when using HTML format.
+        Escape special HTML characters and add <pre> and </pre> tags around
+        the given lines if we should be generating HTML as indicated by
+        self._contains_html_diff being set to true.
+        """
+        if self._contains_html_diff:
+            yield "<pre style='margin:0'>\n"
+            for line in lines:
+                yield cgi.escape(line)
+            yield '</pre>\n'
+        else:
+            for line in lines:
+                yield line
     def generate_email(self, push, body_filter=None, extra_header_values={}):
         """Generate an email describing this change.
@@ -779,17 +876,75 @@
         for line in self.generate_email_header(**extra_header_values):
             yield line
         yield '\n'
-        for line in self.generate_email_intro():
+        for line in self._wrap_for_html(self.generate_email_intro()):
             yield line
         body = self.generate_email_body(push)
         if body_filter is not None:
             body = body_filter(body)
+        diff_started = False
+        if self._contains_html_diff:
+            # "white-space: pre" is the default, but we need to
+            # specify it again in case the message is viewed in a
+            # webmail which wraps it in an element setting white-space
+            # to something else (Zimbra does this and sets
+            # white-space: pre-line).
+            yield '<pre style="white-space: pre; background: #F8F8F8">'
         for line in body:
+            if self._contains_html_diff:
+                # This is very, very naive. It would be much better to really
+                # parse the diff, i.e. look at how many lines do we have in
+                # the hunk headers instead of blindly highlighting everything
+                # that looks like it might be part of a diff.
+                bgcolor = ''
+                fgcolor = ''
+                if line.startswith('--- a/'):
+                    diff_started = True
+                    bgcolor = 'e0e0ff'
+                elif line.startswith('diff ') or line.startswith('index '):
+                    diff_started = True
+                    fgcolor = '808080'
+                elif diff_started:
+                    if line.startswith('+++ '):
+                        bgcolor = 'e0e0ff'
+                    elif line.startswith('@@'):
+                        bgcolor = 'e0e0e0'
+                    elif line.startswith('+'):
+                        bgcolor = 'e0ffe0'
+                    elif line.startswith('-'):
+                        bgcolor = 'ffe0e0'
+                elif line.startswith('commit '):
+                    fgcolor = '808000'
+                elif line.startswith('    '):
+                    fgcolor = '404040'
+                # Chop the trailing LF, we don't want it inside <pre>.
+                line = cgi.escape(line[:-1])
+                if bgcolor or fgcolor:
+                    style = 'display:block; white-space:pre;'
+                    if bgcolor:
+                        style += 'background:#' + bgcolor + ';'
+                    if fgcolor:
+                        style += 'color:#' + fgcolor + ';'
+                    # Use a <span style='display:block> to color the
+                    # whole line. The newline must be inside the span
+                    # to display properly both in Firefox and in
+                    # text-based browser.
+                    line = "<span style='%s'>%s\n</span>" % (style, line)
+                else:
+                    line = line + '\n'
+            yield line
+        if self._contains_html_diff:
+            yield '</pre>'
+        for line in self._wrap_for_html(self.generate_email_footer()):
             yield line
-        for line in self.generate_email_footer():
-            yield line
+    def get_alt_fromaddr(self):
+        return None
 class Revision(Change):
@@ -867,14 +1022,25 @@
     def generate_email_body(self, push):
         """Show this revision."""
-        return read_git_lines(
-            ['log'] + self.environment.commitlogopts + ['-1', self.rev.sha1],
-            keepends=True,
-            )
+        for line in read_git_lines(
+                ['log'] + self.environment.commitlogopts + ['-1', self.rev.sha1],
+                keepends=True,
+                ):
+            if line.startswith('Date:   ') and self.environment.date_substitute:
+                yield self.environment.date_substitute + line[len('Date:   '):]
+            else:
+                yield line
     def generate_email_footer(self):
         return self.expand_lines(REVISION_FOOTER_TEMPLATE)
+    def generate_email(self, push, body_filter=None, extra_header_values={}):
+        self._contains_diff()
+        return Change.generate_email(self, push, body_filter, extra_header_values)
+    def get_alt_fromaddr(self):
+        return self.environment.from_commit
 class ReferenceChange(Change):
     """A Change to a Git reference.
@@ -1096,10 +1262,10 @@
             yield '\n'
             yield 'Detailed log of new commits:\n\n'
             for line in read_git_lines(
-                    ['log', '--no-walk']
-                    + self.logopts
-                    + new_commits_list
-                    + ['--'],
+                    ['log', '--no-walk'] +
+                    self.logopts +
+                    new_commits_list +
+                    ['--'],
                 yield line
@@ -1253,9 +1419,9 @@
             yield '\n'
             yield 'Summary of changes:\n'
             for line in read_git_lines(
-                    ['diff-tree']
-                    + self.diffopts
-                    + ['%s..%s' % (self.old.commit_sha1,,)],
+                    ['diff-tree'] +
+                    self.diffopts +
+                    ['%s..%s' % (self.old.commit_sha1,,)],
                 yield line
@@ -1316,6 +1482,9 @@
         yield '\n'
+    def get_alt_fromaddr(self):
+        return self.environment.from_refchange
 class BranchChange(ReferenceChange):
     refname_type = 'branch'
@@ -1397,9 +1566,9 @@
             # commit is a non-merge commit, though it may make sense to
             # combine if it is a merge as well.
             if not (
-                    len(new_commits) == 1
-                    and len(new_commits[0][1]) == 1
-                    and new_commits[0][0] in known_added_sha1s
+                    len(new_commits) == 1 and
+                    len(new_commits[0][1]) == 1 and
+                    new_commits[0][0] in known_added_sha1s
                 return None
@@ -1432,6 +1601,7 @@
             values['subject'] = self.expand(COMBINED_REFCHANGE_REVISION_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE, **values)
         self._single_revision = revision
+        self._contains_diff()
         self.header_template = COMBINED_HEADER_TEMPLATE
         self.intro_template = COMBINED_INTRO_TEMPLATE
         self.footer_template = COMBINED_FOOTER_TEMPLATE
@@ -1690,17 +1860,18 @@
     def send(self, lines, to_addrs):
             p = subprocess.Popen(self.command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
-        except OSError, e:
+        except OSError:
-                '*** Cannot execute command: %s\n' % ' '.join(self.command)
-                + '*** %s\n' % str(e)
-                + '*** Try setting multimailhook.mailer to "smtp"\n'
+                '*** Cannot execute command: %s\n' % ' '.join(self.command) +
+                '*** %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1] +
+                '*** Try setting multimailhook.mailer to "smtp"\n' +
                 '*** to send emails without using the sendmail command.\n'
+            lines = (str_to_bytes(line) for line in lines)
-        except Exception, e:
+        except Exception:
                 '*** Error while generating commit email\n'
                 '***  - mail sending aborted.\n'
@@ -1710,7 +1881,7 @@
             except AttributeError:
-            raise e
+            raise
             retcode = p.wait()
@@ -1770,11 +1941,11 @@
                     "*** Setting debug on for SMTP server connection (%s) ***\n"
                     % self.smtpserverdebuglevel)
-        except Exception, e:
+        except Exception:
                 '*** Error establishing SMTP connection to %s ***\n'
                 % self.smtpserver)
-            sys.stderr.write('*** %s\n' % str(e))
+            sys.stderr.write('*** %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1])
     def __del__(self):
@@ -1784,16 +1955,15 @@
     def send(self, lines, to_addrs):
             if self.username or self.password:
-                sys.stderr.write("*** Authenticating as %s ***\n" % self.username)
                 self.smtp.login(self.username, self.password)
             msg = ''.join(lines)
             # turn comma-separated list into Python list if needed.
             if isinstance(to_addrs, basestring):
                 to_addrs = [email for (name, email) in getaddresses([to_addrs])]
             self.smtp.sendmail(self.envelopesender, to_addrs, msg)
-        except Exception, e:
+        except Exception:
             sys.stderr.write('*** Error sending email ***\n')
-            sys.stderr.write('*** %s\n' % str(e))
+            sys.stderr.write('*** %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1])
@@ -1809,9 +1979,10 @@
         self.f = f
     def send(self, lines, to_addrs):
-        self.f.write(self.SEPARATOR)
-        self.f.writelines(lines)
-        self.f.write(self.SEPARATOR)
+        write_str(self.f, self.SEPARATOR)
+        for line in lines:
+            write_str(self.f, line)
+        write_str(self.f, self.SEPARATOR)
 def get_git_dir():
@@ -1877,11 +2048,13 @@
             Return the address to be used as the 'From' email address
             in the email envelope.
-        get_fromaddr()
+        get_fromaddr(change=None)
             Return the 'From' email address used in the email 'From:'
-            headers.  (May be a full RFC 2822 email address like 'Joe
-            User <>'.)
+            headers.  If the change is known when this function is
+            called, it is passed in as the 'change' parameter.  (May
+            be a full RFC 2822 email address like 'Joe User
+            <>'.)
@@ -1901,12 +2074,29 @@
             get_reply_to_commit() is used for individual commit
+        get_ref_filter_regex()
+            Return a tuple -- a compiled regex, and a boolean indicating
+            whether the regex picks refs to include (if False, the regex
+            matches on refs to exclude).
+        get_default_ref_ignore_regex()
+            Return a regex that should be ignored for both what emails
+            to send and when computing what commits are considered new
+            to the repository.  Default is "^refs/notes/".
     They should also define the following attributes:
         announce_show_shortlog (bool)
             True iff announce emails should include a shortlog.
+        commit_email_format (string)
+            If "html", generate commit emails in HTML instead of plain text
+            used by default.
         refchange_showgraph (bool)
             True iff refchanges emails should include a detailed graph.
@@ -1939,6 +2129,11 @@
             commit mail.  The value should be a list of strings
             representing words to be passed to the command.
+        date_substitute (string)
+            String to be used in substitution for 'Date:' at start of
+            line in the output of 'git log'.
         quiet (bool)
             On success do not write to stderr
@@ -1950,6 +2145,13 @@
             True if a combined email should be produced when a single
             new commit is pushed to a branch, False otherwise.
+        from_refchange, from_commit (strings)
+            Addresses to use for the From: field for refchange emails
+            and commit emails respectively.  Set from
+            multimailhook.fromRefchange and multimailhook.fromCommit
+            by ConfigEnvironmentMixin.
     REPO_NAME_RE = re.compile(r'^(?P<name>.+?)(?:\.git)$')
@@ -1957,6 +2159,7 @@
     def __init__(self, osenv=None):
         self.osenv = osenv or os.environ
         self.announce_show_shortlog = False
+        self.commit_email_format = "text"
         self.maxcommitemails = 500
         self.diffopts = ['--stat', '--summary', '--find-copies-harder']
         self.graphopts = ['--oneline', '--decorate']
@@ -1964,6 +2167,7 @@
         self.refchange_showgraph = False
         self.refchange_showlog = False
         self.commitlogopts = ['-C', '--stat', '-p', '--cc']
+        self.date_substitute = 'AuthorDate: '
         self.quiet = False
         self.stdout = False
         self.combine_when_single_commit = True
@@ -1972,7 +2176,6 @@
-            'fromaddr',
@@ -1998,7 +2201,7 @@
     def get_pusher_email(self):
         return None
-    def get_fromaddr(self):
+    def get_fromaddr(self, change=None):
         config = Config('user')
         fromname = config.get('name', default='')
         fromemail = config.get('email', default='')
@@ -2080,6 +2283,15 @@
     def get_reply_to_commit(self, revision):
+    def get_default_ref_ignore_regex(self):
+        # The commit messages of git notes are essentially meaningless
+        # and "filenames" in git notes commits are an implementational
+        # detail that might surprise users at first.  As such, we
+        # would need a completely different method for handling emails
+        # of git notes in order for them to be of benefit for users,
+        # which we simply do not have right now.
+        return "^refs/notes/"
     def filter_body(self, lines):
         """Filter the lines intended for an email body.
@@ -2095,19 +2307,19 @@
         """Write the string msg on a log file or on stderr.
         Sends the text to stderr by default, override to change the behavior."""
-        sys.stderr.write(msg)
+        write_str(sys.stderr, msg)
     def log_warning(self, msg):
         """Write the string msg on a log file or on stderr.
         Sends the text to stderr by default, override to change the behavior."""
-        sys.stderr.write(msg)
+        write_str(sys.stderr, msg)
     def log_error(self, msg):
         """Write the string msg on a log file or on stderr.
         Sends the text to stderr by default, override to change the behavior."""
-        sys.stderr.write(msg)
+        write_str(sys.stderr, msg)
 class ConfigEnvironmentMixin(Environment):
@@ -2128,6 +2340,14 @@
 class ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin(ConfigEnvironmentMixin):
     """An Environment that reads most of its information from "git config"."""
+    @staticmethod
+    def forbid_field_values(name, value, forbidden):
+        for forbidden_val in forbidden:
+            if value is not None and value.lower() == forbidden:
+                raise ConfigurationException(
+                    '"%s" is not an allowed setting for %s' % (value, name)
+                    )
     def __init__(self, config, **kw):
         super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).__init__(
             config=config, **kw
@@ -2144,14 +2364,26 @@
             if val is not None:
                 setattr(self, var, val)
+        commit_email_format = config.get('commitEmailFormat')
+        if commit_email_format is not None:
+            if commit_email_format != "html" and commit_email_format != "text":
+                self.log_warning(
+                    '*** Unknown value for multimailhook.commitEmailFormat: %s\n' %
+                    commit_email_format +
+                    '*** Expected either "text" or "html".  Ignoring.\n'
+                    )
+            else:
+                self.commit_email_format = commit_email_format
         maxcommitemails = config.get('maxcommitemails')
         if maxcommitemails is not None:
                 self.maxcommitemails = int(maxcommitemails)
             except ValueError:
-                    '*** Malformed value for multimailhook.maxCommitEmails: %s\n' % maxcommitemails
-                    + '*** Expected a number.  Ignoring.\n'
+                    '*** Malformed value for multimailhook.maxCommitEmails: %s\n'
+                    % maxcommitemails +
+                    '*** Expected a number.  Ignoring.\n'
         diffopts = config.get('diffopts')
@@ -2170,32 +2402,44 @@
         if commitlogopts is not None:
             self.commitlogopts = shlex.split(commitlogopts)
+        date_substitute = config.get('dateSubstitute')
+        if date_substitute == 'none':
+            self.date_substitute = None
+        elif date_substitute is not None:
+            self.date_substitute = date_substitute
         reply_to = config.get('replyTo')
         self.__reply_to_refchange = config.get('replyToRefchange', default=reply_to)
-        if (
-                self.__reply_to_refchange is not None
-                and self.__reply_to_refchange.lower() == 'author'
-                ):
-            raise ConfigurationException(
-                '"author" is not an allowed setting for replyToRefchange'
-                )
+        self.forbid_field_values('replyToRefchange',
+                                 self.__reply_to_refchange,
+                                 ['author'])
         self.__reply_to_commit = config.get('replyToCommit', default=reply_to)
+        from_addr = self.config.get('from')
+        self.from_refchange = config.get('fromRefchange')
+        self.forbid_field_values('fromRefchange',
+                                 self.from_refchange,
+                                 ['author', 'none'])
+        self.from_commit = config.get('fromCommit')
+        self.forbid_field_values('fromCommit',
+                                 self.from_commit,
+                                 ['none'])
         combine = config.get_bool('combineWhenSingleCommit')
         if combine is not None:
             self.combine_when_single_commit = combine
     def get_administrator(self):
         return (
-            self.config.get('administrator')
-            or self.get_sender()
-            or super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_administrator()
+            self.config.get('administrator') or
+            self.get_sender() or
+            super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_administrator()
     def get_repo_shortname(self):
         return (
-            self.config.get('reponame')
-            or super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_repo_shortname()
+            self.config.get('reponame') or
+            super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_repo_shortname()
     def get_emailprefix(self):
@@ -2212,33 +2456,42 @@
     def get_sender(self):
         return self.config.get('envelopesender')
-    def get_fromaddr(self):
+    def process_addr(self, addr, change):
+        if addr.lower() == 'author':
+            if hasattr(change, 'author'):
+                return
+            else:
+                return None
+        elif addr.lower() == 'pusher':
+            return self.get_pusher_email()
+        elif addr.lower() == 'none':
+            return None
+        else:
+            return addr
+    def get_fromaddr(self, change=None):
         fromaddr = self.config.get('from')
+        if change:
+            alt_fromaddr = change.get_alt_fromaddr()
+            if alt_fromaddr:
+                fromaddr = alt_fromaddr
+        if fromaddr:
+            fromaddr = self.process_addr(fromaddr, change)
         if fromaddr:
             return fromaddr
-        return super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_fromaddr()
+        return super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_fromaddr(change)
     def get_reply_to_refchange(self, refchange):
         if self.__reply_to_refchange is None:
             return super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_reply_to_refchange(refchange)
-        elif self.__reply_to_refchange.lower() == 'pusher':
-            return self.get_pusher_email()
-        elif self.__reply_to_refchange.lower() == 'none':
-            return None
-            return self.__reply_to_refchange
+            return self.process_addr(self.__reply_to_refchange, refchange)
     def get_reply_to_commit(self, revision):
         if self.__reply_to_commit is None:
             return super(ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin, self).get_reply_to_commit(revision)
-        elif self.__reply_to_commit.lower() == 'author':
-            return
-        elif self.__reply_to_commit.lower() == 'pusher':
-            return self.get_pusher_email()
-        elif self.__reply_to_commit.lower() == 'none':
-            return None
-            return self.__reply_to_commit
+            return self.process_addr(self.__reply_to_commit, revision)
     def get_scancommitforcc(self):
         return self.config.get('scancommitforcc')
@@ -2270,12 +2523,14 @@
     def filter_body(self, lines):
         lines = super(FilterLinesEnvironmentMixin, self).filter_body(lines)
         if self.__strict_utf8:
-            lines = (line.decode(ENCODING, 'replace') for line in lines)
+            if not PYTHON3:
+                lines = (line.decode(ENCODING, 'replace') for line in lines)
             # Limit the line length in Unicode-space to avoid
             # splitting characters:
             if self.__emailmaxlinelength:
                 lines = limit_linelength(lines, self.__emailmaxlinelength)
-            lines = (line.encode(ENCODING, 'replace') for line in lines)
+            if not PYTHON3:
+                lines = (line.encode(ENCODING, 'replace') for line in lines)
         elif self.__emailmaxlinelength:
             lines = limit_linelength(lines, self.__emailmaxlinelength)
@@ -2404,10 +2659,10 @@
         # actual *contents* of the change being reported, we only
         # choose based on the *type* of the change.  Therefore we can
         # compute them once and for all:
-        if not (refchange_recipients
-                or announce_recipients
-                or revision_recipients
-                or scancommitforcc):
+        if not (refchange_recipients or
+                announce_recipients or
+                revision_recipients or
+                scancommitforcc):
             raise ConfigurationException('No email recipients configured!')
         self.__refchange_recipients = refchange_recipients
         self.__announce_recipients = announce_recipients
@@ -2457,13 +2712,104 @@
         found, raise a ConfigurationException."""
         for name in names:
-            retval = config.get_recipients(name)
-            if retval is not None:
-                return retval
+            lines = config.get_all(name)
+            if lines is not None:
+                lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
+                # Single "none" is a special value equivalen to empty string.
+                if lines == ['none']:
+                    lines = ['']
+                return ', '.join(lines)
             return ''
+class StaticRefFilterEnvironmentMixin(Environment):
+    """Set branch filter statically based on constructor parameters."""
+    def __init__(self, ref_filter_incl_regex, ref_filter_excl_regex,
+                 ref_filter_do_send_regex, ref_filter_dont_send_regex,
+                 **kw):
+        super(StaticRefFilterEnvironmentMixin, self).__init__(**kw)
+        if ref_filter_incl_regex and ref_filter_excl_regex:
+            raise ConfigurationException(
+                "Cannot specify both a ref inclusion and exclusion regex.")
+        self.__is_inclusion_filter = bool(ref_filter_incl_regex)
+        default_exclude = self.get_default_ref_ignore_regex()
+        if ref_filter_incl_regex:
+            ref_filter_regex = ref_filter_incl_regex
+        elif ref_filter_excl_regex:
+            ref_filter_regex = ref_filter_excl_regex + '|' + default_exclude
+        else:
+            ref_filter_regex = default_exclude
+        try:
+            self.__compiled_regex = re.compile(ref_filter_regex)
+        except Exception:
+            raise ConfigurationException(
+                'Invalid Ref Filter Regex "%s": %s' % (ref_filter_regex, sys.exc_info()[1]))
+        if ref_filter_do_send_regex and ref_filter_dont_send_regex:
+            raise ConfigurationException(
+                "Cannot specify both a ref doSend and dontSend regex.")
+        if ref_filter_do_send_regex or ref_filter_dont_send_regex:
+            self.__is_do_send_filter = bool(ref_filter_do_send_regex)
+            if ref_filter_incl_regex:
+                ref_filter_send_regex = ref_filter_incl_regex
+            elif ref_filter_excl_regex:
+                ref_filter_send_regex = ref_filter_excl_regex
+            else:
+                ref_filter_send_regex = '.*'
+                self.__is_do_send_filter = True
+            try:
+                self.__send_compiled_regex = re.compile(ref_filter_send_regex)
+            except Exception:
+                raise ConfigurationException(
+                    'Invalid Ref Filter Regex "%s": %s' %
+                    (ref_filter_send_regex, sys.exc_info()[1]))
+        else:
+            self.__send_compiled_regex = self.__compiled_regex
+            self.__is_do_send_filter = self.__is_inclusion_filter
+    def get_ref_filter_regex(self, send_filter=False):
+        if send_filter:
+            return self.__send_compiled_regex, self.__is_do_send_filter
+        else:
+            return self.__compiled_regex, self.__is_inclusion_filter
+class ConfigRefFilterEnvironmentMixin(
+        ConfigEnvironmentMixin,
+        StaticRefFilterEnvironmentMixin
+        ):
+    """Determine branch filtering statically based on config."""
+    def _get_regex(self, config, key):
+        """Get a list of whitespace-separated regex. The refFilter* config
+        variables are multivalued (hence the use of get_all), and we
+        allow each entry to be a whitespace-separated list (hence the
+        split on each line). The whole thing is glued into a single regex."""
+        values = config.get_all(key)
+        if values is None:
+            return values
+        items = []
+        for line in values:
+            for i in line.split():
+                items.append(i)
+        if items == []:
+            return None
+        return '|'.join(items)
+    def __init__(self, config, **kw):
+        super(ConfigRefFilterEnvironmentMixin, self).__init__(
+            config=config,
+            ref_filter_incl_regex=self._get_regex(config, 'refFilterInclusionRegex'),
+            ref_filter_excl_regex=self._get_regex(config, 'refFilterExclusionRegex'),
+            ref_filter_do_send_regex=self._get_regex(config, 'refFilterDoSendRegex'),
+            ref_filter_dont_send_regex=self._get_regex(config, 'refFilterDontSendRegex'),
+            **kw
+            )
 class ProjectdescEnvironmentMixin(Environment):
     """Make a "projectdesc" value available for templates.
@@ -2499,6 +2845,7 @@
+        ConfigRefFilterEnvironmentMixin,
@@ -2513,14 +2860,14 @@
         # repo_shortname (though it's probably not as good as a value
         # the user might have explicitly put in his config).
         return (
-            self.osenv.get('GL_REPO', None)
-            or super(GitoliteEnvironmentMixin, self).get_repo_shortname()
+            self.osenv.get('GL_REPO', None) or
+            super(GitoliteEnvironmentMixin, self).get_repo_shortname()
     def get_pusher(self):
         return self.osenv.get('GL_USER', 'unknown user')
-    def get_fromaddr(self):
+    def get_fromaddr(self, change=None):
         GL_USER = self.osenv.get('GL_USER')
         if GL_USER is not None:
             # Find the path to gitolite.conf.  Note that gitolite v3
@@ -2536,9 +2883,9 @@
                 f = open(GL_CONF, 'rU')
                     in_user_emails_section = False
-                    re_template = r'^\s*#\s*{}\s*$'
+                    re_template = r'^\s*#\s*%s\s*$'
                     re_begin, re_user, re_end = (
-                        re.compile(re_template.format(x))
+                        re.compile(re_template % x)
                         for x in (
                             re.escape(GL_USER) + r'\s+(.*)',
@@ -2557,7 +2904,7 @@
-        return super(GitoliteEnvironmentMixin, self).get_fromaddr()
+        return super(GitoliteEnvironmentMixin, self).get_fromaddr(change)
 class IncrementalDateTime(object):
@@ -2570,8 +2917,9 @@
     def __init__(self):
         self.time = time.time()
+ = self.__next__  # Python 2 backward compatibility
-    def next(self):
+    def __next__(self):
         formatted = formatdate(self.time, True)
         self.time += 1
         return formatted
@@ -2583,6 +2931,7 @@
+        ConfigRefFilterEnvironmentMixin,
@@ -2591,6 +2940,117 @@
+class StashEnvironmentMixin(Environment):
+    def __init__(self, user=None, repo=None, **kw):
+        super(StashEnvironmentMixin, self).__init__(**kw)
+        self.__user = user
+        self.__repo = repo
+    def get_repo_shortname(self):
+        return self.__repo
+    def get_pusher(self):
+        return re.match('(.*?)\s*<', self.__user).group(1)
+    def get_pusher_email(self):
+        return self.__user
+    def get_fromaddr(self, change=None):
+        return self.__user
+class StashEnvironment(
+        StashEnvironmentMixin,
+        ProjectdescEnvironmentMixin,
+        ConfigMaxlinesEnvironmentMixin,
+        ComputeFQDNEnvironmentMixin,
+        ConfigFilterLinesEnvironmentMixin,
+        ConfigRecipientsEnvironmentMixin,
+        ConfigRefFilterEnvironmentMixin,
+        PusherDomainEnvironmentMixin,
+        ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin,
+        Environment,
+        ):
+    pass
+class GerritEnvironmentMixin(Environment):
+    def __init__(self, project=None, submitter=None, update_method=None, **kw):
+        super(GerritEnvironmentMixin, self).__init__(**kw)
+        self.__project = project
+        self.__submitter = submitter
+        self.__update_method = update_method
+        "Make an 'update_method' value available for templates."
+        self.COMPUTED_KEYS += ['update_method']
+    def get_repo_shortname(self):
+        return self.__project
+    def get_pusher(self):
+        if self.__submitter:
+            if self.__submitter.find('<') != -1:
+                # Submitter has a configured email, we transformed
+                # __submitter into an RFC 2822 string already.
+                return re.match('(.*?)\s*<', self.__submitter).group(1)
+            else:
+                # Submitter has no configured email, it's just his name.
+                return self.__submitter
+        else:
+            # If we arrive here, this means someone pushed "Submit" from
+            # the gerrit web UI for the CR (or used one of the programmatic
+            # APIs to do the same, such as gerrit review) and the
+            # merge/push was done by the Gerrit user.  It was technically
+            # triggered by someone else, but sadly we have no way of
+            # determining who that someone else is at this point.
+            return 'Gerrit'  # 'unknown user'?
+    def get_pusher_email(self):
+        if self.__submitter:
+            return self.__submitter
+        else:
+            return super(GerritEnvironmentMixin, self).get_pusher_email()
+    def get_fromaddr(self, change=None):
+        if self.__submitter and self.__submitter.find('<') != -1:
+            return self.__submitter
+        else:
+            return super(GerritEnvironmentMixin, self).get_fromaddr(change)
+    def get_default_ref_ignore_regex(self):
+        default = super(GerritEnvironmentMixin, self).get_default_ref_ignore_regex()
+        return default + '|^refs/changes/|^refs/cache-automerge/|^refs/meta/'
+    def get_revision_recipients(self, revision):
+        # Merge commits created by Gerrit when users hit "Submit this patchset"
+        # in the Web UI (or do equivalently with REST APIs or the gerrit review
+        # command) are not something users want to see an individual email for.
+        # Filter them out.
+        committer = read_git_output(['log', '--no-walk', '--format=%cN',
+                                     revision.rev.sha1])
+        if committer == 'Gerrit Code Review':
+            return []
+        else:
+            return super(GerritEnvironmentMixin, self).get_revision_recipients(revision)
+    def get_update_method(self):
+        return self.__update_method
+class GerritEnvironment(
+        GerritEnvironmentMixin,
+        ProjectdescEnvironmentMixin,
+        ConfigMaxlinesEnvironmentMixin,
+        ComputeFQDNEnvironmentMixin,
+        ConfigFilterLinesEnvironmentMixin,
+        ConfigRecipientsEnvironmentMixin,
+        ConfigRefFilterEnvironmentMixin,
+        PusherDomainEnvironmentMixin,
+        ConfigOptionsEnvironmentMixin,
+        Environment,
+        ):
+    pass
 class Push(object):
     """Represent an entire push (i.e., a group of ReferenceChanges).
@@ -2673,10 +3133,11 @@
-    def __init__(self, changes, ignore_other_refs=False):
+    def __init__(self, environment, changes, ignore_other_refs=False):
         self.changes = sorted(changes, key=self._sort_key)
         self.__other_ref_sha1s = None
         self.__cached_commits_spec = {}
+        self.environment = environment
         if ignore_other_refs:
             self.__other_ref_sha1s = set()
@@ -2703,10 +3164,14 @@
                 '%(objectname) %(objecttype) %(refname)\n'
                 '%(*objectname) %(*objecttype) %(refname)'
+            ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter = \
+                self.environment.get_ref_filter_regex()
             for line in read_git_lines(
                     ['for-each-ref', '--format=%s' % (fmt,)]):
                 (sha1, type, name) = line.split(' ', 2)
-                if sha1 and type == 'commit' and name not in updated_refs:
+                if (sha1 and type == 'commit' and
+                        name not in updated_refs and
+                        include_ref(name, ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter)):
             self.__other_ref_sha1s = sha1s
@@ -2856,7 +3321,7 @@
                 if not change.environment.quiet:
                         'Sending notification emails to: %s\n' % (change.recipients,))
-                extra_values = {'send_date':}
+                extra_values = {'send_date': next(send_date)}
                 rev = change.send_single_combined_email(sha1s)
                 if rev:
@@ -2876,9 +3341,9 @@
             max_emails = change.environment.maxcommitemails
             if max_emails and len(sha1s) > max_emails:
-                    '*** Too many new commits (%d), not sending commit emails.\n' % len(sha1s)
-                    + '*** Try setting multimailhook.maxCommitEmails to a greater value\n'
-                    + '*** Currently, multimailhook.maxCommitEmails=%d\n' % max_emails
+                    '*** Too many new commits (%d), not sending commit emails.\n' % len(sha1s) +
+                    '*** Try setting multimailhook.maxCommitEmails to a greater value\n' +
+                    '*** Currently, multimailhook.maxCommitEmails=%d\n' % max_emails
@@ -2889,7 +3354,7 @@
                     rev.recipients = rev.cc_recipients
                     rev.cc_recipients = None
                 if rev.recipients:
-                    extra_values = {'send_date':}
+                    extra_values = {'send_date': next(send_date)}
                         rev.generate_email(self, body_filter, extra_values),
@@ -2904,18 +3369,33 @@
+def include_ref(refname, ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter):
+    does_match = bool(
+    if is_inclusion_filter:
+        return does_match
+    else:  # exclusion filter -- we include the ref if the regex doesn't match
+        return not does_match
 def run_as_post_receive_hook(environment, mailer):
+    ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(True)
     changes = []
     for line in sys.stdin:
         (oldrev, newrev, refname) = line.strip().split(' ', 2)
+        if not include_ref(refname, ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter):
+            continue
             ReferenceChange.create(environment, oldrev, newrev, refname)
-    push = Push(changes)
-    push.send_emails(mailer, body_filter=environment.filter_body)
+    if changes:
+        push = Push(environment, changes)
+        push.send_emails(mailer, body_filter=environment.filter_body)
 def run_as_update_hook(environment, mailer, refname, oldrev, newrev, force_send=False):
+    ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(True)
+    if not include_ref(refname, ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter):
+        return
     changes = [
@@ -2924,7 +3404,7 @@
-    push = Push(changes, force_send)
+    push = Push(environment, changes, force_send)
     push.send_emails(mailer, body_filter=environment.filter_body)
@@ -2953,8 +3433,8 @@
         mailer = SendMailer(command=command, envelopesender=environment.get_sender())
-            'fatal: multimailhook.mailer is set to an incorrect value: "%s"\n' % mailer
-            + 'please use one of "smtp" or "sendmail".\n'
+            'fatal: multimailhook.mailer is set to an incorrect value: "%s"\n' % mailer +
+            'please use one of "smtp" or "sendmail".\n'
     return mailer
@@ -2963,14 +3443,18 @@
     'generic': GenericEnvironmentMixin,
     'gitolite': GitoliteEnvironmentMixin,
+    'stash': StashEnvironmentMixin,
+    'gerrit': GerritEnvironmentMixin,
-def choose_environment(config, osenv=None, env=None, recipients=None):
+def choose_environment(config, osenv=None, env=None, recipients=None,
+                       hook_info=None):
     if not osenv:
         osenv = os.environ
     environment_mixins = [
+        ConfigRefFilterEnvironmentMixin,
@@ -2992,7 +3476,15 @@
             env = 'generic'
-    environment_mixins.append(KNOWN_ENVIRONMENTS[env])
+    environment_mixins.insert(0, KNOWN_ENVIRONMENTS[env])
+    if env == 'stash':
+        environment_kw['user'] = hook_info['stash_user']
+        environment_kw['repo'] = hook_info['stash_repo']
+    elif env == 'gerrit':
+        environment_kw['project'] = hook_info['project']
+        environment_kw['submitter'] = hook_info['submitter']
+        environment_kw['update_method'] = hook_info['update_method']
     if recipients:
         environment_mixins.insert(0, StaticRecipientsEnvironmentMixin)
@@ -3011,6 +3503,116 @@
     return environment_klass(**environment_kw)
+def get_version():
+    oldcwd = os.getcwd()
+    try:
+        try:
+            os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+            git_version = read_git_output(['describe', '--tags', 'HEAD'])
+            if git_version == __version__:
+                return git_version
+            else:
+                return '%s (%s)' % (__version__, git_version)
+        except:
+            pass
+    finally:
+        os.chdir(oldcwd)
+    return __version__
+def compute_gerrit_options(options, args, required_gerrit_options):
+    if None in required_gerrit_options:
+        raise SystemExit("Error: Specify all of --oldrev, --newrev, --refname, "
+                         "and --project; or none of them.")
+    if options.environment not in (None, 'gerrit'):
+        raise SystemExit("Non-gerrit environments incompatible with --oldrev, "
+                         "--newrev, --refname, and --project")
+    options.environment = 'gerrit'
+    if args:
+        raise SystemExit("Error: Positional parameters not allowed with "
+                         "--oldrev, --newrev, and --refname.")
+    # Gerrit oddly omits 'refs/heads/' in the refname when calling
+    # ref-updated hook; put it back.
+    git_dir = get_git_dir()
+    if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(git_dir, options.refname)) and
+        os.path.exists(os.path.join(git_dir, 'refs', 'heads',
+                                    options.refname))):
+        options.refname = 'refs/heads/' + options.refname
+    # Convert each string option unicode for Python3.
+    if PYTHON3:
+        opts = ['environment', 'recipients', 'oldrev', 'newrev', 'refname',
+                'project', 'submitter', 'stash-user', 'stash-repo']
+        for opt in opts:
+            if not hasattr(options, opt):
+                continue
+            obj = getattr(options, opt)
+            if obj:
+                enc = obj.encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape')
+                dec = enc.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
+                setattr(options, opt, dec)
+    # New revisions can appear in a gerrit repository either due to someone
+    # pushing directly (in which case options.submitter will be set), or they
+    # can press "Submit this patchset" in the web UI for some CR (in which
+    # case options.submitter will not be set and gerrit will not have provided
+    # us the information about who pressed the button).
+    #
+    # Note for the nit-picky: I'm lumping in REST API calls and the ssh
+    # gerrit review command in with "Submit this patchset" button, since they
+    # have the same effect.
+    if options.submitter:
+        update_method = 'pushed'
+        # The submitter argument is almost an RFC 2822 email address; change it
+        # from 'User Name (email@domain)' to 'User Name <email@domain>' so it is
+        options.submitter = options.submitter.replace('(', '<').replace(')', '>')
+    else:
+        update_method = 'submitted'
+        # Gerrit knew who submitted this patchset, but threw that information
+        # away when it invoked this hook.  However, *IF* Gerrit created a
+        # merge to bring the patchset in (project 'Submit Type' is either
+        # "Always Merge", or is "Merge if Necessary" and happens to be
+        # necessary for this particular CR), then it will have the committer
+        # of that merge be 'Gerrit Code Review' and the author will be the
+        # person who requested the submission of the CR.  Since this is fairly
+        # likely for most gerrit installations (of a reasonable size), it's
+        # worth the extra effort to try to determine the actual submitter.
+        rev_info = read_git_lines(['log', '--no-walk', '--merges',
+                                   '--format=%cN%n%aN <%aE>', options.newrev])
+        if rev_info and rev_info[0] == 'Gerrit Code Review':
+            options.submitter = rev_info[1]
+    # We pass back refname, oldrev, newrev as args because then the
+    # gerrit ref-updated hook is much like the git update hook
+    return (options,
+            [options.refname, options.oldrev, options.newrev],
+            {'project': options.project, 'submitter': options.submitter,
+             'update_method': update_method})
+def check_hook_specific_args(options, args):
+    # First check for stash arguments
+    if (options.stash_user is None) != (options.stash_repo is None):
+        raise SystemExit("Error: Specify both of --stash-user and "
+                         "--stash-repo or neither.")
+    if options.stash_user:
+        options.environment = 'stash'
+        return options, args, {'stash_user': options.stash_user,
+                               'stash_repo': options.stash_repo}
+    # Finally, check for gerrit specific arguments
+    required_gerrit_options = (options.oldrev, options.newrev, options.refname,
+                               options.project)
+    if required_gerrit_options != (None,) * 4:
+        return compute_gerrit_options(options, args, required_gerrit_options)
+    # No special options in use, just return what we started with
+    return options, args, {}
 def main(args):
     parser = optparse.OptionParser(
@@ -3019,7 +3621,7 @@
         '--environment', '--env', action='store', type='choice',
-        choices=['generic', 'gitolite'], default=None,
+        choices=list(KNOWN_ENVIRONMENTS.keys()), default=None,
             'Choose type of environment is in use.  Default is taken from '
             'multimailhook.environment if set; otherwise "generic".'
@@ -3048,8 +3650,58 @@
             'detection in this mode.'
+    parser.add_option(
+        '-c', metavar="<name>=<value>", action='append',
+        help=(
+            'Pass a configuration parameter through to git.  The value given '
+            'will override values from configuration files.  See the -c option '
+            'of git(1) for more details.  (Only works with git >= 1.7.3)'
+            ),
+        )
+    parser.add_option(
+        '--version', '-v', action='store_true', default=False,
+        help=(
+            "Display git-multimail's version"
+            ),
+        )
+    # The following options permit this script to be run as a gerrit
+    # ref-updated hook.  See e.g.
+    #
+    # We suppress help for these items, since these are specific to gerrit,
+    # and we don't want users directly using them any way other than how the
+    # gerrit ref-updated hook is called.
+    parser.add_option('--oldrev', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+    parser.add_option('--newrev', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+    parser.add_option('--refname', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+    parser.add_option('--project', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+    parser.add_option('--submitter', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+    # The following allow this to be run as a stash asynchronous post-receive
+    # hook (almost identical to a git post-receive hook but triggered also for
+    # merges of pull requests from the UI).  We suppress help for these items,
+    # since these are specific to stash.
+    parser.add_option('--stash-user', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
+    parser.add_option('--stash-repo', action='store', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
     (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
+    (options, args, hook_info) = check_hook_specific_args(options, args)
+    if options.version:
+        sys.stdout.write('git-multimail version ' + get_version() + '\n')
+        return
+    if options.c:
+        parameters = os.environ.get('GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS', '')
+        if parameters:
+            parameters += ' '
+        # git expects GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS to be of the form
+        #    "'name1=value1' 'name2=value2' 'name3=value3'"
+        # including everything inside the double quotes (but not the double
+        # quotes themselves).  Spacing is critical.  Also, if a value contains
+        # a literal single quote that quote must be represented using the
+        # four character sequence: '\''
+        parameters += ' '.join("'" + x.replace("'", "'\\''") + "'" for x in options.c)
+        os.environ['GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS'] = parameters
     config = Config('multimailhook')
@@ -3058,6 +3710,7 @@
             config, osenv=os.environ,
+            hook_info=hook_info,
         if options.show_env:
@@ -3080,9 +3733,20 @@
             run_as_update_hook(environment, mailer, refname, oldrev, newrev, options.force_send)
             run_as_post_receive_hook(environment, mailer)
-    except ConfigurationException, e:
-        sys.exit(str(e))
+    except ConfigurationException:
+        sys.exit(sys.exc_info()[1])
+    except Exception:
+        t, e, tb = sys.exc_info()
+        import traceback
+        sys.stdout.write('\n')
+        sys.stdout.write('Exception \'' + t.__name__ +
+                         '\' raised. Please report this as a bug to\n')
+        sys.stdout.write('\n')
+        sys.stdout.write('with the information below:\n\n')
+        sys.stdout.write('git-multimail version ' + get_version() + '\n')
+        sys.stdout.write('Python version ' + sys.version + '\n')
+        traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+        sys.exit(1)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/contrib/hooks/multimail/migrate-mailhook-config b/contrib/hooks/multimail/migrate-mailhook-config
index d0e9b39..992657b 100755
--- a/contrib/hooks/multimail/migrate-mailhook-config
+++ b/contrib/hooks/multimail/migrate-mailhook-config
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python2
+#! /usr/bin/env python
 """Migrate a post-receive-email configuration to be usable with
diff --git a/contrib/hooks/multimail/post-receive.example b/contrib/hooks/multimail/post-receive.example
index 43f7b6b..9975df7 100755
--- a/contrib/hooks/multimail/post-receive.example
+++ b/contrib/hooks/multimail/post-receive.example
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python2
+#! /usr/bin/env python
 """Example post-receive hook based on git-multimail.
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
 import git_multimail
 # It is possible to modify the output templates here; e.g.:
 #git_multimail.FOOTER_TEMPLATE = """\
@@ -61,8 +60,9 @@
     environment = git_multimail.GenericEnvironment(config=config)
     #environment = git_multimail.GitoliteEnvironment(config=config)
-except git_multimail.ConfigurationException, e:
-    sys.exit(str(e))
+except git_multimail.ConfigurationException:
+    sys.stderr.write('*** %s\n' % sys.exc_info()[1])
+    sys.exit(1)
 # Choose the method of sending emails based on the git config:
diff --git a/contrib/subtree/ b/contrib/subtree/
index 308b777..edf36f8 100755
--- a/contrib/subtree/
+++ b/contrib/subtree/
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 		--annotate) annotate="$1"; shift ;;
 		--no-annotate) annotate= ;;
 		-b) branch="$1"; shift ;;
-		-P) prefix="$1"; shift ;;
+		-P) prefix="${1%/}"; shift ;;
 		-m) message="$1"; shift ;;
 		--no-prefix) prefix= ;;
 		--onto) onto="$1"; shift ;;
diff --git a/contrib/subtree/t/Makefile b/contrib/subtree/t/Makefile
index c864810..276898e 100644
--- a/contrib/subtree/t/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/subtree/t/Makefile
@@ -13,11 +13,23 @@
 RM ?= rm -f
 PROVE ?= prove
+TEST_LINT ?= test-lint
+TEST_RESULTS_DIRECTORY = ../../../t/test-results
 # Shell quote;
 SHELL_PATH_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(SHELL_PATH))
+PERL_PATH_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(PERL_PATH))
-T = $(wildcard t[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-*.sh)
+T = $(sort $(wildcard t[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-*.sh))
+TSVN = $(sort $(wildcard t91[0-9][0-9]-*.sh))
+TGITWEB = $(sort $(wildcard t95[0-9][0-9]-*.sh))
+THELPERS = $(sort $(filter-out $(T),$(wildcard *.sh)))
@@ -26,20 +38,22 @@
 prove: pre-clean $(TEST_LINT)
 	@echo "*** prove ***"; GIT_CONFIG=.git/config $(PROVE) --exec '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' $(GIT_PROVE_OPTS) $(T) :: $(GIT_TEST_OPTS)
-	$(MAKE) clean
+	$(MAKE) clean-except-prove-cache
 	@echo "*** $@ ***"; GIT_CONFIG=.git/config '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' $@ $(GIT_TEST_OPTS)
-	$(RM) -r test-results
-	$(RM) -r 'trash directory'.* test-results
+	$(RM) -r 'trash directory'.* '$(TEST_RESULTS_DIRECTORY_SQ)'
 	$(RM) -r valgrind/bin
+clean: clean-except-prove-cache
 	$(RM) .prove
-test-lint: test-lint-duplicates test-lint-executable
+test-lint: test-lint-duplicates test-lint-executable test-lint-shell-syntax
 	@dups=`echo $(T) | tr ' ' '\n' | sed 's/-.*//' | sort | uniq -d` && \
@@ -51,12 +65,15 @@
 		test -z "$$bad" || { \
 		echo >&2 "non-executable tests:" $$bad; exit 1; }
+	@'$(PERL_PATH_SQ)' ../../../t/ $(T) $(THELPERS)
 aggregate-results-and-cleanup: $(T)
 	$(MAKE) aggregate-results
 	$(MAKE) clean
-	for f in ../../../t/test-results/t*-*.counts; do \
+	for f in '$(TEST_RESULTS_DIRECTORY_SQ)'/t*-*.counts; do \
 		echo "$$f"; \
 	done | '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ../../../t/
diff --git a/contrib/subtree/t/ b/contrib/subtree/t/
index dfbe443..751aee3 100755
--- a/contrib/subtree/t/
+++ b/contrib/subtree/t/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 test_description='Basic porcelain support for subtrees
-This test verifies the basic operation of the merge, pull, add
+This test verifies the basic operation of the add, pull, merge
 and split subcommands of git subtree.
@@ -14,13 +14,21 @@
 . ../../../t/
+	test_create_repo "$1"
+	(
+		cd $1
+		git config relative
+	)
 	echo "$1" >"$1"
 	git add "$1"
 	test_debug 'echo'
@@ -38,408 +46,15 @@
 	git reset --hard HEAD~
-	git log --pretty=format:%s -1
-test_expect_success 'init subproj' '
-	test_create_repo "sub proj"
-# To the subproject!
-cd ./"sub proj"
-test_expect_success 'add sub1' '
-	create sub1 &&
-	git commit -m "sub1" &&
-	git branch sub1 &&
-	git branch -m master subproj
-# Save this hash for testing later.
-subdir_hash=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
-test_expect_success 'add sub2' '
-	create sub2 &&
-	git commit -m "sub2" &&
-	git branch sub2
-test_expect_success 'add sub3' '
-	create sub3 &&
-	git commit -m "sub3" &&
-	git branch sub3
-# Back to mainline
-cd ..
-test_expect_success 'enable to catch errors' '
-	git config relative
-test_expect_success 'add main4' '
-	create main4 &&
-	git commit -m "main4" &&
-	git branch -m master mainline &&
-	git branch subdir
-test_expect_success 'fetch subproj history' '
-	git fetch ./"sub proj" sub1 &&
-	git branch sub1 FETCH_HEAD
-test_expect_success 'no subtree exists in main tree' '
-	test_must_fail git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" sub1
-test_expect_success 'no pull from non-existant subtree' '
-	test_must_fail git subtree pull --prefix="sub dir" ./"sub proj" sub1
-test_expect_success 'check if --message works for add' '
-	git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" --message="Added subproject" sub1 &&
-	check_equal ''"$(last_commit_message)"'' "Added subproject" &&
-	undo
-test_expect_success 'check if --message works as -m and --prefix as -P' '
-	git subtree add -P "sub dir" -m "Added subproject using git subtree" sub1 &&
-	check_equal ''"$(last_commit_message)"'' "Added subproject using git subtree" &&
-	undo
-test_expect_success 'check if --message works with squash too' '
-	git subtree add -P "sub dir" -m "Added subproject with squash" --squash sub1 &&
-	check_equal ''"$(last_commit_message)"'' "Added subproject with squash" &&
-	undo
-test_expect_success 'add subproj to mainline' '
-	git subtree add --prefix="sub dir"/ FETCH_HEAD &&
-	check_equal ''"$(last_commit_message)"'' "Add '"'sub dir/'"' from commit '"'"'''"$(git rev-parse sub1)"'''"'"'"
-# this shouldn't actually do anything, since FETCH_HEAD is already a parent
-test_expect_success 'merge fetched subproj' '
-	git merge -m "merge -s -ours" -s ours FETCH_HEAD
-test_expect_success 'add main-sub5' '
-	create "sub dir/main-sub5" &&
-	git commit -m "main-sub5"
-test_expect_success 'add main6' '
-	create main6 &&
-	git commit -m "main6 boring"
-test_expect_success 'add main-sub7' '
-	create "sub dir/main-sub7" &&
-	git commit -m "main-sub7"
-test_expect_success 'fetch new subproj history' '
-	git fetch ./"sub proj" sub2 &&
-	git branch sub2 FETCH_HEAD
-test_expect_success 'check if --message works for merge' '
-	git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" -m "Merged changes from subproject" sub2 &&
-	check_equal ''"$(last_commit_message)"'' "Merged changes from subproject" &&
-	undo
-test_expect_success 'check if --message for merge works with squash too' '
-	git subtree merge --prefix "sub dir" -m "Merged changes from subproject using squash" --squash sub2 &&
-	check_equal ''"$(last_commit_message)"'' "Merged changes from subproject using squash" &&
-	undo
-test_expect_success 'merge new subproj history into subdir' '
-	git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
-	git branch pre-split &&
-	check_equal ''"$(last_commit_message)"'' "Merge commit '"'"'"$(git rev-parse sub2)"'"'"' into mainline" &&
-	undo
-test_expect_success 'Check that prefix argument is required for split' '
-	echo "You must provide the --prefix option." > expected &&
-	test_must_fail git subtree split > actual 2>&1 &&
-	test_debug "printf '"'"'expected: '"'"'" &&
-	test_debug "cat expected" &&
-	test_debug "printf '"'"'actual: '"'"'" &&
-	test_debug "cat actual" &&
-	test_cmp expected actual &&
-	rm -f expected actual
-test_expect_success 'Check that the <prefix> exists for a split' '
-	echo "'"'"'non-existent-directory'"'"'" does not exist\; use "'"'"'git subtree add'"'"'" > expected &&
-	test_must_fail git subtree split --prefix=non-existent-directory > actual 2>&1 &&
-	test_debug "printf '"'"'expected: '"'"'" &&
-	test_debug "cat expected" &&
-	test_debug "printf '"'"'actual: '"'"'" &&
-	test_debug "cat actual" &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
-#	rm -f expected actual
-test_expect_success 'check if --message works for split+rejoin' '
-	spl1=''"$(git subtree split --annotate='"'*'"' --prefix "sub dir" --onto FETCH_HEAD --message "Split & rejoin" --rejoin)"'' &&
-	git branch spl1 "$spl1" &&
-	check_equal ''"$(last_commit_message)"'' "Split & rejoin" &&
-	undo
-test_expect_success 'check split with --branch' '
-	spl1=$(git subtree split --annotate='"'*'"' --prefix "sub dir" --onto FETCH_HEAD --message "Split & rejoin" --rejoin) &&
-	undo &&
-	git subtree split --annotate='"'*'"' --prefix "sub dir" --onto FETCH_HEAD --branch splitbr1 &&
-	check_equal ''"$(git rev-parse splitbr1)"'' "$spl1"
-test_expect_success 'check hash of split' '
-	spl1=$(git subtree split --prefix "sub dir") &&
-	git subtree split --prefix "sub dir" --branch splitbr1test &&
-	check_equal ''"$(git rev-parse splitbr1test)"'' "$spl1" &&
-	new_hash=$(git rev-parse splitbr1test~2) &&
-	check_equal ''"$new_hash"'' "$subdir_hash"
-test_expect_success 'check split with --branch for an existing branch' '
-	spl1=''"$(git subtree split --annotate='"'*'"' --prefix "sub dir" --onto FETCH_HEAD --message "Split & rejoin" --rejoin)"'' &&
-	undo &&
-	git branch splitbr2 sub1 &&
-	git subtree split --annotate='"'*'"' --prefix "sub dir" --onto FETCH_HEAD --branch splitbr2 &&
-	check_equal ''"$(git rev-parse splitbr2)"'' "$spl1"
-test_expect_success 'check split with --branch for an incompatible branch' '
-	test_must_fail git subtree split --prefix "sub dir" --onto FETCH_HEAD --branch subdir
-test_expect_success 'check split+rejoin' '
-	spl1=''"$(git subtree split --annotate='"'*'"' --prefix "sub dir" --onto FETCH_HEAD --message "Split & rejoin" --rejoin)"'' &&
-	undo &&
-	git subtree split --annotate='"'*'"' --prefix "sub dir" --onto FETCH_HEAD --rejoin &&
-	check_equal ''"$(last_commit_message)"'' "Split '"'"'sub dir/'"'"' into commit '"'"'"$spl1"'"'"'"
-test_expect_success 'add main-sub8' '
-	create "sub dir/main-sub8" &&
-	git commit -m "main-sub8"
-# To the subproject!
-cd ./"sub proj"
-test_expect_success 'merge split into subproj' '
-	git fetch .. spl1 &&
-	git branch spl1 FETCH_HEAD &&
-	git merge FETCH_HEAD
-test_expect_success 'add sub9' '
-	create sub9 &&
-	git commit -m "sub9"
-# Back to mainline
-cd ..
-test_expect_success 'split for sub8' '
-	split2=''"$(git subtree split --annotate='"'*'"' --prefix "sub dir/" --rejoin)"'' &&
-	git branch split2 "$split2"
-test_expect_success 'add main-sub10' '
-	create "sub dir/main-sub10" &&
-	git commit -m "main-sub10"
-test_expect_success 'split for sub10' '
-	spl3=''"$(git subtree split --annotate='"'*'"' --prefix "sub dir" --rejoin)"'' &&
-	git branch spl3 "$spl3"
-# To the subproject!
-cd ./"sub proj"
-test_expect_success 'merge split into subproj' '
-	git fetch .. spl3 &&
-	git branch spl3 FETCH_HEAD &&
-	git merge FETCH_HEAD &&
-	git branch subproj-merge-spl3
-chkms_sub=$(cat <<TXT | sed 's,^,sub dir/,'
-chks_sub=$(cat <<TXT | sed 's,^,sub dir/,'
-test_expect_success 'make sure exactly the right set of files ends up in the subproj' '
-	subfiles="$(git ls-files)" &&
-	check_equal "$subfiles" "$chkms
-test_expect_success 'make sure the subproj history *only* contains commits that affect the subdir' '
-	allchanges=''"$(git log --name-only --pretty=format:'"''"' | sort | sed "/^$/d")"'' &&
-	check_equal "$allchanges" "$chkms
-# Back to mainline
-cd ..
-test_expect_success 'pull from subproj' '
-	git fetch ./"sub proj" subproj-merge-spl3 &&
-	git branch subproj-merge-spl3 FETCH_HEAD &&
-	git subtree pull --prefix="sub dir" ./"sub proj" subproj-merge-spl3
-test_expect_success 'make sure exactly the right set of files ends up in the mainline' '
-	mainfiles=$(git ls-files) &&
-	check_equal "$mainfiles" "$chkm
-test_expect_success 'make sure each filename changed exactly once in the entire history' '
-	# main-sub?? and /subdir/main-sub?? both change, because those are the
-	# changes that were split into their own history.  And subdir/sub?? never
-	# change, since they were *only* changed in the subtree branch.
-	allchanges=''"$(git log --name-only --pretty=format:'"''"' | sort | sed "/^$/d")"'' &&
-	check_equal "$allchanges" ''"$(cat <<TXT | sort
-test_expect_success 'make sure the --rejoin commits never make it into subproj' '
-	check_equal ''"$(git log --pretty=format:'"'%s'"' HEAD^2 | grep -i split)"'' ""
-test_expect_success 'make sure no "git subtree" tagged commits make it into subproj' '
-	# They are meaningless to subproj since one side of the merge refers to the mainline
-	check_equal ''"$(git log --pretty=format:'"'%s%n%b'"' HEAD^2 | grep "git-subtree.*:")"'' ""
-# prepare second pair of repositories
-mkdir test2
-cd test2
-test_expect_success 'init main' '
-	test_create_repo main
-cd main
-test_expect_success 'add main1' '
-	create main1 &&
-	git commit -m "main1"
-cd ..
-test_expect_success 'init sub' '
-	test_create_repo sub
-cd sub
-test_expect_success 'add sub2' '
-	create sub2 &&
-	git commit -m "sub2"
-cd ../main
-# check if split can find proper base without --onto
-test_expect_success 'add sub as subdir in main' '
-	git fetch ../sub master &&
-	git branch sub2 FETCH_HEAD &&
-	git subtree add --prefix "sub dir" sub2
-cd ../sub
-test_expect_success 'add sub3' '
-	create sub3 &&
-	git commit -m "sub3"
-cd ../main
-test_expect_success 'merge from sub' '
-	git fetch ../sub master &&
-	git branch sub3 FETCH_HEAD &&
-	git subtree merge --prefix "sub dir" sub3
-test_expect_success 'add main-sub4' '
-	create "sub dir/main-sub4" &&
-	git commit -m "main-sub4"
-test_expect_success 'split for main-sub4 without --onto' '
-	git subtree split --prefix "sub dir" --branch mainsub4
-# at this point, the new commit parent should be sub3 if it is not,
-# something went wrong (the "newparent" of "master~" commit should
-# have been sub3, but it was not, because its cache was not set to
-# itself)
-test_expect_success 'check that the commit parent is sub3' '
-	check_equal ''"$(git log --pretty=format:%P -1 mainsub4)"'' ''"$(git rev-parse sub3)"''
-test_expect_success 'add main-sub5' '
-	mkdir subdir2 &&
-	create subdir2/main-sub5 &&
-	git commit -m "main-sub5"
-test_expect_success 'split for main-sub5 without --onto' '
-	# also test that we still can split out an entirely new subtree
-	# if the parent of the first commit in the tree is not empty,
-	# then the new subtree has accidentally been attached to something
-	git subtree split --prefix subdir2 --branch mainsub5 &&
-	check_equal ''"$(git log --pretty=format:%P -1 mainsub5)"'' ""
-# make sure no patch changes more than one file.  The original set of commits
-# changed only one file each.  A multi-file change would imply that we pruned
-# commits too aggressively.
+# Make sure no patch changes more than one file.
+# The original set of commits changed only one file each.
+# A multi-file change would imply that we pruned commits
+# too aggressively.
 	while read x y; do
-		#echo "{$x}" >&2
 		if [ -z "$x" ]; then
 		elif [ "$x" = "commit:" ]; then
@@ -455,67 +70,948 @@
 	echo "$commit $all"
+test_create_commit() (
+	repo=$1
+	commit=$2
+	cd "$repo"
+	mkdir -p $(dirname "$commit") \
+	|| error "Could not create directory for commit"
+	echo "$commit" >"$commit"
+	git add "$commit" || error "Could not add commit"
+	git commit -m "$commit" || error "Could not commit"
+	git log --pretty=format:%s -1
+next_test() {
+	subtree_test_count=$(($subtree_test_count+1))
+# Tests for 'git subtree add'
+test_expect_success 'no merge from non-existent subtree' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		test_must_fail git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	)
+test_expect_success 'no pull from non-existent subtree' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		test_must_fail git subtree pull --prefix="sub dir" ./"sub proj" master
+	)'
+test_expect_success 'add subproj as subtree into sub dir/ with --prefix' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Add '\''sub dir/'\'' from commit '\''$(git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD)'\''"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'add subproj as subtree into sub dir/ with --prefix and --message' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" --message="Added subproject" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Added subproject"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'add subproj as subtree into sub dir/ with --prefix as -P and --message as -m' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add -P "sub dir" -m "Added subproject" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Added subproject"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'add subproj as subtree into sub dir/ with --squash and --prefix and --message' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" --message="Added subproject with squash" --squash FETCH_HEAD &&
+		check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Added subproject with squash"
+	)
+# Tests for 'git subtree merge'
+test_expect_success 'merge new subproj history into sub dir/ with --prefix' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Merge commit '\''$(git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD)'\''"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'merge new subproj history into sub dir/ with --prefix and --message' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" --message="Merged changes from subproject" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Merged changes from subproject"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'merge new subproj history into sub dir/ with --squash and --prefix and --message' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" --message="Merged changes from subproject using squash" --squash FETCH_HEAD &&
+		check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Merged changes from subproject using squash"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'merge the added subproj again, should do nothing' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		# this shouldn not actually do anything, since FETCH_HEAD
+		# is already a parent
+		result=$(git merge -s ours -m "merge -s -ours" FETCH_HEAD) &&
+		check_equal "${result}" "Already up-to-date."
+	)
+test_expect_success 'merge new subproj history into subdir/ with a slash appended to the argument of --prefix' '
+	test_create_repo "$test_count" &&
+	test_create_repo "$test_count/subproj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$test_count/subproj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./subproj master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix=subdir/ FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$test_count/subproj" sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./subproj master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix=subdir/ FETCH_HEAD &&
+		check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Merge commit '\''$(git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD)'\''"
+	)
+# Tests for 'git subtree split'
+test_expect_success 'split requires option --prefix' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		echo "You must provide the --prefix option." > expected &&
+		test_must_fail git subtree split > actual 2>&1 &&
+		test_debug "printf '"expected: "'" &&
+		test_debug "cat expected" &&
+		test_debug "printf '"actual: "'" &&
+		test_debug "cat actual" &&
+		test_cmp expected actual
+	)
+test_expect_success 'split requires path given by option --prefix must exist' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		echo "'\''non-existent-directory'\'' does not exist; use '\''git subtree add'\''" > expected &&
+		test_must_fail git subtree split --prefix=non-existent-directory > actual 2>&1 &&
+		test_debug "printf '"expected: "'" &&
+		test_debug "cat expected" &&
+		test_debug "printf '"actual: "'" &&
+		test_debug "cat actual" &&
+		test_cmp expected actual
+	)
+test_expect_success 'split sub dir/ with --rejoin' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		split_hash=$(git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*") &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --rejoin &&
+		check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Split '\''sub dir/'\'' into commit '\''$split_hash'\''"
+	)
+ '
+test_expect_success 'split sub dir/ with --rejoin and --message' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --message="Split & rejoin" --annotate="*" --rejoin &&
+		check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Split & rejoin"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'split "sub dir"/ with --branch' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		split_hash=$(git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*") &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br &&
+		check_equal "$(git rev-parse subproj-br)" "$split_hash"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'check hash of split' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		split_hash=$(git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*") &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br &&
+		check_equal "$(git rev-parse subproj-br)" "$split_hash" &&
+		# Check hash of split
+		new_hash=$(git rev-parse subproj-br^2) &&
+		(
+			cd ./"sub proj" &&
+			subdir_hash=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+			check_equal ''"$new_hash"'' "$subdir_hash"
+		)
+	)
+test_expect_success 'split "sub dir"/ with --branch for an existing branch' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git branch subproj-br FETCH_HEAD &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		split_hash=$(git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*") &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br &&
+		check_equal "$(git rev-parse subproj-br)" "$split_hash"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'split "sub dir"/ with --branch for an incompatible branch' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git branch init HEAD &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		test_must_fail git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --branch init
+	)
+# Validity checking
+test_expect_success 'make sure exactly the right set of files ends up in the subproj' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub3 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub3 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+		git fetch .. subproj-br &&
+		git merge FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub4 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub4 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+		git fetch .. subproj-br &&
+		git merge FETCH_HEAD &&
+		chks="sub1
+sub4" &&
+		chks_sub=$(cat <<TXT | sed '\''s,^,sub dir/,'\''
+) &&
+		chkms="main-sub1
+main-sub4" &&
+		chkms_sub=$(cat <<TXT | sed '\''s,^,sub dir/,'\''
+) &&
+		subfiles=$(git ls-files) &&
+		check_equal "$subfiles" "$chkms
+	)
+test_expect_success 'make sure the subproj *only* contains commits that affect the "sub dir"' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub3 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub3 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+		git fetch .. subproj-br &&
+		git merge FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub4 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub4 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+		git fetch .. subproj-br &&
+		git merge FETCH_HEAD &&
+		chks="sub1
+sub4" &&
+		chks_sub=$(cat <<TXT | sed '\''s,^,sub dir/,'\''
+) &&
+		chkms="main-sub1
+main-sub4" &&
+		chkms_sub=$(cat <<TXT | sed '\''s,^,sub dir/,'\''
+) &&
+		allchanges=$(git log --name-only --pretty=format:"" | sort | sed "/^$/d") &&
+		check_equal "$allchanges" "$chkms
+	)
+test_expect_success 'make sure exactly the right set of files ends up in the mainline' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub3 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub3 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+		git fetch .. subproj-br &&
+		git merge FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub4 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub4 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+		git fetch .. subproj-br &&
+		git merge FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree pull --prefix="sub dir" ./"sub proj" master &&
+		chkm="main1
+main2" &&
+		chks="sub1
+sub4" &&
+		chks_sub=$(cat <<TXT | sed '\''s,^,sub dir/,'\''
+) &&
+		chkms="main-sub1
+main-sub4" &&
+		chkms_sub=$(cat <<TXT | sed '\''s,^,sub dir/,'\''
+) &&
+		mainfiles=$(git ls-files) &&
+		check_equal "$mainfiles" "$chkm
+test_expect_success 'make sure each filename changed exactly once in the entire history' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git config relative
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub3 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub3 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+		git fetch .. subproj-br &&
+		git merge FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub4 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub4 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+		git fetch .. subproj-br &&
+		git merge FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree pull --prefix="sub dir" ./"sub proj" master &&
+		chkm="main1
+main2" &&
+		chks="sub1
+sub4" &&
+		chks_sub=$(cat <<TXT | sed '\''s,^,sub dir/,'\''
+) &&
+		chkms="main-sub1
+main-sub4" &&
+		chkms_sub=$(cat <<TXT | sed '\''s,^,sub dir/,'\''
+) &&
+		# main-sub?? and /"sub dir"/main-sub?? both change, because those are the
+		# changes that were split into their own history.  And "sub dir"/sub?? never
+		# change, since they were *only* changed in the subtree branch.
+		allchanges=$(git log --name-only --pretty=format:"" | sort | sed "/^$/d") &&
+		expected=''"$(cat <<TXT | sort
+)"'' &&
+		check_equal "$allchanges" "$expected"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'make sure the --rejoin commits never make it into subproj' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub3 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub3 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+		git fetch .. subproj-br &&
+		git merge FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub4 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub4 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+		git fetch .. subproj-br &&
+		git merge FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree pull --prefix="sub dir" ./"sub proj" master &&
+		check_equal "$(git log --pretty=format:"%s" HEAD^2 | grep -i split)" ""
+	)
+test_expect_success 'make sure no "git subtree" tagged commits make it into subproj' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub3 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub3 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+		git fetch .. subproj-br &&
+		 git merge FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub4 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub4 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --annotate="*" --branch subproj-br --rejoin
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+		git fetch .. subproj-br &&
+		git merge FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree pull --prefix="sub dir" ./"sub proj" master &&
+		# They are meaningless to subproj since one side of the merge refers to the mainline
+		check_equal "$(git log --pretty=format:"%s%n%b" HEAD^2 | grep "git-subtree.*:")" ""
+	)
+# A new set of tests
+test_expect_success 'make sure "git subtree split" find the correct parent' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git branch subproj-ref FETCH_HEAD &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --branch subproj-br &&
+		# at this point, the new commit parent should be subproj-ref, if it is
+		# not, something went wrong (the "newparent" of "master~" commit should
+		# have been sub2, but it was not, because its cache was not set to
+		# itself)
+		check_equal "$(git log --pretty=format:%P -1 subproj-br)" "$(git rev-parse subproj-ref)"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'split a new subtree without --onto option' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --branch subproj-br
+	) &&
+	mkdir "$subtree_test_count"/"sub dir2" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir2"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		# also test that we still can split out an entirely new subtree
+		# if the parent of the first commit in the tree is not empty,
+		# then the new subtree has accidently been attached to something
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir2" --branch subproj2-br &&
+		check_equal "$(git log --pretty=format:%P -1 subproj2-br)" ""
+	)
 test_expect_success 'verify one file change per commit' '
-	x= &&
-	list=''"$(git log --pretty=format:'"'commit: %H'"' | joincommits)"'' &&
-#	test_debug "echo HERE" &&
-#	test_debug "echo ''"$list"''" &&
-	(git log --pretty=format:'"'commit: %H'"' | joincommits |
-	(	while read commit a b; do
-			test_debug "echo Verifying commit "''"$commit"''
-			test_debug "echo a: "''"$a"''
-			test_debug "echo b: "''"$b"''
-			check_equal "$b" ""
-			x=1
-		done
-		check_equal "$x" 1
-	))
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git branch sub1 FETCH_HEAD &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" sub1
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir" --branch subproj-br
+	) &&
+	mkdir "$subtree_test_count"/"sub dir2" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir2"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git subtree split --prefix="sub dir2" --branch subproj2-br &&
+		x= &&
+		git log --pretty=format:"commit: %H" | join_commits |
+		(
+			while read commit a b; do
+				test_debug "echo Verifying commit $commit"
+				test_debug "echo a: $a"
+				test_debug "echo b: $b"
+				check_equal "$b" ""
+				x=1
+			done
+			check_equal "$x" 1
+		)
+	)
-# test push
-cd ../..
-mkdir test-push
-cd test-push
-test_expect_success 'init main' '
-	test_create_repo main
-test_expect_success 'init sub' '
-	test_create_repo "sub project"
-cd ./"sub project"
-test_expect_success 'add subproject' '
-	create "sub project" &&
-	git commit -m "Sub project: 1" &&
-	git branch sub-branch-1
-cd ../main
-test_expect_success 'make first commit and add subproject' '
-	create "main-1" &&
-	git commit -m "main: 1" &&
-	git subtree add "../sub project" --prefix "sub dir" --message "Added subproject" sub-branch-1 &&
-	check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Added subproject"
-test_expect_success 'make second commit to a subproject file and push it into a sub project' '
-	create "sub dir/sub1" &&
-	git commit -m "Sub project: 2" &&
-	git subtree push "../sub project" --prefix "sub dir" sub-branch-1
-cd ../"sub project"
-test_expect_success 'Test second commit is pushed' '
-	git checkout sub-branch-1 &&
-	check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Sub project: 2"
+test_expect_success 'push split to subproj' '
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	subtree_test_create_repo "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub1 &&
+	(
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree add --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub1 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" main2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count/sub proj" sub2 &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub2 &&
+	(
+		cd $subtree_test_count/"sub proj" &&
+                git branch sub-branch-1 &&
+                cd .. &&
+		git fetch ./"sub proj" master &&
+		git subtree merge --prefix="sub dir" FETCH_HEAD
+	) &&
+	test_create_commit "$subtree_test_count" "sub dir"/main-sub3 &&
+        (
+		cd "$subtree_test_count" &&
+	        git subtree push ./"sub proj" --prefix "sub dir" sub-branch-1 &&
+                cd ./"sub proj" &&
+                git checkout sub-branch-1 &&
+         	check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "sub dir/main-sub3"
+	)
diff --git a/contrib/subtree/todo b/contrib/subtree/todo
index 7e44b00..0d0e777 100644
--- a/contrib/subtree/todo
+++ b/contrib/subtree/todo
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
 		exactly the right subtree structure, rather than using
 		subtree merge...)
-	add a 'push' subcommand to parallel 'pull'
 	add a 'log' subcommand to see what's new in a subtree?
 	add to-submodule and from-submodule commands
diff --git a/convert.c b/convert.c
index f3bd3e9..814e814 100644
--- a/convert.c
+++ b/convert.c
@@ -1289,7 +1289,8 @@
 	struct ident_filter *ident = xmalloc(sizeof(*ident));
-	sprintf(ident->ident, ": %s $", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+	xsnprintf(ident->ident, sizeof(ident->ident),
+		  ": %s $", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
 	strbuf_init(&ident->left, 0);
 	ident->filter.vtbl = &ident_vtbl;
 	ident->state = 0;
diff --git a/credential-cache--daemon.c b/credential-cache--daemon.c
index eef6fce..9365f2c 100644
--- a/credential-cache--daemon.c
+++ b/credential-cache--daemon.c
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 #include "tempfile.h"
 #include "credential.h"
 #include "unix-socket.h"
-#include "sigchain.h"
 #include "parse-options.h"
 static struct tempfile socket_file;
@@ -245,6 +244,7 @@
 int main(int argc, const char **argv)
 	const char *socket_path;
+	int ignore_sighup = 0;
 	static const char *usage[] = {
 		"git-credential-cache--daemon [opts] <socket_path>",
@@ -256,6 +256,8 @@
+	git_config_get_bool("credentialcache.ignoresighup", &ignore_sighup);
 	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, NULL, options, usage, 0);
 	socket_path = argv[0];
@@ -264,6 +266,10 @@
 	register_tempfile(&socket_file, socket_path);
+	if (ignore_sighup)
+		signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
 	serve_cache(socket_path, debug);
diff --git a/daemon.c b/daemon.c
index 77a2f03..be70cd4 100644
--- a/daemon.c
+++ b/daemon.c
@@ -812,8 +812,6 @@
 static void handle(int incoming, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen)
 	struct child_process cld = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
-	char addrbuf[300] = "REMOTE_ADDR=", portbuf[300];
-	char *env[] = { addrbuf, portbuf, NULL };
 	if (max_connections && live_children >= max_connections) {
@@ -827,27 +825,23 @@
 	if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET) {
+		char buf[128] = "";
 		struct sockaddr_in *sin_addr = (void *) addr;
-		inet_ntop(addr->sa_family, &sin_addr->sin_addr, addrbuf + 12,
-		    sizeof(addrbuf) - 12);
-		snprintf(portbuf, sizeof(portbuf), "REMOTE_PORT=%d",
-		    ntohs(sin_addr->sin_port));
+		inet_ntop(addr->sa_family, &sin_addr->sin_addr, buf, sizeof(buf));
+		argv_array_pushf(&cld.env_array, "REMOTE_ADDR=%s", buf);
+		argv_array_pushf(&cld.env_array, "REMOTE_PORT=%d",
+				 ntohs(sin_addr->sin_port));
 #ifndef NO_IPV6
 	} else if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
+		char buf[128] = "";
 		struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6_addr = (void *) addr;
-		char *buf = addrbuf + 12;
-		*buf++ = '['; *buf = '\0'; /* stpcpy() is cool */
-		inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &sin6_addr->sin6_addr, buf,
-		    sizeof(addrbuf) - 13);
-		strcat(buf, "]");
-		snprintf(portbuf, sizeof(portbuf), "REMOTE_PORT=%d",
-		    ntohs(sin6_addr->sin6_port));
+		inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &sin6_addr->sin6_addr, buf, sizeof(buf));
+		argv_array_pushf(&cld.env_array, "REMOTE_ADDR=[%s]", buf);
+		argv_array_pushf(&cld.env_array, "REMOTE_PORT=%d",
+				 ntohs(sin6_addr->sin6_port));
-	cld.env = (const char **)env;
 	cld.argv = (const char **)cld_argv; = incoming;
 	cld.out = dup(incoming);
@@ -902,7 +896,7 @@
 		inet_ntop(family, &((struct sockaddr_in*)sin)->sin_addr, ip, len);
-		strcpy(ip, "<unknown>");
+		xsnprintf(ip, sizeof(ip), "<unknown>");
 	return ip;
@@ -917,7 +911,7 @@
 	int gai;
 	long flags;
-	sprintf(pbuf, "%d", listen_port);
+	xsnprintf(pbuf, sizeof(pbuf), "%d", listen_port);
 	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
 	hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
 	hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
diff --git a/date.c b/date.c
index 8f91569..7c9f769 100644
--- a/date.c
+++ b/date.c
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
 	if (type == DATE_STRFTIME)
 		die("BUG: cannot create anonymous strftime date_mode struct");
 	mode.type = type;
+	mode.local = 0;
 	return &mode;
@@ -174,6 +175,9 @@
 	struct tm *tm;
 	static struct strbuf timebuf = STRBUF_INIT;
+	if (mode->local)
+		tz = local_tzoffset(time);
 	if (mode->type == DATE_RAW) {
 		strbuf_addf(&timebuf, "%lu %+05d", time, tz);
@@ -189,9 +193,6 @@
 		return timebuf.buf;
-	if (mode->type == DATE_LOCAL)
-		tz = local_tzoffset(time);
 	tm = time_to_tm(time, tz);
 	if (!tm) {
 		tm = time_to_tm(0, 0);
@@ -232,7 +233,7 @@
 				tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec,
 				tm->tm_year + 1900,
-				(mode->type == DATE_LOCAL) ? 0 : ' ',
+				mode->local ? 0 : ' ',
 	return timebuf.buf;
@@ -770,31 +771,50 @@
 	return 0;
+static enum date_mode_type parse_date_type(const char *format, const char **end)
+	if (skip_prefix(format, "relative", end))
+		return DATE_RELATIVE;
+	if (skip_prefix(format, "iso8601-strict", end) ||
+	    skip_prefix(format, "iso-strict", end))
+		return DATE_ISO8601_STRICT;
+	if (skip_prefix(format, "iso8601", end) ||
+	    skip_prefix(format, "iso", end))
+		return DATE_ISO8601;
+	if (skip_prefix(format, "rfc2822", end) ||
+	    skip_prefix(format, "rfc", end))
+		return DATE_RFC2822;
+	if (skip_prefix(format, "short", end))
+		return DATE_SHORT;
+	if (skip_prefix(format, "default", end))
+		return DATE_NORMAL;
+	if (skip_prefix(format, "raw", end))
+		return DATE_RAW;
+	if (skip_prefix(format, "format", end))
+		return DATE_STRFTIME;
+	die("unknown date format %s", format);
 void parse_date_format(const char *format, struct date_mode *mode)
-	if (!strcmp(format, "relative"))
-		mode->type = DATE_RELATIVE;
-	else if (!strcmp(format, "iso8601") ||
-		 !strcmp(format, "iso"))
-		mode->type = DATE_ISO8601;
-	else if (!strcmp(format, "iso8601-strict") ||
-		 !strcmp(format, "iso-strict"))
-		mode->type = DATE_ISO8601_STRICT;
-	else if (!strcmp(format, "rfc2822") ||
-		 !strcmp(format, "rfc"))
-		mode->type = DATE_RFC2822;
-	else if (!strcmp(format, "short"))
-		mode->type = DATE_SHORT;
-	else if (!strcmp(format, "local"))
-		mode->type = DATE_LOCAL;
-	else if (!strcmp(format, "default"))
-		mode->type = DATE_NORMAL;
-	else if (!strcmp(format, "raw"))
-		mode->type = DATE_RAW;
-	else if (skip_prefix(format, "format:", &format)) {
-		mode->type = DATE_STRFTIME;
-		mode->strftime_fmt = xstrdup(format);
-	} else
+	const char *p;
+	/* historical alias */
+	if (!strcmp(format, "local"))
+		format = "default-local";
+	mode->type = parse_date_type(format, &p);
+	mode->local = 0;
+	if (skip_prefix(p, "-local", &p))
+		mode->local = 1;
+	if (mode->type == DATE_STRFTIME) {
+		if (!skip_prefix(p, ":", &p))
+			die("date format missing colon separator: %s", format);
+		mode->strftime_fmt = xstrdup(p);
+	} else if (*p)
 		die("unknown date format %s", format);
diff --git a/decorate.c b/decorate.c
index b2aac90..270eb25 100644
--- a/decorate.c
+++ b/decorate.c
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 static unsigned int hash_obj(const struct object *obj, unsigned int n)
-	return sha1hash(obj->sha1) % n;
+	return sha1hash(obj->oid.hash) % n;
 static void *insert_decoration(struct decoration *n, const struct object *base, void *decoration)
diff --git a/diff-lib.c b/diff-lib.c
index 241a843..bc49c70 100644
--- a/diff-lib.c
+++ b/diff-lib.c
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
 	struct object_array_entry *ent;
 	ent = revs->pending.objects;
-	if (diff_cache(revs, ent->item->sha1, ent->name, cached))
+	if (diff_cache(revs, ent->item->oid.hash, ent->name, cached))
 	diff_set_mnemonic_prefix(&revs->diffopt, "c/", cached ? "i/" : "w/");
diff --git a/diff-no-index.c b/diff-no-index.c
index 0320605..8e0fd27 100644
--- a/diff-no-index.c
+++ b/diff-no-index.c
@@ -136,15 +136,13 @@
 		if (name1) {
 			strbuf_addstr(&buffer1, name1);
-			if (buffer1.len && buffer1.buf[buffer1.len - 1] != '/')
-				strbuf_addch(&buffer1, '/');
+			strbuf_complete(&buffer1, '/');
 			len1 = buffer1.len;
 		if (name2) {
 			strbuf_addstr(&buffer2, name2);
-			if (buffer2.len && buffer2.buf[buffer2.len - 1] != '/')
-				strbuf_addch(&buffer2, '/');
+			strbuf_complete(&buffer2, '/');
 			len2 = buffer2.len;
diff --git a/diff.c b/diff.c
index 46260ed..80eb0c2 100644
--- a/diff.c
+++ b/diff.c
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 #include "run-command.h"
 #include "utf8.h"
 #include "userdiff.h"
-#include "sigchain.h"
 #include "submodule-config.h"
 #include "submodule.h"
 #include "ll-merge.h"
@@ -322,7 +321,7 @@
 	const char *name;
-	char hex[41];
+	char hex[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1];
 	char mode[10];
@@ -2882,9 +2881,8 @@
 		die_errno("unable to write temp-file");
 	temp->name = get_tempfile_path(&temp->tempfile);
-	strcpy(temp->hex, sha1_to_hex(sha1));
-	temp->hex[40] = 0;
-	sprintf(temp->mode, "%06o", mode);
+	sha1_to_hex_r(temp->hex, sha1);
+	xsnprintf(temp->mode, sizeof(temp->mode), "%06o", mode);
@@ -2901,8 +2899,8 @@
 		 * a '+' entry produces this for file-1.
 		temp->name = "/dev/null";
-		strcpy(temp->hex, ".");
-		strcpy(temp->mode, ".");
+		xsnprintf(temp->hex, sizeof(temp->hex), ".");
+		xsnprintf(temp->mode, sizeof(temp->mode), ".");
 		return temp;
@@ -2930,16 +2928,16 @@
 			/* we can borrow from the file in the work tree */
 			temp->name = name;
 			if (!one->sha1_valid)
-				strcpy(temp->hex, sha1_to_hex(null_sha1));
+				sha1_to_hex_r(temp->hex, null_sha1);
-				strcpy(temp->hex, sha1_to_hex(one->sha1));
+				sha1_to_hex_r(temp->hex, one->sha1);
 			/* Even though we may sometimes borrow the
 			 * contents from the work tree, we always want
 			 * one->mode.  mode is trustworthy even when
 			 * !(one->sha1_valid), as long as
 			 * DIFF_FILE_VALID(one).
-			sprintf(temp->mode, "%06o", one->mode);
+			xsnprintf(temp->mode, sizeof(temp->mode), "%06o", one->mode);
 		return temp;
@@ -4085,9 +4083,9 @@
 	if (abblen < 37) {
 		static char hex[41];
 		if (len < abblen && abblen <= len + 2)
-			sprintf(hex, "%s%.*s", abbrev, len+3-abblen, "..");
+			xsnprintf(hex, sizeof(hex), "%s%.*s", abbrev, len+3-abblen, "..");
-			sprintf(hex, "%s...", abbrev);
+			xsnprintf(hex, sizeof(hex), "%s...", abbrev);
 		return hex;
 	return sha1_to_hex(sha1);
diff --git a/dir.c b/dir.c
index 88e8958..d2a8f06 100644
--- a/dir.c
+++ b/dir.c
@@ -882,6 +882,25 @@
 		if (!patternlen && !namelen)
 			return 1;
+		/*
+		 * This can happen when we ignore some exclude rules
+		 * on directories in other to see if negative rules
+		 * may match. E.g.
+		 *
+		 * /abc
+		 * !/abc/def/ghi
+		 *
+		 * The pattern of interest is "/abc". On the first
+		 * try, we should match path "abc" with this pattern
+		 * in the "if" statement right above, but the caller
+		 * ignores it.
+		 *
+		 * On the second try with paths within "abc",
+		 * e.g. "abc/xyz", we come here and try to match it
+		 * with "/abc".
+		 */
+		if (!patternlen && namelen && *name == '/')
+			return 1;
 	return fnmatch_icase_mem(pattern, patternlen,
@@ -890,6 +909,48 @@
+ * Return non-zero if pathname is a directory and an ancestor of the
+ * literal path in a (negative) pattern. This is used to keep
+ * descending in "foo" and "foo/bar" when the pattern is
+ * "!foo/bar/.gitignore". "foo/notbar" will not be descended however.
+ */
+static int match_neg_path(const char *pathname, int pathlen, int *dtype,
+			  const char *base, int baselen,
+			  const char *pattern, int prefix, int patternlen,
+			  int flags)
+	assert((flags & EXC_FLAG_NEGATIVE) && !(flags & EXC_FLAG_NODIR));
+	if (*dtype == DT_UNKNOWN)
+		*dtype = get_dtype(NULL, pathname, pathlen);
+	if (*dtype != DT_DIR)
+		return 0;
+	if (*pattern == '/') {
+		pattern++;
+		patternlen--;
+		prefix--;
+	}
+	if (baselen) {
+		if (((pathlen < baselen && base[pathlen] == '/') ||
+		     pathlen == baselen) &&
+		    !strncmp_icase(pathname, base, pathlen))
+			return 1;
+		pathname += baselen + 1;
+		pathlen  -= baselen + 1;
+	}
+	if (prefix &&
+	    ((pathlen < prefix && pattern[pathlen] == '/') &&
+	     !strncmp_icase(pathname, pattern, pathlen)))
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
  * Scan the given exclude list in reverse to see whether pathname
  * should be ignored.  The first match (i.e. the last on the list), if
  * any, determines the fate.  Returns the exclude_list element which
@@ -901,7 +962,8 @@
 						       int *dtype,
 						       struct exclude_list *el)
-	int i;
+	struct exclude *exc = NULL; /* undecided */
+	int i, matched_negative_path = 0;
 	if (!el->nr)
 		return NULL;	/* undefined */
@@ -922,18 +984,33 @@
 			if (match_basename(basename,
 					   pathlen - (basename - pathname),
 					   exclude, prefix, x->patternlen,
-					   x->flags))
-				return x;
+					   x->flags)) {
+				exc = x;
+				break;
+			}
 		assert(x->baselen == 0 || x->base[x->baselen - 1] == '/');
 		if (match_pathname(pathname, pathlen,
 				   x->base, x->baselen ? x->baselen - 1 : 0,
+				   exclude, prefix, x->patternlen, x->flags)) {
+			exc = x;
+			break;
+		}
+		if ((x->flags & EXC_FLAG_NEGATIVE) && !matched_negative_path &&
+		    match_neg_path(pathname, pathlen, dtype, x->base,
+				   x->baselen ? x->baselen - 1 : 0,
 				   exclude, prefix, x->patternlen, x->flags))
-			return x;
+			matched_negative_path = 1;
-	return NULL; /* undecided */
+	if (exc &&
+	    !(exc->flags & EXC_FLAG_NEGATIVE) &&
+	    !(exc->flags & EXC_FLAG_NODIR) &&
+	    matched_negative_path)
+		exc = NULL;
+	return exc;
@@ -1505,8 +1582,7 @@
 	strbuf_addstr(path, cdir->ucd->name);
 	/* treat_one_path() does this before it calls treat_directory() */
-	if (path->buf[path->len - 1] != '/')
-		strbuf_addch(path, '/');
+	strbuf_complete(path, '/');
 	if (cdir->ucd->check_only)
 		 * check_only is set as a result of treat_directory() getting
@@ -2121,8 +2197,7 @@
 			return -1;
-	if (path->buf[original_len - 1] != '/')
-		strbuf_addch(path, '/');
+	strbuf_complete(path, '/');
 	len = path->len;
 	while ((e = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
diff --git a/entry.c b/entry.c
index 1eda8e9..582c400 100644
--- a/entry.c
+++ b/entry.c
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
 	int symlink = (ce->ce_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG;
 	if (to_tempfile) {
-		strcpy(path, symlink
-		       ? ".merge_link_XXXXXX" : ".merge_file_XXXXXX");
+		xsnprintf(path, TEMPORARY_FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s",
+			  symlink ? ".merge_link_XXXXXX" : ".merge_file_XXXXXX");
 		return mkstemp(path);
 	} else {
 		return create_file(path, !symlink ? ce->ce_mode : 0666);
diff --git a/environment.c b/environment.c
index 23a38e4..2da7fe2 100644
--- a/environment.c
+++ b/environment.c
@@ -144,11 +144,8 @@
 			       const char *path, int *fromenv)
 	const char *value = getenv(envvar);
-	if (!value) {
-		char *buf = xmalloc(strlen(git_dir) + strlen(path) + 2);
-		sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", git_dir, path);
-		return buf;
-	}
+	if (!value)
+		return xstrfmt("%s/%s", git_dir, path);
 	if (fromenv)
 		*fromenv = 1;
 	return xstrdup(value);
diff --git a/fast-import.c b/fast-import.c
index b141535..3c65edb 100644
--- a/fast-import.c
+++ b/fast-import.c
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
 	fprintf(rpt, "fast-import crash report:\n");
 	fprintf(rpt, "    fast-import process: %"PRIuMAX"\n", (uintmax_t) getpid());
 	fprintf(rpt, "    parent process     : %"PRIuMAX"\n", (uintmax_t) getppid());
-	fprintf(rpt, "    at %s\n", show_date(time(NULL), 0, DATE_MODE(LOCAL)));
+	fprintf(rpt, "    at %s\n", show_date(time(NULL), 0, DATE_MODE(ISO8601)));
 	fputc('\n', rpt);
 	fputs("fatal: ", rpt);
@@ -644,8 +644,9 @@
 static char *pool_strdup(const char *s)
-	char *r = pool_alloc(strlen(s) + 1);
-	strcpy(r, s);
+	size_t len = strlen(s) + 1;
+	char *r = pool_alloc(len);
+	memcpy(r, s, len);
 	return r;
@@ -702,7 +703,7 @@
 	c = pool_alloc(sizeof(struct atom_str) + len + 1);
 	c->str_len = len;
-	strncpy(c->str_dat, s, len);
+	memcpy(c->str_dat, s, len);
 	c->str_dat[len] = 0;
 	c->next_atom = atom_table[hc];
 	atom_table[hc] = c;
@@ -863,13 +864,15 @@
 	static char tmp_file[PATH_MAX];
 	struct packed_git *p;
+	int namelen;
 	struct pack_header hdr;
 	int pack_fd;
 	pack_fd = odb_mkstemp(tmp_file, sizeof(tmp_file),
-	p = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*p) + strlen(tmp_file) + 2);
-	strcpy(p->pack_name, tmp_file);
+	namelen = strlen(tmp_file) + 2;
+	p = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*p) + namelen);
+	xsnprintf(p->pack_name, namelen, "%s", tmp_file);
 	p->pack_fd = pack_fd;
 	p->do_not_close = 1;
 	pack_file = sha1fd(pack_fd, p->pack_name);
@@ -1035,8 +1038,8 @@
 	git_SHA_CTX c;
 	git_zstream s;
-	hdrlen = sprintf((char *)hdr,"%s %lu", typename(type),
-		(unsigned long)dat->len) + 1;
+	hdrlen = xsnprintf((char *)hdr, sizeof(hdr), "%s %lu",
+			   typename(type), (unsigned long)dat->len) + 1;
 	git_SHA1_Update(&c, hdr, hdrlen);
 	git_SHA1_Update(&c, dat->buf, dat->len);
diff --git a/fetch-pack.c b/fetch-pack.c
index 820251a..01e34b6 100644
--- a/fetch-pack.c
+++ b/fetch-pack.c
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
-	return commit->object.sha1;
+	return commit->object.oid.hash;
 enum ack_type {
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
 static void insert_one_alternate_ref(const struct ref *ref, void *unused)
-	rev_list_insert_ref(NULL, ref->old_sha1);
+	rev_list_insert_ref(NULL, ref->old_oid.hash);
 #define INITIAL_FLUSH 16
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
 	fetching = 0;
 	for ( ; refs ; refs = refs->next) {
-		unsigned char *remote = refs->old_sha1;
+		unsigned char *remote = refs->old_oid.hash;
 		const char *remote_hex;
 		struct object *o;
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@
 		if (!t->tagged)
 			break; /* broken repository */
 		o->flags |= COMPLETE;
-		o = parse_object(t->tagged->sha1);
+		o = parse_object(t->tagged->oid.hash);
 	if (o && o->type == OBJ_COMMIT) {
 		struct commit *commit = (struct commit *)o;
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
 	while (complete && cutoff <= complete->item->date) {
 		if (args->verbose)
 			fprintf(stderr, "Marking %s as complete\n",
-				sha1_to_hex(complete->item->object.sha1));
+				oid_to_hex(&complete->item->object.oid));
 		pop_most_recent_commit(&complete, COMPLETE);
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@
 			if (get_sha1_hex(ref->name, sha1) ||
 			    ref->name[40] != '\0' ||
-			    hashcmp(sha1, ref->old_sha1))
+			    hashcmp(sha1, ref->old_oid.hash))
 			ref->matched = 1;
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@
 static void mark_alternate_complete(const struct ref *ref, void *unused)
-	mark_complete(ref->old_sha1);
+	mark_complete(ref->old_oid.hash);
 static int everything_local(struct fetch_pack_args *args,
@@ -599,10 +599,10 @@
 	for (ref = *refs; ref; ref = ref->next) {
 		struct object *o;
-		if (!has_sha1_file(ref->old_sha1))
+		if (!has_object_file(&ref->old_oid))
-		o = parse_object(ref->old_sha1);
+		o = parse_object(ref->old_oid.hash);
 		if (!o)
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@
 	 * Don't mark them common yet; the server has to be told so first.
 	for (ref = *refs; ref; ref = ref->next) {
-		struct object *o = deref_tag(lookup_object(ref->old_sha1),
+		struct object *o = deref_tag(lookup_object(ref->old_oid.hash),
 					     NULL, 0);
 		if (!o || o->type != OBJ_COMMIT || !(o->flags & COMPLETE))
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@
 	filter_refs(args, refs, sought, nr_sought);
 	for (retval = 1, ref = *refs; ref ; ref = ref->next) {
-		const unsigned char *remote = ref->old_sha1;
+		const unsigned char *remote = ref->old_oid.hash;
 		struct object *o;
 		o = lookup_object(remote);
@@ -681,11 +681,10 @@
 		    int xd[2], char **pack_lockfile)
 	struct async demux;
-	const char *argv[22];
-	char keep_arg[256];
-	char hdr_arg[256];
-	const char **av, *cmd_name;
 	int do_keep = args->keep_pack;
+	const char *cmd_name;
+	struct pack_header header;
+	int pass_header = 0;
 	struct child_process cmd = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
 	int ret;
@@ -705,17 +704,11 @@
 		demux.out = xd[0];
-	cmd.argv = argv;
-	av = argv;
-	*hdr_arg = 0;
 	if (!args->keep_pack && unpack_limit) {
-		struct pack_header header;
 		if (read_pack_header(demux.out, &header))
 			die("protocol error: bad pack header");
-		snprintf(hdr_arg, sizeof(hdr_arg),
-			 "--pack_header=%"PRIu32",%"PRIu32,
-			 ntohl(header.hdr_version), ntohl(header.hdr_entries));
+		pass_header = 1;
 		if (ntohl(header.hdr_entries) < unpack_limit)
 			do_keep = 0;
@@ -723,44 +716,49 @@
 	if (alternate_shallow_file) {
-		*av++ = "--shallow-file";
-		*av++ = alternate_shallow_file;
+		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--shallow-file");
+		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, alternate_shallow_file);
 	if (do_keep) {
 		if (pack_lockfile)
 			cmd.out = -1;
-		*av++ = cmd_name = "index-pack";
-		*av++ = "--stdin";
+		cmd_name = "index-pack";
+		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, cmd_name);
+		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--stdin");
 		if (!args->quiet && !args->no_progress)
-			*av++ = "-v";
+			argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "-v");
 		if (args->use_thin_pack)
-			*av++ = "--fix-thin";
+			argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--fix-thin");
 		if (args->lock_pack || unpack_limit) {
-			int s = sprintf(keep_arg,
-					"--keep=fetch-pack %"PRIuMAX " on ", (uintmax_t) getpid());
-			if (gethostname(keep_arg + s, sizeof(keep_arg) - s))
-				strcpy(keep_arg + s, "localhost");
-			*av++ = keep_arg;
+			char hostname[256];
+			if (gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)))
+				xsnprintf(hostname, sizeof(hostname), "localhost");
+			argv_array_pushf(&cmd.args,
+					"--keep=fetch-pack %"PRIuMAX " on %s",
+					(uintmax_t)getpid(), hostname);
 		if (args->check_self_contained_and_connected)
-			*av++ = "--check-self-contained-and-connected";
+			argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--check-self-contained-and-connected");
 	else {
-		*av++ = cmd_name = "unpack-objects";
+		cmd_name = "unpack-objects";
+		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, cmd_name);
 		if (args->quiet || args->no_progress)
-			*av++ = "-q";
+			argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "-q");
 		args->check_self_contained_and_connected = 0;
-	if (*hdr_arg)
-		*av++ = hdr_arg;
+	if (pass_header)
+		argv_array_pushf(&cmd.args, "--pack_header=%"PRIu32",%"PRIu32,
+				 ntohl(header.hdr_version),
+				 ntohl(header.hdr_entries));
 	if (fetch_fsck_objects >= 0
 	    ? fetch_fsck_objects
 	    : transfer_fsck_objects >= 0
 	    ? transfer_fsck_objects
 	    : 0)
-		*av++ = "--strict";
-	*av++ = NULL;
+		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--strict"); = demux.out;
 	cmd.git_cmd = 1;
@@ -987,7 +985,7 @@
 	if (!si->nr_ours && !si->nr_theirs)
 	for (i = 0; i < nr_sought; i++)
-		sha1_array_append(&ref, sought[i]->old_sha1);
+		sha1_array_append(&ref, sought[i]->old_oid.hash);
 	si->ref = &ref;
 	if (args->update_shallow) {
diff --git a/fsck.c b/fsck.c
index e41e753..c637f66 100644
--- a/fsck.c
+++ b/fsck.c
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
 		return 0;
 	if (options->skiplist && object &&
-			sha1_array_lookup(options->skiplist, object->sha1) >= 0)
+			sha1_array_lookup(options->skiplist, object->oid.hash) >= 0)
 		return 0;
 	if (msg_type == FSCK_FATAL)
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
 			result = options->walk(&lookup_blob(entry.sha1)->object, OBJ_BLOB, data, options);
 		else {
 			result = error("in tree %s: entry %s has bad mode %.6o",
-					sha1_to_hex(tree->object.sha1), entry.path, entry.mode);
+					oid_to_hex(&tree->object.oid), entry.path, entry.mode);
 		if (result < 0)
 			return result;
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
 	case OBJ_TAG:
 		return fsck_walk_tag((struct tag *)obj, data, options);
-		error("Unknown object type for %s", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+		error("Unknown object type for %s", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 		return -1;
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@
 		buffer += 41;
-	graft = lookup_commit_graft(commit->object.sha1);
+	graft = lookup_commit_graft(commit->object.oid.hash);
 	parent_count = commit_list_count(commit->parents);
 	if (graft) {
 		if (graft->nr_parent == -1 && !parent_count)
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@
 		enum object_type type;
 		buffer = to_free =
-			read_sha1_file(tag->object.sha1, &type, &size);
+			read_sha1_file(tag->object.oid.hash, &type, &size);
 		if (!buffer)
 			return report(options, &tag->object,
@@ -711,7 +711,8 @@
-	if (verify_headers(buffer, size, &tag->object, options))
+	ret = verify_headers(buffer, size, &tag->object, options);
+	if (ret)
 		goto done;
 	if (!skip_prefix(buffer, "object ", &buffer)) {
@@ -809,9 +810,9 @@
 int fsck_error_function(struct object *obj, int msg_type, const char *message)
 	if (msg_type == FSCK_WARN) {
-		warning("object %s: %s", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1), message);
+		warning("object %s: %s", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid), message);
 		return 0;
-	error("object %s: %s", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1), message);
+	error("object %s: %s", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid), message);
 	return 1;
diff --git a/ b/
index ea63223..5d1cb00 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
 LONG_USAGE='git bisect help
 	print this long help message.
-git bisect start [--no-checkout] [<bad> [<good>...]] [--] [<pathspec>...]
+git bisect start [--term-{old,good}=<term> --term-{new,bad}=<term>]
+		 [--no-checkout] [<bad> [<good>...]] [--] [<pathspec>...]
 	reset bisect state and start bisection.
-git bisect bad [<rev>]
-	mark <rev> a known-bad revision.
-git bisect good [<rev>...]
-	mark <rev>... known-good revisions.
+git bisect (bad|new) [<rev>]
+	mark <rev> a known-bad revision/
+		a revision after change in a given property.
+git bisect (good|old) [<rev>...]
+	mark <rev>... known-good revisions/
+		revisions before change in a given property.
+git bisect terms [--term-good | --term-bad]
+	show the terms used for old and new commits (default: bad, good)
 git bisect skip [(<rev>|<range>)...]
 	mark <rev>... untestable revisions.
 git bisect next
@@ -95,6 +100,24 @@
 			shift ;;
+		--term-good|--term-old)
+			shift
+			must_write_terms=1
+			TERM_GOOD=$1
+			shift ;;
+		--term-good=*|--term-old=*)
+			must_write_terms=1
+			TERM_GOOD=${1#*=}
+			shift ;;
+		--term-bad|--term-new)
+			shift
+			must_write_terms=1
+			TERM_BAD=$1
+			shift ;;
+		--term-bad=*|--term-new=*)
+			must_write_terms=1
+			TERM_BAD=${1#*=}
+			shift ;;
 			die "$(eval_gettext "unrecognised option: '\$arg'")" ;;
@@ -294,7 +317,7 @@
-		# have bad but not good.  we could bisect although
+		# have bad (or new) but not good (or old).  we could bisect although
 		# this is less optimum.
 		eval_gettextln "Warning: bisecting only with a \$TERM_BAD commit." >&2
 		if test -t 0
@@ -451,6 +474,8 @@
 			eval "$cmd" ;;
 			bisect_write "$command" "$rev" ;;
+		terms)
+			bisect_terms $rev ;;
 			die "$(gettext "?? what are you talking about?")" ;;
@@ -535,9 +560,42 @@
 write_terms () {
+	if test "$TERM_BAD" = "$TERM_GOOD"
+	then
+		die "$(gettext "please use two different terms")"
+	fi
+	check_term_format "$TERM_BAD" bad
+	check_term_format "$TERM_GOOD" good
 	printf '%s\n%s\n' "$TERM_BAD" "$TERM_GOOD" >"$GIT_DIR/BISECT_TERMS"
+check_term_format () {
+	term=$1
+	git check-ref-format refs/bisect/"$term" ||
+	die "$(eval_gettext "'\$term' is not a valid term")"
+	case "$term" in
+	help|start|terms|skip|next|reset|visualize|replay|log|run)
+		die "$(eval_gettext "can't use the builtin command '\$term' as a term")"
+		;;
+	bad|new)
+		if test "$2" != bad
+		then
+			# In theory, nothing prevents swapping
+			# completely good and bad, but this situation
+			# could be confusing and hasn't been tested
+			# enough. Forbid it for now.
+			die "$(eval_gettext "can't change the meaning of term '\$term'")"
+		fi
+		;;
+	good|old)
+		if test "$2" != good
+		then
+			die "$(eval_gettext "can't change the meaning of term '\$term'")"
+		fi
+		;;
+	esac
 check_and_set_terms () {
 	case "$cmd" in
@@ -554,14 +612,51 @@
 				write_terms bad good
+		new|old)
+			if ! test -s "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_TERMS"
+			then
+				write_terms new old
+			fi
+			;;
 		esac ;;
 bisect_voc () {
 	case "$1" in
-	bad) echo "bad" ;;
-	good) echo "good" ;;
+	bad) echo "bad|new" ;;
+	good) echo "good|old" ;;
+	esac
+bisect_terms () {
+	get_terms
+	if ! test -s "$GIT_DIR/BISECT_TERMS"
+	then
+		die "$(gettext "no terms defined")"
+	fi
+	case "$#" in
+	0)
+		gettextln "Your current terms are $TERM_GOOD for the old state
+and $TERM_BAD for the new state."
+		;;
+	1)
+		arg=$1
+		case "$arg" in
+			--term-good|--term-old)
+				printf '%s\n' "$TERM_GOOD"
+				;;
+			--term-bad|--term-new)
+				printf '%s\n' "$TERM_BAD"
+				;;
+			*)
+				die "$(eval_gettext "invalid argument \$arg for 'git bisect terms'.
+Supported options are: --term-good|--term-old and --term-bad|--term-new.")"
+				;;
+		esac
+		;;
+	*)
+		usage ;;
@@ -577,7 +672,7 @@
 		git bisect -h ;;
 		bisect_start "$@" ;;
-	bad|good|"$TERM_BAD"|"$TERM_GOOD")
+	bad|good|new|old|"$TERM_BAD"|"$TERM_GOOD")
 		bisect_state "$cmd" "$@" ;;
 		bisect_skip "$@" ;;
@@ -594,6 +689,8 @@
 		bisect_log ;;
 		bisect_run "$@" ;;
+	terms)
+		bisect_terms "$@" ;;
 		usage ;;
diff --git a/git-compat-util.h b/git-compat-util.h
index 4fe10cc..2da0a75 100644
--- a/git-compat-util.h
+++ b/git-compat-util.h
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
 #define precompose_str(in,i_nfd2nfc)
 #define precompose_argv(c,v)
-#define probe_utf8_pathname_composition(a,b)
+#define probe_utf8_pathname_composition()
@@ -748,6 +748,9 @@
 	return (size_t)len;
+__attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4)))
+extern int xsnprintf(char *dst, size_t max, const char *fmt, ...);
 /* in ctype.c, for kwset users */
 extern const unsigned char tolower_trans_tbl[256];
@@ -818,6 +821,9 @@
 	char *p;
 	errno = 0;
+	/* negative values would be accepted by strtoul */
+	if (strchr(s, '-'))
+		return -1;
 	ul = strtoul(s, &p, base);
 	if (errno || *p || p == s || (unsigned int) ul != ul)
 		return -1;
@@ -923,9 +929,6 @@
 /* Warn on an inaccessible file that ought to be accessible */
 void warn_on_inaccessible(const char *path);
-/* Get the passwd entry for the UID of the current process. */
-struct passwd *xgetpwuid_self(void);
 struct tm *git_gmtime(const time_t *);
 struct tm *git_gmtime_r(const time_t *, struct tm *);
diff --git a/ b/
index ad24c8d..98f1779 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -275,15 +275,57 @@
 test $commits -eq 0 && die "Found nothing to rewrite"
 # Rewrite the commits
+report_progress ()
+	if test -n "$progress" &&
+		test $git_filter_branch__commit_count -gt $next_sample_at
+	then
+		count=$git_filter_branch__commit_count
+		now=$(date +%s)
+		elapsed=$(($now - $start_timestamp))
+		remaining=$(( ($commits - $count) * $elapsed / $count ))
+		if test $elapsed -gt 0
+		then
+			next_sample_at=$(( ($elapsed + 1) * $count / $elapsed ))
+		else
+			next_sample_at=$(($next_sample_at + 1))
+		fi
+		progress=" ($elapsed seconds passed, remaining $remaining predicted)"
+	fi
+	printf "\rRewrite $commit ($count/$commits)$progress    "
+progress= start_timestamp=
+if date '+%s' 2>/dev/null | grep -q '^[0-9][0-9]*$'
+	next_sample_at=0
+	progress="dummy to ensure this is not empty"
+	start_timestamp=$(date '+%s')
+if test -n "$filter_index" ||
+   test -n "$filter_tree" ||
+   test -n "$filter_subdir"
+	need_index=t
+	need_index=
 while read commit parents; do
-	printf "\rRewrite $commit ($git_filter_branch__commit_count/$commits)"
+	report_progress
 	case "$filter_subdir" in
-		GIT_ALLOW_NULL_SHA1=1 git read-tree -i -m $commit
+		if test -n "$need_index"
+		then
+			GIT_ALLOW_NULL_SHA1=1 git read-tree -i -m $commit
+		fi
 		# The commit may not have the subdirectory at all
@@ -357,8 +399,15 @@
 	} <../commit |
 		eval "$filter_msg" > ../message ||
 			die "msg filter failed: $filter_msg"
+	if test -n "$need_index"
+	then
+		tree=$(git write-tree)
+	else
+		tree="$commit^{tree}"
+	fi
 	workdir=$workdir @SHELL_PATH@ -c "$filter_commit" "git commit-tree" \
-		$(git write-tree) $parentstr < ../message > ../map/$commit ||
+		"$tree" $parentstr < ../message > ../map/$commit ||
 			die "could not write rewritten commit"
 done <../revs
diff --git a/ b/
index a7ec118..7a9dd6a 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
 import re
 import shutil
 import stat
+import zipfile
+import zlib
+import ctypes
     from subprocess import CalledProcessError
@@ -104,6 +107,16 @@
         path = os.getcwd()
     os.environ['PWD'] = path
+def calcDiskFree():
+    """Return free space in bytes on the disk of the given dirname."""
+    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
+        free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0)
+        ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(ctypes.c_wchar_p(os.getcwd()), None, None, ctypes.pointer(free_bytes))
+        return free_bytes.value
+    else:
+        st = os.statvfs(os.getcwd())
+        return st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize
 def die(msg):
     if verbose:
         raise Exception(msg)
@@ -609,9 +622,12 @@
 _gitConfig = {}
-def gitConfig(key):
+def gitConfig(key, typeSpecifier=None):
     if not _gitConfig.has_key(key):
-        cmd = [ "git", "config", key ]
+        cmd = [ "git", "config" ]
+        if typeSpecifier:
+            cmd += [ typeSpecifier ]
+        cmd += [ key ]
         s = read_pipe(cmd, ignore_error=True)
         _gitConfig[key] = s.strip()
     return _gitConfig[key]
@@ -622,16 +638,26 @@
        in the config."""
     if not _gitConfig.has_key(key):
-        cmd = [ "git", "config", "--bool", key ]
+        _gitConfig[key] = gitConfig(key, '--bool') == "true"
+    return _gitConfig[key]
+def gitConfigInt(key):
+    if not _gitConfig.has_key(key):
+        cmd = [ "git", "config", "--int", key ]
         s = read_pipe(cmd, ignore_error=True)
         v = s.strip()
-        _gitConfig[key] = v == "true"
+        try:
+            _gitConfig[key] = int(gitConfig(key, '--int'))
+        except ValueError:
+            _gitConfig[key] = None
     return _gitConfig[key]
 def gitConfigList(key):
     if not _gitConfig.has_key(key):
         s = read_pipe(["git", "config", "--get-all", key], ignore_error=True)
         _gitConfig[key] = s.strip().split(os.linesep)
+        if _gitConfig[key] == ['']:
+            _gitConfig[key] = []
     return _gitConfig[key]
 def p4BranchesInGit(branchesAreInRemotes=True):
@@ -914,6 +940,182 @@
     m ="[*#@%]", path)
     return m is not None
+class LargeFileSystem(object):
+    """Base class for large file system support."""
+    def __init__(self, writeToGitStream):
+        self.largeFiles = set()
+        self.writeToGitStream = writeToGitStream
+    def generatePointer(self, cloneDestination, contentFile):
+        """Return the content of a pointer file that is stored in Git instead of
+           the actual content."""
+        assert False, "Method 'generatePointer' required in " + self.__class__.__name__
+    def pushFile(self, localLargeFile):
+        """Push the actual content which is not stored in the Git repository to
+           a server."""
+        assert False, "Method 'pushFile' required in " + self.__class__.__name__
+    def hasLargeFileExtension(self, relPath):
+        return reduce(
+            lambda a, b: a or b,
+            [relPath.endswith('.' + e) for e in gitConfigList('git-p4.largeFileExtensions')],
+            False
+        )
+    def generateTempFile(self, contents):
+        contentFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='git-p4-large-file', delete=False)
+        for d in contents:
+            contentFile.write(d)
+        contentFile.close()
+        return
+    def exceedsLargeFileThreshold(self, relPath, contents):
+        if gitConfigInt('git-p4.largeFileThreshold'):
+            contentsSize = sum(len(d) for d in contents)
+            if contentsSize > gitConfigInt('git-p4.largeFileThreshold'):
+                return True
+        if gitConfigInt('git-p4.largeFileCompressedThreshold'):
+            contentsSize = sum(len(d) for d in contents)
+            if contentsSize <= gitConfigInt('git-p4.largeFileCompressedThreshold'):
+                return False
+            contentTempFile = self.generateTempFile(contents)
+            compressedContentFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='git-p4-large-file', delete=False)
+            zf = zipfile.ZipFile(, mode='w')
+            zf.write(contentTempFile, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+            zf.close()
+            compressedContentsSize = zf.infolist()[0].compress_size
+            os.remove(contentTempFile)
+            os.remove(
+            if compressedContentsSize > gitConfigInt('git-p4.largeFileCompressedThreshold'):
+                return True
+        return False
+    def addLargeFile(self, relPath):
+        self.largeFiles.add(relPath)
+    def removeLargeFile(self, relPath):
+        self.largeFiles.remove(relPath)
+    def isLargeFile(self, relPath):
+        return relPath in self.largeFiles
+    def processContent(self, git_mode, relPath, contents):
+        """Processes the content of git fast import. This method decides if a
+           file is stored in the large file system and handles all necessary
+           steps."""
+        if self.exceedsLargeFileThreshold(relPath, contents) or self.hasLargeFileExtension(relPath):
+            contentTempFile = self.generateTempFile(contents)
+            (git_mode, contents, localLargeFile) = self.generatePointer(contentTempFile)
+            # Move temp file to final location in large file system
+            largeFileDir = os.path.dirname(localLargeFile)
+            if not os.path.isdir(largeFileDir):
+                os.makedirs(largeFileDir)
+            shutil.move(contentTempFile, localLargeFile)
+            self.addLargeFile(relPath)
+            if gitConfigBool('git-p4.largeFilePush'):
+                self.pushFile(localLargeFile)
+            if verbose:
+                sys.stderr.write("%s moved to large file system (%s)\n" % (relPath, localLargeFile))
+        return (git_mode, contents)
+class MockLFS(LargeFileSystem):
+    """Mock large file system for testing."""
+    def generatePointer(self, contentFile):
+        """The pointer content is the original content prefixed with "pointer-".
+           The local filename of the large file storage is derived from the file content.
+           """
+        with open(contentFile, 'r') as f:
+            content = next(f)
+            gitMode = '100644'
+            pointerContents = 'pointer-' + content
+            localLargeFile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.git', 'mock-storage', 'local', content[:-1])
+            return (gitMode, pointerContents, localLargeFile)
+    def pushFile(self, localLargeFile):
+        """The remote filename of the large file storage is the same as the local
+           one but in a different directory.
+           """
+        remotePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(localLargeFile), '..', 'remote')
+        if not os.path.exists(remotePath):
+            os.makedirs(remotePath)
+        shutil.copyfile(localLargeFile, os.path.join(remotePath, os.path.basename(localLargeFile)))
+class GitLFS(LargeFileSystem):
+    """Git LFS as backend for the git-p4 large file system.
+       See for details."""
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        LargeFileSystem.__init__(self, *args)
+        self.baseGitAttributes = []
+    def generatePointer(self, contentFile):
+        """Generate a Git LFS pointer for the content. Return LFS Pointer file
+           mode and content which is stored in the Git repository instead of
+           the actual content. Return also the new location of the actual
+           content.
+           """
+        pointerProcess = subprocess.Popen(
+            ['git', 'lfs', 'pointer', '--file=' + contentFile],
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE
+        )
+        pointerFile =
+        if pointerProcess.wait():
+            os.remove(contentFile)
+            die('git-lfs pointer command failed. Did you install the extension?')
+        pointerContents = [i+'\n' for i in pointerFile.split('\n')[2:][:-1]]
+        oid = pointerContents[1].split(' ')[1].split(':')[1][:-1]
+        localLargeFile = os.path.join(
+            os.getcwd(),
+            '.git', 'lfs', 'objects', oid[:2], oid[2:4],
+            oid,
+        )
+        # LFS Spec states that pointer files should not have the executable bit set.
+        gitMode = '100644'
+        return (gitMode, pointerContents, localLargeFile)
+    def pushFile(self, localLargeFile):
+        uploadProcess = subprocess.Popen(
+            ['git', 'lfs', 'push', '--object-id', 'origin', os.path.basename(localLargeFile)]
+        )
+        if uploadProcess.wait():
+            die('git-lfs push command failed. Did you define a remote?')
+    def generateGitAttributes(self):
+        return (
+            self.baseGitAttributes +
+            [
+                '\n',
+                '#\n',
+                '# Git LFS (see\n',
+                '#\n',
+            ] +
+            ['*.' + f.replace(' ', '[[:space:]]') + ' filter=lfs -text\n'
+                for f in sorted(gitConfigList('git-p4.largeFileExtensions'))
+            ] +
+            ['/' + f.replace(' ', '[[:space:]]') + ' filter=lfs -text\n'
+                for f in sorted(self.largeFiles) if not self.hasLargeFileExtension(f)
+            ]
+        )
+    def addLargeFile(self, relPath):
+        LargeFileSystem.addLargeFile(self, relPath)
+        self.writeToGitStream('100644', '.gitattributes', self.generateGitAttributes())
+    def removeLargeFile(self, relPath):
+        LargeFileSystem.removeLargeFile(self, relPath)
+        self.writeToGitStream('100644', '.gitattributes', self.generateGitAttributes())
+    def processContent(self, git_mode, relPath, contents):
+        if relPath == '.gitattributes':
+            self.baseGitAttributes = contents
+            return (git_mode, self.generateGitAttributes())
+        else:
+            return LargeFileSystem.processContent(self, git_mode, relPath, contents)
 class Command:
     def __init__(self):
         self.usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
@@ -1087,6 +1289,9 @@
         self.p4HasMoveCommand = p4_has_move_command()
         self.branch = None
+        if gitConfig('git-p4.largeFileSystem'):
+            die("Large file system not supported for git-p4 submit command. Please remove it from config.")
     def check(self):
         if len(p4CmdList("opened ...")) > 0:
             die("You have files opened with perforce! Close them before starting the sync.")
@@ -2044,6 +2249,13 @@
         self.clientSpecDirs = None
         self.tempBranches = []
         self.tempBranchLocation = "git-p4-tmp"
+        self.largeFileSystem = None
+        if gitConfig('git-p4.largeFileSystem'):
+            largeFileSystemConstructor = globals()[gitConfig('git-p4.largeFileSystem')]
+            self.largeFileSystem = largeFileSystemConstructor(
+                lambda git_mode, relPath, contents: self.writeToGitStream(git_mode, relPath, contents)
+            )
         if gitConfig("git-p4.syncFromOrigin") == "false":
             self.syncWithOrigin = False
@@ -2164,13 +2376,22 @@
         return branches
+    def writeToGitStream(self, gitMode, relPath, contents):
+        self.gitStream.write('M %s inline %s\n' % (gitMode, relPath))
+        self.gitStream.write('data %d\n' % sum(len(d) for d in contents))
+        for d in contents:
+            self.gitStream.write(d)
+        self.gitStream.write('\n')
     # output one file from the P4 stream
     # - helper for streamP4Files
     def streamOneP4File(self, file, contents):
         relPath = self.stripRepoPath(file['depotFile'], self.branchPrefixes)
         if verbose:
-            sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % relPath)
+            size = int(self.stream_file['fileSize'])
+            sys.stdout.write('\r%s --> %s (%i MB)\n' % (file['depotFile'], relPath, size/1024/1024))
+            sys.stdout.flush()
         (type_base, type_mods) = split_p4_type(file["type"])
@@ -2239,24 +2460,31 @@
             text = regexp.sub(r'$\1$', text)
             contents = [ text ]
-        self.gitStream.write("M %s inline %s\n" % (git_mode, relPath))
+        try:
+            relPath.decode('ascii')
+        except:
+            encoding = 'utf8'
+            if gitConfig('git-p4.pathEncoding'):
+                encoding = gitConfig('git-p4.pathEncoding')
+            relPath = relPath.decode(encoding, 'replace').encode('utf8', 'replace')
+            if self.verbose:
+                print 'Path with non-ASCII characters detected. Used %s to encode: %s ' % (encoding, relPath)
-        # total length...
-        length = 0
-        for d in contents:
-            length = length + len(d)
+        if self.largeFileSystem:
+            (git_mode, contents) = self.largeFileSystem.processContent(git_mode, relPath, contents)
-        self.gitStream.write("data %d\n" % length)
-        for d in contents:
-            self.gitStream.write(d)
-        self.gitStream.write("\n")
+        self.writeToGitStream(git_mode, relPath, contents)
     def streamOneP4Deletion(self, file):
         relPath = self.stripRepoPath(file['path'], self.branchPrefixes)
         if verbose:
-            sys.stderr.write("delete %s\n" % relPath)
+            sys.stdout.write("delete %s\n" % relPath)
+            sys.stdout.flush()
         self.gitStream.write("D %s\n" % relPath)
+        if self.largeFileSystem and self.largeFileSystem.isLargeFile(relPath):
+            self.largeFileSystem.removeLargeFile(relPath)
     # handle another chunk of streaming data
     def streamP4FilesCb(self, marshalled):
@@ -2266,6 +2494,14 @@
             if marshalled["code"] == "error":
                 if "data" in marshalled:
                     err = marshalled["data"].rstrip()
+        if not err and 'fileSize' in self.stream_file:
+            required_bytes = int((4 * int(self.stream_file["fileSize"])) - calcDiskFree())
+            if required_bytes > 0:
+                err = 'Not enough space left on %s! Free at least %i MB.' % (
+                    os.getcwd(), required_bytes/1024/1024
+                )
         if err:
             f = None
             if self.stream_have_file_info:
@@ -2294,10 +2530,23 @@
         # 'data' field we need to append to our array
         for k in marshalled.keys():
             if k == 'data':
+                if 'streamContentSize' not in self.stream_file:
+                    self.stream_file['streamContentSize'] = 0
+                self.stream_file['streamContentSize'] += len(marshalled['data'])
                 self.stream_file[k] = marshalled[k]
+        if (verbose and
+            'streamContentSize' in self.stream_file and
+            'fileSize' in self.stream_file and
+            'depotFile' in self.stream_file):
+            size = int(self.stream_file["fileSize"])
+            if size > 0:
+                progress = 100*self.stream_file['streamContentSize']/size
+                sys.stdout.write('\r%s %d%% (%i MB)' % (self.stream_file['depotFile'], progress, int(size/1024/1024)))
+                sys.stdout.flush()
         self.stream_have_file_info = True
     # Stream directly from "p4 files" into "git fast-import"
diff --git a/ b/
index 167d79f..6d3a88d 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
 n,dry-run     dry run
 author=       author name and email address for patches without any
-patches=      path to the quilt series and patches
+patches=      path to the quilt patches
+series=       path to the quilt series file
 . git-sh-setup
@@ -27,6 +28,10 @@
+	--series)
+		shift
+		;;
@@ -53,6 +58,13 @@
 	exit 1
+# Quilt series file
+if ! [ -e "$QUILT_SERIES" ] ; then
+	echo "The \"$QUILT_SERIES\" file does not exist."
+	exit 1
 # Temporary directories
@@ -135,5 +147,5 @@
 		commit=$( (echo "$SUBJECT"; echo; cat "$tmp_msg") | git commit-tree $tree -p $commit) &&
 		git update-ref -m "quiltimport: $patch_name" HEAD $commit || exit 4
-done 3<"$QUILT_PATCHES/series"
+done 3<"$QUILT_SERIES"
 rm -rf $tmp_dir || exit 5
diff --git a/ b/
index b938a6d..c0cfe88 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -81,17 +81,13 @@
 # and leaves CR at the end instead.
 cr=$(printf "\015")
-if test -n "$do_merge"
-	strategy_args=${strategy:+--strategy=$strategy}
-	eval '
-		for strategy_opt in '"$strategy_opts"'
-		do
-			strategy_args="$strategy_args -X$(git rev-parse --sq-quote "${strategy_opt#--}")"
-		done
-	'
+eval '
+	for strategy_opt in '"$strategy_opts"'
+	do
+		strategy_args="$strategy_args -X$(git rev-parse --sq-quote "${strategy_opt#--}")"
+	done
diff --git a/git-send-email.perl b/git-send-email.perl
index e907e0e..6caa5b5 100755
--- a/git-send-email.perl
+++ b/git-send-email.perl
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 sub usage {
 	print <<EOT;
 git send-email [options] <file | directory | rev-list options >
+git send-email --dump-aliases
     --from                  <str>  * Email From:
@@ -101,6 +102,9 @@
                                      `git format-patch` ones.
     --force                        * Send even if safety checks would prevent it.
+  Information:
+    --dump-aliases                 * Dump configured aliases and exit.
@@ -180,6 +184,7 @@
 my $format_patch;
 my $compose_filename;
 my $force = 0;
+my $dump_aliases = 0;
 # Handle interactive edition of files.
 my $multiedit;
@@ -239,7 +244,6 @@
     "smtpserveroption" => \@smtp_server_options,
     "smtpuser" => \$smtp_authuser,
     "smtppass" => \$smtp_authpass,
-    "smtpsslcertpath" => \$smtp_ssl_cert_path,
     "smtpdomain" => \$smtp_domain,
     "smtpauth" => \$smtp_auth,
     "to" => \@initial_to,
@@ -259,6 +263,7 @@
 my %config_path_settings = (
     "aliasesfile" => \@alias_files,
+    "smtpsslcertpath" => \$smtp_ssl_cert_path,
 # Handle Uncouth Termination
@@ -291,6 +296,11 @@
 my $help;
 my $rc = GetOptions("h" => \$help,
+                    "dump-aliases" => \$dump_aliases);
+usage() unless $rc;
+die "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n"
+    if !$help and $dump_aliases and @ARGV;
+$rc = GetOptions(
 		    "sender|from=s" => \$sender,
                     "in-reply-to=s" => \$initial_reply_to,
 		    "subject=s" => \$initial_subject,
@@ -551,6 +561,11 @@
+if ($dump_aliases) {
+    print "$_\n" for (sort keys %aliases);
+    exit(0);
 # is_format_patch_arg($f) returns 0 if $f names a patch, or 1 if
 # $f is a revision list specification to be passed to format-patch.
 sub is_format_patch_arg {
@@ -1196,8 +1211,7 @@
 		return (SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_PEER(),
 			SSL_ca_file => $smtp_ssl_cert_path);
 	} else {
-		print STDERR "Not using SSL_VERIFY_PEER because the CA path does not exist.\n";
-		return (SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE());
+		die "CA path \"$smtp_ssl_cert_path\" does not exist";
@@ -1318,6 +1332,13 @@
 			require Net::SMTP::SSL;
 			$smtp_domain ||= maildomain();
 			require IO::Socket::SSL;
+			# Suppress "variable accessed once" warning.
+			{
+				no warnings 'once';
+				$IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG = 1;
+			}
 			# Net::SMTP::SSL->new() does not forward any SSL options
diff --git a/ b/
index 1d5ba7a..c7c65e2 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -305,7 +305,25 @@
 	assert_stash_like "$@"
-	git diff ${FLAGS:---stat} $b_commit $w_commit
+	if test -z "$FLAGS"
+	then
+		if test "$(git config --bool stash.showStat || echo true)" = "true"
+		then
+			FLAGS=--stat
+		fi
+		if test "$(git config --bool stash.showPatch || echo false)" = "true"
+		then
+			FLAGS=${FLAGS}${FLAGS:+ }-p
+		fi
+		if test -z "$FLAGS"
+		then
+			return 0
+		fi
+	fi
+	git diff ${FLAGS} $b_commit $w_commit
 show_help () {
diff --git a/ b/
index 82e3558..9bc5c5f 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -154,48 +154,6 @@
 	echo "$result$target"
-# Get submodule info for registered submodules
-# $@ = path to limit submodule list
-	eval "set $(git rev-parse --sq --prefix "$wt_prefix" -- "$@")"
-	(
-		git ls-files -z --error-unmatch --stage -- "$@" ||
-		echo "unmatched pathspec exists"
-	) |
-	@@PERL@@ -e '
-	my %unmerged = ();
-	my ($null_sha1) = ("0" x 40);
-	my @out = ();
-	my $unmatched = 0;
-	$/ = "\0";
-	while (<STDIN>) {
-		if (/^unmatched pathspec/) {
-			$unmatched = 1;
-			next;
-		}
-		chomp;
-		my ($mode, $sha1, $stage, $path) =
-			/^([0-7]+) ([0-9a-f]{40}) ([0-3])\t(.*)$/;
-		next unless $mode eq "160000";
-		if ($stage ne "0") {
-			if (!$unmerged{$path}++) {
-				push @out, "$mode $null_sha1 U\t$path\n";
-			}
-			next;
-		}
-		push @out, "$_\n";
-	}
-	if ($unmatched) {
-		print "#unmatched\n";
-	} else {
-		print for (@out);
-	}
-	'
 die_if_unmatched ()
 	if test "$1" = "#unmatched"
@@ -229,98 +187,6 @@
 	printf '%s' "${value:-$default}"
-# Map submodule path to submodule name
-# $1 = path
-	# Do we have "submodule.<something>.path = $1" defined in .gitmodules file?
-	sm_path="$1"
-	re=$(printf '%s\n' "$1" | sed -e 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\&/g')
-	name=$( git config -f .gitmodules --get-regexp '^submodule\..*\.path$' |
-		sed -n -e 's|^submodule\.\(.*\)\.path '"$re"'$|\1|p' )
-	test -z "$name" &&
-	die "$(eval_gettext "No submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '\$sm_path'")"
-	printf '%s\n' "$name"
-# Clone a submodule
-# $1 = submodule path
-# $2 = submodule name
-# $3 = URL to clone
-# $4 = reference repository to reuse (empty for independent)
-# $5 = depth argument for shallow clones (empty for deep)
-# Prior to calling, cmd_update checks that a possibly existing
-# path is not a git repository.
-# Likewise, cmd_add checks that path does not exist at all,
-# since it is the location of a new submodule.
-	sm_path=$1
-	name=$2
-	url=$3
-	reference="$4"
-	depth="$5"
-	quiet=
-	if test -n "$GIT_QUIET"
-	then
-		quiet=-q
-	fi
-	gitdir=
-	gitdir_base=
-	base_name=$(dirname "$name")
-	gitdir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir)
-	gitdir_base="$gitdir/modules/$base_name"
-	gitdir="$gitdir/modules/$name"
-	if test -d "$gitdir"
-	then
-		mkdir -p "$sm_path"
-		rm -f "$gitdir/index"
-	else
-		mkdir -p "$gitdir_base"
-		(
-			clear_local_git_env
-			git clone $quiet ${depth:+"$depth"} -n ${reference:+"$reference"} \
-				--separate-git-dir "$gitdir" "$url" "$sm_path"
-		) ||
-		die "$(eval_gettext "Clone of '\$url' into submodule path '\$sm_path' failed")"
-	fi
-	# We already are at the root of the work tree but cd_to_toplevel will
-	# resolve any symlinks that might be present in $PWD
-	a=$(cd_to_toplevel && cd "$gitdir" && pwd)/
-	b=$(cd_to_toplevel && cd "$sm_path" && pwd)/
-	# Remove all common leading directories after a sanity check
-	if test "${a#$b}" != "$a" || test "${b#$a}" != "$b"; then
-		die "$(eval_gettext "Gitdir '\$a' is part of the submodule path '\$b' or vice versa")"
-	fi
-	while test "${a%%/*}" = "${b%%/*}"
-	do
-		a=${a#*/}
-		b=${b#*/}
-	done
-	# Now chop off the trailing '/'s that were added in the beginning
-	a=${a%/}
-	b=${b%/}
-	# Turn each leading "*/" component into "../"
-	rel=$(printf '%s\n' "$b" | sed -e 's|[^/][^/]*|..|g')
-	printf '%s\n' "gitdir: $rel/$a" >"$sm_path/.git"
-	rel=$(printf '%s\n' "$a" | sed -e 's|[^/][^/]*|..|g')
-	(clear_local_git_env; cd "$sm_path" && GIT_WORK_TREE=. git config core.worktree "$rel/$b")
 	n=$(($1 + 0)) 2>/dev/null && test "$n" = "$1"
@@ -481,7 +347,7 @@
 				echo "$(eval_gettext "Reactivating local git directory for submodule '\$sm_name'.")"
-		module_clone "$sm_path" "$sm_name" "$realrepo" "$reference" "$depth" || exit
+		git submodule--helper clone ${GIT_QUIET:+--quiet} --prefix "$wt_prefix" --path "$sm_path" --name "$sm_name" --url "$realrepo" "$reference" "$depth" || exit
 			cd "$sm_path" &&
@@ -541,7 +407,7 @@
 	# command in the subshell (and a recursive call to this function)
 	exec 3<&0
-	module_list |
+	git submodule--helper list --prefix "$wt_prefix"|
 	while read mode sha1 stage sm_path
 		die_if_unmatched "$mode"
@@ -549,7 +415,7 @@
 			displaypath=$(relative_path "$sm_path")
 			say "$(eval_gettext "Entering '\$prefix\$displaypath'")"
-			name=$(module_name "$sm_path")
+			name=$(git submodule--helper name "$sm_path")
@@ -601,11 +467,11 @@
-	module_list "$@" |
+	git submodule--helper list --prefix "$wt_prefix" "$@" |
 	while read mode sha1 stage sm_path
 		die_if_unmatched "$mode"
-		name=$(module_name "$sm_path") || exit
+		name=$(git submodule--helper name "$sm_path") || exit
 		displaypath=$(relative_path "$sm_path")
@@ -683,11 +549,11 @@
 		die "$(eval_gettext "Use '.' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules")"
-	module_list "$@" |
+	git submodule--helper list --prefix "$wt_prefix" "$@" |
 	while read mode sha1 stage sm_path
 		die_if_unmatched "$mode"
-		name=$(module_name "$sm_path") || exit
+		name=$(git submodule--helper name "$sm_path") || exit
 		displaypath=$(relative_path "$sm_path")
@@ -799,7 +665,7 @@
-	module_list "$@" | {
+	git submodule--helper list --prefix "$wt_prefix" "$@" | {
 	while read mode sha1 stage sm_path
@@ -809,7 +675,7 @@
 			echo >&2 "Skipping unmerged submodule $prefix$sm_path"
-		name=$(module_name "$sm_path") || exit
+		name=$(git submodule--helper name "$sm_path") || exit
 		url=$(git config submodule."$name".url)
 		branch=$(get_submodule_config "$name" branch master)
 		if ! test -z "$update"
@@ -843,7 +709,7 @@
 		if ! test -d "$sm_path"/.git && ! test -f "$sm_path"/.git
-			module_clone "$sm_path" "$name" "$url" "$reference" "$depth" || exit
+			git submodule--helper clone ${GIT_QUIET:+--quiet} --prefix "$prefix" --path "$sm_path" --name "$name" --url "$url" "$reference" "$depth" || exit
@@ -1073,7 +939,7 @@
 			# Respect the ignore setting for --for-status.
 			if test -n "$for_status"
-				name=$(module_name "$sm_path")
+				name=$(git submodule--helper name "$sm_path")
 				ignore_config=$(get_submodule_config "$name" ignore none)
 				test $status != A && test $ignore_config = all && continue
@@ -1231,11 +1097,11 @@
-	module_list "$@" |
+	git submodule--helper list --prefix "$wt_prefix" "$@" |
 	while read mode sha1 stage sm_path
 		die_if_unmatched "$mode"
-		name=$(module_name "$sm_path") || exit
+		name=$(git submodule--helper name "$sm_path") || exit
 		url=$(git config submodule."$name".url)
 		displaypath=$(relative_path "$prefix$sm_path")
 		if test "$stage" = U
@@ -1308,11 +1174,11 @@
-	module_list "$@" |
+	git submodule--helper list --prefix "$wt_prefix" "$@" |
 	while read mode sha1 stage sm_path
 		die_if_unmatched "$mode"
-		name=$(module_name "$sm_path")
+		name=$(git submodule--helper name "$sm_path")
 		url=$(git config -f .gitmodules --get submodule."$name".url)
 		# Possibly a url relative to parent
diff --git a/git.c b/git.c
index 40f9df0..6ed824c 100644
--- a/git.c
+++ b/git.c
@@ -470,6 +470,7 @@
 	{ "stage", cmd_add, RUN_SETUP | NEED_WORK_TREE },
 	{ "status", cmd_status, RUN_SETUP | NEED_WORK_TREE },
 	{ "stripspace", cmd_stripspace },
+	{ "submodule--helper", cmd_submodule__helper, RUN_SETUP },
 	{ "symbolic-ref", cmd_symbolic_ref, RUN_SETUP },
 	{ "tag", cmd_tag, RUN_SETUP },
 	{ "unpack-file", cmd_unpack_file, RUN_SETUP },
diff --git a/gitk-git/gitk b/gitk-git/gitk
index 2028b55..5f1255c 100755
--- a/gitk-git/gitk
+++ b/gitk-git/gitk
@@ -1943,6 +1943,8 @@
 proc setoptions {} {
+    global use_ttk
     if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "win32"} {
         option add *Panedwindow.showHandle 1 startupFile
         option add *Panedwindow.sashRelief raised startupFile
@@ -1965,6 +1967,18 @@
     option add *Listbox.font mainfont startupFile
+proc setttkstyle {} {
+    eval font configure TkDefaultFont [fontflags mainfont]
+    eval font configure TkTextFont [fontflags textfont]
+    eval font configure TkHeadingFont [fontflags mainfont]
+    eval font configure TkCaptionFont [fontflags mainfont] -weight bold
+    eval font configure TkTooltipFont [fontflags uifont]
+    eval font configure TkFixedFont   [fontflags textfont]
+    eval font configure TkIconFont    [fontflags uifont]
+    eval font configure TkMenuFont    [fontflags uifont]
+    eval font configure TkSmallCaptionFont [fontflags uifont]
 # Make a menu and submenus.
 # m is the window name for the menu, items is the list of menu items to add.
 # Each item is a list {mc label type description options...}
@@ -2251,7 +2265,7 @@
 	set h [expr {[font metrics uifont -linespace] + 2}]
 	set progresscanv
 	canvas $progresscanv -relief sunken -height $h -borderwidth 2
-	set progressitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill green]
+	set progressitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill lime]
 	set fprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill yellow]
 	set rprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill red]
@@ -2347,6 +2361,9 @@
     ${NS}::frame .bleft.mid
     ${NS}::frame .bleft.bottom
+    # gap between sub-widgets
+    set wgap [font measure uifont "i"]
     ${NS}::button -text [mc "Search"] -command dosearch
     pack -side left -padx 5
     set sstring
@@ -2361,8 +2378,9 @@
 	-command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {0 1}
     ${NS}::radiobutton -text [mc "New version"] \
 	-command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {1 0}
     ${NS}::label .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext -text "      [mc "Lines of context"]: "
-    pack .bleft.mid.diff .bleft.mid.old -side left
+    pack .bleft.mid.diff .bleft.mid.old -side left -ipadx $wgap
     spinbox .bleft.mid.diffcontext -width 5 \
 	-from 0 -increment 1 -to 10000000 \
 	-validate all -validatecommand "diffcontextvalidate %P" \
@@ -2370,7 +2388,7 @@
     .bleft.mid.diffcontext set $diffcontext
     trace add variable diffcontextstring write diffcontextchange
     lappend entries .bleft.mid.diffcontext
-    pack .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext .bleft.mid.diffcontext -side left
+    pack .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext .bleft.mid.diffcontext -side left -ipadx $wgap
     ${NS}::checkbutton .bleft.mid.ignspace -text [mc "Ignore space change"] \
 	-command changeignorespace -variable ignorespace
     pack .bleft.mid.ignspace -side left -padx 5
@@ -3379,7 +3397,7 @@
        0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f,
        0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00};
-image create bitmap reficon-H -background black -foreground green \
+image create bitmap reficon-H -background black -foreground lime \
     -data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
 image create bitmap reficon-o -background black -foreground "#ddddff" \
     -data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
@@ -12170,7 +12188,7 @@
     set extdifftool "meld"
-set colors {green red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange}
+set colors {lime red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange}
 if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
     set uicolor SystemButtonFace
     set uifgcolor SystemButtonText
@@ -12188,12 +12206,12 @@
 set diffcolors {red "#00a000" blue}
 set diffcontext 3
-set mergecolors {red blue green purple brown "#009090" magenta "#808000" "#009000" "#ff0080" cyan "#b07070" "#70b0f0" "#70f0b0" "#f0b070" "#ff70b0"}
+set mergecolors {red blue lime purple brown "#009090" magenta "#808000" "#009000" "#ff0080" cyan "#b07070" "#70b0f0" "#70f0b0" "#f0b070" "#ff70b0"}
 set ignorespace 0
 set worddiff ""
 set markbgcolor "#e0e0ff"
-set headbgcolor green
+set headbgcolor lime
 set headfgcolor black
 set headoutlinecolor black
 set remotebgcolor #ffddaa
@@ -12208,7 +12226,7 @@
 set linehoveroutlinecolor black
 set mainheadcirclecolor yellow
 set workingfilescirclecolor red
-set indexcirclecolor green
+set indexcirclecolor lime
 set circlecolors {white blue gray blue blue}
 set linkfgcolor blue
 set circleoutlinecolor $fgcolor
@@ -12356,6 +12374,10 @@
 set use_ttk [expr {$have_ttk && $want_ttk}]
 set NS [expr {$use_ttk ? "ttk" : ""}]
+if {$use_ttk} {
+    setttkstyle
 regexp {^git version ([\d.]*\d)} [exec git version] _ git_version
 set show_notes {}
@@ -12452,8 +12474,8 @@
     set viewchanged(1) 0
     set vdatemode(1) 0
     addviewmenu 1
-    .bar.view entryconf [mca "Edit view..."] -state normal
-    .bar.view entryconf [mca "Delete view"] -state normal
+    .bar.view entryconf [mca "&Edit view..."] -state normal
+    .bar.view entryconf [mca "&Delete view"] -state normal
 if {[info exists permviews]} {
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/bg.po b/gitk-git/po/bg.po
index 61073eb..909a564 100644
--- a/gitk-git/po/bg.po
+++ b/gitk-git/po/bg.po
@@ -89,71 +89,71 @@
 msgstr "Отказ"
 #: gitk:2069
-msgid "Update"
+msgid "&Update"
 msgstr "Обновяване"
 #: gitk:2070
-msgid "Reload"
+msgid "&Reload"
 msgstr "Презареждане"
 #: gitk:2071
-msgid "Reread references"
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
 msgstr "Наново прочитане на настройките"
 #: gitk:2072
-msgid "List references"
+msgid "&List references"
 msgstr "Изброяване на указателите"
 #: gitk:2074
-msgid "Start git gui"
+msgid "Start git &gui"
 msgstr "Стартиране на „git gui“"
 #: gitk:2076
-msgid "Quit"
+msgid "&Quit"
 msgstr "Спиране на програмата"
 #: gitk:2068
-msgid "File"
+msgid "&File"
 msgstr "Файл"
 #: gitk:2080
-msgid "Preferences"
+msgid "&Preferences"
 msgstr "Настройки"
 #: gitk:2079
-msgid "Edit"
+msgid "&Edit"
 msgstr "Редактиране"
 #: gitk:2084
-msgid "New view..."
+msgid "&New view..."
 msgstr "Нов изглед…"
 #: gitk:2085
-msgid "Edit view..."
+msgid "&Edit view..."
 msgstr "Редактиране на изгледа…"
 #: gitk:2086
-msgid "Delete view"
+msgid "&Delete view"
 msgstr "Изтриване на изгледа"
 #: gitk:2088 gitk:4043
-msgid "All files"
+msgid "&All files"
 msgstr "Всички файлове"
 #: gitk:2083 gitk:4067
-msgid "View"
+msgid "&View"
 msgstr "Изглед"
 #: gitk:2093 gitk:2103 gitk:3012
-msgid "About gitk"
+msgid "&About gitk"
 msgstr "Относно gitk"
 #: gitk:2094 gitk:2108
-msgid "Key bindings"
+msgid "&Key bindings"
 msgstr "Клавишни комбинации"
 #: gitk:2092 gitk:2107
-msgid "Help"
+msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "Помощ"
 #: gitk:2185 gitk:8652
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/ca.po b/gitk-git/po/ca.po
index 976037a..5ad066f 100644
--- a/gitk-git/po/ca.po
+++ b/gitk-git/po/ca.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 "Project-Id-Version: gitk\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-05-17 14:32+1000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-01 22:49-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-10-05 22:23-0600\n"
 "Last-Translator: Alex Henrie <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Catalan\n"
 "Language: ca\n"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.7.3\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.5\n"
 #: gitk:140
 msgid "Couldn't get list of unmerged files:"
@@ -91,71 +91,71 @@
 msgstr "Cancel·la"
 #: gitk:2069
-msgid "Update"
+msgid "&Update"
 msgstr "Actualitza"
 #: gitk:2070
-msgid "Reload"
+msgid "&Reload"
 msgstr "Recarrega"
 #: gitk:2071
-msgid "Reread references"
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
 msgstr "Rellegeix les referències"
 #: gitk:2072
-msgid "List references"
+msgid "&List references"
 msgstr "Llista les referències"
 #: gitk:2074
-msgid "Start git gui"
+msgid "Start git &gui"
 msgstr "Inicia el git gui"
 #: gitk:2076
-msgid "Quit"
+msgid "&Quit"
 msgstr "Surt"
 #: gitk:2068
-msgid "File"
+msgid "&File"
 msgstr "Fitxer"
 #: gitk:2080
-msgid "Preferences"
+msgid "&Preferences"
 msgstr "Preferències"
 #: gitk:2079
-msgid "Edit"
+msgid "&Edit"
 msgstr "Edita"
 #: gitk:2084
-msgid "New view..."
+msgid "&New view..."
 msgstr "Vista nova..."
 #: gitk:2085
-msgid "Edit view..."
+msgid "&Edit view..."
 msgstr "Edita la vista..."
 #: gitk:2086
-msgid "Delete view"
-msgstr "Suprimeix vista"
+msgid "&Delete view"
+msgstr "Suprimeix la vista"
 #: gitk:2088 gitk:4043
-msgid "All files"
+msgid "&All files"
 msgstr "Tots els fitxers"
 #: gitk:2083 gitk:4067
-msgid "View"
+msgid "&View"
 msgstr "Vista"
 #: gitk:2093 gitk:2103 gitk:3012
-msgid "About gitk"
+msgid "&About gitk"
 msgstr "Quant al gitk"
 #: gitk:2094 gitk:2108
-msgid "Key bindings"
+msgid "&Key bindings"
 msgstr "Associacions de tecles"
 #: gitk:2092 gitk:2107
-msgid "Help"
+msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "Ajuda"
 #: gitk:2185 gitk:8652
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
 #: gitk:2649
 msgid "Copy branch name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Copia el nom de branca"
 #: gitk:2656
 msgid "Highlight this too"
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
 #: gitk:2660
 msgid "Copy path"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Copia el camí"
 #: gitk:2667
 msgid "Show origin of this line"
@@ -408,11 +408,11 @@
 #: gitk:3052
 msgid "<Up>, p, k\tMove up one commit"
-msgstr "<Amunt>, p, k\tMou-te una comissió amunt"
+msgstr "<Amunt>, p, k\tMou-te cap amunt per una comissió"
 #: gitk:3053
 msgid "<Down>, n, j\tMove down one commit"
-msgstr "<Avall>, n, j\tMou-te una comissió avall"
+msgstr "<Avall>, n, j\tMou-te cap avall per una comissió"
 #: gitk:3054
 msgid "<Left>, z, h\tGo back in history list"
@@ -430,11 +430,11 @@
 #: gitk:3057
 msgid "<PageUp>\tMove up one page in commit list"
-msgstr "<RePàg>\tBaixa una pàgina en la llista de comissions"
+msgstr "<RePàg>\tMou-te cap amunt per una pàgina en la llista de comissions"
 #: gitk:3058
 msgid "<PageDown>\tMove down one page in commit list"
-msgstr "<AvPàg>\tBaixa per una pàgina en la llista de comissions"
+msgstr "<AvPàg>\tMou-te cap avall per una pàgina en la llista de comissions"
 #: gitk:3059
 #, tcl-format
@@ -449,50 +449,50 @@
 #: gitk:3061
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Up>\tScroll commit list up one line"
-msgstr "<%s-Amunt>\tDesplaça la llista de comissions una línia cap amunt"
+msgstr "<%s-Amunt>\tDesplaça la llista de comissions cap amunt per una línia"
 #: gitk:3062
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Down>\tScroll commit list down one line"
-msgstr "<%s-Avall>\tDesplaça la llista de comissions una línia cap avall"
+msgstr "<%s-Avall>\tDesplaça la llista de comissions cap avall per una línia"
 #: gitk:3063
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-PageUp>\tScroll commit list up one page"
-msgstr "<%s-RePàg>\tDesplaça la llista de comissions amunt per una pàgina"
+msgstr "<%s-RePàg>\tDesplaça la llista de comissions cap amunt per una pàgina"
 #: gitk:3064
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-PageDown>\tScroll commit list down one page"
-msgstr "<%s-AvPàg>\tDesplaça la llista de comissions una pàgina cap avall"
+msgstr "<%s-AvPàg>\tDesplaça la llista de comissions cap avall per una pàgina"
 #: gitk:3065
 msgid "<Shift-Up>\tFind backwards (upwards, later commits)"
-msgstr "<Maj-Amunt>\tCerca cap enrere (amunt, les comissions més noves)"
+msgstr "<Maj-Amunt>\tCerca cap enrere (cap amunt, les comissions més noves)"
 #: gitk:3066
 msgid "<Shift-Down>\tFind forwards (downwards, earlier commits)"
-msgstr "<Maj-Avall>\tCerca cap endavant (avall, les comissions més velles)"
+msgstr "<Maj-Avall>\tCerca cap endavant (cap avall, les comissions més velles)"
 #: gitk:3067
 msgid "<Delete>, b\tScroll diff view up one page"
-msgstr "<Supr>, b\tDesplaça la vista de diferència una pàgina cap amunt"
+msgstr "<Supr>, b\tDesplaça la vista de diferència cap amunt per una pàgina"
 #: gitk:3068
 msgid "<Backspace>\tScroll diff view up one page"
-msgstr "<Retrocés>\tDesplaça la vista de diferència una pàgina cap amunt"
+msgstr "<Retrocés>\tDesplaça la vista de diferència cap amunt per una pàgina"
 #: gitk:3069
 msgid "<Space>\t\tScroll diff view down one page"
-msgstr "<Espai>\t\tDesplaça la vista de diferència una pàgina cap avall"
+msgstr "<Espai>\t\tDesplaça la vista de diferència cap avall per una pàgina"
 #: gitk:3070
 msgid "u\t\tScroll diff view up 18 lines"
-msgstr "u\t\tDesplaça la vista de diferència 18 línies cap amunt"
+msgstr "u\t\tDesplaça la vista de diferència cap amunt per 18 línies"
 #: gitk:3071
 msgid "d\t\tScroll diff view down 18 lines"
-msgstr "d\t\tDesplaça la vista de diferència 18 línies cap avall "
+msgstr "d\t\tDesplaça la vista de diferència cap avall per 18 línies"
 #: gitk:3072
 #, tcl-format
@@ -509,9 +509,8 @@
 msgstr "<Retorn>\tMou-te a la propera coincidència de la cerca"
 #: gitk:3075
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "g\t\tGo to commit"
-msgstr "<Fi>\t\tVés a l'última comissió"
+msgstr "g\t\tVés a l'última comissió"
 #: gitk:3076
 msgid "/\t\tFocus the search box"
@@ -668,9 +667,8 @@
 msgstr "Coincideix amb tots els criteris d'informació de comissió"
 #: gitk:4086
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Matches no Commit Info criteria"
-msgstr "Coincideix amb tots els criteris d'informació de comissió"
+msgstr "No coincideix amb cap criteri d'informació de comissió"
 #: gitk:4087
 msgid "Changes to Files:"
@@ -1310,7 +1308,7 @@
 #: gitk:11450
 msgid "Select bg"
-msgstr "fons de la selecció"
+msgstr "Fons de la selecció"
 #: gitk:11459
 msgid "Fonts: press to choose"
@@ -1354,6 +1352,8 @@
 "Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n"
 " Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."
 msgstr ""
+"Perdó, el gitk no pot executar-se amb aquesta versió de Tcl/Tk.\n"
+" El Gitk requereix com a mínim el Tcl/Tk 8.4."
 #: gitk:12269
 msgid "Cannot find a git repository here."
@@ -1367,6 +1367,3 @@
 #: gitk:12328
 msgid "Bad arguments to gitk:"
 msgstr "Paràmetres dolents al gitk:"
-#~ msgid "mc"
-#~ msgstr "mc"
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/de.po b/gitk-git/po/de.po
index 1a3264b..d9ba405 100644
--- a/gitk-git/po/de.po
+++ b/gitk-git/po/de.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 "Project-Id-Version: git-gui\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-05-17 14:32+1000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-27 20:27+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-10-20 14:20+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Christian Stimming <>\n"
 "Language-Team: German\n"
 "Language: \n"
@@ -89,72 +89,72 @@
 msgstr "Abbrechen"
 #: gitk:2069
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Aktualisieren"
+msgid "&Update"
+msgstr "&Aktualisieren"
 #: gitk:2070
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "Neu laden"
+msgid "&Reload"
+msgstr "&Neu laden"
 #: gitk:2071
-msgid "Reread references"
-msgstr "Zweige neu laden"
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
+msgstr "&Zweige neu laden"
 #: gitk:2072
-msgid "List references"
-msgstr "Zweige/Markierungen auflisten"
+msgid "&List references"
+msgstr "Zweige/Markierungen auf&listen"
 #: gitk:2074
-msgid "Start git gui"
-msgstr "»git gui« starten"
+msgid "Start git &gui"
+msgstr "»git &gui« starten"
 #: gitk:2076
-msgid "Quit"
-msgstr "Beenden"
+msgid "&Quit"
+msgstr "&Beenden"
 #: gitk:2068
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Datei"
+msgid "&File"
+msgstr "&Datei"
 #: gitk:2080
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Einstellungen"
+msgid "&Preferences"
+msgstr "&Einstellungen"
 #: gitk:2079
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Bearbeiten"
+msgid "&Edit"
+msgstr "&Bearbeiten"
 #: gitk:2084
-msgid "New view..."
-msgstr "Neue Ansicht ..."
+msgid "&New view..."
+msgstr "&Neue Ansicht ..."
 #: gitk:2085
-msgid "Edit view..."
-msgstr "Ansicht bearbeiten ..."
+msgid "&Edit view..."
+msgstr "Ansicht &bearbeiten ..."
 #: gitk:2086
-msgid "Delete view"
-msgstr "Ansicht entfernen"
+msgid "&Delete view"
+msgstr "Ansicht &entfernen"
 #: gitk:2088 gitk:4043
-msgid "All files"
-msgstr "Alle Dateien"
+msgid "&All files"
+msgstr "&Alle Dateien"
 #: gitk:2083 gitk:4067
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "Ansicht"
+msgid "&View"
+msgstr "&Ansicht"
 #: gitk:2093 gitk:2103 gitk:3012
-msgid "About gitk"
-msgstr "Über gitk"
+msgid "&About gitk"
+msgstr "Über &gitk"
 #: gitk:2094 gitk:2108
-msgid "Key bindings"
-msgstr "Tastenkürzel"
+msgid "&Key bindings"
+msgstr "&Tastenkürzel"
 #: gitk:2092 gitk:2107
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Hilfe"
+msgid "&Help"
+msgstr "&Hilfe"
 #: gitk:2185 gitk:8652
 msgid "SHA1 ID:"
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/es.po b/gitk-git/po/es.po
index 6402a41..ddcb0a5 100644
--- a/gitk-git/po/es.po
+++ b/gitk-git/po/es.po
@@ -91,71 +91,71 @@
 msgstr "Cancelar"
 #: gitk:2069
-msgid "Update"
+msgid "&Update"
 msgstr "Actualizar"
 #: gitk:2070
-msgid "Reload"
+msgid "&Reload"
 msgstr ""
 #: gitk:2071
-msgid "Reread references"
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
 msgstr "Releer referencias"
 #: gitk:2072
-msgid "List references"
+msgid "&List references"
 msgstr "Lista de referencias"
 #: gitk:2074
-msgid "Start git gui"
+msgid "Start git &gui"
 msgstr ""
 #: gitk:2076
-msgid "Quit"
+msgid "&Quit"
 msgstr "Salir"
 #: gitk:2068
-msgid "File"
+msgid "&File"
 msgstr "Archivo"
 #: gitk:2080
-msgid "Preferences"
+msgid "&Preferences"
 msgstr "Preferencias"
 #: gitk:2079
-msgid "Edit"
+msgid "&Edit"
 msgstr "Editar"
 #: gitk:2084
-msgid "New view..."
+msgid "&New view..."
 msgstr "Nueva vista..."
 #: gitk:2085
-msgid "Edit view..."
+msgid "&Edit view..."
 msgstr "Modificar vista..."
 #: gitk:2086
-msgid "Delete view"
+msgid "&Delete view"
 msgstr "Eliminar vista"
 #: gitk:2088 gitk:4043
-msgid "All files"
+msgid "&All files"
 msgstr "Todos los archivos"
 #: gitk:2083 gitk:4067
-msgid "View"
+msgid "&View"
 msgstr "Vista"
 #: gitk:2093 gitk:2103 gitk:3012
-msgid "About gitk"
+msgid "&About gitk"
 msgstr "Acerca de gitk"
 #: gitk:2094 gitk:2108
-msgid "Key bindings"
+msgid "&Key bindings"
 msgstr "Combinaciones de teclas"
 #: gitk:2092 gitk:2107
-msgid "Help"
+msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "Ayuda"
 #: gitk:2185 gitk:8652
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/fr.po b/gitk-git/po/fr.po
index 6b1f05c..80f72fb 100644
--- a/gitk-git/po/fr.po
+++ b/gitk-git/po/fr.po
@@ -93,71 +93,71 @@
 msgstr "Annuler"
 #: gitk:2069
-msgid "Update"
+msgid "&Update"
 msgstr "Mise à jour"
 #: gitk:2070
-msgid "Reload"
+msgid "&Reload"
 msgstr "Recharger"
 #: gitk:2071
-msgid "Reread references"
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
 msgstr "Relire les références"
 #: gitk:2072
-msgid "List references"
+msgid "&List references"
 msgstr "Lister les références"
 #: gitk:2074
-msgid "Start git gui"
+msgid "Start git &gui"
 msgstr "Démarrer git gui"
 #: gitk:2076
-msgid "Quit"
+msgid "&Quit"
 msgstr "Quitter"
 #: gitk:2068
-msgid "File"
+msgid "&File"
 msgstr "Fichier"
 #: gitk:2080
-msgid "Preferences"
+msgid "&Preferences"
 msgstr "Préférences"
 #: gitk:2079
-msgid "Edit"
+msgid "&Edit"
 msgstr "Éditer"
 #: gitk:2084
-msgid "New view..."
+msgid "&New view..."
 msgstr "Nouvelle vue..."
 #: gitk:2085
-msgid "Edit view..."
+msgid "&Edit view..."
 msgstr "Éditer la vue..."
 #: gitk:2086
-msgid "Delete view"
+msgid "&Delete view"
 msgstr "Supprimer la vue"
 #: gitk:2088 gitk:4043
-msgid "All files"
+msgid "&All files"
 msgstr "Tous les fichiers"
 #: gitk:2083 gitk:4067
-msgid "View"
+msgid "&View"
 msgstr "Vue"
 #: gitk:2093 gitk:2103 gitk:3012
-msgid "About gitk"
+msgid "&About gitk"
 msgstr "À propos de gitk"
 #: gitk:2094 gitk:2108
-msgid "Key bindings"
+msgid "&Key bindings"
 msgstr "Raccourcis clavier"
 #: gitk:2092 gitk:2107
-msgid "Help"
+msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "Aide"
 #: gitk:2185 gitk:8652
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/hu.po b/gitk-git/po/hu.po
index 00023f1..66fd75b 100644
--- a/gitk-git/po/hu.po
+++ b/gitk-git/po/hu.po
@@ -88,71 +88,71 @@
 msgstr "Visszavonás"
 #: gitk:2069
-msgid "Update"
+msgid "&Update"
 msgstr "Frissités"
 #: gitk:2070
-msgid "Reload"
+msgid "&Reload"
 msgstr "Újratöltés"
 #: gitk:2071
-msgid "Reread references"
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
 msgstr "Referenciák újraolvasása"
 #: gitk:2072
-msgid "List references"
+msgid "&List references"
 msgstr "Referenciák listázása"
 #: gitk:2074
-msgid "Start git gui"
+msgid "Start git &gui"
 msgstr "Git gui indítása"
 #: gitk:2076
-msgid "Quit"
+msgid "&Quit"
 msgstr "Kilépés"
 #: gitk:2068
-msgid "File"
+msgid "&File"
 msgstr "Fájl"
 #: gitk:2080
-msgid "Preferences"
+msgid "&Preferences"
 msgstr "Beállítások"
 #: gitk:2079
-msgid "Edit"
+msgid "&Edit"
 msgstr "Szerkesztés"
 #: gitk:2084
-msgid "New view..."
+msgid "&New view..."
 msgstr "Új nézet ..."
 #: gitk:2085
-msgid "Edit view..."
+msgid "&Edit view..."
 msgstr "Nézet szerkesztése ..."
 #: gitk:2086
-msgid "Delete view"
+msgid "&Delete view"
 msgstr "Nézet törlése"
 #: gitk:2088 gitk:4043
-msgid "All files"
+msgid "&All files"
 msgstr "Minden fájl"
 #: gitk:2083 gitk:4067
-msgid "View"
+msgid "&View"
 msgstr "Nézet"
 #: gitk:2093 gitk:2103 gitk:3012
-msgid "About gitk"
+msgid "&About gitk"
 msgstr "Gitk névjegy"
 #: gitk:2094 gitk:2108
-msgid "Key bindings"
+msgid "&Key bindings"
 msgstr "Billentyűkombináció"
 #: gitk:2092 gitk:2107
-msgid "Help"
+msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "Segítség"
 #: gitk:2185 gitk:8652
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/it.po b/gitk-git/po/it.po
index b8212b1..b5f002d 100644
--- a/gitk-git/po/it.po
+++ b/gitk-git/po/it.po
@@ -89,71 +89,71 @@
 msgstr "Annulla"
 #: gitk:2069
-msgid "Update"
+msgid "&Update"
 msgstr "Aggiorna"
 #: gitk:2070
-msgid "Reload"
+msgid "&Reload"
 msgstr "Ricarica"
 #: gitk:2071
-msgid "Reread references"
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
 msgstr "Rileggi riferimenti"
 #: gitk:2072
-msgid "List references"
+msgid "&List references"
 msgstr "Elenca riferimenti"
 #: gitk:2074
-msgid "Start git gui"
+msgid "Start git &gui"
 msgstr "Avvia git gui"
 #: gitk:2076
-msgid "Quit"
+msgid "&Quit"
 msgstr "Esci"
 #: gitk:2068
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "File"
+msgid "&File"
+msgstr "&File"
 #: gitk:2080
-msgid "Preferences"
+msgid "&Preferences"
 msgstr "Preferenze"
 #: gitk:2079
-msgid "Edit"
+msgid "&Edit"
 msgstr "Modifica"
 #: gitk:2084
-msgid "New view..."
+msgid "&New view..."
 msgstr "Nuova vista..."
 #: gitk:2085
-msgid "Edit view..."
+msgid "&Edit view..."
 msgstr "Modifica vista..."
 #: gitk:2086
-msgid "Delete view"
+msgid "&Delete view"
 msgstr "Elimina vista"
 #: gitk:2088 gitk:4043
-msgid "All files"
+msgid "&All files"
 msgstr "Tutti i file"
 #: gitk:2083 gitk:4067
-msgid "View"
+msgid "&View"
 msgstr "Vista"
 #: gitk:2093 gitk:2103 gitk:3012
-msgid "About gitk"
+msgid "&About gitk"
 msgstr "Informazioni su gitk"
 #: gitk:2094 gitk:2108
-msgid "Key bindings"
+msgid "&Key bindings"
 msgstr "Scorciatoie da tastiera"
 #: gitk:2092 gitk:2107
-msgid "Help"
+msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "Aiuto"
 #: gitk:2185 gitk:8652
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/ja.po b/gitk-git/po/ja.po
index 8bbc67f..f143753 100644
--- a/gitk-git/po/ja.po
+++ b/gitk-git/po/ja.po
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 # Japanese translations for gitk package.
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Paul Mackerras
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Paul Mackerras
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the gitk package.
+# YOKOTA Hiroshi <>, 2015.
 # Mizar <>, 2009.
 # Junio C Hamano <>, 2009.
 msgid ""
@@ -9,10 +10,10 @@
 "Project-Id-Version: gitk\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-05-17 14:32+1000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-06 01:45+0900\n"
-"Last-Translator: Mizar <>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-11-12 13:00+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: YOKOTA Hiroshi <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese\n"
-"Language: \n"
+"Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -24,11 +25,11 @@
 #: gitk:212 gitk:2381
 msgid "Color words"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "変更を着色"
-#: gitk:217 gitk:2381 gitk:8220 gitk:8253
+#: gitk:217 gitk:2381 gitk:8221 gitk:8254
 msgid "Markup words"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "変更をマークアップ"
 #: gitk:324
 msgid "Error parsing revisions:"
@@ -60,15 +61,15 @@
 msgid "Reading"
 msgstr "読み込み中"
-#: gitk:496 gitk:4525
+#: gitk:496 gitk:4526
 msgid "Reading commits..."
 msgstr "コミット読み込み中..."
-#: gitk:499 gitk:1637 gitk:4528
+#: gitk:499 gitk:1637 gitk:4529
 msgid "No commits selected"
 msgstr "コミットが選択されていません"
-#: gitk:1445 gitk:4045 gitk:12432
+#: gitk:1445 gitk:4046 gitk:12447
 msgid "Command line"
 msgstr "コマンド行"
@@ -80,84 +81,84 @@
 msgid "No commit information available"
 msgstr "有効なコミットの情報がありません"
-#: gitk:1903 gitk:1932 gitk:4315 gitk:9669 gitk:11241 gitk:11521
+#: gitk:1903 gitk:1932 gitk:4316 gitk:9684 gitk:11256 gitk:11536
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: gitk:1934 gitk:4317 gitk:9196 gitk:9275 gitk:9391 gitk:9440 gitk:9671
-#: gitk:11242 gitk:11522
+#: gitk:1934 gitk:4318 gitk:9197 gitk:9276 gitk:9406 gitk:9455 gitk:9686
+#: gitk:11257 gitk:11537
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "キャンセル"
 #: gitk:2069
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "更新"
+msgid "&Update"
+msgstr "更新(&U)"
 #: gitk:2070
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "リロード"
+msgid "&Reload"
+msgstr "リロード(&R)"
 #: gitk:2071
-msgid "Reread references"
-msgstr "リファレンスを再読み込み"
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
+msgstr "リファレンスを再読み込み(&F)"
 #: gitk:2072
-msgid "List references"
-msgstr "リファレンスリストを表示"
+msgid "&List references"
+msgstr "リファレンスリストを表示(&L)"
 #: gitk:2074
-msgid "Start git gui"
-msgstr "git gui の開始"
+msgid "Start git &gui"
+msgstr "git gui の開始(&G)"
 #: gitk:2076
-msgid "Quit"
-msgstr "終了"
+msgid "&Quit"
+msgstr "終了(&Q)"
 #: gitk:2068
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "ファイル"
+msgid "&File"
+msgstr "ファイル(&F)"
 #: gitk:2080
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "設定"
+msgid "&Preferences"
+msgstr "設定(&P)"
 #: gitk:2079
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "編集"
+msgid "&Edit"
+msgstr "編集(&E)"
 #: gitk:2084
-msgid "New view..."
-msgstr "新規ビュー..."
+msgid "&New view..."
+msgstr "新規ビュー(&N)..."
 #: gitk:2085
-msgid "Edit view..."
-msgstr "ビュー編集..."
+msgid "&Edit view..."
+msgstr "ビュー編集(&E)..."
 #: gitk:2086
-msgid "Delete view"
-msgstr "ビュー削除"
+msgid "&Delete view"
+msgstr "ビュー削除(&D)"
-#: gitk:2088 gitk:4043
-msgid "All files"
-msgstr "全てのファイル"
+#: gitk:2088
+msgid "&All files"
+msgstr "全てのファイル(&A)"
-#: gitk:2083 gitk:4067
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "ビュー"
+#: gitk:2083
+msgid "&View"
+msgstr "ビュー(&V)"
-#: gitk:2093 gitk:2103 gitk:3012
-msgid "About gitk"
-msgstr "gitk について"
+#: gitk:2093 gitk:2103
+msgid "&About gitk"
+msgstr "gitk について(&A)"
 #: gitk:2094 gitk:2108
-msgid "Key bindings"
-msgstr "キーバインディング"
+msgid "&Key bindings"
+msgstr "キーバインディング(&K)"
 #: gitk:2092 gitk:2107
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "ヘルプ"
+msgid "&Help"
+msgstr "ヘルプ(&H)"
-#: gitk:2185 gitk:8652
+#: gitk:2185 gitk:8653
 msgid "SHA1 ID:"
 msgstr "SHA1 ID:"
@@ -173,53 +174,53 @@
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr "コミット"
-#: gitk:2299 gitk:2301 gitk:4687 gitk:4710 gitk:4734 gitk:6755 gitk:6827
-#: gitk:6912
+#: gitk:2299 gitk:2301 gitk:4688 gitk:4711 gitk:4735 gitk:6756 gitk:6828
+#: gitk:6913
 msgid "containing:"
 msgstr "含む:"
-#: gitk:2302 gitk:3526 gitk:3531 gitk:4763
+#: gitk:2302 gitk:3527 gitk:3532 gitk:4764
 msgid "touching paths:"
 msgstr "パスの一部:"
-#: gitk:2303 gitk:4777
+#: gitk:2303 gitk:4778
 msgid "adding/removing string:"
-msgstr "追加/除去する文字列:"
+msgstr "追加/除去される文字列:"
-#: gitk:2304 gitk:4779
+#: gitk:2304 gitk:4780
 msgid "changing lines matching:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "変更される文字列"
-#: gitk:2313 gitk:2315 gitk:4766
+#: gitk:2313 gitk:2315 gitk:4767
 msgid "Exact"
 msgstr "英字の大小を区別する"
-#: gitk:2315 gitk:4854 gitk:6723
+#: gitk:2315 gitk:4855 gitk:6724
 msgid "IgnCase"
 msgstr "英字の大小を区別しない"
-#: gitk:2315 gitk:4736 gitk:4852 gitk:6719
+#: gitk:2315 gitk:4737 gitk:4853 gitk:6720
 msgid "Regexp"
 msgstr "正規表現"
-#: gitk:2317 gitk:2318 gitk:4874 gitk:4904 gitk:4911 gitk:6848 gitk:6916
+#: gitk:2317 gitk:2318 gitk:4875 gitk:4905 gitk:4912 gitk:6849 gitk:6917
 msgid "All fields"
 msgstr "全ての項目"
-#: gitk:2318 gitk:4871 gitk:4904 gitk:6786
+#: gitk:2318 gitk:4872 gitk:4905 gitk:6787
 msgid "Headline"
 msgstr "ヘッドライン"
-#: gitk:2319 gitk:4871 gitk:6786 gitk:6916 gitk:7389
+#: gitk:2319 gitk:4872 gitk:6787 gitk:6917 gitk:7390
 msgid "Comments"
 msgstr "コメント"
-#: gitk:2319 gitk:4871 gitk:4876 gitk:4911 gitk:6786 gitk:7324 gitk:8830
-#: gitk:8845
+#: gitk:2319 gitk:4872 gitk:4877 gitk:4912 gitk:6787 gitk:7325 gitk:8831
+#: gitk:8846
 msgid "Author"
 msgstr "作者"
-#: gitk:2319 gitk:4871 gitk:6786 gitk:7326
+#: gitk:2319 gitk:4872 gitk:6787 gitk:7327
 msgid "Committer"
 msgstr "コミット者"
@@ -247,9 +248,9 @@
 msgid "Ignore space change"
 msgstr "空白の違いを無視"
-#: gitk:2378 gitk:2380 gitk:7959 gitk:8206
+#: gitk:2378 gitk:2380 gitk:7960 gitk:8207
 msgid "Line diff"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "行毎のdiff"
 #: gitk:2445
 msgid "Patch"
@@ -259,111 +260,115 @@
 msgid "Tree"
 msgstr "ツリー"
-#: gitk:2617 gitk:2637
+#: gitk:2617 gitk:2638
 msgid "Diff this -> selected"
 msgstr "これと選択したコミットのdiffを見る"
-#: gitk:2618 gitk:2638
+#: gitk:2618 gitk:2639
 msgid "Diff selected -> this"
 msgstr "選択したコミットとこれのdiffを見る"
-#: gitk:2619 gitk:2639
+#: gitk:2619 gitk:2640
 msgid "Make patch"
 msgstr "パッチ作成"
-#: gitk:2620 gitk:9254
+#: gitk:2620 gitk:9255
 msgid "Create tag"
 msgstr "タグ生成"
-#: gitk:2621 gitk:9371
+#: gitk:2621
+msgid "Copy commit summary"
+msgstr "コミットの要約をコピーする"
+#: gitk:2622 gitk:9386
 msgid "Write commit to file"
 msgstr "コミットをファイルに書き出す"
-#: gitk:2622 gitk:9428
+#: gitk:2623 gitk:9443
 msgid "Create new branch"
 msgstr "新規ブランチ生成"
-#: gitk:2623
+#: gitk:2624
 msgid "Cherry-pick this commit"
 msgstr "このコミットをチェリーピックする"
-#: gitk:2624
+#: gitk:2625
 msgid "Reset HEAD branch to here"
 msgstr "ブランチのHEADをここにリセットする"
-#: gitk:2625
+#: gitk:2626
 msgid "Mark this commit"
 msgstr "このコミットにマークをつける"
-#: gitk:2626
+#: gitk:2627
 msgid "Return to mark"
 msgstr "マークを付けた所に戻る"
-#: gitk:2627
+#: gitk:2628
 msgid "Find descendant of this and mark"
 msgstr "これとマークをつけた所との子孫を見つける"
-#: gitk:2628
+#: gitk:2629
 msgid "Compare with marked commit"
 msgstr "マークを付けたコミットと比較する"
-#: gitk:2629 gitk:2640
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:2630 gitk:2641
 msgid "Diff this -> marked commit"
 msgstr "これと選択したコミットのdiffを見る"
-#: gitk:2630 gitk:2641
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:2631 gitk:2642
 msgid "Diff marked commit -> this"
 msgstr "選択したコミットとこれのdiffを見る"
-#: gitk:2631
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:2632
 msgid "Revert this commit"
-msgstr "このコミットにマークをつける"
+msgstr "このコミットを撤回する"
-#: gitk:2647
+#: gitk:2648
 msgid "Check out this branch"
 msgstr "このブランチをチェックアウトする"
-#: gitk:2648
+#: gitk:2649
 msgid "Remove this branch"
 msgstr "このブランチを除去する"
-#: gitk:2649
+#: gitk:2650
 msgid "Copy branch name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ブランチ名をコピーする"
-#: gitk:2656
+#: gitk:2657
 msgid "Highlight this too"
 msgstr "これもハイライトさせる"
-#: gitk:2657
+#: gitk:2658
 msgid "Highlight this only"
 msgstr "これだけをハイライトさせる"
-#: gitk:2658
+#: gitk:2659
 msgid "External diff"
 msgstr "外部diffツール"
-#: gitk:2659
+#: gitk:2660
 msgid "Blame parent commit"
 msgstr "親コミットから blame をかける"
-#: gitk:2660
+#: gitk:2661
 msgid "Copy path"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "パス名をコピーする"
-#: gitk:2667
+#: gitk:2668
 msgid "Show origin of this line"
 msgstr "この行の出自を表示する"
-#: gitk:2668
+#: gitk:2669
 msgid "Run git gui blame on this line"
 msgstr "この行に git gui で blame をかける"
-#: gitk:3014
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:3013
+msgid "About gitk"
+msgstr "gitk について"
+#: gitk:3015
 msgid ""
 "Gitk - a commit viewer for git\n"
@@ -375,324 +380,327 @@
 "Gitk - gitコミットビューア\n"
-"Copyright \\u00a9 2005-2010 Paul Mackerras\n"
+"Copyright © 2005-2014 Paul Mackerras\n"
 "使用および再配布は GNU General Public License に従ってください"
-#: gitk:3022 gitk:3089 gitk:9857
+#: gitk:3023 gitk:3090 gitk:9872
 msgid "Close"
 msgstr "閉じる"
-#: gitk:3043
+#: gitk:3044
 msgid "Gitk key bindings"
 msgstr "Gitk キーバインディング"
-#: gitk:3046
+#: gitk:3047
 msgid "Gitk key bindings:"
 msgstr "Gitk キーバインディング:"
-#: gitk:3048
+#: gitk:3049
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Q>\t\tQuit"
 msgstr "<%s-Q>\t\t終了"
-#: gitk:3049
-#, fuzzy, tcl-format
-msgid "<%s-W>\t\tClose window"
-msgstr "<%s-F>\t\t検索"
 #: gitk:3050
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-W>\t\tClose window"
+msgstr "<%s-W>\t\tウィンドウを閉じる"
+#: gitk:3051
 msgid "<Home>\t\tMove to first commit"
 msgstr "<Home>\t\t最初のコミットに移動"
-#: gitk:3051
+#: gitk:3052
 msgid "<End>\t\tMove to last commit"
 msgstr "<End>\t\t最後のコミットに移動"
-#: gitk:3052
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "<Up>, p, k\tMove up one commit"
-msgstr "<Up>, p, i\t一つ上のコミットに移動"
 #: gitk:3053
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "<Down>, n, j\tMove down one commit"
-msgstr "<Down>, n, k\t一つ下のコミットに移動"
+msgid "<Up>, p, k\tMove up one commit"
+msgstr "<Up>, p, k\t一つ上のコミットに移動"
 #: gitk:3054
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "<Left>, z, h\tGo back in history list"
-msgstr "<Left>, z, j\t履歴の前に戻る"
+msgid "<Down>, n, j\tMove down one commit"
+msgstr "<Down>, n, j\t一つ下のコミットに移動"
 #: gitk:3055
+msgid "<Left>, z, h\tGo back in history list"
+msgstr "<Left>, z, h\t履歴の前に戻る"
+#: gitk:3056
 msgid "<Right>, x, l\tGo forward in history list"
 msgstr "<Right>, x, l\t履歴の次へ進む"
-#: gitk:3056
+#: gitk:3057
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-n>\tGo to n-th parent of current commit in history list"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<%s-n(数字)>\t履歴上で現在のコミットの親コミットの内のn(数字)番目のコミットへ移動"
-#: gitk:3057
+#: gitk:3058
 msgid "<PageUp>\tMove up one page in commit list"
 msgstr "<PageUp>\tコミットリストの一つ上のページに移動"
-#: gitk:3058
+#: gitk:3059
 msgid "<PageDown>\tMove down one page in commit list"
 msgstr "<PageDown>\tコミットリストの一つ下のページに移動"
-#: gitk:3059
+#: gitk:3060
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Home>\tScroll to top of commit list"
 msgstr "<%s-Home>\tコミットリストの一番上にスクロールする"
-#: gitk:3060
+#: gitk:3061
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-End>\tScroll to bottom of commit list"
 msgstr "<%s-End>\tコミットリストの一番下にスクロールする"
-#: gitk:3061
+#: gitk:3062
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Up>\tScroll commit list up one line"
 msgstr "<%s-Up>\tコミットリストの一つ下の行にスクロールする"
-#: gitk:3062
+#: gitk:3063
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Down>\tScroll commit list down one line"
 msgstr "<%s-Down>\tコミットリストの一つ下の行にスクロールする"
-#: gitk:3063
+#: gitk:3064
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-PageUp>\tScroll commit list up one page"
 msgstr "<%s-PageUp>\tコミットリストの上のページにスクロールする"
-#: gitk:3064
+#: gitk:3065
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-PageDown>\tScroll commit list down one page"
 msgstr "<%s-PageDown>\tコミットリストの下のページにスクロールする"
-#: gitk:3065
+#: gitk:3066
 msgid "<Shift-Up>\tFind backwards (upwards, later commits)"
 msgstr "<Shift-Up>\t後方を検索 (上方の・新しいコミット)"
-#: gitk:3066
+#: gitk:3067
 msgid "<Shift-Down>\tFind forwards (downwards, earlier commits)"
 msgstr "<Shift-Down>\t前方を検索(下方の・古いコミット)"
-#: gitk:3067
+#: gitk:3068
 msgid "<Delete>, b\tScroll diff view up one page"
 msgstr "<Delete>, b\tdiff画面を上のページにスクロールする"
-#: gitk:3068
+#: gitk:3069
 msgid "<Backspace>\tScroll diff view up one page"
 msgstr "<Backspace>\tdiff画面を上のページにスクロールする"
-#: gitk:3069
+#: gitk:3070
 msgid "<Space>\t\tScroll diff view down one page"
 msgstr "<Space>\t\tdiff画面を下のページにスクロールする"
-#: gitk:3070
+#: gitk:3071
 msgid "u\t\tScroll diff view up 18 lines"
 msgstr "u\t\tdiff画面を上に18行スクロールする"
-#: gitk:3071
+#: gitk:3072
 msgid "d\t\tScroll diff view down 18 lines"
 msgstr "d\t\tdiff画面を下に18行スクロールする"
-#: gitk:3072
+#: gitk:3073
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-F>\t\tFind"
 msgstr "<%s-F>\t\t検索"
-#: gitk:3073
+#: gitk:3074
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-G>\t\tMove to next find hit"
 msgstr "<%s-G>\t\t次を検索して移動"
-#: gitk:3074
+#: gitk:3075
 msgid "<Return>\tMove to next find hit"
 msgstr "<Return>\t次を検索して移動"
-#: gitk:3075
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "g\t\tGo to commit"
-msgstr "<End>\t\t最後のコミットに移動"
 #: gitk:3076
+msgid "g\t\tGo to commit"
+msgstr "g\t\t指定してコミットに移動"
+#: gitk:3077
 msgid "/\t\tFocus the search box"
 msgstr "/\t\t検索ボックスにフォーカス"
-#: gitk:3077
+#: gitk:3078
 msgid "?\t\tMove to previous find hit"
 msgstr "?\t\t前を検索して移動"
-#: gitk:3078
+#: gitk:3079
 msgid "f\t\tScroll diff view to next file"
 msgstr "f\t\t次のファイルにdiff画面をスクロールする"
-#: gitk:3079
+#: gitk:3080
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-S>\t\tSearch for next hit in diff view"
 msgstr "<%s-S>\t\tdiff画面の次を検索"
-#: gitk:3080
+#: gitk:3081
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-R>\t\tSearch for previous hit in diff view"
 msgstr "<%s-R>\t\tdiff画面の前を検索"
-#: gitk:3081
+#: gitk:3082
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-KP+>\tIncrease font size"
 msgstr "<%s-KP+>\t文字サイズを拡大"
-#: gitk:3082
+#: gitk:3083
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-plus>\tIncrease font size"
 msgstr "<%s-plus>\t文字サイズを拡大"
-#: gitk:3083
+#: gitk:3084
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-KP->\tDecrease font size"
 msgstr "<%s-KP->\t文字サイズを縮小"
-#: gitk:3084
+#: gitk:3085
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-minus>\tDecrease font size"
 msgstr "<%s-minus>\t文字サイズを縮小"
-#: gitk:3085
+#: gitk:3086
 msgid "<F5>\t\tUpdate"
 msgstr "<F5>\t\t更新"
-#: gitk:3550 gitk:3559
+#: gitk:3551 gitk:3560
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error creating temporary directory %s:"
 msgstr "一時ディレクトリ %s 生成時エラー:"
-#: gitk:3572
+#: gitk:3573
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error getting \"%s\" from %s:"
 msgstr "\"%s\" のエラーが %s に発生:"
-#: gitk:3635
+#: gitk:3636
 msgid "command failed:"
 msgstr "コマンド失敗:"
-#: gitk:3784
+#: gitk:3785
 msgid "No such commit"
 msgstr "そのようなコミットはありません"
-#: gitk:3798
+#: gitk:3799
 msgid "git gui blame: command failed:"
 msgstr "git gui blame: コマンド失敗:"
-#: gitk:3829
+#: gitk:3830
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Couldn't read merge head: %s"
 msgstr "マージする HEAD を読み込めません: %s"
-#: gitk:3837
+#: gitk:3838
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error reading index: %s"
 msgstr "インデックス読み込みエラー: %s"
-#: gitk:3862
+#: gitk:3863
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Couldn't start git blame: %s"
 msgstr "git blame を始められません: %s"
-#: gitk:3865 gitk:6754
+#: gitk:3866 gitk:6755
 msgid "Searching"
 msgstr "検索中"
-#: gitk:3897
+#: gitk:3898
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error running git blame: %s"
 msgstr "git blame 実行エラー: %s"
-#: gitk:3925
+#: gitk:3926
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "That line comes from commit %s,  which is not in this view"
 msgstr "コミット %s に由来するその行は、このビューに表示されていません"
-#: gitk:3939
+#: gitk:3940
 msgid "External diff viewer failed:"
 msgstr "外部diffビューアが失敗:"
-#: gitk:4070
+#: gitk:4044
+msgid "All files"
+msgstr "全てのファイル"
+#: gitk:4068
+msgid "View"
+msgstr "ビュー"
+#: gitk:4071
 msgid "Gitk view definition"
 msgstr "Gitk ビュー定義"
-#: gitk:4074
+#: gitk:4075
 msgid "Remember this view"
 msgstr "このビューを記憶する"
-#: gitk:4075
+#: gitk:4076
 msgid "References (space separated list):"
 msgstr "リファレンス(スペース区切りのリスト):"
-#: gitk:4076
+#: gitk:4077
 msgid "Branches & tags:"
 msgstr "ブランチ&タグ:"
-#: gitk:4077
+#: gitk:4078
 msgid "All refs"
 msgstr "全てのリファレンス"
-#: gitk:4078
+#: gitk:4079
 msgid "All (local) branches"
 msgstr "全ての(ローカルな)ブランチ"
-#: gitk:4079
+#: gitk:4080
 msgid "All tags"
 msgstr "全てのタグ"
-#: gitk:4080
+#: gitk:4081
 msgid "All remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "全てのリモート追跡ブランチ"
-#: gitk:4081
+#: gitk:4082
 msgid "Commit Info (regular expressions):"
 msgstr "コミット情報(正規表現):"
-#: gitk:4082
+#: gitk:4083
 msgid "Author:"
 msgstr "作者:"
-#: gitk:4083
+#: gitk:4084
 msgid "Committer:"
 msgstr "コミット者:"
-#: gitk:4084
+#: gitk:4085
 msgid "Commit Message:"
 msgstr "コミットメッセージ:"
-#: gitk:4085
+#: gitk:4086
 msgid "Matches all Commit Info criteria"
 msgstr "コミット情報の全ての条件に一致"
-#: gitk:4086
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Matches no Commit Info criteria"
-msgstr "コミット情報の全ての条件に一致"
 #: gitk:4087
+msgid "Matches no Commit Info criteria"
+msgstr "コミット情報の全ての条件に不一致"
+#: gitk:4088
 msgid "Changes to Files:"
 msgstr "変更したファイル:"
-#: gitk:4088
+#: gitk:4089
 msgid "Fixed String"
 msgstr "固定文字列"
-#: gitk:4089
+#: gitk:4090
 msgid "Regular Expression"
 msgstr "正規表現"
-#: gitk:4090
+#: gitk:4091
 msgid "Search string:"
 msgstr "検索文字列:"
-#: gitk:4091
+#: gitk:4092
 msgid ""
 "Commit Dates (\"2 weeks ago\", \"2009-03-17 15:27:38\", \"March 17, 2009 "
@@ -700,202 +708,201 @@
 "コミット日時 (\"2 weeks ago\", \"2009-03-17 15:27:38\", \"March 17, 2009 "
-#: gitk:4092
+#: gitk:4093
 msgid "Since:"
 msgstr "期間の始め:"
-#: gitk:4093
+#: gitk:4094
 msgid "Until:"
 msgstr "期間の終わり:"
-#: gitk:4094
+#: gitk:4095
 msgid "Limit and/or skip a number of revisions (positive integer):"
 msgstr "制限・省略するリビジョンの数(正の整数):"
-#: gitk:4095
+#: gitk:4096
 msgid "Number to show:"
 msgstr "表示する数:"
-#: gitk:4096
+#: gitk:4097
 msgid "Number to skip:"
 msgstr "省略する数:"
-#: gitk:4097
+#: gitk:4098
 msgid "Miscellaneous options:"
 msgstr "その他のオプション:"
-#: gitk:4098
+#: gitk:4099
 msgid "Strictly sort by date"
 msgstr "厳密に日付順で並び替え"
-#: gitk:4099
+#: gitk:4100
 msgid "Mark branch sides"
 msgstr "側枝マーク"
-#: gitk:4100
+#: gitk:4101
 msgid "Limit to first parent"
 msgstr "最初の親に制限"
-#: gitk:4101
+#: gitk:4102
 msgid "Simple history"
 msgstr "簡易な履歴"
-#: gitk:4102
+#: gitk:4103
 msgid "Additional arguments to git log:"
 msgstr "git log への追加の引数:"
-#: gitk:4103
+#: gitk:4104
 msgid "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"
 msgstr "含まれるファイル・ディレクトリを一行ごとに入力:"
-#: gitk:4104
+#: gitk:4105
 msgid "Command to generate more commits to include:"
 msgstr "コミット追加コマンド:"
-#: gitk:4228
+#: gitk:4229
 msgid "Gitk: edit view"
 msgstr "Gitk: ビュー編集"
-#: gitk:4236
+#: gitk:4237
 msgid "-- criteria for selecting revisions"
 msgstr "― リビジョンの選択条件"
-#: gitk:4241
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:4242
 msgid "View Name"
 msgstr "ビュー名:"
-#: gitk:4316
+#: gitk:4317
 msgid "Apply (F5)"
 msgstr "適用 (F5)"
-#: gitk:4354
+#: gitk:4355
 msgid "Error in commit selection arguments:"
 msgstr "コミット選択引数のエラー:"
-#: gitk:4409 gitk:4462 gitk:4924 gitk:4938 gitk:6208 gitk:12373 gitk:12374
+#: gitk:4410 gitk:4463 gitk:4925 gitk:4939 gitk:6209 gitk:12388 gitk:12389
 msgid "None"
 msgstr "無し"
-#: gitk:5021 gitk:5026
+#: gitk:5022 gitk:5027
 msgid "Descendant"
 msgstr "子孫"
-#: gitk:5022
+#: gitk:5023
 msgid "Not descendant"
 msgstr "非子孫"
-#: gitk:5029 gitk:5034
+#: gitk:5030 gitk:5035
 msgid "Ancestor"
 msgstr "祖先"
-#: gitk:5030
+#: gitk:5031
 msgid "Not ancestor"
 msgstr "非祖先"
-#: gitk:5324
+#: gitk:5325
 msgid "Local changes checked in to index but not committed"
 msgstr "ステージされた、コミット前のローカルな変更"
-#: gitk:5360
+#: gitk:5361
 msgid "Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index"
 msgstr "ステージされていない、コミット前のローカルな変更"
-#: gitk:7134
+#: gitk:7135
 msgid "and many more"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "他多数"
-#: gitk:7137
+#: gitk:7138
 msgid "many"
 msgstr "多数"
-#: gitk:7328
+#: gitk:7329
 msgid "Tags:"
 msgstr "タグ:"
-#: gitk:7345 gitk:7351 gitk:8825
+#: gitk:7346 gitk:7352 gitk:8826
 msgid "Parent"
 msgstr "親"
-#: gitk:7356
+#: gitk:7357
 msgid "Child"
 msgstr "子"
-#: gitk:7365
+#: gitk:7366
 msgid "Branch"
 msgstr "ブランチ"
-#: gitk:7368
+#: gitk:7369
 msgid "Follows"
 msgstr "下位"
-#: gitk:7371
+#: gitk:7372
 msgid "Precedes"
 msgstr "上位"
-#: gitk:7966
+#: gitk:7967
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error getting diffs: %s"
 msgstr "diff取得エラー: %s"
-#: gitk:8650
+#: gitk:8651
 msgid "Goto:"
 msgstr "Goto:"
-#: gitk:8671
+#: gitk:8672
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Short SHA1 id %s is ambiguous"
 msgstr "%s を含む SHA1 ID は複数存在します"
-#: gitk:8678
+#: gitk:8679
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Revision %s is not known"
 msgstr "リビジョン %s は不明です"
-#: gitk:8688
+#: gitk:8689
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "SHA1 id %s is not known"
 msgstr "SHA1 id %s は不明です"
-#: gitk:8690
+#: gitk:8691
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Revision %s is not in the current view"
 msgstr "リビジョン %s は現在のビューにはありません"
-#: gitk:8832 gitk:8847
+#: gitk:8833 gitk:8848
 msgid "Date"
 msgstr "日付"
-#: gitk:8835
+#: gitk:8836
 msgid "Children"
 msgstr "子"
-#: gitk:8898
+#: gitk:8899
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Reset %s branch to here"
 msgstr "%s ブランチをここにリセットする"
-#: gitk:8900
+#: gitk:8901
 msgid "Detached head: can't reset"
 msgstr "切り離されたHEAD: リセットできません"
-#: gitk:9005 gitk:9011
+#: gitk:9006 gitk:9012
 msgid "Skipping merge commit "
 msgstr "コミットマージをスキップ: "
-#: gitk:9020 gitk:9025
+#: gitk:9021 gitk:9026
 msgid "Error getting patch ID for "
 msgstr "パッチ取得エラー: ID "
-#: gitk:9021 gitk:9026
+#: gitk:9022 gitk:9027
 msgid " - stopping\n"
 msgstr " - 停止\n"
-#: gitk:9031 gitk:9034 gitk:9042 gitk:9056 gitk:9065
+#: gitk:9032 gitk:9035 gitk:9043 gitk:9057 gitk:9066
 msgid "Commit "
 msgstr "コミット "
-#: gitk:9035
+#: gitk:9036
 msgid ""
 " is the same patch as\n"
 "       "
@@ -903,7 +910,7 @@
 " は下記のパッチと同等\n"
 "       "
-#: gitk:9043
+#: gitk:9044
 msgid ""
 " differs from\n"
 "       "
@@ -911,7 +918,7 @@
 " 下記からのdiff\n"
 "       "
-#: gitk:9045
+#: gitk:9046
 msgid ""
 "Diff of commits:\n"
@@ -919,131 +926,130 @@
-#: gitk:9057 gitk:9066
+#: gitk:9058 gitk:9067
 #, tcl-format
 msgid " has %s children - stopping\n"
 msgstr " には %s の子があります - 停止\n"
-#: gitk:9085
+#: gitk:9086
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error writing commit to file: %s"
 msgstr "ファイルへのコミット書き出しエラー: %s"
-#: gitk:9091
+#: gitk:9092
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error diffing commits: %s"
 msgstr "コミットのdiff実行エラー: %s"
-#: gitk:9137
+#: gitk:9138
 msgid "Top"
 msgstr "Top"
-#: gitk:9138
+#: gitk:9139
 msgid "From"
 msgstr "From"
-#: gitk:9143
+#: gitk:9144
 msgid "To"
 msgstr "To"
-#: gitk:9167
+#: gitk:9168
 msgid "Generate patch"
 msgstr "パッチ生成"
-#: gitk:9169
+#: gitk:9170
 msgid "From:"
 msgstr "From:"
-#: gitk:9178
+#: gitk:9179
 msgid "To:"
 msgstr "To:"
-#: gitk:9187
+#: gitk:9188
 msgid "Reverse"
 msgstr "逆"
-#: gitk:9189 gitk:9385
+#: gitk:9190 gitk:9400
 msgid "Output file:"
 msgstr "出力ファイル:"
-#: gitk:9195
+#: gitk:9196
 msgid "Generate"
 msgstr "生成"
-#: gitk:9233
+#: gitk:9234
 msgid "Error creating patch:"
 msgstr "パッチ生成エラー:"
-#: gitk:9256 gitk:9373 gitk:9430
+#: gitk:9257 gitk:9388 gitk:9445
 msgid "ID:"
 msgstr "ID:"
-#: gitk:9265
+#: gitk:9266
 msgid "Tag name:"
 msgstr "タグ名:"
-#: gitk:9268
+#: gitk:9269
 msgid "Tag message is optional"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "タグメッセージを付ける事も出来ます"
-#: gitk:9270
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:9271
 msgid "Tag message:"
-msgstr "タグ名:"
+msgstr "タグメッセージ:"
-#: gitk:9274 gitk:9439
+#: gitk:9275 gitk:9454
 msgid "Create"
 msgstr "生成"
-#: gitk:9292
+#: gitk:9293
 msgid "No tag name specified"
 msgstr "タグの名称が指定されていません"
-#: gitk:9296
+#: gitk:9297
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Tag \"%s\" already exists"
 msgstr "タグ \"%s\" は既に存在します"
-#: gitk:9306
+#: gitk:9307
 msgid "Error creating tag:"
 msgstr "タグ生成エラー:"
-#: gitk:9382
+#: gitk:9397
 msgid "Command:"
 msgstr "コマンド:"
-#: gitk:9390
+#: gitk:9405
 msgid "Write"
 msgstr "書き出し"
-#: gitk:9408
+#: gitk:9423
 msgid "Error writing commit:"
 msgstr "コミット書き出しエラー:"
-#: gitk:9435
+#: gitk:9450
 msgid "Name:"
 msgstr "名前:"
-#: gitk:9458
+#: gitk:9473
 msgid "Please specify a name for the new branch"
 msgstr "新しいブランチの名前を指定してください"
-#: gitk:9463
+#: gitk:9478
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' already exists. Overwrite?"
 msgstr "ブランチ '%s' は既に存在します。上書きしますか?"
-#: gitk:9530
+#: gitk:9545
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Commit %s is already included in branch %s -- really re-apply it?"
 msgstr ""
 "コミット %s は既にブランチ %s に含まれています ― 本当にこれを再適用しますか?"
-#: gitk:9535
+#: gitk:9550
 msgid "Cherry-picking"
 msgstr "チェリーピック中"
-#: gitk:9544
+#: gitk:9559
 #, tcl-format
 msgid ""
 "Cherry-pick failed because of local changes to file '%s'.\n"
@@ -1053,7 +1059,7 @@
 "あなたの変更に commit, reset, stash のいずれかを行ってからやり直してくださ"
-#: gitk:9550
+#: gitk:9565
 msgid ""
 "Cherry-pick failed because of merge conflict.\n"
 "Do you wish to run git citool to resolve it?"
@@ -1061,62 +1067,56 @@
 "この解決のために git citool を実行したいですか?"
-#: gitk:9566 gitk:9624
+#: gitk:9581 gitk:9639
 msgid "No changes committed"
 msgstr "何の変更もコミットされていません"
-#: gitk:9593
-#, fuzzy, tcl-format
+#: gitk:9608
+#, tcl-format
 msgid "Commit %s is not included in branch %s -- really revert it?"
-msgstr ""
-"コミット %s は既にブランチ %s に含まれています ― 本当にこれを再適用しますか?"
+msgstr "コミット %s は既にブランチ %s に含まれています ― 本当にこれを撤回しますか?"
-#: gitk:9598
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:9613
 msgid "Reverting"
-msgstr "リセット中"
+msgstr "撤回中"
-#: gitk:9606
-#, fuzzy, tcl-format
+#: gitk:9621
+#, tcl-format
 msgid ""
 "Revert failed because of local changes to the following files:%s Please "
 "commit, reset or stash  your changes and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"ファイル '%s' のローカルな変更のためにチェリーピックは失敗しました。\n"
-"あなたの変更に commit, reset, stash のいずれかを行ってからやり直してくださ"
+msgstr "ファイル '%s' のローカルな変更のために撤回は失敗しました。 あなたの変更に commit, reset, stash のいずれかを行ってからやり直してください。"
-#: gitk:9610
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:9625
 msgid ""
 "Revert failed because of merge conflict.\n"
 " Do you wish to run git citool to resolve it?"
 msgstr ""
 "この解決のために git citool を実行したいですか?"
-#: gitk:9653
+#: gitk:9668
 msgid "Confirm reset"
 msgstr "確認を取り消す"
-#: gitk:9655
+#: gitk:9670
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Reset branch %s to %s?"
 msgstr "ブランチ %s を %s にリセットしますか?"
-#: gitk:9657
+#: gitk:9672
 msgid "Reset type:"
 msgstr "Reset タイプ:"
-#: gitk:9660
+#: gitk:9675
 msgid "Soft: Leave working tree and index untouched"
 msgstr "Soft: 作業ツリーもインデックスもそのままにする"
-#: gitk:9663
+#: gitk:9678
 msgid "Mixed: Leave working tree untouched, reset index"
 msgstr "Mixed: 作業ツリーをそのままにして、インデックスをリセット"
-#: gitk:9666
+#: gitk:9681
 msgid ""
 "Hard: Reset working tree and index\n"
 "(discard ALL local changes)"
@@ -1124,19 +1124,19 @@
 "Hard: 作業ツリーやインデックスをリセット\n"
-#: gitk:9683
+#: gitk:9698
 msgid "Resetting"
 msgstr "リセット中"
-#: gitk:9743
+#: gitk:9758
 msgid "Checking out"
 msgstr "チェックアウト"
-#: gitk:9796
+#: gitk:9811
 msgid "Cannot delete the currently checked-out branch"
 msgstr "現在チェックアウトされているブランチを削除することはできません"
-#: gitk:9802
+#: gitk:9817
 #, tcl-format
 msgid ""
 "The commits on branch %s aren't on any other branch.\n"
@@ -1145,16 +1145,16 @@
 "ブランチ %s には他のブランチに存在しないコミットがあります。\n"
 "本当にブランチ %s を削除しますか?"
-#: gitk:9833
+#: gitk:9848
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Tags and heads: %s"
 msgstr "タグとHEAD: %s"
-#: gitk:9850
+#: gitk:9865
 msgid "Filter"
 msgstr "フィルター"
-#: gitk:10146
+#: gitk:10161
 msgid ""
 "Error reading commit topology information; branch and preceding/following "
 "tag information will be incomplete."
@@ -1162,237 +1162,217 @@
 "コミット構造情報読み込みエラー; ブランチ及び上位/下位のタグ情報が不完全である"
-#: gitk:11123
+#: gitk:11138
 msgid "Tag"
 msgstr "タグ"
-#: gitk:11127
+#: gitk:11142
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "ID"
-#: gitk:11210
+#: gitk:11225
 msgid "Gitk font chooser"
 msgstr "Gitk フォント選択"
-#: gitk:11227
+#: gitk:11242
 msgid "B"
 msgstr "B"
-#: gitk:11230
+#: gitk:11245
 msgid "I"
 msgstr "I"
-#: gitk:11348
+#: gitk:11363
 msgid "Commit list display options"
 msgstr "コミットリスト表示オプション"
-#: gitk:11351
+#: gitk:11366
 msgid "Maximum graph width (lines)"
 msgstr "最大グラフ幅(線の本数)"
-#: gitk:11355
+#: gitk:11370
 #, no-tcl-format
 msgid "Maximum graph width (% of pane)"
 msgstr "最大グラフ幅(ペインに対する%)"
-#: gitk:11358
+#: gitk:11373
 msgid "Show local changes"
 msgstr "ローカルな変更を表示"
-#: gitk:11361
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:11376
 msgid "Auto-select SHA1 (length)"
-msgstr "SHA1 の自動選択"
+msgstr "SHA1 の自動選択 (選択文字数指定)"
-#: gitk:11365
+#: gitk:11380
 msgid "Hide remote refs"
 msgstr "リモートリファレンスを隠す"
-#: gitk:11369
+#: gitk:11384
 msgid "Diff display options"
 msgstr "diff表示オプション"
-#: gitk:11371
+#: gitk:11386
 msgid "Tab spacing"
 msgstr "タブ空白幅"
-#: gitk:11374
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:11389
 msgid "Display nearby tags/heads"
-msgstr "近くのタグを表示する"
+msgstr "近くの タグ/head を表示する"
-#: gitk:11377
+#: gitk:11392
 msgid "Maximum # tags/heads to show"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "タグ/head の最大表示数"
-#: gitk:11380
+#: gitk:11395
 msgid "Limit diffs to listed paths"
 msgstr "diff をリストのパスに制限"
-#: gitk:11383
+#: gitk:11398
 msgid "Support per-file encodings"
 msgstr "ファイルごとのエンコーディングのサポート"
-#: gitk:11389 gitk:11536
+#: gitk:11404 gitk:11551
 msgid "External diff tool"
 msgstr "外部diffツール"
-#: gitk:11390
+#: gitk:11405
 msgid "Choose..."
 msgstr "選択..."
-#: gitk:11395
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:11410
 msgid "General options"
-msgstr "パッチ生成"
-#: gitk:11398
-msgid "Use themed widgets"
-msgstr ""
-#: gitk:11400
-msgid "(change requires restart)"
-msgstr ""
-#: gitk:11402
-msgid "(currently unavailable)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "全体設定"
 #: gitk:11413
+msgid "Use themed widgets"
+msgstr "テーマウィジェットを使用する"
+#: gitk:11415
+msgid "(change requires restart)"
+msgstr "(変更には再起動が必要です)"
+#: gitk:11417
+msgid "(currently unavailable)"
+msgstr "(現在は使用出来ません)"
+#: gitk:11428
 msgid "Colors: press to choose"
 msgstr "色: ボタンを押して選択"
-#: gitk:11416
+#: gitk:11431
 msgid "Interface"
 msgstr "インターフェイス"
-#: gitk:11417
+#: gitk:11432
 msgid "interface"
 msgstr "インターフェイス"
-#: gitk:11420
+#: gitk:11435
 msgid "Background"
 msgstr "背景"
-#: gitk:11421 gitk:11451
+#: gitk:11436 gitk:11466
 msgid "background"
 msgstr "背景"
-#: gitk:11424
+#: gitk:11439
 msgid "Foreground"
 msgstr "前景"
-#: gitk:11425
+#: gitk:11440
 msgid "foreground"
 msgstr "前景"
-#: gitk:11428
+#: gitk:11443
 msgid "Diff: old lines"
 msgstr "Diff: 旧バージョン"
-#: gitk:11429
+#: gitk:11444
 msgid "diff old lines"
 msgstr "diff 旧バージョン"
-#: gitk:11433
+#: gitk:11448
 msgid "Diff: new lines"
 msgstr "Diff: 新バージョン"
-#: gitk:11434
+#: gitk:11449
 msgid "diff new lines"
 msgstr "diff 新バージョン"
-#: gitk:11438
+#: gitk:11453
 msgid "Diff: hunk header"
 msgstr "Diff: hunkヘッダ"
-#: gitk:11440
+#: gitk:11455
 msgid "diff hunk header"
 msgstr "diff hunkヘッダ"
-#: gitk:11444
+#: gitk:11459
 msgid "Marked line bg"
 msgstr "マーク行の背景"
-#: gitk:11446
+#: gitk:11461
 msgid "marked line background"
 msgstr "マーク行の背景"
-#: gitk:11450
+#: gitk:11465
 msgid "Select bg"
 msgstr "選択の背景"
-#: gitk:11459
+#: gitk:11474
 msgid "Fonts: press to choose"
 msgstr "フォント: ボタンを押して選択"
-#: gitk:11461
+#: gitk:11476
 msgid "Main font"
 msgstr "主フォント"
-#: gitk:11462
+#: gitk:11477
 msgid "Diff display font"
 msgstr "Diff表示用フォント"
-#: gitk:11463
+#: gitk:11478
 msgid "User interface font"
 msgstr "UI用フォント"
-#: gitk:11485
+#: gitk:11500
 msgid "Gitk preferences"
 msgstr "Gitk 設定"
-#: gitk:11494
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:11509
 msgid "General"
-msgstr "生成"
+msgstr "一般"
-#: gitk:11495
+#: gitk:11510
 msgid "Colors"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "色"
-#: gitk:11496
+#: gitk:11511
 msgid "Fonts"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "フォント"
-#: gitk:11546
+#: gitk:11561
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Gitk: choose color for %s"
 msgstr "Gitk: 「%s」 の色を選択"
-#: gitk:12059
+#: gitk:12074
 msgid ""
 "Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n"
 " Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."
 msgstr ""
+"申し訳ありませんが、このバージョンの Tcl/Tk では gitk を実行出来ません。\n"
+"Gitkの実行には Tcl/Tk 8.4 以上が必要です。"
-#: gitk:12269
+#: gitk:12284
 msgid "Cannot find a git repository here."
 msgstr "ここにはgitリポジトリがありません。"
-#: gitk:12316
+#: gitk:12331
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Ambiguous argument '%s': both revision and filename"
 msgstr "あいまいな引数 '%s': リビジョンとファイル名の両方に解釈できます"
-#: gitk:12328
+#: gitk:12343
 msgid "Bad arguments to gitk:"
 msgstr "gitkへの不正な引数:"
-#~ msgid "mc"
-#~ msgstr "mc"
-#~ msgid "SHA1 ID: "
-#~ msgstr "SHA1 ID: "
-#~ msgid "next"
-#~ msgstr "次"
-#~ msgid "prev"
-#~ msgstr "前"
-#~ msgid "CDate"
-#~ msgstr "作成日"
-#~ msgid "Cannot find the git directory \"%s\"."
-#~ msgstr "gitディレクトリ \"%s\" を見つけられません。"
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/pt_br.po b/gitk-git/po/pt_br.po
index 07e5d63..3f78f1b 100644
--- a/gitk-git/po/pt_br.po
+++ b/gitk-git/po/pt_br.po
@@ -90,71 +90,71 @@
 msgstr "Cancelar"
 #: gitk:2069
-msgid "Update"
+msgid "&Update"
 msgstr "Atualizar"
 #: gitk:2070
-msgid "Reload"
+msgid "&Reload"
 msgstr "Recarregar"
 #: gitk:2071
-msgid "Reread references"
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
 msgstr "Ler as referências novamente"
 #: gitk:2072
-msgid "List references"
+msgid "&List references"
 msgstr "Listar referências"
 #: gitk:2074
-msgid "Start git gui"
+msgid "Start git &gui"
 msgstr "Iniciar Git GUI"
 #: gitk:2076
-msgid "Quit"
+msgid "&Quit"
 msgstr "Sair"
 #: gitk:2068
-msgid "File"
+msgid "&File"
 msgstr "Arquivo"
 #: gitk:2080
-msgid "Preferences"
+msgid "&Preferences"
 msgstr "Preferências"
 #: gitk:2079
-msgid "Edit"
+msgid "&Edit"
 msgstr "Editar"
 #: gitk:2084
-msgid "New view..."
+msgid "&New view..."
 msgstr "Nova vista..."
 #: gitk:2085
-msgid "Edit view..."
+msgid "&Edit view..."
 msgstr "Editar vista..."
 #: gitk:2086
-msgid "Delete view"
+msgid "&Delete view"
 msgstr "Apagar vista"
 #: gitk:2088 gitk:4043
-msgid "All files"
+msgid "&All files"
 msgstr "Todos os arquivos"
 #: gitk:2083 gitk:4067
-msgid "View"
+msgid "&View"
 msgstr "Exibir"
 #: gitk:2093 gitk:2103 gitk:3012
-msgid "About gitk"
+msgid "&About gitk"
 msgstr "Sobre o gitk"
 #: gitk:2094 gitk:2108
-msgid "Key bindings"
+msgid "&Key bindings"
 msgstr "Atalhos de teclado"
 #: gitk:2092 gitk:2107
-msgid "Help"
+msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "Ajuda"
 #: gitk:2185 gitk:8652
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/ru.po b/gitk-git/po/ru.po
index f1bac87..17ed026 100644
--- a/gitk-git/po/ru.po
+++ b/gitk-git/po/ru.po
@@ -1,18 +1,24 @@
 # Translation of gitk to Russian.
+# Translators:
+# 0xAX <>, 2014
+# Alex Riesen <>, 2015
+# Dimitriy Ryazantcev <>, 2015
+# Dmitry Potapov <>, 2009
+# Skip <>, 2011
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gitk\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: Git Russian Localization Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-05-17 14:32+1000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-04-24 16:00+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Alex Riesen <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Russian\n"
-"Language: \n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-10-12 10:14+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Dimitriy Ryazantcev <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Russian (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ru\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\n"
 #: gitk:140
 msgid "Couldn't get list of unmerged files:"
@@ -20,15 +26,15 @@
 #: gitk:212 gitk:2381
 msgid "Color words"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Цветные слова"
 #: gitk:217 gitk:2381 gitk:8220 gitk:8253
 msgid "Markup words"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Помеченые слова"
 #: gitk:324
 msgid "Error parsing revisions:"
-msgstr "Ошибка в идентификаторе версии:"
+msgstr "Ошибка при разборе редакции:"
 #: gitk:380
 msgid "Error executing --argscmd command:"
@@ -36,17 +42,13 @@
 #: gitk:393
 msgid "No files selected: --merge specified but no files are unmerged."
-msgstr ""
-"Файлы не выбраны: указан --merge, но не было найдено ни одного файла где эта "
-"операция должна быть завершена."
+msgstr "Файлы не выбраны: указан --merge, но не было найдено ни одного файла где эта операция должна быть завершена."
 #: gitk:396
 msgid ""
 "No files selected: --merge specified but no unmerged files are within file "
-msgstr ""
-"Файлы не выбраны: указан --merge, но в рамках указанного ограничения на "
-"имена файлов нет ни одного где эта операция должна быть завершена."
+msgstr "Файлы не выбраны: указан --merge, но в рамках указанного ограничения на имена файлов нет ни одного где эта операция должна быть завершена."
 #: gitk:418 gitk:566
 msgid "Error executing git log:"
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@
 #: gitk:496 gitk:4525
 msgid "Reading commits..."
-msgstr "Чтение версий..."
+msgstr "Чтение коммитов..."
 #: gitk:499 gitk:1637 gitk:4528
 msgid "No commits selected"
@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@
 #: gitk:1740
 msgid "No commit information available"
-msgstr "Нет информации о состоянии"
+msgstr "Нет информации о коммите"
 #: gitk:1903 gitk:1932 gitk:4315 gitk:9669 gitk:11241 gitk:11521
 msgid "OK"
@@ -86,71 +88,71 @@
 msgstr "Отмена"
 #: gitk:2069
-msgid "Update"
+msgid "&Update"
 msgstr "Обновить"
 #: gitk:2070
-msgid "Reload"
+msgid "&Reload"
 msgstr "Перечитать"
 #: gitk:2071
-msgid "Reread references"
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
 msgstr "Обновить список ссылок"
 #: gitk:2072
-msgid "List references"
+msgid "&List references"
 msgstr "Список ссылок"
 #: gitk:2074
-msgid "Start git gui"
+msgid "Start git &gui"
 msgstr "Запустить git gui"
 #: gitk:2076
-msgid "Quit"
+msgid "&Quit"
 msgstr "Завершить"
 #: gitk:2068
-msgid "File"
+msgid "&File"
 msgstr "Файл"
 #: gitk:2080
-msgid "Preferences"
+msgid "&Preferences"
 msgstr "Настройки"
 #: gitk:2079
-msgid "Edit"
+msgid "&Edit"
 msgstr "Редактировать"
 #: gitk:2084
-msgid "New view..."
+msgid "&New view..."
 msgstr "Новое представление..."
 #: gitk:2085
-msgid "Edit view..."
+msgid "&Edit view..."
 msgstr "Редактировать представление..."
 #: gitk:2086
-msgid "Delete view"
+msgid "&Delete view"
 msgstr "Удалить представление"
 #: gitk:2088 gitk:4043
-msgid "All files"
+msgid "&All files"
 msgstr "Все файлы"
 #: gitk:2083 gitk:4067
-msgid "View"
+msgid "&View"
 msgstr "Представление"
 #: gitk:2093 gitk:2103 gitk:3012
-msgid "About gitk"
+msgid "&About gitk"
 msgstr "О gitk"
 #: gitk:2094 gitk:2108
-msgid "Key bindings"
+msgid "&Key bindings"
 msgstr "Назначения клавиатуры"
 #: gitk:2092 gitk:2107
-msgid "Help"
+msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "Подсказка"
 #: gitk:2185 gitk:8652
@@ -167,7 +169,7 @@
 #: gitk:2295
 msgid "commit"
-msgstr "состояние"
+msgstr "коммит"
 #: gitk:2299 gitk:2301 gitk:4687 gitk:4710 gitk:4734 gitk:6755 gitk:6827
 #: gitk:6912
@@ -184,7 +186,7 @@
 #: gitk:2304 gitk:4779
 msgid "changing lines matching:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "изменяя совпадающие строки:"
 #: gitk:2313 gitk:2315 gitk:4766
 msgid "Exact"
@@ -217,7 +219,7 @@
 #: gitk:2319 gitk:4871 gitk:6786 gitk:7326
 msgid "Committer"
-msgstr "Сохранивший состояние"
+msgstr "Коммитер"
 #: gitk:2350
 msgid "Search"
@@ -245,7 +247,7 @@
 #: gitk:2378 gitk:2380 gitk:7959 gitk:8206
 msgid "Line diff"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изменения строк"
 #: gitk:2445
 msgid "Patch"
@@ -257,11 +259,11 @@
 #: gitk:2617 gitk:2637
 msgid "Diff this -> selected"
-msgstr "Сравнить это состояние с выделенным"
+msgstr "Сравнить этот коммит с выделенным"
 #: gitk:2618 gitk:2638
 msgid "Diff selected -> this"
-msgstr "Сравнить выделенное с этим состоянием"
+msgstr "Сравнить выделенный с этим коммитом"
 #: gitk:2619 gitk:2639
 msgid "Make patch"
@@ -273,63 +275,59 @@
 #: gitk:2621 gitk:9371
 msgid "Write commit to file"
-msgstr "Сохранить изменения в файл"
+msgstr "Сохранить коммит в файл"
 #: gitk:2622 gitk:9428
 msgid "Create new branch"
-msgstr "Создать ветвь"
+msgstr "Создать ветку"
 #: gitk:2623
 msgid "Cherry-pick this commit"
-msgstr "Скопировать это состояние"
+msgstr "Отбор лучшего для этого коммита"
 #: gitk:2624
 msgid "Reset HEAD branch to here"
-msgstr "Установить HEAD на это состояние"
+msgstr "Установить HEAD на этот коммит"
 #: gitk:2625
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Mark this commit"
-msgstr "Скопировать это состояние"
+msgstr "Пометить этот коммит"
 #: gitk:2626
 msgid "Return to mark"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вернуться на пометку"
 #: gitk:2627
 msgid "Find descendant of this and mark"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Найти и пометить потомка этого коммита"
 #: gitk:2628
 msgid "Compare with marked commit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сравнить с помеченным коммитом"
 #: gitk:2629 gitk:2640
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Diff this -> marked commit"
-msgstr "Сравнить это состояние с выделенным"
+msgstr "Сравнить выделенное с помеченным коммитом"
 #: gitk:2630 gitk:2641
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Diff marked commit -> this"
-msgstr "Сравнить выделенное с этим состоянием"
+msgstr "Сравнить помеченный с этим коммитом"
 #: gitk:2631
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Revert this commit"
-msgstr "Скопировать это состояние"
+msgstr "Возврат этого коммита"
 #: gitk:2647
 msgid "Check out this branch"
-msgstr "Перейти на эту ветвь"
+msgstr "Перейти на эту ветку"
 #: gitk:2648
 msgid "Remove this branch"
-msgstr "Удалить эту ветвь"
+msgstr "Удалить эту ветку"
 #: gitk:2649
 msgid "Copy branch name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Копировать имя ветки"
 #: gitk:2656
 msgid "Highlight this too"
@@ -345,11 +343,11 @@
 #: gitk:2659
 msgid "Blame parent commit"
-msgstr "Аннотировать родительское состояние"
+msgstr "Авторы изменений родительского коммита"
 #: gitk:2660
 msgid "Copy path"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Копировать путь"
 #: gitk:2667
 msgid "Show origin of this line"
@@ -360,21 +358,14 @@
 msgstr "Запустить git gui blame для этой строки"
 #: gitk:3014
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Gitk - a commit viewer for git\n"
-"Copyright © 2005-2014 Paul Mackerras\n"
+"Copyright  2005-2014 Paul Mackerras\n"
 "Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License"
-msgstr ""
-"Gitk - программа просмотра истории репозиториев Git\n"
-"Copyright \\u00a9 2005-2010 Paul Mackerras\n"
-"Использование и распространение согласно условиям GNU General Public License"
+msgstr "\nGitk - программа просмотра истории репозиториев git\n\n©  2005-2014 Paul Mackerras\n\nИспользование и распространение согласно условиям GNU General Public License"
 #: gitk:3022 gitk:3089 gitk:9857
 msgid "Close"
@@ -394,87 +385,84 @@
 msgstr "<%s-Q>\t\tЗавершить"
 #: gitk:3049
-#, fuzzy, tcl-format
+#, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-W>\t\tClose window"
-msgstr "<%s-F>\t\tПоиск"
+msgstr "<%s-W>\t\tЗакрыть окно"
 #: gitk:3050
 msgid "<Home>\t\tMove to first commit"
-msgstr "<Home>\t\tПерейти к первому состоянию"
+msgstr "<Home>\t\tПерейти к первому коммиту"
 #: gitk:3051
 msgid "<End>\t\tMove to last commit"
-msgstr "<End>\t\tПерейти к последнему состоянию"
+msgstr "<End>\t\tПерейти к последнему коммиту"
 #: gitk:3052
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<Up>, p, k\tMove up one commit"
-msgstr "<Up>, p, i\tПерейти к следующему состоянию"
+msgstr "<Up>, p, k\tПерейти на один коммит вверх"
 #: gitk:3053
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<Down>, n, j\tMove down one commit"
-msgstr "<Down>, n, k\tПерейти к предыдущему состоянию"
+msgstr "<Down>, n, j\tПерейти на один коммит вниз"
 #: gitk:3054
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<Left>, z, h\tGo back in history list"
-msgstr "<Left>, z, j\tПоказать ранее посещённое состояние"
+msgstr "<Left>, z, h\tПоказать ранее посещённое состояние"
 #: gitk:3055
 msgid "<Right>, x, l\tGo forward in history list"
-msgstr "<Right>, x, l\tПоказать следующее посещённое состояние"
+msgstr "<Right>, x, l\tПоказать следующий посещённый коммит"
 #: gitk:3056
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-n>\tGo to n-th parent of current commit in history list"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<%s-n>\tПерейти на n родителя от текущего коммита"
 #: gitk:3057
 msgid "<PageUp>\tMove up one page in commit list"
-msgstr "<PageUp>\tПерейти на страницу выше в списке состояний"
+msgstr "<PageUp>\tПерейти на страницу выше в списке коммитов"
 #: gitk:3058
 msgid "<PageDown>\tMove down one page in commit list"
-msgstr "<PageDown>\tПерейти на страницу ниже в списке состояний"
+msgstr "<PageDown>\tПерейти на страницу ниже в списке коммитов"
 #: gitk:3059
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Home>\tScroll to top of commit list"
-msgstr "<%s-Home>\tПоказать начало списка состояний"
+msgstr "<%s-Home>\tПерейти на начало списка коммитов"
 #: gitk:3060
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-End>\tScroll to bottom of commit list"
-msgstr "<%s-End>\tПоказать конец списка состояний"
+msgstr "<%s-End>\tПерейти на конец списка коммитов"
 #: gitk:3061
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Up>\tScroll commit list up one line"
-msgstr "<%s-Up>\tПровернуть список состояний вверх"
+msgstr "<%s-Up>\tПровернуть список коммитов вверх"
 #: gitk:3062
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Down>\tScroll commit list down one line"
-msgstr "<%s-Down>\tПровернуть список состояний вниз"
+msgstr "<%s-Down>\tПровернуть список коммитов вниз"
 #: gitk:3063
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-PageUp>\tScroll commit list up one page"
-msgstr "<%s-PageUp>\tПровернуть список состояний на страницу вверх"
+msgstr "<%s-PageUp>\tПровернуть список коммитов на страницу вверх"
 #: gitk:3064
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-PageDown>\tScroll commit list down one page"
-msgstr "<%s-PageDown>\tПровернуть список состояний на страницу вниз"
+msgstr "<%s-PageDown>\tПровернуть список коммитов на страницу вниз"
 #: gitk:3065
 msgid "<Shift-Up>\tFind backwards (upwards, later commits)"
-msgstr "<Shift-Up>\tПоиск в обратном порядке (вверх, среди новых состояний)"
+msgstr "<Shift-Up>\tПоиск в обратном порядке (вверх, среди новых коммитов)"
 #: gitk:3066
 msgid "<Shift-Down>\tFind forwards (downwards, earlier commits)"
-msgstr "<Shift-Down>\tПоиск (вниз, среди старых состояний)"
+msgstr "<Shift-Down>\tПоиск (вниз, среди старых коммитов)"
 #: gitk:3067
 msgid "<Delete>, b\tScroll diff view up one page"
@@ -504,16 +492,15 @@
 #: gitk:3073
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-G>\t\tMove to next find hit"
-msgstr "<%s-G>\t\tПерейти к следующему найденному состоянию"
+msgstr "<%s-G>\t\tПерейти к следующему найденному коммиту"
 #: gitk:3074
 msgid "<Return>\tMove to next find hit"
-msgstr "<Return>\tПерейти к следующему найденному состоянию"
+msgstr "<Return>\tПерейти к следующему найденному коммиту"
 #: gitk:3075
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "g\t\tGo to commit"
-msgstr "<End>\t\tПерейти к последнему состоянию"
+msgstr "g\t\tПерейти на коммит"
 #: gitk:3076
 msgid "/\t\tFocus the search box"
@@ -521,7 +508,7 @@
 #: gitk:3077
 msgid "?\t\tMove to previous find hit"
-msgstr "?\t\tПерейти к предыдущему найденному состоянию"
+msgstr "?\t\tПерейти к предыдущему найденному коммиту"
 #: gitk:3078
 msgid "f\t\tScroll diff view to next file"
@@ -569,7 +556,7 @@
 #: gitk:3572
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error getting \"%s\" from %s:"
-msgstr "Ошибка получения \"%s\" из %s:"
+msgstr "Ошибка получения «%s» из %s:"
 #: gitk:3635
 msgid "command failed:"
@@ -577,7 +564,7 @@
 #: gitk:3784
 msgid "No such commit"
-msgstr "Состояние не найдено"
+msgstr "Коммит не найден"
 #: gitk:3798
 msgid "git gui blame: command failed:"
@@ -610,8 +597,7 @@
 #: gitk:3925
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "That line comes from commit %s,  which is not in this view"
-msgstr ""
-"Эта строка принадлежит состоянию %s, которое не показано в этом представлении"
+msgstr "Эта строка принадлежит коммиту %s, который не показан в этом представлении"
 #: gitk:3939
 msgid "External diff viewer failed:"
@@ -627,103 +613,97 @@
 #: gitk:4075
 msgid "References (space separated list):"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ссылки (разделённые пробелом):"
 #: gitk:4076
 msgid "Branches & tags:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ветки и метки"
 #: gitk:4077
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "All refs"
-msgstr "Все файлы"
+msgstr "Все ссылки"
 #: gitk:4078
 msgid "All (local) branches"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Все (локальные) ветки"
 #: gitk:4079
 msgid "All tags"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Все метки"
 #: gitk:4080
 msgid "All remote-tracking branches"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Все внешние отслеживаемые ветки"
 #: gitk:4081
 msgid "Commit Info (regular expressions):"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Информация о коммите (регулярные выражения):"
 #: gitk:4082
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Author:"
-msgstr "Автор"
+msgstr "Автор:"
 #: gitk:4083
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Committer:"
-msgstr "Сохранивший состояние"
+msgstr "Коммитер:"
 #: gitk:4084
 msgid "Commit Message:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сообщение коммита:"
 #: gitk:4085
 msgid "Matches all Commit Info criteria"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Совпадает со всеми условиями информации о коммите"
 #: gitk:4086
 msgid "Matches no Commit Info criteria"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Не совпадает с условиями информации о коммите"
 #: gitk:4087
 msgid "Changes to Files:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изменения файлов:"
 #: gitk:4088
 msgid "Fixed String"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обычная строка"
 #: gitk:4089
 msgid "Regular Expression"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Регулярное выражение:"
 #: gitk:4090
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Search string:"
-msgstr "Поиск"
+msgstr "Строка для поиска:"
 #: gitk:4091
 msgid ""
 "Commit Dates (\"2 weeks ago\", \"2009-03-17 15:27:38\", \"March 17, 2009 "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Даты коммита («2 недели назад», «2009-03-17 15:27:38», «17 марта 2009 15:27:38»):"
 #: gitk:4092
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Since:"
 msgstr "С даты:"
 #: gitk:4093
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Until:"
 msgstr "По дату:"
 #: gitk:4094
 msgid "Limit and/or skip a number of revisions (positive integer):"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ограничить и/или пропустить количество редакций (положительное число):"
 #: gitk:4095
 msgid "Number to show:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Показать количество:"
 #: gitk:4096
 msgid "Number to skip:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Пропустить количество:"
 #: gitk:4097
 msgid "Miscellaneous options:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Различные опции:"
 #: gitk:4098
 msgid "Strictly sort by date"
@@ -731,7 +711,7 @@
 #: gitk:4099
 msgid "Mark branch sides"
-msgstr "Отметить стороны ветвей"
+msgstr "Отметить стороны веток"
 #: gitk:4100
 msgid "Limit to first parent"
@@ -739,12 +719,11 @@
 #: gitk:4101
 msgid "Simple history"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Упрощенная история"
 #: gitk:4102
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Additional arguments to git log:"
-msgstr "Включить состояния (аргументы для git-log):"
+msgstr "Дополнительные аргументы для git log:"
 #: gitk:4103
 msgid "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"
@@ -752,21 +731,19 @@
 #: gitk:4104
 msgid "Command to generate more commits to include:"
-msgstr "Дополнительная команда для списка состояний:"
+msgstr "Дополнительная команда для списка коммитов:"
 #: gitk:4228
 msgid "Gitk: edit view"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gitk: изменить представление"
 #: gitk:4236
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "-- criteria for selecting revisions"
-msgstr "Ошибка в идентификаторе версии:"
+msgstr "— критерий поиска редакций"
 #: gitk:4241
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "View Name"
-msgstr "Представление"
+msgstr "Имя представления"
 #: gitk:4316
 msgid "Apply (F5)"
@@ -774,7 +751,7 @@
 #: gitk:4354
 msgid "Error in commit selection arguments:"
-msgstr "Ошибка в параметрах выбора состояний:"
+msgstr "Ошибка в параметрах выбора коммитов:"
 #: gitk:4409 gitk:4462 gitk:4924 gitk:4938 gitk:6208 gitk:12373 gitk:12374
 msgid "None"
@@ -798,23 +775,23 @@
 #: gitk:5324
 msgid "Local changes checked in to index but not committed"
-msgstr "Изменения зарегистрированные в индексе, но не сохранённые"
+msgstr "Проиндексированные изменения"
 #: gitk:5360
 msgid "Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index"
-msgstr "Изменения в рабочем каталоге, не зарегистрированные в индексе"
+msgstr "Непроиндексированные изменения"
 #: gitk:7134
 msgid "and many more"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "и многое другое"
 #: gitk:7137
 msgid "many"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "много"
 #: gitk:7328
 msgid "Tags:"
-msgstr "Таги:"
+msgstr "Метки:"
 #: gitk:7345 gitk:7351 gitk:8825
 msgid "Parent"
@@ -826,7 +803,7 @@
 #: gitk:7365
 msgid "Branch"
-msgstr "Ветвь"
+msgstr "Ветка"
 #: gitk:7368
 msgid "Follows"
@@ -851,9 +828,9 @@
 msgstr "Сокращённый SHA1 идентификатор %s неоднозначен"
 #: gitk:8678
-#, fuzzy, tcl-format
+#, tcl-format
 msgid "Revision %s is not known"
-msgstr "SHA1 идентификатор %s не найден"
+msgstr "Редакция %s не найдена"
 #: gitk:8688
 #, tcl-format
@@ -863,7 +840,7 @@
 #: gitk:8690
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Revision %s is not in the current view"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Редакция %s не найдена в текущем представлении"
 #: gitk:8832 gitk:8847
 msgid "Date"
@@ -876,62 +853,60 @@
 #: gitk:8898
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Reset %s branch to here"
-msgstr "Установить ветвь %s на это состояние"
+msgstr "Сбросить ветку %s на этот коммит"
 #: gitk:8900
 msgid "Detached head: can't reset"
-msgstr "Состояние не принадлежит ни одной ветви, переход невозможен"
+msgstr "Коммит не принадлежит ни одной ветке, сбросить невозможно"
 #: gitk:9005 gitk:9011
 msgid "Skipping merge commit "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Пропускаю коммит-слияние"
 #: gitk:9020 gitk:9025
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Error getting patch ID for "
-msgstr "Ошибка создания патча:"
+msgstr "Не удалось получить идентификатор патча для "
 #: gitk:9021 gitk:9026
 msgid " - stopping\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " — останов\n"
 #: gitk:9031 gitk:9034 gitk:9042 gitk:9056 gitk:9065
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Commit "
-msgstr "состояние"
+msgstr "Коммит"
 #: gitk:9035
 msgid ""
 " is the same patch as\n"
 "       "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " такой же патч, как и\n       "
 #: gitk:9043
 msgid ""
 " differs from\n"
 "       "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " отличается от\n       "
 #: gitk:9045
 msgid ""
 "Diff of commits:\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Различия коммитов:\n\n"
 #: gitk:9057 gitk:9066
 #, tcl-format
 msgid " has %s children - stopping\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " является %s потомком — останов\n"
 #: gitk:9085
-#, fuzzy, tcl-format
+#, tcl-format
 msgid "Error writing commit to file: %s"
-msgstr "Ошибка сохранения состояния:"
+msgstr "Произошла ошибка при записи коммита в файл: %s"
 #: gitk:9091
-#, fuzzy, tcl-format
+#, tcl-format
 msgid "Error diffing commits: %s"
-msgstr "Ошибка сохранения состояния:"
+msgstr "Произошла ошибка при выводе различий коммитов: %s"
 #: gitk:9137
 msgid "Top"
@@ -983,12 +958,11 @@
 #: gitk:9268
 msgid "Tag message is optional"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Описание метки указывать не обязательно"
 #: gitk:9270
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Tag message:"
-msgstr "Имя метки:"
+msgstr "Описание метки:"
 #: gitk:9274 gitk:9439
 msgid "Create"
@@ -1001,7 +975,7 @@
 #: gitk:9296
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Tag \"%s\" already exists"
-msgstr "Метка \"%s\" уже существует"
+msgstr "Метка «%s» уже существует"
 #: gitk:9306
 msgid "Error creating tag:"
@@ -1017,7 +991,7 @@
 #: gitk:9408
 msgid "Error writing commit:"
-msgstr "Ошибка сохранения состояния:"
+msgstr "Произошла ошибка при записи коммита:"
 #: gitk:9435
 msgid "Name:"
@@ -1025,17 +999,17 @@
 #: gitk:9458
 msgid "Please specify a name for the new branch"
-msgstr "Укажите имя для новой ветви"
+msgstr "Укажите имя для новой ветки"
 #: gitk:9463
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' already exists. Overwrite?"
-msgstr "Ветвь '%s' уже существует. Переписать?"
+msgstr "Ветка «%s» уже существует. Переписать?"
 #: gitk:9530
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Commit %s is already included in branch %s -- really re-apply it?"
-msgstr "Состояние %s уже принадлежит ветви %s. Продолжить операцию?"
+msgstr "Коммит %s уже включён в ветку %s. Продолжить операцию?"
 #: gitk:9535
 msgid "Cherry-picking"
@@ -1046,49 +1020,39 @@
 msgid ""
 "Cherry-pick failed because of local changes to file '%s'.\n"
 "Please commit, reset or stash your changes and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Копирование невозможно из-за изменений в файле '%s'.\n"
-"Сохраните или отмените изменения и повторите операцию."
+msgstr "Отбор лучшего невозможен из-за изменений в файле «%s».\nЗакомитьте, сбросьте или спрячьте изменения и повторите операцию."
 #: gitk:9550
 msgid ""
 "Cherry-pick failed because of merge conflict.\n"
 "Do you wish to run git citool to resolve it?"
-msgstr ""
-"Копирование изменений невозможно из-за незавершённой операции слияния.\n"
-"Запустить git citool для завершения этой операции?"
+msgstr "Копирование изменений невозможно из-за незавершённой операции слияния.\nЗапустить git citool для завершения этой операции?"
 #: gitk:9566 gitk:9624
 msgid "No changes committed"
-msgstr "Изменения не сохранены"
+msgstr "Изменения не закоммичены"
 #: gitk:9593
-#, fuzzy, tcl-format
+#, tcl-format
 msgid "Commit %s is not included in branch %s -- really revert it?"
-msgstr "Состояние %s уже принадлежит ветви %s. Продолжить операцию?"
+msgstr "Коммит %s не включён в ветку %s. Продолжить операцию?"
 #: gitk:9598
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Reverting"
-msgstr "Установка"
+msgstr "Возврат изменений"
 #: gitk:9606
-#, fuzzy, tcl-format
+#, tcl-format
 msgid ""
 "Revert failed because of local changes to the following files:%s Please "
 "commit, reset or stash  your changes and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Копирование невозможно из-за изменений в файле '%s'.\n"
-"Сохраните или отмените изменения и повторите операцию."
+msgstr "Возврат изменений коммита не удался из-за локальных изменений в указанных файлах: %s\nЗакомитьте, сбросьте или спрячьте изменения и повторите операцию."
 #: gitk:9610
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Revert failed because of merge conflict.\n"
 " Do you wish to run git citool to resolve it?"
-msgstr ""
-"Копирование изменений невозможно из-за незавершённой операции слияния.\n"
-"Запустить git citool для завершения этой операции?"
+msgstr "Возврат изменений невозможен из-за незавершённой операции слияния.\nЗапустить git citool для завершения этой операции?"
 #: gitk:9653
 msgid "Confirm reset"
@@ -1097,7 +1061,7 @@
 #: gitk:9655
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Reset branch %s to %s?"
-msgstr "Установить ветвь %s на состояние %s?"
+msgstr "Сбросить ветку %s на коммит %s?"
 #: gitk:9657
 msgid "Reset type:"
@@ -1115,13 +1079,11 @@
 msgid ""
 "Hard: Reset working tree and index\n"
 "(discard ALL local changes)"
-msgstr ""
-"Жесткий: переписать индекс и рабочий каталог\n"
-"(все изменения в рабочем каталоге будут потеряны)"
+msgstr "Жесткий: переписать индекс и рабочий каталог\n(все изменения в рабочем каталоге будут потеряны)"
 #: gitk:9683
 msgid "Resetting"
-msgstr "Установка"
+msgstr "Сброс"
 #: gitk:9743
 msgid "Checking out"
@@ -1129,21 +1091,19 @@
 #: gitk:9796
 msgid "Cannot delete the currently checked-out branch"
-msgstr "Активная ветвь не может быть удалена"
+msgstr "Активная ветка не может быть удалена"
 #: gitk:9802
 #, tcl-format
 msgid ""
 "The commits on branch %s aren't on any other branch.\n"
 "Really delete branch %s?"
-msgstr ""
-"Состояния ветви %s больше не принадлежат никакой другой ветви.\n"
-"Действительно удалить ветвь %s?"
+msgstr "Коммиты из ветки %s не принадлежат больше никакой другой ветке.\nДействительно удалить ветку %s?"
 #: gitk:9833
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Tags and heads: %s"
-msgstr "Метки и ветви: %s"
+msgstr "Метки и ветки: %s"
 #: gitk:9850
 msgid "Filter"
@@ -1153,9 +1113,7 @@
 msgid ""
 "Error reading commit topology information; branch and preceding/following "
 "tag information will be incomplete."
-msgstr ""
-"Ошибка чтения истории проекта; информация о ветвях и состояниях вокруг меток "
-"(до/после) может быть неполной."
+msgstr "Ошибка чтения истории проекта; информация о ветках и коммитах вокруг меток (до/после) может быть неполной."
 #: gitk:11123
 msgid "Tag"
@@ -1179,7 +1137,7 @@
 #: gitk:11348
 msgid "Commit list display options"
-msgstr "Параметры показа списка состояний"
+msgstr "Параметры показа списка коммитов"
 #: gitk:11351
 msgid "Maximum graph width (lines)"
@@ -1195,13 +1153,12 @@
 msgstr "Показывать изменения в рабочем каталоге"
 #: gitk:11361
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Auto-select SHA1 (length)"
-msgstr "Выделить SHA1"
+msgstr "Автоматически выделить SHA1 (длинна)"
 #: gitk:11365
 msgid "Hide remote refs"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Скрыть внешние ссылки"
 #: gitk:11369
 msgid "Diff display options"
@@ -1212,13 +1169,12 @@
 msgstr "Ширина табуляции"
 #: gitk:11374
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Display nearby tags/heads"
-msgstr "Показывать близкие метки"
+msgstr "Показывать близкие метки/ветки"
 #: gitk:11377
 msgid "Maximum # tags/heads to show"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Показывать максимальное количество меток/веток"
 #: gitk:11380
 msgid "Limit diffs to listed paths"
@@ -1237,21 +1193,20 @@
 msgstr "Выберите..."
 #: gitk:11395
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "General options"
-msgstr "Создать патч"
+msgstr "Общие опции"
 #: gitk:11398
 msgid "Use themed widgets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Использовать стили виджетов"
 #: gitk:11400
 msgid "(change requires restart)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(изменение потребует перезапуск)"
 #: gitk:11402
 msgid "(currently unavailable)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(недоступно в данный момент)"
 #: gitk:11413
 msgid "Colors: press to choose"
@@ -1259,12 +1214,11 @@
 #: gitk:11416
 msgid "Interface"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Интерфейс"
 #: gitk:11417
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "interface"
-msgstr "Шрифт интерфейса"
+msgstr "интерфейс"
 #: gitk:11420
 msgid "Background"
@@ -1339,17 +1293,16 @@
 msgstr "Настройки Gitk"
 #: gitk:11494
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "General"
-msgstr "Создать"
+msgstr "Общие"
 #: gitk:11495
 msgid "Colors"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Цвета"
 #: gitk:11496
 msgid "Fonts"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Шрифты"
 #: gitk:11546
 #, tcl-format
@@ -1360,9 +1313,7 @@
 msgid ""
 "Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n"
 " Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."
-msgstr ""
-"К сожалению gitk не может работать с этой версий Tcl/Tk.\n"
-"Требуется как минимум Tcl/Tk 8.4."
+msgstr "К сожалению gitk не может работать с этой версий Tcl/Tk.\nТребуется как минимум Tcl/Tk 8.4."
 #: gitk:12269
 msgid "Cannot find a git repository here."
@@ -1371,38 +1322,8 @@
 #: gitk:12316
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Ambiguous argument '%s': both revision and filename"
-msgstr "Неоднозначный аргумент '%s': существует как версия и имя файла"
+msgstr "Неоднозначный аргумент «%s»: существует как редакция и как имя файла"
 #: gitk:12328
 msgid "Bad arguments to gitk:"
 msgstr "Неправильные аргументы для gitk:"
-#~ msgid "SHA1 ID: "
-#~ msgstr "SHA1:"
-#~ msgid "next"
-#~ msgstr "След."
-#~ msgid "prev"
-#~ msgstr "Пред."
-#~ msgid "Use all refs"
-#~ msgstr "Использовать все ветви"
-#~ msgid "Max count:"
-#~ msgstr "Макс. количество:"
-#~ msgid "Skip:"
-#~ msgstr "Пропустить:"
-#~ msgid "Name"
-#~ msgstr "Имя"
-#~ msgid "CDate"
-#~ msgstr "Дата ввода"
-#~ msgid "Tag/Head %s is not known"
-#~ msgstr "Метка или ветвь %s не найдена"
-#~ msgid "Cannot find the git directory \"%s\"."
-#~ msgstr "Git-репозитарий \"%s\" не найден."
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/sv.po b/gitk-git/po/sv.po
index 0bd46d7..d9d4e87 100644
--- a/gitk-git/po/sv.po
+++ b/gitk-git/po/sv.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # Swedish translation for gitk
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Paul Mackerras
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Paul Mackerras
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the gitk package.
 # Mikael Magnusson <>, 2008.
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: sv\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-05-17 14:32+1000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-27 10:31+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-09 09:40+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-11 09:46+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Peter Krefting <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
 "Language: sv\n"
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 msgid "Color words"
 msgstr "Färga ord"
-#: gitk:217 gitk:2381 gitk:8220 gitk:8253
+#: gitk:217 gitk:2381 gitk:8221 gitk:8254
 msgid "Markup words"
 msgstr "Märk upp ord"
@@ -62,15 +62,15 @@
 msgid "Reading"
 msgstr "Läser"
-#: gitk:496 gitk:4525
+#: gitk:496 gitk:4526
 msgid "Reading commits..."
 msgstr "Läser incheckningar..."
-#: gitk:499 gitk:1637 gitk:4528
+#: gitk:499 gitk:1637 gitk:4529
 msgid "No commits selected"
 msgstr "Inga incheckningar markerade"
-#: gitk:1445 gitk:4045 gitk:12432
+#: gitk:1445 gitk:4046 gitk:12447
 msgid "Command line"
 msgstr "Kommandorad"
@@ -82,84 +82,84 @@
 msgid "No commit information available"
 msgstr "Ingen incheckningsinformation är tillgänglig"
-#: gitk:1903 gitk:1932 gitk:4315 gitk:9669 gitk:11241 gitk:11521
+#: gitk:1903 gitk:1932 gitk:4316 gitk:9684 gitk:11256 gitk:11536
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: gitk:1934 gitk:4317 gitk:9196 gitk:9275 gitk:9391 gitk:9440 gitk:9671
-#: gitk:11242 gitk:11522
+#: gitk:1934 gitk:4318 gitk:9197 gitk:9276 gitk:9406 gitk:9455 gitk:9686
+#: gitk:11257 gitk:11537
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Avbryt"
 #: gitk:2069
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Uppdatera"
+msgid "&Update"
+msgstr "&Uppdatera"
 #: gitk:2070
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "Ladda om"
+msgid "&Reload"
+msgstr "Läs &om"
 #: gitk:2071
-msgid "Reread references"
-msgstr "Läs om referenser"
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
+msgstr "Läs om &referenser"
 #: gitk:2072
-msgid "List references"
-msgstr "Visa referenser"
+msgid "&List references"
+msgstr "&Visa referenser"
 #: gitk:2074
-msgid "Start git gui"
-msgstr "Starta git gui"
+msgid "Start git &gui"
+msgstr "Starta git &gui"
 #: gitk:2076
-msgid "Quit"
-msgstr "Avsluta"
+msgid "&Quit"
+msgstr "&Avsluta"
 #: gitk:2068
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Arkiv"
+msgid "&File"
+msgstr "&Arkiv"
 #: gitk:2080
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Inställningar"
+msgid "&Preferences"
+msgstr "&Inställningar"
 #: gitk:2079
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Redigera"
+msgid "&Edit"
+msgstr "&Redigera"
 #: gitk:2084
-msgid "New view..."
-msgstr "Ny vy..."
+msgid "&New view..."
+msgstr "&Ny vy..."
 #: gitk:2085
-msgid "Edit view..."
-msgstr "Ändra vy..."
+msgid "&Edit view..."
+msgstr "&Ändra vy..."
 #: gitk:2086
-msgid "Delete view"
-msgstr "Ta bort vy"
+msgid "&Delete view"
+msgstr "&Ta bort vy"
-#: gitk:2088 gitk:4043
-msgid "All files"
-msgstr "Alla filer"
+#: gitk:2088
+msgid "&All files"
+msgstr "&Alla filer"
-#: gitk:2083 gitk:4067
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "Visa"
+#: gitk:2083
+msgid "&View"
+msgstr "&Visa"
-#: gitk:2093 gitk:2103 gitk:3012
-msgid "About gitk"
-msgstr "Om gitk"
+#: gitk:2093 gitk:2103
+msgid "&About gitk"
+msgstr "&Om gitk"
 #: gitk:2094 gitk:2108
-msgid "Key bindings"
-msgstr "Tangentbordsbindningar"
+msgid "&Key bindings"
+msgstr "&Tangentbordsbindningar"
 #: gitk:2092 gitk:2107
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Hjälp"
+msgid "&Help"
+msgstr "&Hjälp"
-#: gitk:2185 gitk:8652
+#: gitk:2185 gitk:8653
 msgid "SHA1 ID:"
 msgstr "SHA1-id:"
@@ -175,53 +175,53 @@
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr "incheckning"
-#: gitk:2299 gitk:2301 gitk:4687 gitk:4710 gitk:4734 gitk:6755 gitk:6827
-#: gitk:6912
+#: gitk:2299 gitk:2301 gitk:4688 gitk:4711 gitk:4735 gitk:6756 gitk:6828
+#: gitk:6913
 msgid "containing:"
 msgstr "som innehåller:"
-#: gitk:2302 gitk:3526 gitk:3531 gitk:4763
+#: gitk:2302 gitk:3527 gitk:3532 gitk:4764
 msgid "touching paths:"
 msgstr "som rör sökväg:"
-#: gitk:2303 gitk:4777
+#: gitk:2303 gitk:4778
 msgid "adding/removing string:"
 msgstr "som lägger/till tar bort sträng:"
-#: gitk:2304 gitk:4779
+#: gitk:2304 gitk:4780
 msgid "changing lines matching:"
 msgstr "ändrar rader som matchar:"
-#: gitk:2313 gitk:2315 gitk:4766
+#: gitk:2313 gitk:2315 gitk:4767
 msgid "Exact"
 msgstr "Exakt"
-#: gitk:2315 gitk:4854 gitk:6723
+#: gitk:2315 gitk:4855 gitk:6724
 msgid "IgnCase"
 msgstr "IgnVersaler"
-#: gitk:2315 gitk:4736 gitk:4852 gitk:6719
+#: gitk:2315 gitk:4737 gitk:4853 gitk:6720
 msgid "Regexp"
 msgstr "Reg.uttr."
-#: gitk:2317 gitk:2318 gitk:4874 gitk:4904 gitk:4911 gitk:6848 gitk:6916
+#: gitk:2317 gitk:2318 gitk:4875 gitk:4905 gitk:4912 gitk:6849 gitk:6917
 msgid "All fields"
 msgstr "Alla fält"
-#: gitk:2318 gitk:4871 gitk:4904 gitk:6786
+#: gitk:2318 gitk:4872 gitk:4905 gitk:6787
 msgid "Headline"
 msgstr "Rubrik"
-#: gitk:2319 gitk:4871 gitk:6786 gitk:6916 gitk:7389
+#: gitk:2319 gitk:4872 gitk:6787 gitk:6917 gitk:7390
 msgid "Comments"
 msgstr "Kommentarer"
-#: gitk:2319 gitk:4871 gitk:4876 gitk:4911 gitk:6786 gitk:7324 gitk:8830
-#: gitk:8845
+#: gitk:2319 gitk:4872 gitk:4877 gitk:4912 gitk:6787 gitk:7325 gitk:8831
+#: gitk:8846
 msgid "Author"
 msgstr "Författare"
-#: gitk:2319 gitk:4871 gitk:6786 gitk:7326
+#: gitk:2319 gitk:4872 gitk:6787 gitk:7327
 msgid "Committer"
 msgstr "Incheckare"
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
 msgid "Ignore space change"
 msgstr "Ignorera ändringar i blanksteg"
-#: gitk:2378 gitk:2380 gitk:7959 gitk:8206
+#: gitk:2378 gitk:2380 gitk:7960 gitk:8207
 msgid "Line diff"
 msgstr "Rad-diff"
@@ -261,107 +261,115 @@
 msgid "Tree"
 msgstr "Träd"
-#: gitk:2617 gitk:2637
+#: gitk:2617 gitk:2638
 msgid "Diff this -> selected"
 msgstr "Diff denna -> markerad"
-#: gitk:2618 gitk:2638
+#: gitk:2618 gitk:2639
 msgid "Diff selected -> this"
 msgstr "Diff markerad -> denna"
-#: gitk:2619 gitk:2639
+#: gitk:2619 gitk:2640
 msgid "Make patch"
 msgstr "Skapa patch"
-#: gitk:2620 gitk:9254
+#: gitk:2620 gitk:9255
 msgid "Create tag"
 msgstr "Skapa tagg"
-#: gitk:2621 gitk:9371
+#: gitk:2621
+msgid "Copy commit summary"
+msgstr "Kopiera incheckningssammanfattning"
+#: gitk:2622 gitk:9386
 msgid "Write commit to file"
 msgstr "Skriv incheckning till fil"
-#: gitk:2622 gitk:9428
+#: gitk:2623 gitk:9443
 msgid "Create new branch"
 msgstr "Skapa ny gren"
-#: gitk:2623
+#: gitk:2624
 msgid "Cherry-pick this commit"
 msgstr "Plocka denna incheckning"
-#: gitk:2624
+#: gitk:2625
 msgid "Reset HEAD branch to here"
 msgstr "Återställ HEAD-grenen hit"
-#: gitk:2625
+#: gitk:2626
 msgid "Mark this commit"
 msgstr "Markera denna incheckning"
-#: gitk:2626
+#: gitk:2627
 msgid "Return to mark"
 msgstr "Återgå till markering"
-#: gitk:2627
+#: gitk:2628
 msgid "Find descendant of this and mark"
 msgstr "Hitta efterföljare till denna och markera"
-#: gitk:2628
+#: gitk:2629
 msgid "Compare with marked commit"
 msgstr "Jämför med markerad incheckning"
-#: gitk:2629 gitk:2640
+#: gitk:2630 gitk:2641
 msgid "Diff this -> marked commit"
 msgstr "Diff denna -> markerad incheckning"
-#: gitk:2630 gitk:2641
+#: gitk:2631 gitk:2642
 msgid "Diff marked commit -> this"
 msgstr "Diff markerad incheckning -> denna"
-#: gitk:2631
+#: gitk:2632
 msgid "Revert this commit"
 msgstr "Ångra denna incheckning"
-#: gitk:2647
+#: gitk:2648
 msgid "Check out this branch"
 msgstr "Checka ut denna gren"
-#: gitk:2648
+#: gitk:2649
 msgid "Remove this branch"
 msgstr "Ta bort denna gren"
-#: gitk:2649
+#: gitk:2650
 msgid "Copy branch name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kopiera namn på gren"
-#: gitk:2656
+#: gitk:2657
 msgid "Highlight this too"
 msgstr "Markera även detta"
-#: gitk:2657
+#: gitk:2658
 msgid "Highlight this only"
 msgstr "Markera bara detta"
-#: gitk:2658
+#: gitk:2659
 msgid "External diff"
 msgstr "Extern diff"
-#: gitk:2659
+#: gitk:2660
 msgid "Blame parent commit"
 msgstr "Klandra föräldraincheckning"
-#: gitk:2660
+#: gitk:2661
 msgid "Copy path"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kopiera sökväg"
-#: gitk:2667
+#: gitk:2668
 msgid "Show origin of this line"
 msgstr "Visa ursprunget för den här raden"
-#: gitk:2668
+#: gitk:2669
 msgid "Run git gui blame on this line"
 msgstr "Kör git gui blame på den här raden"
-#: gitk:3014
+#: gitk:3013
+msgid "About gitk"
+msgstr "Om gitk"
+#: gitk:3015
 msgid ""
 "Gitk - a commit viewer for git\n"
@@ -377,317 +385,323 @@
 "Använd och vidareförmedla enligt villkoren i GNU General Public License"
-#: gitk:3022 gitk:3089 gitk:9857
+#: gitk:3023 gitk:3090 gitk:9872
 msgid "Close"
 msgstr "Stäng"
-#: gitk:3043
+#: gitk:3044
 msgid "Gitk key bindings"
 msgstr "Tangentbordsbindningar för Gitk"
-#: gitk:3046
+#: gitk:3047
 msgid "Gitk key bindings:"
 msgstr "Tangentbordsbindningar för Gitk:"
-#: gitk:3048
+#: gitk:3049
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Q>\t\tQuit"
 msgstr "<%s-Q>\t\tAvsluta"
-#: gitk:3049
+#: gitk:3050
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-W>\t\tClose window"
 msgstr "<%s-W>\t\tStäng fönster"
-#: gitk:3050
+#: gitk:3051
 msgid "<Home>\t\tMove to first commit"
 msgstr "<Home>\t\tGå till första incheckning"
-#: gitk:3051
+#: gitk:3052
 msgid "<End>\t\tMove to last commit"
 msgstr "<End>\t\tGå till sista incheckning"
-#: gitk:3052
+#: gitk:3053
 msgid "<Up>, p, k\tMove up one commit"
 msgstr "<Upp>, p, k\tGå en incheckning upp"
-#: gitk:3053
+#: gitk:3054
 msgid "<Down>, n, j\tMove down one commit"
 msgstr "<Ned>, n, j\tGå en incheckning ned"
-#: gitk:3054
+#: gitk:3055
 msgid "<Left>, z, h\tGo back in history list"
 msgstr "<Vänster>, z, h\tGå bakåt i historiken"
-#: gitk:3055
+#: gitk:3056
 msgid "<Right>, x, l\tGo forward in history list"
 msgstr "<Höger>, x, l\tGå framåt i historiken"
-#: gitk:3056
+#: gitk:3057
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-n>\tGo to n-th parent of current commit in history list"
 msgstr "<%s-n>\tGå till aktuell inchecknings n:te förälder i historielistan"
-#: gitk:3057
+#: gitk:3058
 msgid "<PageUp>\tMove up one page in commit list"
 msgstr "<PageUp>\tGå upp en sida i incheckningslistan"
-#: gitk:3058
+#: gitk:3059
 msgid "<PageDown>\tMove down one page in commit list"
 msgstr "<PageDown>\tGå ned en sida i incheckningslistan"
-#: gitk:3059
+#: gitk:3060
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Home>\tScroll to top of commit list"
 msgstr "<%s-Home>\tRulla till början av incheckningslistan"
-#: gitk:3060
+#: gitk:3061
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-End>\tScroll to bottom of commit list"
 msgstr "<%s-End>\tRulla till slutet av incheckningslistan"
-#: gitk:3061
+#: gitk:3062
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Up>\tScroll commit list up one line"
 msgstr "<%s-Upp>\tRulla incheckningslistan upp ett steg"
-#: gitk:3062
+#: gitk:3063
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-Down>\tScroll commit list down one line"
 msgstr "<%s-Ned>\tRulla incheckningslistan ned ett steg"
-#: gitk:3063
+#: gitk:3064
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-PageUp>\tScroll commit list up one page"
 msgstr "<%s-PageUp>\tRulla incheckningslistan upp en sida"
-#: gitk:3064
+#: gitk:3065
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-PageDown>\tScroll commit list down one page"
 msgstr "<%s-PageDown>\tRulla incheckningslistan ned en sida"
-#: gitk:3065
+#: gitk:3066
 msgid "<Shift-Up>\tFind backwards (upwards, later commits)"
 msgstr "<Skift-Upp>\tSök bakåt (uppåt, senare incheckningar)"
-#: gitk:3066
+#: gitk:3067
 msgid "<Shift-Down>\tFind forwards (downwards, earlier commits)"
 msgstr "<Skift-Ned>\tSök framåt (nedåt, tidigare incheckningar)"
-#: gitk:3067
+#: gitk:3068
 msgid "<Delete>, b\tScroll diff view up one page"
 msgstr "<Delete>, b\tRulla diffvisningen upp en sida"
-#: gitk:3068
+#: gitk:3069
 msgid "<Backspace>\tScroll diff view up one page"
 msgstr "<Baksteg>\tRulla diffvisningen upp en sida"
-#: gitk:3069
+#: gitk:3070
 msgid "<Space>\t\tScroll diff view down one page"
 msgstr "<Blanksteg>\tRulla diffvisningen ned en sida"
-#: gitk:3070
+#: gitk:3071
 msgid "u\t\tScroll diff view up 18 lines"
 msgstr "u\t\tRulla diffvisningen upp 18 rader"
-#: gitk:3071
+#: gitk:3072
 msgid "d\t\tScroll diff view down 18 lines"
 msgstr "d\t\tRulla diffvisningen ned 18 rader"
-#: gitk:3072
+#: gitk:3073
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-F>\t\tFind"
 msgstr "<%s-F>\t\tSök"
-#: gitk:3073
+#: gitk:3074
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-G>\t\tMove to next find hit"
 msgstr "<%s-G>\t\tGå till nästa sökträff"
-#: gitk:3074
+#: gitk:3075
 msgid "<Return>\tMove to next find hit"
 msgstr "<Return>\t\tGå till nästa sökträff"
-#: gitk:3075
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "g\t\tGo to commit"
-msgstr "<End>\t\tGå till sista incheckning"
 #: gitk:3076
+msgid "g\t\tGo to commit"
+msgstr "g\t\tGå till incheckning"
+#: gitk:3077
 msgid "/\t\tFocus the search box"
 msgstr "/\t\tFokusera sökrutan"
-#: gitk:3077
+#: gitk:3078
 msgid "?\t\tMove to previous find hit"
 msgstr "?\t\tGå till föregående sökträff"
-#: gitk:3078
+#: gitk:3079
 msgid "f\t\tScroll diff view to next file"
 msgstr "f\t\tRulla diffvisningen till nästa fil"
-#: gitk:3079
+#: gitk:3080
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-S>\t\tSearch for next hit in diff view"
 msgstr "<%s-S>\t\tGå till nästa sökträff i diffvisningen"
-#: gitk:3080
+#: gitk:3081
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-R>\t\tSearch for previous hit in diff view"
 msgstr "<%s-R>\t\tGå till föregående sökträff i diffvisningen"
-#: gitk:3081
+#: gitk:3082
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-KP+>\tIncrease font size"
 msgstr "<%s-Num+>\tÖka teckenstorlek"
-#: gitk:3082
+#: gitk:3083
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-plus>\tIncrease font size"
 msgstr "<%s-plus>\tÖka teckenstorlek"
-#: gitk:3083
+#: gitk:3084
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-KP->\tDecrease font size"
 msgstr "<%s-Num->\tMinska teckenstorlek"
-#: gitk:3084
+#: gitk:3085
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-minus>\tDecrease font size"
 msgstr "<%s-minus>\tMinska teckenstorlek"
-#: gitk:3085
+#: gitk:3086
 msgid "<F5>\t\tUpdate"
 msgstr "<F5>\t\tUppdatera"
-#: gitk:3550 gitk:3559
+#: gitk:3551 gitk:3560
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error creating temporary directory %s:"
 msgstr "Fel vid skapande av temporär katalog %s:"
-#: gitk:3572
+#: gitk:3573
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error getting \"%s\" from %s:"
 msgstr "Fel vid hämtning av  \"%s\" från %s:"
-#: gitk:3635
+#: gitk:3636
 msgid "command failed:"
 msgstr "kommando misslyckades:"
-#: gitk:3784
+#: gitk:3785
 msgid "No such commit"
 msgstr "Incheckning saknas"
-#: gitk:3798
+#: gitk:3799
 msgid "git gui blame: command failed:"
 msgstr "git gui blame: kommando misslyckades:"
-#: gitk:3829
+#: gitk:3830
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Couldn't read merge head: %s"
 msgstr "Kunde inte läsa sammanslagningshuvud: %s"
-#: gitk:3837
+#: gitk:3838
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error reading index: %s"
 msgstr "Fel vid läsning av index: %s"
-#: gitk:3862
+#: gitk:3863
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Couldn't start git blame: %s"
 msgstr "Kunde inte starta git blame: %s"
-#: gitk:3865 gitk:6754
+#: gitk:3866 gitk:6755
 msgid "Searching"
 msgstr "Söker"
-#: gitk:3897
+#: gitk:3898
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error running git blame: %s"
 msgstr "Fel vid körning av git blame: %s"
-#: gitk:3925
+#: gitk:3926
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "That line comes from commit %s,  which is not in this view"
 msgstr "Raden kommer från incheckningen %s, som inte finns i denna vy"
-#: gitk:3939
+#: gitk:3940
 msgid "External diff viewer failed:"
 msgstr "Externt diff-verktyg misslyckades:"
-#: gitk:4070
+#: gitk:4044
+msgid "All files"
+msgstr "Alla filer"
+#: gitk:4068
+msgid "View"
+msgstr "Visa"
+#: gitk:4071
 msgid "Gitk view definition"
 msgstr "Definition av Gitk-vy"
-#: gitk:4074
+#: gitk:4075
 msgid "Remember this view"
 msgstr "Spara denna vy"
-#: gitk:4075
+#: gitk:4076
 msgid "References (space separated list):"
 msgstr "Referenser (blankstegsavdelad lista):"
-#: gitk:4076
+#: gitk:4077
 msgid "Branches & tags:"
 msgstr "Grenar & taggar:"
-#: gitk:4077
+#: gitk:4078
 msgid "All refs"
 msgstr "Alla referenser"
-#: gitk:4078
+#: gitk:4079
 msgid "All (local) branches"
 msgstr "Alla (lokala) grenar"
-#: gitk:4079
+#: gitk:4080
 msgid "All tags"
 msgstr "Alla taggar"
-#: gitk:4080
+#: gitk:4081
 msgid "All remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "Alla fjärrspårande grenar"
-#: gitk:4081
+#: gitk:4082
 msgid "Commit Info (regular expressions):"
 msgstr "Incheckningsinfo (reguljära uttryck):"
-#: gitk:4082
+#: gitk:4083
 msgid "Author:"
 msgstr "Författare:"
-#: gitk:4083
+#: gitk:4084
 msgid "Committer:"
 msgstr "Incheckare:"
-#: gitk:4084
+#: gitk:4085
 msgid "Commit Message:"
 msgstr "Incheckningsmeddelande:"
-#: gitk:4085
+#: gitk:4086
 msgid "Matches all Commit Info criteria"
 msgstr "Motsvarar alla kriterier för incheckningsinfo"
-#: gitk:4086
-#, fuzzy
+#: gitk:4087
 msgid "Matches no Commit Info criteria"
 msgstr "Motsvarar inga kriterier för incheckningsinfo"
-#: gitk:4087
+#: gitk:4088
 msgid "Changes to Files:"
 msgstr "Ändringar av filer:"
-#: gitk:4088
+#: gitk:4089
 msgid "Fixed String"
 msgstr "Fast sträng"
-#: gitk:4089
+#: gitk:4090
 msgid "Regular Expression"
 msgstr "Reguljärt uttryck"
-#: gitk:4090
+#: gitk:4091
 msgid "Search string:"
 msgstr "Söksträng:"
-#: gitk:4091
+#: gitk:4092
 msgid ""
 "Commit Dates (\"2 weeks ago\", \"2009-03-17 15:27:38\", \"March 17, 2009 "
@@ -695,201 +709,201 @@
 "Incheckingsdatum (\"2 weeks ago\", \"2009-03-17 15:27:38\", \"March 17, 2009 "
-#: gitk:4092
+#: gitk:4093
 msgid "Since:"
 msgstr "Från:"
-#: gitk:4093
+#: gitk:4094
 msgid "Until:"
 msgstr "Till:"
-#: gitk:4094
+#: gitk:4095
 msgid "Limit and/or skip a number of revisions (positive integer):"
 msgstr "Begränsa och/eller hoppa över ett antal revisioner (positivt heltal):"
-#: gitk:4095
+#: gitk:4096
 msgid "Number to show:"
 msgstr "Antal att visa:"
-#: gitk:4096
+#: gitk:4097
 msgid "Number to skip:"
 msgstr "Antal att hoppa över:"
-#: gitk:4097
+#: gitk:4098
 msgid "Miscellaneous options:"
 msgstr "Diverse alternativ:"
-#: gitk:4098
+#: gitk:4099
 msgid "Strictly sort by date"
 msgstr "Strikt datumsortering"
-#: gitk:4099
+#: gitk:4100
 msgid "Mark branch sides"
 msgstr "Markera sidogrenar"
-#: gitk:4100
+#: gitk:4101
 msgid "Limit to first parent"
 msgstr "Begränsa till första förälder"
-#: gitk:4101
+#: gitk:4102
 msgid "Simple history"
 msgstr "Enkel historik"
-#: gitk:4102
+#: gitk:4103
 msgid "Additional arguments to git log:"
 msgstr "Ytterligare argument till git log:"
-#: gitk:4103
+#: gitk:4104
 msgid "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"
 msgstr "Ange filer och kataloger att ta med, en per rad:"
-#: gitk:4104
+#: gitk:4105
 msgid "Command to generate more commits to include:"
 msgstr "Kommando för att generera fler incheckningar att ta med:"
-#: gitk:4228
+#: gitk:4229
 msgid "Gitk: edit view"
 msgstr "Gitk: redigera vy"
-#: gitk:4236
+#: gitk:4237
 msgid "-- criteria for selecting revisions"
 msgstr " - kriterier för val av revisioner"
-#: gitk:4241
+#: gitk:4242
 msgid "View Name"
 msgstr "Namn på vy"
-#: gitk:4316
+#: gitk:4317
 msgid "Apply (F5)"
 msgstr "Använd (F5)"
-#: gitk:4354
+#: gitk:4355
 msgid "Error in commit selection arguments:"
 msgstr "Fel i argument för val av incheckningar:"
-#: gitk:4409 gitk:4462 gitk:4924 gitk:4938 gitk:6208 gitk:12373 gitk:12374
+#: gitk:4410 gitk:4463 gitk:4925 gitk:4939 gitk:6209 gitk:12388 gitk:12389
 msgid "None"
 msgstr "Inget"
-#: gitk:5021 gitk:5026
+#: gitk:5022 gitk:5027
 msgid "Descendant"
 msgstr "Avkomling"
-#: gitk:5022
+#: gitk:5023
 msgid "Not descendant"
 msgstr "Inte avkomling"
-#: gitk:5029 gitk:5034
+#: gitk:5030 gitk:5035
 msgid "Ancestor"
 msgstr "Förfader"
-#: gitk:5030
+#: gitk:5031
 msgid "Not ancestor"
 msgstr "Inte förfader"
-#: gitk:5324
+#: gitk:5325
 msgid "Local changes checked in to index but not committed"
 msgstr "Lokala ändringar sparade i indexet men inte incheckade"
-#: gitk:5360
+#: gitk:5361
 msgid "Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index"
 msgstr "Lokala ändringar, ej sparade i indexet"
-#: gitk:7134
+#: gitk:7135
 msgid "and many more"
 msgstr "med många flera"
-#: gitk:7137
+#: gitk:7138
 msgid "many"
 msgstr "många"
-#: gitk:7328
+#: gitk:7329
 msgid "Tags:"
 msgstr "Taggar:"
-#: gitk:7345 gitk:7351 gitk:8825
+#: gitk:7346 gitk:7352 gitk:8826
 msgid "Parent"
 msgstr "Förälder"
-#: gitk:7356
+#: gitk:7357
 msgid "Child"
 msgstr "Barn"
-#: gitk:7365
+#: gitk:7366
 msgid "Branch"
 msgstr "Gren"
-#: gitk:7368
+#: gitk:7369
 msgid "Follows"
 msgstr "Följer"
-#: gitk:7371
+#: gitk:7372
 msgid "Precedes"
 msgstr "Föregår"
-#: gitk:7966
+#: gitk:7967
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error getting diffs: %s"
 msgstr "Fel vid hämtning av diff: %s"
-#: gitk:8650
+#: gitk:8651
 msgid "Goto:"
 msgstr "Gå till:"
-#: gitk:8671
+#: gitk:8672
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Short SHA1 id %s is ambiguous"
 msgstr "Förkortat SHA1-id %s är tvetydigt"
-#: gitk:8678
+#: gitk:8679
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Revision %s is not known"
 msgstr "Revisionen %s är inte känd"
-#: gitk:8688
+#: gitk:8689
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "SHA1 id %s is not known"
 msgstr "SHA-id:t %s är inte känt"
-#: gitk:8690
+#: gitk:8691
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Revision %s is not in the current view"
 msgstr "Revisionen %s finns inte i den nuvarande vyn"
-#: gitk:8832 gitk:8847
+#: gitk:8833 gitk:8848
 msgid "Date"
 msgstr "Datum"
-#: gitk:8835
+#: gitk:8836
 msgid "Children"
 msgstr "Barn"
-#: gitk:8898
+#: gitk:8899
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Reset %s branch to here"
 msgstr "Återställ grenen %s hit"
-#: gitk:8900
+#: gitk:8901
 msgid "Detached head: can't reset"
 msgstr "Frånkopplad head: kan inte återställa"
-#: gitk:9005 gitk:9011
+#: gitk:9006 gitk:9012
 msgid "Skipping merge commit "
 msgstr "Hoppar över sammanslagningsincheckning "
-#: gitk:9020 gitk:9025
+#: gitk:9021 gitk:9026
 msgid "Error getting patch ID for "
 msgstr "Fel vid hämtning av patch-id för "
-#: gitk:9021 gitk:9026
+#: gitk:9022 gitk:9027
 msgid " - stopping\n"
 msgstr " - stannar\n"
-#: gitk:9031 gitk:9034 gitk:9042 gitk:9056 gitk:9065
+#: gitk:9032 gitk:9035 gitk:9043 gitk:9057 gitk:9066
 msgid "Commit "
 msgstr "Incheckning "
-#: gitk:9035
+#: gitk:9036
 msgid ""
 " is the same patch as\n"
 "       "
@@ -897,7 +911,7 @@
 " är samma patch som\n"
 "       "
-#: gitk:9043
+#: gitk:9044
 msgid ""
 " differs from\n"
 "       "
@@ -905,7 +919,7 @@
 " skiljer sig från\n"
 "       "
-#: gitk:9045
+#: gitk:9046
 msgid ""
 "Diff of commits:\n"
@@ -913,131 +927,131 @@
 "Skillnad mellan incheckningar:\n"
-#: gitk:9057 gitk:9066
+#: gitk:9058 gitk:9067
 #, tcl-format
 msgid " has %s children - stopping\n"
 msgstr " har %s barn - stannar\n"
-#: gitk:9085
+#: gitk:9086
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error writing commit to file: %s"
 msgstr "Fel vid skrivning av incheckning till fil: %s"
-#: gitk:9091
+#: gitk:9092
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Error diffing commits: %s"
 msgstr "Fel vid jämförelse av incheckningar: %s"
-#: gitk:9137
+#: gitk:9138
 msgid "Top"
 msgstr "Topp"
-#: gitk:9138
+#: gitk:9139
 msgid "From"
 msgstr "Från"
-#: gitk:9143
+#: gitk:9144
 msgid "To"
 msgstr "Till"
-#: gitk:9167
+#: gitk:9168
 msgid "Generate patch"
 msgstr "Generera patch"
-#: gitk:9169
+#: gitk:9170
 msgid "From:"
 msgstr "Från:"
-#: gitk:9178
+#: gitk:9179
 msgid "To:"
 msgstr "Till:"
-#: gitk:9187
+#: gitk:9188
 msgid "Reverse"
 msgstr "Vänd"
-#: gitk:9189 gitk:9385
+#: gitk:9190 gitk:9400
 msgid "Output file:"
 msgstr "Utdatafil:"
-#: gitk:9195
+#: gitk:9196
 msgid "Generate"
 msgstr "Generera"
-#: gitk:9233
+#: gitk:9234
 msgid "Error creating patch:"
 msgstr "Fel vid generering av patch:"
-#: gitk:9256 gitk:9373 gitk:9430
+#: gitk:9257 gitk:9388 gitk:9445
 msgid "ID:"
 msgstr "Id:"
-#: gitk:9265
+#: gitk:9266
 msgid "Tag name:"
 msgstr "Taggnamn:"
-#: gitk:9268
+#: gitk:9269
 msgid "Tag message is optional"
 msgstr "Taggmeddelandet är valfritt"
-#: gitk:9270
+#: gitk:9271
 msgid "Tag message:"
 msgstr "Taggmeddelande:"
-#: gitk:9274 gitk:9439
+#: gitk:9275 gitk:9454
 msgid "Create"
 msgstr "Skapa"
-#: gitk:9292
+#: gitk:9293
 msgid "No tag name specified"
 msgstr "Inget taggnamn angavs"
-#: gitk:9296
+#: gitk:9297
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Tag \"%s\" already exists"
 msgstr "Taggen \"%s\" finns redan"
-#: gitk:9306
+#: gitk:9307
 msgid "Error creating tag:"
 msgstr "Fel vid skapande av tagg:"
-#: gitk:9382
+#: gitk:9397
 msgid "Command:"
 msgstr "Kommando:"
-#: gitk:9390
+#: gitk:9405
 msgid "Write"
 msgstr "Skriv"
-#: gitk:9408
+#: gitk:9423
 msgid "Error writing commit:"
 msgstr "Fel vid skrivning av incheckning:"
-#: gitk:9435
+#: gitk:9450
 msgid "Name:"
 msgstr "Namn:"
-#: gitk:9458
+#: gitk:9473
 msgid "Please specify a name for the new branch"
 msgstr "Ange ett namn för den nya grenen"
-#: gitk:9463
+#: gitk:9478
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' already exists. Overwrite?"
 msgstr "Grenen \"%s\" finns redan. Skriva över?"
-#: gitk:9530
+#: gitk:9545
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Commit %s is already included in branch %s -- really re-apply it?"
 msgstr ""
 "Incheckningen %s finns redan på grenen %s -- skall den verkligen appliceras "
 "på nytt?"
-#: gitk:9535
+#: gitk:9550
 msgid "Cherry-picking"
 msgstr "Plockar"
-#: gitk:9544
+#: gitk:9559
 #, tcl-format
 msgid ""
 "Cherry-pick failed because of local changes to file '%s'.\n"
@@ -1047,7 +1061,7 @@
 "Checka in, återställ eller spara undan (stash) dina ändringar och försök "
-#: gitk:9550
+#: gitk:9565
 msgid ""
 "Cherry-pick failed because of merge conflict.\n"
 "Do you wish to run git citool to resolve it?"
@@ -1055,20 +1069,20 @@
 "Cherry-pick misslyckades på grund av en sammanslagningskonflikt.\n"
 "Vill du köra git citool för att lösa den?"
-#: gitk:9566 gitk:9624
+#: gitk:9581 gitk:9639
 msgid "No changes committed"
 msgstr "Inga ändringar incheckade"
-#: gitk:9593
+#: gitk:9608
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Commit %s is not included in branch %s -- really revert it?"
 msgstr "Incheckningen %s finns inte på grenen %s -- vill du verkligen ångra?"
-#: gitk:9598
+#: gitk:9613
 msgid "Reverting"
 msgstr "Ångrar"
-#: gitk:9606
+#: gitk:9621
 #, tcl-format
 msgid ""
 "Revert failed because of local changes to the following files:%s Please "
@@ -1078,7 +1092,7 @@
 "Checka in, återställ eller spara undan (stash) dina ändringar och försök "
-#: gitk:9610
+#: gitk:9625
 msgid ""
 "Revert failed because of merge conflict.\n"
 " Do you wish to run git citool to resolve it?"
@@ -1086,28 +1100,28 @@
 "Misslyckades med att ångra på grund av en sammanslagningskonflikt.\n"
 " Vill du köra git citool för att lösa den?"
-#: gitk:9653
+#: gitk:9668
 msgid "Confirm reset"
 msgstr "Bekräfta återställning"
-#: gitk:9655
+#: gitk:9670
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Reset branch %s to %s?"
 msgstr "Återställa grenen %s till %s?"
-#: gitk:9657
+#: gitk:9672
 msgid "Reset type:"
 msgstr "Typ av återställning:"
-#: gitk:9660
+#: gitk:9675
 msgid "Soft: Leave working tree and index untouched"
 msgstr "Mjuk: Rör inte utcheckning och index"
-#: gitk:9663
+#: gitk:9678
 msgid "Mixed: Leave working tree untouched, reset index"
 msgstr "Blandad: Rör inte utcheckning, återställ index"
-#: gitk:9666
+#: gitk:9681
 msgid ""
 "Hard: Reset working tree and index\n"
 "(discard ALL local changes)"
@@ -1115,19 +1129,19 @@
 "Hård: Återställ utcheckning och index\n"
 "(förkastar ALLA lokala ändringar)"
-#: gitk:9683
+#: gitk:9698
 msgid "Resetting"
 msgstr "Återställer"
-#: gitk:9743
+#: gitk:9758
 msgid "Checking out"
 msgstr "Checkar ut"
-#: gitk:9796
+#: gitk:9811
 msgid "Cannot delete the currently checked-out branch"
 msgstr "Kan inte ta bort den just nu utcheckade grenen"
-#: gitk:9802
+#: gitk:9817
 #, tcl-format
 msgid ""
 "The commits on branch %s aren't on any other branch.\n"
@@ -1136,16 +1150,16 @@
 "Incheckningarna på grenen %s existerar inte på någon annan gren.\n"
 "Vill du verkligen ta bort grenen %s?"
-#: gitk:9833
+#: gitk:9848
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Tags and heads: %s"
 msgstr "Taggar och huvuden: %s"
-#: gitk:9850
+#: gitk:9865
 msgid "Filter"
 msgstr "Filter"
-#: gitk:10146
+#: gitk:10161
 msgid ""
 "Error reading commit topology information; branch and preceding/following "
 "tag information will be incomplete."
@@ -1153,201 +1167,201 @@
 "Fel vid läsning av information om incheckningstopologi; information om "
 "grenar och föregående/senare taggar kommer inte vara komplett."
-#: gitk:11123
+#: gitk:11138
 msgid "Tag"
 msgstr "Tagg"
-#: gitk:11127
+#: gitk:11142
 msgid "Id"
 msgstr "Id"
-#: gitk:11210
+#: gitk:11225
 msgid "Gitk font chooser"
 msgstr "Teckensnittsväljare för Gitk"
-#: gitk:11227
+#: gitk:11242
 msgid "B"
 msgstr "F"
-#: gitk:11230
+#: gitk:11245
 msgid "I"
 msgstr "K"
-#: gitk:11348
+#: gitk:11363
 msgid "Commit list display options"
 msgstr "Alternativ för incheckningslistvy"
-#: gitk:11351
+#: gitk:11366
 msgid "Maximum graph width (lines)"
 msgstr "Maximal grafbredd (rader)"
-#: gitk:11355
+#: gitk:11370
 #, no-tcl-format
 msgid "Maximum graph width (% of pane)"
 msgstr "Maximal grafbredd (% av ruta)"
-#: gitk:11358
+#: gitk:11373
 msgid "Show local changes"
 msgstr "Visa lokala ändringar"
-#: gitk:11361
+#: gitk:11376
 msgid "Auto-select SHA1 (length)"
 msgstr "Välj SHA1 (längd) automatiskt"
-#: gitk:11365
+#: gitk:11380
 msgid "Hide remote refs"
 msgstr "Dölj fjärr-referenser"
-#: gitk:11369
+#: gitk:11384
 msgid "Diff display options"
 msgstr "Alternativ för diffvy"
-#: gitk:11371
+#: gitk:11386
 msgid "Tab spacing"
 msgstr "Blanksteg för tabulatortecken"
-#: gitk:11374
+#: gitk:11389
 msgid "Display nearby tags/heads"
 msgstr "Visa närliggande taggar/huvuden"
-#: gitk:11377
+#: gitk:11392
 msgid "Maximum # tags/heads to show"
 msgstr "Maximalt antal taggar/huvuden att visa"
-#: gitk:11380
+#: gitk:11395
 msgid "Limit diffs to listed paths"
 msgstr "Begränsa diff till listade sökvägar"
-#: gitk:11383
+#: gitk:11398
 msgid "Support per-file encodings"
 msgstr "Stöd för filspecifika teckenkodningar"
-#: gitk:11389 gitk:11536
+#: gitk:11404 gitk:11551
 msgid "External diff tool"
 msgstr "Externt diff-verktyg"
-#: gitk:11390
+#: gitk:11405
 msgid "Choose..."
 msgstr "Välj..."
-#: gitk:11395
+#: gitk:11410
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Allmänna inställningar"
-#: gitk:11398
+#: gitk:11413
 msgid "Use themed widgets"
 msgstr "Använd tema på fönsterelement"
-#: gitk:11400
+#: gitk:11415
 msgid "(change requires restart)"
 msgstr "(ändringen kräver omstart)"
-#: gitk:11402
+#: gitk:11417
 msgid "(currently unavailable)"
 msgstr "(för närvarande inte tillgängligt)"
-#: gitk:11413
+#: gitk:11428
 msgid "Colors: press to choose"
 msgstr "Färger: tryck för att välja"
-#: gitk:11416
+#: gitk:11431
 msgid "Interface"
 msgstr "Gränssnitt"
-#: gitk:11417
+#: gitk:11432
 msgid "interface"
 msgstr "gränssnitt"
-#: gitk:11420
+#: gitk:11435
 msgid "Background"
 msgstr "Bakgrund"
-#: gitk:11421 gitk:11451
+#: gitk:11436 gitk:11466
 msgid "background"
 msgstr "bakgrund"
-#: gitk:11424
+#: gitk:11439
 msgid "Foreground"
 msgstr "Förgrund"
-#: gitk:11425
+#: gitk:11440
 msgid "foreground"
 msgstr "förgrund"
-#: gitk:11428
+#: gitk:11443
 msgid "Diff: old lines"
 msgstr "Diff: gamla rader"
-#: gitk:11429
+#: gitk:11444
 msgid "diff old lines"
 msgstr "diff gamla rader"
-#: gitk:11433
+#: gitk:11448
 msgid "Diff: new lines"
 msgstr "Diff: nya rader"
-#: gitk:11434
+#: gitk:11449
 msgid "diff new lines"
 msgstr "diff nya rader"
-#: gitk:11438
+#: gitk:11453
 msgid "Diff: hunk header"
 msgstr "Diff: delhuvud"
-#: gitk:11440
+#: gitk:11455
 msgid "diff hunk header"
 msgstr "diff delhuvud"
-#: gitk:11444
+#: gitk:11459
 msgid "Marked line bg"
 msgstr "Markerad rad bakgrund"
-#: gitk:11446
+#: gitk:11461
 msgid "marked line background"
 msgstr "markerad rad bakgrund"
-#: gitk:11450
+#: gitk:11465
 msgid "Select bg"
 msgstr "Markerad bakgrund"
-#: gitk:11459
+#: gitk:11474
 msgid "Fonts: press to choose"
 msgstr "Teckensnitt: tryck för att välja"
-#: gitk:11461
+#: gitk:11476
 msgid "Main font"
 msgstr "Huvudteckensnitt"
-#: gitk:11462
+#: gitk:11477
 msgid "Diff display font"
 msgstr "Teckensnitt för diffvisning"
-#: gitk:11463
+#: gitk:11478
 msgid "User interface font"
 msgstr "Teckensnitt för användargränssnitt"
-#: gitk:11485
+#: gitk:11500
 msgid "Gitk preferences"
 msgstr "Inställningar för Gitk"
-#: gitk:11494
+#: gitk:11509
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Allmänt"
-#: gitk:11495
+#: gitk:11510
 msgid "Colors"
 msgstr "Färger"
-#: gitk:11496
+#: gitk:11511
 msgid "Fonts"
 msgstr "Teckensnitt"
-#: gitk:11546
+#: gitk:11561
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Gitk: choose color for %s"
 msgstr "Gitk: välj färg för %s"
-#: gitk:12059
+#: gitk:12074
 msgid ""
 "Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n"
 " Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."
@@ -1355,16 +1369,16 @@
 "Gitk kan tyvärr inte köra med denna version av Tcl/Tk.\n"
 " Gitk kräver åtminstone Tcl/Tk 8.4."
-#: gitk:12269
+#: gitk:12284
 msgid "Cannot find a git repository here."
 msgstr "Hittar inget git-arkiv här."
-#: gitk:12316
+#: gitk:12331
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "Ambiguous argument '%s': both revision and filename"
 msgstr "Tvetydigt argument \"%s\": både revision och filnamn"
-#: gitk:12328
+#: gitk:12343
 msgid "Bad arguments to gitk:"
 msgstr "Felaktiga argument till gitk:"
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/vi.po b/gitk-git/po/vi.po
index 7133c42..8966812 100644
--- a/gitk-git/po/vi.po
+++ b/gitk-git/po/vi.po
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # Vietnamese translations for gitk package.
 # Bản dịch tiếng Việt cho gói gitk.
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the gitk package.
-# Trần Ngọc Quân <>, 2013.
+# Trần Ngọc Quân <>, 2013, 2015.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gitk @@GIT_VERSION@@\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-05-17 14:32+1000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-14 14:40+0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-15 07:33+0700\n"
 "Last-Translator: Trần Ngọc Quân <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Vietnamese <>\n"
 "Language: vi\n"
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n"
 #: gitk:140
 msgid "Couldn't get list of unmerged files:"
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@
 #: gitk:496 gitk:4525
 msgid "Reading commits..."
-msgstr "Đang đọc các lần chuyển giao..."
+msgstr "Đang đọc các lần chuyển giao…"
 #: gitk:499 gitk:1637 gitk:4528
 msgid "No commits selected"
@@ -88,71 +89,71 @@
 msgstr "Thôi"
 #: gitk:2069
-msgid "Update"
+msgid "&Update"
 msgstr "Cập nhật"
 #: gitk:2070
-msgid "Reload"
+msgid "&Reload"
 msgstr "Tải lại"
 #: gitk:2071
-msgid "Reread references"
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
 msgstr "Đọc lại tham chiếu"
 #: gitk:2072
-msgid "List references"
+msgid "&List references"
 msgstr "Liệt kê các tham chiếu"
 #: gitk:2074
-msgid "Start git gui"
+msgid "Start git &gui"
 msgstr "Khởi chạy git gui"
 #: gitk:2076
-msgid "Quit"
+msgid "&Quit"
 msgstr "Thoát"
 #: gitk:2068
-msgid "File"
+msgid "&File"
 msgstr "Chính"
 #: gitk:2080
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Cá nhân hóa"
+msgid "&Preferences"
+msgstr "Tùy thích"
 #: gitk:2079
-msgid "Edit"
+msgid "&Edit"
 msgstr "Chỉnh sửa"
 #: gitk:2084
-msgid "New view..."
-msgstr "Thêm trình bày mới..."
+msgid "&New view..."
+msgstr "Thêm trình bày mới…"
 #: gitk:2085
-msgid "Edit view..."
-msgstr "Sửa cách trình bày..."
+msgid "&Edit view..."
+msgstr "Sửa cách trình bày…"
 #: gitk:2086
-msgid "Delete view"
+msgid "&Delete view"
 msgstr "Xóa cách trình bày"
 #: gitk:2088 gitk:4043
-msgid "All files"
+msgid "&All files"
 msgstr "Mọi tập tin"
 #: gitk:2083 gitk:4067
-msgid "View"
+msgid "&View"
 msgstr "Trình bày"
 #: gitk:2093 gitk:2103 gitk:3012
-msgid "About gitk"
+msgid "&About gitk"
 msgstr "Giới thiệu về gitk"
 #: gitk:2094 gitk:2108
-msgid "Key bindings"
+msgid "&Key bindings"
 msgstr "Tổ hợp phím"
 #: gitk:2092 gitk:2107
-msgid "Help"
+msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "Trợ giúp"
 #: gitk:2185 gitk:8652
@@ -319,7 +320,7 @@
 #: gitk:2647
 msgid "Check out this branch"
-msgstr "Checkout nhánh này"
+msgstr "Lấy ra nhánh này"
 #: gitk:2648
 msgid "Remove this branch"
@@ -327,7 +328,7 @@
 #: gitk:2649
 msgid "Copy branch name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Chép tên nhánh"
 #: gitk:2656
 msgid "Highlight this too"
@@ -347,7 +348,7 @@
 #: gitk:2660
 msgid "Copy path"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Chép đường dẫn"
 #: gitk:2667
 msgid "Show origin of this line"
@@ -358,7 +359,6 @@
 msgstr "Chạy lệnh git gui blame cho dòng này"
 #: gitk:3014
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Gitk - a commit viewer for git\n"
@@ -368,9 +368,9 @@
 "Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License"
 msgstr ""
-"Gitk - phần mềm xem các lần chuyển giao dành cho git\n"
+"Gitk - ứng dụng để xem các lần chuyển giao dành cho git\n"
-"Bản quyền © 2005-2011 Paul Mackerras\n"
+"Bản quyền © 2005-2014 Paul Mackerras\n"
 "Dùng và phân phối lại phần mềm này theo các điều khoản của Giấy Phép Công GNU"
@@ -424,6 +424,7 @@
 #, tcl-format
 msgid "<%s-n>\tGo to n-th parent of current commit in history list"
 msgstr ""
+"<%s-n>\tĐến cha thứ n của lần chuyển giao hiện tại trong danh sách lịch sử"
 #: gitk:3057
 msgid "<PageUp>\tMove up one page in commit list"
@@ -507,9 +508,8 @@
 msgstr "<Return>\t\tDi chuyển đến chỗ gặp kế tiếp"
 #: gitk:3075
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "g\t\tGo to commit"
-msgstr "<End>\t\tChuyển đến lần chuyển giao cuối"
+msgstr "g\t\tChuyển đến lần chuyển giao"
 #: gitk:3076
 msgid "/\t\tFocus the search box"
@@ -666,9 +666,8 @@
 msgstr "Khớp mọi điều kiện Thông tin Chuyển giao"
 #: gitk:4086
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Matches no Commit Info criteria"
-msgstr "Khớp mọi điều kiện Thông tin Chuyển giao"
+msgstr "Khớp không điều kiện Thông tin Chuyển giao"
 #: gitk:4087
 msgid "Changes to Files:"
@@ -716,7 +715,7 @@
 #: gitk:4097
 msgid "Miscellaneous options:"
-msgstr "Tuỳ chọn hỗn hợp:"
+msgstr "Tùy chọn hỗn hợp:"
 #: gitk:4098
 msgid "Strictly sort by date"
@@ -971,7 +970,7 @@
 #: gitk:9256 gitk:9373 gitk:9430
 msgid "ID:"
-msgstr "ID:"
+msgstr "Mã số:"
 #: gitk:9265
 msgid "Tag name:"
@@ -1186,7 +1185,7 @@
 #: gitk:11355
 #, no-tcl-format
 msgid "Maximum graph width (% of pane)"
-msgstr "Độ rộng biểu đồ tối đa (% của bảng)"
+msgstr "Độ rộng đồ thị tối đa (% của bảng)"
 #: gitk:11358
 msgid "Show local changes"
@@ -1194,7 +1193,7 @@
 #: gitk:11361
 msgid "Auto-select SHA1 (length)"
-msgstr "Tự chọn SHA1 (độ dài)"
+msgstr "Tự chọn (độ dài) SHA1"
 #: gitk:11365
 msgid "Hide remote refs"
@@ -1230,7 +1229,7 @@
 #: gitk:11390
 msgid "Choose..."
-msgstr "Chọn..."
+msgstr "Chọn…"
 #: gitk:11395
 msgid "General options"
@@ -1354,6 +1353,8 @@
 "Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n"
 " Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."
 msgstr ""
+"Rất tiếc, gitk không thể chạy Tcl/Tk phiên bản này.\n"
+" Gitk cần ít nhất là Tcl/Tk 8.4."
 #: gitk:12269
 msgid "Cannot find a git repository here."
@@ -1366,7 +1367,7 @@
 #: gitk:12328
 msgid "Bad arguments to gitk:"
-msgstr "Đối số không hợp lệ cho gitk:"
+msgstr "Đối số cho gitk không hợp lệ:"
 #~ msgid "mc"
 #~ msgstr "mc"
diff --git a/grep.c b/grep.c
index b58c7c6..7b2b96a 100644
--- a/grep.c
+++ b/grep.c
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
 	opt->max_depth = -1;
 	opt->pattern_type_option = GREP_PATTERN_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
 	opt->extended_regexp_option = 0;
-	strcpy(opt->color_context, "");
-	strcpy(opt->color_filename, "");
-	strcpy(opt->color_function, "");
-	strcpy(opt->color_lineno, "");
-	strcpy(opt->color_match_context, GIT_COLOR_BOLD_RED);
-	strcpy(opt->color_match_selected, GIT_COLOR_BOLD_RED);
-	strcpy(opt->color_selected, "");
-	strcpy(opt->color_sep, GIT_COLOR_CYAN);
+	color_set(opt->color_context, "");
+	color_set(opt->color_filename, "");
+	color_set(opt->color_function, "");
+	color_set(opt->color_lineno, "");
+	color_set(opt->color_match_context, GIT_COLOR_BOLD_RED);
+	color_set(opt->color_match_selected, GIT_COLOR_BOLD_RED);
+	color_set(opt->color_selected, "");
+	color_set(opt->color_sep, GIT_COLOR_CYAN);
 	opt->color = -1;
@@ -151,14 +151,14 @@
 	opt->regflags = def->regflags;
 	opt->relative = def->relative;
-	strcpy(opt->color_context, def->color_context);
-	strcpy(opt->color_filename, def->color_filename);
-	strcpy(opt->color_function, def->color_function);
-	strcpy(opt->color_lineno, def->color_lineno);
-	strcpy(opt->color_match_context, def->color_match_context);
-	strcpy(opt->color_match_selected, def->color_match_selected);
-	strcpy(opt->color_selected, def->color_selected);
-	strcpy(opt->color_sep, def->color_sep);
+	color_set(opt->color_context, def->color_context);
+	color_set(opt->color_filename, def->color_filename);
+	color_set(opt->color_function, def->color_function);
+	color_set(opt->color_lineno, def->color_lineno);
+	color_set(opt->color_match_context, def->color_match_context);
+	color_set(opt->color_match_selected, def->color_match_selected);
+	color_set(opt->color_selected, def->color_selected);
+	color_set(opt->color_sep, def->color_sep);
 void grep_commit_pattern_type(enum grep_pattern_type pattern_type, struct grep_opt *opt)
@@ -306,9 +306,9 @@
 	char where[1024];
 	if (p->no)
-		sprintf(where, "In '%s' at %d, ", p->origin, p->no);
+		xsnprintf(where, sizeof(where), "In '%s' at %d, ", p->origin, p->no);
 	else if (p->origin)
-		sprintf(where, "%s, ", p->origin);
+		xsnprintf(where, sizeof(where), "%s, ", p->origin);
 		where[0] = 0;
diff --git a/hex.c b/hex.c
index 899b74a..0519f85 100644
--- a/hex.c
+++ b/hex.c
@@ -61,12 +61,10 @@
 	return get_sha1_hex(hex, oid->hash);
-char *sha1_to_hex(const unsigned char *sha1)
+char *sha1_to_hex_r(char *buffer, const unsigned char *sha1)
-	static int bufno;
-	static char hexbuffer[4][GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1];
 	static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
-	char *buffer = hexbuffer[3 & ++bufno], *buf = buffer;
+	char *buf = buffer;
 	int i;
 	for (i = 0; i < GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ; i++) {
@@ -79,6 +77,13 @@
 	return buffer;
+char *sha1_to_hex(const unsigned char *sha1)
+	static int bufno;
+	static char hexbuffer[4][GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1];
+	return sha1_to_hex_r(hexbuffer[3 & ++bufno], sha1);
 char *oid_to_hex(const struct object_id *oid)
 	return sha1_to_hex(oid->hash);
diff --git a/http-backend.c b/http-backend.c
index bac40ef..8870a26 100644
--- a/http-backend.c
+++ b/http-backend.c
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
 		o = deref_tag(o, name, 0);
 		if (!o)
 			return 0;
-		strbuf_addf(buf, "%s\t%s^{}\n", sha1_to_hex(o->sha1),
+		strbuf_addf(buf, "%s\t%s^{}\n", oid_to_hex(&o->oid),
 	return 0;
diff --git a/http-push.c b/http-push.c
index c98dad2..d857b13 100644
--- a/http-push.c
+++ b/http-push.c
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include "remote.h"
 #include "list-objects.h"
 #include "sigchain.h"
+#include "argv-array.h"
 #include <xmlparse.h>
@@ -250,7 +251,7 @@
 	struct active_request_slot *slot;
 	struct http_object_request *obj_req;
-	obj_req = new_http_object_request(repo->url, request->obj->sha1);
+	obj_req = new_http_object_request(repo->url, request->obj->oid.hash);
 	if (obj_req == NULL) {
 		request->state = ABORTED;
@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@
 static void start_mkcol(struct transfer_request *request)
-	char *hex = sha1_to_hex(request->obj->sha1);
+	char *hex = oid_to_hex(&request->obj->oid);
 	struct active_request_slot *slot;
 	request->url = get_remote_object_url(repo->url, hex, 1);
@@ -303,16 +304,16 @@
 	struct transfer_request *check_request = request_queue_head;
 	struct http_pack_request *preq;
-	target = find_sha1_pack(request->obj->sha1, repo->packs);
+	target = find_sha1_pack(request->obj->oid.hash, repo->packs);
 	if (!target) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to fetch %s, will not be able to update server info refs\n", sha1_to_hex(request->obj->sha1));
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to fetch %s, will not be able to update server info refs\n", oid_to_hex(&request->obj->oid));
 		repo->can_update_info_refs = 0;
 	fprintf(stderr,	"Fetching pack %s\n", sha1_to_hex(target->sha1));
-	fprintf(stderr, " which contains %s\n", sha1_to_hex(request->obj->sha1));
+	fprintf(stderr, " which contains %s\n", oid_to_hex(&request->obj->oid));
 	preq = new_http_pack_request(target, repo->url);
 	if (preq == NULL) {
@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@
 static void start_put(struct transfer_request *request)
-	char *hex = sha1_to_hex(request->obj->sha1);
+	char *hex = oid_to_hex(&request->obj->oid);
 	struct active_request_slot *slot;
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	enum object_type type;
@@ -360,8 +361,8 @@
 	ssize_t size;
 	git_zstream stream;
-	unpacked = read_sha1_file(request->obj->sha1, &type, &len);
-	hdrlen = sprintf(hdr, "%s %lu", typename(type), len) + 1;
+	unpacked = read_sha1_file(request->obj->oid.hash, &type, &len);
+	hdrlen = xsnprintf(hdr, sizeof(hdr), "%s %lu", typename(type), len) + 1;
 	/* Set it up */
 	git_deflate_init(&stream, zlib_compression_level);
@@ -532,11 +533,11 @@
 	if (request->state == RUN_MKCOL) {
 		if (request->curl_result == CURLE_OK ||
 		    request->http_code == 405) {
-			remote_dir_exists[request->obj->sha1[0]] = 1;
+			remote_dir_exists[request->obj->oid.hash[0]] = 1;
 		} else {
 			fprintf(stderr, "MKCOL %s failed, aborting (%d/%ld)\n",
-				sha1_to_hex(request->obj->sha1),
+				oid_to_hex(&request->obj->oid),
 				request->curl_result, request->http_code);
 			request->state = ABORTED;
 			aborted = 1;
@@ -546,7 +547,7 @@
 		} else {
 			fprintf(stderr,	"PUT %s failed, aborting (%d/%ld)\n",
-				sha1_to_hex(request->obj->sha1),
+				oid_to_hex(&request->obj->oid),
 				request->curl_result, request->http_code);
 			request->state = ABORTED;
 			aborted = 1;
@@ -555,12 +556,12 @@
 		if (request->curl_result == CURLE_OK) {
 			if (push_verbosely)
 				fprintf(stderr, "    sent %s\n",
-					sha1_to_hex(request->obj->sha1));
+					oid_to_hex(&request->obj->oid));
 			request->obj->flags |= REMOTE;
 		} else {
 			fprintf(stderr, "MOVE %s failed, aborting (%d/%ld)\n",
-				sha1_to_hex(request->obj->sha1),
+				oid_to_hex(&request->obj->oid),
 				request->curl_result, request->http_code);
 			request->state = ABORTED;
 			aborted = 1;
@@ -613,7 +614,7 @@
 			return 1;
 		} else if (pushing && request->state == NEED_PUSH) {
-			if (remote_dir_exists[request->obj->sha1[0]] == 1) {
+			if (remote_dir_exists[request->obj->oid.hash[0]] == 1) {
 			} else {
@@ -637,8 +638,8 @@
 	 * Don't fetch the object if it's known to exist locally
 	 * or is already in the request queue
-	if (remote_dir_exists[obj->sha1[0]] == -1)
-		get_remote_object_list(obj->sha1[0]);
+	if (remote_dir_exists[obj->oid.hash[0]] == -1)
+		get_remote_object_list(obj->oid.hash[0]);
 	if (obj->flags & (LOCAL | FETCHING))
@@ -670,11 +671,11 @@
 	 * Don't push the object if it's known to exist on the remote
 	 * or is already in the request queue
-	if (remote_dir_exists[obj->sha1[0]] == -1)
-		get_remote_object_list(obj->sha1[0]);
+	if (remote_dir_exists[obj->oid.hash[0]] == -1)
+		get_remote_object_list(obj->oid.hash[0]);
 	if (obj->flags & (REMOTE | PUSHING))
 		return 0;
-	target = find_sha1_pack(obj->sha1, repo->packs);
+	target = find_sha1_pack(obj->oid.hash, repo->packs);
 	if (target) {
 		obj->flags |= REMOTE;
 		return 0;
@@ -786,21 +787,21 @@
 	struct xml_ctx *ctx = (struct xml_ctx *)userData;
 	const char *c = strchr(name, ':');
-	int new_len;
+	int old_namelen, new_len;
 	if (c == NULL)
 		c = name;
-	new_len = strlen(ctx->name) + strlen(c) + 2;
+	old_namelen = strlen(ctx->name);
+	new_len = old_namelen + strlen(c) + 2;
 	if (new_len > ctx->len) {
 		ctx->name = xrealloc(ctx->name, new_len);
 		ctx->len = new_len;
-	strcat(ctx->name, ".");
-	strcat(ctx->name, c);
+	xsnprintf(ctx->name + old_namelen, ctx->len - old_namelen, ".%s", c);
 	ctx->cdata = NULL;
@@ -881,7 +882,7 @@
 	strbuf_addf(&out_buffer.buf, LOCK_REQUEST, escaped);
-	sprintf(timeout_header, "Timeout: Second-%ld", timeout);
+	xsnprintf(timeout_header, sizeof(timeout_header), "Timeout: Second-%ld", timeout);
 	dav_headers = curl_slist_append(dav_headers, timeout_header);
 	dav_headers = curl_slist_append(dav_headers, "Content-Type: text/xml");
@@ -1306,7 +1307,7 @@
 	if (obj->flags & (UNINTERESTING | SEEN))
 		return p;
 	if (parse_tree(tree) < 0)
-		die("bad tree object %s", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+		die("bad tree object %s", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 	obj->flags |= SEEN;
 	name = xstrdup(name);
@@ -1368,7 +1369,7 @@
 			p = process_blob((struct blob *)obj, p, NULL, name);
-		die("unknown pending object %s (%s)", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1), name);
+		die("unknown pending object %s (%s)", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid), name);
 	while (objects) {
@@ -1437,11 +1438,11 @@
 	 * Fetch a copy of the object if it doesn't exist locally - it
 	 * may be required for updating server info later.
-	if (repo->can_update_info_refs && !has_sha1_file(ref->old_sha1)) {
-		obj = lookup_unknown_object(ref->old_sha1);
+	if (repo->can_update_info_refs && !has_object_file(&ref->old_oid)) {
+		obj = lookup_unknown_object(ref->old_oid.hash);
 		if (obj) {
 			fprintf(stderr,	"  fetch %s for %s\n",
-				sha1_to_hex(ref->old_sha1), refname);
+				oid_to_hex(&ref->old_oid), refname);
@@ -1459,8 +1460,6 @@
 	struct strbuf *buf = (struct strbuf *)ls->userData;
 	struct object *o;
-	int len;
-	char *ref_info;
 	struct ref *ref;
 	ref = alloc_ref(ls->dentry_name);
@@ -1474,33 +1473,24 @@
-	o = parse_object(ref->old_sha1);
+	o = parse_object(ref->old_oid.hash);
 	if (!o) {
 			"Unable to parse object %s for remote ref %s\n",
-			sha1_to_hex(ref->old_sha1), ls->dentry_name);
+			oid_to_hex(&ref->old_oid), ls->dentry_name);
 		aborted = 1;
-	len = strlen(ls->dentry_name) + 42;
-	ref_info = xcalloc(len + 1, 1);
-	sprintf(ref_info, "%s	%s\n",
-		sha1_to_hex(ref->old_sha1), ls->dentry_name);
-	fwrite_buffer(ref_info, 1, len, buf);
-	free(ref_info);
+	strbuf_addf(buf, "%s\t%s\n",
+		    oid_to_hex(&ref->old_oid), ls->dentry_name);
 	if (o->type == OBJ_TAG) {
 		o = deref_tag(o, ls->dentry_name, 0);
-		if (o) {
-			len = strlen(ls->dentry_name) + 45;
-			ref_info = xcalloc(len + 1, 1);
-			sprintf(ref_info, "%s	%s^{}\n",
-				sha1_to_hex(o->sha1), ls->dentry_name);
-			fwrite_buffer(ref_info, 1, len, buf);
-			free(ref_info);
-		}
+		if (o)
+			strbuf_addf(buf, "%s\t%s^{}\n",
+				    oid_to_hex(&o->oid), ls->dentry_name);
@@ -1591,7 +1581,7 @@
 static int verify_merge_base(unsigned char *head_sha1, struct ref *remote)
 	struct commit *head = lookup_commit_or_die(head_sha1, "HEAD");
-	struct commit *branch = lookup_commit_or_die(remote->old_sha1, remote->name);
+	struct commit *branch = lookup_commit_or_die(remote->old_oid.hash, remote->name);
 	return in_merge_bases(branch, head);
@@ -1654,11 +1644,11 @@
 			return error("Remote HEAD resolves to object %s\nwhich does not exist locally, perhaps you need to fetch?", sha1_to_hex(head_sha1));
 		/* Remote branch must resolve to a known object */
-		if (is_null_sha1(remote_ref->old_sha1))
+		if (is_null_oid(&remote_ref->old_oid))
 			return error("Unable to resolve remote branch %s",
-		if (!has_sha1_file(remote_ref->old_sha1))
-			return error("Remote branch %s resolves to object %s\nwhich does not exist locally, perhaps you need to fetch?", remote_ref->name, sha1_to_hex(remote_ref->old_sha1));
+		if (!has_object_file(&remote_ref->old_oid))
+			return error("Remote branch %s resolves to object %s\nwhich does not exist locally, perhaps you need to fetch?", remote_ref->name, oid_to_hex(&remote_ref->old_oid));
 		/* Remote branch must be an ancestor of remote HEAD */
 		if (!verify_merge_base(head_sha1, remote_ref)) {
@@ -1866,15 +1856,12 @@
 	new_refs = 0;
 	for (ref = remote_refs; ref; ref = ref->next) {
-		char old_hex[60], *new_hex;
-		const char *commit_argv[5];
-		int commit_argc;
-		char *new_sha1_hex, *old_sha1_hex;
+		struct argv_array commit_argv = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
 		if (!ref->peer_ref)
-		if (is_null_sha1(ref->peer_ref->new_sha1)) {
+		if (is_null_oid(&ref->peer_ref->new_oid)) {
 			if (delete_remote_branch(ref->name, 1) == -1) {
 				error("Could not remove %s", ref->name);
 				if (helper_status)
@@ -1887,7 +1874,7 @@
-		if (!hashcmp(ref->old_sha1, ref->peer_ref->new_sha1)) {
+		if (!oidcmp(&ref->old_oid, &ref->peer_ref->new_oid)) {
 			if (push_verbosely)
 				fprintf(stderr, "'%s': up-to-date\n", ref->name);
 			if (helper_status)
@@ -1896,11 +1883,11 @@
 		if (!force_all &&
-		    !is_null_sha1(ref->old_sha1) &&
+		    !is_null_oid(&ref->old_oid) &&
 		    !ref->force) {
-			if (!has_sha1_file(ref->old_sha1) ||
-			    !ref_newer(ref->peer_ref->new_sha1,
-				       ref->old_sha1)) {
+			if (!has_object_file(&ref->old_oid) ||
+			    !ref_newer(&ref->peer_ref->new_oid,
+				       &ref->old_oid)) {
 				 * We do not have the remote ref, or
 				 * we know that the remote ref is not
@@ -1921,15 +1908,14 @@
-		hashcpy(ref->new_sha1, ref->peer_ref->new_sha1);
+		oidcpy(&ref->new_oid, &ref->peer_ref->new_oid);
-		strcpy(old_hex, sha1_to_hex(ref->old_sha1));
-		new_hex = sha1_to_hex(ref->new_sha1);
 		fprintf(stderr, "updating '%s'", ref->name);
 		if (strcmp(ref->name, ref->peer_ref->name))
 			fprintf(stderr, " using '%s'", ref->peer_ref->name);
-		fprintf(stderr, "\n  from %s\n  to   %s\n", old_hex, new_hex);
+		fprintf(stderr, "\n  from %s\n  to   %s\n",
+			oid_to_hex(&ref->old_oid), oid_to_hex(&ref->new_oid));
 		if (dry_run) {
 			if (helper_status)
 				printf("ok %s\n", ref->name);
@@ -1948,27 +1934,15 @@
 		/* Set up revision info for this refspec */
-		commit_argc = 3;
-		new_sha1_hex = xstrdup(sha1_to_hex(ref->new_sha1));
-		old_sha1_hex = NULL;
-		commit_argv[1] = "--objects";
-		commit_argv[2] = new_sha1_hex;
-		if (!push_all && !is_null_sha1(ref->old_sha1)) {
-			old_sha1_hex = xmalloc(42);
-			sprintf(old_sha1_hex, "^%s",
-				sha1_to_hex(ref->old_sha1));
-			commit_argv[3] = old_sha1_hex;
-			commit_argc++;
-		}
-		commit_argv[commit_argc] = NULL;
+		argv_array_push(&commit_argv, ""); /* ignored */
+		argv_array_push(&commit_argv, "--objects");
+		argv_array_push(&commit_argv, oid_to_hex(&ref->new_oid));
+		if (!push_all && !is_null_oid(&ref->old_oid))
+			argv_array_pushf(&commit_argv, "^%s",
+					 oid_to_hex(&ref->old_oid));
 		init_revisions(&revs, setup_git_directory());
-		setup_revisions(commit_argc, commit_argv, &revs, NULL);
+		setup_revisions(commit_argv.argc, commit_argv.argv, &revs, NULL);
 		revs.edge_hint = 0; /* just in case */
-		free(new_sha1_hex);
-		if (old_sha1_hex) {
-			free(old_sha1_hex);
-			commit_argv[1] = NULL;
-		}
 		/* Generate a list of objects that need to be pushed */
 		pushing = 0;
@@ -1988,7 +1962,7 @@
 		/* Update the remote branch if all went well */
-		if (aborted || !update_remote(ref->new_sha1, ref_lock))
+		if (aborted || !update_remote(ref->new_oid.hash, ref_lock))
 			rc = 1;
 		if (!rc)
@@ -1997,6 +1971,7 @@
 			printf("%s %s\n", !rc ? "ok" : "error", ref->name);
+		argv_array_clear(&commit_argv);
 	/* Update remote server info if appropriate */
diff --git a/http-walker.c b/http-walker.c
index 88da546..2c721f0 100644
--- a/http-walker.c
+++ b/http-walker.c
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 struct alternates_request {
 	struct walker *walker;
 	const char *base;
-	char *url;
+	struct strbuf *url;
 	struct strbuf *buffer;
 	struct active_request_slot *slot;
 	int http_specific;
@@ -195,10 +195,11 @@
 			/* Try reusing the slot to get non-http alternates */
 			alt_req->http_specific = 0;
-			sprintf(alt_req->url, "%s/objects/info/alternates",
-				base);
+			strbuf_reset(alt_req->url);
+			strbuf_addf(alt_req->url, "%s/objects/info/alternates",
+				    base);
 			curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_URL,
-					 alt_req->url);
+					 alt_req->url->buf);
 			slot->in_use = 1;
 			if (slot->finished != NULL)
@@ -312,7 +313,7 @@
 static void fetch_alternates(struct walker *walker, const char *base)
 	struct strbuf buffer = STRBUF_INIT;
-	char *url;
+	struct strbuf url = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct active_request_slot *slot;
 	struct alternates_request alt_req;
 	struct walker_data *cdata = walker->data;
@@ -338,7 +339,7 @@
 	if (walker->get_verbosely)
 		fprintf(stderr, "Getting alternates list for %s\n", base);
-	url = xstrfmt("%s/objects/info/http-alternates", base);
+	strbuf_addf(&url, "%s/objects/info/http-alternates", base);
 	 * Use a callback to process the result, since another request
@@ -351,10 +352,10 @@
 	curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_FILE, &buffer);
 	curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, fwrite_buffer);
-	curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
+	curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.buf);
 	alt_req.base = base;
-	alt_req.url = url;
+	alt_req.url = &url;
 	alt_req.buffer = &buffer;
 	alt_req.http_specific = 1;
 	alt_req.slot = slot;
@@ -365,7 +366,7 @@
 		cdata->got_alternates = -1;
-	free(url);
+	strbuf_release(&url);
 static int fetch_indices(struct walker *walker, struct alt_base *repo)
diff --git a/http.c b/http.c
index c29ce81..0da9e66 100644
--- a/http.c
+++ b/http.c
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 #define PREV_BUF_SIZE 4096
 char curl_errorstr[CURL_ERROR_SIZE];
@@ -692,6 +691,7 @@
 	curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 0);
 	curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1);
 	curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
+	curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_RANGE, NULL);
 	curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, http_auth_methods);
@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@
 		     decimal_places++, max_q *= 10)
-		sprintf(q_format, ";q=0.%%0%dd", decimal_places);
+		xsnprintf(q_format, sizeof(q_format), ";q=0.%%0%dd", decimal_places);
 		strbuf_addstr(buf, "Accept-Language: ");
@@ -1184,6 +1184,13 @@
 	return cached_accept_language;
+static void http_opt_request_remainder(CURL *curl, off_t pos)
+	char buf[128];
+	xsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRIuMAX"-", (uintmax_t)pos);
+	curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_RANGE, buf);
 /* http_request() targets */
@@ -1209,14 +1216,11 @@
 		curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_FILE, result);
 		if (target == HTTP_REQUEST_FILE) {
-			long posn = ftell(result);
+			off_t posn = ftello(result);
 			curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION,
-			if (posn > 0) {
-				strbuf_addf(&buf, "Range: bytes=%ld-", posn);
-				headers = curl_slist_append(headers, buf.buf);
-				strbuf_reset(&buf);
-			}
+			if (posn > 0)
+				http_opt_request_remainder(slot->curl, posn);
 		} else
 			curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION,
@@ -1398,7 +1402,7 @@
 	if (http_get_strbuf(url, &buffer, &options) == HTTP_OK) {
 		if (buffer.len == 40)
-			ret = get_sha1_hex(buffer.buf, ref->old_sha1);
+			ret = get_oid_hex(buffer.buf, &ref->old_oid);
 		else if (starts_with(buffer.buf, "ref: ")) {
 			ref->symref = xstrdup(buffer.buf + 5);
 			ret = 0;
@@ -1526,10 +1530,6 @@
 		preq->packfile = NULL;
-	if (preq->range_header != NULL) {
-		curl_slist_free_all(preq->range_header);
-		preq->range_header = NULL;
-	}
 	preq->slot = NULL;
@@ -1540,6 +1540,7 @@
 	struct packed_git **lst;
 	struct packed_git *p = preq->target;
 	char *tmp_idx;
+	size_t len;
 	struct child_process ip = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
 	const char *ip_argv[8];
@@ -1553,9 +1554,9 @@
 		lst = &((*lst)->next);
 	*lst = (*lst)->next;
-	tmp_idx = xstrdup(preq->tmpfile);
-	strcpy(tmp_idx + strlen(tmp_idx) - strlen(".pack.temp"),
-	       ".idx.temp");
+	if (!strip_suffix(preq->tmpfile, ".pack.temp", &len))
+		die("BUG: pack tmpfile does not end in .pack.temp?");
+	tmp_idx = xstrfmt("%.*s.idx.temp", (int)len, preq->tmpfile);
 	ip_argv[0] = "index-pack";
 	ip_argv[1] = "-o";
@@ -1591,8 +1592,7 @@
 struct http_pack_request *new_http_pack_request(
 	struct packed_git *target, const char *base_url)
-	long prev_posn = 0;
-	char range[RANGE_HEADER_SIZE];
+	off_t prev_posn = 0;
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct http_pack_request *preq;
@@ -1624,16 +1624,13 @@
 	 * If there is data present from a previous transfer attempt,
 	 * resume where it left off
-	prev_posn = ftell(preq->packfile);
+	prev_posn = ftello(preq->packfile);
 	if (prev_posn>0) {
 		if (http_is_verbose)
-				"Resuming fetch of pack %s at byte %ld\n",
-				sha1_to_hex(target->sha1), prev_posn);
-		sprintf(range, "Range: bytes=%ld-", prev_posn);
-		preq->range_header = curl_slist_append(NULL, range);
-		curl_easy_setopt(preq->slot->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
-			preq->range_header);
+				"Resuming fetch of pack %s at byte %"PRIuMAX"\n",
+				sha1_to_hex(target->sha1), (uintmax_t)prev_posn);
+		http_opt_request_remainder(preq->slot->curl, prev_posn);
 	return preq;
@@ -1682,9 +1679,7 @@
 	int prevlocal;
 	char prev_buf[PREV_BUF_SIZE];
 	ssize_t prev_read = 0;
-	long prev_posn = 0;
-	char range[RANGE_HEADER_SIZE];
-	struct curl_slist *range_header = NULL;
+	off_t prev_posn = 0;
 	struct http_object_request *freq;
 	freq = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*freq));
@@ -1788,12 +1783,9 @@
 	if (prev_posn>0) {
 		if (http_is_verbose)
-				"Resuming fetch of object %s at byte %ld\n",
-				hex, prev_posn);
-		sprintf(range, "Range: bytes=%ld-", prev_posn);
-		range_header = curl_slist_append(range_header, range);
-		curl_easy_setopt(freq->slot->curl,
-				 CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, range_header);
+				"Resuming fetch of object %s at byte %"PRIuMAX"\n",
+				hex, (uintmax_t)prev_posn);
+		http_opt_request_remainder(freq->slot->curl, prev_posn);
 	return freq;
diff --git a/http.h b/http.h
index 49afe39..4f97b60 100644
--- a/http.h
+++ b/http.h
@@ -190,7 +190,6 @@
 	struct packed_git **lst;
 	FILE *packfile;
 	char tmpfile[PATH_MAX];
-	struct curl_slist *range_header;
 	struct active_request_slot *slot;
diff --git a/ident.c b/ident.c
index 00a62e0..daf7e1e 100644
--- a/ident.c
+++ b/ident.c
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 static struct strbuf git_default_name = STRBUF_INIT;
 static struct strbuf git_default_email = STRBUF_INIT;
 static struct strbuf git_default_date = STRBUF_INIT;
+static int default_email_is_bogus;
+static int default_name_is_bogus;
 #define IDENT_NAME_GIVEN 01
 #define IDENT_MAIL_GIVEN 02
@@ -23,6 +25,25 @@
 #define get_gecos(struct_passwd) ((struct_passwd)->pw_gecos)
+static struct passwd *xgetpwuid_self(int *is_bogus)
+	struct passwd *pw;
+	errno = 0;
+	pw = getpwuid(getuid());
+	if (!pw) {
+		static struct passwd fallback;
+		fallback.pw_name = "unknown";
+		fallback.pw_gecos = "Unknown";
+		pw = &fallback;
+		if (is_bogus)
+			*is_bogus = 1;
+	}
+	return pw;
 static void copy_gecos(const struct passwd *w, struct strbuf *name)
 	char *src;
@@ -96,22 +117,26 @@
 	return status;
-static void add_domainname(struct strbuf *out)
+static void add_domainname(struct strbuf *out, int *is_bogus)
 	char buf[1024];
 	if (gethostname(buf, sizeof(buf))) {
 		warning("cannot get host name: %s", strerror(errno));
 		strbuf_addstr(out, "(none)");
+		*is_bogus = 1;
 	if (strchr(buf, '.'))
 		strbuf_addstr(out, buf);
-	else if (canonical_name(buf, out) < 0)
+	else if (canonical_name(buf, out) < 0) {
 		strbuf_addf(out, "%s.(none)", buf);
+		*is_bogus = 1;
+	}
-static void copy_email(const struct passwd *pw, struct strbuf *email)
+static void copy_email(const struct passwd *pw, struct strbuf *email,
+		       int *is_bogus)
 	 * Make up a fake email address
@@ -122,13 +147,13 @@
 	if (!add_mailname_host(email))
 		return;	/* read from "/etc/mailname" (Debian) */
-	add_domainname(email);
+	add_domainname(email, is_bogus);
 const char *ident_default_name(void)
 	if (!git_default_name.len) {
-		copy_gecos(xgetpwuid_self(), &git_default_name);
+		copy_gecos(xgetpwuid_self(&default_name_is_bogus), &git_default_name);
 	return git_default_name.buf;
@@ -144,7 +169,8 @@
 			committer_ident_explicitly_given |= IDENT_MAIL_GIVEN;
 			author_ident_explicitly_given |= IDENT_MAIL_GIVEN;
 		} else
-			copy_email(xgetpwuid_self(), &git_default_email);
+			copy_email(xgetpwuid_self(&default_email_is_bogus),
+				   &git_default_email, &default_email_is_bogus);
 	return git_default_email.buf;
@@ -332,12 +358,17 @@
 				fputs(env_hint, stderr);
 			die("empty ident name (for <%s>) not allowed", email);
-		pw = xgetpwuid_self();
+		pw = xgetpwuid_self(NULL);
 		name = pw->pw_name;
-	if (strict && email == git_default_email.buf &&
-	    strstr(email, "(none)")) {
+	if (want_name && strict &&
+	    name == git_default_name.buf && default_name_is_bogus) {
+		fputs(env_hint, stderr);
+		die("unable to auto-detect name (got '%s')", name);
+	}
+	if (strict && email == git_default_email.buf && default_email_is_bogus) {
 		fputs(env_hint, stderr);
 		die("unable to auto-detect email address (got '%s')", email);
diff --git a/imap-send.c b/imap-send.c
index 8c3fc21..4d3b773 100644
--- a/imap-send.c
+++ b/imap-send.c
@@ -889,9 +889,8 @@
 	/* response: "<user> <digest in hex>" */
-	resp_len = strlen(user) + 1 + strlen(hex) + 1;
-	response = xmalloc(resp_len);
-	sprintf(response, "%s %s", user, hex);
+	response = xstrfmt("%s %s", user, hex);
+	resp_len = strlen(response) + 1;
 	response_64 = xmalloc(ENCODED_SIZE(resp_len) + 1);
 	encoded_len = EVP_EncodeBlock((unsigned char *)response_64,
diff --git a/line-log.c b/line-log.c
index 626b22c..af6e2f7 100644
--- a/line-log.c
+++ b/line-log.c
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@
 	unsigned mode;
 	unsigned char sha1[20];
-	if (get_tree_entry(commit->object.sha1, spec->path,
+	if (get_tree_entry(commit->object.oid.hash, spec->path,
 			   sha1, &mode))
 		die("There is no path %s in the commit", spec->path);
 	fill_filespec(spec, sha1, 1, mode);
@@ -824,8 +824,8 @@
-	diff_tree_sha1(parent ? parent->tree->object.sha1 : NULL,
-			commit->tree->object.sha1, "", opt);
+	diff_tree_sha1(parent ? parent->tree->object.oid.hash : NULL,
+			commit->tree->object.oid.hash, "", opt);
 	if (opt->detect_rename) {
 		filter_diffs_for_paths(range, 1);
 		if (diff_might_be_rename())
diff --git a/list-objects.c b/list-objects.c
index 41736d2..11732d9 100644
--- a/list-objects.c
+++ b/list-objects.c
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 	if (parse_tree_gently(tree, revs->ignore_missing_links) < 0) {
 		if (revs->ignore_missing_links)
-		die("bad tree object %s", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+		die("bad tree object %s", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 	obj->flags |= SEEN;
 	show(obj, path, name, cb_data);
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
 		die("unknown pending object %s (%s)",
-		    sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1), name);
+		    oid_to_hex(&obj->oid), name);
diff --git a/ll-merge.c b/ll-merge.c
index bf83290..0338630 100644
--- a/ll-merge.c
+++ b/ll-merge.c
@@ -145,11 +145,11 @@
 	{ "union", "built-in union merge", ll_union_merge },
-static void create_temp(mmfile_t *src, char *path)
+static void create_temp(mmfile_t *src, char *path, size_t len)
 	int fd;
-	strcpy(path, ".merge_file_XXXXXX");
+	xsnprintf(path, len, ".merge_file_XXXXXX");
 	fd = xmkstemp(path);
 	if (write_in_full(fd, src->ptr, src->size) != src->size)
 		die_errno("unable to write temp-file");
@@ -190,10 +190,10 @@
 	result->ptr = NULL;
 	result->size = 0;
-	create_temp(orig, temp[0]);
-	create_temp(src1, temp[1]);
-	create_temp(src2, temp[2]);
-	sprintf(temp[3], "%d", marker_size);
+	create_temp(orig, temp[0], sizeof(temp[0]));
+	create_temp(src1, temp[1], sizeof(temp[1]));
+	create_temp(src2, temp[2], sizeof(temp[2]));
+	xsnprintf(temp[3], sizeof(temp[3]), "%d", marker_size);
 	strbuf_expand(&cmd, fn->cmdline, strbuf_expand_dict_cb, &dict);
diff --git a/log-tree.c b/log-tree.c
index 7b1b57a..f70a30e 100644
--- a/log-tree.c
+++ b/log-tree.c
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
 		if (!obj)
 		if (!obj->parsed)
-			parse_object(obj->sha1);
+			parse_object(obj->oid.hash);
 		add_name_decoration(DECORATION_REF_TAG, refname, obj);
 	return 0;
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
 	struct commit_list *p;
 	for (p = commit->parents; p ; p = p->next) {
 		struct commit *parent = p->item;
-		printf(" %s", find_unique_abbrev(parent->object.sha1, abbrev));
+		printf(" %s", find_unique_abbrev(parent->object.oid.hash, abbrev));
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
 	struct commit_list *p = lookup_decoration(&opt->children, &commit->object);
 	for ( ; p; p = p->next) {
-		printf(" %s", find_unique_abbrev(p->item->object.sha1, abbrev));
+		printf(" %s", find_unique_abbrev(p->item->object.oid.hash, abbrev));
@@ -342,7 +342,8 @@
 	const char *subject = NULL;
 	const char *extra_headers = opt->extra_headers;
-	const char *name = sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1);
+	const char *name = oid_to_hex(opt->zero_commit ?
+				      &null_oid : &commit->object.oid);
 	*need_8bit_cte_p = 0; /* unknown */
 	if (opt->total > 0) {
@@ -469,7 +470,7 @@
 	const struct commit_list *parent;
 	for (nth = 0, parent = commit->parents; parent; parent = parent->next) {
-		if (!hashcmp(parent->item->object.sha1, sha1))
+		if (!hashcmp(parent->item->object.oid.hash, sha1))
 			return nth;
@@ -503,13 +504,13 @@
 	if (parse_tag_buffer(tag, extra->value, extra->len))
 		strbuf_addstr(&verify_message, "malformed mergetag\n");
 	else if (is_common_merge(commit) &&
-		 !hashcmp(tag->tagged->sha1,
-			  commit->parents->next->item->object.sha1))
+		 !oidcmp(&tag->tagged->oid,
+			  &commit->parents->next->item->object.oid))
 			    "merged tag '%s'\n", tag->tag);
-	else if ((nth = which_parent(tag->tagged->sha1, commit)) < 0)
+	else if ((nth = which_parent(tag->tagged->oid.hash, commit)) < 0)
 		strbuf_addf(&verify_message, "tag %s names a non-parent %s\n",
-				    tag->tag, tag->tagged->sha1);
+				    tag->tag, tag->tagged->oid.hash);
 			    "parent #%d, tagged '%s'\n", nth + 1, tag->tag);
@@ -553,7 +554,7 @@
 		if (!opt->graph)
 			put_revision_mark(opt, commit);
-		fputs(find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, abbrev_commit), stdout);
+		fputs(find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash, abbrev_commit), stdout);
 		if (opt->print_parents)
 			show_parents(commit, abbrev_commit);
 		if (opt->
@@ -613,7 +614,7 @@
 		if (!opt->graph)
 			put_revision_mark(opt, commit);
-		fputs(find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, abbrev_commit),
+		fputs(find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash, abbrev_commit),
 		if (opt->print_parents)
 			show_parents(commit, abbrev_commit);
@@ -621,7 +622,7 @@
 			show_children(opt, commit, abbrev_commit);
 		if (parent)
 			printf(" (from %s)",
-			       find_unique_abbrev(parent->object.sha1,
+			       find_unique_abbrev(parent->object.oid.hash,
 		fputs(diff_get_color_opt(&opt->diffopt, DIFF_RESET), stdout);
 		show_decorations(opt, commit);
@@ -660,7 +661,7 @@
 		struct strbuf notebuf = STRBUF_INIT;
 		raw = (opt->commit_format == CMIT_FMT_USERFORMAT);
-		format_display_notes(commit->object.sha1, &notebuf,
+		format_display_notes(commit->object.oid.hash, &notebuf,
 				     get_log_output_encoding(), raw);
 		ctx.notes_message = notebuf.len
 			? strbuf_detach(&notebuf, NULL)
@@ -796,19 +797,19 @@
 	int showed_log;
 	struct commit_list *parents;
-	unsigned const char *sha1;
+	struct object_id *oid;
 	if (!opt->diff && !DIFF_OPT_TST(&opt->diffopt, EXIT_WITH_STATUS))
 		return 0;
-	sha1 = commit->tree->object.sha1;
+	oid = &commit->tree->object.oid;
 	/* Root commit? */
 	parents = get_saved_parents(opt, commit);
 	if (!parents) {
 		if (opt->show_root_diff) {
-			diff_root_tree_sha1(sha1, "", &opt->diffopt);
+			diff_root_tree_sha1(oid->hash, "", &opt->diffopt);
 		return !opt->loginfo;
@@ -827,8 +828,8 @@
 			 * we merged _in_.
-			diff_tree_sha1(parents->item->tree->object.sha1,
-				       sha1, "", &opt->diffopt);
+			diff_tree_sha1(parents->item->tree->object.oid.hash,
+				       oid->hash, "", &opt->diffopt);
 			return !opt->loginfo;
@@ -842,8 +843,8 @@
 		struct commit *parent = parents->item;
-		diff_tree_sha1(parent->tree->object.sha1,
-			       sha1, "", &opt->diffopt);
+		diff_tree_sha1(parent->tree->object.oid.hash,
+			       oid->hash, "", &opt->diffopt);
 		showed_log |= !opt->loginfo;
diff --git a/mailinfo.c b/mailinfo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f289941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailinfo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1037 @@
+#include "cache.h"
+#include "utf8.h"
+#include "strbuf.h"
+#include "mailinfo.h"
+static void cleanup_space(struct strbuf *sb)
+	size_t pos, cnt;
+	for (pos = 0; pos < sb->len; pos++) {
+		if (isspace(sb->buf[pos])) {
+			sb->buf[pos] = ' ';
+			for (cnt = 0; isspace(sb->buf[pos + cnt + 1]); cnt++);
+			strbuf_remove(sb, pos + 1, cnt);
+		}
+	}
+static void get_sane_name(struct strbuf *out, struct strbuf *name, struct strbuf *email)
+	struct strbuf *src = name;
+	if (name->len < 3 || 60 < name->len || strchr(name->buf, '@') ||
+		strchr(name->buf, '<') || strchr(name->buf, '>'))
+		src = email;
+	else if (name == out)
+		return;
+	strbuf_reset(out);
+	strbuf_addbuf(out, src);
+static void parse_bogus_from(struct mailinfo *mi, const struct strbuf *line)
+	/* John Doe <johndoe> */
+	char *bra, *ket;
+	/* This is fallback, so do not bother if we already have an
+	 * e-mail address.
+	 */
+	if (mi->email.len)
+		return;
+	bra = strchr(line->buf, '<');
+	if (!bra)
+		return;
+	ket = strchr(bra, '>');
+	if (!ket)
+		return;
+	strbuf_reset(&mi->email);
+	strbuf_add(&mi->email, bra + 1, ket - bra - 1);
+	strbuf_reset(&mi->name);
+	strbuf_add(&mi->name, line->buf, bra - line->buf);
+	strbuf_trim(&mi->name);
+	get_sane_name(&mi->name, &mi->name, &mi->email);
+static void handle_from(struct mailinfo *mi, const struct strbuf *from)
+	char *at;
+	size_t el;
+	struct strbuf f;
+	strbuf_init(&f, from->len);
+	strbuf_addbuf(&f, from);
+	at = strchr(f.buf, '@');
+	if (!at) {
+		parse_bogus_from(mi, from);
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * If we already have one email, don't take any confusing lines
+	 */
+	if (mi->email.len && strchr(at + 1, '@')) {
+		strbuf_release(&f);
+		return;
+	}
+	/* Pick up the string around '@', possibly delimited with <>
+	 * pair; that is the email part.
+	 */
+	while (at > f.buf) {
+		char c = at[-1];
+		if (isspace(c))
+			break;
+		if (c == '<') {
+			at[-1] = ' ';
+			break;
+		}
+		at--;
+	}
+	el = strcspn(at, " \n\t\r\v\f>");
+	strbuf_reset(&mi->email);
+	strbuf_add(&mi->email, at, el);
+	strbuf_remove(&f, at - f.buf, el + (at[el] ? 1 : 0));
+	/* The remainder is name.  It could be
+	 *
+	 * - "John Doe <john.doe@xz>"			(a), or
+	 * - "john.doe@xz (John Doe)"			(b), or
+	 * - "John (zzz) Doe <john.doe@xz> (Comment)"	(c)
+	 *
+	 * but we have removed the email part, so
+	 *
+	 * - remove extra spaces which could stay after email (case 'c'), and
+	 * - trim from both ends, possibly removing the () pair at the end
+	 *   (cases 'a' and 'b').
+	 */
+	cleanup_space(&f);
+	strbuf_trim(&f);
+	if (f.buf[0] == '(' && f.len && f.buf[f.len - 1] == ')') {
+		strbuf_remove(&f, 0, 1);
+		strbuf_setlen(&f, f.len - 1);
+	}
+	get_sane_name(&mi->name, &f, &mi->email);
+	strbuf_release(&f);
+static void handle_header(struct strbuf **out, const struct strbuf *line)
+	if (!*out) {
+		*out = xmalloc(sizeof(struct strbuf));
+		strbuf_init(*out, line->len);
+	} else
+		strbuf_reset(*out);
+	strbuf_addbuf(*out, line);
+/* NOTE NOTE NOTE.  We do not claim we do full MIME.  We just attempt
+ * to have enough heuristics to grok MIME encoded patches often found
+ * on our mailing lists.  For example, we do not even treat header lines
+ * case insensitively.
+ */
+static int slurp_attr(const char *line, const char *name, struct strbuf *attr)
+	const char *ends, *ap = strcasestr(line, name);
+	size_t sz;
+	strbuf_setlen(attr, 0);
+	if (!ap)
+		return 0;
+	ap += strlen(name);
+	if (*ap == '"') {
+		ap++;
+		ends = "\"";
+	}
+	else
+		ends = "; \t";
+	sz = strcspn(ap, ends);
+	strbuf_add(attr, ap, sz);
+	return 1;
+static void handle_content_type(struct mailinfo *mi, struct strbuf *line)
+	struct strbuf *boundary = xmalloc(sizeof(struct strbuf));
+	strbuf_init(boundary, line->len);
+	if (slurp_attr(line->buf, "boundary=", boundary)) {
+		strbuf_insert(boundary, 0, "--", 2);
+		if (++mi->content_top >= &mi->content[MAX_BOUNDARIES]) {
+			error("Too many boundaries to handle");
+			mi->input_error = -1;
+			mi->content_top = &mi->content[MAX_BOUNDARIES] - 1;
+			return;
+		}
+		*(mi->content_top) = boundary;
+		boundary = NULL;
+	}
+	slurp_attr(line->buf, "charset=", &mi->charset);
+	if (boundary) {
+		strbuf_release(boundary);
+		free(boundary);
+	}
+static void handle_message_id(struct mailinfo *mi, const struct strbuf *line)
+	if (mi->add_message_id)
+		mi->message_id = strdup(line->buf);
+static void handle_content_transfer_encoding(struct mailinfo *mi,
+					     const struct strbuf *line)
+	if (strcasestr(line->buf, "base64"))
+		mi->transfer_encoding = TE_BASE64;
+	else if (strcasestr(line->buf, "quoted-printable"))
+		mi->transfer_encoding = TE_QP;
+	else
+		mi->transfer_encoding = TE_DONTCARE;
+static int is_multipart_boundary(struct mailinfo *mi, const struct strbuf *line)
+	struct strbuf *content_top = *(mi->content_top);
+	return ((content_top->len <= line->len) &&
+		!memcmp(line->buf, content_top->buf, content_top->len));
+static void cleanup_subject(struct mailinfo *mi, struct strbuf *subject)
+	size_t at = 0;
+	while (at < subject->len) {
+		char *pos;
+		size_t remove;
+		switch (subject->buf[at]) {
+		case 'r': case 'R':
+			if (subject->len <= at + 3)
+				break;
+			if ((subject->buf[at + 1] == 'e' ||
+			     subject->buf[at + 1] == 'E') &&
+			    subject->buf[at + 2] == ':') {
+				strbuf_remove(subject, at, 3);
+				continue;
+			}
+			at++;
+			break;
+		case ' ': case '\t': case ':':
+			strbuf_remove(subject, at, 1);
+			continue;
+		case '[':
+			pos = strchr(subject->buf + at, ']');
+			if (!pos)
+				break;
+			remove = pos - subject->buf + at + 1;
+			if (!mi->keep_non_patch_brackets_in_subject ||
+			    (7 <= remove &&
+			     memmem(subject->buf + at, remove, "PATCH", 5)))
+				strbuf_remove(subject, at, remove);
+			else {
+				at += remove;
+				/*
+				 * If the input had a space after the ], keep
+				 * it.  We don't bother with finding the end of
+				 * the space, since we later normalize it
+				 * anyway.
+				 */
+				if (isspace(subject->buf[at]))
+					at += 1;
+			}
+			continue;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	strbuf_trim(subject);
+#define MAX_HDR_PARSED 10
+static const char *header[MAX_HDR_PARSED] = {
+	"From","Subject","Date",
+static inline int cmp_header(const struct strbuf *line, const char *hdr)
+	int len = strlen(hdr);
+	return !strncasecmp(line->buf, hdr, len) && line->len > len &&
+			line->buf[len] == ':' && isspace(line->buf[len + 1]);
+static int is_format_patch_separator(const char *line, int len)
+	static const char SAMPLE[] =
+		"From e6807f3efca28b30decfecb1732a56c7db1137ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001\n";
+	const char *cp;
+	if (len != strlen(SAMPLE))
+		return 0;
+	if (!skip_prefix(line, "From ", &cp))
+		return 0;
+	if (strspn(cp, "0123456789abcdef") != 40)
+		return 0;
+	cp += 40;
+	return !memcmp(SAMPLE + (cp - line), cp, strlen(SAMPLE) - (cp - line));
+static struct strbuf *decode_q_segment(const struct strbuf *q_seg, int rfc2047)
+	const char *in = q_seg->buf;
+	int c;
+	struct strbuf *out = xmalloc(sizeof(struct strbuf));
+	strbuf_init(out, q_seg->len);
+	while ((c = *in++) != 0) {
+		if (c == '=') {
+			int d = *in++;
+			if (d == '\n' || !d)
+				break; /* drop trailing newline */
+			strbuf_addch(out, (hexval(d) << 4) | hexval(*in++));
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (rfc2047 && c == '_') /* rfc2047 4.2 (2) */
+			c = 0x20;
+		strbuf_addch(out, c);
+	}
+	return out;
+static struct strbuf *decode_b_segment(const struct strbuf *b_seg)
+	/* Decode in..ep, possibly in-place to ot */
+	int c, pos = 0, acc = 0;
+	const char *in = b_seg->buf;
+	struct strbuf *out = xmalloc(sizeof(struct strbuf));
+	strbuf_init(out, b_seg->len);
+	while ((c = *in++) != 0) {
+		if (c == '+')
+			c = 62;
+		else if (c == '/')
+			c = 63;
+		else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
+			c -= 'A';
+		else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z')
+			c -= 'a' - 26;
+		else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
+			c -= '0' - 52;
+		else
+			continue; /* garbage */
+		switch (pos++) {
+		case 0:
+			acc = (c << 2);
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			strbuf_addch(out, (acc | (c >> 4)));
+			acc = (c & 15) << 4;
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			strbuf_addch(out, (acc | (c >> 2)));
+			acc = (c & 3) << 6;
+			break;
+		case 3:
+			strbuf_addch(out, (acc | c));
+			acc = pos = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return out;
+static int convert_to_utf8(struct mailinfo *mi,
+			   struct strbuf *line, const char *charset)
+	char *out;
+	if (!mi->metainfo_charset || !charset || !*charset)
+		return 0;
+	if (same_encoding(mi->metainfo_charset, charset))
+		return 0;
+	out = reencode_string(line->buf, mi->metainfo_charset, charset);
+	if (!out) {
+		mi->input_error = -1;
+		return error("cannot convert from %s to %s",
+			     charset, mi->metainfo_charset);
+	}
+	strbuf_attach(line, out, strlen(out), strlen(out));
+	return 0;
+static void decode_header(struct mailinfo *mi, struct strbuf *it)
+	char *in, *ep, *cp;
+	struct strbuf outbuf = STRBUF_INIT, *dec;
+	struct strbuf charset_q = STRBUF_INIT, piecebuf = STRBUF_INIT;
+	int found_error = 1; /* pessimism */
+	in = it->buf;
+	while (in - it->buf <= it->len && (ep = strstr(in, "=?")) != NULL) {
+		int encoding;
+		strbuf_reset(&charset_q);
+		strbuf_reset(&piecebuf);
+		if (in != ep) {
+			/*
+			 * We are about to process an encoded-word
+			 * that begins at ep, but there is something
+			 * before the encoded word.
+			 */
+			char *scan;
+			for (scan = in; scan < ep; scan++)
+				if (!isspace(*scan))
+					break;
+			if (scan != ep || in == it->buf) {
+				/*
+				 * We should not lose that "something",
+				 * unless we have just processed an
+				 * encoded-word, and there is only LWS
+				 * before the one we are about to process.
+				 */
+				strbuf_add(&outbuf, in, ep - in);
+			}
+		}
+		/* E.g.
+		 * ep : "=?iso-2022-jp?B?GyR...?= foo"
+		 * ep : "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Foo=FCbar?= baz"
+		 */
+		ep += 2;
+		if (ep - it->buf >= it->len || !(cp = strchr(ep, '?')))
+			goto release_return;
+		if (cp + 3 - it->buf > it->len)
+			goto release_return;
+		strbuf_add(&charset_q, ep, cp - ep);
+		encoding = cp[1];
+		if (!encoding || cp[2] != '?')
+			goto release_return;
+		ep = strstr(cp + 3, "?=");
+		if (!ep)
+			goto release_return;
+		strbuf_add(&piecebuf, cp + 3, ep - cp - 3);
+		switch (tolower(encoding)) {
+		default:
+			goto release_return;
+		case 'b':
+			dec = decode_b_segment(&piecebuf);
+			break;
+		case 'q':
+			dec = decode_q_segment(&piecebuf, 1);
+			break;
+		}
+		if (convert_to_utf8(mi, dec, charset_q.buf))
+			goto release_return;
+		strbuf_addbuf(&outbuf, dec);
+		strbuf_release(dec);
+		free(dec);
+		in = ep + 2;
+	}
+	strbuf_addstr(&outbuf, in);
+	strbuf_reset(it);
+	strbuf_addbuf(it, &outbuf);
+	found_error = 0;
+	strbuf_release(&outbuf);
+	strbuf_release(&charset_q);
+	strbuf_release(&piecebuf);
+	if (found_error)
+		mi->input_error = -1;
+static int check_header(struct mailinfo *mi,
+			const struct strbuf *line,
+			struct strbuf *hdr_data[], int overwrite)
+	int i, ret = 0, len;
+	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+	/* search for the interesting parts */
+	for (i = 0; header[i]; i++) {
+		int len = strlen(header[i]);
+		if ((!hdr_data[i] || overwrite) && cmp_header(line, header[i])) {
+			/* Unwrap inline B and Q encoding, and optionally
+			 * normalize the meta information to utf8.
+			 */
+			strbuf_add(&sb, line->buf + len + 2, line->len - len - 2);
+			decode_header(mi, &sb);
+			handle_header(&hdr_data[i], &sb);
+			ret = 1;
+			goto check_header_out;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Content stuff */
+	if (cmp_header(line, "Content-Type")) {
+		len = strlen("Content-Type: ");
+		strbuf_add(&sb, line->buf + len, line->len - len);
+		decode_header(mi, &sb);
+		strbuf_insert(&sb, 0, "Content-Type: ", len);
+		handle_content_type(mi, &sb);
+		ret = 1;
+		goto check_header_out;
+	}
+	if (cmp_header(line, "Content-Transfer-Encoding")) {
+		len = strlen("Content-Transfer-Encoding: ");
+		strbuf_add(&sb, line->buf + len, line->len - len);
+		decode_header(mi, &sb);
+		handle_content_transfer_encoding(mi, &sb);
+		ret = 1;
+		goto check_header_out;
+	}
+	if (cmp_header(line, "Message-Id")) {
+		len = strlen("Message-Id: ");
+		strbuf_add(&sb, line->buf + len, line->len - len);
+		decode_header(mi, &sb);
+		handle_message_id(mi, &sb);
+		ret = 1;
+		goto check_header_out;
+	}
+	/* for inbody stuff */
+	if (starts_with(line->buf, ">From") && isspace(line->buf[5])) {
+		ret = is_format_patch_separator(line->buf + 1, line->len - 1);
+		goto check_header_out;
+	}
+	if (starts_with(line->buf, "[PATCH]") && isspace(line->buf[7])) {
+		for (i = 0; header[i]; i++) {
+			if (!strcmp("Subject", header[i])) {
+				handle_header(&hdr_data[i], line);
+				ret = 1;
+				goto check_header_out;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	strbuf_release(&sb);
+	return ret;
+static void decode_transfer_encoding(struct mailinfo *mi, struct strbuf *line)
+	struct strbuf *ret;
+	switch (mi->transfer_encoding) {
+	case TE_QP:
+		ret = decode_q_segment(line, 0);
+		break;
+	case TE_BASE64:
+		ret = decode_b_segment(line);
+		break;
+	default:
+		return;
+	}
+	strbuf_reset(line);
+	strbuf_addbuf(line, ret);
+	strbuf_release(ret);
+	free(ret);
+static inline int patchbreak(const struct strbuf *line)
+	size_t i;
+	/* Beginning of a "diff -" header? */
+	if (starts_with(line->buf, "diff -"))
+		return 1;
+	/* CVS "Index: " line? */
+	if (starts_with(line->buf, "Index: "))
+		return 1;
+	/*
+	 * "--- <filename>" starts patches without headers
+	 * "---<sp>*" is a manual separator
+	 */
+	if (line->len < 4)
+		return 0;
+	if (starts_with(line->buf, "---")) {
+		/* space followed by a filename? */
+		if (line->buf[3] == ' ' && !isspace(line->buf[4]))
+			return 1;
+		/* Just whitespace? */
+		for (i = 3; i < line->len; i++) {
+			unsigned char c = line->buf[i];
+			if (c == '\n')
+				return 1;
+			if (!isspace(c))
+				break;
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int is_scissors_line(const struct strbuf *line)
+	size_t i, len = line->len;
+	int scissors = 0, gap = 0;
+	int first_nonblank = -1;
+	int last_nonblank = 0, visible, perforation = 0, in_perforation = 0;
+	const char *buf = line->buf;
+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+		if (isspace(buf[i])) {
+			if (in_perforation) {
+				perforation++;
+				gap++;
+			}
+			continue;
+		}
+		last_nonblank = i;
+		if (first_nonblank < 0)
+			first_nonblank = i;
+		if (buf[i] == '-') {
+			in_perforation = 1;
+			perforation++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (i + 1 < len &&
+		    (!memcmp(buf + i, ">8", 2) || !memcmp(buf + i, "8<", 2) ||
+		     !memcmp(buf + i, ">%", 2) || !memcmp(buf + i, "%<", 2))) {
+			in_perforation = 1;
+			perforation += 2;
+			scissors += 2;
+			i++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		in_perforation = 0;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The mark must be at least 8 bytes long (e.g. "-- >8 --").
+	 * Even though there can be arbitrary cruft on the same line
+	 * (e.g. "cut here"), in order to avoid misidentification, the
+	 * perforation must occupy more than a third of the visible
+	 * width of the line, and dashes and scissors must occupy more
+	 * than half of the perforation.
+	 */
+	visible = last_nonblank - first_nonblank + 1;
+	return (scissors && 8 <= visible &&
+		visible < perforation * 3 &&
+		gap * 2 < perforation);
+static int handle_commit_msg(struct mailinfo *mi, struct strbuf *line)
+	assert(!mi->filter_stage);
+	if (mi->header_stage) {
+		if (!line->len || (line->len == 1 && line->buf[0] == '\n'))
+			return 0;
+	}
+	if (mi->use_inbody_headers && mi->header_stage) {
+		mi->header_stage = check_header(mi, line, mi->s_hdr_data, 0);
+		if (mi->header_stage)
+			return 0;
+	} else
+		/* Only trim the first (blank) line of the commit message
+		 * when ignoring in-body headers.
+		 */
+		mi->header_stage = 0;
+	/* normalize the log message to UTF-8. */
+	if (convert_to_utf8(mi, line, mi->charset.buf))
+		return 0; /* mi->input_error already set */
+	if (mi->use_scissors && is_scissors_line(line)) {
+		int i;
+		strbuf_setlen(&mi->log_message, 0);
+		mi->header_stage = 1;
+		/*
+		 * We may have already read "secondary headers"; purge
+		 * them to give ourselves a clean restart.
+		 */
+		for (i = 0; header[i]; i++) {
+			if (mi->s_hdr_data[i])
+				strbuf_release(mi->s_hdr_data[i]);
+			mi->s_hdr_data[i] = NULL;
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (patchbreak(line)) {
+		if (mi->message_id)
+			strbuf_addf(&mi->log_message,
+				    "Message-Id: %s\n", mi->message_id);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	strbuf_addbuf(&mi->log_message, line);
+	return 0;
+static void handle_patch(struct mailinfo *mi, const struct strbuf *line)
+	fwrite(line->buf, 1, line->len, mi->patchfile);
+	mi->patch_lines++;
+static void handle_filter(struct mailinfo *mi, struct strbuf *line)
+	switch (mi->filter_stage) {
+	case 0:
+		if (!handle_commit_msg(mi, line))
+			break;
+		mi->filter_stage++;
+	case 1:
+		handle_patch(mi, line);
+		break;
+	}
+static int is_rfc2822_header(const struct strbuf *line)
+	/*
+	 * The section that defines the loosest possible
+	 * field name is "3.6.8 Optional fields".
+	 *
+	 * optional-field = field-name ":" unstructured CRLF
+	 * field-name = 1*ftext
+	 * ftext = %d33-57 / %59-126
+	 */
+	int ch;
+	char *cp = line->buf;
+	/* Count mbox From headers as headers */
+	if (starts_with(cp, "From ") || starts_with(cp, ">From "))
+		return 1;
+	while ((ch = *cp++)) {
+		if (ch == ':')
+			return 1;
+		if ((33 <= ch && ch <= 57) ||
+		    (59 <= ch && ch <= 126))
+			continue;
+		break;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int read_one_header_line(struct strbuf *line, FILE *in)
+	struct strbuf continuation = STRBUF_INIT;
+	/* Get the first part of the line. */
+	if (strbuf_getline(line, in, '\n'))
+		return 0;
+	/*
+	 * Is it an empty line or not a valid rfc2822 header?
+	 * If so, stop here, and return false ("not a header")
+	 */
+	strbuf_rtrim(line);
+	if (!line->len || !is_rfc2822_header(line)) {
+		/* Re-add the newline */
+		strbuf_addch(line, '\n');
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Now we need to eat all the continuation lines..
+	 * Yuck, 2822 header "folding"
+	 */
+	for (;;) {
+		int peek;
+		peek = fgetc(in); ungetc(peek, in);
+		if (peek != ' ' && peek != '\t')
+			break;
+		if (strbuf_getline(&continuation, in, '\n'))
+			break;
+		continuation.buf[0] = ' ';
+		strbuf_rtrim(&continuation);
+		strbuf_addbuf(line, &continuation);
+	}
+	strbuf_release(&continuation);
+	return 1;
+static int find_boundary(struct mailinfo *mi, struct strbuf *line)
+	while (!strbuf_getline(line, mi->input, '\n')) {
+		if (*(mi->content_top) && is_multipart_boundary(mi, line))
+			return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int handle_boundary(struct mailinfo *mi, struct strbuf *line)
+	struct strbuf newline = STRBUF_INIT;
+	strbuf_addch(&newline, '\n');
+	if (line->len >= (*(mi->content_top))->len + 2 &&
+	    !memcmp(line->buf + (*(mi->content_top))->len, "--", 2)) {
+		/* we hit an end boundary */
+		/* pop the current boundary off the stack */
+		strbuf_release(*(mi->content_top));
+		free(*(mi->content_top));
+		*(mi->content_top) = NULL;
+		/* technically won't happen as is_multipart_boundary()
+		   will fail first.  But just in case..
+		 */
+		if (--mi->content_top < mi->content) {
+			error("Detected mismatched boundaries, can't recover");
+			mi->input_error = -1;
+			mi->content_top = mi->content;
+			return 0;
+		}
+		handle_filter(mi, &newline);
+		strbuf_release(&newline);
+		if (mi->input_error)
+			return 0;
+		/* skip to the next boundary */
+		if (!find_boundary(mi, line))
+			return 0;
+		goto again;
+	}
+	/* set some defaults */
+	mi->transfer_encoding = TE_DONTCARE;
+	strbuf_reset(&mi->charset);
+	/* slurp in this section's info */
+	while (read_one_header_line(line, mi->input))
+		check_header(mi, line, mi->p_hdr_data, 0);
+	strbuf_release(&newline);
+	/* replenish line */
+	if (strbuf_getline(line, mi->input, '\n'))
+		return 0;
+	strbuf_addch(line, '\n');
+	return 1;
+static void handle_body(struct mailinfo *mi, struct strbuf *line)
+	struct strbuf prev = STRBUF_INIT;
+	/* Skip up to the first boundary */
+	if (*(mi->content_top)) {
+		if (!find_boundary(mi, line))
+			goto handle_body_out;
+	}
+	do {
+		/* process any boundary lines */
+		if (*(mi->content_top) && is_multipart_boundary(mi, line)) {
+			/* flush any leftover */
+			if (prev.len) {
+				handle_filter(mi, &prev);
+				strbuf_reset(&prev);
+			}
+			if (!handle_boundary(mi, line))
+				goto handle_body_out;
+		}
+		/* Unwrap transfer encoding */
+		decode_transfer_encoding(mi, line);
+		switch (mi->transfer_encoding) {
+		case TE_BASE64:
+		case TE_QP:
+		{
+			struct strbuf **lines, **it, *sb;
+			/* Prepend any previous partial lines */
+			strbuf_insert(line, 0, prev.buf, prev.len);
+			strbuf_reset(&prev);
+			/*
+			 * This is a decoded line that may contain
+			 * multiple new lines.  Pass only one chunk
+			 * at a time to handle_filter()
+			 */
+			lines = strbuf_split(line, '\n');
+			for (it = lines; (sb = *it); it++) {
+				if (*(it + 1) == NULL) /* The last line */
+					if (sb->buf[sb->len - 1] != '\n') {
+						/* Partial line, save it for later. */
+						strbuf_addbuf(&prev, sb);
+						break;
+					}
+				handle_filter(mi, sb);
+			}
+			/*
+			 * The partial chunk is saved in "prev" and will be
+			 * appended by the next iteration of read_line_with_nul().
+			 */
+			strbuf_list_free(lines);
+			break;
+		}
+		default:
+			handle_filter(mi, line);
+		}
+		if (mi->input_error)
+			break;
+	} while (!strbuf_getwholeline(line, mi->input, '\n'));
+	strbuf_release(&prev);
+static void output_header_lines(FILE *fout, const char *hdr, const struct strbuf *data)
+	const char *sp = data->buf;
+	while (1) {
+		char *ep = strchr(sp, '\n');
+		int len;
+		if (!ep)
+			len = strlen(sp);
+		else
+			len = ep - sp;
+		fprintf(fout, "%s: %.*s\n", hdr, len, sp);
+		if (!ep)
+			break;
+		sp = ep + 1;
+	}
+static void handle_info(struct mailinfo *mi)
+	struct strbuf *hdr;
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; header[i]; i++) {
+		/* only print inbody headers if we output a patch file */
+		if (mi->patch_lines && mi->s_hdr_data[i])
+			hdr = mi->s_hdr_data[i];
+		else if (mi->p_hdr_data[i])
+			hdr = mi->p_hdr_data[i];
+		else
+			continue;
+		if (!strcmp(header[i], "Subject")) {
+			if (!mi->keep_subject) {
+				cleanup_subject(mi, hdr);
+				cleanup_space(hdr);
+			}
+			output_header_lines(mi->output, "Subject", hdr);
+		} else if (!strcmp(header[i], "From")) {
+			cleanup_space(hdr);
+			handle_from(mi, hdr);
+			fprintf(mi->output, "Author: %s\n", mi->name.buf);
+			fprintf(mi->output, "Email: %s\n", mi->email.buf);
+		} else {
+			cleanup_space(hdr);
+			fprintf(mi->output, "%s: %s\n", header[i], hdr->buf);
+		}
+	}
+	fprintf(mi->output, "\n");
+int mailinfo(struct mailinfo *mi, const char *msg, const char *patch)
+	FILE *cmitmsg;
+	int peek;
+	struct strbuf line = STRBUF_INIT;
+	cmitmsg = fopen(msg, "w");
+	if (!cmitmsg) {
+		perror(msg);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	mi->patchfile = fopen(patch, "w");
+	if (!mi->patchfile) {
+		perror(patch);
+		fclose(cmitmsg);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	mi->p_hdr_data = xcalloc(MAX_HDR_PARSED, sizeof(*(mi->p_hdr_data)));
+	mi->s_hdr_data = xcalloc(MAX_HDR_PARSED, sizeof(*(mi->s_hdr_data)));
+	do {
+		peek = fgetc(mi->input);
+	} while (isspace(peek));
+	ungetc(peek, mi->input);
+	/* process the email header */
+	while (read_one_header_line(&line, mi->input))
+		check_header(mi, &line, mi->p_hdr_data, 1);
+	handle_body(mi, &line);
+	fwrite(mi->log_message.buf, 1, mi->log_message.len, cmitmsg);
+	fclose(cmitmsg);
+	fclose(mi->patchfile);
+	handle_info(mi);
+	strbuf_release(&line);
+	return mi->input_error;
+static int git_mailinfo_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *mi_)
+	struct mailinfo *mi = mi_;
+	if (!starts_with(var, "mailinfo."))
+		return git_default_config(var, value, NULL);
+	if (!strcmp(var, "mailinfo.scissors")) {
+		mi->use_scissors = git_config_bool(var, value);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* perhaps others here */
+	return 0;
+void setup_mailinfo(struct mailinfo *mi)
+	memset(mi, 0, sizeof(*mi));
+	strbuf_init(&mi->name, 0);
+	strbuf_init(&mi->email, 0);
+	strbuf_init(&mi->charset, 0);
+	strbuf_init(&mi->log_message, 0);
+	mi->header_stage = 1;
+	mi->use_inbody_headers = 1;
+	mi->content_top = mi->content;
+	git_config(git_mailinfo_config, mi);
+void clear_mailinfo(struct mailinfo *mi)
+	int i;
+	strbuf_release(&mi->name);
+	strbuf_release(&mi->email);
+	strbuf_release(&mi->charset);
+	free(mi->message_id);
+	for (i = 0; mi->p_hdr_data[i]; i++)
+		strbuf_release(mi->p_hdr_data[i]);
+	free(mi->p_hdr_data);
+	for (i = 0; mi->s_hdr_data[i]; i++)
+		strbuf_release(mi->s_hdr_data[i]);
+	free(mi->s_hdr_data);
+	while (mi->content < mi->content_top) {
+		free(*(mi->content_top));
+		mi->content_top--;
+	}
+	strbuf_release(&mi->log_message);
diff --git a/mailinfo.h b/mailinfo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93776a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailinfo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#ifndef MAILINFO_H
+#define MAILINFO_H
+struct mailinfo {
+	FILE *input;
+	FILE *output;
+	FILE *patchfile;
+	struct strbuf name;
+	struct strbuf email;
+	int keep_subject;
+	int keep_non_patch_brackets_in_subject;
+	int add_message_id;
+	int use_scissors;
+	int use_inbody_headers;
+	const char *metainfo_charset;
+	struct strbuf *content[MAX_BOUNDARIES];
+	struct strbuf **content_top;
+	struct strbuf charset;
+	char *message_id;
+	enum  {
+	} transfer_encoding;
+	int patch_lines;
+	int filter_stage; /* still reading log or are we copying patch? */
+	int header_stage; /* still checking in-body headers? */
+	struct strbuf **p_hdr_data;
+	struct strbuf **s_hdr_data;
+	struct strbuf log_message;
+	int input_error;
+extern void setup_mailinfo(struct mailinfo *);
+extern int mailinfo(struct mailinfo *, const char *msg, const char *patch);
+extern void clear_mailinfo(struct mailinfo *);
+#endif /* MAILINFO_H */
diff --git a/mailmap.c b/mailmap.c
index 9e95897..f4a0f1c 100644
--- a/mailmap.c
+++ b/mailmap.c
@@ -162,11 +162,10 @@
 			char *cp;
-			*repo_abbrev = xmalloc(len);
 			for (cp = buffer + abblen; isspace(*cp); cp++)
 				; /* nothing */
-			strcpy(*repo_abbrev, cp);
+			*repo_abbrev = xstrdup(cp);
diff --git a/merge-blobs.c b/merge-blobs.c
index 7abb894..ddca601 100644
--- a/merge-blobs.c
+++ b/merge-blobs.c
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 	unsigned long size;
 	enum object_type type;
-	buf = read_sha1_file(obj->object.sha1, &type, &size);
+	buf = read_sha1_file(obj->object.oid.hash, &type, &size);
 	if (!buf)
 		return -1;
 	if (type != OBJ_BLOB) {
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 			return NULL;
 		if (!our)
 			our = their;
-		return read_sha1_file(our->object.sha1, &type, size);
+		return read_sha1_file(our->object.oid.hash, &type, size);
 	if (fill_mmfile_blob(&f1, our) < 0)
diff --git a/merge-recursive.c b/merge-recursive.c
index b446df9..8eabde2 100644
--- a/merge-recursive.c
+++ b/merge-recursive.c
@@ -26,17 +26,17 @@
 static struct tree *shift_tree_object(struct tree *one, struct tree *two,
 				      const char *subtree_shift)
-	unsigned char shifted[20];
+	struct object_id shifted;
 	if (!*subtree_shift) {
-		shift_tree(one->object.sha1, two->object.sha1, shifted, 0);
+		shift_tree(one->object.oid.hash, two->object.oid.hash, shifted.hash, 0);
 	} else {
-		shift_tree_by(one->object.sha1, two->object.sha1, shifted,
+		shift_tree_by(one->object.oid.hash, two->object.oid.hash, shifted.hash,
-	if (!hashcmp(two->object.sha1, shifted))
+	if (!oidcmp(&two->object.oid, &shifted))
 		return two;
-	return lookup_tree(shifted);
+	return lookup_tree(shifted.hash);
 static struct commit *make_virtual_commit(struct tree *tree, const char *comment)
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
 	if (commit->util)
 		printf("virtual %s\n", merge_remote_util(commit)->name);
 	else {
-		printf("%s ", find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+		printf("%s ", find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
 		if (parse_commit(commit) != 0)
 			printf(_("(bad commit)\n"));
 		else {
@@ -313,11 +313,11 @@
 	struct string_list_item *item;
 	struct stage_data *e = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct stage_data));
-	get_tree_entry(o->object.sha1, path,
+	get_tree_entry(o->object.oid.hash, path,
 			e->stages[1].sha, &e->stages[1].mode);
-	get_tree_entry(a->object.sha1, path,
+	get_tree_entry(a->object.oid.hash, path,
 			e->stages[2].sha, &e->stages[2].mode);
-	get_tree_entry(b->object.sha1, path,
+	get_tree_entry(b->object.oid.hash, path,
 			e->stages[3].sha, &e->stages[3].mode);
 	item = string_list_insert(entries, path);
 	item->util = e;
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
 	opts.show_rename_progress = o->show_rename_progress;
 	opts.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_NO_OUTPUT;
-	diff_tree_sha1(o_tree->object.sha1, tree->object.sha1, "", &opts);
+	diff_tree_sha1(o_tree->object.oid.hash, tree->object.oid.hash, "", &opts);
 	if (opts.needed_rename_limit > o->needed_rename_limit)
 		o->needed_rename_limit = opts.needed_rename_limit;
@@ -630,25 +630,24 @@
 static int dir_in_way(const char *path, int check_working_copy)
-	int pos, pathlen = strlen(path);
-	char *dirpath = xmalloc(pathlen + 2);
+	int pos;
+	struct strbuf dirpath = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct stat st;
-	strcpy(dirpath, path);
-	dirpath[pathlen] = '/';
-	dirpath[pathlen+1] = '\0';
+	strbuf_addstr(&dirpath, path);
+	strbuf_addch(&dirpath, '/');
-	pos = cache_name_pos(dirpath, pathlen+1);
+	pos = cache_name_pos(dirpath.buf, dirpath.len);
 	if (pos < 0)
 		pos = -1 - pos;
 	if (pos < active_nr &&
-	    !strncmp(dirpath, active_cache[pos]->name, pathlen+1)) {
-		free(dirpath);
+	    !strncmp(dirpath.buf, active_cache[pos]->name, dirpath.len)) {
+		strbuf_release(&dirpath);
 		return 1;
-	free(dirpath);
+	strbuf_release(&dirpath);
 	return check_working_copy && !lstat(path, &st) && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);
@@ -1813,7 +1812,7 @@
 		common = shift_tree_object(head, common, o->subtree_shift);
-	if (sha_eq(common->object.sha1, merge->object.sha1)) {
+	if (sha_eq(common->object.oid.hash, merge->object.oid.hash)) {
 		output(o, 0, _("Already up-to-date!"));
 		*result = head;
 		return 1;
@@ -1824,8 +1823,8 @@
 	if (code != 0) {
 		if (show(o, 4) || o->call_depth)
 			die(_("merging of trees %s and %s failed"),
-			    sha1_to_hex(head->object.sha1),
-			    sha1_to_hex(merge->object.sha1));
+			    oid_to_hex(&head->object.oid),
+			    oid_to_hex(&merge->object.oid));
diff --git a/merge.c b/merge.c
index fcff632..5db7d56 100644
--- a/merge.c
+++ b/merge.c
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 static const char *merge_argument(struct commit *commit)
 	if (commit)
-		return sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1);
+		return oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid);
 		return EMPTY_TREE_SHA1_HEX;
diff --git a/notes-merge.c b/notes-merge.c
index b3d1dab..34bfac0 100644
--- a/notes-merge.c
+++ b/notes-merge.c
@@ -602,15 +602,15 @@
 		if (o->verbosity >= 4)
 			printf("No merge base found; doing history-less merge\n");
 	} else if (!bases->next) {
-		base_sha1 = bases->item->object.sha1;
-		base_tree_sha1 = bases->item->tree->object.sha1;
+		base_sha1 = bases->item->object.oid.hash;
+		base_tree_sha1 = bases->item->tree->object.oid.hash;
 		if (o->verbosity >= 4)
 			printf("One merge base found (%.7s)\n",
 	} else {
 		/* TODO: How to handle multiple merge-bases? */
-		base_sha1 = bases->item->object.sha1;
-		base_tree_sha1 = bases->item->tree->object.sha1;
+		base_sha1 = bases->item->object.oid.hash;
+		base_tree_sha1 = bases->item->tree->object.oid.hash;
 		if (o->verbosity >= 3)
 			printf("Multiple merge bases found. Using the first "
 				"(%.7s)\n", sha1_to_hex(base_sha1));
@@ -618,27 +618,27 @@
 	if (o->verbosity >= 4)
 		printf("Merging remote commit %.7s into local commit %.7s with "
-			"merge-base %.7s\n", sha1_to_hex(remote->object.sha1),
-			sha1_to_hex(local->object.sha1),
+			"merge-base %.7s\n", oid_to_hex(&remote->object.oid),
+			oid_to_hex(&local->object.oid),
-	if (!hashcmp(remote->object.sha1, base_sha1)) {
+	if (!hashcmp(remote->object.oid.hash, base_sha1)) {
 		/* Already merged; result == local commit */
 		if (o->verbosity >= 2)
 			printf("Already up-to-date!\n");
-		hashcpy(result_sha1, local->object.sha1);
+		hashcpy(result_sha1, local->object.oid.hash);
 		goto found_result;
-	if (!hashcmp(local->object.sha1, base_sha1)) {
+	if (!hashcmp(local->object.oid.hash, base_sha1)) {
 		/* Fast-forward; result == remote commit */
 		if (o->verbosity >= 2)
-		hashcpy(result_sha1, remote->object.sha1);
+		hashcpy(result_sha1, remote->object.oid.hash);
 		goto found_result;
-	result = merge_from_diffs(o, base_tree_sha1, local->tree->object.sha1,
-				  remote->tree->object.sha1, local_tree);
+	result = merge_from_diffs(o, base_tree_sha1, local->tree->object.oid.hash,
+				  remote->tree->object.oid.hash, local_tree);
 	if (result != 0) { /* non-trivial merge (with or without conflicts) */
 		/* Commit (partial) result */
diff --git a/notes.c b/notes.c
index eacd2a6..db77922 100644
--- a/notes.c
+++ b/notes.c
@@ -539,6 +539,9 @@
 	return fanout + 1;
+/* hex SHA1 + 19 * '/' + NUL */
+#define FANOUT_PATH_MAX 40 + 19 + 1
 static void construct_path_with_fanout(const unsigned char *sha1,
 		unsigned char fanout, char *path)
@@ -551,7 +554,7 @@
 		path[i++] = '/';
-	strcpy(path + i, hex_sha1 + j);
+	xsnprintf(path + i, FANOUT_PATH_MAX - i, "%s", hex_sha1 + j);
 static int for_each_note_helper(struct notes_tree *t, struct int_node *tree,
@@ -562,7 +565,7 @@
 	void *p;
 	int ret = 0;
 	struct leaf_node *l;
-	static char path[40 + 19 + 1];  /* hex SHA1 + 19 * '/' + NUL */
+	static char path[FANOUT_PATH_MAX];
 	fanout = determine_fanout(tree, n, fanout);
 	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
@@ -595,7 +598,7 @@
 				/* invoke callback with subtree */
 				unsigned int path_len =
 					l->key_sha1[19] * 2 + fanout;
-				assert(path_len < 40 + 19);
+				assert(path_len < FANOUT_PATH_MAX - 1);
 				construct_path_with_fanout(l->key_sha1, fanout,
 				/* Create trailing slash, if needed */
diff --git a/object.c b/object.c
index 980ac5f..67d9a9e 100644
--- a/object.c
+++ b/object.c
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 static void insert_obj_hash(struct object *obj, struct object **hash, unsigned int size)
-	unsigned int j = hash_obj(obj->sha1, size);
+	unsigned int j = hash_obj(obj->oid.hash, size);
 	while (hash[j]) {
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 	first = i = hash_obj(sha1, obj_hash_size);
 	while ((obj = obj_hash[i]) != NULL) {
-		if (!hashcmp(sha1, obj->sha1))
+		if (!hashcmp(sha1, obj->oid.hash))
 		if (i == obj_hash_size)
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
 	obj->parsed = 0;
 	obj->used = 0;
 	obj->flags = 0;
-	hashcpy(obj->sha1, sha1);
+	hashcpy(obj->oid.hash, sha1);
 	if (obj_hash_size - 1 <= nr_objs * 2)
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 	else {
 		if (!quiet)
 			error("object %s is a %s, not a %s",
-			      sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1),
+			      oid_to_hex(&obj->oid),
 			      typename(obj->type), typename(type));
 		return NULL;
diff --git a/object.h b/object.h
index 6416247..f8b6442 100644
--- a/object.h
+++ b/object.h
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 	unsigned used : 1;
 	unsigned type : TYPE_BITS;
 	unsigned flags : FLAG_BITS;
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
+	struct object_id oid;
 extern const char *typename(unsigned int type);
diff --git a/pack-bitmap-write.c b/pack-bitmap-write.c
index c05d138..6bff970 100644
--- a/pack-bitmap-write.c
+++ b/pack-bitmap-write.c
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
 			const char *last, void *data)
 	struct bitmap *base = data;
-	bitmap_set(base, find_object_pos(object->sha1));
+	bitmap_set(base, find_object_pos(object->oid.hash));
@@ -165,12 +165,12 @@
 add_to_include_set(struct bitmap *base, struct commit *commit)
 	khiter_t hash_pos;
-	uint32_t bitmap_pos = find_object_pos(commit->object.sha1);
+	uint32_t bitmap_pos = find_object_pos(commit->object.oid.hash);
 	if (bitmap_get(base, bitmap_pos))
 		return 0;
-	hash_pos = kh_get_sha1(writer.bitmaps, commit->object.sha1);
+	hash_pos = kh_get_sha1(writer.bitmaps, commit->object.oid.hash);
 	if (hash_pos < kh_end(writer.bitmaps)) {
 		struct bitmapped_commit *bc = kh_value(writer.bitmaps, hash_pos);
 		bitmap_or_ewah(base, bc->bitmap);
@@ -308,10 +308,10 @@
 		if (i >= reuse_after)
 			stored->flags |= BITMAP_FLAG_REUSE;
-		hash_pos = kh_put_sha1(writer.bitmaps, object->sha1, &hash_ret);
+		hash_pos = kh_put_sha1(writer.bitmaps, object->oid.hash, &hash_ret);
 		if (hash_ret == 0)
 			die("Duplicate entry when writing index: %s",
-			    sha1_to_hex(object->sha1));
+			    oid_to_hex(&object->oid));
 		kh_value(writer.bitmaps, hash_pos) = stored;
 		display_progress(writer.progress, writer.selected_nr - i);
@@ -414,14 +414,14 @@
 		if (next == 0) {
 			chosen = indexed_commits[i];
-			reused_bitmap = find_reused_bitmap(chosen->object.sha1);
+			reused_bitmap = find_reused_bitmap(chosen->object.oid.hash);
 		} else {
 			chosen = indexed_commits[i + next];
 			for (j = 0; j <= next; ++j) {
 				struct commit *cm = indexed_commits[i + j];
-				reused_bitmap = find_reused_bitmap(cm->object.sha1);
+				reused_bitmap = find_reused_bitmap(cm->object.oid.hash);
 				if (reused_bitmap || (cm->object.flags & NEEDS_BITMAP) != 0) {
 					chosen = cm;
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@
 		struct bitmapped_commit *stored = &writer.selected[i];
 		int commit_pos =
-			sha1_pos(stored->commit->object.sha1, index, index_nr, sha1_access);
+			sha1_pos(stored->commit->object.oid.hash, index, index_nr, sha1_access);
 		if (commit_pos < 0)
 			die("BUG: trying to write commit not in index");
diff --git a/pack-bitmap.c b/pack-bitmap.c
index 637770a..cb9c622 100644
--- a/pack-bitmap.c
+++ b/pack-bitmap.c
@@ -252,16 +252,11 @@
 static char *pack_bitmap_filename(struct packed_git *p)
-	char *idx_name;
-	int len;
+	size_t len;
-	len = strlen(p->pack_name) - strlen(".pack");
-	idx_name = xmalloc(len + strlen(".bitmap") + 1);
-	memcpy(idx_name, p->pack_name, len);
-	memcpy(idx_name + len, ".bitmap", strlen(".bitmap") + 1);
-	return idx_name;
+	if (!strip_suffix(p->pack_name, ".pack", &len))
+		die("BUG: pack_name does not end in .pack");
+	return xstrfmt("%.*s.bitmap", (int)len, p->pack_name);
 static int open_pack_bitmap_1(struct packed_git *packfile)
@@ -402,7 +397,7 @@
 	int hash_ret;
 	int bitmap_pos;
-	hash_pos = kh_put_sha1_pos(eindex->positions, object->sha1, &hash_ret);
+	hash_pos = kh_put_sha1_pos(eindex->positions, object->oid.hash, &hash_ret);
 	if (hash_ret > 0) {
 		if (eindex->count >= eindex->alloc) {
 			eindex->alloc = (eindex->alloc + 16) * 3 / 2;
@@ -428,7 +423,7 @@
 	struct bitmap *base = data;
 	int bitmap_pos;
-	bitmap_pos = bitmap_position(object->sha1);
+	bitmap_pos = bitmap_position(object->oid.hash);
 	if (bitmap_pos < 0) {
 		char *name = path_name(path, last);
@@ -471,11 +466,11 @@
 	struct include_data *data = _data;
 	int bitmap_pos;
-	bitmap_pos = bitmap_position(commit->object.sha1);
+	bitmap_pos = bitmap_position(commit->object.oid.hash);
 	if (bitmap_pos < 0)
 		bitmap_pos = ext_index_add_object((struct object *)commit, NULL);
-	if (!add_to_include_set(data, commit->object.sha1, bitmap_pos)) {
+	if (!add_to_include_set(data, commit->object.oid.hash, bitmap_pos)) {
 		struct commit_list *parent = commit->parents;
 		while (parent) {
@@ -511,7 +506,7 @@
 		roots = roots->next;
 		if (object->type == OBJ_COMMIT) {
-			khiter_t pos = kh_get_sha1(bitmap_git.bitmaps, object->sha1);
+			khiter_t pos = kh_get_sha1(bitmap_git.bitmaps, object->oid.hash);
 			if (pos < kh_end(bitmap_git.bitmaps)) {
 				struct stored_bitmap *st = kh_value(bitmap_git.bitmaps, pos);
@@ -553,7 +548,7 @@
 		int pos;
 		roots = roots->next;
-		pos = bitmap_position(object->sha1);
+		pos = bitmap_position(object->oid.hash);
 		if (pos < 0 || base == NULL || !bitmap_get(base, pos)) {
 			object->flags &= ~UNINTERESTING;
@@ -598,7 +593,7 @@
 		obj = eindex->objects[i];
-		show_reach(obj->sha1, obj->type, 0, eindex->hashes[i], NULL, 0);
+		show_reach(obj->oid.hash, obj->type, 0, eindex->hashes[i], NULL, 0);
@@ -655,7 +650,7 @@
 		struct object *object = roots->item;
 		roots = roots->next;
-		if (find_pack_entry_one(object->sha1, bitmap_git.pack) > 0)
+		if (find_pack_entry_one(object->oid.hash, bitmap_git.pack) > 0)
 			return 1;
@@ -685,7 +680,7 @@
 		struct object *object = pending_e[i].item;
 		if (object->type == OBJ_NONE)
-			parse_object_or_die(object->sha1, NULL);
+			parse_object_or_die(object->oid.hash, NULL);
 		while (object->type == OBJ_TAG) {
 			struct tag *tag = (struct tag *) object;
@@ -697,7 +692,7 @@
 			if (!tag->tagged)
 				die("bad tag");
-			object = parse_object_or_die(tag->tagged->sha1, NULL);
+			object = parse_object_or_die(tag->tagged->oid.hash, NULL);
 		if (object->flags & UNINTERESTING)
@@ -909,9 +904,9 @@
 	struct bitmap_test_data *tdata = data;
 	int bitmap_pos;
-	bitmap_pos = bitmap_position(object->sha1);
+	bitmap_pos = bitmap_position(object->oid.hash);
 	if (bitmap_pos < 0)
-		die("Object not in bitmap: %s\n", sha1_to_hex(object->sha1));
+		die("Object not in bitmap: %s\n", oid_to_hex(&object->oid));
 	bitmap_set(tdata->base, bitmap_pos);
 	display_progress(tdata->prg, ++tdata->seen);
@@ -922,9 +917,9 @@
 	struct bitmap_test_data *tdata = data;
 	int bitmap_pos;
-	bitmap_pos = bitmap_position(commit->object.sha1);
+	bitmap_pos = bitmap_position(commit->object.oid.hash);
 	if (bitmap_pos < 0)
-		die("Object not in bitmap: %s\n", sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+		die("Object not in bitmap: %s\n", oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 	bitmap_set(tdata->base, bitmap_pos);
 	display_progress(tdata->prg, ++tdata->seen);
@@ -948,20 +943,20 @@
 		bitmap_git.version, bitmap_git.entry_count);
 	root = revs->pending.objects[0].item;
-	pos = kh_get_sha1(bitmap_git.bitmaps, root->sha1);
+	pos = kh_get_sha1(bitmap_git.bitmaps, root->oid.hash);
 	if (pos < kh_end(bitmap_git.bitmaps)) {
 		struct stored_bitmap *st = kh_value(bitmap_git.bitmaps, pos);
 		struct ewah_bitmap *bm = lookup_stored_bitmap(st);
 		fprintf(stderr, "Found bitmap for %s. %d bits / %08x checksum\n",
-			sha1_to_hex(root->sha1), (int)bm->bit_size, ewah_checksum(bm));
+			oid_to_hex(&root->oid), (int)bm->bit_size, ewah_checksum(bm));
 		result = ewah_to_bitmap(bm);
 	if (result == NULL)
-		die("Commit %s doesn't have an indexed bitmap", sha1_to_hex(root->sha1));
+		die("Commit %s doesn't have an indexed bitmap", oid_to_hex(&root->oid));
 	revs->tag_objects = 1;
 	revs->tree_objects = 1;
diff --git a/parse-options-cb.c b/parse-options-cb.c
index 5ab6ed6..239898d 100644
--- a/parse-options-cb.c
+++ b/parse-options-cb.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #include "color.h"
 #include "string-list.h"
 #include "argv-array.h"
+#include "sha1-array.h"
 /*----- some often used options -----*/
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@
 	return 0;
-int parse_opt_with_commit(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
+int parse_opt_commits(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
 	unsigned char sha1[20];
 	struct commit *commit;
@@ -93,6 +94,22 @@
 	return 0;
+int parse_opt_object_name(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
+	unsigned char sha1[20];
+	if (unset) {
+		sha1_array_clear(opt->value);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (!arg)
+		return -1;
+	if (get_sha1(arg, sha1))
+		return error(_("malformed object name '%s'"), arg);
+	sha1_array_append(opt->value, sha1);
+	return 0;
 int parse_opt_tertiary(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
 	int *target = opt->value;
diff --git a/parse-options.c b/parse-options.c
index 3eceba4..47a9192 100644
--- a/parse-options.c
+++ b/parse-options.c
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
 #include "color.h"
 #include "utf8.h"
-static int parse_options_usage(struct parse_opt_ctx_t *ctx,
-			       const char * const *usagestr,
-			       const struct option *opts, int err);
 #define OPT_SHORT 1
 #define OPT_UNSET 2
@@ -414,7 +410,7 @@
 			 const struct option *options, int flags)
 	memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
-	ctx->argc = argc - 1;
+	ctx->argc = ctx->total = argc - 1;
 	ctx->argv = argv + 1;
 	ctx->out  = argv;
 	ctx->prefix = prefix;
@@ -435,6 +431,7 @@
 		       const char * const usagestr[])
 	int internal_help = !(ctx->flags & PARSE_OPT_NO_INTERNAL_HELP);
+	int err = 0;
 	/* we must reset ->opt, unknown short option leave it dangling */
 	ctx->opt = NULL;
@@ -451,27 +448,32 @@
+		/* lone -h asks for help */
+		if (internal_help && ctx->total == 1 && !strcmp(arg + 1, "h"))
+			goto show_usage;
 		if (arg[1] != '-') {
 			ctx->opt = arg + 1;
-			if (internal_help && *ctx->opt == 'h')
-				return parse_options_usage(ctx, usagestr, options, 0);
 			switch (parse_short_opt(ctx, options)) {
 			case -1:
-				return parse_options_usage(ctx, usagestr, options, 1);
+				goto show_usage_error;
 			case -2:
 				if (ctx->opt)
 					check_typos(arg + 1, options);
+				if (internal_help && *ctx->opt == 'h')
+					goto show_usage;
 				goto unknown;
 			if (ctx->opt)
 				check_typos(arg + 1, options);
 			while (ctx->opt) {
-				if (internal_help && *ctx->opt == 'h')
-					return parse_options_usage(ctx, usagestr, options, 0);
 				switch (parse_short_opt(ctx, options)) {
 				case -1:
-					return parse_options_usage(ctx, usagestr, options, 1);
+					goto show_usage_error;
 				case -2:
+					if (internal_help && *ctx->opt == 'h')
+						goto show_usage;
 					/* fake a short option thing to hide the fact that we may have
 					 * started to parse aggregated stuff
@@ -496,10 +498,10 @@
 		if (internal_help && !strcmp(arg + 2, "help-all"))
 			return usage_with_options_internal(ctx, usagestr, options, 1, 0);
 		if (internal_help && !strcmp(arg + 2, "help"))
-			return parse_options_usage(ctx, usagestr, options, 0);
+			goto show_usage;
 		switch (parse_long_opt(ctx, arg + 2, options)) {
 		case -1:
-			return parse_options_usage(ctx, usagestr, options, 1);
+			goto show_usage_error;
 		case -2:
 			goto unknown;
@@ -511,6 +513,11 @@
 		ctx->opt = NULL;
 	return PARSE_OPT_DONE;
+ show_usage_error:
+	err = 1;
+ show_usage:
+	return usage_with_options_internal(ctx, usagestr, options, 0, err);
 int parse_options_end(struct parse_opt_ctx_t *ctx)
@@ -656,13 +663,6 @@
 	usage_with_options(usagestr, options);
-static int parse_options_usage(struct parse_opt_ctx_t *ctx,
-			       const char * const *usagestr,
-			       const struct option *opts, int err)
-	return usage_with_options_internal(ctx, usagestr, opts, 0, err);
 #undef opterror
 int opterror(const struct option *opt, const char *reason, int flags)
diff --git a/parse-options.h b/parse-options.h
index 3f1cc3a..ea4af92 100644
--- a/parse-options.h
+++ b/parse-options.h
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
 struct parse_opt_ctx_t {
 	const char **argv;
 	const char **out;
-	int argc, cpidx;
+	int argc, cpidx, total;
 	const char *opt;
 	int flags;
 	const char *prefix;
@@ -223,7 +223,8 @@
 extern int parse_opt_expiry_date_cb(const struct option *, const char *, int);
 extern int parse_opt_color_flag_cb(const struct option *, const char *, int);
 extern int parse_opt_verbosity_cb(const struct option *, const char *, int);
-extern int parse_opt_with_commit(const struct option *, const char *, int);
+extern int parse_opt_object_name(const struct option *, const char *, int);
+extern int parse_opt_commits(const struct option *, const char *, int);
 extern int parse_opt_tertiary(const struct option *, const char *, int);
 extern int parse_opt_string_list(const struct option *, const char *, int);
 extern int parse_opt_noop_cb(const struct option *, const char *, int);
@@ -251,5 +252,12 @@
 	{ OPTION_CALLBACK, (s), (l), (v), (a), (h), (f), parse_opt_passthru }
 #define OPT_PASSTHRU_ARGV(s, l, v, a, h, f) \
 	{ OPTION_CALLBACK, (s), (l), (v), (a), (h), (f), parse_opt_passthru_argv }
+#define _OPT_CONTAINS_OR_WITH(name, variable, help, flag) \
+	{ OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, name, (variable), N_("commit"), (help), \
+	  parse_opt_commits, (intptr_t) "HEAD" \
+	}
+#define OPT_CONTAINS(v, h) _OPT_CONTAINS_OR_WITH("contains", v, h, 0)
+#define OPT_WITH(v, h) _OPT_CONTAINS_OR_WITH("with", v, h, PARSE_OPT_HIDDEN)
diff --git a/patch-ids.c b/patch-ids.c
index bf81b92..b7b3e5a 100644
--- a/patch-ids.c
+++ b/patch-ids.c
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
 		    unsigned char *sha1)
 	if (commit->parents)
-		diff_tree_sha1(commit->parents->item->object.sha1,
-		               commit->object.sha1, "", options);
+		diff_tree_sha1(commit->parents->item->object.oid.hash,
+			       commit->object.oid.hash, "", options);
-		diff_root_tree_sha1(commit->object.sha1, "", options);
+		diff_root_tree_sha1(commit->object.oid.hash, "", options);
 	return diff_flush_patch_id(options, sha1);
diff --git a/path.c b/path.c
index 38f2ebd..3cd155e 100644
--- a/path.c
+++ b/path.c
@@ -91,58 +91,274 @@
 		buf->buf[newlen] = '/';
-static const char *common_list[] = {
-	"/branches", "/hooks", "/info", "!/logs", "/lost-found",
-	"/objects", "/refs", "/remotes", "/worktrees", "/rr-cache", "/svn",
-	"config", "!", "packed-refs", "shallow",
+struct common_dir {
+	/* Not considered garbage for report_linked_checkout_garbage */
+	unsigned ignore_garbage:1;
+	unsigned is_dir:1;
+	/* Not common even though its parent is */
+	unsigned exclude:1;
+	const char *dirname;
-static void update_common_dir(struct strbuf *buf, int git_dir_len, const char *common_dir)
+static struct common_dir common_list[] = {
+	{ 0, 1, 0, "branches" },
+	{ 0, 1, 0, "hooks" },
+	{ 0, 1, 0, "info" },
+	{ 0, 0, 1, "info/sparse-checkout" },
+	{ 1, 1, 0, "logs" },
+	{ 1, 1, 1, "logs/HEAD" },
+	{ 0, 1, 1, "logs/refs/bisect" },
+	{ 0, 1, 0, "lost-found" },
+	{ 0, 1, 0, "objects" },
+	{ 0, 1, 0, "refs" },
+	{ 0, 1, 1, "refs/bisect" },
+	{ 0, 1, 0, "remotes" },
+	{ 0, 1, 0, "worktrees" },
+	{ 0, 1, 0, "rr-cache" },
+	{ 0, 1, 0, "svn" },
+	{ 0, 0, 0, "config" },
+	{ 1, 0, 0, "" },
+	{ 0, 0, 0, "packed-refs" },
+	{ 0, 0, 0, "shallow" },
+	{ 0, 0, 0, NULL }
+ * A compressed trie.  A trie node consists of zero or more characters that
+ * are common to all elements with this prefix, optionally followed by some
+ * children.  If value is not NULL, the trie node is a terminal node.
+ *
+ * For example, consider the following set of strings:
+ * abc
+ * def
+ * definite
+ * definition
+ *
+ * The trie would look look like:
+ * root: len = 0, children a and d non-NULL, value = NULL.
+ *    a: len = 2, contents = bc, value = (data for "abc")
+ *    d: len = 2, contents = ef, children i non-NULL, value = (data for "def")
+ *       i: len = 3, contents = nit, children e and i non-NULL, value = NULL
+ *           e: len = 0, children all NULL, value = (data for "definite")
+ *           i: len = 2, contents = on, children all NULL,
+ *              value = (data for "definition")
+ */
+struct trie {
+	struct trie *children[256];
+	int len;
+	char *contents;
+	void *value;
+static struct trie *make_trie_node(const char *key, void *value)
-	char *base = buf->buf + git_dir_len;
-	const char **p;
+	struct trie *new_node = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*new_node));
+	new_node->len = strlen(key);
+	if (new_node->len) {
+		new_node->contents = xmalloc(new_node->len);
+		memcpy(new_node->contents, key, new_node->len);
+	}
+	new_node->value = value;
+	return new_node;
-	if (is_dir_file(base, "logs", "HEAD") ||
-	    is_dir_file(base, "info", "sparse-checkout"))
-		return;	/* keep this in $GIT_DIR */
-	for (p = common_list; *p; p++) {
-		const char *path = *p;
-		int is_dir = 0;
-		if (*path == '!')
-			path++;
-		if (*path == '/') {
-			path++;
-			is_dir = 1;
+ * Add a key/value pair to a trie.  The key is assumed to be \0-terminated.
+ * If there was an existing value for this key, return it.
+ */
+static void *add_to_trie(struct trie *root, const char *key, void *value)
+	struct trie *child;
+	void *old;
+	int i;
+	if (!*key) {
+		/* we have reached the end of the key */
+		old = root->value;
+		root->value = value;
+		return old;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < root->len; i++) {
+		if (root->contents[i] == key[i])
+			continue;
+		/*
+		 * Split this node: child will contain this node's
+		 * existing children.
+		 */
+		child = malloc(sizeof(*child));
+		memcpy(child->children, root->children, sizeof(root->children));
+		child->len = root->len - i - 1;
+		if (child->len) {
+			child->contents = xstrndup(root->contents + i + 1,
+						   child->len);
+		child->value = root->value;
+		root->value = NULL;
+		root->len = i;
-		if (!common_dir)
-			common_dir = get_git_common_dir();
+		memset(root->children, 0, sizeof(root->children));
+		root->children[(unsigned char)root->contents[i]] = child;
-		if (is_dir && dir_prefix(base, path)) {
-			replace_dir(buf, git_dir_len, common_dir);
-			return;
-		}
-		if (!is_dir && !strcmp(base, path)) {
-			replace_dir(buf, git_dir_len, common_dir);
-			return;
+		/* This is the newly-added child. */
+		root->children[(unsigned char)key[i]] =
+			make_trie_node(key + i + 1, value);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/* We have matched the entire compressed section */
+	if (key[i]) {
+		child = root->children[(unsigned char)key[root->len]];
+		if (child) {
+			return add_to_trie(child, key + root->len + 1, value);
+		} else {
+			child = make_trie_node(key + root->len + 1, value);
+			root->children[(unsigned char)key[root->len]] = child;
+			return NULL;
+	old = root->value;
+	root->value = value;
+	return old;
+typedef int (*match_fn)(const char *unmatched, void *data, void *baton);
+ * Search a trie for some key.  Find the longest /-or-\0-terminated
+ * prefix of the key for which the trie contains a value.  Call fn
+ * with the unmatched portion of the key and the found value, and
+ * return its return value.  If there is no such prefix, return -1.
+ *
+ * The key is partially normalized: consecutive slashes are skipped.
+ *
+ * For example, consider the trie containing only [refs,
+ * refs/worktree] (both with values).
+ *
+ * | key             | unmatched  | val from node | return value |
+ * |-----------------|------------|---------------|--------------|
+ * | a               | not called | n/a           | -1           |
+ * | refs            | \0         | refs          | as per fn    |
+ * | refs/           | /          | refs          | as per fn    |
+ * | refs/w          | /w         | refs          | as per fn    |
+ * | refs/worktree   | \0         | refs/worktree | as per fn    |
+ * | refs/worktree/  | /          | refs/worktree | as per fn    |
+ * | refs/worktree/a | /a         | refs/worktree | as per fn    |
+ * |-----------------|------------|---------------|--------------|
+ *
+ */
+static int trie_find(struct trie *root, const char *key, match_fn fn,
+		     void *baton)
+	int i;
+	int result;
+	struct trie *child;
+	if (!*key) {
+		/* we have reached the end of the key */
+		if (root->value && !root->len)
+			return fn(key, root->value, baton);
+		else
+			return -1;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < root->len; i++) {
+		/* Partial path normalization: skip consecutive slashes. */
+		if (key[i] == '/' && key[i+1] == '/') {
+			key++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (root->contents[i] != key[i])
+			return -1;
+	}
+	/* Matched the entire compressed section */
+	key += i;
+	if (!*key)
+		/* End of key */
+		return fn(key, root->value, baton);
+	/* Partial path normalization: skip consecutive slashes */
+	while (key[0] == '/' && key[1] == '/')
+		key++;
+	child = root->children[(unsigned char)*key];
+	if (child)
+		result = trie_find(child, key + 1, fn, baton);
+	else
+		result = -1;
+	if (result >= 0 || (*key != '/' && *key != 0))
+		return result;
+	if (root->value)
+		return fn(key, root->value, baton);
+	else
+		return -1;
+static struct trie common_trie;
+static int common_trie_done_setup;
+static void init_common_trie(void)
+	struct common_dir *p;
+	if (common_trie_done_setup)
+		return;
+	for (p = common_list; p->dirname; p++)
+		add_to_trie(&common_trie, p->dirname, p);
+	common_trie_done_setup = 1;
+ * Helper function for update_common_dir: returns 1 if the dir
+ * prefix is common.
+ */
+static int check_common(const char *unmatched, void *value, void *baton)
+	struct common_dir *dir = value;
+	if (!dir)
+		return 0;
+	if (dir->is_dir && (unmatched[0] == 0 || unmatched[0] == '/'))
+		return !dir->exclude;
+	if (!dir->is_dir && unmatched[0] == 0)
+		return !dir->exclude;
+	return 0;
+static void update_common_dir(struct strbuf *buf, int git_dir_len,
+			      const char *common_dir)
+	char *base = buf->buf + git_dir_len;
+	init_common_trie();
+	if (!common_dir)
+		common_dir = get_git_common_dir();
+	if (trie_find(&common_trie, base, check_common, NULL) > 0)
+		replace_dir(buf, git_dir_len, common_dir);
 void report_linked_checkout_garbage(void)
 	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
-	const char **p;
+	const struct common_dir *p;
 	int len;
 	if (!git_common_dir_env)
 	strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s/", get_git_dir());
 	len = sb.len;
-	for (p = common_list; *p; p++) {
-		const char *path = *p;
-		if (*path == '!')
+	for (p = common_list; p->dirname; p++) {
+		const char *path = p->dirname;
+		if (p->ignore_garbage)
 		strbuf_setlen(&sb, len);
 		strbuf_addstr(&sb, path);
@@ -179,6 +395,16 @@
+char *git_path_buf(struct strbuf *buf, const char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	strbuf_reset(buf);
+	va_start(args, fmt);
+	do_git_path(buf, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	return buf->buf;
 void strbuf_git_path(struct strbuf *sb, const char *fmt, ...)
 	va_list args;
@@ -236,8 +462,7 @@
 	struct strbuf git_submodule_dir = STRBUF_INIT;
 	strbuf_addstr(buf, path);
-	if (buf->len && buf->buf[buf->len - 1] != '/')
-		strbuf_addch(buf, '/');
+	strbuf_complete(buf, '/');
 	strbuf_addstr(buf, ".git");
 	git_dir = read_gitfile(buf->buf);
@@ -395,8 +620,8 @@
 const char *enter_repo(const char *path, int strict)
-	static char used_path[PATH_MAX];
-	static char validated_path[PATH_MAX];
+	static struct strbuf validated_path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	static struct strbuf used_path = STRBUF_INIT;
 	if (!path)
 		return NULL;
@@ -411,46 +636,47 @@
 		while ((1 < len) && (path[len-1] == '/'))
+		/*
+		 * We can handle arbitrary-sized buffers, but this remains as a
+		 * sanity check on untrusted input.
+		 */
 		if (PATH_MAX <= len)
 			return NULL;
-		strncpy(used_path, path, len); used_path[len] = 0 ;
-		strcpy(validated_path, used_path);
-		if (used_path[0] == '~') {
-			char *newpath = expand_user_path(used_path);
-			if (!newpath || (PATH_MAX - 10 < strlen(newpath))) {
-				free(newpath);
+		strbuf_reset(&used_path);
+		strbuf_reset(&validated_path);
+		strbuf_add(&used_path, path, len);
+		strbuf_add(&validated_path, path, len);
+		if (used_path.buf[0] == '~') {
+			char *newpath = expand_user_path(used_path.buf);
+			if (!newpath)
 				return NULL;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * Copy back into the static buffer. A pity
-			 * since newpath was not bounded, but other
-			 * branches of the if are limited by PATH_MAX
-			 * anyway.
-			 */
-			strcpy(used_path, newpath); free(newpath);
+			strbuf_attach(&used_path, newpath, strlen(newpath),
+				      strlen(newpath));
-		else if (PATH_MAX - 10 < len)
-			return NULL;
-		len = strlen(used_path);
 		for (i = 0; suffix[i]; i++) {
 			struct stat st;
-			strcpy(used_path + len, suffix[i]);
-			if (!stat(used_path, &st) &&
+			size_t baselen = used_path.len;
+			strbuf_addstr(&used_path, suffix[i]);
+			if (!stat(used_path.buf, &st) &&
 			    (S_ISREG(st.st_mode) ||
-			    (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && is_git_directory(used_path)))) {
-				strcat(validated_path, suffix[i]);
+			    (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && is_git_directory(used_path.buf)))) {
+				strbuf_addstr(&validated_path, suffix[i]);
+			strbuf_setlen(&used_path, baselen);
 		if (!suffix[i])
 			return NULL;
-		gitfile = read_gitfile(used_path);
-		if (gitfile)
-			strcpy(used_path, gitfile);
-		if (chdir(used_path))
+		gitfile = read_gitfile(used_path.buf);
+		if (gitfile) {
+			strbuf_reset(&used_path);
+			strbuf_addstr(&used_path, gitfile);
+		}
+		if (chdir(used_path.buf))
 			return NULL;
-		path = validated_path;
+		path = validated_path.buf;
 	else {
 		const char *gitfile = read_gitfile(path);
@@ -514,6 +740,18 @@
 	return 0;
+void safe_create_dir(const char *dir, int share)
+	if (mkdir(dir, 0777) < 0) {
+		if (errno != EEXIST) {
+			perror(dir);
+			exit(1);
+		}
+	}
+	else if (share && adjust_shared_perm(dir))
+		die(_("Could not make %s writable by group"), dir);
 static int have_same_root(const char *path1, const char *path2)
 	int is_abs1, is_abs2;
@@ -639,7 +877,7 @@
 const char *remove_leading_path(const char *in, const char *prefix)
-	static char buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
+	static struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	int i = 0, j = 0;
 	if (!prefix || !prefix[0])
@@ -668,11 +906,13 @@
 		return in;
 	while (is_dir_sep(in[j]))
+	strbuf_reset(&buf);
 	if (!in[j])
-		strcpy(buf, ".");
+		strbuf_addstr(&buf, ".");
-		strcpy(buf, in + j);
-	return buf;
+		strbuf_addstr(&buf, in + j);
+	return buf.buf;
diff --git a/perl/Git/ b/perl/Git/
index 152fb7e..b2c14e2 100644
--- a/perl/Git/
+++ b/perl/Git/
@@ -1211,20 +1211,87 @@
 sub mkemptydirs {
 	my ($self, $r) = @_;
+	# add/remove/collect a paths table
+	#
+	# Paths are split into a tree of nodes, stored as a hash of hashes.
+	#
+	# Each node contains a 'path' entry for the path (if any) associated
+	# with that node and a 'children' entry for any nodes under that
+	# location.
+	#
+	# Removing a path requires a hash lookup for each component then
+	# dropping that node (and anything under it), which is substantially
+	# faster than a grep slice into a single hash of paths for large
+	# numbers of paths.
+	#
+	# For a large (200K) number of empty_dir directives this reduces
+	# scanning time to 3 seconds vs 10 minutes for grep+delete on a single
+	# hash of paths.
+	sub add_path {
+		my ($paths_table, $path) = @_;
+		my $node_ref;
+		foreach my $x (split('/', $path)) {
+			if (!exists($paths_table->{$x})) {
+				$paths_table->{$x} = { children => {} };
+			}
+			$node_ref = $paths_table->{$x};
+			$paths_table = $paths_table->{$x}->{children};
+		}
+		$node_ref->{path} = $path;
+	}
+	sub remove_path {
+		my ($paths_table, $path) = @_;
+		my $nodes_ref;
+		my $node_name;
+		foreach my $x (split('/', $path)) {
+			if (!exists($paths_table->{$x})) {
+				return;
+			}
+			$nodes_ref = $paths_table;
+			$node_name = $x;
+			$paths_table = $paths_table->{$x}->{children};
+		}
+		delete($nodes_ref->{$node_name});
+	}
+	sub collect_paths {
+		my ($paths_table, $paths_ref) = @_;
+		foreach my $v (values %$paths_table) {
+			my $p = $v->{path};
+			my $c = $v->{children};
+			collect_paths($c, $paths_ref);
+			if (defined($p)) {
+				push(@$paths_ref, $p);
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	sub scan {
-		my ($r, $empty_dirs, $line) = @_;
+		my ($r, $paths_table, $line) = @_;
 		if (defined $r && $line =~ /^r(\d+)$/) {
 			return 0 if $1 > $r;
 		} elsif ($line =~ /^  \+empty_dir: (.+)$/) {
-			$empty_dirs->{$1} = 1;
+			add_path($paths_table, $1);
 		} elsif ($line =~ /^  \-empty_dir: (.+)$/) {
-			my @d = grep {m[^\Q$1\E(/|$)]} (keys %$empty_dirs);
-			delete @$empty_dirs{@d};
+			remove_path($paths_table, $1);
 		1; # continue
-	my %empty_dirs = ();
+	my @empty_dirs;
+	my %paths_table;
 	my $gz_file = "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log.gz";
 	if (-f $gz_file) {
 		if (!can_compress()) {
@@ -1235,7 +1302,7 @@
 				die "Unable to open $gz_file: $!\n";
 			my $line;
 			while ($gz->gzreadline($line) > 0) {
-				scan($r, \%empty_dirs, $line) or last;
+				scan($r, \%paths_table, $line) or last;
@@ -1244,13 +1311,14 @@
 	if (open my $fh, '<', "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log") {
 		binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
 		while (<$fh>) {
-			scan($r, \%empty_dirs, $_) or last;
+			scan($r, \%paths_table, $_) or last;
 		close $fh;
+	collect_paths(\%paths_table, \@empty_dirs);
 	my $strip = qr/\A\Q@{[$self->path]}\E(?:\/|$)/;
-	foreach my $d (sort keys %empty_dirs) {
+	foreach my $d (sort @empty_dirs) {
 		$d = uri_decode($d);
 		$d =~ s/$strip//;
 		next unless length($d);
diff --git a/pkt-line.c b/pkt-line.c
index 08a1427..62fdb37 100644
--- a/pkt-line.c
+++ b/pkt-line.c
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #include "cache.h"
 #include "pkt-line.h"
+#include "run-command.h"
 char packet_buffer[LARGE_PACKET_MAX];
 static const char *packet_trace_prefix = "git";
@@ -11,6 +12,11 @@
 	packet_trace_prefix = xstrdup(prog);
+static const char *get_trace_prefix(void)
+	return in_async() ? "sideband" : packet_trace_prefix;
 static int packet_trace_pack(const char *buf, unsigned int len, int sideband)
 	if (!sideband) {
@@ -57,7 +63,7 @@
 	strbuf_init(&out, len+32);
 	strbuf_addf(&out, "packet: %12s%c ",
-		    packet_trace_prefix, write ? '>' : '<');
+		    get_trace_prefix(), write ? '>' : '<');
 	/* XXX we should really handle printable utf8 */
 	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
diff --git a/pretty.c b/pretty.c
index 151c2ae..92b2870 100644
--- a/pretty.c
+++ b/pretty.c
@@ -543,9 +543,9 @@
 		struct commit *p = parent->item;
 		const char *hex = NULL;
 		if (pp->abbrev)
-			hex = find_unique_abbrev(p->object.sha1, pp->abbrev);
+			hex = find_unique_abbrev(p->object.oid.hash, pp->abbrev);
 		if (!hex)
-			hex = sha1_to_hex(p->object.sha1);
+			hex = oid_to_hex(&p->object.oid);
 		parent = parent->next;
 		strbuf_addf(sb, " %s", hex);
@@ -1119,12 +1119,12 @@
 	/* these depend on the commit */
 	if (!commit->object.parsed)
-		parse_object(commit->object.sha1);
+		parse_object(commit->object.oid.hash);
 	switch (placeholder[0]) {
 	case 'H':		/* commit hash */
 		strbuf_addstr(sb, diff_get_color(c->auto_color, DIFF_COMMIT));
-		strbuf_addstr(sb, sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+		strbuf_addstr(sb, oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 		strbuf_addstr(sb, diff_get_color(c->auto_color, DIFF_RESET));
 		return 1;
 	case 'h':		/* abbreviated commit hash */
@@ -1133,18 +1133,18 @@
 			strbuf_addstr(sb, diff_get_color(c->auto_color, DIFF_RESET));
 			return 1;
-		strbuf_addstr(sb, find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1,
+		strbuf_addstr(sb, find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash,
 		strbuf_addstr(sb, diff_get_color(c->auto_color, DIFF_RESET));
 		c->abbrev_commit_hash.len = sb->len - c->;
 		return 1;
 	case 'T':		/* tree hash */
-		strbuf_addstr(sb, sha1_to_hex(commit->tree->object.sha1));
+		strbuf_addstr(sb, oid_to_hex(&commit->tree->object.oid));
 		return 1;
 	case 't':		/* abbreviated tree hash */
 		if (add_again(sb, &c->abbrev_tree_hash))
 			return 1;
-		strbuf_addstr(sb, find_unique_abbrev(commit->tree->object.sha1,
+		strbuf_addstr(sb, find_unique_abbrev(commit->tree->object.oid.hash,
 		c->abbrev_tree_hash.len = sb->len - c->;
 		return 1;
@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@
 		for (p = commit->parents; p; p = p->next) {
 			if (p != commit->parents)
 				strbuf_addch(sb, ' ');
-			strbuf_addstr(sb, sha1_to_hex(p->item->object.sha1));
+			strbuf_addstr(sb, oid_to_hex(&p->item->object.oid));
 		return 1;
 	case 'p':		/* abbreviated parent hashes */
@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@
 			if (p != commit->parents)
 				strbuf_addch(sb, ' ');
 			strbuf_addstr(sb, find_unique_abbrev(
-					p->item->object.sha1,
+					p->item->object.oid.hash,
 		c->abbrev_parent_hashes.len = sb->len -
diff --git a/progress.c b/progress.c
index 2e31bec..353bd37 100644
--- a/progress.c
+++ b/progress.c
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 	unsigned int last_bytes[TP_IDX_MAX];
 	unsigned int last_misecs[TP_IDX_MAX];
 	unsigned int idx;
-	char display[32];
+	struct strbuf display;
 struct progress {
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 	progress->last_value = n;
-	tp = (progress->throughput) ? progress->throughput->display : "";
+	tp = (progress->throughput) ? progress->throughput->display.buf : "";
 	eol = done ? done : "   \r";
 	if (progress->total) {
 		unsigned percent = n * 100 / progress->total;
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
 static void throughput_string(struct strbuf *buf, off_t total,
 			      unsigned int rate)
+	strbuf_reset(buf);
 	strbuf_addstr(buf, ", ");
 	strbuf_humanise_bytes(buf, total);
 	strbuf_addstr(buf, " | ");
@@ -141,7 +142,6 @@
 	struct throughput *tp;
 	uint64_t now_ns;
 	unsigned int misecs, count, rate;
-	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	if (!progress)
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
 		if (tp) {
 			tp->prev_total = tp->curr_total = total;
 			tp->prev_ns = now_ns;
+			strbuf_init(&tp->display, 0);
@@ -193,9 +194,7 @@
 	tp->last_misecs[tp->idx] = misecs;
 	tp->idx = (tp->idx + 1) % TP_IDX_MAX;
-	throughput_string(&buf, total, rate);
-	strncpy(tp->display, buf.buf, sizeof(tp->display));
-	strbuf_release(&buf);
+	throughput_string(&tp->display, total, rate);
 	if (progress->last_value != -1 && progress_update)
 		display(progress, progress->last_value, NULL);
@@ -250,20 +249,19 @@
 		bufp = (len < sizeof(buf)) ? buf : xmalloc(len + 1);
 		if (tp) {
-			struct strbuf strbuf = STRBUF_INIT;
 			unsigned int rate = !tp->avg_misecs ? 0 :
 					tp->avg_bytes / tp->avg_misecs;
-			throughput_string(&strbuf, tp->curr_total, rate);
-			strncpy(tp->display, strbuf.buf, sizeof(tp->display));
-			strbuf_release(&strbuf);
+			throughput_string(&tp->display, tp->curr_total, rate);
 		progress_update = 1;
-		sprintf(bufp, ", %s.\n", msg);
+		xsnprintf(bufp, len + 1, ", %s.\n", msg);
 		display(progress, progress->last_value, bufp);
 		if (buf != bufp)
+	if (progress->throughput)
+		strbuf_release(&progress->throughput->display);
diff --git a/read-cache.c b/read-cache.c
index de22df2..84616c8 100644
--- a/read-cache.c
+++ b/read-cache.c
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 #include "strbuf.h"
 #include "varint.h"
 #include "split-index.h"
-#include "sigchain.h"
 #include "utf8.h"
 static struct cache_entry *refresh_cache_entry(struct cache_entry *ce,
diff --git a/ref-filter.c b/ref-filter.c
index f38dee4..7bef7f8 100644
--- a/ref-filter.c
+++ b/ref-filter.c
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
 #include "tag.h"
 #include "quote.h"
 #include "ref-filter.h"
+#include "revision.h"
+#include "utf8.h"
+#include "git-compat-util.h"
+#include "version.h"
 typedef enum { FIELD_STR, FIELD_ULONG, FIELD_TIME } cmp_type;
@@ -43,15 +47,48 @@
 	{ "subject" },
 	{ "body" },
 	{ "contents" },
-	{ "contents:subject" },
-	{ "contents:body" },
-	{ "contents:signature" },
 	{ "upstream" },
 	{ "push" },
 	{ "symref" },
 	{ "flag" },
 	{ "HEAD" },
 	{ "color" },
+	{ "align" },
+	{ "end" },
+struct align {
+	align_type position;
+	unsigned int width;
+struct contents {
+	unsigned int lines;
+	struct object_id oid;
+struct ref_formatting_stack {
+	struct ref_formatting_stack *prev;
+	struct strbuf output;
+	void (*at_end)(struct ref_formatting_stack *stack);
+	void *at_end_data;
+struct ref_formatting_state {
+	int quote_style;
+	struct ref_formatting_stack *stack;
+struct atom_value {
+	const char *s;
+	union {
+		struct align align;
+		struct contents contents;
+	} u;
+	void (*handler)(struct atom_value *atomv, struct ref_formatting_state *state);
+	unsigned long ul; /* used for sorting when not FIELD_STR */
@@ -123,6 +160,120 @@
 	return at;
+static void quote_formatting(struct strbuf *s, const char *str, int quote_style)
+	switch (quote_style) {
+	case QUOTE_NONE:
+		strbuf_addstr(s, str);
+		break;
+		sq_quote_buf(s, str);
+		break;
+	case QUOTE_PERL:
+		perl_quote_buf(s, str);
+		break;
+		python_quote_buf(s, str);
+		break;
+	case QUOTE_TCL:
+		tcl_quote_buf(s, str);
+		break;
+	}
+static void append_atom(struct atom_value *v, struct ref_formatting_state *state)
+	/*
+	 * Quote formatting is only done when the stack has a single
+	 * element. Otherwise quote formatting is done on the
+	 * element's entire output strbuf when the %(end) atom is
+	 * encountered.
+	 */
+	if (!state->stack->prev)
+		quote_formatting(&state->stack->output, v->s, state->quote_style);
+	else
+		strbuf_addstr(&state->stack->output, v->s);
+static void push_stack_element(struct ref_formatting_stack **stack)
+	struct ref_formatting_stack *s = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct ref_formatting_stack));
+	strbuf_init(&s->output, 0);
+	s->prev = *stack;
+	*stack = s;
+static void pop_stack_element(struct ref_formatting_stack **stack)
+	struct ref_formatting_stack *current = *stack;
+	struct ref_formatting_stack *prev = current->prev;
+	if (prev)
+		strbuf_addbuf(&prev->output, &current->output);
+	strbuf_release(&current->output);
+	free(current);
+	*stack = prev;
+static void end_align_handler(struct ref_formatting_stack *stack)
+	struct align *align = (struct align *)stack->at_end_data;
+	struct strbuf s = STRBUF_INIT;
+	strbuf_utf8_align(&s, align->position, align->width, stack->output.buf);
+	strbuf_swap(&stack->output, &s);
+	strbuf_release(&s);
+static void align_atom_handler(struct atom_value *atomv, struct ref_formatting_state *state)
+	struct ref_formatting_stack *new;
+	push_stack_element(&state->stack);
+	new = state->stack;
+	new->at_end = end_align_handler;
+	new->at_end_data = &atomv->u.align;
+static void end_atom_handler(struct atom_value *atomv, struct ref_formatting_state *state)
+	struct ref_formatting_stack *current = state->stack;
+	struct strbuf s = STRBUF_INIT;
+	if (!current->at_end)
+		die(_("format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"));
+	current->at_end(current);
+	/*
+	 * Perform quote formatting when the stack element is that of
+	 * a supporting atom. If nested then perform quote formatting
+	 * only on the topmost supporting atom.
+	 */
+	if (!state->stack->prev->prev) {
+		quote_formatting(&s, current->output.buf, state->quote_style);
+		strbuf_swap(&current->output, &s);
+	}
+	strbuf_release(&s);
+	pop_stack_element(&state->stack);
+static int match_atom_name(const char *name, const char *atom_name, const char **val)
+	const char *body;
+	if (!skip_prefix(name, atom_name, &body))
+		return 0; /* doesn't even begin with "atom_name" */
+	if (!body[0]) {
+		*val = NULL; /* %(atom_name) and no customization */
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if (body[0] != ':')
+		return 0; /* "atom_namefoo" is not "atom_name" or "atom_name:..." */
+	*val = body + 1; /* "atom_name:val" */
+	return 1;
  * In a format string, find the next occurrence of %(atom).
@@ -192,9 +343,7 @@
 			    struct atom_value *v)
 	if (!strcmp(name, "objectname")) {
-		char *s = xmalloc(41);
-		strcpy(s, sha1_to_hex(sha1));
-		v->s = s;
+		v->s = xstrdup(sha1_to_hex(sha1));
 		return 1;
 	if (!strcmp(name, "objectname:short")) {
@@ -219,13 +368,11 @@
 		if (!strcmp(name, "objecttype"))
 			v->s = typename(obj->type);
 		else if (!strcmp(name, "objectsize")) {
-			char *s = xmalloc(40);
-			sprintf(s, "%lu", sz);
 			v->ul = sz;
-			v->s = s;
+			v->s = xstrfmt("%lu", sz);
 		else if (deref)
-			grab_objectname(name, obj->sha1, v);
+			grab_objectname(name, obj->oid.hash, v);
@@ -246,11 +393,8 @@
 			v->s = tag->tag;
 		else if (!strcmp(name, "type") && tag->tagged)
 			v->s = typename(tag->tagged->type);
-		else if (!strcmp(name, "object") && tag->tagged) {
-			char *s = xmalloc(41);
-			strcpy(s, sha1_to_hex(tag->tagged->sha1));
-			v->s = s;
-		}
+		else if (!strcmp(name, "object") && tag->tagged)
+			v->s = xstrdup(oid_to_hex(&tag->tagged->oid));
@@ -268,32 +412,22 @@
 		if (deref)
 		if (!strcmp(name, "tree")) {
-			char *s = xmalloc(41);
-			strcpy(s, sha1_to_hex(commit->tree->object.sha1));
-			v->s = s;
+			v->s = xstrdup(oid_to_hex(&commit->tree->object.oid));
-		if (!strcmp(name, "numparent")) {
-			char *s = xmalloc(40);
+		else if (!strcmp(name, "numparent")) {
 			v->ul = commit_list_count(commit->parents);
-			sprintf(s, "%lu", v->ul);
-			v->s = s;
+			v->s = xstrfmt("%lu", v->ul);
 		else if (!strcmp(name, "parent")) {
-			int num = commit_list_count(commit->parents);
-			int i;
 			struct commit_list *parents;
-			char *s = xmalloc(41 * num + 1);
-			v->s = s;
-			for (i = 0, parents = commit->parents;
-			     parents;
-			     parents = parents->next, i = i + 41) {
+			struct strbuf s = STRBUF_INIT;
+			for (parents = commit->parents; parents; parents = parents->next) {
 				struct commit *parent = parents->item;
-				strcpy(s+i, sha1_to_hex(parent->object.sha1));
-				if (parents->next)
-					s[i+40] = ' ';
+				if (parents != commit->parents)
+					strbuf_addch(&s, ' ');
+				strbuf_addstr(&s, oid_to_hex(&parent->object.oid));
-			if (!i)
-				*s = '\0';
+			v->s = strbuf_detach(&s, NULL);
@@ -497,6 +631,30 @@
 	*nonsiglen = *sig - buf;
+ * If 'lines' is greater than 0, append that many lines from the given
+ * 'buf' of length 'size' to the given strbuf.
+ */
+static void append_lines(struct strbuf *out, const char *buf, unsigned long size, int lines)
+	int i;
+	const char *sp, *eol;
+	size_t len;
+	sp = buf;
+	for (i = 0; i < lines && sp < buf + size; i++) {
+		if (i)
+			strbuf_addstr(out, "\n    ");
+		eol = memchr(sp, '\n', size - (sp - buf));
+		len = eol ? eol - sp : size - (sp - buf);
+		strbuf_add(out, sp, len);
+		if (!eol)
+			break;
+		sp = eol + 1;
+	}
 /* See grab_values */
 static void grab_sub_body_contents(struct atom_value *val, int deref, struct object *obj, void *buf, unsigned long sz)
@@ -507,6 +665,7 @@
 	for (i = 0; i < used_atom_cnt; i++) {
 		const char *name = used_atom[i];
 		struct atom_value *v = &val[i];
+		const char *valp = NULL;
 		if (!!deref != (*name == '*'))
 		if (deref)
@@ -516,7 +675,8 @@
 		    strcmp(name, "contents") &&
 		    strcmp(name, "contents:subject") &&
 		    strcmp(name, "contents:body") &&
-		    strcmp(name, "contents:signature"))
+		    strcmp(name, "contents:signature") &&
+		    !starts_with(name, "contents:lines="))
 		if (!subpos)
 			find_subpos(buf, sz,
@@ -536,6 +696,16 @@
 			v->s = xmemdupz(sigpos, siglen);
 		else if (!strcmp(name, "contents"))
 			v->s = xstrdup(subpos);
+		else if (skip_prefix(name, "contents:lines=", &valp)) {
+			struct strbuf s = STRBUF_INIT;
+			const char *contents_end = bodylen + bodypos - siglen;
+			if (strtoul_ui(valp, 10, &v->u.contents.lines))
+				die(_("positive value expected contents:lines=%s"), valp);
+			/*  Size is the length of the message after removing the signature */
+			append_lines(&s, subpos, contents_end - subpos, v->u.contents.lines);
+			v->s = strbuf_detach(&s, NULL);
+		}
@@ -621,8 +791,11 @@
 		int deref = 0;
 		const char *refname;
 		const char *formatp;
+		const char *valp;
 		struct branch *branch = NULL;
+		v->handler = append_atom;
 		if (*name == '*') {
 			deref = 1;
@@ -653,10 +826,12 @@
 			refname = branch_get_push(branch, NULL);
 			if (!refname)
-		} else if (starts_with(name, "color:")) {
+		} else if (match_atom_name(name, "color", &valp)) {
 			char color[COLOR_MAXLEN] = "";
-			if (color_parse(name + 6, color) < 0)
+			if (!valp)
+				die(_("expected format: %%(color:<color>)"));
+			if (color_parse(valp, color) < 0)
 				die(_("unable to parse format"));
 			v->s = xstrdup(color);
@@ -686,6 +861,48 @@
 				v->s = " ";
+		} else if (match_atom_name(name, "align", &valp)) {
+			struct align *align = &v->u.align;
+			struct strbuf **s, **to_free;
+			int width = -1;
+			if (!valp)
+				die(_("expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"));
+			/*
+			 * TODO: Implement a function similar to strbuf_split_str()
+			 * which would omit the separator from the end of each value.
+			 */
+			s = to_free = strbuf_split_str(valp, ',', 0);
+			align->position = ALIGN_LEFT;
+			while (*s) {
+				/*  Strip trailing comma */
+				if (s[1])
+					strbuf_setlen(s[0], s[0]->len - 1);
+				if (!strtoul_ui(s[0]->buf, 10, (unsigned int *)&width))
+					;
+				else if (!strcmp(s[0]->buf, "left"))
+					align->position = ALIGN_LEFT;
+				else if (!strcmp(s[0]->buf, "right"))
+					align->position = ALIGN_RIGHT;
+				else if (!strcmp(s[0]->buf, "middle"))
+					align->position = ALIGN_MIDDLE;
+				else
+					die(_("improper format entered align:%s"), s[0]->buf);
+				s++;
+			}
+			if (width < 0)
+				die(_("positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"));
+			align->width = width;
+			strbuf_list_free(to_free);
+			v->handler = align_atom_handler;
+			continue;
+		} else if (!strcmp(name, "end")) {
+			v->handler = end_atom_handler;
+			continue;
 		} else
@@ -700,7 +917,6 @@
 			else if (!strcmp(formatp, "track") &&
 				 (starts_with(name, "upstream") ||
 				  starts_with(name, "push"))) {
-				char buf[40];
 				if (stat_tracking_info(branch, &num_ours,
 						       &num_theirs, NULL))
@@ -708,17 +924,13 @@
 				if (!num_ours && !num_theirs)
 					v->s = "";
-				else if (!num_ours) {
-					sprintf(buf, "[behind %d]", num_theirs);
-					v->s = xstrdup(buf);
-				} else if (!num_theirs) {
-					sprintf(buf, "[ahead %d]", num_ours);
-					v->s = xstrdup(buf);
-				} else {
-					sprintf(buf, "[ahead %d, behind %d]",
-						num_ours, num_theirs);
-					v->s = xstrdup(buf);
-				}
+				else if (!num_ours)
+					v->s = xstrfmt("[behind %d]", num_theirs);
+				else if (!num_theirs)
+					v->s = xstrfmt("[ahead %d]", num_ours);
+				else
+					v->s = xstrfmt("[ahead %d, behind %d]",
+						       num_ours, num_theirs);
 			} else if (!strcmp(formatp, "trackshort") &&
 				   (starts_with(name, "upstream") ||
@@ -745,12 +957,8 @@
 		if (!deref)
 			v->s = refname;
-		else {
-			int len = strlen(refname);
-			char *s = xmalloc(len + 4);
-			sprintf(s, "%s^{}", refname);
-			v->s = s;
-		}
+		else
+			v->s = xstrfmt("%s^{}", refname);
 	for (i = 0; i < used_atom_cnt; i++) {
@@ -784,7 +992,7 @@
 	 * If it is a tag object, see if we use a value that derefs
 	 * the object, and if we do grab the object it refers to.
-	tagged = ((struct tag *)obj)->tagged->sha1;
+	tagged = ((struct tag *)obj)->tagged->oid.hash;
 	 * NEEDSWORK: This derefs tag only once, which
@@ -817,11 +1025,143 @@
 	*v = &ref->value[atom];
+enum contains_result {
+ * Mimicking the real stack, this stack lives on the heap, avoiding stack
+ * overflows.
+ *
+ * At each recursion step, the stack items points to the commits whose
+ * ancestors are to be inspected.
+ */
+struct contains_stack {
+	int nr, alloc;
+	struct contains_stack_entry {
+		struct commit *commit;
+		struct commit_list *parents;
+	} *contains_stack;
+static int in_commit_list(const struct commit_list *want, struct commit *c)
+	for (; want; want = want->next)
+		if (!oidcmp(&want->item->object.oid, &c->object.oid))
+			return 1;
+	return 0;
+ * Test whether the candidate or one of its parents is contained in the list.
+ * Do not recurse to find out, though, but return -1 if inconclusive.
+ */
+static enum contains_result contains_test(struct commit *candidate,
+			    const struct commit_list *want)
+	/* was it previously marked as containing a want commit? */
+	if (candidate->object.flags & TMP_MARK)
+		return 1;
+	/* or marked as not possibly containing a want commit? */
+	if (candidate->object.flags & UNINTERESTING)
+		return 0;
+	/* or are we it? */
+	if (in_commit_list(want, candidate)) {
+		candidate->object.flags |= TMP_MARK;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if (parse_commit(candidate) < 0)
+		return 0;
+	return -1;
+static void push_to_contains_stack(struct commit *candidate, struct contains_stack *contains_stack)
+	ALLOC_GROW(contains_stack->contains_stack, contains_stack->nr + 1, contains_stack->alloc);
+	contains_stack->contains_stack[contains_stack->nr].commit = candidate;
+	contains_stack->contains_stack[contains_stack->nr++].parents = candidate->parents;
+static enum contains_result contains_tag_algo(struct commit *candidate,
+		const struct commit_list *want)
+	struct contains_stack contains_stack = { 0, 0, NULL };
+	int result = contains_test(candidate, want);
+	if (result != CONTAINS_UNKNOWN)
+		return result;
+	push_to_contains_stack(candidate, &contains_stack);
+	while ( {
+		struct contains_stack_entry *entry = &contains_stack.contains_stack[ - 1];
+		struct commit *commit = entry->commit;
+		struct commit_list *parents = entry->parents;
+		if (!parents) {
+			commit->object.flags |= UNINTERESTING;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * If we just popped the stack, parents->item has been marked,
+		 * therefore contains_test will return a meaningful 0 or 1.
+		 */
+		else switch (contains_test(parents->item, want)) {
+			commit->object.flags |= TMP_MARK;
+			break;
+		case CONTAINS_NO:
+			entry->parents = parents->next;
+			break;
+			push_to_contains_stack(parents->item, &contains_stack);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	free(contains_stack.contains_stack);
+	return contains_test(candidate, want);
+static int commit_contains(struct ref_filter *filter, struct commit *commit)
+	if (filter->with_commit_tag_algo)
+		return contains_tag_algo(commit, filter->with_commit);
+	return is_descendant_of(commit, filter->with_commit);
+ * Return 1 if the refname matches one of the patterns, otherwise 0.
+ * A pattern can be a literal prefix (e.g. a refname "refs/heads/master"
+ * matches a pattern "refs/heads/mas") or a wildcard (e.g. the same ref
+ * matches "refs/heads/mas*", too).
+ */
+static int match_pattern(const char **patterns, const char *refname)
+	/*
+	 * When no '--format' option is given we need to skip the prefix
+	 * for matching refs of tags and branches.
+	 */
+	(void)(skip_prefix(refname, "refs/tags/", &refname) ||
+	       skip_prefix(refname, "refs/heads/", &refname) ||
+	       skip_prefix(refname, "refs/remotes/", &refname) ||
+	       skip_prefix(refname, "refs/", &refname));
+	for (; *patterns; patterns++) {
+		if (!wildmatch(*patterns, refname, 0, NULL))
+			return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
  * Return 1 if the refname matches one of the patterns, otherwise 0.
  * A pattern can be path prefix (e.g. a refname "refs/heads/master"
- * matches a pattern "refs/heads/") or a wildcard (e.g. the same ref
- * matches "refs/heads/m*",too).
+ * matches a pattern "refs/heads/" but not "refs/heads/m") or a
+ * wildcard (e.g. the same ref matches "refs/heads/m*", too).
 static int match_name_as_path(const char **pattern, const char *refname)
@@ -842,6 +1182,48 @@
 	return 0;
+/* Return 1 if the refname matches one of the patterns, otherwise 0. */
+static int filter_pattern_match(struct ref_filter *filter, const char *refname)
+	if (!*filter->name_patterns)
+		return 1; /* No pattern always matches */
+	if (filter->match_as_path)
+		return match_name_as_path(filter->name_patterns, refname);
+	return match_pattern(filter->name_patterns, refname);
+ * Given a ref (sha1, refname), check if the ref belongs to the array
+ * of sha1s. If the given ref is a tag, check if the given tag points
+ * at one of the sha1s in the given sha1 array.
+ * the given sha1_array.
+ * 1. Only a single level of inderection is obtained, we might want to
+ * change this to account for multiple levels (e.g. annotated tags
+ * pointing to annotated tags pointing to a commit.)
+ * 2. As the refs are cached we might know what refname peels to without
+ * the need to parse the object via parse_object(). peel_ref() might be a
+ * more efficient alternative to obtain the pointee.
+ */
+static const unsigned char *match_points_at(struct sha1_array *points_at,
+					    const unsigned char *sha1,
+					    const char *refname)
+	const unsigned char *tagged_sha1 = NULL;
+	struct object *obj;
+	if (sha1_array_lookup(points_at, sha1) >= 0)
+		return sha1;
+	obj = parse_object(sha1);
+	if (!obj)
+		die(_("malformed object at '%s'"), refname);
+	if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG)
+		tagged_sha1 = ((struct tag *)obj)->tagged->oid.hash;
+	if (tagged_sha1 && sha1_array_lookup(points_at, tagged_sha1) >= 0)
+		return tagged_sha1;
+	return NULL;
 /* Allocate space for a new ref_array_item and copy the objectname and flag to it */
 static struct ref_array_item *new_ref_array_item(const char *refname,
 						 const unsigned char *objectname,
@@ -857,6 +1239,34 @@
 	return ref;
+static int filter_ref_kind(struct ref_filter *filter, const char *refname)
+	unsigned int i;
+	static struct {
+		const char *prefix;
+		unsigned int kind;
+	} ref_kind[] = {
+		{ "refs/heads/" , FILTER_REFS_BRANCHES },
+		{ "refs/remotes/" , FILTER_REFS_REMOTES },
+		{ "refs/tags/", FILTER_REFS_TAGS}
+	};
+	if (filter->kind == FILTER_REFS_BRANCHES ||
+	    filter->kind == FILTER_REFS_REMOTES ||
+	    filter->kind == FILTER_REFS_TAGS)
+		return filter->kind;
+	else if (!strcmp(refname, "HEAD"))
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ref_kind); i++) {
+		if (starts_with(refname, ref_kind[i].prefix))
+			return ref_kind[i].kind;
+	}
  * A call-back given to for_each_ref().  Filter refs and keep them for
  * later object processing.
@@ -866,6 +1276,8 @@
 	struct ref_filter_cbdata *ref_cbdata = cb_data;
 	struct ref_filter *filter = ref_cbdata->filter;
 	struct ref_array_item *ref;
+	struct commit *commit = NULL;
+	unsigned int kind;
 	if (flag & REF_BAD_NAME) {
 		warning("ignoring ref with broken name %s", refname);
@@ -877,18 +1289,43 @@
 		return 0;
-	if (*filter->name_patterns && !match_name_as_path(filter->name_patterns, refname))
+	/* Obtain the current ref kind from filter_ref_kind() and ignore unwanted refs. */
+	kind = filter_ref_kind(filter, refname);
+	if (!(kind & filter->kind))
 		return 0;
+	if (!filter_pattern_match(filter, refname))
+		return 0;
+	if (filter-> && !match_points_at(&filter->points_at, oid->hash, refname))
+		return 0;
+	/*
+	 * A merge filter is applied on refs pointing to commits. Hence
+	 * obtain the commit using the 'oid' available and discard all
+	 * non-commits early. The actual filtering is done later.
+	 */
+	if (filter->merge_commit || filter->with_commit || filter->verbose) {
+		commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(oid->hash, 1);
+		if (!commit)
+			return 0;
+		/* We perform the filtering for the '--contains' option */
+		if (filter->with_commit &&
+		    !commit_contains(filter, commit))
+			return 0;
+	}
 	 * We do not open the object yet; sort may only need refname
 	 * to do its job and the resulting list may yet to be pruned
 	 * by maxcount logic.
 	ref = new_ref_array_item(refname, oid->hash, flag);
+	ref->commit = commit;
 	REALLOC_ARRAY(ref_cbdata->array->items, ref_cbdata->array->nr + 1);
 	ref_cbdata->array->items[ref_cbdata->array->nr++] = ref;
+	ref->kind = kind;
 	return 0;
@@ -911,6 +1348,50 @@
 	array->nr = array->alloc = 0;
+static void do_merge_filter(struct ref_filter_cbdata *ref_cbdata)
+	struct rev_info revs;
+	int i, old_nr;
+	struct ref_filter *filter = ref_cbdata->filter;
+	struct ref_array *array = ref_cbdata->array;
+	struct commit **to_clear = xcalloc(sizeof(struct commit *), array->nr);
+	init_revisions(&revs, NULL);
+	for (i = 0; i < array->nr; i++) {
+		struct ref_array_item *item = array->items[i];
+		add_pending_object(&revs, &item->commit->object, item->refname);
+		to_clear[i] = item->commit;
+	}
+	filter->merge_commit->object.flags |= UNINTERESTING;
+	add_pending_object(&revs, &filter->merge_commit->object, "");
+ = 1;
+	if (prepare_revision_walk(&revs))
+		die(_("revision walk setup failed"));
+	old_nr = array->nr;
+	array->nr = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < old_nr; i++) {
+		struct ref_array_item *item = array->items[i];
+		struct commit *commit = item->commit;
+		int is_merged = !!(commit->object.flags & UNINTERESTING);
+		if (is_merged == (filter->merge == REF_FILTER_MERGED_INCLUDE))
+			array->items[array->nr++] = array->items[i];
+		else
+			free_array_item(item);
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < old_nr; i++)
+		clear_commit_marks(to_clear[i], ALL_REV_FLAGS);
+	clear_commit_marks(filter->merge_commit, ALL_REV_FLAGS);
+	free(to_clear);
  * API for filtering a set of refs. Based on the type of refs the user
  * has requested, we iterate through those refs and apply filters
@@ -920,17 +1401,44 @@
 int filter_refs(struct ref_array *array, struct ref_filter *filter, unsigned int type)
 	struct ref_filter_cbdata ref_cbdata;
+	int ret = 0;
+	unsigned int broken = 0;
 	ref_cbdata.array = array;
 	ref_cbdata.filter = filter;
-		return for_each_rawref(ref_filter_handler, &ref_cbdata);
-	else if (type & FILTER_REFS_ALL)
-		return for_each_ref(ref_filter_handler, &ref_cbdata);
-	else
+		broken = 1;
+	filter->kind = type & FILTER_REFS_KIND_MASK;
+	/*  Simple per-ref filtering */
+	if (!filter->kind)
 		die("filter_refs: invalid type");
-	return 0;
+	else {
+		/*
+		 * For common cases where we need only branches or remotes or tags,
+		 * we only iterate through those refs. If a mix of refs is needed,
+		 * we iterate over all refs and filter out required refs with the help
+		 * of filter_ref_kind().
+		 */
+		if (filter->kind == FILTER_REFS_BRANCHES)
+			ret = for_each_fullref_in("refs/heads/", ref_filter_handler, &ref_cbdata, broken);
+		else if (filter->kind == FILTER_REFS_REMOTES)
+			ret = for_each_fullref_in("refs/remotes/", ref_filter_handler, &ref_cbdata, broken);
+		else if (filter->kind == FILTER_REFS_TAGS)
+			ret = for_each_fullref_in("refs/tags/", ref_filter_handler, &ref_cbdata, broken);
+		else if (filter->kind & FILTER_REFS_ALL)
+			ret = for_each_fullref_in("", ref_filter_handler, &ref_cbdata, broken);
+		if (!ret && (filter->kind & FILTER_REFS_DETACHED_HEAD))
+			head_ref(ref_filter_handler, &ref_cbdata);
+	}
+	/*  Filters that need revision walking */
+	if (filter->merge_commit)
+		do_merge_filter(&ref_cbdata);
+	return ret;
 static int cmp_ref_sorting(struct ref_sorting *s, struct ref_array_item *a, struct ref_array_item *b)
@@ -941,19 +1449,19 @@
 	get_ref_atom_value(a, s->atom, &va);
 	get_ref_atom_value(b, s->atom, &vb);
-	switch (cmp_type) {
-	case FIELD_STR:
+	if (s->version)
+		cmp = versioncmp(va->s, vb->s);
+	else if (cmp_type == FIELD_STR)
 		cmp = strcmp(va->s, vb->s);
-		break;
-	default:
+	else {
 		if (va->ul < vb->ul)
 			cmp = -1;
 		else if (va->ul == vb->ul)
-			cmp = 0;
+			cmp = strcmp(a->refname, b->refname);
 			cmp = 1;
-		break;
 	return (s->reverse) ? -cmp : cmp;
@@ -978,32 +1486,6 @@
 	qsort(array->items, array->nr, sizeof(struct ref_array_item *), compare_refs);
-static void print_value(struct atom_value *v, int quote_style)
-	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
-	switch (quote_style) {
-	case QUOTE_NONE:
-		fputs(v->s, stdout);
-		break;
-		sq_quote_buf(&sb, v->s);
-		break;
-	case QUOTE_PERL:
-		perl_quote_buf(&sb, v->s);
-		break;
-		python_quote_buf(&sb, v->s);
-		break;
-	case QUOTE_TCL:
-		tcl_quote_buf(&sb, v->s);
-		break;
-	}
-	if (quote_style != QUOTE_NONE) {
-		fputs(sb.buf, stdout);
-		strbuf_release(&sb);
-	}
 static int hex1(char ch)
 	if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9')
@@ -1022,8 +1504,10 @@
 		return -1;
-static void emit(const char *cp, const char *ep)
+static void append_literal(const char *cp, const char *ep, struct ref_formatting_state *state)
+	struct strbuf *s = &state->stack->output;
 	while (*cp && (!ep || cp < ep)) {
 		if (*cp == '%') {
 			if (cp[1] == '%')
@@ -1031,13 +1515,13 @@
 			else {
 				int ch = hex2(cp + 1);
 				if (0 <= ch) {
-					putchar(ch);
+					strbuf_addch(s, ch);
 					cp += 3;
-		putchar(*cp);
+		strbuf_addch(s, *cp);
@@ -1045,19 +1529,24 @@
 void show_ref_array_item(struct ref_array_item *info, const char *format, int quote_style)
 	const char *cp, *sp, *ep;
+	struct strbuf *final_buf;
+	struct ref_formatting_state state = REF_FORMATTING_STATE_INIT;
+	state.quote_style = quote_style;
+	push_stack_element(&state.stack);
 	for (cp = format; *cp && (sp = find_next(cp)); cp = ep + 1) {
 		struct atom_value *atomv;
 		ep = strchr(sp, ')');
 		if (cp < sp)
-			emit(cp, sp);
+			append_literal(cp, sp, &state);
 		get_ref_atom_value(info, parse_ref_filter_atom(sp + 2, ep), &atomv);
-		print_value(atomv, quote_style);
+		atomv->handler(atomv, &state);
 	if (*cp) {
 		sp = cp + strlen(cp);
-		emit(cp, sp);
+		append_literal(cp, sp, &state);
 	if (need_color_reset_at_eol) {
 		struct atom_value resetv;
@@ -1066,8 +1555,13 @@
 		if (color_parse("reset", color) < 0)
 			die("BUG: couldn't parse 'reset' as a color");
 		resetv.s = color;
-		print_value(&resetv, quote_style);
+		append_atom(&resetv, &state);
+	if (state.stack->prev)
+		die(_("format: %%(end) atom missing"));
+	final_buf = &state.stack->output;
+	fwrite(final_buf->buf, 1, final_buf->len, stdout);
+	pop_stack_element(&state.stack);
@@ -1100,7 +1594,29 @@
 		s->reverse = 1;
+	if (skip_prefix(arg, "version:", &arg) ||
+	    skip_prefix(arg, "v:", &arg))
+		s->version = 1;
 	len = strlen(arg);
 	s->atom = parse_ref_filter_atom(arg, arg+len);
 	return 0;
+int parse_opt_merge_filter(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
+	struct ref_filter *rf = opt->value;
+	unsigned char sha1[20];
+	rf->merge = starts_with(opt->long_name, "no")
+	if (get_sha1(arg, sha1))
+		die(_("malformed object name %s"), arg);
+	rf->merge_commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(sha1, 0);
+	if (!rf->merge_commit)
+		return opterror(opt, "must point to a commit", 0);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/ref-filter.h b/ref-filter.h
index 6997984..14d435e 100644
--- a/ref-filter.h
+++ b/ref-filter.h
@@ -13,24 +13,31 @@
 #define QUOTE_PYTHON 4
 #define QUOTE_TCL 8
-#define FILTER_REFS_ALL 0x2
+#define FILTER_REFS_TAGS           0x0002
+#define FILTER_REFS_BRANCHES       0x0004
+#define FILTER_REFS_REMOTES        0x0008
+#define FILTER_REFS_OTHERS         0x0010
-struct atom_value {
-	const char *s;
-	unsigned long ul; /* used for sorting when not FIELD_STR */
+struct atom_value;
 struct ref_sorting {
 	struct ref_sorting *next;
 	int atom; /* index into used_atom array (internal) */
-	unsigned reverse : 1;
+	unsigned reverse : 1,
+		version : 1;
 struct ref_array_item {
 	unsigned char objectname[20];
 	int flag;
+	unsigned int kind;
 	const char *symref;
+	struct commit *commit;
 	struct atom_value *value;
 	char refname[FLEX_ARRAY];
@@ -38,10 +45,28 @@
 struct ref_array {
 	int nr, alloc;
 	struct ref_array_item **items;
+	struct rev_info *revs;
 struct ref_filter {
 	const char **name_patterns;
+	struct sha1_array points_at;
+	struct commit_list *with_commit;
+	enum {
+	} merge;
+	struct commit *merge_commit;
+	unsigned int with_commit_tag_algo : 1,
+		match_as_path : 1,
+		detached : 1;
+	unsigned int kind,
+		lines;
+	int abbrev,
+		verbose;
 struct ref_filter_cbdata {
@@ -49,6 +74,15 @@
 	struct ref_filter *filter;
+/*  Macros for checking --merged and --no-merged options */
+#define _OPT_MERGED_NO_MERGED(option, filter, h) \
+	{ OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, option, (filter), N_("commit"), (h), \
+	  parse_opt_merge_filter, (intptr_t) "HEAD" \
+	}
+#define OPT_MERGED(f, h) _OPT_MERGED_NO_MERGED("merged", f, h)
+#define OPT_NO_MERGED(f, h) _OPT_MERGED_NO_MERGED("no-merged", f, h)
  * API for filtering a set of refs. Based on the type of refs the user
  * has requested, we iterate through those refs and apply filters
@@ -70,5 +104,7 @@
 int parse_opt_ref_sorting(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset);
 /*  Default sort option based on refname */
 struct ref_sorting *ref_default_sorting(void);
+/*  Function to parse --merged and --no-merged options */
+int parse_opt_merge_filter(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset);
 #endif /*  REF_FILTER_H  */
diff --git a/reflog-walk.c b/reflog-walk.c
index f8e743a..85b8a54 100644
--- a/reflog-walk.c
+++ b/reflog-walk.c
@@ -56,12 +56,11 @@
 	if (reflogs->nr == 0) {
-		int len = strlen(ref);
-		char *refname = xmalloc(len + 12);
-		sprintf(refname, "refs/%s", ref);
+		char *refname = xstrfmt("refs/%s", ref);
 		for_each_reflog_ent(refname, read_one_reflog, reflogs);
 		if (reflogs->nr == 0) {
-			sprintf(refname, "refs/heads/%s", ref);
+			free(refname);
+			refname = xstrfmt("refs/heads/%s", ref);
 			for_each_reflog_ent(refname, read_one_reflog, reflogs);
diff --git a/refs.c b/refs.c
index 9ac9a67..e2d34b2 100644
--- a/refs.c
+++ b/refs.c
@@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
+ * The backend-independent part of the reference module.
+ */
 #include "cache.h"
 #include "lockfile.h"
 #include "refs.h"
+#include "refs/refs-internal.h"
 #include "object.h"
 #include "tag.h"
-#include "dir.h"
-#include "string-list.h"
-struct ref_lock {
-	char *ref_name;
-	char *orig_ref_name;
-	struct lock_file *lk;
-	struct object_id old_oid;
  * How to handle various characters in refnames:
@@ -35,41 +31,6 @@
- * Flag passed to lock_ref_sha1_basic() telling it to tolerate broken
- * refs (i.e., because the reference is about to be deleted anyway).
- */
-#define REF_DELETING	0x02
- * Used as a flag in ref_update::flags when a loose ref is being
- * pruned.
- */
-#define REF_ISPRUNING	0x04
- * Used as a flag in ref_update::flags when the reference should be
- * updated to new_sha1.
- */
-#define REF_HAVE_NEW	0x08
- * Used as a flag in ref_update::flags when old_sha1 should be
- * checked.
- */
-#define REF_HAVE_OLD	0x10
- * Used as a flag in ref_update::flags when the lockfile needs to be
- * committed.
- */
-#define REF_NEEDS_COMMIT 0x20
- * 0x40 is REF_FORCE_CREATE_REFLOG, so skip it if you're adding a
- * value to ref_update::flags
- */
  * Try to read one refname component from the front of refname.
  * Return the length of the component found, or -1 if the component is
  * not legal.  It is legal if it is something reasonable to have under
@@ -157,176 +118,7 @@
 	return 0;
-struct ref_entry;
- * Information used (along with the information in ref_entry) to
- * describe a single cached reference.  This data structure only
- * occurs embedded in a union in struct ref_entry, and only when
- * (ref_entry->flag & REF_DIR) is zero.
- */
-struct ref_value {
-	/*
-	 * The name of the object to which this reference resolves
-	 * (which may be a tag object).  If REF_ISBROKEN, this is
-	 * null.  If REF_ISSYMREF, then this is the name of the object
-	 * referred to by the last reference in the symlink chain.
-	 */
-	struct object_id oid;
-	/*
-	 * If REF_KNOWS_PEELED, then this field holds the peeled value
-	 * of this reference, or null if the reference is known not to
-	 * be peelable.  See the documentation for peel_ref() for an
-	 * exact definition of "peelable".
-	 */
-	struct object_id peeled;
-struct ref_cache;
- * Information used (along with the information in ref_entry) to
- * describe a level in the hierarchy of references.  This data
- * structure only occurs embedded in a union in struct ref_entry, and
- * only when (ref_entry.flag & REF_DIR) is set.  In that case,
- * (ref_entry.flag & REF_INCOMPLETE) determines whether the references
- * in the directory have already been read:
- *
- *     (ref_entry.flag & REF_INCOMPLETE) unset -- a directory of loose
- *         or packed references, already read.
- *
- *     (ref_entry.flag & REF_INCOMPLETE) set -- a directory of loose
- *         references that hasn't been read yet (nor has any of its
- *         subdirectories).
- *
- * Entries within a directory are stored within a growable array of
- * pointers to ref_entries (entries, nr, alloc).  Entries 0 <= i <
- * sorted are sorted by their component name in strcmp() order and the
- * remaining entries are unsorted.
- *
- * Loose references are read lazily, one directory at a time.  When a
- * directory of loose references is read, then all of the references
- * in that directory are stored, and REF_INCOMPLETE stubs are created
- * for any subdirectories, but the subdirectories themselves are not
- * read.  The reading is triggered by get_ref_dir().
- */
-struct ref_dir {
-	int nr, alloc;
-	/*
-	 * Entries with index 0 <= i < sorted are sorted by name.  New
-	 * entries are appended to the list unsorted, and are sorted
-	 * only when required; thus we avoid the need to sort the list
-	 * after the addition of every reference.
-	 */
-	int sorted;
-	/* A pointer to the ref_cache that contains this ref_dir. */
-	struct ref_cache *ref_cache;
-	struct ref_entry **entries;
- * Bit values for ref_entry::flag.  REF_ISSYMREF=0x01,
- * REF_ISPACKED=0x02, REF_ISBROKEN=0x04 and REF_BAD_NAME=0x08 are
- * public values; see refs.h.
- */
- * The field ref_entry->u.value.peeled of this value entry contains
- * the correct peeled value for the reference, which might be
- * null_sha1 if the reference is not a tag or if it is broken.
- */
-#define REF_KNOWS_PEELED 0x10
-/* ref_entry represents a directory of references */
-#define REF_DIR 0x20
- * Entry has not yet been read from disk (used only for REF_DIR
- * entries representing loose references)
- */
-#define REF_INCOMPLETE 0x40
- * A ref_entry represents either a reference or a "subdirectory" of
- * references.
- *
- * Each directory in the reference namespace is represented by a
- * ref_entry with (flags & REF_DIR) set and containing a subdir member
- * that holds the entries in that directory that have been read so
- * far.  If (flags & REF_INCOMPLETE) is set, then the directory and
- * its subdirectories haven't been read yet.  REF_INCOMPLETE is only
- * used for loose reference directories.
- *
- * References are represented by a ref_entry with (flags & REF_DIR)
- * unset and a value member that describes the reference's value.  The
- * flag member is at the ref_entry level, but it is also needed to
- * interpret the contents of the value field (in other words, a
- * ref_value object is not very much use without the enclosing
- * ref_entry).
- *
- * Reference names cannot end with slash and directories' names are
- * always stored with a trailing slash (except for the top-level
- * directory, which is always denoted by "").  This has two nice
- * consequences: (1) when the entries in each subdir are sorted
- * lexicographically by name (as they usually are), the references in
- * a whole tree can be generated in lexicographic order by traversing
- * the tree in left-to-right, depth-first order; (2) the names of
- * references and subdirectories cannot conflict, and therefore the
- * presence of an empty subdirectory does not block the creation of a
- * similarly-named reference.  (The fact that reference names with the
- * same leading components can conflict *with each other* is a
- * separate issue that is regulated by verify_refname_available().)
- *
- * Please note that the name field contains the fully-qualified
- * reference (or subdirectory) name.  Space could be saved by only
- * storing the relative names.  But that would require the full names
- * to be generated on the fly when iterating in do_for_each_ref(), and
- * would break callback functions, who have always been able to assume
- * that the name strings that they are passed will not be freed during
- * the iteration.
- */
-struct ref_entry {
-	unsigned char flag; /* ISSYMREF? ISPACKED? */
-	union {
-		struct ref_value value; /* if not (flags&REF_DIR) */
-		struct ref_dir subdir; /* if (flags&REF_DIR) */
-	} u;
-	/*
-	 * The full name of the reference (e.g., "refs/heads/master")
-	 * or the full name of the directory with a trailing slash
-	 * (e.g., "refs/heads/"):
-	 */
-	char name[FLEX_ARRAY];
-static void read_loose_refs(const char *dirname, struct ref_dir *dir);
-static struct ref_dir *get_ref_dir(struct ref_entry *entry)
-	struct ref_dir *dir;
-	assert(entry->flag & REF_DIR);
-	dir = &entry->u.subdir;
-	if (entry->flag & REF_INCOMPLETE) {
-		read_loose_refs(entry->name, dir);
-		entry->flag &= ~REF_INCOMPLETE;
-	}
-	return dir;
- * Check if a refname is safe.
- * For refs that start with "refs/" we consider it safe as long they do
- * not try to resolve to outside of refs/.
- *
- * For all other refs we only consider them safe iff they only contain
- * upper case characters and '_' (like "HEAD" AND "MERGE_HEAD", and not like
- * "config").
- */
-static int refname_is_safe(const char *refname)
+int refname_is_safe(const char *refname)
 	if (starts_with(refname, "refs/")) {
 		char *buf;
@@ -350,1419 +142,6 @@
 	return 1;
-static struct ref_entry *create_ref_entry(const char *refname,
-					  const unsigned char *sha1, int flag,
-					  int check_name)
-	int len;
-	struct ref_entry *ref;
-	if (check_name &&
-	    check_refname_format(refname, REFNAME_ALLOW_ONELEVEL))
-		die("Reference has invalid format: '%s'", refname);
-	len = strlen(refname) + 1;
-	ref = xmalloc(sizeof(struct ref_entry) + len);
-	hashcpy(ref->u.value.oid.hash, sha1);
-	oidclr(&ref->u.value.peeled);
-	memcpy(ref->name, refname, len);
-	ref->flag = flag;
-	return ref;
-static void clear_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir);
-static void free_ref_entry(struct ref_entry *entry)
-	if (entry->flag & REF_DIR) {
-		/*
-		 * Do not use get_ref_dir() here, as that might
-		 * trigger the reading of loose refs.
-		 */
-		clear_ref_dir(&entry->u.subdir);
-	}
-	free(entry);
- * Add a ref_entry to the end of dir (unsorted).  Entry is always
- * stored directly in dir; no recursion into subdirectories is
- * done.
- */
-static void add_entry_to_dir(struct ref_dir *dir, struct ref_entry *entry)
-	ALLOC_GROW(dir->entries, dir->nr + 1, dir->alloc);
-	dir->entries[dir->nr++] = entry;
-	/* optimize for the case that entries are added in order */
-	if (dir->nr == 1 ||
-	    (dir->nr == dir->sorted + 1 &&
-	     strcmp(dir->entries[dir->nr - 2]->name,
-		    dir->entries[dir->nr - 1]->name) < 0))
-		dir->sorted = dir->nr;
- * Clear and free all entries in dir, recursively.
- */
-static void clear_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < dir->nr; i++)
-		free_ref_entry(dir->entries[i]);
-	free(dir->entries);
-	dir->sorted = dir->nr = dir->alloc = 0;
-	dir->entries = NULL;
- * Create a struct ref_entry object for the specified dirname.
- * dirname is the name of the directory with a trailing slash (e.g.,
- * "refs/heads/") or "" for the top-level directory.
- */
-static struct ref_entry *create_dir_entry(struct ref_cache *ref_cache,
-					  const char *dirname, size_t len,
-					  int incomplete)
-	struct ref_entry *direntry;
-	direntry = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct ref_entry) + len + 1);
-	memcpy(direntry->name, dirname, len);
-	direntry->name[len] = '\0';
-	direntry->u.subdir.ref_cache = ref_cache;
-	direntry->flag = REF_DIR | (incomplete ? REF_INCOMPLETE : 0);
-	return direntry;
-static int ref_entry_cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
-	struct ref_entry *one = *(struct ref_entry **)a;
-	struct ref_entry *two = *(struct ref_entry **)b;
-	return strcmp(one->name, two->name);
-static void sort_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir);
-struct string_slice {
-	size_t len;
-	const char *str;
-static int ref_entry_cmp_sslice(const void *key_, const void *ent_)
-	const struct string_slice *key = key_;
-	const struct ref_entry *ent = *(const struct ref_entry * const *)ent_;
-	int cmp = strncmp(key->str, ent->name, key->len);
-	if (cmp)
-		return cmp;
-	return '\0' - (unsigned char)ent->name[key->len];
- * Return the index of the entry with the given refname from the
- * ref_dir (non-recursively), sorting dir if necessary.  Return -1 if
- * no such entry is found.  dir must already be complete.
- */
-static int search_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir, const char *refname, size_t len)
-	struct ref_entry **r;
-	struct string_slice key;
-	if (refname == NULL || !dir->nr)
-		return -1;
-	sort_ref_dir(dir);
-	key.len = len;
-	key.str = refname;
-	r = bsearch(&key, dir->entries, dir->nr, sizeof(*dir->entries),
-		    ref_entry_cmp_sslice);
-	if (r == NULL)
-		return -1;
-	return r - dir->entries;
- * Search for a directory entry directly within dir (without
- * recursing).  Sort dir if necessary.  subdirname must be a directory
- * name (i.e., end in '/').  If mkdir is set, then create the
- * directory if it is missing; otherwise, return NULL if the desired
- * directory cannot be found.  dir must already be complete.
- */
-static struct ref_dir *search_for_subdir(struct ref_dir *dir,
-					 const char *subdirname, size_t len,
-					 int mkdir)
-	int entry_index = search_ref_dir(dir, subdirname, len);
-	struct ref_entry *entry;
-	if (entry_index == -1) {
-		if (!mkdir)
-			return NULL;
-		/*
-		 * Since dir is complete, the absence of a subdir
-		 * means that the subdir really doesn't exist;
-		 * therefore, create an empty record for it but mark
-		 * the record complete.
-		 */
-		entry = create_dir_entry(dir->ref_cache, subdirname, len, 0);
-		add_entry_to_dir(dir, entry);
-	} else {
-		entry = dir->entries[entry_index];
-	}
-	return get_ref_dir(entry);
- * If refname is a reference name, find the ref_dir within the dir
- * tree that should hold refname.  If refname is a directory name
- * (i.e., ends in '/'), then return that ref_dir itself.  dir must
- * represent the top-level directory and must already be complete.
- * Sort ref_dirs and recurse into subdirectories as necessary.  If
- * mkdir is set, then create any missing directories; otherwise,
- * return NULL if the desired directory cannot be found.
- */
-static struct ref_dir *find_containing_dir(struct ref_dir *dir,
-					   const char *refname, int mkdir)
-	const char *slash;
-	for (slash = strchr(refname, '/'); slash; slash = strchr(slash + 1, '/')) {
-		size_t dirnamelen = slash - refname + 1;
-		struct ref_dir *subdir;
-		subdir = search_for_subdir(dir, refname, dirnamelen, mkdir);
-		if (!subdir) {
-			dir = NULL;
-			break;
-		}
-		dir = subdir;
-	}
-	return dir;
- * Find the value entry with the given name in dir, sorting ref_dirs
- * and recursing into subdirectories as necessary.  If the name is not
- * found or it corresponds to a directory entry, return NULL.
- */
-static struct ref_entry *find_ref(struct ref_dir *dir, const char *refname)
-	int entry_index;
-	struct ref_entry *entry;
-	dir = find_containing_dir(dir, refname, 0);
-	if (!dir)
-		return NULL;
-	entry_index = search_ref_dir(dir, refname, strlen(refname));
-	if (entry_index == -1)
-		return NULL;
-	entry = dir->entries[entry_index];
-	return (entry->flag & REF_DIR) ? NULL : entry;
- * Remove the entry with the given name from dir, recursing into
- * subdirectories as necessary.  If refname is the name of a directory
- * (i.e., ends with '/'), then remove the directory and its contents.
- * If the removal was successful, return the number of entries
- * remaining in the directory entry that contained the deleted entry.
- * If the name was not found, return -1.  Please note that this
- * function only deletes the entry from the cache; it does not delete
- * it from the filesystem or ensure that other cache entries (which
- * might be symbolic references to the removed entry) are updated.
- * Nor does it remove any containing dir entries that might be made
- * empty by the removal.  dir must represent the top-level directory
- * and must already be complete.
- */
-static int remove_entry(struct ref_dir *dir, const char *refname)
-	int refname_len = strlen(refname);
-	int entry_index;
-	struct ref_entry *entry;
-	int is_dir = refname[refname_len - 1] == '/';
-	if (is_dir) {
-		/*
-		 * refname represents a reference directory.  Remove
-		 * the trailing slash; otherwise we will get the
-		 * directory *representing* refname rather than the
-		 * one *containing* it.
-		 */
-		char *dirname = xmemdupz(refname, refname_len - 1);
-		dir = find_containing_dir(dir, dirname, 0);
-		free(dirname);
-	} else {
-		dir = find_containing_dir(dir, refname, 0);
-	}
-	if (!dir)
-		return -1;
-	entry_index = search_ref_dir(dir, refname, refname_len);
-	if (entry_index == -1)
-		return -1;
-	entry = dir->entries[entry_index];
-	memmove(&dir->entries[entry_index],
-		&dir->entries[entry_index + 1],
-		(dir->nr - entry_index - 1) * sizeof(*dir->entries)
-		);
-	dir->nr--;
-	if (dir->sorted > entry_index)
-		dir->sorted--;
-	free_ref_entry(entry);
-	return dir->nr;
- * Add a ref_entry to the ref_dir (unsorted), recursing into
- * subdirectories as necessary.  dir must represent the top-level
- * directory.  Return 0 on success.
- */
-static int add_ref(struct ref_dir *dir, struct ref_entry *ref)
-	dir = find_containing_dir(dir, ref->name, 1);
-	if (!dir)
-		return -1;
-	add_entry_to_dir(dir, ref);
-	return 0;
- * Emit a warning and return true iff ref1 and ref2 have the same name
- * and the same sha1.  Die if they have the same name but different
- * sha1s.
- */
-static int is_dup_ref(const struct ref_entry *ref1, const struct ref_entry *ref2)
-	if (strcmp(ref1->name, ref2->name))
-		return 0;
-	/* Duplicate name; make sure that they don't conflict: */
-	if ((ref1->flag & REF_DIR) || (ref2->flag & REF_DIR))
-		/* This is impossible by construction */
-		die("Reference directory conflict: %s", ref1->name);
-	if (oidcmp(&ref1->u.value.oid, &ref2->u.value.oid))
-		die("Duplicated ref, and SHA1s don't match: %s", ref1->name);
-	warning("Duplicated ref: %s", ref1->name);
-	return 1;
- * Sort the entries in dir non-recursively (if they are not already
- * sorted) and remove any duplicate entries.
- */
-static void sort_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir)
-	int i, j;
-	struct ref_entry *last = NULL;
-	/*
-	 * This check also prevents passing a zero-length array to qsort(),
-	 * which is a problem on some platforms.
-	 */
-	if (dir->sorted == dir->nr)
-		return;
-	qsort(dir->entries, dir->nr, sizeof(*dir->entries), ref_entry_cmp);
-	/* Remove any duplicates: */
-	for (i = 0, j = 0; j < dir->nr; j++) {
-		struct ref_entry *entry = dir->entries[j];
-		if (last && is_dup_ref(last, entry))
-			free_ref_entry(entry);
-		else
-			last = dir->entries[i++] = entry;
-	}
-	dir->sorted = dir->nr = i;
-/* Include broken references in a do_for_each_ref*() iteration: */
- * Return true iff the reference described by entry can be resolved to
- * an object in the database.  Emit a warning if the referred-to
- * object does not exist.
- */
-static int ref_resolves_to_object(struct ref_entry *entry)
-	if (entry->flag & REF_ISBROKEN)
-		return 0;
-	if (!has_sha1_file(entry->u.value.oid.hash)) {
-		error("%s does not point to a valid object!", entry->name);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
- * current_ref is a performance hack: when iterating over references
- * using the for_each_ref*() functions, current_ref is set to the
- * current reference's entry before calling the callback function.  If
- * the callback function calls peel_ref(), then peel_ref() first
- * checks whether the reference to be peeled is the current reference
- * (it usually is) and if so, returns that reference's peeled version
- * if it is available.  This avoids a refname lookup in a common case.
- */
-static struct ref_entry *current_ref;
-typedef int each_ref_entry_fn(struct ref_entry *entry, void *cb_data);
-struct ref_entry_cb {
-	const char *base;
-	int trim;
-	int flags;
-	each_ref_fn *fn;
-	void *cb_data;
- * Handle one reference in a do_for_each_ref*()-style iteration,
- * calling an each_ref_fn for each entry.
- */
-static int do_one_ref(struct ref_entry *entry, void *cb_data)
-	struct ref_entry_cb *data = cb_data;
-	struct ref_entry *old_current_ref;
-	int retval;
-	if (!starts_with(entry->name, data->base))
-		return 0;
-	if (!(data->flags & DO_FOR_EACH_INCLUDE_BROKEN) &&
-	      !ref_resolves_to_object(entry))
-		return 0;
-	/* Store the old value, in case this is a recursive call: */
-	old_current_ref = current_ref;
-	current_ref = entry;
-	retval = data->fn(entry->name + data->trim, &entry->u.value.oid,
-			  entry->flag, data->cb_data);
-	current_ref = old_current_ref;
-	return retval;
- * Call fn for each reference in dir that has index in the range
- * offset <= index < dir->nr.  Recurse into subdirectories that are in
- * that index range, sorting them before iterating.  This function
- * does not sort dir itself; it should be sorted beforehand.  fn is
- * called for all references, including broken ones.
- */
-static int do_for_each_entry_in_dir(struct ref_dir *dir, int offset,
-				    each_ref_entry_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	int i;
-	assert(dir->sorted == dir->nr);
-	for (i = offset; i < dir->nr; i++) {
-		struct ref_entry *entry = dir->entries[i];
-		int retval;
-		if (entry->flag & REF_DIR) {
-			struct ref_dir *subdir = get_ref_dir(entry);
-			sort_ref_dir(subdir);
-			retval = do_for_each_entry_in_dir(subdir, 0, fn, cb_data);
-		} else {
-			retval = fn(entry, cb_data);
-		}
-		if (retval)
-			return retval;
-	}
-	return 0;
- * Call fn for each reference in the union of dir1 and dir2, in order
- * by refname.  Recurse into subdirectories.  If a value entry appears
- * in both dir1 and dir2, then only process the version that is in
- * dir2.  The input dirs must already be sorted, but subdirs will be
- * sorted as needed.  fn is called for all references, including
- * broken ones.
- */
-static int do_for_each_entry_in_dirs(struct ref_dir *dir1,
-				     struct ref_dir *dir2,
-				     each_ref_entry_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	int retval;
-	int i1 = 0, i2 = 0;
-	assert(dir1->sorted == dir1->nr);
-	assert(dir2->sorted == dir2->nr);
-	while (1) {
-		struct ref_entry *e1, *e2;
-		int cmp;
-		if (i1 == dir1->nr) {
-			return do_for_each_entry_in_dir(dir2, i2, fn, cb_data);
-		}
-		if (i2 == dir2->nr) {
-			return do_for_each_entry_in_dir(dir1, i1, fn, cb_data);
-		}
-		e1 = dir1->entries[i1];
-		e2 = dir2->entries[i2];
-		cmp = strcmp(e1->name, e2->name);
-		if (cmp == 0) {
-			if ((e1->flag & REF_DIR) && (e2->flag & REF_DIR)) {
-				/* Both are directories; descend them in parallel. */
-				struct ref_dir *subdir1 = get_ref_dir(e1);
-				struct ref_dir *subdir2 = get_ref_dir(e2);
-				sort_ref_dir(subdir1);
-				sort_ref_dir(subdir2);
-				retval = do_for_each_entry_in_dirs(
-						subdir1, subdir2, fn, cb_data);
-				i1++;
-				i2++;
-			} else if (!(e1->flag & REF_DIR) && !(e2->flag & REF_DIR)) {
-				/* Both are references; ignore the one from dir1. */
-				retval = fn(e2, cb_data);
-				i1++;
-				i2++;
-			} else {
-				die("conflict between reference and directory: %s",
-				    e1->name);
-			}
-		} else {
-			struct ref_entry *e;
-			if (cmp < 0) {
-				e = e1;
-				i1++;
-			} else {
-				e = e2;
-				i2++;
-			}
-			if (e->flag & REF_DIR) {
-				struct ref_dir *subdir = get_ref_dir(e);
-				sort_ref_dir(subdir);
-				retval = do_for_each_entry_in_dir(
-						subdir, 0, fn, cb_data);
-			} else {
-				retval = fn(e, cb_data);
-			}
-		}
-		if (retval)
-			return retval;
-	}
- * Load all of the refs from the dir into our in-memory cache. The hard work
- * of loading loose refs is done by get_ref_dir(), so we just need to recurse
- * through all of the sub-directories. We do not even need to care about
- * sorting, as traversal order does not matter to us.
- */
-static void prime_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < dir->nr; i++) {
-		struct ref_entry *entry = dir->entries[i];
-		if (entry->flag & REF_DIR)
-			prime_ref_dir(get_ref_dir(entry));
-	}
-struct nonmatching_ref_data {
-	const struct string_list *skip;
-	const char *conflicting_refname;
-static int nonmatching_ref_fn(struct ref_entry *entry, void *vdata)
-	struct nonmatching_ref_data *data = vdata;
-	if (data->skip && string_list_has_string(data->skip, entry->name))
-		return 0;
-	data->conflicting_refname = entry->name;
-	return 1;
- * Return 0 if a reference named refname could be created without
- * conflicting with the name of an existing reference in dir.
- * Otherwise, return a negative value and write an explanation to err.
- * If extras is non-NULL, it is a list of additional refnames with
- * which refname is not allowed to conflict. If skip is non-NULL,
- * ignore potential conflicts with refs in skip (e.g., because they
- * are scheduled for deletion in the same operation). Behavior is
- * undefined if the same name is listed in both extras and skip.
- *
- * Two reference names conflict if one of them exactly matches the
- * leading components of the other; e.g., "refs/foo/bar" conflicts
- * with both "refs/foo" and with "refs/foo/bar/baz" but not with
- * "refs/foo/bar" or "refs/foo/barbados".
- *
- * extras and skip must be sorted.
- */
-static int verify_refname_available(const char *refname,
-				    const struct string_list *extras,
-				    const struct string_list *skip,
-				    struct ref_dir *dir,
-				    struct strbuf *err)
-	const char *slash;
-	int pos;
-	struct strbuf dirname = STRBUF_INIT;
-	int ret = -1;
-	/*
-	 * For the sake of comments in this function, suppose that
-	 * refname is "refs/foo/bar".
-	 */
-	assert(err);
-	strbuf_grow(&dirname, strlen(refname) + 1);
-	for (slash = strchr(refname, '/'); slash; slash = strchr(slash + 1, '/')) {
-		/* Expand dirname to the new prefix, not including the trailing slash: */
-		strbuf_add(&dirname, refname + dirname.len, slash - refname - dirname.len);
-		/*
-		 * We are still at a leading dir of the refname (e.g.,
-		 * "refs/foo"; if there is a reference with that name,
-		 * it is a conflict, *unless* it is in skip.
-		 */
-		if (dir) {
-			pos = search_ref_dir(dir, dirname.buf, dirname.len);
-			if (pos >= 0 &&
-			    (!skip || !string_list_has_string(skip, dirname.buf))) {
-				/*
-				 * We found a reference whose name is
-				 * a proper prefix of refname; e.g.,
-				 * "refs/foo", and is not in skip.
-				 */
-				strbuf_addf(err, "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'",
-					    dirname.buf, refname);
-				goto cleanup;
-			}
-		}
-		if (extras && string_list_has_string(extras, dirname.buf) &&
-		    (!skip || !string_list_has_string(skip, dirname.buf))) {
-			strbuf_addf(err, "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time",
-				    refname, dirname.buf);
-			goto cleanup;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Otherwise, we can try to continue our search with
-		 * the next component. So try to look up the
-		 * directory, e.g., "refs/foo/". If we come up empty,
-		 * we know there is nothing under this whole prefix,
-		 * but even in that case we still have to continue the
-		 * search for conflicts with extras.
-		 */
-		strbuf_addch(&dirname, '/');
-		if (dir) {
-			pos = search_ref_dir(dir, dirname.buf, dirname.len);
-			if (pos < 0) {
-				/*
-				 * There was no directory "refs/foo/",
-				 * so there is nothing under this
-				 * whole prefix. So there is no need
-				 * to continue looking for conflicting
-				 * references. But we need to continue
-				 * looking for conflicting extras.
-				 */
-				dir = NULL;
-			} else {
-				dir = get_ref_dir(dir->entries[pos]);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * We are at the leaf of our refname (e.g., "refs/foo/bar").
-	 * There is no point in searching for a reference with that
-	 * name, because a refname isn't considered to conflict with
-	 * itself. But we still need to check for references whose
-	 * names are in the "refs/foo/bar/" namespace, because they
-	 * *do* conflict.
-	 */
-	strbuf_addstr(&dirname, refname + dirname.len);
-	strbuf_addch(&dirname, '/');
-	if (dir) {
-		pos = search_ref_dir(dir, dirname.buf, dirname.len);
-		if (pos >= 0) {
-			/*
-			 * We found a directory named "$refname/"
-			 * (e.g., "refs/foo/bar/"). It is a problem
-			 * iff it contains any ref that is not in
-			 * "skip".
-			 */
-			struct nonmatching_ref_data data;
-			data.skip = skip;
-			data.conflicting_refname = NULL;
-			dir = get_ref_dir(dir->entries[pos]);
-			sort_ref_dir(dir);
-			if (do_for_each_entry_in_dir(dir, 0, nonmatching_ref_fn, &data)) {
-				strbuf_addf(err, "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'",
-					    data.conflicting_refname, refname);
-				goto cleanup;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (extras) {
-		/*
-		 * Check for entries in extras that start with
-		 * "$refname/". We do that by looking for the place
-		 * where "$refname/" would be inserted in extras. If
-		 * there is an entry at that position that starts with
-		 * "$refname/" and is not in skip, then we have a
-		 * conflict.
-		 */
-		for (pos = string_list_find_insert_index(extras, dirname.buf, 0);
-		     pos < extras->nr; pos++) {
-			const char *extra_refname = extras->items[pos].string;
-			if (!starts_with(extra_refname, dirname.buf))
-				break;
-			if (!skip || !string_list_has_string(skip, extra_refname)) {
-				strbuf_addf(err, "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time",
-					    refname, extra_refname);
-				goto cleanup;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/* No conflicts were found */
-	ret = 0;
-	strbuf_release(&dirname);
-	return ret;
-struct packed_ref_cache {
-	struct ref_entry *root;
-	/*
-	 * Count of references to the data structure in this instance,
-	 * including the pointer from ref_cache::packed if any.  The
-	 * data will not be freed as long as the reference count is
-	 * nonzero.
-	 */
-	unsigned int referrers;
-	/*
-	 * Iff the packed-refs file associated with this instance is
-	 * currently locked for writing, this points at the associated
-	 * lock (which is owned by somebody else).  The referrer count
-	 * is also incremented when the file is locked and decremented
-	 * when it is unlocked.
-	 */
-	struct lock_file *lock;
-	/* The metadata from when this packed-refs cache was read */
-	struct stat_validity validity;
- * Future: need to be in "struct repository"
- * when doing a full libification.
- */
-static struct ref_cache {
-	struct ref_cache *next;
-	struct ref_entry *loose;
-	struct packed_ref_cache *packed;
-	/*
-	 * The submodule name, or "" for the main repo.  We allocate
-	 * length 1 rather than FLEX_ARRAY so that the main ref_cache
-	 * is initialized correctly.
-	 */
-	char name[1];
-} ref_cache, *submodule_ref_caches;
-/* Lock used for the main packed-refs file: */
-static struct lock_file packlock;
- * Increment the reference count of *packed_refs.
- */
-static void acquire_packed_ref_cache(struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs)
-	packed_refs->referrers++;
- * Decrease the reference count of *packed_refs.  If it goes to zero,
- * free *packed_refs and return true; otherwise return false.
- */
-static int release_packed_ref_cache(struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs)
-	if (!--packed_refs->referrers) {
-		free_ref_entry(packed_refs->root);
-		stat_validity_clear(&packed_refs->validity);
-		free(packed_refs);
-		return 1;
-	} else {
-		return 0;
-	}
-static void clear_packed_ref_cache(struct ref_cache *refs)
-	if (refs->packed) {
-		struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs = refs->packed;
-		if (packed_refs->lock)
-			die("internal error: packed-ref cache cleared while locked");
-		refs->packed = NULL;
-		release_packed_ref_cache(packed_refs);
-	}
-static void clear_loose_ref_cache(struct ref_cache *refs)
-	if (refs->loose) {
-		free_ref_entry(refs->loose);
-		refs->loose = NULL;
-	}
-static struct ref_cache *create_ref_cache(const char *submodule)
-	int len;
-	struct ref_cache *refs;
-	if (!submodule)
-		submodule = "";
-	len = strlen(submodule) + 1;
-	refs = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct ref_cache) + len);
-	memcpy(refs->name, submodule, len);
-	return refs;
- * Return a pointer to a ref_cache for the specified submodule. For
- * the main repository, use submodule==NULL. The returned structure
- * will be allocated and initialized but not necessarily populated; it
- * should not be freed.
- */
-static struct ref_cache *get_ref_cache(const char *submodule)
-	struct ref_cache *refs;
-	if (!submodule || !*submodule)
-		return &ref_cache;
-	for (refs = submodule_ref_caches; refs; refs = refs->next)
-		if (!strcmp(submodule, refs->name))
-			return refs;
-	refs = create_ref_cache(submodule);
-	refs->next = submodule_ref_caches;
-	submodule_ref_caches = refs;
-	return refs;
-/* The length of a peeled reference line in packed-refs, including EOL: */
- * The packed-refs header line that we write out.  Perhaps other
- * traits will be added later.  The trailing space is required.
- */
-static const char PACKED_REFS_HEADER[] =
-	"# pack-refs with: peeled fully-peeled \n";
- * Parse one line from a packed-refs file.  Write the SHA1 to sha1.
- * Return a pointer to the refname within the line (null-terminated),
- * or NULL if there was a problem.
- */
-static const char *parse_ref_line(struct strbuf *line, unsigned char *sha1)
-	const char *ref;
-	/*
-	 * 42: the answer to everything.
-	 *
-	 * In this case, it happens to be the answer to
-	 *  40 (length of sha1 hex representation)
-	 *  +1 (space in between hex and name)
-	 *  +1 (newline at the end of the line)
-	 */
-	if (line->len <= 42)
-		return NULL;
-	if (get_sha1_hex(line->buf, sha1) < 0)
-		return NULL;
-	if (!isspace(line->buf[40]))
-		return NULL;
-	ref = line->buf + 41;
-	if (isspace(*ref))
-		return NULL;
-	if (line->buf[line->len - 1] != '\n')
-		return NULL;
-	line->buf[--line->len] = 0;
-	return ref;
- * Read f, which is a packed-refs file, into dir.
- *
- * A comment line of the form "# pack-refs with: " may contain zero or
- * more traits. We interpret the traits as follows:
- *
- *   No traits:
- *
- *      Probably no references are peeled. But if the file contains a
- *      peeled value for a reference, we will use it.
- *
- *   peeled:
- *
- *      References under "refs/tags/", if they *can* be peeled, *are*
- *      peeled in this file. References outside of "refs/tags/" are
- *      probably not peeled even if they could have been, but if we find
- *      a peeled value for such a reference we will use it.
- *
- *   fully-peeled:
- *
- *      All references in the file that can be peeled are peeled.
- *      Inversely (and this is more important), any references in the
- *      file for which no peeled value is recorded is not peelable. This
- *      trait should typically be written alongside "peeled" for
- *      compatibility with older clients, but we do not require it
- *      (i.e., "peeled" is a no-op if "fully-peeled" is set).
- */
-static void read_packed_refs(FILE *f, struct ref_dir *dir)
-	struct ref_entry *last = NULL;
-	struct strbuf line = STRBUF_INIT;
-	while (strbuf_getwholeline(&line, f, '\n') != EOF) {
-		unsigned char sha1[20];
-		const char *refname;
-		const char *traits;
-		if (skip_prefix(line.buf, "# pack-refs with:", &traits)) {
-			if (strstr(traits, " fully-peeled "))
-				peeled = PEELED_FULLY;
-			else if (strstr(traits, " peeled "))
-				peeled = PEELED_TAGS;
-			/* perhaps other traits later as well */
-			continue;
-		}
-		refname = parse_ref_line(&line, sha1);
-		if (refname) {
-			int flag = REF_ISPACKED;
-			if (check_refname_format(refname, REFNAME_ALLOW_ONELEVEL)) {
-				if (!refname_is_safe(refname))
-					die("packed refname is dangerous: %s", refname);
-				hashclr(sha1);
-			}
-			last = create_ref_entry(refname, sha1, flag, 0);
-			if (peeled == PEELED_FULLY ||
-			    (peeled == PEELED_TAGS && starts_with(refname, "refs/tags/")))
-				last->flag |= REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
-			add_ref(dir, last);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (last &&
-		    line.buf[0] == '^' &&
-		    line.len == PEELED_LINE_LENGTH &&
-		    line.buf[PEELED_LINE_LENGTH - 1] == '\n' &&
-		    !get_sha1_hex(line.buf + 1, sha1)) {
-			hashcpy(last->u.value.peeled.hash, sha1);
-			/*
-			 * Regardless of what the file header said,
-			 * we definitely know the value of *this*
-			 * reference:
-			 */
-			last->flag |= REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
-		}
-	}
-	strbuf_release(&line);
- * Get the packed_ref_cache for the specified ref_cache, creating it
- * if necessary.
- */
-static struct packed_ref_cache *get_packed_ref_cache(struct ref_cache *refs)
-	char *packed_refs_file;
-	if (*refs->name)
-		packed_refs_file = git_pathdup_submodule(refs->name, "packed-refs");
-	else
-		packed_refs_file = git_pathdup("packed-refs");
-	if (refs->packed &&
-	    !stat_validity_check(&refs->packed->validity, packed_refs_file))
-		clear_packed_ref_cache(refs);
-	if (!refs->packed) {
-		FILE *f;
-		refs->packed = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*refs->packed));
-		acquire_packed_ref_cache(refs->packed);
-		refs->packed->root = create_dir_entry(refs, "", 0, 0);
-		f = fopen(packed_refs_file, "r");
-		if (f) {
-			stat_validity_update(&refs->packed->validity, fileno(f));
-			read_packed_refs(f, get_ref_dir(refs->packed->root));
-			fclose(f);
-		}
-	}
-	free(packed_refs_file);
-	return refs->packed;
-static struct ref_dir *get_packed_ref_dir(struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache)
-	return get_ref_dir(packed_ref_cache->root);
-static struct ref_dir *get_packed_refs(struct ref_cache *refs)
-	return get_packed_ref_dir(get_packed_ref_cache(refs));
- * Add a reference to the in-memory packed reference cache.  This may
- * only be called while the packed-refs file is locked (see
- * lock_packed_refs()).  To actually write the packed-refs file, call
- * commit_packed_refs().
- */
-static void add_packed_ref(const char *refname, const unsigned char *sha1)
-	struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache =
-		get_packed_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
-	if (!packed_ref_cache->lock)
-		die("internal error: packed refs not locked");
-	add_ref(get_packed_ref_dir(packed_ref_cache),
-		create_ref_entry(refname, sha1, REF_ISPACKED, 1));
- * Read the loose references from the namespace dirname into dir
- * (without recursing).  dirname must end with '/'.  dir must be the
- * directory entry corresponding to dirname.
- */
-static void read_loose_refs(const char *dirname, struct ref_dir *dir)
-	struct ref_cache *refs = dir->ref_cache;
-	DIR *d;
-	struct dirent *de;
-	int dirnamelen = strlen(dirname);
-	struct strbuf refname;
-	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
-	size_t path_baselen;
-	if (*refs->name)
-		strbuf_git_path_submodule(&path, refs->name, "%s", dirname);
-	else
-		strbuf_git_path(&path, "%s", dirname);
-	path_baselen = path.len;
-	d = opendir(path.buf);
-	if (!d) {
-		strbuf_release(&path);
-		return;
-	}
-	strbuf_init(&refname, dirnamelen + 257);
-	strbuf_add(&refname, dirname, dirnamelen);
-	while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
-		unsigned char sha1[20];
-		struct stat st;
-		int flag;
-		if (de->d_name[0] == '.')
-			continue;
-		if (ends_with(de->d_name, ".lock"))
-			continue;
-		strbuf_addstr(&refname, de->d_name);
-		strbuf_addstr(&path, de->d_name);
-		if (stat(path.buf, &st) < 0) {
-			; /* silently ignore */
-		} else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
-			strbuf_addch(&refname, '/');
-			add_entry_to_dir(dir,
-					 create_dir_entry(refs, refname.buf,
-							  refname.len, 1));
-		} else {
-			int read_ok;
-			if (*refs->name) {
-				hashclr(sha1);
-				flag = 0;
-				read_ok = !resolve_gitlink_ref(refs->name,
-							       refname.buf, sha1);
-			} else {
-				read_ok = !read_ref_full(refname.buf,
-							 sha1, &flag);
-			}
-			if (!read_ok) {
-				hashclr(sha1);
-				flag |= REF_ISBROKEN;
-			} else if (is_null_sha1(sha1)) {
-				/*
-				 * It is so astronomically unlikely
-				 * that NULL_SHA1 is the SHA-1 of an
-				 * actual object that we consider its
-				 * appearance in a loose reference
-				 * file to be repo corruption
-				 * (probably due to a software bug).
-				 */
-				flag |= REF_ISBROKEN;
-			}
-			if (check_refname_format(refname.buf,
-				if (!refname_is_safe(refname.buf))
-					die("loose refname is dangerous: %s", refname.buf);
-				hashclr(sha1);
-			}
-			add_entry_to_dir(dir,
-					 create_ref_entry(refname.buf, sha1, flag, 0));
-		}
-		strbuf_setlen(&refname, dirnamelen);
-		strbuf_setlen(&path, path_baselen);
-	}
-	strbuf_release(&refname);
-	strbuf_release(&path);
-	closedir(d);
-static struct ref_dir *get_loose_refs(struct ref_cache *refs)
-	if (!refs->loose) {
-		/*
-		 * Mark the top-level directory complete because we
-		 * are about to read the only subdirectory that can
-		 * hold references:
-		 */
-		refs->loose = create_dir_entry(refs, "", 0, 0);
-		/*
-		 * Create an incomplete entry for "refs/":
-		 */
-		add_entry_to_dir(get_ref_dir(refs->loose),
-				 create_dir_entry(refs, "refs/", 5, 1));
-	}
-	return get_ref_dir(refs->loose);
-/* We allow "recursive" symbolic refs. Only within reason, though */
-#define MAXDEPTH 5
-#define MAXREFLEN (1024)
- * Called by resolve_gitlink_ref_recursive() after it failed to read
- * from the loose refs in ref_cache refs. Find <refname> in the
- * packed-refs file for the submodule.
- */
-static int resolve_gitlink_packed_ref(struct ref_cache *refs,
-				      const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1)
-	struct ref_entry *ref;
-	struct ref_dir *dir = get_packed_refs(refs);
-	ref = find_ref(dir, refname);
-	if (ref == NULL)
-		return -1;
-	hashcpy(sha1, ref->u.value.oid.hash);
-	return 0;
-static int resolve_gitlink_ref_recursive(struct ref_cache *refs,
-					 const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1,
-					 int recursion)
-	int fd, len;
-	char buffer[128], *p;
-	char *path;
-	if (recursion > MAXDEPTH || strlen(refname) > MAXREFLEN)
-		return -1;
-	path = *refs->name
-		? git_pathdup_submodule(refs->name, "%s", refname)
-		: git_pathdup("%s", refname);
-	fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
-	free(path);
-	if (fd < 0)
-		return resolve_gitlink_packed_ref(refs, refname, sha1);
-	len = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
-	close(fd);
-	if (len < 0)
-		return -1;
-	while (len && isspace(buffer[len-1]))
-		len--;
-	buffer[len] = 0;
-	/* Was it a detached head or an old-fashioned symlink? */
-	if (!get_sha1_hex(buffer, sha1))
-		return 0;
-	/* Symref? */
-	if (strncmp(buffer, "ref:", 4))
-		return -1;
-	p = buffer + 4;
-	while (isspace(*p))
-		p++;
-	return resolve_gitlink_ref_recursive(refs, p, sha1, recursion+1);
-int resolve_gitlink_ref(const char *path, const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1)
-	int len = strlen(path), retval;
-	char *submodule;
-	struct ref_cache *refs;
-	while (len && path[len-1] == '/')
-		len--;
-	if (!len)
-		return -1;
-	submodule = xstrndup(path, len);
-	refs = get_ref_cache(submodule);
-	free(submodule);
-	retval = resolve_gitlink_ref_recursive(refs, refname, sha1, 0);
-	return retval;
- * Return the ref_entry for the given refname from the packed
- * references.  If it does not exist, return NULL.
- */
-static struct ref_entry *get_packed_ref(const char *refname)
-	return find_ref(get_packed_refs(&ref_cache), refname);
- * A loose ref file doesn't exist; check for a packed ref.  The
- * options are forwarded from resolve_safe_unsafe().
- */
-static int resolve_missing_loose_ref(const char *refname,
-				     int resolve_flags,
-				     unsigned char *sha1,
-				     int *flags)
-	struct ref_entry *entry;
-	/*
-	 * The loose reference file does not exist; check for a packed
-	 * reference.
-	 */
-	entry = get_packed_ref(refname);
-	if (entry) {
-		hashcpy(sha1, entry->u.value.oid.hash);
-		if (flags)
-			*flags |= REF_ISPACKED;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* The reference is not a packed reference, either. */
-	if (resolve_flags & RESOLVE_REF_READING) {
-		errno = ENOENT;
-		return -1;
-	} else {
-		hashclr(sha1);
-		return 0;
-	}
-/* This function needs to return a meaningful errno on failure */
-static const char *resolve_ref_unsafe_1(const char *refname,
-					int resolve_flags,
-					unsigned char *sha1,
-					int *flags,
-					struct strbuf *sb_path)
-	int depth = MAXDEPTH;
-	ssize_t len;
-	char buffer[256];
-	static char refname_buffer[256];
-	int bad_name = 0;
-	if (flags)
-		*flags = 0;
-	if (check_refname_format(refname, REFNAME_ALLOW_ONELEVEL)) {
-		if (flags)
-			*flags |= REF_BAD_NAME;
-		if (!(resolve_flags & RESOLVE_REF_ALLOW_BAD_NAME) ||
-		    !refname_is_safe(refname)) {
-			errno = EINVAL;
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * dwim_ref() uses REF_ISBROKEN to distinguish between
-		 * missing refs and refs that were present but invalid,
-		 * to complain about the latter to stderr.
-		 *
-		 * We don't know whether the ref exists, so don't set
-		 * REF_ISBROKEN yet.
-		 */
-		bad_name = 1;
-	}
-	for (;;) {
-		const char *path;
-		struct stat st;
-		char *buf;
-		int fd;
-		if (--depth < 0) {
-			errno = ELOOP;
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		strbuf_reset(sb_path);
-		strbuf_git_path(sb_path, "%s", refname);
-		path = sb_path->buf;
-		/*
-		 * We might have to loop back here to avoid a race
-		 * condition: first we lstat() the file, then we try
-		 * to read it as a link or as a file.  But if somebody
-		 * changes the type of the file (file <-> directory
-		 * <-> symlink) between the lstat() and reading, then
-		 * we don't want to report that as an error but rather
-		 * try again starting with the lstat().
-		 */
-	stat_ref:
-		if (lstat(path, &st) < 0) {
-			if (errno != ENOENT)
-				return NULL;
-			if (resolve_missing_loose_ref(refname, resolve_flags,
-						      sha1, flags))
-				return NULL;
-			if (bad_name) {
-				hashclr(sha1);
-				if (flags)
-					*flags |= REF_ISBROKEN;
-			}
-			return refname;
-		}
-		/* Follow "normalized" - ie "refs/.." symlinks by hand */
-		if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
-			len = readlink(path, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
-			if (len < 0) {
-				if (errno == ENOENT || errno == EINVAL)
-					/* inconsistent with lstat; retry */
-					goto stat_ref;
-				else
-					return NULL;
-			}
-			buffer[len] = 0;
-			if (starts_with(buffer, "refs/") &&
-					!check_refname_format(buffer, 0)) {
-				strcpy(refname_buffer, buffer);
-				refname = refname_buffer;
-				if (flags)
-					*flags |= REF_ISSYMREF;
-				if (resolve_flags & RESOLVE_REF_NO_RECURSE) {
-					hashclr(sha1);
-					return refname;
-				}
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
-		/* Is it a directory? */
-		if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
-			errno = EISDIR;
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Anything else, just open it and try to use it as
-		 * a ref
-		 */
-		fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
-		if (fd < 0) {
-			if (errno == ENOENT)
-				/* inconsistent with lstat; retry */
-				goto stat_ref;
-			else
-				return NULL;
-		}
-		len = read_in_full(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
-		if (len < 0) {
-			int save_errno = errno;
-			close(fd);
-			errno = save_errno;
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		close(fd);
-		while (len && isspace(buffer[len-1]))
-			len--;
-		buffer[len] = '\0';
-		/*
-		 * Is it a symbolic ref?
-		 */
-		if (!starts_with(buffer, "ref:")) {
-			/*
-			 * Please note that FETCH_HEAD has a second
-			 * line containing other data.
-			 */
-			if (get_sha1_hex(buffer, sha1) ||
-			    (buffer[40] != '\0' && !isspace(buffer[40]))) {
-				if (flags)
-					*flags |= REF_ISBROKEN;
-				errno = EINVAL;
-				return NULL;
-			}
-			if (bad_name) {
-				hashclr(sha1);
-				if (flags)
-					*flags |= REF_ISBROKEN;
-			}
-			return refname;
-		}
-		if (flags)
-			*flags |= REF_ISSYMREF;
-		buf = buffer + 4;
-		while (isspace(*buf))
-			buf++;
-		refname = strcpy(refname_buffer, buf);
-		if (resolve_flags & RESOLVE_REF_NO_RECURSE) {
-			hashclr(sha1);
-			return refname;
-		}
-		if (check_refname_format(buf, REFNAME_ALLOW_ONELEVEL)) {
-			if (flags)
-				*flags |= REF_ISBROKEN;
-			if (!(resolve_flags & RESOLVE_REF_ALLOW_BAD_NAME) ||
-			    !refname_is_safe(buf)) {
-				errno = EINVAL;
-				return NULL;
-			}
-			bad_name = 1;
-		}
-	}
-const char *resolve_ref_unsafe(const char *refname, int resolve_flags,
-			       unsigned char *sha1, int *flags)
-	struct strbuf sb_path = STRBUF_INIT;
-	const char *ret = resolve_ref_unsafe_1(refname, resolve_flags,
-					       sha1, flags, &sb_path);
-	strbuf_release(&sb_path);
-	return ret;
 char *resolve_refdup(const char *refname, int resolve_flags,
 		     unsigned char *sha1, int *flags)
@@ -1805,39 +184,7 @@
 	return filter->fn(refname, oid, flags, filter->cb_data);
-enum peel_status {
-	/* object was peeled successfully: */
-	/*
-	 * object cannot be peeled because the named object (or an
-	 * object referred to by a tag in the peel chain), does not
-	 * exist.
-	 */
-	/* object cannot be peeled because it is not a tag: */
-	PEEL_NON_TAG = -2,
-	/* ref_entry contains no peeled value because it is a symref: */
-	/*
-	 * ref_entry cannot be peeled because it is broken (i.e., the
-	 * symbolic reference cannot even be resolved to an object
-	 * name):
-	 */
- * Peel the named object; i.e., if the object is a tag, resolve the
- * tag recursively until a non-tag is found.  If successful, store the
- * result to sha1 and return PEEL_PEELED.  If the object is not a tag
- * or is not valid, return PEEL_NON_TAG or PEEL_INVALID, respectively,
- * and leave sha1 unchanged.
- */
-static enum peel_status peel_object(const unsigned char *name, unsigned char *sha1)
+enum peel_status peel_object(const unsigned char *name, unsigned char *sha1)
 	struct object *o = lookup_unknown_object(name);
@@ -1854,82 +201,10 @@
 	if (!o)
 		return PEEL_INVALID;
-	hashcpy(sha1, o->sha1);
+	hashcpy(sha1, o->oid.hash);
 	return PEEL_PEELED;
- * Peel the entry (if possible) and return its new peel_status.  If
- * repeel is true, re-peel the entry even if there is an old peeled
- * value that is already stored in it.
- *
- * It is OK to call this function with a packed reference entry that
- * might be stale and might even refer to an object that has since
- * been garbage-collected.  In such a case, if the entry has
- * REF_KNOWS_PEELED then leave the status unchanged and return
- * PEEL_PEELED or PEEL_NON_TAG; otherwise, return PEEL_INVALID.
- */
-static enum peel_status peel_entry(struct ref_entry *entry, int repeel)
-	enum peel_status status;
-	if (entry->flag & REF_KNOWS_PEELED) {
-		if (repeel) {
-			entry->flag &= ~REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
-			oidclr(&entry->u.value.peeled);
-		} else {
-			return is_null_oid(&entry->u.value.peeled) ?
-		}
-	}
-	if (entry->flag & REF_ISBROKEN)
-		return PEEL_BROKEN;
-	if (entry->flag & REF_ISSYMREF)
-		return PEEL_IS_SYMREF;
-	status = peel_object(entry->u.value.oid.hash, entry->u.value.peeled.hash);
-	if (status == PEEL_PEELED || status == PEEL_NON_TAG)
-		entry->flag |= REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
-	return status;
-int peel_ref(const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1)
-	int flag;
-	unsigned char base[20];
-	if (current_ref && (current_ref->name == refname
-			    || !strcmp(current_ref->name, refname))) {
-		if (peel_entry(current_ref, 0))
-			return -1;
-		hashcpy(sha1, current_ref->u.value.peeled.hash);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (read_ref_full(refname, RESOLVE_REF_READING, base, &flag))
-		return -1;
-	/*
-	 * If the reference is packed, read its ref_entry from the
-	 * cache in the hope that we already know its peeled value.
-	 * We only try this optimization on packed references because
-	 * (a) forcing the filling of the loose reference cache could
-	 * be expensive and (b) loose references anyway usually do not
-	 */
-	if (flag & REF_ISPACKED) {
-		struct ref_entry *r = get_packed_ref(refname);
-		if (r) {
-			if (peel_entry(r, 0))
-				return -1;
-			hashcpy(sha1, r->u.value.peeled.hash);
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	return peel_object(base, sha1);
 struct warn_if_dangling_data {
 	FILE *fp;
 	const char *refname;
@@ -1982,138 +257,6 @@
 	for_each_rawref(warn_if_dangling_symref, &data);
- * Call fn for each reference in the specified ref_cache, omitting
- * references not in the containing_dir of base.  fn is called for all
- * references, including broken ones.  If fn ever returns a non-zero
- * value, stop the iteration and return that value; otherwise, return
- * 0.
- */
-static int do_for_each_entry(struct ref_cache *refs, const char *base,
-			     each_ref_entry_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache;
-	struct ref_dir *loose_dir;
-	struct ref_dir *packed_dir;
-	int retval = 0;
-	/*
-	 * We must make sure that all loose refs are read before accessing the
-	 * packed-refs file; this avoids a race condition in which loose refs
-	 * are migrated to the packed-refs file by a simultaneous process, but
-	 * our in-memory view is from before the migration. get_packed_ref_cache()
-	 * takes care of making sure our view is up to date with what is on
-	 * disk.
-	 */
-	loose_dir = get_loose_refs(refs);
-	if (base && *base) {
-		loose_dir = find_containing_dir(loose_dir, base, 0);
-	}
-	if (loose_dir)
-		prime_ref_dir(loose_dir);
-	packed_ref_cache = get_packed_ref_cache(refs);
-	acquire_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
-	packed_dir = get_packed_ref_dir(packed_ref_cache);
-	if (base && *base) {
-		packed_dir = find_containing_dir(packed_dir, base, 0);
-	}
-	if (packed_dir && loose_dir) {
-		sort_ref_dir(packed_dir);
-		sort_ref_dir(loose_dir);
-		retval = do_for_each_entry_in_dirs(
-				packed_dir, loose_dir, fn, cb_data);
-	} else if (packed_dir) {
-		sort_ref_dir(packed_dir);
-		retval = do_for_each_entry_in_dir(
-				packed_dir, 0, fn, cb_data);
-	} else if (loose_dir) {
-		sort_ref_dir(loose_dir);
-		retval = do_for_each_entry_in_dir(
-				loose_dir, 0, fn, cb_data);
-	}
-	release_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
-	return retval;
- * Call fn for each reference in the specified ref_cache for which the
- * refname begins with base.  If trim is non-zero, then trim that many
- * characters off the beginning of each refname before passing the
- * refname to fn.  flags can be DO_FOR_EACH_INCLUDE_BROKEN to include
- * broken references in the iteration.  If fn ever returns a non-zero
- * value, stop the iteration and return that value; otherwise, return
- * 0.
- */
-static int do_for_each_ref(struct ref_cache *refs, const char *base,
-			   each_ref_fn fn, int trim, int flags, void *cb_data)
-	struct ref_entry_cb data;
-	data.base = base;
-	data.trim = trim;
-	data.flags = flags;
-	data.fn = fn;
-	data.cb_data = cb_data;
-	if (ref_paranoia < 0)
-		ref_paranoia = git_env_bool("GIT_REF_PARANOIA", 0);
-	if (ref_paranoia)
-		data.flags |= DO_FOR_EACH_INCLUDE_BROKEN;
-	return do_for_each_entry(refs, base, do_one_ref, &data);
-static int do_head_ref(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	struct object_id oid;
-	int flag;
-	if (submodule) {
-		if (resolve_gitlink_ref(submodule, "HEAD", oid.hash) == 0)
-			return fn("HEAD", &oid, 0, cb_data);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (!read_ref_full("HEAD", RESOLVE_REF_READING, oid.hash, &flag))
-		return fn("HEAD", &oid, flag, cb_data);
-	return 0;
-int head_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	return do_head_ref(NULL, fn, cb_data);
-int head_ref_submodule(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	return do_head_ref(submodule, fn, cb_data);
-int for_each_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	return do_for_each_ref(&ref_cache, "", fn, 0, 0, cb_data);
-int for_each_ref_submodule(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	return do_for_each_ref(get_ref_cache(submodule), "", fn, 0, 0, cb_data);
-int for_each_ref_in(const char *prefix, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	return do_for_each_ref(&ref_cache, prefix, fn, strlen(prefix), 0, cb_data);
-int for_each_ref_in_submodule(const char *submodule, const char *prefix,
-		each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	return do_for_each_ref(get_ref_cache(submodule), prefix, fn, strlen(prefix), 0, cb_data);
 int for_each_tag_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
 	return for_each_ref_in("refs/tags/", fn, cb_data);
@@ -2144,12 +287,6 @@
 	return for_each_ref_in_submodule(submodule, "refs/remotes/", fn, cb_data);
-int for_each_replace_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	return do_for_each_ref(&ref_cache, git_replace_ref_base, fn,
-			       strlen(git_replace_ref_base), 0, cb_data);
 int head_ref_namespaced(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -2165,16 +302,6 @@
 	return ret;
-int for_each_namespaced_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
-	int ret;
-	strbuf_addf(&buf, "%srefs/", get_git_namespace());
-	ret = do_for_each_ref(&ref_cache, buf.buf, fn, 0, 0, cb_data);
-	strbuf_release(&buf);
-	return ret;
 int for_each_glob_ref_in(each_ref_fn fn, const char *pattern,
 	const char *prefix, void *cb_data)
@@ -2190,8 +317,7 @@
 	if (!has_glob_specials(pattern)) {
 		/* Append implied '/' '*' if not present. */
-		if (real_pattern.buf[real_pattern.len - 1] != '/')
-			strbuf_addch(&real_pattern, '/');
+		strbuf_complete(&real_pattern, '/');
 		/* No need to check for '*', there is none. */
 		strbuf_addch(&real_pattern, '*');
@@ -2210,12 +336,6 @@
 	return for_each_glob_ref_in(fn, pattern, NULL, cb_data);
-int for_each_rawref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	return do_for_each_ref(&ref_cache, "", fn, 0,
-			       DO_FOR_EACH_INCLUDE_BROKEN, cb_data);
 const char *prettify_refname(const char *name)
 	return name + (
@@ -2249,57 +369,6 @@
 	return 0;
-static void unlock_ref(struct ref_lock *lock)
-	/* Do not free lock->lk -- atexit() still looks at them */
-	if (lock->lk)
-		rollback_lock_file(lock->lk);
-	free(lock->ref_name);
-	free(lock->orig_ref_name);
-	free(lock);
- * Verify that the reference locked by lock has the value old_sha1.
- * Fail if the reference doesn't exist and mustexist is set. Return 0
- * on success. On error, write an error message to err, set errno, and
- * return a negative value.
- */
-static int verify_lock(struct ref_lock *lock,
-		       const unsigned char *old_sha1, int mustexist,
-		       struct strbuf *err)
-	assert(err);
-	if (read_ref_full(lock->ref_name,
-			  mustexist ? RESOLVE_REF_READING : 0,
-			  lock->old_oid.hash, NULL)) {
-		int save_errno = errno;
-		strbuf_addf(err, "can't verify ref %s", lock->ref_name);
-		errno = save_errno;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (hashcmp(lock->old_oid.hash, old_sha1)) {
-		strbuf_addf(err, "ref %s is at %s but expected %s",
-			    lock->ref_name,
-			    sha1_to_hex(lock->old_oid.hash),
-			    sha1_to_hex(old_sha1));
-		errno = EBUSY;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int remove_empty_directories(struct strbuf *path)
-	/*
-	 * we want to create a file but there is a directory there;
-	 * if that is an empty directory (or a directory that contains
-	 * only empty directories), remove them.
-	 */
-	return remove_dir_recursively(path, REMOVE_DIR_EMPTY_ONLY);
  * *string and *len will only be substituted, and *string returned (for
  * later free()ing) if the string passed in is a magic short-hand form
@@ -2386,477 +455,10 @@
 	return logs_found;
- * Locks a ref returning the lock on success and NULL on failure.
- * On failure errno is set to something meaningful.
- */
-static struct ref_lock *lock_ref_sha1_basic(const char *refname,
-					    const unsigned char *old_sha1,
-					    const struct string_list *extras,
-					    const struct string_list *skip,
-					    unsigned int flags, int *type_p,
-					    struct strbuf *err)
-	struct strbuf ref_file = STRBUF_INIT;
-	struct strbuf orig_ref_file = STRBUF_INIT;
-	const char *orig_refname = refname;
-	struct ref_lock *lock;
-	int last_errno = 0;
-	int type, lflags;
-	int mustexist = (old_sha1 && !is_null_sha1(old_sha1));
-	int resolve_flags = 0;
-	int attempts_remaining = 3;
-	assert(err);
-	lock = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct ref_lock));
-	if (mustexist)
-		resolve_flags |= RESOLVE_REF_READING;
-	if (flags & REF_DELETING) {
-		resolve_flags |= RESOLVE_REF_ALLOW_BAD_NAME;
-		if (flags & REF_NODEREF)
-			resolve_flags |= RESOLVE_REF_NO_RECURSE;
-	}
-	refname = resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, resolve_flags,
-				     lock->old_oid.hash, &type);
-	if (!refname && errno == EISDIR) {
-		/*
-		 * we are trying to lock foo but we used to
-		 * have foo/bar which now does not exist;
-		 * it is normal for the empty directory 'foo'
-		 * to remain.
-		 */
-		strbuf_git_path(&orig_ref_file, "%s", orig_refname);
-		if (remove_empty_directories(&orig_ref_file)) {
-			last_errno = errno;
-			if (!verify_refname_available(orig_refname, extras, skip,
-						      get_loose_refs(&ref_cache), err))
-				strbuf_addf(err, "there are still refs under '%s'",
-					    orig_refname);
-			goto error_return;
-		}
-		refname = resolve_ref_unsafe(orig_refname, resolve_flags,
-					     lock->old_oid.hash, &type);
-	}
-	if (type_p)
-	    *type_p = type;
-	if (!refname) {
-		last_errno = errno;
-		if (last_errno != ENOTDIR ||
-		    !verify_refname_available(orig_refname, extras, skip,
-					      get_loose_refs(&ref_cache), err))
-			strbuf_addf(err, "unable to resolve reference %s: %s",
-				    orig_refname, strerror(last_errno));
-		goto error_return;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If the ref did not exist and we are creating it, make sure
-	 * there is no existing packed ref whose name begins with our
-	 * refname, nor a packed ref whose name is a proper prefix of
-	 * our refname.
-	 */
-	if (is_null_oid(&lock->old_oid) &&
-	    verify_refname_available(refname, extras, skip,
-				     get_packed_refs(&ref_cache), err)) {
-		last_errno = ENOTDIR;
-		goto error_return;
-	}
-	lock->lk = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct lock_file));
-	lflags = 0;
-	if (flags & REF_NODEREF) {
-		refname = orig_refname;
-		lflags |= LOCK_NO_DEREF;
-	}
-	lock->ref_name = xstrdup(refname);
-	lock->orig_ref_name = xstrdup(orig_refname);
-	strbuf_git_path(&ref_file, "%s", refname);
- retry:
-	switch (safe_create_leading_directories_const(ref_file.buf)) {
-	case SCLD_OK:
-		break; /* success */
-		if (--attempts_remaining > 0)
-			goto retry;
-		/* fall through */
-	default:
-		last_errno = errno;
-		strbuf_addf(err, "unable to create directory for %s",
-			    ref_file.buf);
-		goto error_return;
-	}
-	if (hold_lock_file_for_update(lock->lk, ref_file.buf, lflags) < 0) {
-		last_errno = errno;
-		if (errno == ENOENT && --attempts_remaining > 0)
-			/*
-			 * Maybe somebody just deleted one of the
-			 * directories leading to ref_file.  Try
-			 * again:
-			 */
-			goto retry;
-		else {
-			unable_to_lock_message(ref_file.buf, errno, err);
-			goto error_return;
-		}
-	}
-	if (old_sha1 && verify_lock(lock, old_sha1, mustexist, err)) {
-		last_errno = errno;
-		goto error_return;
-	}
-	goto out;
- error_return:
-	unlock_ref(lock);
-	lock = NULL;
- out:
-	strbuf_release(&ref_file);
-	strbuf_release(&orig_ref_file);
-	errno = last_errno;
-	return lock;
- * Write an entry to the packed-refs file for the specified refname.
- * If peeled is non-NULL, write it as the entry's peeled value.
- */
-static void write_packed_entry(FILE *fh, char *refname, unsigned char *sha1,
-			       unsigned char *peeled)
-	fprintf_or_die(fh, "%s %s\n", sha1_to_hex(sha1), refname);
-	if (peeled)
-		fprintf_or_die(fh, "^%s\n", sha1_to_hex(peeled));
- * An each_ref_entry_fn that writes the entry to a packed-refs file.
- */
-static int write_packed_entry_fn(struct ref_entry *entry, void *cb_data)
-	enum peel_status peel_status = peel_entry(entry, 0);
-	if (peel_status != PEEL_PEELED && peel_status != PEEL_NON_TAG)
-		error("internal error: %s is not a valid packed reference!",
-		      entry->name);
-	write_packed_entry(cb_data, entry->name, entry->u.value.oid.hash,
-			   peel_status == PEEL_PEELED ?
-			   entry->u.value.peeled.hash : NULL);
-	return 0;
- * Lock the packed-refs file for writing. Flags is passed to
- * hold_lock_file_for_update(). Return 0 on success. On errors, set
- * errno appropriately and return a nonzero value.
- */
-static int lock_packed_refs(int flags)
-	static int timeout_configured = 0;
-	static int timeout_value = 1000;
-	struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache;
-	if (!timeout_configured) {
-		git_config_get_int("core.packedrefstimeout", &timeout_value);
-		timeout_configured = 1;
-	}
-	if (hold_lock_file_for_update_timeout(
-			    &packlock, git_path("packed-refs"),
-			    flags, timeout_value) < 0)
-		return -1;
-	/*
-	 * Get the current packed-refs while holding the lock.  If the
-	 * packed-refs file has been modified since we last read it,
-	 * this will automatically invalidate the cache and re-read
-	 * the packed-refs file.
-	 */
-	packed_ref_cache = get_packed_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
-	packed_ref_cache->lock = &packlock;
-	/* Increment the reference count to prevent it from being freed: */
-	acquire_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
-	return 0;
- * Write the current version of the packed refs cache from memory to
- * disk. The packed-refs file must already be locked for writing (see
- * lock_packed_refs()). Return zero on success. On errors, set errno
- * and return a nonzero value
- */
-static int commit_packed_refs(void)
-	struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache =
-		get_packed_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
-	int error = 0;
-	int save_errno = 0;
-	FILE *out;
-	if (!packed_ref_cache->lock)
-		die("internal error: packed-refs not locked");
-	out = fdopen_lock_file(packed_ref_cache->lock, "w");
-	if (!out)
-		die_errno("unable to fdopen packed-refs descriptor");
-	fprintf_or_die(out, "%s", PACKED_REFS_HEADER);
-	do_for_each_entry_in_dir(get_packed_ref_dir(packed_ref_cache),
-				 0, write_packed_entry_fn, out);
-	if (commit_lock_file(packed_ref_cache->lock)) {
-		save_errno = errno;
-		error = -1;
-	}
-	packed_ref_cache->lock = NULL;
-	release_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
-	errno = save_errno;
-	return error;
- * Rollback the lockfile for the packed-refs file, and discard the
- * in-memory packed reference cache.  (The packed-refs file will be
- * read anew if it is needed again after this function is called.)
- */
-static void rollback_packed_refs(void)
-	struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache =
-		get_packed_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
-	if (!packed_ref_cache->lock)
-		die("internal error: packed-refs not locked");
-	rollback_lock_file(packed_ref_cache->lock);
-	packed_ref_cache->lock = NULL;
-	release_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
-	clear_packed_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
-struct ref_to_prune {
-	struct ref_to_prune *next;
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
-	char name[FLEX_ARRAY];
-struct pack_refs_cb_data {
-	unsigned int flags;
-	struct ref_dir *packed_refs;
-	struct ref_to_prune *ref_to_prune;
- * An each_ref_entry_fn that is run over loose references only.  If
- * the loose reference can be packed, add an entry in the packed ref
- * cache.  If the reference should be pruned, also add it to
- * ref_to_prune in the pack_refs_cb_data.
- */
-static int pack_if_possible_fn(struct ref_entry *entry, void *cb_data)
-	struct pack_refs_cb_data *cb = cb_data;
-	enum peel_status peel_status;
-	struct ref_entry *packed_entry;
-	int is_tag_ref = starts_with(entry->name, "refs/tags/");
-	/* ALWAYS pack tags */
-	if (!(cb->flags & PACK_REFS_ALL) && !is_tag_ref)
-		return 0;
-	/* Do not pack symbolic or broken refs: */
-	if ((entry->flag & REF_ISSYMREF) || !ref_resolves_to_object(entry))
-		return 0;
-	/* Add a packed ref cache entry equivalent to the loose entry. */
-	peel_status = peel_entry(entry, 1);
-	if (peel_status != PEEL_PEELED && peel_status != PEEL_NON_TAG)
-		die("internal error peeling reference %s (%s)",
-		    entry->name, oid_to_hex(&entry->u.value.oid));
-	packed_entry = find_ref(cb->packed_refs, entry->name);
-	if (packed_entry) {
-		/* Overwrite existing packed entry with info from loose entry */
-		packed_entry->flag = REF_ISPACKED | REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
-		oidcpy(&packed_entry->u.value.oid, &entry->u.value.oid);
-	} else {
-		packed_entry = create_ref_entry(entry->name, entry->u.value.oid.hash,
-		add_ref(cb->packed_refs, packed_entry);
-	}
-	oidcpy(&packed_entry->u.value.peeled, &entry->u.value.peeled);
-	/* Schedule the loose reference for pruning if requested. */
-	if ((cb->flags & PACK_REFS_PRUNE)) {
-		int namelen = strlen(entry->name) + 1;
-		struct ref_to_prune *n = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*n) + namelen);
-		hashcpy(n->sha1, entry->u.value.oid.hash);
-		strcpy(n->name, entry->name);
-		n->next = cb->ref_to_prune;
-		cb->ref_to_prune = n;
-	}
-	return 0;
- * Remove empty parents, but spare refs/ and immediate subdirs.
- * Note: munges *name.
- */
-static void try_remove_empty_parents(char *name)
-	char *p, *q;
-	int i;
-	p = name;
-	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* refs/{heads,tags,...}/ */
-		while (*p && *p != '/')
-			p++;
-		/* tolerate duplicate slashes; see check_refname_format() */
-		while (*p == '/')
-			p++;
-	}
-	for (q = p; *q; q++)
-		;
-	while (1) {
-		while (q > p && *q != '/')
-			q--;
-		while (q > p && *(q-1) == '/')
-			q--;
-		if (q == p)
-			break;
-		*q = '\0';
-		if (rmdir(git_path("%s", name)))
-			break;
-	}
-/* make sure nobody touched the ref, and unlink */
-static void prune_ref(struct ref_to_prune *r)
-	struct ref_transaction *transaction;
-	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
-	if (check_refname_format(r->name, 0))
-		return;
-	transaction = ref_transaction_begin(&err);
-	if (!transaction ||
-	    ref_transaction_delete(transaction, r->name, r->sha1,
-				   REF_ISPRUNING, NULL, &err) ||
-	    ref_transaction_commit(transaction, &err)) {
-		ref_transaction_free(transaction);
-		error("%s", err.buf);
-		strbuf_release(&err);
-		return;
-	}
-	ref_transaction_free(transaction);
-	strbuf_release(&err);
-	try_remove_empty_parents(r->name);
-static void prune_refs(struct ref_to_prune *r)
-	while (r) {
-		prune_ref(r);
-		r = r->next;
-	}
-int pack_refs(unsigned int flags)
-	struct pack_refs_cb_data cbdata;
-	memset(&cbdata, 0, sizeof(cbdata));
-	cbdata.flags = flags;
-	lock_packed_refs(LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
-	cbdata.packed_refs = get_packed_refs(&ref_cache);
-	do_for_each_entry_in_dir(get_loose_refs(&ref_cache), 0,
-				 pack_if_possible_fn, &cbdata);
-	if (commit_packed_refs())
-		die_errno("unable to overwrite old ref-pack file");
-	prune_refs(cbdata.ref_to_prune);
-	return 0;
- * Rewrite the packed-refs file, omitting any refs listed in
- * 'refnames'. On error, leave packed-refs unchanged, write an error
- * message to 'err', and return a nonzero value.
- *
- * The refs in 'refnames' needn't be sorted. `err` must not be NULL.
- */
-static int repack_without_refs(struct string_list *refnames, struct strbuf *err)
-	struct ref_dir *packed;
-	struct string_list_item *refname;
-	int ret, needs_repacking = 0, removed = 0;
-	assert(err);
-	/* Look for a packed ref */
-	for_each_string_list_item(refname, refnames) {
-		if (get_packed_ref(refname->string)) {
-			needs_repacking = 1;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Avoid locking if we have nothing to do */
-	if (!needs_repacking)
-		return 0; /* no refname exists in packed refs */
-	if (lock_packed_refs(0)) {
-		unable_to_lock_message(git_path("packed-refs"), errno, err);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	packed = get_packed_refs(&ref_cache);
-	/* Remove refnames from the cache */
-	for_each_string_list_item(refname, refnames)
-		if (remove_entry(packed, refname->string) != -1)
-			removed = 1;
-	if (!removed) {
-		/*
-		 * All packed entries disappeared while we were
-		 * acquiring the lock.
-		 */
-		rollback_packed_refs();
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* Write what remains */
-	ret = commit_packed_refs();
-	if (ret)
-		strbuf_addf(err, "unable to overwrite old ref-pack file: %s",
-			    strerror(errno));
-	return ret;
-static int delete_ref_loose(struct ref_lock *lock, int flag, struct strbuf *err)
-	assert(err);
-	if (!(flag & REF_ISPACKED) || flag & REF_ISSYMREF) {
-		/*
-		 * loose.  The loose file name is the same as the
-		 * lockfile name, minus ".lock":
-		 */
-		char *loose_filename = get_locked_file_path(lock->lk);
-		int res = unlink_or_msg(loose_filename, err);
-		free(loose_filename);
-		if (res)
-			return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
 static int is_per_worktree_ref(const char *refname)
-	return !strcmp(refname, "HEAD");
+	return !strcmp(refname, "HEAD") ||
+		starts_with(refname, "refs/bisect/");
 static int is_pseudoref_syntax(const char *refname)
@@ -2980,254 +582,7 @@
 	return 0;
-int delete_refs(struct string_list *refnames)
-	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
-	int i, result = 0;
-	if (!refnames->nr)
-		return 0;
-	result = repack_without_refs(refnames, &err);
-	if (result) {
-		/*
-		 * If we failed to rewrite the packed-refs file, then
-		 * it is unsafe to try to remove loose refs, because
-		 * doing so might expose an obsolete packed value for
-		 * a reference that might even point at an object that
-		 * has been garbage collected.
-		 */
-		if (refnames->nr == 1)
-			error(_("could not delete reference %s: %s"),
-			      refnames->items[0].string, err.buf);
-		else
-			error(_("could not delete references: %s"), err.buf);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < refnames->nr; i++) {
-		const char *refname = refnames->items[i].string;
-		if (delete_ref(refname, NULL, 0))
-			result |= error(_("could not remove reference %s"), refname);
-	}
-	strbuf_release(&err);
-	return result;
- * People using contrib's git-new-workdir have .git/logs/refs ->
- * /some/other/path/.git/logs/refs, and that may live on another device.
- *
- * IOW, to avoid cross device rename errors, the temporary renamed log must
- * live into logs/refs.
- */
-#define TMP_RENAMED_LOG  "logs/refs/.tmp-renamed-log"
-static int rename_tmp_log(const char *newrefname)
-	int attempts_remaining = 4;
-	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
-	int ret = -1;
- retry:
-	strbuf_reset(&path);
-	strbuf_git_path(&path, "logs/%s", newrefname);
-	switch (safe_create_leading_directories_const(path.buf)) {
-	case SCLD_OK:
-		break; /* success */
-		if (--attempts_remaining > 0)
-			goto retry;
-		/* fall through */
-	default:
-		error("unable to create directory for %s", newrefname);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (rename(git_path(TMP_RENAMED_LOG), path.buf)) {
-		if ((errno==EISDIR || errno==ENOTDIR) && --attempts_remaining > 0) {
-			/*
-			 * rename(a, b) when b is an existing
-			 * directory ought to result in ISDIR, but
-			 * Solaris 5.8 gives ENOTDIR.  Sheesh.
-			 */
-			if (remove_empty_directories(&path)) {
-				error("Directory not empty: logs/%s", newrefname);
-				goto out;
-			}
-			goto retry;
-		} else if (errno == ENOENT && --attempts_remaining > 0) {
-			/*
-			 * Maybe another process just deleted one of
-			 * the directories in the path to newrefname.
-			 * Try again from the beginning.
-			 */
-			goto retry;
-		} else {
-			error("unable to move logfile "TMP_RENAMED_LOG" to logs/%s: %s",
-				newrefname, strerror(errno));
-			goto out;
-		}
-	}
-	ret = 0;
-	strbuf_release(&path);
-	return ret;
-static int rename_ref_available(const char *oldname, const char *newname)
-	struct string_list skip = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
-	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
-	int ret;
-	string_list_insert(&skip, oldname);
-	ret = !verify_refname_available(newname, NULL, &skip,
-					get_packed_refs(&ref_cache), &err)
-		&& !verify_refname_available(newname, NULL, &skip,
-					     get_loose_refs(&ref_cache), &err);
-	if (!ret)
-		error("%s", err.buf);
-	string_list_clear(&skip, 0);
-	strbuf_release(&err);
-	return ret;
-static int write_ref_to_lockfile(struct ref_lock *lock,
-				 const unsigned char *sha1, struct strbuf *err);
-static int commit_ref_update(struct ref_lock *lock,
-			     const unsigned char *sha1, const char *logmsg,
-			     int flags, struct strbuf *err);
-int rename_ref(const char *oldrefname, const char *newrefname, const char *logmsg)
-	unsigned char sha1[20], orig_sha1[20];
-	int flag = 0, logmoved = 0;
-	struct ref_lock *lock;
-	struct stat loginfo;
-	int log = !lstat(git_path("logs/%s", oldrefname), &loginfo);
-	const char *symref = NULL;
-	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
-	if (log && S_ISLNK(loginfo.st_mode))
-		return error("reflog for %s is a symlink", oldrefname);
-	symref = resolve_ref_unsafe(oldrefname, RESOLVE_REF_READING,
-				    orig_sha1, &flag);
-	if (flag & REF_ISSYMREF)
-		return error("refname %s is a symbolic ref, renaming it is not supported",
-			oldrefname);
-	if (!symref)
-		return error("refname %s not found", oldrefname);
-	if (!rename_ref_available(oldrefname, newrefname))
-		return 1;
-	if (log && rename(git_path("logs/%s", oldrefname), git_path(TMP_RENAMED_LOG)))
-		return error("unable to move logfile logs/%s to "TMP_RENAMED_LOG": %s",
-			oldrefname, strerror(errno));
-	if (delete_ref(oldrefname, orig_sha1, REF_NODEREF)) {
-		error("unable to delete old %s", oldrefname);
-		goto rollback;
-	}
-	if (!read_ref_full(newrefname, RESOLVE_REF_READING, sha1, NULL) &&
-	    delete_ref(newrefname, sha1, REF_NODEREF)) {
-		if (errno==EISDIR) {
-			struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
-			int result;
-			strbuf_git_path(&path, "%s", newrefname);
-			result = remove_empty_directories(&path);
-			strbuf_release(&path);
-			if (result) {
-				error("Directory not empty: %s", newrefname);
-				goto rollback;
-			}
-		} else {
-			error("unable to delete existing %s", newrefname);
-			goto rollback;
-		}
-	}
-	if (log && rename_tmp_log(newrefname))
-		goto rollback;
-	logmoved = log;
-	lock = lock_ref_sha1_basic(newrefname, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err);
-	if (!lock) {
-		error("unable to rename '%s' to '%s': %s", oldrefname, newrefname, err.buf);
-		strbuf_release(&err);
-		goto rollback;
-	}
-	hashcpy(lock->old_oid.hash, orig_sha1);
-	if (write_ref_to_lockfile(lock, orig_sha1, &err) ||
-	    commit_ref_update(lock, orig_sha1, logmsg, 0, &err)) {
-		error("unable to write current sha1 into %s: %s", newrefname, err.buf);
-		strbuf_release(&err);
-		goto rollback;
-	}
-	return 0;
- rollback:
-	lock = lock_ref_sha1_basic(oldrefname, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err);
-	if (!lock) {
-		error("unable to lock %s for rollback: %s", oldrefname, err.buf);
-		strbuf_release(&err);
-		goto rollbacklog;
-	}
-	flag = log_all_ref_updates;
-	log_all_ref_updates = 0;
-	if (write_ref_to_lockfile(lock, orig_sha1, &err) ||
-	    commit_ref_update(lock, orig_sha1, NULL, 0, &err)) {
-		error("unable to write current sha1 into %s: %s", oldrefname, err.buf);
-		strbuf_release(&err);
-	}
-	log_all_ref_updates = flag;
- rollbacklog:
-	if (logmoved && rename(git_path("logs/%s", newrefname), git_path("logs/%s", oldrefname)))
-		error("unable to restore logfile %s from %s: %s",
-			oldrefname, newrefname, strerror(errno));
-	if (!logmoved && log &&
-	    rename(git_path(TMP_RENAMED_LOG), git_path("logs/%s", oldrefname)))
-		error("unable to restore logfile %s from "TMP_RENAMED_LOG": %s",
-			oldrefname, strerror(errno));
-	return 1;
-static int close_ref(struct ref_lock *lock)
-	if (close_lock_file(lock->lk))
-		return -1;
-	return 0;
-static int commit_ref(struct ref_lock *lock)
-	if (commit_lock_file(lock->lk))
-		return -1;
-	return 0;
- * copy the reflog message msg to buf, which has been allocated sufficiently
- * large, while cleaning up the whitespaces.  Especially, convert LF to space,
- * because reflog file is one line per entry.
- */
-static int copy_msg(char *buf, const char *msg)
+int copy_reflog_msg(char *buf, const char *msg)
 	char *cp = buf;
 	char c;
@@ -3248,7 +603,7 @@
 	return cp - buf;
-static int should_autocreate_reflog(const char *refname)
+int should_autocreate_reflog(const char *refname)
 	if (!log_all_ref_updates)
 		return 0;
@@ -3258,305 +613,11 @@
 		!strcmp(refname, "HEAD");
- * Create a reflog for a ref.  If force_create = 0, the reflog will
- * only be created for certain refs (those for which
- * should_autocreate_reflog returns non-zero.  Otherwise, create it
- * regardless of the ref name.  Fill in *err and return -1 on failure.
- */
-static int log_ref_setup(const char *refname, struct strbuf *logfile, struct strbuf *err, int force_create)
-	int logfd, oflags = O_APPEND | O_WRONLY;
-	strbuf_git_path(logfile, "logs/%s", refname);
-	if (force_create || should_autocreate_reflog(refname)) {
-		if (safe_create_leading_directories(logfile->buf) < 0) {
-			strbuf_addf(err, "unable to create directory for %s: "
-				    "%s", logfile->buf, strerror(errno));
-			return -1;
-		}
-		oflags |= O_CREAT;
-	}
-	logfd = open(logfile->buf, oflags, 0666);
-	if (logfd < 0) {
-		if (!(oflags & O_CREAT) && (errno == ENOENT || errno == EISDIR))
-			return 0;
-		if (errno == EISDIR) {
-			if (remove_empty_directories(logfile)) {
-				strbuf_addf(err, "There are still logs under "
-					    "'%s'", logfile->buf);
-				return -1;
-			}
-			logfd = open(logfile->buf, oflags, 0666);
-		}
-		if (logfd < 0) {
-			strbuf_addf(err, "unable to append to %s: %s",
-				    logfile->buf, strerror(errno));
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-	adjust_shared_perm(logfile->buf);
-	close(logfd);
-	return 0;
-int safe_create_reflog(const char *refname, int force_create, struct strbuf *err)
-	int ret;
-	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
-	ret = log_ref_setup(refname, &sb, err, force_create);
-	strbuf_release(&sb);
-	return ret;
-static int log_ref_write_fd(int fd, const unsigned char *old_sha1,
-			    const unsigned char *new_sha1,
-			    const char *committer, const char *msg)
-	int msglen, written;
-	unsigned maxlen, len;
-	char *logrec;
-	msglen = msg ? strlen(msg) : 0;
-	maxlen = strlen(committer) + msglen + 100;
-	logrec = xmalloc(maxlen);
-	len = sprintf(logrec, "%s %s %s\n",
-		      sha1_to_hex(old_sha1),
-		      sha1_to_hex(new_sha1),
-		      committer);
-	if (msglen)
-		len += copy_msg(logrec + len - 1, msg) - 1;
-	written = len <= maxlen ? write_in_full(fd, logrec, len) : -1;
-	free(logrec);
-	if (written != len)
-		return -1;
-	return 0;
-static int log_ref_write_1(const char *refname, const unsigned char *old_sha1,
-			   const unsigned char *new_sha1, const char *msg,
-			   struct strbuf *logfile, int flags,
-			   struct strbuf *err)
-	int logfd, result, oflags = O_APPEND | O_WRONLY;
-	if (log_all_ref_updates < 0)
-		log_all_ref_updates = !is_bare_repository();
-	result = log_ref_setup(refname, logfile, err, flags & REF_FORCE_CREATE_REFLOG);
-	if (result)
-		return result;
-	logfd = open(logfile->buf, oflags);
-	if (logfd < 0)
-		return 0;
-	result = log_ref_write_fd(logfd, old_sha1, new_sha1,
-				  git_committer_info(0), msg);
-	if (result) {
-		strbuf_addf(err, "unable to append to %s: %s", logfile->buf,
-			    strerror(errno));
-		close(logfd);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (close(logfd)) {
-		strbuf_addf(err, "unable to append to %s: %s", logfile->buf,
-			    strerror(errno));
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int log_ref_write(const char *refname, const unsigned char *old_sha1,
-			 const unsigned char *new_sha1, const char *msg,
-			 int flags, struct strbuf *err)
-	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
-	int ret = log_ref_write_1(refname, old_sha1, new_sha1, msg, &sb, flags,
-				  err);
-	strbuf_release(&sb);
-	return ret;
 int is_branch(const char *refname)
 	return !strcmp(refname, "HEAD") || starts_with(refname, "refs/heads/");
- * Write sha1 into the open lockfile, then close the lockfile. On
- * errors, rollback the lockfile, fill in *err and
- * return -1.
- */
-static int write_ref_to_lockfile(struct ref_lock *lock,
-				 const unsigned char *sha1, struct strbuf *err)
-	static char term = '\n';
-	struct object *o;
-	int fd;
-	o = parse_object(sha1);
-	if (!o) {
-		strbuf_addf(err,
-			    "Trying to write ref %s with nonexistent object %s",
-			    lock->ref_name, sha1_to_hex(sha1));
-		unlock_ref(lock);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (o->type != OBJ_COMMIT && is_branch(lock->ref_name)) {
-		strbuf_addf(err,
-			    "Trying to write non-commit object %s to branch %s",
-			    sha1_to_hex(sha1), lock->ref_name);
-		unlock_ref(lock);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	fd = get_lock_file_fd(lock->lk);
-	if (write_in_full(fd, sha1_to_hex(sha1), 40) != 40 ||
-	    write_in_full(fd, &term, 1) != 1 ||
-	    close_ref(lock) < 0) {
-		strbuf_addf(err,
-			    "Couldn't write %s", get_lock_file_path(lock->lk));
-		unlock_ref(lock);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
- * Commit a change to a loose reference that has already been written
- * to the loose reference lockfile. Also update the reflogs if
- * necessary, using the specified lockmsg (which can be NULL).
- */
-static int commit_ref_update(struct ref_lock *lock,
-			     const unsigned char *sha1, const char *logmsg,
-			     int flags, struct strbuf *err)
-	clear_loose_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
-	if (log_ref_write(lock->ref_name, lock->old_oid.hash, sha1, logmsg, flags, err) < 0 ||
-	    (strcmp(lock->ref_name, lock->orig_ref_name) &&
-	     log_ref_write(lock->orig_ref_name, lock->old_oid.hash, sha1, logmsg, flags, err) < 0)) {
-		char *old_msg = strbuf_detach(err, NULL);
-		strbuf_addf(err, "Cannot update the ref '%s': %s",
-			    lock->ref_name, old_msg);
-		free(old_msg);
-		unlock_ref(lock);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (strcmp(lock->orig_ref_name, "HEAD") != 0) {
-		/*
-		 * Special hack: If a branch is updated directly and HEAD
-		 * points to it (may happen on the remote side of a push
-		 * for example) then logically the HEAD reflog should be
-		 * updated too.
-		 * A generic solution implies reverse symref information,
-		 * but finding all symrefs pointing to the given branch
-		 * would be rather costly for this rare event (the direct
-		 * update of a branch) to be worth it.  So let's cheat and
-		 * check with HEAD only which should cover 99% of all usage
-		 * scenarios (even 100% of the default ones).
-		 */
-		unsigned char head_sha1[20];
-		int head_flag;
-		const char *head_ref;
-		head_ref = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", RESOLVE_REF_READING,
-					      head_sha1, &head_flag);
-		if (head_ref && (head_flag & REF_ISSYMREF) &&
-		    !strcmp(head_ref, lock->ref_name)) {
-			struct strbuf log_err = STRBUF_INIT;
-			if (log_ref_write("HEAD", lock->old_oid.hash, sha1,
-					  logmsg, 0, &log_err)) {
-				error("%s", log_err.buf);
-				strbuf_release(&log_err);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (commit_ref(lock)) {
-		error("Couldn't set %s", lock->ref_name);
-		unlock_ref(lock);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	unlock_ref(lock);
-	return 0;
-int create_symref(const char *ref_target, const char *refs_heads_master,
-		  const char *logmsg)
-	char *lockpath = NULL;
-	char ref[1000];
-	int fd, len, written;
-	char *git_HEAD = git_pathdup("%s", ref_target);
-	unsigned char old_sha1[20], new_sha1[20];
-	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
-	if (logmsg && read_ref(ref_target, old_sha1))
-		hashclr(old_sha1);
-	if (safe_create_leading_directories(git_HEAD) < 0)
-		return error("unable to create directory for %s", git_HEAD);
-	if (prefer_symlink_refs) {
-		unlink(git_HEAD);
-		if (!symlink(refs_heads_master, git_HEAD))
-			goto done;
-		fprintf(stderr, "no symlink - falling back to symbolic ref\n");
-	}
-	len = snprintf(ref, sizeof(ref), "ref: %s\n", refs_heads_master);
-	if (sizeof(ref) <= len) {
-		error("refname too long: %s", refs_heads_master);
-		goto error_free_return;
-	}
-	lockpath = mkpathdup("%s.lock", git_HEAD);
-	fd = open(lockpath, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0666);
-	if (fd < 0) {
-		error("Unable to open %s for writing", lockpath);
-		goto error_free_return;
-	}
-	written = write_in_full(fd, ref, len);
-	if (close(fd) != 0 || written != len) {
-		error("Unable to write to %s", lockpath);
-		goto error_unlink_return;
-	}
-	if (rename(lockpath, git_HEAD) < 0) {
-		error("Unable to create %s", git_HEAD);
-		goto error_unlink_return;
-	}
-	if (adjust_shared_perm(git_HEAD)) {
-		error("Unable to fix permissions on %s", lockpath);
-	error_unlink_return:
-		unlink_or_warn(lockpath);
-	error_free_return:
-		free(lockpath);
-		free(git_HEAD);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	free(lockpath);
-	done:
-	if (logmsg && !read_ref(refs_heads_master, new_sha1) &&
-		log_ref_write(ref_target, old_sha1, new_sha1, logmsg, 0, &err)) {
-		error("%s", err.buf);
-		strbuf_release(&err);
-	}
-	free(git_HEAD);
-	return 0;
 struct read_ref_at_cb {
 	const char *refname;
 	unsigned long at_time;
@@ -3675,287 +736,6 @@
 	return 1;
-int reflog_exists(const char *refname)
-	struct stat st;
-	return !lstat(git_path("logs/%s", refname), &st) &&
-		S_ISREG(st.st_mode);
-int delete_reflog(const char *refname)
-	return remove_path(git_path("logs/%s", refname));
-static int show_one_reflog_ent(struct strbuf *sb, each_reflog_ent_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	unsigned char osha1[20], nsha1[20];
-	char *email_end, *message;
-	unsigned long timestamp;
-	int tz;
-	/* old SP new SP name <email> SP time TAB msg LF */
-	if (sb->len < 83 || sb->buf[sb->len - 1] != '\n' ||
-	    get_sha1_hex(sb->buf, osha1) || sb->buf[40] != ' ' ||
-	    get_sha1_hex(sb->buf + 41, nsha1) || sb->buf[81] != ' ' ||
-	    !(email_end = strchr(sb->buf + 82, '>')) ||
-	    email_end[1] != ' ' ||
-	    !(timestamp = strtoul(email_end + 2, &message, 10)) ||
-	    !message || message[0] != ' ' ||
-	    (message[1] != '+' && message[1] != '-') ||
-	    !isdigit(message[2]) || !isdigit(message[3]) ||
-	    !isdigit(message[4]) || !isdigit(message[5]))
-		return 0; /* corrupt? */
-	email_end[1] = '\0';
-	tz = strtol(message + 1, NULL, 10);
-	if (message[6] != '\t')
-		message += 6;
-	else
-		message += 7;
-	return fn(osha1, nsha1, sb->buf + 82, timestamp, tz, message, cb_data);
-static char *find_beginning_of_line(char *bob, char *scan)
-	while (bob < scan && *(--scan) != '\n')
-		; /* keep scanning backwards */
-	/*
-	 * Return either beginning of the buffer, or LF at the end of
-	 * the previous line.
-	 */
-	return scan;
-int for_each_reflog_ent_reverse(const char *refname, each_reflog_ent_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
-	FILE *logfp;
-	long pos;
-	int ret = 0, at_tail = 1;
-	logfp = fopen(git_path("logs/%s", refname), "r");
-	if (!logfp)
-		return -1;
-	/* Jump to the end */
-	if (fseek(logfp, 0, SEEK_END) < 0)
-		return error("cannot seek back reflog for %s: %s",
-			     refname, strerror(errno));
-	pos = ftell(logfp);
-	while (!ret && 0 < pos) {
-		int cnt;
-		size_t nread;
-		char buf[BUFSIZ];
-		char *endp, *scanp;
-		/* Fill next block from the end */
-		cnt = (sizeof(buf) < pos) ? sizeof(buf) : pos;
-		if (fseek(logfp, pos - cnt, SEEK_SET))
-			return error("cannot seek back reflog for %s: %s",
-				     refname, strerror(errno));
-		nread = fread(buf, cnt, 1, logfp);
-		if (nread != 1)
-			return error("cannot read %d bytes from reflog for %s: %s",
-				     cnt, refname, strerror(errno));
-		pos -= cnt;
-		scanp = endp = buf + cnt;
-		if (at_tail && scanp[-1] == '\n')
-			/* Looking at the final LF at the end of the file */
-			scanp--;
-		at_tail = 0;
-		while (buf < scanp) {
-			/*
-			 * terminating LF of the previous line, or the beginning
-			 * of the buffer.
-			 */
-			char *bp;
-			bp = find_beginning_of_line(buf, scanp);
-			if (*bp == '\n') {
-				/*
-				 * The newline is the end of the previous line,
-				 * so we know we have complete line starting
-				 * at (bp + 1). Prefix it onto any prior data
-				 * we collected for the line and process it.
-				 */
-				strbuf_splice(&sb, 0, 0, bp + 1, endp - (bp + 1));
-				scanp = bp;
-				endp = bp + 1;
-				ret = show_one_reflog_ent(&sb, fn, cb_data);
-				strbuf_reset(&sb);
-				if (ret)
-					break;
-			} else if (!pos) {
-				/*
-				 * We are at the start of the buffer, and the
-				 * start of the file; there is no previous
-				 * line, and we have everything for this one.
-				 * Process it, and we can end the loop.
-				 */
-				strbuf_splice(&sb, 0, 0, buf, endp - buf);
-				ret = show_one_reflog_ent(&sb, fn, cb_data);
-				strbuf_reset(&sb);
-				break;
-			}
-			if (bp == buf) {
-				/*
-				 * We are at the start of the buffer, and there
-				 * is more file to read backwards. Which means
-				 * we are in the middle of a line. Note that we
-				 * may get here even if *bp was a newline; that
-				 * just means we are at the exact end of the
-				 * previous line, rather than some spot in the
-				 * middle.
-				 *
-				 * Save away what we have to be combined with
-				 * the data from the next read.
-				 */
-				strbuf_splice(&sb, 0, 0, buf, endp - buf);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (!ret && sb.len)
-		die("BUG: reverse reflog parser had leftover data");
-	fclose(logfp);
-	strbuf_release(&sb);
-	return ret;
-int for_each_reflog_ent(const char *refname, each_reflog_ent_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	FILE *logfp;
-	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
-	int ret = 0;
-	logfp = fopen(git_path("logs/%s", refname), "r");
-	if (!logfp)
-		return -1;
-	while (!ret && !strbuf_getwholeline(&sb, logfp, '\n'))
-		ret = show_one_reflog_ent(&sb, fn, cb_data);
-	fclose(logfp);
-	strbuf_release(&sb);
-	return ret;
- * Call fn for each reflog in the namespace indicated by name.  name
- * must be empty or end with '/'.  Name will be used as a scratch
- * space, but its contents will be restored before return.
- */
-static int do_for_each_reflog(struct strbuf *name, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	DIR *d = opendir(git_path("logs/%s", name->buf));
-	int retval = 0;
-	struct dirent *de;
-	int oldlen = name->len;
-	if (!d)
-		return name->len ? errno : 0;
-	while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
-		struct stat st;
-		if (de->d_name[0] == '.')
-			continue;
-		if (ends_with(de->d_name, ".lock"))
-			continue;
-		strbuf_addstr(name, de->d_name);
-		if (stat(git_path("logs/%s", name->buf), &st) < 0) {
-			; /* silently ignore */
-		} else {
-			if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
-				strbuf_addch(name, '/');
-				retval = do_for_each_reflog(name, fn, cb_data);
-			} else {
-				struct object_id oid;
-				if (read_ref_full(name->buf, 0, oid.hash, NULL))
-					retval = error("bad ref for %s", name->buf);
-				else
-					retval = fn(name->buf, &oid, 0, cb_data);
-			}
-			if (retval)
-				break;
-		}
-		strbuf_setlen(name, oldlen);
-	}
-	closedir(d);
-	return retval;
-int for_each_reflog(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
-	int retval;
-	struct strbuf name;
-	strbuf_init(&name, PATH_MAX);
-	retval = do_for_each_reflog(&name, fn, cb_data);
-	strbuf_release(&name);
-	return retval;
- * Information needed for a single ref update. Set new_sha1 to the new
- * value or to null_sha1 to delete the ref. To check the old value
- * while the ref is locked, set (flags & REF_HAVE_OLD) and set
- * old_sha1 to the old value, or to null_sha1 to ensure the ref does
- * not exist before update.
- */
-struct ref_update {
-	/*
-	 * If (flags & REF_HAVE_NEW), set the reference to this value:
-	 */
-	unsigned char new_sha1[20];
-	/*
-	 * If (flags & REF_HAVE_OLD), check that the reference
-	 * previously had this value:
-	 */
-	unsigned char old_sha1[20];
-	/*
-	 */
-	unsigned int flags;
-	struct ref_lock *lock;
-	int type;
-	char *msg;
-	const char refname[FLEX_ARRAY];
- * Transaction states.
- * OPEN:   The transaction is in a valid state and can accept new updates.
- *         An OPEN transaction can be committed.
- * CLOSED: A closed transaction is no longer active and no other operations
- *         than free can be used on it in this state.
- *         A transaction can either become closed by successfully committing
- *         an active transaction or if there is a failure while building
- *         the transaction thus rendering it failed/inactive.
- */
-enum ref_transaction_state {
- * Data structure for holding a reference transaction, which can
- * consist of checks and updates to multiple references, carried out
- * as atomically as possible.  This structure is opaque to callers.
- */
-struct ref_transaction {
-	struct ref_update **updates;
-	size_t alloc;
-	size_t nr;
-	enum ref_transaction_state state;
 struct ref_transaction *ref_transaction_begin(struct strbuf *err)
@@ -3981,10 +761,10 @@
 static struct ref_update *add_update(struct ref_transaction *transaction,
 				     const char *refname)
-	size_t len = strlen(refname);
-	struct ref_update *update = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*update) + len + 1);
+	size_t len = strlen(refname) + 1;
+	struct ref_update *update = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*update) + len);
-	strcpy((char *)update->refname, refname);
+	memcpy((char *)update->refname, refname, len); /* includes NUL */
 	ALLOC_GROW(transaction->updates, transaction->nr + 1, transaction->alloc);
 	transaction->updates[transaction->nr++] = update;
 	return update;
@@ -4106,274 +886,6 @@
 	return 0;
-static int ref_update_reject_duplicates(struct string_list *refnames,
-					struct strbuf *err)
-	int i, n = refnames->nr;
-	assert(err);
-	for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
-		if (!strcmp(refnames->items[i - 1].string, refnames->items[i].string)) {
-			strbuf_addf(err,
-				    "Multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed.",
-				    refnames->items[i].string);
-			return 1;
-		}
-	return 0;
-int ref_transaction_commit(struct ref_transaction *transaction,
-			   struct strbuf *err)
-	int ret = 0, i;
-	int n = transaction->nr;
-	struct ref_update **updates = transaction->updates;
-	struct string_list refs_to_delete = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
-	struct string_list_item *ref_to_delete;
-	struct string_list affected_refnames = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
-	assert(err);
-	if (transaction->state != REF_TRANSACTION_OPEN)
-		die("BUG: commit called for transaction that is not open");
-	if (!n) {
-		transaction->state = REF_TRANSACTION_CLOSED;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* Fail if a refname appears more than once in the transaction: */
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		string_list_append(&affected_refnames, updates[i]->refname);
-	string_list_sort(&affected_refnames);
-	if (ref_update_reject_duplicates(&affected_refnames, err)) {
-		goto cleanup;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Acquire all locks, verify old values if provided, check
-	 * that new values are valid, and write new values to the
-	 * lockfiles, ready to be activated. Only keep one lockfile
-	 * open at a time to avoid running out of file descriptors.
-	 */
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-		struct ref_update *update = updates[i];
-		if ((update->flags & REF_HAVE_NEW) &&
-		    is_null_sha1(update->new_sha1))
-			update->flags |= REF_DELETING;
-		update->lock = lock_ref_sha1_basic(
-				update->refname,
-				((update->flags & REF_HAVE_OLD) ?
-				 update->old_sha1 : NULL),
-				&affected_refnames, NULL,
-				update->flags,
-				&update->type,
-				err);
-		if (!update->lock) {
-			char *reason;
-			ret = (errno == ENOTDIR)
-			reason = strbuf_detach(err, NULL);
-			strbuf_addf(err, "cannot lock ref '%s': %s",
-				    update->refname, reason);
-			free(reason);
-			goto cleanup;
-		}
-		if ((update->flags & REF_HAVE_NEW) &&
-		    !(update->flags & REF_DELETING)) {
-			int overwriting_symref = ((update->type & REF_ISSYMREF) &&
-						  (update->flags & REF_NODEREF));
-			if (!overwriting_symref &&
-			    !hashcmp(update->lock->old_oid.hash, update->new_sha1)) {
-				/*
-				 * The reference already has the desired
-				 * value, so we don't need to write it.
-				 */
-			} else if (write_ref_to_lockfile(update->lock,
-							 update->new_sha1,
-							 err)) {
-				char *write_err = strbuf_detach(err, NULL);
-				/*
-				 * The lock was freed upon failure of
-				 * write_ref_to_lockfile():
-				 */
-				update->lock = NULL;
-				strbuf_addf(err,
-					    "cannot update the ref '%s': %s",
-					    update->refname, write_err);
-				free(write_err);
-				goto cleanup;
-			} else {
-				update->flags |= REF_NEEDS_COMMIT;
-			}
-		}
-		if (!(update->flags & REF_NEEDS_COMMIT)) {
-			/*
-			 * We didn't have to write anything to the lockfile.
-			 * Close it to free up the file descriptor:
-			 */
-			if (close_ref(update->lock)) {
-				strbuf_addf(err, "Couldn't close %s.lock",
-					    update->refname);
-				goto cleanup;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/* Perform updates first so live commits remain referenced */
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-		struct ref_update *update = updates[i];
-		if (update->flags & REF_NEEDS_COMMIT) {
-			if (commit_ref_update(update->lock,
-					      update->new_sha1, update->msg,
-					      update->flags, err)) {
-				/* freed by commit_ref_update(): */
-				update->lock = NULL;
-				goto cleanup;
-			} else {
-				/* freed by commit_ref_update(): */
-				update->lock = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/* Perform deletes now that updates are safely completed */
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-		struct ref_update *update = updates[i];
-		if (update->flags & REF_DELETING) {
-			if (delete_ref_loose(update->lock, update->type, err)) {
-				goto cleanup;
-			}
-			if (!(update->flags & REF_ISPRUNING))
-				string_list_append(&refs_to_delete,
-						   update->lock->ref_name);
-		}
-	}
-	if (repack_without_refs(&refs_to_delete, err)) {
-		goto cleanup;
-	}
-	for_each_string_list_item(ref_to_delete, &refs_to_delete)
-		unlink_or_warn(git_path("logs/%s", ref_to_delete->string));
-	clear_loose_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
-	transaction->state = REF_TRANSACTION_CLOSED;
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		if (updates[i]->lock)
-			unlock_ref(updates[i]->lock);
-	string_list_clear(&refs_to_delete, 0);
-	string_list_clear(&affected_refnames, 0);
-	return ret;
-static int ref_present(const char *refname,
-		       const struct object_id *oid, int flags, void *cb_data)
-	struct string_list *affected_refnames = cb_data;
-	return string_list_has_string(affected_refnames, refname);
-int initial_ref_transaction_commit(struct ref_transaction *transaction,
-				   struct strbuf *err)
-	struct ref_dir *loose_refs = get_loose_refs(&ref_cache);
-	struct ref_dir *packed_refs = get_packed_refs(&ref_cache);
-	int ret = 0, i;
-	int n = transaction->nr;
-	struct ref_update **updates = transaction->updates;
-	struct string_list affected_refnames = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
-	assert(err);
-	if (transaction->state != REF_TRANSACTION_OPEN)
-		die("BUG: commit called for transaction that is not open");
-	/* Fail if a refname appears more than once in the transaction: */
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		string_list_append(&affected_refnames, updates[i]->refname);
-	string_list_sort(&affected_refnames);
-	if (ref_update_reject_duplicates(&affected_refnames, err)) {
-		goto cleanup;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * It's really undefined to call this function in an active
-	 * repository or when there are existing references: we are
-	 * only locking and changing packed-refs, so (1) any
-	 * simultaneous processes might try to change a reference at
-	 * the same time we do, and (2) any existing loose versions of
-	 * the references that we are setting would have precedence
-	 * over our values. But some remote helpers create the remote
-	 * "HEAD" and "master" branches before calling this function,
-	 * so here we really only check that none of the references
-	 * that we are creating already exists.
-	 */
-	if (for_each_rawref(ref_present, &affected_refnames))
-		die("BUG: initial ref transaction called with existing refs");
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-		struct ref_update *update = updates[i];
-		if ((update->flags & REF_HAVE_OLD) &&
-		    !is_null_sha1(update->old_sha1))
-			die("BUG: initial ref transaction with old_sha1 set");
-		if (verify_refname_available(update->refname,
-					     &affected_refnames, NULL,
-					     loose_refs, err) ||
-		    verify_refname_available(update->refname,
-					     &affected_refnames, NULL,
-					     packed_refs, err)) {
-			goto cleanup;
-		}
-	}
-	if (lock_packed_refs(0)) {
-		strbuf_addf(err, "unable to lock packed-refs file: %s",
-			    strerror(errno));
-		goto cleanup;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-		struct ref_update *update = updates[i];
-		if ((update->flags & REF_HAVE_NEW) &&
-		    !is_null_sha1(update->new_sha1))
-			add_packed_ref(update->refname, update->new_sha1);
-	}
-	if (commit_packed_refs()) {
-		strbuf_addf(err, "unable to commit packed-refs file: %s",
-			    strerror(errno));
-		goto cleanup;
-	}
-	transaction->state = REF_TRANSACTION_CLOSED;
-	string_list_clear(&affected_refnames, 0);
-	return ret;
 char *shorten_unambiguous_ref(const char *refname, int strict)
 	int i;
@@ -4493,7 +1005,7 @@
 	return 0;
-int ref_is_hidden(const char *refname)
+int ref_is_hidden(const char *refname, const char *refname_full)
 	int i;
@@ -4501,6 +1013,7 @@
 		return 0;
 	for (i = hide_refs->nr - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 		const char *match = hide_refs->items[i].string;
+		const char *subject;
 		int neg = 0;
 		int len;
@@ -4509,153 +1022,63 @@
-		if (!starts_with(refname, match))
+		if (*match == '^') {
+			subject = refname_full;
+			match++;
+		} else {
+			subject = refname;
+		}
+		/* refname can be NULL when namespaces are used. */
+		if (!subject || !starts_with(subject, match))
 		len = strlen(match);
-		if (!refname[len] || refname[len] == '/')
+		if (!subject[len] || subject[len] == '/')
 			return !neg;
 	return 0;
-struct expire_reflog_cb {
-	unsigned int flags;
-	reflog_expiry_should_prune_fn *should_prune_fn;
-	void *policy_cb;
-	FILE *newlog;
-	unsigned char last_kept_sha1[20];
-static int expire_reflog_ent(unsigned char *osha1, unsigned char *nsha1,
-			     const char *email, unsigned long timestamp, int tz,
-			     const char *message, void *cb_data)
+const char *find_descendant_ref(const char *dirname,
+				const struct string_list *extras,
+				const struct string_list *skip)
-	struct expire_reflog_cb *cb = cb_data;
-	struct expire_reflog_policy_cb *policy_cb = cb->policy_cb;
+	int pos;
-	if (cb->flags & EXPIRE_REFLOGS_REWRITE)
-		osha1 = cb->last_kept_sha1;
-	if ((*cb->should_prune_fn)(osha1, nsha1, email, timestamp, tz,
-				   message, policy_cb)) {
-		if (!cb->newlog)
-			printf("would prune %s", message);
-		else if (cb->flags & EXPIRE_REFLOGS_VERBOSE)
-			printf("prune %s", message);
-	} else {
-		if (cb->newlog) {
-			fprintf(cb->newlog, "%s %s %s %lu %+05d\t%s",
-				sha1_to_hex(osha1), sha1_to_hex(nsha1),
-				email, timestamp, tz, message);
-			hashcpy(cb->last_kept_sha1, nsha1);
-		}
-		if (cb->flags & EXPIRE_REFLOGS_VERBOSE)
-			printf("keep %s", message);
-	}
-	return 0;
-int reflog_expire(const char *refname, const unsigned char *sha1,
-		 unsigned int flags,
-		 reflog_expiry_prepare_fn prepare_fn,
-		 reflog_expiry_should_prune_fn should_prune_fn,
-		 reflog_expiry_cleanup_fn cleanup_fn,
-		 void *policy_cb_data)
-	static struct lock_file reflog_lock;
-	struct expire_reflog_cb cb;
-	struct ref_lock *lock;
-	char *log_file;
-	int status = 0;
-	int type;
-	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
-	memset(&cb, 0, sizeof(cb));
-	cb.flags = flags;
-	cb.policy_cb = policy_cb_data;
-	cb.should_prune_fn = should_prune_fn;
+	if (!extras)
+		return NULL;
-	 * The reflog file is locked by holding the lock on the
-	 * reference itself, plus we might need to update the
-	 * reference if --updateref was specified:
+	 * Look at the place where dirname would be inserted into
+	 * extras. If there is an entry at that position that starts
+	 * with dirname (remember, dirname includes the trailing
+	 * slash) and is not in skip, then we have a conflict.
-	lock = lock_ref_sha1_basic(refname, sha1, NULL, NULL, 0, &type, &err);
-	if (!lock) {
-		error("cannot lock ref '%s': %s", refname, err.buf);
-		strbuf_release(&err);
-		return -1;
+	for (pos = string_list_find_insert_index(extras, dirname, 0);
+	     pos < extras->nr; pos++) {
+		const char *extra_refname = extras->items[pos].string;
+		if (!starts_with(extra_refname, dirname))
+			break;
+		if (!skip || !string_list_has_string(skip, extra_refname))
+			return extra_refname;
-	if (!reflog_exists(refname)) {
-		unlock_ref(lock);
-		return 0;
-	}
+	return NULL;
-	log_file = git_pathdup("logs/%s", refname);
-	if (!(flags & EXPIRE_REFLOGS_DRY_RUN)) {
-		/*
-		 * Even though holding $GIT_DIR/logs/$reflog.lock has
-		 * no locking implications, we use the lock_file
-		 * machinery here anyway because it does a lot of the
-		 * work we need, including cleaning up if the program
-		 * exits unexpectedly.
-		 */
-		if (hold_lock_file_for_update(&reflog_lock, log_file, 0) < 0) {
-			struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
-			unable_to_lock_message(log_file, errno, &err);
-			error("%s", err.buf);
-			strbuf_release(&err);
-			goto failure;
-		}
-		cb.newlog = fdopen_lock_file(&reflog_lock, "w");
-		if (!cb.newlog) {
-			error("cannot fdopen %s (%s)",
-			      get_lock_file_path(&reflog_lock), strerror(errno));
-			goto failure;
-		}
-	}
+int rename_ref_available(const char *oldname, const char *newname)
+	struct string_list skip = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
+	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
+	int ret;
-	(*prepare_fn)(refname, sha1, cb.policy_cb);
-	for_each_reflog_ent(refname, expire_reflog_ent, &cb);
-	(*cleanup_fn)(cb.policy_cb);
+	string_list_insert(&skip, oldname);
+	ret = !verify_refname_available(newname, NULL, &skip, &err);
+	if (!ret)
+		error("%s", err.buf);
-	if (!(flags & EXPIRE_REFLOGS_DRY_RUN)) {
-		/*
-		 * It doesn't make sense to adjust a reference pointed
-		 * to by a symbolic ref based on expiring entries in
-		 * the symbolic reference's reflog. Nor can we update
-		 * a reference if there are no remaining reflog
-		 * entries.
-		 */
-		int update = (flags & EXPIRE_REFLOGS_UPDATE_REF) &&
-			!(type & REF_ISSYMREF) &&
-			!is_null_sha1(cb.last_kept_sha1);
-		if (close_lock_file(&reflog_lock)) {
-			status |= error("couldn't write %s: %s", log_file,
-					strerror(errno));
-		} else if (update &&
-			   (write_in_full(get_lock_file_fd(lock->lk),
-				sha1_to_hex(cb.last_kept_sha1), 40) != 40 ||
-			    write_str_in_full(get_lock_file_fd(lock->lk), "\n") != 1 ||
-			    close_ref(lock) < 0)) {
-			status |= error("couldn't write %s",
-					get_lock_file_path(lock->lk));
-			rollback_lock_file(&reflog_lock);
-		} else if (commit_lock_file(&reflog_lock)) {
-			status |= error("unable to write reflog %s: %s",
-					log_file, strerror(errno));
-		} else if (update && commit_ref(lock)) {
-			status |= error("couldn't set %s", lock->ref_name);
-		}
-	}
-	free(log_file);
-	unlock_ref(lock);
-	return status;
- failure:
-	rollback_lock_file(&reflog_lock);
-	free(log_file);
-	unlock_ref(lock);
-	return -1;
+	string_list_clear(&skip, 0);
+	strbuf_release(&err);
+	return ret;
diff --git a/refs.h b/refs.h
index e9a5f32..7a04077 100644
--- a/refs.h
+++ b/refs.h
@@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
 extern int head_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
 extern int for_each_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
 extern int for_each_ref_in(const char *prefix, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
+extern int for_each_fullref_in(const char *prefix, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data, unsigned int broken);
 extern int for_each_tag_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
 extern int for_each_branch_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
 extern int for_each_remote_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
@@ -443,7 +444,15 @@
 extern int parse_hide_refs_config(const char *var, const char *value, const char *);
-extern int ref_is_hidden(const char *);
+ * Check whether a ref is hidden. If no namespace is set, both the first and
+ * the second parameter point to the full ref name. If a namespace is set and
+ * the ref is inside that namespace, the first parameter is a pointer to the
+ * name of the ref with the namespace prefix removed. If a namespace is set and
+ * the ref is outside that namespace, the first parameter is NULL. The second
+ * parameter always points to the full ref name.
+ */
+extern int ref_is_hidden(const char *, const char *);
 enum ref_type {
diff --git a/refs/files-backend.c b/refs/files-backend.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c648b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/refs/files-backend.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3512 @@
+#include "../cache.h"
+#include "../refs.h"
+#include "refs-internal.h"
+#include "../lockfile.h"
+#include "../object.h"
+#include "../dir.h"
+struct ref_lock {
+	char *ref_name;
+	char *orig_ref_name;
+	struct lock_file *lk;
+	struct object_id old_oid;
+struct ref_entry;
+ * Information used (along with the information in ref_entry) to
+ * describe a single cached reference.  This data structure only
+ * occurs embedded in a union in struct ref_entry, and only when
+ * (ref_entry->flag & REF_DIR) is zero.
+ */
+struct ref_value {
+	/*
+	 * The name of the object to which this reference resolves
+	 * (which may be a tag object).  If REF_ISBROKEN, this is
+	 * null.  If REF_ISSYMREF, then this is the name of the object
+	 * referred to by the last reference in the symlink chain.
+	 */
+	struct object_id oid;
+	/*
+	 * If REF_KNOWS_PEELED, then this field holds the peeled value
+	 * of this reference, or null if the reference is known not to
+	 * be peelable.  See the documentation for peel_ref() for an
+	 * exact definition of "peelable".
+	 */
+	struct object_id peeled;
+struct ref_cache;
+ * Information used (along with the information in ref_entry) to
+ * describe a level in the hierarchy of references.  This data
+ * structure only occurs embedded in a union in struct ref_entry, and
+ * only when (ref_entry.flag & REF_DIR) is set.  In that case,
+ * (ref_entry.flag & REF_INCOMPLETE) determines whether the references
+ * in the directory have already been read:
+ *
+ *     (ref_entry.flag & REF_INCOMPLETE) unset -- a directory of loose
+ *         or packed references, already read.
+ *
+ *     (ref_entry.flag & REF_INCOMPLETE) set -- a directory of loose
+ *         references that hasn't been read yet (nor has any of its
+ *         subdirectories).
+ *
+ * Entries within a directory are stored within a growable array of
+ * pointers to ref_entries (entries, nr, alloc).  Entries 0 <= i <
+ * sorted are sorted by their component name in strcmp() order and the
+ * remaining entries are unsorted.
+ *
+ * Loose references are read lazily, one directory at a time.  When a
+ * directory of loose references is read, then all of the references
+ * in that directory are stored, and REF_INCOMPLETE stubs are created
+ * for any subdirectories, but the subdirectories themselves are not
+ * read.  The reading is triggered by get_ref_dir().
+ */
+struct ref_dir {
+	int nr, alloc;
+	/*
+	 * Entries with index 0 <= i < sorted are sorted by name.  New
+	 * entries are appended to the list unsorted, and are sorted
+	 * only when required; thus we avoid the need to sort the list
+	 * after the addition of every reference.
+	 */
+	int sorted;
+	/* A pointer to the ref_cache that contains this ref_dir. */
+	struct ref_cache *ref_cache;
+	struct ref_entry **entries;
+ * Bit values for ref_entry::flag.  REF_ISSYMREF=0x01,
+ * REF_ISPACKED=0x02, REF_ISBROKEN=0x04 and REF_BAD_NAME=0x08 are
+ * public values; see refs.h.
+ */
+ * The field ref_entry->u.value.peeled of this value entry contains
+ * the correct peeled value for the reference, which might be
+ * null_sha1 if the reference is not a tag or if it is broken.
+ */
+#define REF_KNOWS_PEELED 0x10
+/* ref_entry represents a directory of references */
+#define REF_DIR 0x20
+ * Entry has not yet been read from disk (used only for REF_DIR
+ * entries representing loose references)
+ */
+#define REF_INCOMPLETE 0x40
+ * A ref_entry represents either a reference or a "subdirectory" of
+ * references.
+ *
+ * Each directory in the reference namespace is represented by a
+ * ref_entry with (flags & REF_DIR) set and containing a subdir member
+ * that holds the entries in that directory that have been read so
+ * far.  If (flags & REF_INCOMPLETE) is set, then the directory and
+ * its subdirectories haven't been read yet.  REF_INCOMPLETE is only
+ * used for loose reference directories.
+ *
+ * References are represented by a ref_entry with (flags & REF_DIR)
+ * unset and a value member that describes the reference's value.  The
+ * flag member is at the ref_entry level, but it is also needed to
+ * interpret the contents of the value field (in other words, a
+ * ref_value object is not very much use without the enclosing
+ * ref_entry).
+ *
+ * Reference names cannot end with slash and directories' names are
+ * always stored with a trailing slash (except for the top-level
+ * directory, which is always denoted by "").  This has two nice
+ * consequences: (1) when the entries in each subdir are sorted
+ * lexicographically by name (as they usually are), the references in
+ * a whole tree can be generated in lexicographic order by traversing
+ * the tree in left-to-right, depth-first order; (2) the names of
+ * references and subdirectories cannot conflict, and therefore the
+ * presence of an empty subdirectory does not block the creation of a
+ * similarly-named reference.  (The fact that reference names with the
+ * same leading components can conflict *with each other* is a
+ * separate issue that is regulated by verify_refname_available().)
+ *
+ * Please note that the name field contains the fully-qualified
+ * reference (or subdirectory) name.  Space could be saved by only
+ * storing the relative names.  But that would require the full names
+ * to be generated on the fly when iterating in do_for_each_ref(), and
+ * would break callback functions, who have always been able to assume
+ * that the name strings that they are passed will not be freed during
+ * the iteration.
+ */
+struct ref_entry {
+	unsigned char flag; /* ISSYMREF? ISPACKED? */
+	union {
+		struct ref_value value; /* if not (flags&REF_DIR) */
+		struct ref_dir subdir; /* if (flags&REF_DIR) */
+	} u;
+	/*
+	 * The full name of the reference (e.g., "refs/heads/master")
+	 * or the full name of the directory with a trailing slash
+	 * (e.g., "refs/heads/"):
+	 */
+	char name[FLEX_ARRAY];
+static void read_loose_refs(const char *dirname, struct ref_dir *dir);
+static int search_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir, const char *refname, size_t len);
+static struct ref_entry *create_dir_entry(struct ref_cache *ref_cache,
+					  const char *dirname, size_t len,
+					  int incomplete);
+static void add_entry_to_dir(struct ref_dir *dir, struct ref_entry *entry);
+static struct ref_dir *get_ref_dir(struct ref_entry *entry)
+	struct ref_dir *dir;
+	assert(entry->flag & REF_DIR);
+	dir = &entry->u.subdir;
+	if (entry->flag & REF_INCOMPLETE) {
+		read_loose_refs(entry->name, dir);
+		/*
+		 * Manually add refs/bisect, which, being
+		 * per-worktree, might not appear in the directory
+		 * listing for refs/ in the main repo.
+		 */
+		if (!strcmp(entry->name, "refs/")) {
+			int pos = search_ref_dir(dir, "refs/bisect/", 12);
+			if (pos < 0) {
+				struct ref_entry *child_entry;
+				child_entry = create_dir_entry(dir->ref_cache,
+							       "refs/bisect/",
+							       12, 1);
+				add_entry_to_dir(dir, child_entry);
+				read_loose_refs("refs/bisect",
+						&child_entry->u.subdir);
+			}
+		}
+		entry->flag &= ~REF_INCOMPLETE;
+	}
+	return dir;
+static struct ref_entry *create_ref_entry(const char *refname,
+					  const unsigned char *sha1, int flag,
+					  int check_name)
+	int len;
+	struct ref_entry *ref;
+	if (check_name &&
+	    check_refname_format(refname, REFNAME_ALLOW_ONELEVEL))
+		die("Reference has invalid format: '%s'", refname);
+	len = strlen(refname) + 1;
+	ref = xmalloc(sizeof(struct ref_entry) + len);
+	hashcpy(ref->u.value.oid.hash, sha1);
+	oidclr(&ref->u.value.peeled);
+	memcpy(ref->name, refname, len);
+	ref->flag = flag;
+	return ref;
+static void clear_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir);
+static void free_ref_entry(struct ref_entry *entry)
+	if (entry->flag & REF_DIR) {
+		/*
+		 * Do not use get_ref_dir() here, as that might
+		 * trigger the reading of loose refs.
+		 */
+		clear_ref_dir(&entry->u.subdir);
+	}
+	free(entry);
+ * Add a ref_entry to the end of dir (unsorted).  Entry is always
+ * stored directly in dir; no recursion into subdirectories is
+ * done.
+ */
+static void add_entry_to_dir(struct ref_dir *dir, struct ref_entry *entry)
+	ALLOC_GROW(dir->entries, dir->nr + 1, dir->alloc);
+	dir->entries[dir->nr++] = entry;
+	/* optimize for the case that entries are added in order */
+	if (dir->nr == 1 ||
+	    (dir->nr == dir->sorted + 1 &&
+	     strcmp(dir->entries[dir->nr - 2]->name,
+		    dir->entries[dir->nr - 1]->name) < 0))
+		dir->sorted = dir->nr;
+ * Clear and free all entries in dir, recursively.
+ */
+static void clear_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < dir->nr; i++)
+		free_ref_entry(dir->entries[i]);
+	free(dir->entries);
+	dir->sorted = dir->nr = dir->alloc = 0;
+	dir->entries = NULL;
+ * Create a struct ref_entry object for the specified dirname.
+ * dirname is the name of the directory with a trailing slash (e.g.,
+ * "refs/heads/") or "" for the top-level directory.
+ */
+static struct ref_entry *create_dir_entry(struct ref_cache *ref_cache,
+					  const char *dirname, size_t len,
+					  int incomplete)
+	struct ref_entry *direntry;
+	direntry = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct ref_entry) + len + 1);
+	memcpy(direntry->name, dirname, len);
+	direntry->name[len] = '\0';
+	direntry->u.subdir.ref_cache = ref_cache;
+	direntry->flag = REF_DIR | (incomplete ? REF_INCOMPLETE : 0);
+	return direntry;
+static int ref_entry_cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
+	struct ref_entry *one = *(struct ref_entry **)a;
+	struct ref_entry *two = *(struct ref_entry **)b;
+	return strcmp(one->name, two->name);
+static void sort_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir);
+struct string_slice {
+	size_t len;
+	const char *str;
+static int ref_entry_cmp_sslice(const void *key_, const void *ent_)
+	const struct string_slice *key = key_;
+	const struct ref_entry *ent = *(const struct ref_entry * const *)ent_;
+	int cmp = strncmp(key->str, ent->name, key->len);
+	if (cmp)
+		return cmp;
+	return '\0' - (unsigned char)ent->name[key->len];
+ * Return the index of the entry with the given refname from the
+ * ref_dir (non-recursively), sorting dir if necessary.  Return -1 if
+ * no such entry is found.  dir must already be complete.
+ */
+static int search_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir, const char *refname, size_t len)
+	struct ref_entry **r;
+	struct string_slice key;
+	if (refname == NULL || !dir->nr)
+		return -1;
+	sort_ref_dir(dir);
+	key.len = len;
+	key.str = refname;
+	r = bsearch(&key, dir->entries, dir->nr, sizeof(*dir->entries),
+		    ref_entry_cmp_sslice);
+	if (r == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	return r - dir->entries;
+ * Search for a directory entry directly within dir (without
+ * recursing).  Sort dir if necessary.  subdirname must be a directory
+ * name (i.e., end in '/').  If mkdir is set, then create the
+ * directory if it is missing; otherwise, return NULL if the desired
+ * directory cannot be found.  dir must already be complete.
+ */
+static struct ref_dir *search_for_subdir(struct ref_dir *dir,
+					 const char *subdirname, size_t len,
+					 int mkdir)
+	int entry_index = search_ref_dir(dir, subdirname, len);
+	struct ref_entry *entry;
+	if (entry_index == -1) {
+		if (!mkdir)
+			return NULL;
+		/*
+		 * Since dir is complete, the absence of a subdir
+		 * means that the subdir really doesn't exist;
+		 * therefore, create an empty record for it but mark
+		 * the record complete.
+		 */
+		entry = create_dir_entry(dir->ref_cache, subdirname, len, 0);
+		add_entry_to_dir(dir, entry);
+	} else {
+		entry = dir->entries[entry_index];
+	}
+	return get_ref_dir(entry);
+ * If refname is a reference name, find the ref_dir within the dir
+ * tree that should hold refname.  If refname is a directory name
+ * (i.e., ends in '/'), then return that ref_dir itself.  dir must
+ * represent the top-level directory and must already be complete.
+ * Sort ref_dirs and recurse into subdirectories as necessary.  If
+ * mkdir is set, then create any missing directories; otherwise,
+ * return NULL if the desired directory cannot be found.
+ */
+static struct ref_dir *find_containing_dir(struct ref_dir *dir,
+					   const char *refname, int mkdir)
+	const char *slash;
+	for (slash = strchr(refname, '/'); slash; slash = strchr(slash + 1, '/')) {
+		size_t dirnamelen = slash - refname + 1;
+		struct ref_dir *subdir;
+		subdir = search_for_subdir(dir, refname, dirnamelen, mkdir);
+		if (!subdir) {
+			dir = NULL;
+			break;
+		}
+		dir = subdir;
+	}
+	return dir;
+ * Find the value entry with the given name in dir, sorting ref_dirs
+ * and recursing into subdirectories as necessary.  If the name is not
+ * found or it corresponds to a directory entry, return NULL.
+ */
+static struct ref_entry *find_ref(struct ref_dir *dir, const char *refname)
+	int entry_index;
+	struct ref_entry *entry;
+	dir = find_containing_dir(dir, refname, 0);
+	if (!dir)
+		return NULL;
+	entry_index = search_ref_dir(dir, refname, strlen(refname));
+	if (entry_index == -1)
+		return NULL;
+	entry = dir->entries[entry_index];
+	return (entry->flag & REF_DIR) ? NULL : entry;
+ * Remove the entry with the given name from dir, recursing into
+ * subdirectories as necessary.  If refname is the name of a directory
+ * (i.e., ends with '/'), then remove the directory and its contents.
+ * If the removal was successful, return the number of entries
+ * remaining in the directory entry that contained the deleted entry.
+ * If the name was not found, return -1.  Please note that this
+ * function only deletes the entry from the cache; it does not delete
+ * it from the filesystem or ensure that other cache entries (which
+ * might be symbolic references to the removed entry) are updated.
+ * Nor does it remove any containing dir entries that might be made
+ * empty by the removal.  dir must represent the top-level directory
+ * and must already be complete.
+ */
+static int remove_entry(struct ref_dir *dir, const char *refname)
+	int refname_len = strlen(refname);
+	int entry_index;
+	struct ref_entry *entry;
+	int is_dir = refname[refname_len - 1] == '/';
+	if (is_dir) {
+		/*
+		 * refname represents a reference directory.  Remove
+		 * the trailing slash; otherwise we will get the
+		 * directory *representing* refname rather than the
+		 * one *containing* it.
+		 */
+		char *dirname = xmemdupz(refname, refname_len - 1);
+		dir = find_containing_dir(dir, dirname, 0);
+		free(dirname);
+	} else {
+		dir = find_containing_dir(dir, refname, 0);
+	}
+	if (!dir)
+		return -1;
+	entry_index = search_ref_dir(dir, refname, refname_len);
+	if (entry_index == -1)
+		return -1;
+	entry = dir->entries[entry_index];
+	memmove(&dir->entries[entry_index],
+		&dir->entries[entry_index + 1],
+		(dir->nr - entry_index - 1) * sizeof(*dir->entries)
+		);
+	dir->nr--;
+	if (dir->sorted > entry_index)
+		dir->sorted--;
+	free_ref_entry(entry);
+	return dir->nr;
+ * Add a ref_entry to the ref_dir (unsorted), recursing into
+ * subdirectories as necessary.  dir must represent the top-level
+ * directory.  Return 0 on success.
+ */
+static int add_ref(struct ref_dir *dir, struct ref_entry *ref)
+	dir = find_containing_dir(dir, ref->name, 1);
+	if (!dir)
+		return -1;
+	add_entry_to_dir(dir, ref);
+	return 0;
+ * Emit a warning and return true iff ref1 and ref2 have the same name
+ * and the same sha1.  Die if they have the same name but different
+ * sha1s.
+ */
+static int is_dup_ref(const struct ref_entry *ref1, const struct ref_entry *ref2)
+	if (strcmp(ref1->name, ref2->name))
+		return 0;
+	/* Duplicate name; make sure that they don't conflict: */
+	if ((ref1->flag & REF_DIR) || (ref2->flag & REF_DIR))
+		/* This is impossible by construction */
+		die("Reference directory conflict: %s", ref1->name);
+	if (oidcmp(&ref1->u.value.oid, &ref2->u.value.oid))
+		die("Duplicated ref, and SHA1s don't match: %s", ref1->name);
+	warning("Duplicated ref: %s", ref1->name);
+	return 1;
+ * Sort the entries in dir non-recursively (if they are not already
+ * sorted) and remove any duplicate entries.
+ */
+static void sort_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir)
+	int i, j;
+	struct ref_entry *last = NULL;
+	/*
+	 * This check also prevents passing a zero-length array to qsort(),
+	 * which is a problem on some platforms.
+	 */
+	if (dir->sorted == dir->nr)
+		return;
+	qsort(dir->entries, dir->nr, sizeof(*dir->entries), ref_entry_cmp);
+	/* Remove any duplicates: */
+	for (i = 0, j = 0; j < dir->nr; j++) {
+		struct ref_entry *entry = dir->entries[j];
+		if (last && is_dup_ref(last, entry))
+			free_ref_entry(entry);
+		else
+			last = dir->entries[i++] = entry;
+	}
+	dir->sorted = dir->nr = i;
+/* Include broken references in a do_for_each_ref*() iteration: */
+ * Return true iff the reference described by entry can be resolved to
+ * an object in the database.  Emit a warning if the referred-to
+ * object does not exist.
+ */
+static int ref_resolves_to_object(struct ref_entry *entry)
+	if (entry->flag & REF_ISBROKEN)
+		return 0;
+	if (!has_sha1_file(entry->u.value.oid.hash)) {
+		error("%s does not point to a valid object!", entry->name);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+ * current_ref is a performance hack: when iterating over references
+ * using the for_each_ref*() functions, current_ref is set to the
+ * current reference's entry before calling the callback function.  If
+ * the callback function calls peel_ref(), then peel_ref() first
+ * checks whether the reference to be peeled is the current reference
+ * (it usually is) and if so, returns that reference's peeled version
+ * if it is available.  This avoids a refname lookup in a common case.
+ */
+static struct ref_entry *current_ref;
+typedef int each_ref_entry_fn(struct ref_entry *entry, void *cb_data);
+struct ref_entry_cb {
+	const char *base;
+	int trim;
+	int flags;
+	each_ref_fn *fn;
+	void *cb_data;
+ * Handle one reference in a do_for_each_ref*()-style iteration,
+ * calling an each_ref_fn for each entry.
+ */
+static int do_one_ref(struct ref_entry *entry, void *cb_data)
+	struct ref_entry_cb *data = cb_data;
+	struct ref_entry *old_current_ref;
+	int retval;
+	if (!starts_with(entry->name, data->base))
+		return 0;
+	if (!(data->flags & DO_FOR_EACH_INCLUDE_BROKEN) &&
+	      !ref_resolves_to_object(entry))
+		return 0;
+	/* Store the old value, in case this is a recursive call: */
+	old_current_ref = current_ref;
+	current_ref = entry;
+	retval = data->fn(entry->name + data->trim, &entry->u.value.oid,
+			  entry->flag, data->cb_data);
+	current_ref = old_current_ref;
+	return retval;
+ * Call fn for each reference in dir that has index in the range
+ * offset <= index < dir->nr.  Recurse into subdirectories that are in
+ * that index range, sorting them before iterating.  This function
+ * does not sort dir itself; it should be sorted beforehand.  fn is
+ * called for all references, including broken ones.
+ */
+static int do_for_each_entry_in_dir(struct ref_dir *dir, int offset,
+				    each_ref_entry_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	int i;
+	assert(dir->sorted == dir->nr);
+	for (i = offset; i < dir->nr; i++) {
+		struct ref_entry *entry = dir->entries[i];
+		int retval;
+		if (entry->flag & REF_DIR) {
+			struct ref_dir *subdir = get_ref_dir(entry);
+			sort_ref_dir(subdir);
+			retval = do_for_each_entry_in_dir(subdir, 0, fn, cb_data);
+		} else {
+			retval = fn(entry, cb_data);
+		}
+		if (retval)
+			return retval;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * Call fn for each reference in the union of dir1 and dir2, in order
+ * by refname.  Recurse into subdirectories.  If a value entry appears
+ * in both dir1 and dir2, then only process the version that is in
+ * dir2.  The input dirs must already be sorted, but subdirs will be
+ * sorted as needed.  fn is called for all references, including
+ * broken ones.
+ */
+static int do_for_each_entry_in_dirs(struct ref_dir *dir1,
+				     struct ref_dir *dir2,
+				     each_ref_entry_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	int retval;
+	int i1 = 0, i2 = 0;
+	assert(dir1->sorted == dir1->nr);
+	assert(dir2->sorted == dir2->nr);
+	while (1) {
+		struct ref_entry *e1, *e2;
+		int cmp;
+		if (i1 == dir1->nr) {
+			return do_for_each_entry_in_dir(dir2, i2, fn, cb_data);
+		}
+		if (i2 == dir2->nr) {
+			return do_for_each_entry_in_dir(dir1, i1, fn, cb_data);
+		}
+		e1 = dir1->entries[i1];
+		e2 = dir2->entries[i2];
+		cmp = strcmp(e1->name, e2->name);
+		if (cmp == 0) {
+			if ((e1->flag & REF_DIR) && (e2->flag & REF_DIR)) {
+				/* Both are directories; descend them in parallel. */
+				struct ref_dir *subdir1 = get_ref_dir(e1);
+				struct ref_dir *subdir2 = get_ref_dir(e2);
+				sort_ref_dir(subdir1);
+				sort_ref_dir(subdir2);
+				retval = do_for_each_entry_in_dirs(
+						subdir1, subdir2, fn, cb_data);
+				i1++;
+				i2++;
+			} else if (!(e1->flag & REF_DIR) && !(e2->flag & REF_DIR)) {
+				/* Both are references; ignore the one from dir1. */
+				retval = fn(e2, cb_data);
+				i1++;
+				i2++;
+			} else {
+				die("conflict between reference and directory: %s",
+				    e1->name);
+			}
+		} else {
+			struct ref_entry *e;
+			if (cmp < 0) {
+				e = e1;
+				i1++;
+			} else {
+				e = e2;
+				i2++;
+			}
+			if (e->flag & REF_DIR) {
+				struct ref_dir *subdir = get_ref_dir(e);
+				sort_ref_dir(subdir);
+				retval = do_for_each_entry_in_dir(
+						subdir, 0, fn, cb_data);
+			} else {
+				retval = fn(e, cb_data);
+			}
+		}
+		if (retval)
+			return retval;
+	}
+ * Load all of the refs from the dir into our in-memory cache. The hard work
+ * of loading loose refs is done by get_ref_dir(), so we just need to recurse
+ * through all of the sub-directories. We do not even need to care about
+ * sorting, as traversal order does not matter to us.
+ */
+static void prime_ref_dir(struct ref_dir *dir)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < dir->nr; i++) {
+		struct ref_entry *entry = dir->entries[i];
+		if (entry->flag & REF_DIR)
+			prime_ref_dir(get_ref_dir(entry));
+	}
+struct nonmatching_ref_data {
+	const struct string_list *skip;
+	const char *conflicting_refname;
+static int nonmatching_ref_fn(struct ref_entry *entry, void *vdata)
+	struct nonmatching_ref_data *data = vdata;
+	if (data->skip && string_list_has_string(data->skip, entry->name))
+		return 0;
+	data->conflicting_refname = entry->name;
+	return 1;
+ * Return 0 if a reference named refname could be created without
+ * conflicting with the name of an existing reference in dir.
+ * See verify_refname_available for more information.
+ */
+static int verify_refname_available_dir(const char *refname,
+					const struct string_list *extras,
+					const struct string_list *skip,
+					struct ref_dir *dir,
+					struct strbuf *err)
+	const char *slash;
+	const char *extra_refname;
+	int pos;
+	struct strbuf dirname = STRBUF_INIT;
+	int ret = -1;
+	/*
+	 * For the sake of comments in this function, suppose that
+	 * refname is "refs/foo/bar".
+	 */
+	assert(err);
+	strbuf_grow(&dirname, strlen(refname) + 1);
+	for (slash = strchr(refname, '/'); slash; slash = strchr(slash + 1, '/')) {
+		/* Expand dirname to the new prefix, not including the trailing slash: */
+		strbuf_add(&dirname, refname + dirname.len, slash - refname - dirname.len);
+		/*
+		 * We are still at a leading dir of the refname (e.g.,
+		 * "refs/foo"; if there is a reference with that name,
+		 * it is a conflict, *unless* it is in skip.
+		 */
+		if (dir) {
+			pos = search_ref_dir(dir, dirname.buf, dirname.len);
+			if (pos >= 0 &&
+			    (!skip || !string_list_has_string(skip, dirname.buf))) {
+				/*
+				 * We found a reference whose name is
+				 * a proper prefix of refname; e.g.,
+				 * "refs/foo", and is not in skip.
+				 */
+				strbuf_addf(err, "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'",
+					    dirname.buf, refname);
+				goto cleanup;
+			}
+		}
+		if (extras && string_list_has_string(extras, dirname.buf) &&
+		    (!skip || !string_list_has_string(skip, dirname.buf))) {
+			strbuf_addf(err, "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time",
+				    refname, dirname.buf);
+			goto cleanup;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Otherwise, we can try to continue our search with
+		 * the next component. So try to look up the
+		 * directory, e.g., "refs/foo/". If we come up empty,
+		 * we know there is nothing under this whole prefix,
+		 * but even in that case we still have to continue the
+		 * search for conflicts with extras.
+		 */
+		strbuf_addch(&dirname, '/');
+		if (dir) {
+			pos = search_ref_dir(dir, dirname.buf, dirname.len);
+			if (pos < 0) {
+				/*
+				 * There was no directory "refs/foo/",
+				 * so there is nothing under this
+				 * whole prefix. So there is no need
+				 * to continue looking for conflicting
+				 * references. But we need to continue
+				 * looking for conflicting extras.
+				 */
+				dir = NULL;
+			} else {
+				dir = get_ref_dir(dir->entries[pos]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * We are at the leaf of our refname (e.g., "refs/foo/bar").
+	 * There is no point in searching for a reference with that
+	 * name, because a refname isn't considered to conflict with
+	 * itself. But we still need to check for references whose
+	 * names are in the "refs/foo/bar/" namespace, because they
+	 * *do* conflict.
+	 */
+	strbuf_addstr(&dirname, refname + dirname.len);
+	strbuf_addch(&dirname, '/');
+	if (dir) {
+		pos = search_ref_dir(dir, dirname.buf, dirname.len);
+		if (pos >= 0) {
+			/*
+			 * We found a directory named "$refname/"
+			 * (e.g., "refs/foo/bar/"). It is a problem
+			 * iff it contains any ref that is not in
+			 * "skip".
+			 */
+			struct nonmatching_ref_data data;
+			data.skip = skip;
+			data.conflicting_refname = NULL;
+			dir = get_ref_dir(dir->entries[pos]);
+			sort_ref_dir(dir);
+			if (do_for_each_entry_in_dir(dir, 0, nonmatching_ref_fn, &data)) {
+				strbuf_addf(err, "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'",
+					    data.conflicting_refname, refname);
+				goto cleanup;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	extra_refname = find_descendant_ref(dirname.buf, extras, skip);
+	if (extra_refname)
+		strbuf_addf(err, "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time",
+			    refname, extra_refname);
+	else
+		ret = 0;
+	strbuf_release(&dirname);
+	return ret;
+struct packed_ref_cache {
+	struct ref_entry *root;
+	/*
+	 * Count of references to the data structure in this instance,
+	 * including the pointer from ref_cache::packed if any.  The
+	 * data will not be freed as long as the reference count is
+	 * nonzero.
+	 */
+	unsigned int referrers;
+	/*
+	 * Iff the packed-refs file associated with this instance is
+	 * currently locked for writing, this points at the associated
+	 * lock (which is owned by somebody else).  The referrer count
+	 * is also incremented when the file is locked and decremented
+	 * when it is unlocked.
+	 */
+	struct lock_file *lock;
+	/* The metadata from when this packed-refs cache was read */
+	struct stat_validity validity;
+ * Future: need to be in "struct repository"
+ * when doing a full libification.
+ */
+static struct ref_cache {
+	struct ref_cache *next;
+	struct ref_entry *loose;
+	struct packed_ref_cache *packed;
+	/*
+	 * The submodule name, or "" for the main repo.  We allocate
+	 * length 1 rather than FLEX_ARRAY so that the main ref_cache
+	 * is initialized correctly.
+	 */
+	char name[1];
+} ref_cache, *submodule_ref_caches;
+/* Lock used for the main packed-refs file: */
+static struct lock_file packlock;
+ * Increment the reference count of *packed_refs.
+ */
+static void acquire_packed_ref_cache(struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs)
+	packed_refs->referrers++;
+ * Decrease the reference count of *packed_refs.  If it goes to zero,
+ * free *packed_refs and return true; otherwise return false.
+ */
+static int release_packed_ref_cache(struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs)
+	if (!--packed_refs->referrers) {
+		free_ref_entry(packed_refs->root);
+		stat_validity_clear(&packed_refs->validity);
+		free(packed_refs);
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		return 0;
+	}
+static void clear_packed_ref_cache(struct ref_cache *refs)
+	if (refs->packed) {
+		struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs = refs->packed;
+		if (packed_refs->lock)
+			die("internal error: packed-ref cache cleared while locked");
+		refs->packed = NULL;
+		release_packed_ref_cache(packed_refs);
+	}
+static void clear_loose_ref_cache(struct ref_cache *refs)
+	if (refs->loose) {
+		free_ref_entry(refs->loose);
+		refs->loose = NULL;
+	}
+static struct ref_cache *create_ref_cache(const char *submodule)
+	int len;
+	struct ref_cache *refs;
+	if (!submodule)
+		submodule = "";
+	len = strlen(submodule) + 1;
+	refs = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct ref_cache) + len);
+	memcpy(refs->name, submodule, len);
+	return refs;
+ * Return a pointer to a ref_cache for the specified submodule. For
+ * the main repository, use submodule==NULL. The returned structure
+ * will be allocated and initialized but not necessarily populated; it
+ * should not be freed.
+ */
+static struct ref_cache *get_ref_cache(const char *submodule)
+	struct ref_cache *refs;
+	if (!submodule || !*submodule)
+		return &ref_cache;
+	for (refs = submodule_ref_caches; refs; refs = refs->next)
+		if (!strcmp(submodule, refs->name))
+			return refs;
+	refs = create_ref_cache(submodule);
+	refs->next = submodule_ref_caches;
+	submodule_ref_caches = refs;
+	return refs;
+/* The length of a peeled reference line in packed-refs, including EOL: */
+ * The packed-refs header line that we write out.  Perhaps other
+ * traits will be added later.  The trailing space is required.
+ */
+static const char PACKED_REFS_HEADER[] =
+	"# pack-refs with: peeled fully-peeled \n";
+ * Parse one line from a packed-refs file.  Write the SHA1 to sha1.
+ * Return a pointer to the refname within the line (null-terminated),
+ * or NULL if there was a problem.
+ */
+static const char *parse_ref_line(struct strbuf *line, unsigned char *sha1)
+	const char *ref;
+	/*
+	 * 42: the answer to everything.
+	 *
+	 * In this case, it happens to be the answer to
+	 *  40 (length of sha1 hex representation)
+	 *  +1 (space in between hex and name)
+	 *  +1 (newline at the end of the line)
+	 */
+	if (line->len <= 42)
+		return NULL;
+	if (get_sha1_hex(line->buf, sha1) < 0)
+		return NULL;
+	if (!isspace(line->buf[40]))
+		return NULL;
+	ref = line->buf + 41;
+	if (isspace(*ref))
+		return NULL;
+	if (line->buf[line->len - 1] != '\n')
+		return NULL;
+	line->buf[--line->len] = 0;
+	return ref;
+ * Read f, which is a packed-refs file, into dir.
+ *
+ * A comment line of the form "# pack-refs with: " may contain zero or
+ * more traits. We interpret the traits as follows:
+ *
+ *   No traits:
+ *
+ *      Probably no references are peeled. But if the file contains a
+ *      peeled value for a reference, we will use it.
+ *
+ *   peeled:
+ *
+ *      References under "refs/tags/", if they *can* be peeled, *are*
+ *      peeled in this file. References outside of "refs/tags/" are
+ *      probably not peeled even if they could have been, but if we find
+ *      a peeled value for such a reference we will use it.
+ *
+ *   fully-peeled:
+ *
+ *      All references in the file that can be peeled are peeled.
+ *      Inversely (and this is more important), any references in the
+ *      file for which no peeled value is recorded is not peelable. This
+ *      trait should typically be written alongside "peeled" for
+ *      compatibility with older clients, but we do not require it
+ *      (i.e., "peeled" is a no-op if "fully-peeled" is set).
+ */
+static void read_packed_refs(FILE *f, struct ref_dir *dir)
+	struct ref_entry *last = NULL;
+	struct strbuf line = STRBUF_INIT;
+	while (strbuf_getwholeline(&line, f, '\n') != EOF) {
+		unsigned char sha1[20];
+		const char *refname;
+		const char *traits;
+		if (skip_prefix(line.buf, "# pack-refs with:", &traits)) {
+			if (strstr(traits, " fully-peeled "))
+				peeled = PEELED_FULLY;
+			else if (strstr(traits, " peeled "))
+				peeled = PEELED_TAGS;
+			/* perhaps other traits later as well */
+			continue;
+		}
+		refname = parse_ref_line(&line, sha1);
+		if (refname) {
+			int flag = REF_ISPACKED;
+			if (check_refname_format(refname, REFNAME_ALLOW_ONELEVEL)) {
+				if (!refname_is_safe(refname))
+					die("packed refname is dangerous: %s", refname);
+				hashclr(sha1);
+			}
+			last = create_ref_entry(refname, sha1, flag, 0);
+			if (peeled == PEELED_FULLY ||
+			    (peeled == PEELED_TAGS && starts_with(refname, "refs/tags/")))
+				last->flag |= REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
+			add_ref(dir, last);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (last &&
+		    line.buf[0] == '^' &&
+		    line.len == PEELED_LINE_LENGTH &&
+		    line.buf[PEELED_LINE_LENGTH - 1] == '\n' &&
+		    !get_sha1_hex(line.buf + 1, sha1)) {
+			hashcpy(last->u.value.peeled.hash, sha1);
+			/*
+			 * Regardless of what the file header said,
+			 * we definitely know the value of *this*
+			 * reference:
+			 */
+			last->flag |= REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
+		}
+	}
+	strbuf_release(&line);
+ * Get the packed_ref_cache for the specified ref_cache, creating it
+ * if necessary.
+ */
+static struct packed_ref_cache *get_packed_ref_cache(struct ref_cache *refs)
+	char *packed_refs_file;
+	if (*refs->name)
+		packed_refs_file = git_pathdup_submodule(refs->name, "packed-refs");
+	else
+		packed_refs_file = git_pathdup("packed-refs");
+	if (refs->packed &&
+	    !stat_validity_check(&refs->packed->validity, packed_refs_file))
+		clear_packed_ref_cache(refs);
+	if (!refs->packed) {
+		FILE *f;
+		refs->packed = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*refs->packed));
+		acquire_packed_ref_cache(refs->packed);
+		refs->packed->root = create_dir_entry(refs, "", 0, 0);
+		f = fopen(packed_refs_file, "r");
+		if (f) {
+			stat_validity_update(&refs->packed->validity, fileno(f));
+			read_packed_refs(f, get_ref_dir(refs->packed->root));
+			fclose(f);
+		}
+	}
+	free(packed_refs_file);
+	return refs->packed;
+static struct ref_dir *get_packed_ref_dir(struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache)
+	return get_ref_dir(packed_ref_cache->root);
+static struct ref_dir *get_packed_refs(struct ref_cache *refs)
+	return get_packed_ref_dir(get_packed_ref_cache(refs));
+ * Add a reference to the in-memory packed reference cache.  This may
+ * only be called while the packed-refs file is locked (see
+ * lock_packed_refs()).  To actually write the packed-refs file, call
+ * commit_packed_refs().
+ */
+static void add_packed_ref(const char *refname, const unsigned char *sha1)
+	struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache =
+		get_packed_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
+	if (!packed_ref_cache->lock)
+		die("internal error: packed refs not locked");
+	add_ref(get_packed_ref_dir(packed_ref_cache),
+		create_ref_entry(refname, sha1, REF_ISPACKED, 1));
+ * Read the loose references from the namespace dirname into dir
+ * (without recursing).  dirname must end with '/'.  dir must be the
+ * directory entry corresponding to dirname.
+ */
+static void read_loose_refs(const char *dirname, struct ref_dir *dir)
+	struct ref_cache *refs = dir->ref_cache;
+	DIR *d;
+	struct dirent *de;
+	int dirnamelen = strlen(dirname);
+	struct strbuf refname;
+	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	size_t path_baselen;
+	if (*refs->name)
+		strbuf_git_path_submodule(&path, refs->name, "%s", dirname);
+	else
+		strbuf_git_path(&path, "%s", dirname);
+	path_baselen = path.len;
+	d = opendir(path.buf);
+	if (!d) {
+		strbuf_release(&path);
+		return;
+	}
+	strbuf_init(&refname, dirnamelen + 257);
+	strbuf_add(&refname, dirname, dirnamelen);
+	while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+		unsigned char sha1[20];
+		struct stat st;
+		int flag;
+		if (de->d_name[0] == '.')
+			continue;
+		if (ends_with(de->d_name, ".lock"))
+			continue;
+		strbuf_addstr(&refname, de->d_name);
+		strbuf_addstr(&path, de->d_name);
+		if (stat(path.buf, &st) < 0) {
+			; /* silently ignore */
+		} else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+			strbuf_addch(&refname, '/');
+			add_entry_to_dir(dir,
+					 create_dir_entry(refs, refname.buf,
+							  refname.len, 1));
+		} else {
+			int read_ok;
+			if (*refs->name) {
+				hashclr(sha1);
+				flag = 0;
+				read_ok = !resolve_gitlink_ref(refs->name,
+							       refname.buf, sha1);
+			} else {
+				read_ok = !read_ref_full(refname.buf,
+							 sha1, &flag);
+			}
+			if (!read_ok) {
+				hashclr(sha1);
+				flag |= REF_ISBROKEN;
+			} else if (is_null_sha1(sha1)) {
+				/*
+				 * It is so astronomically unlikely
+				 * that NULL_SHA1 is the SHA-1 of an
+				 * actual object that we consider its
+				 * appearance in a loose reference
+				 * file to be repo corruption
+				 * (probably due to a software bug).
+				 */
+				flag |= REF_ISBROKEN;
+			}
+			if (check_refname_format(refname.buf,
+				if (!refname_is_safe(refname.buf))
+					die("loose refname is dangerous: %s", refname.buf);
+				hashclr(sha1);
+			}
+			add_entry_to_dir(dir,
+					 create_ref_entry(refname.buf, sha1, flag, 0));
+		}
+		strbuf_setlen(&refname, dirnamelen);
+		strbuf_setlen(&path, path_baselen);
+	}
+	strbuf_release(&refname);
+	strbuf_release(&path);
+	closedir(d);
+static struct ref_dir *get_loose_refs(struct ref_cache *refs)
+	if (!refs->loose) {
+		/*
+		 * Mark the top-level directory complete because we
+		 * are about to read the only subdirectory that can
+		 * hold references:
+		 */
+		refs->loose = create_dir_entry(refs, "", 0, 0);
+		/*
+		 * Create an incomplete entry for "refs/":
+		 */
+		add_entry_to_dir(get_ref_dir(refs->loose),
+				 create_dir_entry(refs, "refs/", 5, 1));
+	}
+	return get_ref_dir(refs->loose);
+/* We allow "recursive" symbolic refs. Only within reason, though */
+#define MAXDEPTH 5
+#define MAXREFLEN (1024)
+ * Called by resolve_gitlink_ref_recursive() after it failed to read
+ * from the loose refs in ref_cache refs. Find <refname> in the
+ * packed-refs file for the submodule.
+ */
+static int resolve_gitlink_packed_ref(struct ref_cache *refs,
+				      const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1)
+	struct ref_entry *ref;
+	struct ref_dir *dir = get_packed_refs(refs);
+	ref = find_ref(dir, refname);
+	if (ref == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	hashcpy(sha1, ref->u.value.oid.hash);
+	return 0;
+static int resolve_gitlink_ref_recursive(struct ref_cache *refs,
+					 const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1,
+					 int recursion)
+	int fd, len;
+	char buffer[128], *p;
+	char *path;
+	if (recursion > MAXDEPTH || strlen(refname) > MAXREFLEN)
+		return -1;
+	path = *refs->name
+		? git_pathdup_submodule(refs->name, "%s", refname)
+		: git_pathdup("%s", refname);
+	fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
+	free(path);
+	if (fd < 0)
+		return resolve_gitlink_packed_ref(refs, refname, sha1);
+	len = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
+	close(fd);
+	if (len < 0)
+		return -1;
+	while (len && isspace(buffer[len-1]))
+		len--;
+	buffer[len] = 0;
+	/* Was it a detached head or an old-fashioned symlink? */
+	if (!get_sha1_hex(buffer, sha1))
+		return 0;
+	/* Symref? */
+	if (strncmp(buffer, "ref:", 4))
+		return -1;
+	p = buffer + 4;
+	while (isspace(*p))
+		p++;
+	return resolve_gitlink_ref_recursive(refs, p, sha1, recursion+1);
+int resolve_gitlink_ref(const char *path, const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1)
+	int len = strlen(path), retval;
+	char *submodule;
+	struct ref_cache *refs;
+	while (len && path[len-1] == '/')
+		len--;
+	if (!len)
+		return -1;
+	submodule = xstrndup(path, len);
+	refs = get_ref_cache(submodule);
+	free(submodule);
+	retval = resolve_gitlink_ref_recursive(refs, refname, sha1, 0);
+	return retval;
+ * Return the ref_entry for the given refname from the packed
+ * references.  If it does not exist, return NULL.
+ */
+static struct ref_entry *get_packed_ref(const char *refname)
+	return find_ref(get_packed_refs(&ref_cache), refname);
+ * A loose ref file doesn't exist; check for a packed ref.  The
+ * options are forwarded from resolve_safe_unsafe().
+ */
+static int resolve_missing_loose_ref(const char *refname,
+				     int resolve_flags,
+				     unsigned char *sha1,
+				     int *flags)
+	struct ref_entry *entry;
+	/*
+	 * The loose reference file does not exist; check for a packed
+	 * reference.
+	 */
+	entry = get_packed_ref(refname);
+	if (entry) {
+		hashcpy(sha1, entry->u.value.oid.hash);
+		if (flags)
+			*flags |= REF_ISPACKED;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* The reference is not a packed reference, either. */
+	if (resolve_flags & RESOLVE_REF_READING) {
+		errno = ENOENT;
+		return -1;
+	} else {
+		hashclr(sha1);
+		return 0;
+	}
+/* This function needs to return a meaningful errno on failure */
+static const char *resolve_ref_1(const char *refname,
+				 int resolve_flags,
+				 unsigned char *sha1,
+				 int *flags,
+				 struct strbuf *sb_refname,
+				 struct strbuf *sb_path,
+				 struct strbuf *sb_contents)
+	int depth = MAXDEPTH;
+	int bad_name = 0;
+	if (flags)
+		*flags = 0;
+	if (check_refname_format(refname, REFNAME_ALLOW_ONELEVEL)) {
+		if (flags)
+			*flags |= REF_BAD_NAME;
+		if (!(resolve_flags & RESOLVE_REF_ALLOW_BAD_NAME) ||
+		    !refname_is_safe(refname)) {
+			errno = EINVAL;
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * dwim_ref() uses REF_ISBROKEN to distinguish between
+		 * missing refs and refs that were present but invalid,
+		 * to complain about the latter to stderr.
+		 *
+		 * We don't know whether the ref exists, so don't set
+		 * REF_ISBROKEN yet.
+		 */
+		bad_name = 1;
+	}
+	for (;;) {
+		const char *path;
+		struct stat st;
+		char *buf;
+		int fd;
+		if (--depth < 0) {
+			errno = ELOOP;
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		strbuf_reset(sb_path);
+		strbuf_git_path(sb_path, "%s", refname);
+		path = sb_path->buf;
+		/*
+		 * We might have to loop back here to avoid a race
+		 * condition: first we lstat() the file, then we try
+		 * to read it as a link or as a file.  But if somebody
+		 * changes the type of the file (file <-> directory
+		 * <-> symlink) between the lstat() and reading, then
+		 * we don't want to report that as an error but rather
+		 * try again starting with the lstat().
+		 */
+	stat_ref:
+		if (lstat(path, &st) < 0) {
+			if (errno != ENOENT)
+				return NULL;
+			if (resolve_missing_loose_ref(refname, resolve_flags,
+						      sha1, flags))
+				return NULL;
+			if (bad_name) {
+				hashclr(sha1);
+				if (flags)
+					*flags |= REF_ISBROKEN;
+			}
+			return refname;
+		}
+		/* Follow "normalized" - ie "refs/.." symlinks by hand */
+		if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
+			strbuf_reset(sb_contents);
+			if (strbuf_readlink(sb_contents, path, 0) < 0) {
+				if (errno == ENOENT || errno == EINVAL)
+					/* inconsistent with lstat; retry */
+					goto stat_ref;
+				else
+					return NULL;
+			}
+			if (starts_with(sb_contents->buf, "refs/") &&
+			    !check_refname_format(sb_contents->buf, 0)) {
+				strbuf_swap(sb_refname, sb_contents);
+				refname = sb_refname->buf;
+				if (flags)
+					*flags |= REF_ISSYMREF;
+				if (resolve_flags & RESOLVE_REF_NO_RECURSE) {
+					hashclr(sha1);
+					return refname;
+				}
+				continue;
+			}
+		}
+		/* Is it a directory? */
+		if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+			errno = EISDIR;
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Anything else, just open it and try to use it as
+		 * a ref
+		 */
+		fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
+		if (fd < 0) {
+			if (errno == ENOENT)
+				/* inconsistent with lstat; retry */
+				goto stat_ref;
+			else
+				return NULL;
+		}
+		strbuf_reset(sb_contents);
+		if (strbuf_read(sb_contents, fd, 256) < 0) {
+			int save_errno = errno;
+			close(fd);
+			errno = save_errno;
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		close(fd);
+		strbuf_rtrim(sb_contents);
+		/*
+		 * Is it a symbolic ref?
+		 */
+		if (!starts_with(sb_contents->buf, "ref:")) {
+			/*
+			 * Please note that FETCH_HEAD has a second
+			 * line containing other data.
+			 */
+			if (get_sha1_hex(sb_contents->buf, sha1) ||
+			    (sb_contents->buf[40] != '\0' && !isspace(sb_contents->buf[40]))) {
+				if (flags)
+					*flags |= REF_ISBROKEN;
+				errno = EINVAL;
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			if (bad_name) {
+				hashclr(sha1);
+				if (flags)
+					*flags |= REF_ISBROKEN;
+			}
+			return refname;
+		}
+		if (flags)
+			*flags |= REF_ISSYMREF;
+		buf = sb_contents->buf + 4;
+		while (isspace(*buf))
+			buf++;
+		strbuf_reset(sb_refname);
+		strbuf_addstr(sb_refname, buf);
+		refname = sb_refname->buf;
+		if (resolve_flags & RESOLVE_REF_NO_RECURSE) {
+			hashclr(sha1);
+			return refname;
+		}
+		if (check_refname_format(buf, REFNAME_ALLOW_ONELEVEL)) {
+			if (flags)
+				*flags |= REF_ISBROKEN;
+			if (!(resolve_flags & RESOLVE_REF_ALLOW_BAD_NAME) ||
+			    !refname_is_safe(buf)) {
+				errno = EINVAL;
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			bad_name = 1;
+		}
+	}
+const char *resolve_ref_unsafe(const char *refname, int resolve_flags,
+			       unsigned char *sha1, int *flags)
+	static struct strbuf sb_refname = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf sb_contents = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf sb_path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	const char *ret;
+	ret = resolve_ref_1(refname, resolve_flags, sha1, flags,
+			    &sb_refname, &sb_path, &sb_contents);
+	strbuf_release(&sb_path);
+	strbuf_release(&sb_contents);
+	return ret;
+ * Peel the entry (if possible) and return its new peel_status.  If
+ * repeel is true, re-peel the entry even if there is an old peeled
+ * value that is already stored in it.
+ *
+ * It is OK to call this function with a packed reference entry that
+ * might be stale and might even refer to an object that has since
+ * been garbage-collected.  In such a case, if the entry has
+ * REF_KNOWS_PEELED then leave the status unchanged and return
+ * PEEL_PEELED or PEEL_NON_TAG; otherwise, return PEEL_INVALID.
+ */
+static enum peel_status peel_entry(struct ref_entry *entry, int repeel)
+	enum peel_status status;
+	if (entry->flag & REF_KNOWS_PEELED) {
+		if (repeel) {
+			entry->flag &= ~REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
+			oidclr(&entry->u.value.peeled);
+		} else {
+			return is_null_oid(&entry->u.value.peeled) ?
+		}
+	}
+	if (entry->flag & REF_ISBROKEN)
+		return PEEL_BROKEN;
+	if (entry->flag & REF_ISSYMREF)
+		return PEEL_IS_SYMREF;
+	status = peel_object(entry->u.value.oid.hash, entry->u.value.peeled.hash);
+	if (status == PEEL_PEELED || status == PEEL_NON_TAG)
+		entry->flag |= REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
+	return status;
+int peel_ref(const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1)
+	int flag;
+	unsigned char base[20];
+	if (current_ref && (current_ref->name == refname
+			    || !strcmp(current_ref->name, refname))) {
+		if (peel_entry(current_ref, 0))
+			return -1;
+		hashcpy(sha1, current_ref->u.value.peeled.hash);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (read_ref_full(refname, RESOLVE_REF_READING, base, &flag))
+		return -1;
+	/*
+	 * If the reference is packed, read its ref_entry from the
+	 * cache in the hope that we already know its peeled value.
+	 * We only try this optimization on packed references because
+	 * (a) forcing the filling of the loose reference cache could
+	 * be expensive and (b) loose references anyway usually do not
+	 */
+	if (flag & REF_ISPACKED) {
+		struct ref_entry *r = get_packed_ref(refname);
+		if (r) {
+			if (peel_entry(r, 0))
+				return -1;
+			hashcpy(sha1, r->u.value.peeled.hash);
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	return peel_object(base, sha1);
+ * Call fn for each reference in the specified ref_cache, omitting
+ * references not in the containing_dir of base.  fn is called for all
+ * references, including broken ones.  If fn ever returns a non-zero
+ * value, stop the iteration and return that value; otherwise, return
+ * 0.
+ */
+static int do_for_each_entry(struct ref_cache *refs, const char *base,
+			     each_ref_entry_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache;
+	struct ref_dir *loose_dir;
+	struct ref_dir *packed_dir;
+	int retval = 0;
+	/*
+	 * We must make sure that all loose refs are read before accessing the
+	 * packed-refs file; this avoids a race condition in which loose refs
+	 * are migrated to the packed-refs file by a simultaneous process, but
+	 * our in-memory view is from before the migration. get_packed_ref_cache()
+	 * takes care of making sure our view is up to date with what is on
+	 * disk.
+	 */
+	loose_dir = get_loose_refs(refs);
+	if (base && *base) {
+		loose_dir = find_containing_dir(loose_dir, base, 0);
+	}
+	if (loose_dir)
+		prime_ref_dir(loose_dir);
+	packed_ref_cache = get_packed_ref_cache(refs);
+	acquire_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
+	packed_dir = get_packed_ref_dir(packed_ref_cache);
+	if (base && *base) {
+		packed_dir = find_containing_dir(packed_dir, base, 0);
+	}
+	if (packed_dir && loose_dir) {
+		sort_ref_dir(packed_dir);
+		sort_ref_dir(loose_dir);
+		retval = do_for_each_entry_in_dirs(
+				packed_dir, loose_dir, fn, cb_data);
+	} else if (packed_dir) {
+		sort_ref_dir(packed_dir);
+		retval = do_for_each_entry_in_dir(
+				packed_dir, 0, fn, cb_data);
+	} else if (loose_dir) {
+		sort_ref_dir(loose_dir);
+		retval = do_for_each_entry_in_dir(
+				loose_dir, 0, fn, cb_data);
+	}
+	release_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
+	return retval;
+ * Call fn for each reference in the specified ref_cache for which the
+ * refname begins with base.  If trim is non-zero, then trim that many
+ * characters off the beginning of each refname before passing the
+ * refname to fn.  flags can be DO_FOR_EACH_INCLUDE_BROKEN to include
+ * broken references in the iteration.  If fn ever returns a non-zero
+ * value, stop the iteration and return that value; otherwise, return
+ * 0.
+ */
+static int do_for_each_ref(struct ref_cache *refs, const char *base,
+			   each_ref_fn fn, int trim, int flags, void *cb_data)
+	struct ref_entry_cb data;
+	data.base = base;
+	data.trim = trim;
+	data.flags = flags;
+	data.fn = fn;
+	data.cb_data = cb_data;
+	if (ref_paranoia < 0)
+		ref_paranoia = git_env_bool("GIT_REF_PARANOIA", 0);
+	if (ref_paranoia)
+		data.flags |= DO_FOR_EACH_INCLUDE_BROKEN;
+	return do_for_each_entry(refs, base, do_one_ref, &data);
+static int do_head_ref(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	struct object_id oid;
+	int flag;
+	if (submodule) {
+		if (resolve_gitlink_ref(submodule, "HEAD", oid.hash) == 0)
+			return fn("HEAD", &oid, 0, cb_data);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (!read_ref_full("HEAD", RESOLVE_REF_READING, oid.hash, &flag))
+		return fn("HEAD", &oid, flag, cb_data);
+	return 0;
+int head_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	return do_head_ref(NULL, fn, cb_data);
+int head_ref_submodule(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	return do_head_ref(submodule, fn, cb_data);
+int for_each_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	return do_for_each_ref(&ref_cache, "", fn, 0, 0, cb_data);
+int for_each_ref_submodule(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	return do_for_each_ref(get_ref_cache(submodule), "", fn, 0, 0, cb_data);
+int for_each_ref_in(const char *prefix, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	return do_for_each_ref(&ref_cache, prefix, fn, strlen(prefix), 0, cb_data);
+int for_each_fullref_in(const char *prefix, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data, unsigned int broken)
+	unsigned int flag = 0;
+	if (broken)
+	return do_for_each_ref(&ref_cache, prefix, fn, 0, flag, cb_data);
+int for_each_ref_in_submodule(const char *submodule, const char *prefix,
+		each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	return do_for_each_ref(get_ref_cache(submodule), prefix, fn, strlen(prefix), 0, cb_data);
+int for_each_replace_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	return do_for_each_ref(&ref_cache, git_replace_ref_base, fn,
+			       strlen(git_replace_ref_base), 0, cb_data);
+int for_each_namespaced_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+	int ret;
+	strbuf_addf(&buf, "%srefs/", get_git_namespace());
+	ret = do_for_each_ref(&ref_cache, buf.buf, fn, 0, 0, cb_data);
+	strbuf_release(&buf);
+	return ret;
+int for_each_rawref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	return do_for_each_ref(&ref_cache, "", fn, 0,
+			       DO_FOR_EACH_INCLUDE_BROKEN, cb_data);
+static void unlock_ref(struct ref_lock *lock)
+	/* Do not free lock->lk -- atexit() still looks at them */
+	if (lock->lk)
+		rollback_lock_file(lock->lk);
+	free(lock->ref_name);
+	free(lock->orig_ref_name);
+	free(lock);
+ * Verify that the reference locked by lock has the value old_sha1.
+ * Fail if the reference doesn't exist and mustexist is set. Return 0
+ * on success. On error, write an error message to err, set errno, and
+ * return a negative value.
+ */
+static int verify_lock(struct ref_lock *lock,
+		       const unsigned char *old_sha1, int mustexist,
+		       struct strbuf *err)
+	assert(err);
+	if (read_ref_full(lock->ref_name,
+			  mustexist ? RESOLVE_REF_READING : 0,
+			  lock->old_oid.hash, NULL)) {
+		int save_errno = errno;
+		strbuf_addf(err, "can't verify ref %s", lock->ref_name);
+		errno = save_errno;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (hashcmp(lock->old_oid.hash, old_sha1)) {
+		strbuf_addf(err, "ref %s is at %s but expected %s",
+			    lock->ref_name,
+			    sha1_to_hex(lock->old_oid.hash),
+			    sha1_to_hex(old_sha1));
+		errno = EBUSY;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int remove_empty_directories(struct strbuf *path)
+	/*
+	 * we want to create a file but there is a directory there;
+	 * if that is an empty directory (or a directory that contains
+	 * only empty directories), remove them.
+	 */
+	return remove_dir_recursively(path, REMOVE_DIR_EMPTY_ONLY);
+ * Locks a ref returning the lock on success and NULL on failure.
+ * On failure errno is set to something meaningful.
+ */
+static struct ref_lock *lock_ref_sha1_basic(const char *refname,
+					    const unsigned char *old_sha1,
+					    const struct string_list *extras,
+					    const struct string_list *skip,
+					    unsigned int flags, int *type_p,
+					    struct strbuf *err)
+	struct strbuf ref_file = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf orig_ref_file = STRBUF_INIT;
+	const char *orig_refname = refname;
+	struct ref_lock *lock;
+	int last_errno = 0;
+	int type, lflags;
+	int mustexist = (old_sha1 && !is_null_sha1(old_sha1));
+	int resolve_flags = 0;
+	int attempts_remaining = 3;
+	assert(err);
+	lock = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct ref_lock));
+	if (mustexist)
+		resolve_flags |= RESOLVE_REF_READING;
+	if (flags & REF_DELETING) {
+		resolve_flags |= RESOLVE_REF_ALLOW_BAD_NAME;
+		if (flags & REF_NODEREF)
+			resolve_flags |= RESOLVE_REF_NO_RECURSE;
+	}
+	refname = resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, resolve_flags,
+				     lock->old_oid.hash, &type);
+	if (!refname && errno == EISDIR) {
+		/*
+		 * we are trying to lock foo but we used to
+		 * have foo/bar which now does not exist;
+		 * it is normal for the empty directory 'foo'
+		 * to remain.
+		 */
+		strbuf_git_path(&orig_ref_file, "%s", orig_refname);
+		if (remove_empty_directories(&orig_ref_file)) {
+			last_errno = errno;
+			if (!verify_refname_available_dir(orig_refname, extras, skip,
+							  get_loose_refs(&ref_cache), err))
+				strbuf_addf(err, "there are still refs under '%s'",
+					    orig_refname);
+			goto error_return;
+		}
+		refname = resolve_ref_unsafe(orig_refname, resolve_flags,
+					     lock->old_oid.hash, &type);
+	}
+	if (type_p)
+	    *type_p = type;
+	if (!refname) {
+		last_errno = errno;
+		if (last_errno != ENOTDIR ||
+		    !verify_refname_available_dir(orig_refname, extras, skip,
+						  get_loose_refs(&ref_cache), err))
+			strbuf_addf(err, "unable to resolve reference %s: %s",
+				    orig_refname, strerror(last_errno));
+		goto error_return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * If the ref did not exist and we are creating it, make sure
+	 * there is no existing packed ref whose name begins with our
+	 * refname, nor a packed ref whose name is a proper prefix of
+	 * our refname.
+	 */
+	if (is_null_oid(&lock->old_oid) &&
+	    verify_refname_available_dir(refname, extras, skip,
+					 get_packed_refs(&ref_cache), err)) {
+		last_errno = ENOTDIR;
+		goto error_return;
+	}
+	lock->lk = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct lock_file));
+	lflags = 0;
+	if (flags & REF_NODEREF) {
+		refname = orig_refname;
+		lflags |= LOCK_NO_DEREF;
+	}
+	lock->ref_name = xstrdup(refname);
+	lock->orig_ref_name = xstrdup(orig_refname);
+	strbuf_git_path(&ref_file, "%s", refname);
+ retry:
+	switch (safe_create_leading_directories_const(ref_file.buf)) {
+	case SCLD_OK:
+		break; /* success */
+		if (--attempts_remaining > 0)
+			goto retry;
+		/* fall through */
+	default:
+		last_errno = errno;
+		strbuf_addf(err, "unable to create directory for %s",
+			    ref_file.buf);
+		goto error_return;
+	}
+	if (hold_lock_file_for_update(lock->lk, ref_file.buf, lflags) < 0) {
+		last_errno = errno;
+		if (errno == ENOENT && --attempts_remaining > 0)
+			/*
+			 * Maybe somebody just deleted one of the
+			 * directories leading to ref_file.  Try
+			 * again:
+			 */
+			goto retry;
+		else {
+			unable_to_lock_message(ref_file.buf, errno, err);
+			goto error_return;
+		}
+	}
+	if (old_sha1 && verify_lock(lock, old_sha1, mustexist, err)) {
+		last_errno = errno;
+		goto error_return;
+	}
+	goto out;
+ error_return:
+	unlock_ref(lock);
+	lock = NULL;
+ out:
+	strbuf_release(&ref_file);
+	strbuf_release(&orig_ref_file);
+	errno = last_errno;
+	return lock;
+ * Write an entry to the packed-refs file for the specified refname.
+ * If peeled is non-NULL, write it as the entry's peeled value.
+ */
+static void write_packed_entry(FILE *fh, char *refname, unsigned char *sha1,
+			       unsigned char *peeled)
+	fprintf_or_die(fh, "%s %s\n", sha1_to_hex(sha1), refname);
+	if (peeled)
+		fprintf_or_die(fh, "^%s\n", sha1_to_hex(peeled));
+ * An each_ref_entry_fn that writes the entry to a packed-refs file.
+ */
+static int write_packed_entry_fn(struct ref_entry *entry, void *cb_data)
+	enum peel_status peel_status = peel_entry(entry, 0);
+	if (peel_status != PEEL_PEELED && peel_status != PEEL_NON_TAG)
+		error("internal error: %s is not a valid packed reference!",
+		      entry->name);
+	write_packed_entry(cb_data, entry->name, entry->u.value.oid.hash,
+			   peel_status == PEEL_PEELED ?
+			   entry->u.value.peeled.hash : NULL);
+	return 0;
+ * Lock the packed-refs file for writing. Flags is passed to
+ * hold_lock_file_for_update(). Return 0 on success. On errors, set
+ * errno appropriately and return a nonzero value.
+ */
+static int lock_packed_refs(int flags)
+	static int timeout_configured = 0;
+	static int timeout_value = 1000;
+	struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache;
+	if (!timeout_configured) {
+		git_config_get_int("core.packedrefstimeout", &timeout_value);
+		timeout_configured = 1;
+	}
+	if (hold_lock_file_for_update_timeout(
+			    &packlock, git_path("packed-refs"),
+			    flags, timeout_value) < 0)
+		return -1;
+	/*
+	 * Get the current packed-refs while holding the lock.  If the
+	 * packed-refs file has been modified since we last read it,
+	 * this will automatically invalidate the cache and re-read
+	 * the packed-refs file.
+	 */
+	packed_ref_cache = get_packed_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
+	packed_ref_cache->lock = &packlock;
+	/* Increment the reference count to prevent it from being freed: */
+	acquire_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
+	return 0;
+ * Write the current version of the packed refs cache from memory to
+ * disk. The packed-refs file must already be locked for writing (see
+ * lock_packed_refs()). Return zero on success. On errors, set errno
+ * and return a nonzero value
+ */
+static int commit_packed_refs(void)
+	struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache =
+		get_packed_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
+	int error = 0;
+	int save_errno = 0;
+	FILE *out;
+	if (!packed_ref_cache->lock)
+		die("internal error: packed-refs not locked");
+	out = fdopen_lock_file(packed_ref_cache->lock, "w");
+	if (!out)
+		die_errno("unable to fdopen packed-refs descriptor");
+	fprintf_or_die(out, "%s", PACKED_REFS_HEADER);
+	do_for_each_entry_in_dir(get_packed_ref_dir(packed_ref_cache),
+				 0, write_packed_entry_fn, out);
+	if (commit_lock_file(packed_ref_cache->lock)) {
+		save_errno = errno;
+		error = -1;
+	}
+	packed_ref_cache->lock = NULL;
+	release_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
+	errno = save_errno;
+	return error;
+ * Rollback the lockfile for the packed-refs file, and discard the
+ * in-memory packed reference cache.  (The packed-refs file will be
+ * read anew if it is needed again after this function is called.)
+ */
+static void rollback_packed_refs(void)
+	struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache =
+		get_packed_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
+	if (!packed_ref_cache->lock)
+		die("internal error: packed-refs not locked");
+	rollback_lock_file(packed_ref_cache->lock);
+	packed_ref_cache->lock = NULL;
+	release_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
+	clear_packed_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
+struct ref_to_prune {
+	struct ref_to_prune *next;
+	unsigned char sha1[20];
+	char name[FLEX_ARRAY];
+struct pack_refs_cb_data {
+	unsigned int flags;
+	struct ref_dir *packed_refs;
+	struct ref_to_prune *ref_to_prune;
+ * An each_ref_entry_fn that is run over loose references only.  If
+ * the loose reference can be packed, add an entry in the packed ref
+ * cache.  If the reference should be pruned, also add it to
+ * ref_to_prune in the pack_refs_cb_data.
+ */
+static int pack_if_possible_fn(struct ref_entry *entry, void *cb_data)
+	struct pack_refs_cb_data *cb = cb_data;
+	enum peel_status peel_status;
+	struct ref_entry *packed_entry;
+	int is_tag_ref = starts_with(entry->name, "refs/tags/");
+	/* Do not pack per-worktree refs: */
+	if (ref_type(entry->name) != REF_TYPE_NORMAL)
+		return 0;
+	/* ALWAYS pack tags */
+	if (!(cb->flags & PACK_REFS_ALL) && !is_tag_ref)
+		return 0;
+	/* Do not pack symbolic or broken refs: */
+	if ((entry->flag & REF_ISSYMREF) || !ref_resolves_to_object(entry))
+		return 0;
+	/* Add a packed ref cache entry equivalent to the loose entry. */
+	peel_status = peel_entry(entry, 1);
+	if (peel_status != PEEL_PEELED && peel_status != PEEL_NON_TAG)
+		die("internal error peeling reference %s (%s)",
+		    entry->name, oid_to_hex(&entry->u.value.oid));
+	packed_entry = find_ref(cb->packed_refs, entry->name);
+	if (packed_entry) {
+		/* Overwrite existing packed entry with info from loose entry */
+		packed_entry->flag = REF_ISPACKED | REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
+		oidcpy(&packed_entry->u.value.oid, &entry->u.value.oid);
+	} else {
+		packed_entry = create_ref_entry(entry->name, entry->u.value.oid.hash,
+		add_ref(cb->packed_refs, packed_entry);
+	}
+	oidcpy(&packed_entry->u.value.peeled, &entry->u.value.peeled);
+	/* Schedule the loose reference for pruning if requested. */
+	if ((cb->flags & PACK_REFS_PRUNE)) {
+		int namelen = strlen(entry->name) + 1;
+		struct ref_to_prune *n = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*n) + namelen);
+		hashcpy(n->sha1, entry->u.value.oid.hash);
+		memcpy(n->name, entry->name, namelen); /* includes NUL */
+		n->next = cb->ref_to_prune;
+		cb->ref_to_prune = n;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * Remove empty parents, but spare refs/ and immediate subdirs.
+ * Note: munges *name.
+ */
+static void try_remove_empty_parents(char *name)
+	char *p, *q;
+	int i;
+	p = name;
+	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* refs/{heads,tags,...}/ */
+		while (*p && *p != '/')
+			p++;
+		/* tolerate duplicate slashes; see check_refname_format() */
+		while (*p == '/')
+			p++;
+	}
+	for (q = p; *q; q++)
+		;
+	while (1) {
+		while (q > p && *q != '/')
+			q--;
+		while (q > p && *(q-1) == '/')
+			q--;
+		if (q == p)
+			break;
+		*q = '\0';
+		if (rmdir(git_path("%s", name)))
+			break;
+	}
+/* make sure nobody touched the ref, and unlink */
+static void prune_ref(struct ref_to_prune *r)
+	struct ref_transaction *transaction;
+	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
+	if (check_refname_format(r->name, 0))
+		return;
+	transaction = ref_transaction_begin(&err);
+	if (!transaction ||
+	    ref_transaction_delete(transaction, r->name, r->sha1,
+				   REF_ISPRUNING, NULL, &err) ||
+	    ref_transaction_commit(transaction, &err)) {
+		ref_transaction_free(transaction);
+		error("%s", err.buf);
+		strbuf_release(&err);
+		return;
+	}
+	ref_transaction_free(transaction);
+	strbuf_release(&err);
+	try_remove_empty_parents(r->name);
+static void prune_refs(struct ref_to_prune *r)
+	while (r) {
+		prune_ref(r);
+		r = r->next;
+	}
+int pack_refs(unsigned int flags)
+	struct pack_refs_cb_data cbdata;
+	memset(&cbdata, 0, sizeof(cbdata));
+	cbdata.flags = flags;
+	lock_packed_refs(LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
+	cbdata.packed_refs = get_packed_refs(&ref_cache);
+	do_for_each_entry_in_dir(get_loose_refs(&ref_cache), 0,
+				 pack_if_possible_fn, &cbdata);
+	if (commit_packed_refs())
+		die_errno("unable to overwrite old ref-pack file");
+	prune_refs(cbdata.ref_to_prune);
+	return 0;
+ * Rewrite the packed-refs file, omitting any refs listed in
+ * 'refnames'. On error, leave packed-refs unchanged, write an error
+ * message to 'err', and return a nonzero value.
+ *
+ * The refs in 'refnames' needn't be sorted. `err` must not be NULL.
+ */
+static int repack_without_refs(struct string_list *refnames, struct strbuf *err)
+	struct ref_dir *packed;
+	struct string_list_item *refname;
+	int ret, needs_repacking = 0, removed = 0;
+	assert(err);
+	/* Look for a packed ref */
+	for_each_string_list_item(refname, refnames) {
+		if (get_packed_ref(refname->string)) {
+			needs_repacking = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Avoid locking if we have nothing to do */
+	if (!needs_repacking)
+		return 0; /* no refname exists in packed refs */
+	if (lock_packed_refs(0)) {
+		unable_to_lock_message(git_path("packed-refs"), errno, err);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	packed = get_packed_refs(&ref_cache);
+	/* Remove refnames from the cache */
+	for_each_string_list_item(refname, refnames)
+		if (remove_entry(packed, refname->string) != -1)
+			removed = 1;
+	if (!removed) {
+		/*
+		 * All packed entries disappeared while we were
+		 * acquiring the lock.
+		 */
+		rollback_packed_refs();
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* Write what remains */
+	ret = commit_packed_refs();
+	if (ret)
+		strbuf_addf(err, "unable to overwrite old ref-pack file: %s",
+			    strerror(errno));
+	return ret;
+static int delete_ref_loose(struct ref_lock *lock, int flag, struct strbuf *err)
+	assert(err);
+	if (!(flag & REF_ISPACKED) || flag & REF_ISSYMREF) {
+		/*
+		 * loose.  The loose file name is the same as the
+		 * lockfile name, minus ".lock":
+		 */
+		char *loose_filename = get_locked_file_path(lock->lk);
+		int res = unlink_or_msg(loose_filename, err);
+		free(loose_filename);
+		if (res)
+			return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int delete_refs(struct string_list *refnames)
+	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
+	int i, result = 0;
+	if (!refnames->nr)
+		return 0;
+	result = repack_without_refs(refnames, &err);
+	if (result) {
+		/*
+		 * If we failed to rewrite the packed-refs file, then
+		 * it is unsafe to try to remove loose refs, because
+		 * doing so might expose an obsolete packed value for
+		 * a reference that might even point at an object that
+		 * has been garbage collected.
+		 */
+		if (refnames->nr == 1)
+			error(_("could not delete reference %s: %s"),
+			      refnames->items[0].string, err.buf);
+		else
+			error(_("could not delete references: %s"), err.buf);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < refnames->nr; i++) {
+		const char *refname = refnames->items[i].string;
+		if (delete_ref(refname, NULL, 0))
+			result |= error(_("could not remove reference %s"), refname);
+	}
+	strbuf_release(&err);
+	return result;
+ * People using contrib's git-new-workdir have .git/logs/refs ->
+ * /some/other/path/.git/logs/refs, and that may live on another device.
+ *
+ * IOW, to avoid cross device rename errors, the temporary renamed log must
+ * live into logs/refs.
+ */
+#define TMP_RENAMED_LOG  "logs/refs/.tmp-renamed-log"
+static int rename_tmp_log(const char *newrefname)
+	int attempts_remaining = 4;
+	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	int ret = -1;
+ retry:
+	strbuf_reset(&path);
+	strbuf_git_path(&path, "logs/%s", newrefname);
+	switch (safe_create_leading_directories_const(path.buf)) {
+	case SCLD_OK:
+		break; /* success */
+		if (--attempts_remaining > 0)
+			goto retry;
+		/* fall through */
+	default:
+		error("unable to create directory for %s", newrefname);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (rename(git_path(TMP_RENAMED_LOG), path.buf)) {
+		if ((errno==EISDIR || errno==ENOTDIR) && --attempts_remaining > 0) {
+			/*
+			 * rename(a, b) when b is an existing
+			 * directory ought to result in ISDIR, but
+			 * Solaris 5.8 gives ENOTDIR.  Sheesh.
+			 */
+			if (remove_empty_directories(&path)) {
+				error("Directory not empty: logs/%s", newrefname);
+				goto out;
+			}
+			goto retry;
+		} else if (errno == ENOENT && --attempts_remaining > 0) {
+			/*
+			 * Maybe another process just deleted one of
+			 * the directories in the path to newrefname.
+			 * Try again from the beginning.
+			 */
+			goto retry;
+		} else {
+			error("unable to move logfile "TMP_RENAMED_LOG" to logs/%s: %s",
+				newrefname, strerror(errno));
+			goto out;
+		}
+	}
+	ret = 0;
+	strbuf_release(&path);
+	return ret;
+int verify_refname_available(const char *newname,
+			     struct string_list *extras,
+			     struct string_list *skip,
+			     struct strbuf *err)
+	struct ref_dir *packed_refs = get_packed_refs(&ref_cache);
+	struct ref_dir *loose_refs = get_loose_refs(&ref_cache);
+	if (verify_refname_available_dir(newname, extras, skip,
+					 packed_refs, err) ||
+	    verify_refname_available_dir(newname, extras, skip,
+					 loose_refs, err))
+		return -1;
+	return 0;
+static int write_ref_to_lockfile(struct ref_lock *lock,
+				 const unsigned char *sha1, struct strbuf *err);
+static int commit_ref_update(struct ref_lock *lock,
+			     const unsigned char *sha1, const char *logmsg,
+			     int flags, struct strbuf *err);
+int rename_ref(const char *oldrefname, const char *newrefname, const char *logmsg)
+	unsigned char sha1[20], orig_sha1[20];
+	int flag = 0, logmoved = 0;
+	struct ref_lock *lock;
+	struct stat loginfo;
+	int log = !lstat(git_path("logs/%s", oldrefname), &loginfo);
+	const char *symref = NULL;
+	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
+	if (log && S_ISLNK(loginfo.st_mode))
+		return error("reflog for %s is a symlink", oldrefname);
+	symref = resolve_ref_unsafe(oldrefname, RESOLVE_REF_READING,
+				    orig_sha1, &flag);
+	if (flag & REF_ISSYMREF)
+		return error("refname %s is a symbolic ref, renaming it is not supported",
+			oldrefname);
+	if (!symref)
+		return error("refname %s not found", oldrefname);
+	if (!rename_ref_available(oldrefname, newrefname))
+		return 1;
+	if (log && rename(git_path("logs/%s", oldrefname), git_path(TMP_RENAMED_LOG)))
+		return error("unable to move logfile logs/%s to "TMP_RENAMED_LOG": %s",
+			oldrefname, strerror(errno));
+	if (delete_ref(oldrefname, orig_sha1, REF_NODEREF)) {
+		error("unable to delete old %s", oldrefname);
+		goto rollback;
+	}
+	if (!read_ref_full(newrefname, RESOLVE_REF_READING, sha1, NULL) &&
+	    delete_ref(newrefname, sha1, REF_NODEREF)) {
+		if (errno==EISDIR) {
+			struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
+			int result;
+			strbuf_git_path(&path, "%s", newrefname);
+			result = remove_empty_directories(&path);
+			strbuf_release(&path);
+			if (result) {
+				error("Directory not empty: %s", newrefname);
+				goto rollback;
+			}
+		} else {
+			error("unable to delete existing %s", newrefname);
+			goto rollback;
+		}
+	}
+	if (log && rename_tmp_log(newrefname))
+		goto rollback;
+	logmoved = log;
+	lock = lock_ref_sha1_basic(newrefname, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err);
+	if (!lock) {
+		error("unable to rename '%s' to '%s': %s", oldrefname, newrefname, err.buf);
+		strbuf_release(&err);
+		goto rollback;
+	}
+	hashcpy(lock->old_oid.hash, orig_sha1);
+	if (write_ref_to_lockfile(lock, orig_sha1, &err) ||
+	    commit_ref_update(lock, orig_sha1, logmsg, 0, &err)) {
+		error("unable to write current sha1 into %s: %s", newrefname, err.buf);
+		strbuf_release(&err);
+		goto rollback;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ rollback:
+	lock = lock_ref_sha1_basic(oldrefname, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err);
+	if (!lock) {
+		error("unable to lock %s for rollback: %s", oldrefname, err.buf);
+		strbuf_release(&err);
+		goto rollbacklog;
+	}
+	flag = log_all_ref_updates;
+	log_all_ref_updates = 0;
+	if (write_ref_to_lockfile(lock, orig_sha1, &err) ||
+	    commit_ref_update(lock, orig_sha1, NULL, 0, &err)) {
+		error("unable to write current sha1 into %s: %s", oldrefname, err.buf);
+		strbuf_release(&err);
+	}
+	log_all_ref_updates = flag;
+ rollbacklog:
+	if (logmoved && rename(git_path("logs/%s", newrefname), git_path("logs/%s", oldrefname)))
+		error("unable to restore logfile %s from %s: %s",
+			oldrefname, newrefname, strerror(errno));
+	if (!logmoved && log &&
+	    rename(git_path(TMP_RENAMED_LOG), git_path("logs/%s", oldrefname)))
+		error("unable to restore logfile %s from "TMP_RENAMED_LOG": %s",
+			oldrefname, strerror(errno));
+	return 1;
+static int close_ref(struct ref_lock *lock)
+	if (close_lock_file(lock->lk))
+		return -1;
+	return 0;
+static int commit_ref(struct ref_lock *lock)
+	if (commit_lock_file(lock->lk))
+		return -1;
+	return 0;
+ * Create a reflog for a ref.  If force_create = 0, the reflog will
+ * only be created for certain refs (those for which
+ * should_autocreate_reflog returns non-zero.  Otherwise, create it
+ * regardless of the ref name.  Fill in *err and return -1 on failure.
+ */
+static int log_ref_setup(const char *refname, struct strbuf *logfile, struct strbuf *err, int force_create)
+	int logfd, oflags = O_APPEND | O_WRONLY;
+	strbuf_git_path(logfile, "logs/%s", refname);
+	if (force_create || should_autocreate_reflog(refname)) {
+		if (safe_create_leading_directories(logfile->buf) < 0) {
+			strbuf_addf(err, "unable to create directory for %s: "
+				    "%s", logfile->buf, strerror(errno));
+			return -1;
+		}
+		oflags |= O_CREAT;
+	}
+	logfd = open(logfile->buf, oflags, 0666);
+	if (logfd < 0) {
+		if (!(oflags & O_CREAT) && (errno == ENOENT || errno == EISDIR))
+			return 0;
+		if (errno == EISDIR) {
+			if (remove_empty_directories(logfile)) {
+				strbuf_addf(err, "There are still logs under "
+					    "'%s'", logfile->buf);
+				return -1;
+			}
+			logfd = open(logfile->buf, oflags, 0666);
+		}
+		if (logfd < 0) {
+			strbuf_addf(err, "unable to append to %s: %s",
+				    logfile->buf, strerror(errno));
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	adjust_shared_perm(logfile->buf);
+	close(logfd);
+	return 0;
+int safe_create_reflog(const char *refname, int force_create, struct strbuf *err)
+	int ret;
+	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+	ret = log_ref_setup(refname, &sb, err, force_create);
+	strbuf_release(&sb);
+	return ret;
+static int log_ref_write_fd(int fd, const unsigned char *old_sha1,
+			    const unsigned char *new_sha1,
+			    const char *committer, const char *msg)
+	int msglen, written;
+	unsigned maxlen, len;
+	char *logrec;
+	msglen = msg ? strlen(msg) : 0;
+	maxlen = strlen(committer) + msglen + 100;
+	logrec = xmalloc(maxlen);
+	len = xsnprintf(logrec, maxlen, "%s %s %s\n",
+			sha1_to_hex(old_sha1),
+			sha1_to_hex(new_sha1),
+			committer);
+	if (msglen)
+		len += copy_reflog_msg(logrec + len - 1, msg) - 1;
+	written = len <= maxlen ? write_in_full(fd, logrec, len) : -1;
+	free(logrec);
+	if (written != len)
+		return -1;
+	return 0;
+static int log_ref_write_1(const char *refname, const unsigned char *old_sha1,
+			   const unsigned char *new_sha1, const char *msg,
+			   struct strbuf *logfile, int flags,
+			   struct strbuf *err)
+	int logfd, result, oflags = O_APPEND | O_WRONLY;
+	if (log_all_ref_updates < 0)
+		log_all_ref_updates = !is_bare_repository();
+	result = log_ref_setup(refname, logfile, err, flags & REF_FORCE_CREATE_REFLOG);
+	if (result)
+		return result;
+	logfd = open(logfile->buf, oflags);
+	if (logfd < 0)
+		return 0;
+	result = log_ref_write_fd(logfd, old_sha1, new_sha1,
+				  git_committer_info(0), msg);
+	if (result) {
+		strbuf_addf(err, "unable to append to %s: %s", logfile->buf,
+			    strerror(errno));
+		close(logfd);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (close(logfd)) {
+		strbuf_addf(err, "unable to append to %s: %s", logfile->buf,
+			    strerror(errno));
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int log_ref_write(const char *refname, const unsigned char *old_sha1,
+			 const unsigned char *new_sha1, const char *msg,
+			 int flags, struct strbuf *err)
+	return files_log_ref_write(refname, old_sha1, new_sha1, msg, flags,
+				   err);
+int files_log_ref_write(const char *refname, const unsigned char *old_sha1,
+			const unsigned char *new_sha1, const char *msg,
+			int flags, struct strbuf *err)
+	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+	int ret = log_ref_write_1(refname, old_sha1, new_sha1, msg, &sb, flags,
+				  err);
+	strbuf_release(&sb);
+	return ret;
+ * Write sha1 into the open lockfile, then close the lockfile. On
+ * errors, rollback the lockfile, fill in *err and
+ * return -1.
+ */
+static int write_ref_to_lockfile(struct ref_lock *lock,
+				 const unsigned char *sha1, struct strbuf *err)
+	static char term = '\n';
+	struct object *o;
+	int fd;
+	o = parse_object(sha1);
+	if (!o) {
+		strbuf_addf(err,
+			    "Trying to write ref %s with nonexistent object %s",
+			    lock->ref_name, sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+		unlock_ref(lock);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (o->type != OBJ_COMMIT && is_branch(lock->ref_name)) {
+		strbuf_addf(err,
+			    "Trying to write non-commit object %s to branch %s",
+			    sha1_to_hex(sha1), lock->ref_name);
+		unlock_ref(lock);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	fd = get_lock_file_fd(lock->lk);
+	if (write_in_full(fd, sha1_to_hex(sha1), 40) != 40 ||
+	    write_in_full(fd, &term, 1) != 1 ||
+	    close_ref(lock) < 0) {
+		strbuf_addf(err,
+			    "Couldn't write %s", get_lock_file_path(lock->lk));
+		unlock_ref(lock);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * Commit a change to a loose reference that has already been written
+ * to the loose reference lockfile. Also update the reflogs if
+ * necessary, using the specified lockmsg (which can be NULL).
+ */
+static int commit_ref_update(struct ref_lock *lock,
+			     const unsigned char *sha1, const char *logmsg,
+			     int flags, struct strbuf *err)
+	clear_loose_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
+	if (log_ref_write(lock->ref_name, lock->old_oid.hash, sha1, logmsg, flags, err) < 0 ||
+	    (strcmp(lock->ref_name, lock->orig_ref_name) &&
+	     log_ref_write(lock->orig_ref_name, lock->old_oid.hash, sha1, logmsg, flags, err) < 0)) {
+		char *old_msg = strbuf_detach(err, NULL);
+		strbuf_addf(err, "Cannot update the ref '%s': %s",
+			    lock->ref_name, old_msg);
+		free(old_msg);
+		unlock_ref(lock);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (strcmp(lock->orig_ref_name, "HEAD") != 0) {
+		/*
+		 * Special hack: If a branch is updated directly and HEAD
+		 * points to it (may happen on the remote side of a push
+		 * for example) then logically the HEAD reflog should be
+		 * updated too.
+		 * A generic solution implies reverse symref information,
+		 * but finding all symrefs pointing to the given branch
+		 * would be rather costly for this rare event (the direct
+		 * update of a branch) to be worth it.  So let's cheat and
+		 * check with HEAD only which should cover 99% of all usage
+		 * scenarios (even 100% of the default ones).
+		 */
+		unsigned char head_sha1[20];
+		int head_flag;
+		const char *head_ref;
+		head_ref = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", RESOLVE_REF_READING,
+					      head_sha1, &head_flag);
+		if (head_ref && (head_flag & REF_ISSYMREF) &&
+		    !strcmp(head_ref, lock->ref_name)) {
+			struct strbuf log_err = STRBUF_INIT;
+			if (log_ref_write("HEAD", lock->old_oid.hash, sha1,
+					  logmsg, 0, &log_err)) {
+				error("%s", log_err.buf);
+				strbuf_release(&log_err);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (commit_ref(lock)) {
+		error("Couldn't set %s", lock->ref_name);
+		unlock_ref(lock);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	unlock_ref(lock);
+	return 0;
+int create_symref(const char *ref_target, const char *refs_heads_master,
+		  const char *logmsg)
+	char *lockpath = NULL;
+	char ref[1000];
+	int fd, len, written;
+	char *git_HEAD = git_pathdup("%s", ref_target);
+	unsigned char old_sha1[20], new_sha1[20];
+	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
+	if (logmsg && read_ref(ref_target, old_sha1))
+		hashclr(old_sha1);
+	if (safe_create_leading_directories(git_HEAD) < 0)
+		return error("unable to create directory for %s", git_HEAD);
+	if (prefer_symlink_refs) {
+		unlink(git_HEAD);
+		if (!symlink(refs_heads_master, git_HEAD))
+			goto done;
+		fprintf(stderr, "no symlink - falling back to symbolic ref\n");
+	}
+	len = snprintf(ref, sizeof(ref), "ref: %s\n", refs_heads_master);
+	if (sizeof(ref) <= len) {
+		error("refname too long: %s", refs_heads_master);
+		goto error_free_return;
+	}
+	lockpath = mkpathdup("%s.lock", git_HEAD);
+	fd = open(lockpath, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0666);
+	if (fd < 0) {
+		error("Unable to open %s for writing", lockpath);
+		goto error_free_return;
+	}
+	written = write_in_full(fd, ref, len);
+	if (close(fd) != 0 || written != len) {
+		error("Unable to write to %s", lockpath);
+		goto error_unlink_return;
+	}
+	if (rename(lockpath, git_HEAD) < 0) {
+		error("Unable to create %s", git_HEAD);
+		goto error_unlink_return;
+	}
+	if (adjust_shared_perm(git_HEAD)) {
+		error("Unable to fix permissions on %s", lockpath);
+	error_unlink_return:
+		unlink_or_warn(lockpath);
+	error_free_return:
+		free(lockpath);
+		free(git_HEAD);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	free(lockpath);
+	done:
+	if (logmsg && !read_ref(refs_heads_master, new_sha1) &&
+		log_ref_write(ref_target, old_sha1, new_sha1, logmsg, 0, &err)) {
+		error("%s", err.buf);
+		strbuf_release(&err);
+	}
+	free(git_HEAD);
+	return 0;
+int reflog_exists(const char *refname)
+	struct stat st;
+	return !lstat(git_path("logs/%s", refname), &st) &&
+		S_ISREG(st.st_mode);
+int delete_reflog(const char *refname)
+	return remove_path(git_path("logs/%s", refname));
+static int show_one_reflog_ent(struct strbuf *sb, each_reflog_ent_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	unsigned char osha1[20], nsha1[20];
+	char *email_end, *message;
+	unsigned long timestamp;
+	int tz;
+	/* old SP new SP name <email> SP time TAB msg LF */
+	if (sb->len < 83 || sb->buf[sb->len - 1] != '\n' ||
+	    get_sha1_hex(sb->buf, osha1) || sb->buf[40] != ' ' ||
+	    get_sha1_hex(sb->buf + 41, nsha1) || sb->buf[81] != ' ' ||
+	    !(email_end = strchr(sb->buf + 82, '>')) ||
+	    email_end[1] != ' ' ||
+	    !(timestamp = strtoul(email_end + 2, &message, 10)) ||
+	    !message || message[0] != ' ' ||
+	    (message[1] != '+' && message[1] != '-') ||
+	    !isdigit(message[2]) || !isdigit(message[3]) ||
+	    !isdigit(message[4]) || !isdigit(message[5]))
+		return 0; /* corrupt? */
+	email_end[1] = '\0';
+	tz = strtol(message + 1, NULL, 10);
+	if (message[6] != '\t')
+		message += 6;
+	else
+		message += 7;
+	return fn(osha1, nsha1, sb->buf + 82, timestamp, tz, message, cb_data);
+static char *find_beginning_of_line(char *bob, char *scan)
+	while (bob < scan && *(--scan) != '\n')
+		; /* keep scanning backwards */
+	/*
+	 * Return either beginning of the buffer, or LF at the end of
+	 * the previous line.
+	 */
+	return scan;
+int for_each_reflog_ent_reverse(const char *refname, each_reflog_ent_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+	FILE *logfp;
+	long pos;
+	int ret = 0, at_tail = 1;
+	logfp = fopen(git_path("logs/%s", refname), "r");
+	if (!logfp)
+		return -1;
+	/* Jump to the end */
+	if (fseek(logfp, 0, SEEK_END) < 0)
+		return error("cannot seek back reflog for %s: %s",
+			     refname, strerror(errno));
+	pos = ftell(logfp);
+	while (!ret && 0 < pos) {
+		int cnt;
+		size_t nread;
+		char buf[BUFSIZ];
+		char *endp, *scanp;
+		/* Fill next block from the end */
+		cnt = (sizeof(buf) < pos) ? sizeof(buf) : pos;
+		if (fseek(logfp, pos - cnt, SEEK_SET))
+			return error("cannot seek back reflog for %s: %s",
+				     refname, strerror(errno));
+		nread = fread(buf, cnt, 1, logfp);
+		if (nread != 1)
+			return error("cannot read %d bytes from reflog for %s: %s",
+				     cnt, refname, strerror(errno));
+		pos -= cnt;
+		scanp = endp = buf + cnt;
+		if (at_tail && scanp[-1] == '\n')
+			/* Looking at the final LF at the end of the file */
+			scanp--;
+		at_tail = 0;
+		while (buf < scanp) {
+			/*
+			 * terminating LF of the previous line, or the beginning
+			 * of the buffer.
+			 */
+			char *bp;
+			bp = find_beginning_of_line(buf, scanp);
+			if (*bp == '\n') {
+				/*
+				 * The newline is the end of the previous line,
+				 * so we know we have complete line starting
+				 * at (bp + 1). Prefix it onto any prior data
+				 * we collected for the line and process it.
+				 */
+				strbuf_splice(&sb, 0, 0, bp + 1, endp - (bp + 1));
+				scanp = bp;
+				endp = bp + 1;
+				ret = show_one_reflog_ent(&sb, fn, cb_data);
+				strbuf_reset(&sb);
+				if (ret)
+					break;
+			} else if (!pos) {
+				/*
+				 * We are at the start of the buffer, and the
+				 * start of the file; there is no previous
+				 * line, and we have everything for this one.
+				 * Process it, and we can end the loop.
+				 */
+				strbuf_splice(&sb, 0, 0, buf, endp - buf);
+				ret = show_one_reflog_ent(&sb, fn, cb_data);
+				strbuf_reset(&sb);
+				break;
+			}
+			if (bp == buf) {
+				/*
+				 * We are at the start of the buffer, and there
+				 * is more file to read backwards. Which means
+				 * we are in the middle of a line. Note that we
+				 * may get here even if *bp was a newline; that
+				 * just means we are at the exact end of the
+				 * previous line, rather than some spot in the
+				 * middle.
+				 *
+				 * Save away what we have to be combined with
+				 * the data from the next read.
+				 */
+				strbuf_splice(&sb, 0, 0, buf, endp - buf);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (!ret && sb.len)
+		die("BUG: reverse reflog parser had leftover data");
+	fclose(logfp);
+	strbuf_release(&sb);
+	return ret;
+int for_each_reflog_ent(const char *refname, each_reflog_ent_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	FILE *logfp;
+	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+	int ret = 0;
+	logfp = fopen(git_path("logs/%s", refname), "r");
+	if (!logfp)
+		return -1;
+	while (!ret && !strbuf_getwholeline(&sb, logfp, '\n'))
+		ret = show_one_reflog_ent(&sb, fn, cb_data);
+	fclose(logfp);
+	strbuf_release(&sb);
+	return ret;
+ * Call fn for each reflog in the namespace indicated by name.  name
+ * must be empty or end with '/'.  Name will be used as a scratch
+ * space, but its contents will be restored before return.
+ */
+static int do_for_each_reflog(struct strbuf *name, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	DIR *d = opendir(git_path("logs/%s", name->buf));
+	int retval = 0;
+	struct dirent *de;
+	int oldlen = name->len;
+	if (!d)
+		return name->len ? errno : 0;
+	while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+		struct stat st;
+		if (de->d_name[0] == '.')
+			continue;
+		if (ends_with(de->d_name, ".lock"))
+			continue;
+		strbuf_addstr(name, de->d_name);
+		if (stat(git_path("logs/%s", name->buf), &st) < 0) {
+			; /* silently ignore */
+		} else {
+			if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+				strbuf_addch(name, '/');
+				retval = do_for_each_reflog(name, fn, cb_data);
+			} else {
+				struct object_id oid;
+				if (read_ref_full(name->buf, 0, oid.hash, NULL))
+					retval = error("bad ref for %s", name->buf);
+				else
+					retval = fn(name->buf, &oid, 0, cb_data);
+			}
+			if (retval)
+				break;
+		}
+		strbuf_setlen(name, oldlen);
+	}
+	closedir(d);
+	return retval;
+int for_each_reflog(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+	int retval;
+	struct strbuf name;
+	strbuf_init(&name, PATH_MAX);
+	retval = do_for_each_reflog(&name, fn, cb_data);
+	strbuf_release(&name);
+	return retval;
+static int ref_update_reject_duplicates(struct string_list *refnames,
+					struct strbuf *err)
+	int i, n = refnames->nr;
+	assert(err);
+	for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
+		if (!strcmp(refnames->items[i - 1].string, refnames->items[i].string)) {
+			strbuf_addf(err,
+				    "Multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed.",
+				    refnames->items[i].string);
+			return 1;
+		}
+	return 0;
+int ref_transaction_commit(struct ref_transaction *transaction,
+			   struct strbuf *err)
+	int ret = 0, i;
+	int n = transaction->nr;
+	struct ref_update **updates = transaction->updates;
+	struct string_list refs_to_delete = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
+	struct string_list_item *ref_to_delete;
+	struct string_list affected_refnames = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
+	assert(err);
+	if (transaction->state != REF_TRANSACTION_OPEN)
+		die("BUG: commit called for transaction that is not open");
+	if (!n) {
+		transaction->state = REF_TRANSACTION_CLOSED;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* Fail if a refname appears more than once in the transaction: */
+	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+		string_list_append(&affected_refnames, updates[i]->refname);
+	string_list_sort(&affected_refnames);
+	if (ref_update_reject_duplicates(&affected_refnames, err)) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Acquire all locks, verify old values if provided, check
+	 * that new values are valid, and write new values to the
+	 * lockfiles, ready to be activated. Only keep one lockfile
+	 * open at a time to avoid running out of file descriptors.
+	 */
+	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+		struct ref_update *update = updates[i];
+		if ((update->flags & REF_HAVE_NEW) &&
+		    is_null_sha1(update->new_sha1))
+			update->flags |= REF_DELETING;
+		update->lock = lock_ref_sha1_basic(
+				update->refname,
+				((update->flags & REF_HAVE_OLD) ?
+				 update->old_sha1 : NULL),
+				&affected_refnames, NULL,
+				update->flags,
+				&update->type,
+				err);
+		if (!update->lock) {
+			char *reason;
+			ret = (errno == ENOTDIR)
+			reason = strbuf_detach(err, NULL);
+			strbuf_addf(err, "cannot lock ref '%s': %s",
+				    update->refname, reason);
+			free(reason);
+			goto cleanup;
+		}
+		if ((update->flags & REF_HAVE_NEW) &&
+		    !(update->flags & REF_DELETING)) {
+			int overwriting_symref = ((update->type & REF_ISSYMREF) &&
+						  (update->flags & REF_NODEREF));
+			if (!overwriting_symref &&
+			    !hashcmp(update->lock->old_oid.hash, update->new_sha1)) {
+				/*
+				 * The reference already has the desired
+				 * value, so we don't need to write it.
+				 */
+			} else if (write_ref_to_lockfile(update->lock,
+							 update->new_sha1,
+							 err)) {
+				char *write_err = strbuf_detach(err, NULL);
+				/*
+				 * The lock was freed upon failure of
+				 * write_ref_to_lockfile():
+				 */
+				update->lock = NULL;
+				strbuf_addf(err,
+					    "cannot update the ref '%s': %s",
+					    update->refname, write_err);
+				free(write_err);
+				goto cleanup;
+			} else {
+				update->flags |= REF_NEEDS_COMMIT;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!(update->flags & REF_NEEDS_COMMIT)) {
+			/*
+			 * We didn't have to write anything to the lockfile.
+			 * Close it to free up the file descriptor:
+			 */
+			if (close_ref(update->lock)) {
+				strbuf_addf(err, "Couldn't close %s.lock",
+					    update->refname);
+				goto cleanup;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* Perform updates first so live commits remain referenced */
+	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+		struct ref_update *update = updates[i];
+		if (update->flags & REF_NEEDS_COMMIT) {
+			if (commit_ref_update(update->lock,
+					      update->new_sha1, update->msg,
+					      update->flags, err)) {
+				/* freed by commit_ref_update(): */
+				update->lock = NULL;
+				goto cleanup;
+			} else {
+				/* freed by commit_ref_update(): */
+				update->lock = NULL;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* Perform deletes now that updates are safely completed */
+	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+		struct ref_update *update = updates[i];
+		if (update->flags & REF_DELETING) {
+			if (delete_ref_loose(update->lock, update->type, err)) {
+				goto cleanup;
+			}
+			if (!(update->flags & REF_ISPRUNING))
+				string_list_append(&refs_to_delete,
+						   update->lock->ref_name);
+		}
+	}
+	if (repack_without_refs(&refs_to_delete, err)) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	for_each_string_list_item(ref_to_delete, &refs_to_delete)
+		unlink_or_warn(git_path("logs/%s", ref_to_delete->string));
+	clear_loose_ref_cache(&ref_cache);
+	transaction->state = REF_TRANSACTION_CLOSED;
+	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+		if (updates[i]->lock)
+			unlock_ref(updates[i]->lock);
+	string_list_clear(&refs_to_delete, 0);
+	string_list_clear(&affected_refnames, 0);
+	return ret;
+static int ref_present(const char *refname,
+		       const struct object_id *oid, int flags, void *cb_data)
+	struct string_list *affected_refnames = cb_data;
+	return string_list_has_string(affected_refnames, refname);
+int initial_ref_transaction_commit(struct ref_transaction *transaction,
+				   struct strbuf *err)
+	int ret = 0, i;
+	int n = transaction->nr;
+	struct ref_update **updates = transaction->updates;
+	struct string_list affected_refnames = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
+	assert(err);
+	if (transaction->state != REF_TRANSACTION_OPEN)
+		die("BUG: commit called for transaction that is not open");
+	/* Fail if a refname appears more than once in the transaction: */
+	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+		string_list_append(&affected_refnames, updates[i]->refname);
+	string_list_sort(&affected_refnames);
+	if (ref_update_reject_duplicates(&affected_refnames, err)) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * It's really undefined to call this function in an active
+	 * repository or when there are existing references: we are
+	 * only locking and changing packed-refs, so (1) any
+	 * simultaneous processes might try to change a reference at
+	 * the same time we do, and (2) any existing loose versions of
+	 * the references that we are setting would have precedence
+	 * over our values. But some remote helpers create the remote
+	 * "HEAD" and "master" branches before calling this function,
+	 * so here we really only check that none of the references
+	 * that we are creating already exists.
+	 */
+	if (for_each_rawref(ref_present, &affected_refnames))
+		die("BUG: initial ref transaction called with existing refs");
+	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+		struct ref_update *update = updates[i];
+		if ((update->flags & REF_HAVE_OLD) &&
+		    !is_null_sha1(update->old_sha1))
+			die("BUG: initial ref transaction with old_sha1 set");
+		if (verify_refname_available(update->refname,
+					     &affected_refnames, NULL,
+					     err)) {
+			goto cleanup;
+		}
+	}
+	if (lock_packed_refs(0)) {
+		strbuf_addf(err, "unable to lock packed-refs file: %s",
+			    strerror(errno));
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+		struct ref_update *update = updates[i];
+		if ((update->flags & REF_HAVE_NEW) &&
+		    !is_null_sha1(update->new_sha1))
+			add_packed_ref(update->refname, update->new_sha1);
+	}
+	if (commit_packed_refs()) {
+		strbuf_addf(err, "unable to commit packed-refs file: %s",
+			    strerror(errno));
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	transaction->state = REF_TRANSACTION_CLOSED;
+	string_list_clear(&affected_refnames, 0);
+	return ret;
+struct expire_reflog_cb {
+	unsigned int flags;
+	reflog_expiry_should_prune_fn *should_prune_fn;
+	void *policy_cb;
+	FILE *newlog;
+	unsigned char last_kept_sha1[20];
+static int expire_reflog_ent(unsigned char *osha1, unsigned char *nsha1,
+			     const char *email, unsigned long timestamp, int tz,
+			     const char *message, void *cb_data)
+	struct expire_reflog_cb *cb = cb_data;
+	struct expire_reflog_policy_cb *policy_cb = cb->policy_cb;
+	if (cb->flags & EXPIRE_REFLOGS_REWRITE)
+		osha1 = cb->last_kept_sha1;
+	if ((*cb->should_prune_fn)(osha1, nsha1, email, timestamp, tz,
+				   message, policy_cb)) {
+		if (!cb->newlog)
+			printf("would prune %s", message);
+		else if (cb->flags & EXPIRE_REFLOGS_VERBOSE)
+			printf("prune %s", message);
+	} else {
+		if (cb->newlog) {
+			fprintf(cb->newlog, "%s %s %s %lu %+05d\t%s",
+				sha1_to_hex(osha1), sha1_to_hex(nsha1),
+				email, timestamp, tz, message);
+			hashcpy(cb->last_kept_sha1, nsha1);
+		}
+		if (cb->flags & EXPIRE_REFLOGS_VERBOSE)
+			printf("keep %s", message);
+	}
+	return 0;
+int reflog_expire(const char *refname, const unsigned char *sha1,
+		 unsigned int flags,
+		 reflog_expiry_prepare_fn prepare_fn,
+		 reflog_expiry_should_prune_fn should_prune_fn,
+		 reflog_expiry_cleanup_fn cleanup_fn,
+		 void *policy_cb_data)
+	static struct lock_file reflog_lock;
+	struct expire_reflog_cb cb;
+	struct ref_lock *lock;
+	char *log_file;
+	int status = 0;
+	int type;
+	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
+	memset(&cb, 0, sizeof(cb));
+	cb.flags = flags;
+	cb.policy_cb = policy_cb_data;
+	cb.should_prune_fn = should_prune_fn;
+	/*
+	 * The reflog file is locked by holding the lock on the
+	 * reference itself, plus we might need to update the
+	 * reference if --updateref was specified:
+	 */
+	lock = lock_ref_sha1_basic(refname, sha1, NULL, NULL, 0, &type, &err);
+	if (!lock) {
+		error("cannot lock ref '%s': %s", refname, err.buf);
+		strbuf_release(&err);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (!reflog_exists(refname)) {
+		unlock_ref(lock);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	log_file = git_pathdup("logs/%s", refname);
+	if (!(flags & EXPIRE_REFLOGS_DRY_RUN)) {
+		/*
+		 * Even though holding $GIT_DIR/logs/$reflog.lock has
+		 * no locking implications, we use the lock_file
+		 * machinery here anyway because it does a lot of the
+		 * work we need, including cleaning up if the program
+		 * exits unexpectedly.
+		 */
+		if (hold_lock_file_for_update(&reflog_lock, log_file, 0) < 0) {
+			struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
+			unable_to_lock_message(log_file, errno, &err);
+			error("%s", err.buf);
+			strbuf_release(&err);
+			goto failure;
+		}
+		cb.newlog = fdopen_lock_file(&reflog_lock, "w");
+		if (!cb.newlog) {
+			error("cannot fdopen %s (%s)",
+			      get_lock_file_path(&reflog_lock), strerror(errno));
+			goto failure;
+		}
+	}
+	(*prepare_fn)(refname, sha1, cb.policy_cb);
+	for_each_reflog_ent(refname, expire_reflog_ent, &cb);
+	(*cleanup_fn)(cb.policy_cb);
+	if (!(flags & EXPIRE_REFLOGS_DRY_RUN)) {
+		/*
+		 * It doesn't make sense to adjust a reference pointed
+		 * to by a symbolic ref based on expiring entries in
+		 * the symbolic reference's reflog. Nor can we update
+		 * a reference if there are no remaining reflog
+		 * entries.
+		 */
+		int update = (flags & EXPIRE_REFLOGS_UPDATE_REF) &&
+			!(type & REF_ISSYMREF) &&
+			!is_null_sha1(cb.last_kept_sha1);
+		if (close_lock_file(&reflog_lock)) {
+			status |= error("couldn't write %s: %s", log_file,
+					strerror(errno));
+		} else if (update &&
+			   (write_in_full(get_lock_file_fd(lock->lk),
+				sha1_to_hex(cb.last_kept_sha1), 40) != 40 ||
+			    write_str_in_full(get_lock_file_fd(lock->lk), "\n") != 1 ||
+			    close_ref(lock) < 0)) {
+			status |= error("couldn't write %s",
+					get_lock_file_path(lock->lk));
+			rollback_lock_file(&reflog_lock);
+		} else if (commit_lock_file(&reflog_lock)) {
+			status |= error("unable to write reflog '%s' (%s)",
+					log_file, strerror(errno));
+		} else if (update && commit_ref(lock)) {
+			status |= error("couldn't set %s", lock->ref_name);
+		}
+	}
+	free(log_file);
+	unlock_ref(lock);
+	return status;
+ failure:
+	rollback_lock_file(&reflog_lock);
+	free(log_file);
+	unlock_ref(lock);
+	return -1;
diff --git a/refs/refs-internal.h b/refs/refs-internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7dded3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/refs/refs-internal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ * Data structures and functions for the internal use of the refs
+ * module. Code outside of the refs module should use only the public
+ * functions defined in "refs.h", and should *not* include this file.
+ */
+ * Flag passed to lock_ref_sha1_basic() telling it to tolerate broken
+ * refs (i.e., because the reference is about to be deleted anyway).
+ */
+#define REF_DELETING	0x02
+ * Used as a flag in ref_update::flags when a loose ref is being
+ * pruned.
+ */
+#define REF_ISPRUNING	0x04
+ * Used as a flag in ref_update::flags when the reference should be
+ * updated to new_sha1.
+ */
+#define REF_HAVE_NEW	0x08
+ * Used as a flag in ref_update::flags when old_sha1 should be
+ * checked.
+ */
+#define REF_HAVE_OLD	0x10
+ * Used as a flag in ref_update::flags when the lockfile needs to be
+ * committed.
+ */
+#define REF_NEEDS_COMMIT 0x20
+ * 0x40 is REF_FORCE_CREATE_REFLOG, so skip it if you're adding a
+ * value to ref_update::flags
+ */
+ * Return true iff refname is minimally safe. "Safe" here means that
+ * deleting a loose reference by this name will not do any damage, for
+ * example by causing a file that is not a reference to be deleted.
+ * This function does not check that the reference name is legal; for
+ * that, use check_refname_format().
+ *
+ * We consider a refname that starts with "refs/" to be safe as long
+ * as any ".." components that it might contain do not escape "refs/".
+ * Names that do not start with "refs/" are considered safe iff they
+ * consist entirely of upper case characters and '_' (like "HEAD" and
+ * "MERGE_HEAD" but not "config" or "FOO/BAR").
+ */
+int refname_is_safe(const char *refname);
+enum peel_status {
+	/* object was peeled successfully: */
+	/*
+	 * object cannot be peeled because the named object (or an
+	 * object referred to by a tag in the peel chain), does not
+	 * exist.
+	 */
+	/* object cannot be peeled because it is not a tag: */
+	PEEL_NON_TAG = -2,
+	/* ref_entry contains no peeled value because it is a symref: */
+	/*
+	 * ref_entry cannot be peeled because it is broken (i.e., the
+	 * symbolic reference cannot even be resolved to an object
+	 * name):
+	 */
+ * Peel the named object; i.e., if the object is a tag, resolve the
+ * tag recursively until a non-tag is found.  If successful, store the
+ * result to sha1 and return PEEL_PEELED.  If the object is not a tag
+ * or is not valid, return PEEL_NON_TAG or PEEL_INVALID, respectively,
+ * and leave sha1 unchanged.
+ */
+enum peel_status peel_object(const unsigned char *name, unsigned char *sha1);
+ * Return 0 if a reference named refname could be created without
+ * conflicting with the name of an existing reference. Otherwise,
+ * return a negative value and write an explanation to err. If extras
+ * is non-NULL, it is a list of additional refnames with which refname
+ * is not allowed to conflict. If skip is non-NULL, ignore potential
+ * conflicts with refs in skip (e.g., because they are scheduled for
+ * deletion in the same operation). Behavior is undefined if the same
+ * name is listed in both extras and skip.
+ *
+ * Two reference names conflict if one of them exactly matches the
+ * leading components of the other; e.g., "foo/bar" conflicts with
+ * both "foo" and with "foo/bar/baz" but not with "foo/bar" or
+ * "foo/barbados".
+ *
+ * extras and skip must be sorted.
+ */
+int verify_refname_available(const char *newname,
+			     struct string_list *extras,
+			     struct string_list *skip,
+			     struct strbuf *err);
+ * Copy the reflog message msg to buf, which has been allocated sufficiently
+ * large, while cleaning up the whitespaces.  Especially, convert LF to space,
+ * because reflog file is one line per entry.
+ */
+int copy_reflog_msg(char *buf, const char *msg);
+int should_autocreate_reflog(const char *refname);
+ * Information needed for a single ref update. Set new_sha1 to the new
+ * value or to null_sha1 to delete the ref. To check the old value
+ * while the ref is locked, set (flags & REF_HAVE_OLD) and set
+ * old_sha1 to the old value, or to null_sha1 to ensure the ref does
+ * not exist before update.
+ */
+struct ref_update {
+	/*
+	 * If (flags & REF_HAVE_NEW), set the reference to this value:
+	 */
+	unsigned char new_sha1[20];
+	/*
+	 * If (flags & REF_HAVE_OLD), check that the reference
+	 * previously had this value:
+	 */
+	unsigned char old_sha1[20];
+	/*
+	 */
+	unsigned int flags;
+	struct ref_lock *lock;
+	int type;
+	char *msg;
+	const char refname[FLEX_ARRAY];
+ * Transaction states.
+ * OPEN:   The transaction is in a valid state and can accept new updates.
+ *         An OPEN transaction can be committed.
+ * CLOSED: A closed transaction is no longer active and no other operations
+ *         than free can be used on it in this state.
+ *         A transaction can either become closed by successfully committing
+ *         an active transaction or if there is a failure while building
+ *         the transaction thus rendering it failed/inactive.
+ */
+enum ref_transaction_state {
+ * Data structure for holding a reference transaction, which can
+ * consist of checks and updates to multiple references, carried out
+ * as atomically as possible.  This structure is opaque to callers.
+ */
+struct ref_transaction {
+	struct ref_update **updates;
+	size_t alloc;
+	size_t nr;
+	enum ref_transaction_state state;
+int files_log_ref_write(const char *refname, const unsigned char *old_sha1,
+			const unsigned char *new_sha1, const char *msg,
+			int flags, struct strbuf *err);
+ * Check for entries in extras that are within the specified
+ * directory, where dirname is a reference directory name including
+ * the trailing slash (e.g., "refs/heads/foo/"). Ignore any
+ * conflicting references that are found in skip. If there is a
+ * conflicting reference, return its name.
+ *
+ * extras and skip must be sorted lists of reference names. Either one
+ * can be NULL, signifying the empty list.
+ */
+const char *find_descendant_ref(const char *dirname,
+				const struct string_list *extras,
+				const struct string_list *skip);
+int rename_ref_available(const char *oldname, const char *newname);
+#endif /* REFS_REFS_INTERNAL_H */
diff --git a/remote-curl.c b/remote-curl.c
index 71fbbb6..f404faf 100644
--- a/remote-curl.c
+++ b/remote-curl.c
@@ -168,11 +168,8 @@
 			data[i] = 0;
 			ref_name = mid + 1;
-			ref = xmalloc(sizeof(struct ref) +
-				      strlen(ref_name) + 1);
-			memset(ref, 0, sizeof(struct ref));
-			strcpy(ref->name, ref_name);
-			get_sha1_hex(start, ref->old_sha1);
+			ref = alloc_ref(ref_name);
+			get_oid_hex(start, &ref->old_oid);
 			if (!refs)
 				refs = ref;
 			if (last_ref)
@@ -351,7 +348,7 @@
 		if (posn->symref)
 			printf("@%s %s\n", posn->symref, posn->name);
-			printf("%s %s\n", sha1_to_hex(posn->old_sha1), posn->name);
+			printf("%s %s\n", oid_to_hex(&posn->old_oid), posn->name);
@@ -705,7 +702,7 @@
 	if (options.depth)
 		die("dumb http transport does not support --depth");
 	for (i = 0; i < nr_heads; i++)
-		targets[i] = xstrdup(sha1_to_hex(to_fetch[i]->old_sha1));
+		targets[i] = xstrdup(oid_to_hex(&to_fetch[i]->old_oid));
 	walker = get_http_walker(url.buf);
 	walker->get_all = 1;
@@ -766,7 +763,7 @@
 		if (!*ref->name)
 			die("cannot fetch by sha1 over smart http");
 		packet_buf_write(&preamble, "%s %s\n",
-				 sha1_to_hex(ref->old_sha1), ref->name);
+				 oid_to_hex(&ref->old_oid), ref->name);
@@ -806,19 +803,19 @@
 		if (skip_prefix(buf->buf, "fetch ", &p)) {
 			const char *name;
 			struct ref *ref;
-			unsigned char old_sha1[20];
+			struct object_id old_oid;
-			if (strlen(p) < 40 || get_sha1_hex(p, old_sha1))
+			if (get_oid_hex(p, &old_oid))
 				die("protocol error: expected sha/ref, got %s'", p);
-			if (p[40] == ' ')
-				name = p + 41;
-			else if (!p[40])
+			if (p[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ] == ' ')
+				name = p + GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1;
+			else if (!p[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ])
 				name = "";
 				die("protocol error: expected sha/ref, got %s'", p);
 			ref = alloc_ref(name);
-			hashcpy(ref->old_sha1, old_sha1);
+			oidcpy(&ref->old_oid, &old_oid);
 			*list = ref;
 			list = &ref->next;
diff --git a/remote.c b/remote.c
index ee6edfa..9d34b5a 100644
--- a/remote.c
+++ b/remote.c
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include "tag.h"
 #include "string-list.h"
 #include "mergesort.h"
+#include "argv-array.h"
 enum map_direction { FROM_SRC, FROM_DST };
@@ -54,9 +55,6 @@
 static struct rewrites rewrites;
 static struct rewrites rewrites_push;
-#define BUF_SIZE (2048)
-static char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
 static int valid_remote(const struct remote *remote)
 	return (!!remote->url) || (!!remote->foreign_vcs);
@@ -65,7 +63,6 @@
 static const char *alias_url(const char *url, struct rewrites *r)
 	int i, j;
-	char *ret;
 	struct counted_string *longest;
 	int longest_i;
@@ -86,11 +83,7 @@
 	if (!longest)
 		return url;
-	ret = xmalloc(r->rewrite[longest_i]->baselen +
-		     (strlen(url) - longest->len) + 1);
-	strcpy(ret, r->rewrite[longest_i]->base);
-	strcpy(ret + r->rewrite[longest_i]->baselen, url + longest->len);
-	return ret;
+	return xstrfmt("%s%s", r->rewrite[longest_i]->base, url + longest->len);
 static void add_push_refspec(struct remote *remote, const char *ref)
@@ -248,106 +241,77 @@
+static const char *skip_spaces(const char *s)
+	while (isspace(*s))
+		s++;
+	return s;
 static void read_remotes_file(struct remote *remote)
+	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	FILE *f = fopen(git_path("remotes/%s", remote->name), "r");
 	if (!f)
 	remote->origin = REMOTE_REMOTES;
-	while (fgets(buffer, BUF_SIZE, f)) {
-		int value_list;
-		char *s, *p;
+	while (strbuf_getline(&buf, f, '\n') != EOF) {
+		const char *v;
-		if (starts_with(buffer, "URL:")) {
-			value_list = 0;
-			s = buffer + 4;
-		} else if (starts_with(buffer, "Push:")) {
-			value_list = 1;
-			s = buffer + 5;
-		} else if (starts_with(buffer, "Pull:")) {
-			value_list = 2;
-			s = buffer + 5;
-		} else
-			continue;
+		strbuf_rtrim(&buf);
-		while (isspace(*s))
-			s++;
-		if (!*s)
-			continue;
-		p = s + strlen(s);
-		while (isspace(p[-1]))
-			*--p = 0;
-		switch (value_list) {
-		case 0:
-			add_url_alias(remote, xstrdup(s));
-			break;
-		case 1:
-			add_push_refspec(remote, xstrdup(s));
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			add_fetch_refspec(remote, xstrdup(s));
-			break;
-		}
+		if (skip_prefix(buf.buf, "URL:", &v))
+			add_url_alias(remote, xstrdup(skip_spaces(v)));
+		else if (skip_prefix(buf.buf, "Push:", &v))
+			add_push_refspec(remote, xstrdup(skip_spaces(v)));
+		else if (skip_prefix(buf.buf, "Pull:", &v))
+			add_fetch_refspec(remote, xstrdup(skip_spaces(v)));
+	strbuf_release(&buf);
 static void read_branches_file(struct remote *remote)
 	char *frag;
-	struct strbuf branch = STRBUF_INIT;
-	int n = 1000;
-	FILE *f = fopen(git_path("branches/%.*s", n, remote->name), "r");
-	char *s, *p;
-	int len;
+	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+	FILE *f = fopen(git_path("branches/%s", remote->name), "r");
 	if (!f)
-	s = fgets(buffer, BUF_SIZE, f);
+	strbuf_getline(&buf, f, '\n');
-	if (!s)
+	strbuf_trim(&buf);
+	if (!buf.len) {
+		strbuf_release(&buf);
-	while (isspace(*s))
-		s++;
-	if (!*s)
-		return;
+	}
 	remote->origin = REMOTE_BRANCHES;
-	p = s + strlen(s);
-	while (isspace(p[-1]))
-		*--p = 0;
-	len = p - s;
-	p = xmalloc(len + 1);
-	strcpy(p, s);
 	 * The branches file would have URL and optionally
 	 * #branch specified.  The "master" (or specified) branch is
-	 * fetched and stored in the local branch of the same name.
+	 * fetched and stored in the local branch matching the
+	 * remote name.
-	frag = strchr(p, '#');
-	if (frag) {
+	frag = strchr(buf.buf, '#');
+	if (frag)
 		*(frag++) = '\0';
-		strbuf_addf(&branch, "refs/heads/%s", frag);
-	} else
-		strbuf_addstr(&branch, "refs/heads/master");
+	else
+		frag = "master";
-	strbuf_addf(&branch, ":refs/heads/%s", remote->name);
-	add_url_alias(remote, p);
-	add_fetch_refspec(remote, strbuf_detach(&branch, NULL));
+	add_url_alias(remote, strbuf_detach(&buf, NULL));
+	add_fetch_refspec(remote, xstrfmt("refs/heads/%s:refs/heads/%s",
+					  frag, remote->name));
 	 * Cogito compatible push: push current HEAD to remote #branch
 	 * (master if missing)
-	strbuf_init(&branch, 0);
-	strbuf_addstr(&branch, "HEAD");
-	if (frag)
-		strbuf_addf(&branch, ":refs/heads/%s", frag);
-	else
-		strbuf_addstr(&branch, ":refs/heads/master");
-	add_push_refspec(remote, strbuf_detach(&branch, NULL));
+	add_push_refspec(remote, xstrfmt("HEAD:refs/heads/%s", frag));
 	remote->fetch_tags = 1; /* always auto-follow */
@@ -492,7 +456,7 @@
 static void read_config(void)
 	static int loaded;
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
+	struct object_id oid;
 	const char *head_ref;
 	int flag;
@@ -501,7 +465,7 @@
 	loaded = 1;
 	current_branch = NULL;
-	head_ref = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, sha1, &flag);
+	head_ref = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, oid.hash, &flag);
 	if (head_ref && (flag & REF_ISSYMREF) &&
 	    skip_prefix(head_ref, "refs/heads/", &head_ref)) {
 		current_branch = make_branch(head_ref, 0);
@@ -580,12 +544,12 @@
 		if (fetch) {
-			unsigned char unused[40];
+			struct object_id unused;
 			/* LHS */
 			if (!*rs[i].src)
 				; /* empty is ok; it means "HEAD" */
-			else if (llen == 40 && !get_sha1_hex(rs[i].src, unused))
+			else if (llen == GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ && !get_oid_hex(rs[i].src, &unused))
 				rs[i].exact_sha1 = 1; /* ok */
 			else if (!check_refname_format(rs[i].src, flags))
 				; /* valid looking ref is ok */
@@ -1111,14 +1075,14 @@
 static struct ref *alloc_delete_ref(void)
 	struct ref *ref = alloc_ref("(delete)");
-	hashclr(ref->new_sha1);
+	oidclr(&ref->new_oid);
 	return ref;
 static int try_explicit_object_name(const char *name,
 				    struct ref **match)
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
+	struct object_id oid;
 	if (!*name) {
 		if (match)
@@ -1126,12 +1090,12 @@
 		return 0;
-	if (get_sha1(name, sha1))
+	if (get_sha1(name, oid.hash))
 		return -1;
 	if (match) {
 		*match = alloc_ref(name);
-		hashcpy((*match)->new_sha1, sha1);
+		oidcpy(&(*match)->new_oid, &oid);
 	return 0;
@@ -1146,10 +1110,10 @@
 static char *guess_ref(const char *name, struct ref *peer)
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
+	struct object_id oid;
 	const char *r = resolve_ref_unsafe(peer->name, RESOLVE_REF_READING,
-					   sha1, NULL);
+					   oid.hash, NULL);
 	if (!r)
 		return NULL;
@@ -1207,12 +1171,12 @@
 		return -1;
 	if (!dst_value) {
-		unsigned char sha1[20];
+		struct object_id oid;
 		int flag;
 		dst_value = resolve_ref_unsafe(matched_src->name,
-					       sha1, &flag);
+					       oid.hash, &flag);
 		if (!dst_value ||
 		    ((flag & REF_ISSYMREF) &&
 		     !starts_with(dst_value, "refs/heads/")))
@@ -1226,7 +1190,7 @@
 	case 0:
 		if (starts_with(dst_value, "refs/"))
 			matched_dst = make_linked_ref(dst_value, dst_tail);
-		else if (is_null_sha1(matched_src->new_sha1))
+		else if (is_null_oid(&matched_src->new_oid))
 			error("unable to delete '%s': remote ref does not exist",
 		else if ((dst_guess = guess_ref(dst_value, matched_src)))
@@ -1328,13 +1292,13 @@
 	int nr, alloc;
-static void add_to_tips(struct tips *tips, const unsigned char *sha1)
+static void add_to_tips(struct tips *tips, const struct object_id *oid)
 	struct commit *commit;
-	if (is_null_sha1(sha1))
+	if (is_null_oid(oid))
-	commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(sha1, 1);
+	commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(oid->hash, 1);
 	if (!commit || (commit->object.flags & TMP_MARK))
 	commit->object.flags |= TMP_MARK;
@@ -1357,10 +1321,10 @@
 	memset(&sent_tips, 0, sizeof(sent_tips));
 	for (ref = *dst; ref; ref = ref->next) {
 		if (ref->peer_ref &&
-		    !is_null_sha1(ref->peer_ref->new_sha1))
-			add_to_tips(&sent_tips, ref->peer_ref->new_sha1);
+		    !is_null_oid(&ref->peer_ref->new_oid))
+			add_to_tips(&sent_tips, &ref->peer_ref->new_oid);
-			add_to_tips(&sent_tips, ref->old_sha1);
+			add_to_tips(&sent_tips, &ref->old_oid);
 		if (starts_with(ref->name, "refs/tags/"))
 			string_list_append(&dst_tag, ref->name);
@@ -1374,7 +1338,7 @@
 			continue; /* not a tag */
 		if (string_list_has_string(&dst_tag, ref->name))
 			continue; /* they already have it */
-		if (sha1_object_info(ref->new_sha1, NULL) != OBJ_TAG)
+		if (sha1_object_info(ref->new_oid.hash, NULL) != OBJ_TAG)
 			continue; /* be conservative */
 		item = string_list_append(&src_tag, ref->name);
 		item->util = ref;
@@ -1394,9 +1358,9 @@
 			struct ref *dst_ref;
 			struct commit *commit;
-			if (is_null_sha1(ref->new_sha1))
+			if (is_null_oid(&ref->new_oid))
-			commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(ref->new_sha1, 1);
+			commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(ref->new_oid.hash, 1);
 			if (!commit)
 				/* not pushing a commit, which is not an error */
@@ -1410,7 +1374,7 @@
 			/* Add it in */
 			dst_ref = make_linked_ref(ref->name, dst_tail);
-			hashcpy(dst_ref->new_sha1, ref->new_sha1);
+			oidcpy(&dst_ref->new_oid, &ref->new_oid);
 			dst_ref->peer_ref = copy_ref(ref);
@@ -1517,7 +1481,7 @@
 			/* Create a new one and link it */
 			dst_peer = make_linked_ref(dst_name, &dst_tail);
-			hashcpy(dst_peer->new_sha1, ref->new_sha1);
+			oidcpy(&dst_peer->new_oid, &ref->new_oid);
 				dst_peer->name)->util = dst_peer;
@@ -1569,13 +1533,13 @@
 		int reject_reason = 0;
 		if (ref->peer_ref)
-			hashcpy(ref->new_sha1, ref->peer_ref->new_sha1);
+			oidcpy(&ref->new_oid, &ref->peer_ref->new_oid);
 		else if (!send_mirror)
-		ref->deletion = is_null_sha1(ref->new_sha1);
+		ref->deletion = is_null_oid(&ref->new_oid);
 		if (!ref->deletion &&
-			!hashcmp(ref->old_sha1, ref->new_sha1)) {
+			!oidcmp(&ref->old_oid, &ref->new_oid)) {
 			ref->status = REF_STATUS_UPTODATE;
@@ -1594,7 +1558,7 @@
 		if (ref->expect_old_sha1) {
 			if (ref->expect_old_no_trackback ||
-			    hashcmp(ref->old_sha1, ref->old_sha1_expect))
+			    oidcmp(&ref->old_oid, &ref->old_oid_expect))
 				reject_reason = REF_STATUS_REJECT_STALE;
@@ -1618,15 +1582,15 @@
 		 *     passing the --force argument
-		else if (!ref->deletion && !is_null_sha1(ref->old_sha1)) {
+		else if (!ref->deletion && !is_null_oid(&ref->old_oid)) {
 			if (starts_with(ref->name, "refs/tags/"))
-			else if (!has_sha1_file(ref->old_sha1))
+			else if (!has_object_file(&ref->old_oid))
 				reject_reason = REF_STATUS_REJECT_FETCH_FIRST;
-			else if (!lookup_commit_reference_gently(ref->old_sha1, 1) ||
-				 !lookup_commit_reference_gently(ref->new_sha1, 1))
+			else if (!lookup_commit_reference_gently(ref->old_oid.hash, 1) ||
+				 !lookup_commit_reference_gently(ref->new_oid.hash, 1))
 				reject_reason = REF_STATUS_REJECT_NEEDS_FORCE;
-			else if (!ref_newer(ref->new_sha1, ref->old_sha1))
+			else if (!ref_newer(&ref->new_oid, &ref->old_oid))
@@ -1645,7 +1609,7 @@
 	struct remote *remote;
 	char *ref;
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
+	struct object_id oid;
 	int i;
 	if (!ret)
@@ -1671,7 +1635,7 @@
 		    strcmp(ret->remote_name, "."))
 		if (dwim_ref(ret->merge_name[i], strlen(ret->merge_name[i]),
-			     sha1, &ref) == 1)
+			     oid.hash, &ref) == 1)
 			ret->merge[i]->dst = ref;
 			ret->merge[i]->dst = xstrdup(ret->merge_name[i]);
@@ -1831,10 +1795,10 @@
 static int ignore_symref_update(const char *refname)
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
+	struct object_id oid;
 	int flag;
-	if (!resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, 0, sha1, &flag))
+	if (!resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, 0, oid.hash, &flag))
 		return 0; /* non-existing refs are OK */
 	return (flag & REF_ISSYMREF);
@@ -1925,7 +1889,7 @@
 		if (refspec->exact_sha1) {
 			ref_map = alloc_ref(name);
-			get_sha1_hex(name, ref_map->old_sha1);
+			get_oid_hex(name, &ref_map->old_oid);
 		} else {
 			ref_map = get_remote_ref(remote_refs, name);
@@ -1966,7 +1930,7 @@
 		return 0;
 	for (; list; list = list->next)
 		if (!strcmp(ref->symref, list->name)) {
-			hashcpy(ref->old_sha1, list->old_sha1);
+			oidcpy(&ref->old_oid, &list->old_oid);
 			return 0;
 	return 1;
@@ -1980,7 +1944,7 @@
-int ref_newer(const unsigned char *new_sha1, const unsigned char *old_sha1)
+int ref_newer(const struct object_id *new_oid, const struct object_id *old_oid)
 	struct object *o;
 	struct commit *old, *new;
@@ -1991,12 +1955,12 @@
 	 * Both new and old must be commit-ish and new is descendant of
 	 * old.  Otherwise we require --force.
-	o = deref_tag(parse_object(old_sha1), NULL, 0);
+	o = deref_tag(parse_object(old_oid->hash), NULL, 0);
 	if (!o || o->type != OBJ_COMMIT)
 		return 0;
 	old = (struct commit *) o;
-	o = deref_tag(parse_object(new_sha1), NULL, 0);
+	o = deref_tag(parse_object(new_oid->hash), NULL, 0);
 	if (!o || o->type != OBJ_COMMIT)
 		return 0;
 	new = (struct commit *) o;
@@ -2031,12 +1995,11 @@
 int stat_tracking_info(struct branch *branch, int *num_ours, int *num_theirs,
 		       const char **upstream_name)
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
+	struct object_id oid;
 	struct commit *ours, *theirs;
-	char symmetric[84];
 	struct rev_info revs;
-	const char *rev_argv[10], *base;
-	int rev_argc;
+	const char *base;
+	struct argv_array argv = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
 	/* Cannot stat unless we are marked to build on top of somebody else. */
 	base = branch_get_upstream(branch, NULL);
@@ -2046,15 +2009,15 @@
 		return -1;
 	/* Cannot stat if what we used to build on no longer exists */
-	if (read_ref(base, sha1))
+	if (read_ref(base, oid.hash))
 		return -1;
-	theirs = lookup_commit_reference(sha1);
+	theirs = lookup_commit_reference(oid.hash);
 	if (!theirs)
 		return -1;
-	if (read_ref(branch->refname, sha1))
+	if (read_ref(branch->refname, oid.hash))
 		return -1;
-	ours = lookup_commit_reference(sha1);
+	ours = lookup_commit_reference(oid.hash);
 	if (!ours)
 		return -1;
@@ -2065,19 +2028,15 @@
 	/* Run "rev-list --left-right ours...theirs" internally... */
-	rev_argc = 0;
-	rev_argv[rev_argc++] = NULL;
-	rev_argv[rev_argc++] = "--left-right";
-	rev_argv[rev_argc++] = symmetric;
-	rev_argv[rev_argc++] = "--";
-	rev_argv[rev_argc] = NULL;
-	strcpy(symmetric, sha1_to_hex(ours->object.sha1));
-	strcpy(symmetric + 40, "...");
-	strcpy(symmetric + 43, sha1_to_hex(theirs->object.sha1));
+	argv_array_push(&argv, ""); /* ignored */
+	argv_array_push(&argv, "--left-right");
+	argv_array_pushf(&argv, "%s...%s",
+			 oid_to_hex(&ours->object.oid),
+			 oid_to_hex(&theirs->object.oid));
+	argv_array_push(&argv, "--");
 	init_revisions(&revs, NULL);
-	setup_revisions(rev_argc, rev_argv, &revs, NULL);
+	setup_revisions(argv.argc, argv.argv, &revs, NULL);
 	if (prepare_revision_walk(&revs))
 		die("revision walk setup failed");
@@ -2097,6 +2056,8 @@
 	/* clear object flags smudged by the above traversal */
 	clear_commit_marks(ours, ALL_REV_FLAGS);
 	clear_commit_marks(theirs, ALL_REV_FLAGS);
+	argv_array_clear(&argv);
 	return 0;
@@ -2179,7 +2140,7 @@
 	len = strlen(refname) + 1;
 	ref = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*ref) + len);
-	hashcpy(ref->new_sha1, oid->hash);
+	oidcpy(&ref->new_oid, oid);
 	memcpy(ref->name, refname, len);
 	**local_tail = ref;
 	*local_tail = &ref->next;
@@ -2216,7 +2177,7 @@
 	/* If refs/heads/master could be right, it is. */
 	if (!all) {
 		r = find_ref_by_name(refs, "refs/heads/master");
-		if (r && !hashcmp(r->old_sha1, head->old_sha1))
+		if (r && !oidcmp(&r->old_oid, &head->old_oid))
 			return copy_ref(r);
@@ -2224,7 +2185,7 @@
 	for (r = refs; r; r = r->next) {
 		if (r != head &&
 		    starts_with(r->name, "refs/heads/") &&
-		    !hashcmp(r->old_sha1, head->old_sha1)) {
+		    !oidcmp(&r->old_oid, &head->old_oid)) {
 			*tail = copy_ref(r);
 			tail = &((*tail)->next);
 			if (!all)
@@ -2272,7 +2233,7 @@
 	if (stale) {
 		struct ref *ref = make_linked_ref(refname, &info->stale_refs_tail);
-		hashcpy(ref->new_sha1, oid->hash);
+		oidcpy(&ref->new_oid, oid);
@@ -2367,14 +2328,14 @@
  * If we cannot do so, return negative to signal an error.
 static int remote_tracking(struct remote *remote, const char *refname,
-			   unsigned char sha1[20])
+			   struct object_id *oid)
 	char *dst;
 	dst = apply_refspecs(remote->fetch, remote->fetch_refspec_nr, refname);
 	if (!dst)
 		return -1; /* no tracking ref for refname at remote */
-	if (read_ref(dst, sha1))
+	if (read_ref(dst, oid->hash))
 		return -1; /* we know what the tracking ref is but we cannot read it */
 	return 0;
@@ -2392,8 +2353,8 @@
 		ref->expect_old_sha1 = 1;
 		if (!entry->use_tracking)
-			hashcpy(ref->old_sha1_expect, cas->entry[i].expect);
-		else if (remote_tracking(remote, ref->name, ref->old_sha1_expect))
+			hashcpy(ref->old_oid_expect.hash, cas->entry[i].expect);
+		else if (remote_tracking(remote, ref->name, &ref->old_oid_expect))
 			ref->expect_old_no_trackback = 1;
@@ -2403,7 +2364,7 @@
 	ref->expect_old_sha1 = 1;
-	if (remote_tracking(remote, ref->name, ref->old_sha1_expect))
+	if (remote_tracking(remote, ref->name, &ref->old_oid_expect))
 		ref->expect_old_no_trackback = 1;
diff --git a/remote.h b/remote.h
index 312b7ca..4a039ba 100644
--- a/remote.h
+++ b/remote.h
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
 struct ref {
 	struct ref *next;
-	unsigned char old_sha1[20];
-	unsigned char new_sha1[20];
-	unsigned char old_sha1_expect[20]; /* used by expect-old */
+	struct object_id old_oid;
+	struct object_id new_oid;
+	struct object_id old_oid_expect; /* used by expect-old */
 	char *symref;
 	unsigned int
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 				     struct sha1_array *shallow);
 int resolve_remote_symref(struct ref *ref, struct ref *list);
-int ref_newer(const unsigned char *new_sha1, const unsigned char *old_sha1);
+int ref_newer(const struct object_id *new_oid, const struct object_id *old_oid);
  * Remove and free all but the first of any entries in the input list
diff --git a/rerere.c b/rerere.c
index d90057b..403c700 100644
--- a/rerere.c
+++ b/rerere.c
@@ -20,45 +20,74 @@
 /* automatically update cleanly resolved paths to the index */
 static int rerere_autoupdate;
-const char *rerere_path(const char *hex, const char *file)
+static void free_rerere_id(struct string_list_item *item)
-	return git_path("rr-cache/%s/%s", hex, file);
+	free(item->util);
-static int has_rerere_resolution(const char *hex)
+static const char *rerere_id_hex(const struct rerere_id *id)
+	return id->hex;
+const char *rerere_path(const struct rerere_id *id, const char *file)
+	if (!file)
+		return git_path("rr-cache/%s", rerere_id_hex(id));
+	return git_path("rr-cache/%s/%s", rerere_id_hex(id), file);
+static int has_rerere_resolution(const struct rerere_id *id)
 	struct stat st;
-	return !stat(rerere_path(hex, "postimage"), &st);
+	return !stat(rerere_path(id, "postimage"), &st);
+static struct rerere_id *new_rerere_id_hex(char *hex)
+	struct rerere_id *id = xmalloc(sizeof(*id));
+	strcpy(id->hex, hex);
+	return id;
+static struct rerere_id *new_rerere_id(unsigned char *sha1)
+	return new_rerere_id_hex(sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+ * $GIT_DIR/MERGE_RR file is a collection of records, each of which is
+ * "conflict ID", a HT and pathname, terminated with a NUL, and is
+ * used to keep track of the set of paths that "rerere" may need to
+ * work on (i.e. what is left by the previous invocation of "git
+ * rerere" during the current conflict resolution session).
+ */
 static void read_rr(struct string_list *rr)
-	unsigned char sha1[20];
-	char buf[PATH_MAX];
+	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	FILE *in = fopen(git_path_merge_rr(), "r");
 	if (!in)
-	while (fread(buf, 40, 1, in) == 1) {
-		int i;
-		char *name;
-		if (get_sha1_hex(buf, sha1))
+	while (!strbuf_getwholeline(&buf, in, '\0')) {
+		char *path;
+		unsigned char sha1[20];
+		struct rerere_id *id;
+		/* There has to be the hash, tab, path and then NUL */
+		if (buf.len < 42 || get_sha1_hex(buf.buf, sha1))
 			die("corrupt MERGE_RR");
-		buf[40] = '\0';
-		name = xstrdup(buf);
-		if (fgetc(in) != '\t')
+		if (buf.buf[40] != '\t')
 			die("corrupt MERGE_RR");
-		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i++) {
-			int c = fgetc(in);
-			if (c < 0)
-				die("corrupt MERGE_RR");
-			buf[i] = c;
-			if (c == 0)
-				 break;
-		}
-		if (i == sizeof(buf))
-			die("filename too long");
-		string_list_insert(rr, buf)->util = name;
+		buf.buf[40] = '\0';
+		path = buf.buf + 41;
+		id = new_rerere_id_hex(buf.buf);
+		string_list_insert(rr, path)->util = id;
+	strbuf_release(&buf);
@@ -68,22 +97,42 @@
 	int i;
 	for (i = 0; i < rr->nr; i++) {
-		const char *path;
-		int length;
-		if (!rr->items[i].util)
+		struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+		struct rerere_id *id;
+		assert(rr->items[i].util != RERERE_RESOLVED);
+		id = rr->items[i].util;
+		if (!id)
-		path = rr->items[i].string;
-		length = strlen(path) + 1;
-		if (write_in_full(out_fd, rr->items[i].util, 40) != 40 ||
-		    write_str_in_full(out_fd, "\t") != 1 ||
-		    write_in_full(out_fd, path, length) != length)
+		strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s\t%s%c",
+			    rerere_id_hex(id),
+			    rr->items[i].string, 0);
+		if (write_in_full(out_fd, buf.buf, buf.len) != buf.len)
 			die("unable to write rerere record");
+		strbuf_release(&buf);
 	if (commit_lock_file(&write_lock) != 0)
 		die("unable to write rerere record");
 	return 0;
+ * "rerere" interacts with conflicted file contents using this I/O
+ * abstraction.  It reads a conflicted contents from one place via
+ * "getline()" method, and optionally can write it out after
+ * normalizing the conflicted hunks to the "output".  Subclasses of
+ * rerere_io embed this structure at the beginning of their own
+ * rerere_io object.
+ */
+struct rerere_io {
+	int (*getline)(struct strbuf *, struct rerere_io *);
+	FILE *output;
+	int wrerror;
+	/* some more stuff */
 static void ferr_write(const void *p, size_t count, FILE *fp, int *err)
 	if (!count || *err)
@@ -97,31 +146,34 @@
 	ferr_write(s, strlen(s), fp, err);
-struct rerere_io {
-	int (*getline)(struct strbuf *, struct rerere_io *);
-	FILE *output;
-	int wrerror;
-	/* some more stuff */
 static void rerere_io_putstr(const char *str, struct rerere_io *io)
 	if (io->output)
 		ferr_puts(str, io->output, &io->wrerror);
+ * Write a conflict marker to io->output (if defined).
+ */
 static void rerere_io_putconflict(int ch, int size, struct rerere_io *io)
 	char buf[64];
 	while (size) {
-		if (size < sizeof(buf) - 2) {
+		if (size <= sizeof(buf) - 2) {
 			memset(buf, ch, size);
 			buf[size] = '\n';
 			buf[size + 1] = '\0';
 			size = 0;
 		} else {
 			int sz = sizeof(buf) - 1;
+			/*
+			 * Make sure we will not write everything out
+			 * in this round by leaving at least 1 byte
+			 * for the next round, giving the next round
+			 * a chance to add the terminating LF.  Yuck.
+			 */
 			if (size <= sz)
 				sz -= (sz - size) + 1;
 			memset(buf, ch, sz);
@@ -138,19 +190,42 @@
 		ferr_write(mem, sz, io->output, &io->wrerror);
+ * Subclass of rerere_io that reads from an on-disk file
+ */
 struct rerere_io_file {
 	struct rerere_io io;
 	FILE *input;
+ * ... and its getline() method implementation
+ */
 static int rerere_file_getline(struct strbuf *sb, struct rerere_io *io_)
 	struct rerere_io_file *io = (struct rerere_io_file *)io_;
 	return strbuf_getwholeline(sb, io->input, '\n');
-static int is_cmarker(char *buf, int marker_char, int marker_size, int want_sp)
+ * Require the exact number of conflict marker letters, no more, no
+ * less, followed by SP or any whitespace
+ * (including LF).
+ */
+static int is_cmarker(char *buf, int marker_char, int marker_size)
+	int want_sp;
+	/*
+	 * The beginning of our version and the end of their version
+	 * always are labeled like "<<<<< ours" or ">>>>> theirs",
+	 * hence we set want_sp for them.  Note that the version from
+	 * the common ancestor in diff3-style output is not always
+	 * labelled (e.g. "||||| common" is often seen but "|||||"
+	 * alone is also valid), so we do not set want_sp.
+	 */
+	want_sp = (marker_char == '<') || (marker_char == '>');
 	while (marker_size--)
 		if (*buf++ != marker_char)
 			return 0;
@@ -159,6 +234,21 @@
 	return isspace(*buf);
+ * Read contents a file with conflicts, normalize the conflicts
+ * by (1) discarding the common ancestor version in diff3-style,
+ * (2) reordering our side and their side so that whichever sorts
+ * alphabetically earlier comes before the other one, while
+ * computing the "conflict ID", which is just an SHA-1 hash of
+ * one side of the conflict, NUL, the other side of the conflict,
+ * and NUL concatenated together.
+ *
+ * Return the number of conflict hunks found.
+ *
+ * NEEDSWORK: the logic and theory of operation behind this conflict
+ * normalization may deserve to be documented somewhere, perhaps in
+ * Documentation/technical/rerere.txt.
+ */
 static int handle_path(unsigned char *sha1, struct rerere_io *io, int marker_size)
 	git_SHA_CTX ctx;
@@ -173,19 +263,19 @@
 	while (!io->getline(&buf, io)) {
-		if (is_cmarker(buf.buf, '<', marker_size, 1)) {
+		if (is_cmarker(buf.buf, '<', marker_size)) {
 			if (hunk != RR_CONTEXT)
 				goto bad;
 			hunk = RR_SIDE_1;
-		} else if (is_cmarker(buf.buf, '|', marker_size, 0)) {
+		} else if (is_cmarker(buf.buf, '|', marker_size)) {
 			if (hunk != RR_SIDE_1)
 				goto bad;
 			hunk = RR_ORIGINAL;
-		} else if (is_cmarker(buf.buf, '=', marker_size, 0)) {
+		} else if (is_cmarker(buf.buf, '=', marker_size)) {
 			if (hunk != RR_SIDE_1 && hunk != RR_ORIGINAL)
 				goto bad;
 			hunk = RR_SIDE_2;
-		} else if (is_cmarker(buf.buf, '>', marker_size, 1)) {
+		} else if (is_cmarker(buf.buf, '>', marker_size)) {
 			if (hunk != RR_SIDE_2)
 				goto bad;
 			if (strbuf_cmp(&one, &two) > 0)
@@ -229,6 +319,10 @@
 	return hunk_no;
+ * Scan the path for conflicts, do the "handle_path()" thing above, and
+ * return the number of conflict hunks found.
+ */
 static int handle_file(const char *path, unsigned char *sha1, const char *output)
 	int hunk_no = 0;
@@ -270,11 +364,18 @@
 	return hunk_no;
+ * Subclass of rerere_io that reads from an in-core buffer that is a
+ * strbuf
+ */
 struct rerere_io_mem {
 	struct rerere_io io;
 	struct strbuf input;
+ * ... and its getline() method implementation
+ */
 static int rerere_mem_getline(struct strbuf *sb, struct rerere_io *io_)
 	struct rerere_io_mem *io = (struct rerere_io_mem *)io_;
@@ -313,24 +414,23 @@
 		return -1;
 	pos = -pos - 1;
-	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+	while (pos < active_nr) {
 		enum object_type type;
 		unsigned long size;
-		int j;
-		if (active_nr <= pos)
-			break;
 		ce = active_cache[pos++];
 		if (ce_namelen(ce) != len || memcmp(ce->name, path, len))
-			continue;
-		j = ce_stage(ce) - 1;
-		mmfile[j].ptr = read_sha1_file(ce->sha1, &type, &size);
-		mmfile[j].size = size;
+			break;
+		i = ce_stage(ce) - 1;
+		if (!mmfile[i].ptr) {
+			mmfile[i].ptr = read_sha1_file(ce->sha1, &type, &size);
+			mmfile[i].size = size;
+		}
-	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
 		if (!mmfile[i].ptr && !mmfile[i].size)
 			mmfile[i].ptr = xstrdup("");
-	}
 	 * NEEDSWORK: handle conflicts from merges with
 	 * merge.renormalize set, too
@@ -350,6 +450,10 @@
 	strbuf_init(&io.input, 0);
 	strbuf_attach(&io.input, result.ptr, result.size, result.size);
+	/*
+	 * Grab the conflict ID and optionally write the original
+	 * contents with conflict markers out.
+	 */
 	hunk_no = handle_path(sha1, (struct rerere_io *)&io, marker_size);
 	if (
@@ -357,6 +461,14 @@
 	return hunk_no;
+ * Look at a cache entry at "i" and see if it is not conflicting,
+ * conflicting and we are willing to handle, or conflicting and
+ * we are unable to handle, and return the determination in *type.
+ * Return the cache index to be looked at next, by skipping the
+ * stages we have already looked at in this invocation of this
+ * function.
+ */
 static int check_one_conflict(int i, int *type)
 	const struct cache_entry *e = active_cache[i];
@@ -367,10 +479,8 @@
 	*type = PUNTED;
-	if (ce_stage(e) == 1) {
-		if (active_nr <= ++i)
-			return i + 1;
-	}
+	while (ce_stage(active_cache[i]) == 1)
+		i++;
 	/* Only handle regular files with both stages #2 and #3 */
 	if (i + 1 < active_nr) {
@@ -390,6 +500,17 @@
 	return i;
+ * Scan the index and find paths that have conflicts that rerere can
+ * handle, i.e. the ones that has both stages #2 and #3.
+ *
+ * NEEDSWORK: we do not record or replay a previous "resolve by
+ * deletion" for a delete-modify conflict, as that is inherently risky
+ * without knowing what modification is being discarded.  The only
+ * safe case, i.e. both side doing the deletion and modification that
+ * are identical to the previous round, might want to be handled,
+ * though.
+ */
 static int find_conflict(struct string_list *conflict)
 	int i;
@@ -406,6 +527,21 @@
 	return 0;
+ * The merge_rr list is meant to hold outstanding conflicted paths
+ * that rerere could handle.  Abuse the list by adding other types of
+ * entries to allow the caller to show "rerere remaining".
+ *
+ * - Conflicted paths that rerere does not handle are added
+ * - Conflicted paths that have been resolved are marked as such
+ *   by storing RERERE_RESOLVED to .util field (where conflict ID
+ *   is expected to be stored).
+ *
+ * Do *not* write MERGE_RR file out after calling this function.
+ *
+ * NEEDSWORK: we may want to fix the caller that implements "rerere
+ * remaining" to do this without abusing merge_rr.
+ */
 int rerere_remaining(struct string_list *merge_rr)
 	int i;
@@ -424,7 +560,7 @@
 			struct string_list_item *it;
 			it = string_list_lookup(merge_rr, (const char *)e->name);
 			if (it != NULL) {
-				free(it->util);
+				free_rerere_id(it);
 				it->util = RERERE_RESOLVED;
@@ -432,40 +568,67 @@
 	return 0;
-static int merge(const char *name, const char *path)
+ * Find the conflict identified by "id"; the change between its
+ * "preimage" (i.e. a previous contents with conflict markers) and its
+ * "postimage" (i.e. the corresponding contents with conflicts
+ * resolved) may apply cleanly to the contents stored in "path", i.e.
+ * the conflict this time around.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 for successful replay of recorded resolution, or non-zero
+ * for failure.
+ */
+static int merge(const struct rerere_id *id, const char *path)
+	FILE *f;
 	int ret;
 	mmfile_t cur = {NULL, 0}, base = {NULL, 0}, other = {NULL, 0};
 	mmbuffer_t result = {NULL, 0};
-	if (handle_file(path, NULL, rerere_path(name, "thisimage")) < 0)
-		return 1;
-	if (read_mmfile(&cur, rerere_path(name, "thisimage")) ||
-			read_mmfile(&base, rerere_path(name, "preimage")) ||
-			read_mmfile(&other, rerere_path(name, "postimage"))) {
+	/*
+	 * Normalize the conflicts in path and write it out to
+	 * "thisimage" temporary file.
+	 */
+	if (handle_file(path, NULL, rerere_path(id, "thisimage")) < 0) {
 		ret = 1;
 		goto out;
-	ret = ll_merge(&result, path, &base, NULL, &cur, "", &other, "", NULL);
-	if (!ret) {
-		FILE *f;
-		if (utime(rerere_path(name, "postimage"), NULL) < 0)
-			warning("failed utime() on %s: %s",
-					rerere_path(name, "postimage"),
-					strerror(errno));
-		f = fopen(path, "w");
-		if (!f)
-			return error("Could not open %s: %s", path,
-				     strerror(errno));
-		if (fwrite(result.ptr, result.size, 1, f) != 1)
-			error("Could not write %s: %s", path, strerror(errno));
-		if (fclose(f))
-			return error("Writing %s failed: %s", path,
-				     strerror(errno));
+	if (read_mmfile(&cur, rerere_path(id, "thisimage")) ||
+	    read_mmfile(&base, rerere_path(id, "preimage")) ||
+	    read_mmfile(&other, rerere_path(id, "postimage"))) {
+		ret = 1;
+		goto out;
+	/*
+	 * A three-way merge. Note that this honors user-customizable
+	 * low-level merge driver settings.
+	 */
+	ret = ll_merge(&result, path, &base, NULL, &cur, "", &other, "", NULL);
+	if (ret)
+		goto out;
+	/*
+	 * A successful replay of recorded resolution.
+	 * Mark that "postimage" was used to help gc.
+	 */
+	if (utime(rerere_path(id, "postimage"), NULL) < 0)
+		warning("failed utime() on %s: %s",
+			rerere_path(id, "postimage"),
+			strerror(errno));
+	/* Update "path" with the resolution */
+	f = fopen(path, "w");
+	if (!f)
+		return error("Could not open %s: %s", path,
+			     strerror(errno));
+	if (fwrite(result.ptr, result.size, 1, f) != 1)
+		error("Could not write %s: %s", path, strerror(errno));
+	if (fclose(f))
+		return error("Writing %s failed: %s", path,
+			     strerror(errno));
@@ -487,6 +650,8 @@
 		struct string_list_item *item = &update->items[i];
 		if (add_file_to_cache(item->string, 0))
+		fprintf(stderr, "Staged '%s' using previous resolution.\n",
+			item->string);
 	if (active_cache_changed) {
@@ -496,6 +661,41 @@
+ * The path indicated by rr_item may still have conflict for which we
+ * have a recorded resolution, in which case replay it and optionally
+ * update it.  Or it may have been resolved by the user and we may
+ * only have the preimage for that conflict, in which case the result
+ * needs to be recorded as a resolution in a postimage file.
+ */
+static void do_rerere_one_path(struct string_list_item *rr_item,
+			       struct string_list *update)
+	const char *path = rr_item->string;
+	const struct rerere_id *id = rr_item->util;
+	/* Is there a recorded resolution we could attempt to apply? */
+	if (has_rerere_resolution(id)) {
+		if (merge(id, path))
+			return; /* failed to replay */
+		if (rerere_autoupdate)
+			string_list_insert(update, path);
+		else
+			fprintf(stderr,
+				"Resolved '%s' using previous resolution.\n",
+				path);
+	} else if (!handle_file(path, NULL, NULL)) {
+		/* The user has resolved it. */
+		copy_file(rerere_path(id, "postimage"), path, 0666);
+		fprintf(stderr, "Recorded resolution for '%s'.\n", path);
+	} else {
+		return;
+	}
+	free_rerere_id(rr_item);
+	rr_item->util = NULL;
 static int do_plain_rerere(struct string_list *rr, int fd)
 	struct string_list conflict = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
@@ -505,65 +705,55 @@
-	 * MERGE_RR records paths with conflicts immediately after merge
-	 * failed.  Some of the conflicted paths might have been hand resolved
-	 * in the working tree since then, but the initial run would catch all
-	 * and register their preimages.
+	 * MERGE_RR records paths with conflicts immediately after
+	 * merge failed.  Some of the conflicted paths might have been
+	 * hand resolved in the working tree since then, but the
+	 * initial run would catch all and register their preimages.
 	for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
+		struct rerere_id *id;
+		unsigned char sha1[20];
 		const char *path = conflict.items[i].string;
-		if (!string_list_has_string(rr, path)) {
-			unsigned char sha1[20];
-			char *hex;
-			int ret;
-			ret = handle_file(path, sha1, NULL);
-			if (ret < 1)
-				continue;
-			hex = xstrdup(sha1_to_hex(sha1));
-			string_list_insert(rr, path)->util = hex;
-			if (mkdir_in_gitdir(git_path("rr-cache/%s", hex)))
-				continue;
-			handle_file(path, NULL, rerere_path(hex, "preimage"));
-			fprintf(stderr, "Recorded preimage for '%s'\n", path);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Now some of the paths that had conflicts earlier might have been
-	 * hand resolved.  Others may be similar to a conflict already that
-	 * was resolved before.
-	 */
-	for (i = 0; i < rr->nr; i++) {
 		int ret;
-		const char *path = rr->items[i].string;
-		const char *name = (const char *)rr->items[i].util;
-		if (has_rerere_resolution(name)) {
-			if (!merge(name, path)) {
-				const char *msg;
-				if (rerere_autoupdate) {
-					string_list_insert(&update, path);
-					msg = "Staged '%s' using previous resolution.\n";
-				} else
-					msg = "Resolved '%s' using previous resolution.\n";
-				fprintf(stderr, msg, path);
-				goto mark_resolved;
-			}
-		}
-		/* Let's see if we have resolved it. */
-		ret = handle_file(path, NULL, NULL);
-		if (ret)
+		if (string_list_has_string(rr, path))
-		fprintf(stderr, "Recorded resolution for '%s'.\n", path);
-		copy_file(rerere_path(name, "postimage"), path, 0666);
-	mark_resolved:
-		rr->items[i].util = NULL;
+		/*
+		 * Ask handle_file() to scan and assign a
+		 * conflict ID.  No need to write anything out
+		 * yet.
+		 */
+		ret = handle_file(path, sha1, NULL);
+		if (ret < 1)
+			continue;
+		id = new_rerere_id(sha1);
+		string_list_insert(rr, path)->util = id;
+		/*
+		 * If the directory does not exist, create
+		 * it.  mkdir_in_gitdir() will fail with
+		 * EEXIST if there already is one.
+		 *
+		 * NEEDSWORK: make sure "gc" does not remove
+		 * preimage without removing the directory.
+		 */
+		if (mkdir_in_gitdir(rerere_path(id, NULL)))
+			continue;
+		/*
+		 * We are the first to encounter this
+		 * conflict.  Ask handle_file() to write the
+		 * normalized contents to the "preimage" file.
+		 */
+		handle_file(path, NULL, rerere_path(id, "preimage"));
+		fprintf(stderr, "Recorded preimage for '%s'\n", path);
+	for (i = 0; i < rr->nr; i++)
+		do_rerere_one_path(&rr->items[i], &update);
 	if (
@@ -614,6 +804,11 @@
 	return fd;
+ * The main entry point that is called internally from codepaths that
+ * perform mergy operations, possibly leaving conflicted index entries
+ * and working tree files.
+ */
 int rerere(int flags)
 	struct string_list merge_rr = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
@@ -628,25 +823,42 @@
 static int rerere_forget_one_path(const char *path, struct string_list *rr)
 	const char *filename;
-	char *hex;
+	struct rerere_id *id;
 	unsigned char sha1[20];
 	int ret;
+	struct string_list_item *item;
+	/*
+	 * Recreate the original conflict from the stages in the
+	 * index and compute the conflict ID
+	 */
 	ret = handle_cache(path, sha1, NULL);
 	if (ret < 1)
 		return error("Could not parse conflict hunks in '%s'", path);
-	hex = xstrdup(sha1_to_hex(sha1));
-	filename = rerere_path(hex, "postimage");
+	/* Nuke the recorded resolution for the conflict */
+	id = new_rerere_id(sha1);
+	filename = rerere_path(id, "postimage");
 	if (unlink(filename))
 		return (errno == ENOENT
 			? error("no remembered resolution for %s", path)
 			: error("cannot unlink %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno)));
-	handle_cache(path, sha1, rerere_path(hex, "preimage"));
+	/*
+	 * Update the preimage so that the user can resolve the
+	 * conflict in the working tree, run us again to record
+	 * the postimage.
+	 */
+	handle_cache(path, sha1, rerere_path(id, "preimage"));
 	fprintf(stderr, "Updated preimage for '%s'\n", path);
-	string_list_insert(rr, path)->util = hex;
+	/*
+	 * And remember that we can record resolution for this
+	 * conflict when the user is done.
+	 */
+	item = string_list_insert(rr, path);
+	free_rerere_id(item);
+	item->util = id;
 	fprintf(stderr, "Forgot resolution for %s\n", path);
 	return 0;
@@ -664,6 +876,11 @@
 	if (fd < 0)
 		return 0;
+	/*
+	 * The paths may have been resolved (incorrectly);
+	 * recover the original conflicted state and then
+	 * find the conflicted paths.
+	 */
 	for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
@@ -676,24 +893,51 @@
 	return write_rr(&merge_rr, fd);
-static time_t rerere_created_at(const char *name)
+ * Garbage collection support
+ */
+ * Note that this is not reentrant but is used only one-at-a-time
+ * so it does not matter right now.
+ */
+static struct rerere_id *dirname_to_id(const char *name)
-	struct stat st;
-	return stat(rerere_path(name, "preimage"), &st) ? (time_t) 0 : st.st_mtime;
+	static struct rerere_id id;
+	strcpy(id.hex, name);
+	return &id;
-static time_t rerere_last_used_at(const char *name)
+static time_t rerere_created_at(const char *dir_name)
 	struct stat st;
-	return stat(rerere_path(name, "postimage"), &st) ? (time_t) 0 : st.st_mtime;
+	struct rerere_id *id = dirname_to_id(dir_name);
+	return stat(rerere_path(id, "preimage"), &st) ? (time_t) 0 : st.st_mtime;
-static void unlink_rr_item(const char *name)
+static time_t rerere_last_used_at(const char *dir_name)
-	unlink(rerere_path(name, "thisimage"));
-	unlink(rerere_path(name, "preimage"));
-	unlink(rerere_path(name, "postimage"));
-	rmdir(git_path("rr-cache/%s", name));
+	struct stat st;
+	struct rerere_id *id = dirname_to_id(dir_name);
+	return stat(rerere_path(id, "postimage"), &st) ? (time_t) 0 : st.st_mtime;
+ * Remove the recorded resolution for a given conflict ID
+ */
+static void unlink_rr_item(struct rerere_id *id)
+	unlink(rerere_path(id, "thisimage"));
+	unlink(rerere_path(id, "preimage"));
+	unlink(rerere_path(id, "postimage"));
+	/*
+	 * NEEDSWORK: what if this rmdir() fails?  Wouldn't we then
+	 * assume that we already have preimage recorded in
+	 * do_plain_rerere()?
+	 */
+	rmdir(rerere_path(id, NULL));
 void rerere_gc(struct string_list *rr)
@@ -715,6 +959,7 @@
 	dir = opendir(git_path("rr-cache"));
 	if (!dir)
 		die_errno("unable to open rr-cache directory");
+	/* Collect stale conflict IDs ... */
 	while ((e = readdir(dir))) {
 		if (is_dot_or_dotdot(e->d_name))
@@ -732,12 +977,20 @@
 			string_list_append(&to_remove, e->d_name);
+	/* ... and then remove them one-by-one */
 	for (i = 0; i <; i++)
-		unlink_rr_item(to_remove.items[i].string);
+		unlink_rr_item(dirname_to_id(to_remove.items[i].string));
 	string_list_clear(&to_remove, 0);
+ * During a conflict resolution, after "rerere" recorded the
+ * preimages, abandon them if the user did not resolve them or
+ * record their resolutions.  And drop $GIT_DIR/MERGE_RR.
+ *
+ * NEEDSWORK: shouldn't we be calling this from "reset --hard"?
+ */
 void rerere_clear(struct string_list *merge_rr)
 	int i;
@@ -746,9 +999,9 @@
 	for (i = 0; i < merge_rr->nr; i++) {
-		const char *name = (const char *)merge_rr->items[i].util;
-		if (!has_rerere_resolution(name))
-			unlink_rr_item(name);
+		struct rerere_id *id = merge_rr->items[i].util;
+		if (!has_rerere_resolution(id))
+			unlink_rr_item(id);
diff --git a/rerere.h b/rerere.h
index 407d599..1222e91 100644
--- a/rerere.h
+++ b/rerere.h
@@ -16,9 +16,19 @@
 extern void *RERERE_RESOLVED;
+struct rerere_id {
+	char hex[41];
 extern int setup_rerere(struct string_list *, int);
 extern int rerere(int);
-extern const char *rerere_path(const char *hex, const char *file);
+ * Given the conflict ID and the name of a "file" used for replaying
+ * the recorded resolution (e.g. "preimage", "postimage"), return the
+ * path to that filesystem entity.  With "file" specified with NULL,
+ * return the path to the directory that houses these files.
+ */
+extern const char *rerere_path(const struct rerere_id *, const char *file);
 extern int rerere_forget(struct pathspec *);
 extern int rerere_remaining(struct string_list *);
 extern void rerere_clear(struct string_list *);
diff --git a/revision.c b/revision.c
index f6caef0..9404a05 100644
--- a/revision.c
+++ b/revision.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 	n = xmalloc(len);
 	m = n + len - (nlen + 1);
-	strcpy(m, name);
+	memcpy(m, name, nlen + 1);
 	for (p = path; p; p = p->up) {
 		if (p->elem_len) {
 			m -= p->elem_len + 1;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 	leaf.elem = component;
 	leaf.elem_len = strlen(component);
-	fprintf(out, "%s ", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+	fprintf(out, "%s ", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 	show_path_truncated(out, &leaf);
 	fputc('\n', out);
@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@
 	struct name_entry entry;
 	struct object *obj = &tree->object;
-	if (!has_sha1_file(obj->sha1))
+	if (!has_object_file(&obj->oid))
 	if (parse_tree(tree) < 0)
-		die("bad tree %s", sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+		die("bad tree %s", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 	init_tree_desc(&desc, tree->buffer, tree->size);
 	while (tree_entry(&desc, &entry)) {
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 			 * it is popped next time around, we won't be trying
 			 * to parse it and get an error.
-			if (!has_sha1_file(commit->object.sha1))
+			if (!has_object_file(&commit->object.oid))
 				commit->object.parsed = 1;
 			if (commit->object.flags & UNINTERESTING)
@@ -284,11 +284,11 @@
 			add_pending_object(revs, object, tag->tag);
 		if (!tag->tagged)
 			die("bad tag");
-		object = parse_object(tag->tagged->sha1);
+		object = parse_object(tag->tagged->oid.hash);
 		if (!object) {
 			if (flags & UNINTERESTING)
 				return NULL;
-			die("bad object %s", sha1_to_hex(tag->tagged->sha1));
+			die("bad object %s", oid_to_hex(&tag->tagged->oid));
 		object->flags |= flags;
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@
 	tree_difference = REV_TREE_SAME;
 	DIFF_OPT_CLR(&revs->pruning, HAS_CHANGES);
-	if (diff_tree_sha1(t1->object.sha1, t2->object.sha1, "",
+	if (diff_tree_sha1(t1->object.oid.hash, t2->object.oid.hash, "",
 			   &revs->pruning) < 0)
 	return tree_difference;
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@
 	tree_difference = REV_TREE_SAME;
 	DIFF_OPT_CLR(&revs->pruning, HAS_CHANGES);
-	retval = diff_tree_sha1(NULL, t1->object.sha1, "", &revs->pruning);
+	retval = diff_tree_sha1(NULL, t1->object.oid.hash, "", &revs->pruning);
 	return retval >= 0 && (tree_difference == REV_TREE_SAME);
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@
 		st = lookup_decoration(&revs->treesame, &commit->object);
 		if (!st)
-			die("update_treesame %s", sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			die("update_treesame %s", oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 		relevant_parents = 0;
 		relevant_change = irrelevant_change = 0;
 		for (p = commit->parents, n = 0; p; n++, p = p->next) {
@@ -710,8 +710,8 @@
 		if (parse_commit(p) < 0)
 			die("cannot simplify commit %s (because of %s)",
-			    sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1),
-			    sha1_to_hex(p->object.sha1));
+			    oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid),
+			    oid_to_hex(&p->object.oid));
 		switch (rev_compare_tree(revs, p, commit)) {
 		case REV_TREE_SAME:
 			if (!revs->simplify_history || !relevant_commit(p)) {
@@ -743,8 +743,8 @@
 				if (parse_commit(p) < 0)
 					die("cannot simplify commit %s (invalid %s)",
-					    sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1),
-					    sha1_to_hex(p->object.sha1));
+					    oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid),
+					    oid_to_hex(&p->object.oid));
 				p->parents = NULL;
 		/* fallthrough */
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
 				irrelevant_change = 1;
-		die("bad tree compare for commit %s", sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+		die("bad tree compare for commit %s", oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
@@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@
 	while (commit_list) {
 		struct object *object = &commit_list->item->object;
-		add_rev_cmdline(revs, object, sha1_to_hex(object->sha1),
+		add_rev_cmdline(revs, object, oid_to_hex(&object->oid),
 				whence, flags);
 		commit_list = commit_list->next;
@@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@
 		if (!((struct tag*)it)->tagged)
 			return 0;
-		hashcpy(sha1, ((struct tag*)it)->tagged->sha1);
+		hashcpy(sha1, ((struct tag*)it)->tagged->oid.hash);
 	if (it->type != OBJ_COMMIT)
 		return 0;
@@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@
 	while (commit_list) {
 		struct object *object = &commit_list->item->object;
 		object->flags |= flags;
-		add_pending_object(revs, object, sha1_to_hex(object->sha1));
+		add_pending_object(revs, object, oid_to_hex(&object->oid));
 		commit_list = commit_list->next;
@@ -1557,10 +1557,10 @@
 				a = (a_obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT
 				     ? (struct commit *)a_obj
-				     : lookup_commit_reference(a_obj->sha1));
+				     : lookup_commit_reference(a_obj->oid.hash));
 				b = (b_obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT
 				     ? (struct commit *)b_obj
-				     : lookup_commit_reference(b_obj->sha1));
+				     : lookup_commit_reference(b_obj->oid.hash));
 				if (!a || !b)
 					goto missing;
 				exclude = get_merge_bases(a, b);
@@ -2940,7 +2940,7 @@
 	if (opt->show_notes) {
 		if (!buf.len)
 			strbuf_addstr(&buf, message);
-		format_display_notes(commit->object.sha1, &buf, encoding, 1);
+		format_display_notes(commit->object.oid.hash, &buf, encoding, 1);
@@ -2970,7 +2970,7 @@
 	if (commit->object.flags & SHOWN)
 		return commit_ignore;
-	if (revs->unpacked && has_sha1_pack(commit->object.sha1))
+	if (revs->unpacked && has_sha1_pack(commit->object.oid.hash))
 		return commit_ignore;
 	if (revs->show_all)
 		return commit_show;
@@ -3096,7 +3096,7 @@
 		struct commit_list *p;
 		for (p = revs->previous_parents; p; p = p->next)
 			if (p->item == NULL || /* first commit */
-			    !hashcmp(p->item->object.sha1, commit->object.sha1))
+			    !oidcmp(&p->item->object.oid, &commit->object.oid))
 		revs->linear = p != NULL;
@@ -3134,7 +3134,7 @@
 			if (add_parents_to_list(revs, commit, &revs->commits, NULL) < 0) {
 				if (!revs->ignore_missing_links)
 					die("Failed to traverse parents of commit %s",
-						sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+						oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
@@ -3143,7 +3143,7 @@
 		case commit_error:
 			die("Failed to simplify parents of commit %s",
-			    sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			    oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 			if (revs->track_linear)
 				track_linear(revs, commit);
diff --git a/revision.h b/revision.h
index 5bc9686..23857c0 100644
--- a/revision.h
+++ b/revision.h
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
+			zero_commit:1,
diff --git a/run-command.c b/run-command.c
index 84e4ce6..13fa452 100644
--- a/run-command.c
+++ b/run-command.c
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@
 	vreportf("fatal: ", err, params);
-	if (!pthread_equal(main_thread, pthread_self())) {
+	if (in_async()) {
 		struct async *async = pthread_getspecific(async_key);
 		if (async->proc_in >= 0)
@@ -626,6 +626,13 @@
 	return ret != NULL;
+int in_async(void)
+	if (!main_thread_set)
+		return 0; /* no asyncs started yet */
+	return !pthread_equal(main_thread, pthread_self());
 static struct {
@@ -665,6 +672,12 @@
 #define atexit git_atexit
+static int process_is_async;
+int in_async(void)
+	return process_is_async;
 int start_async(struct async *async)
@@ -724,6 +737,7 @@
 		if (need_out)
+		process_is_async = 1;
 		exit(!!async->proc(proc_in, proc_out, async->data));
diff --git a/run-command.h b/run-command.h
index f315868..12bb26c 100644
--- a/run-command.h
+++ b/run-command.h
@@ -120,5 +120,6 @@
 int start_async(struct async *async);
 int finish_async(struct async *async);
+int in_async(void);
diff --git a/send-pack.c b/send-pack.c
index c6a4030..047bd18 100644
--- a/send-pack.c
+++ b/send-pack.c
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@
 	while (refs) {
-		if (!is_null_sha1(refs->old_sha1) &&
-		    !feed_object(refs->old_sha1,, 1))
+		if (!is_null_oid(&refs->old_oid) &&
+		    !feed_object(refs->old_oid.hash,, 1))
-		if (!is_null_sha1(refs->new_sha1) &&
-		    !feed_object(refs->new_sha1,, 0))
+		if (!is_null_oid(&refs->new_oid) &&
+		    !feed_object(refs->new_oid.hash,, 0))
 		refs = refs->next;
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@
 		update_seen = 1;
 		strbuf_addf(&cert, "%s %s %s\n",
-			    sha1_to_hex(ref->old_sha1),
-			    sha1_to_hex(ref->new_sha1),
+			    oid_to_hex(&ref->old_oid),
+			    oid_to_hex(&ref->new_oid),
 	if (!update_seen)
@@ -487,8 +487,8 @@
 		if (check_to_send_update(ref, args) < 0)
-		old_hex = sha1_to_hex(ref->old_sha1);
-		new_hex = sha1_to_hex(ref->new_sha1);
+		old_hex = oid_to_hex(&ref->old_oid);
+		new_hex = oid_to_hex(&ref->new_oid);
 		if (!cmds_sent) {
 					 "%s %s %s%c%s",
diff --git a/sequencer.c b/sequencer.c
index a0600ae..8c58fa2 100644
--- a/sequencer.c
+++ b/sequencer.c
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 		git_commit_encoding = "UTF-8";
 	out->message = logmsg_reencode(commit, NULL, git_commit_encoding);
-	abbrev = find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
+	abbrev = find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
 	abbrev_len = strlen(abbrev);
 	subject_len = find_commit_subject(out->message, &subject);
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
 		if (cache_tree_update(&the_index, 0))
 			return error(_("Unable to update cache tree\n"));
-	return !hashcmp(active_cache_tree->sha1, head_commit->tree->object.sha1);
+	return !hashcmp(active_cache_tree->sha1, head_commit->tree->object.oid.hash);
@@ -397,18 +397,18 @@
 	if (parse_commit(commit))
 		return error(_("Could not parse commit %s\n"),
-			     sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			     oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 	if (commit->parents) {
 		struct commit *parent = commit->parents->item;
 		if (parse_commit(parent))
 			return error(_("Could not parse parent commit %s\n"),
-				sha1_to_hex(parent->object.sha1));
-		ptree_sha1 = parent->tree->object.sha1;
+				oid_to_hex(&parent->object.oid));
+		ptree_sha1 = parent->tree->object.oid.hash;
 	} else {
 		ptree_sha1 = EMPTY_TREE_SHA1_BIN; /* commit is root */
-	return !hashcmp(ptree_sha1, commit->tree->object.sha1);
+	return !hashcmp(ptree_sha1, commit->tree->object.oid.hash);
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
 		if (!opts->mainline)
 			return error(_("Commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."),
-				sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+				oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 		for (cnt = 1, p = commit->parents;
 		     cnt != opts->mainline && p;
@@ -494,28 +494,28 @@
 			p = p->next;
 		if (cnt != opts->mainline || !p)
 			return error(_("Commit %s does not have parent %d"),
-				sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1), opts->mainline);
+				oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid), opts->mainline);
 		parent = p->item;
 	} else if (0 < opts->mainline)
 		return error(_("Mainline was specified but commit %s is not a merge."),
-			sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 		parent = commit->parents->item;
 	if (opts->allow_ff &&
-	    ((parent && !hashcmp(parent->object.sha1, head)) ||
+	    ((parent && !hashcmp(parent->object.oid.hash, head)) ||
 	     (!parent && unborn)))
-		return fast_forward_to(commit->object.sha1, head, unborn, opts);
+		return fast_forward_to(commit->object.oid.hash, head, unborn, opts);
 	if (parent && parse_commit(parent) < 0)
 		/* TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be "revert" or
 		   "cherry-pick", the second %s a SHA1 */
 		return error(_("%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"),
-			action_name(opts), sha1_to_hex(parent->object.sha1));
+			action_name(opts), oid_to_hex(&parent->object.oid));
 	if (get_message(commit, &msg) != 0)
 		return error(_("Cannot get commit message for %s"),
-			sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 	 * "commit" is an existing commit.  We would want to apply
@@ -532,11 +532,11 @@
 		strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, "Revert \"");
 		strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, msg.subject);
 		strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, "\"\n\nThis reverts commit ");
-		strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+		strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 		if (commit->parents && commit->parents->next) {
 			strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, ", reversing\nchanges made to ");
-			strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, sha1_to_hex(parent->object.sha1));
+			strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, oid_to_hex(&parent->object.oid));
 		strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, ".\n");
 	} else {
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
 			if (!has_conforming_footer(&msgbuf, NULL, 0))
 				strbuf_addch(&msgbuf, '\n');
 			strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, cherry_picked_prefix);
-			strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+			strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 			strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, ")\n");
@@ -592,17 +592,17 @@
 	 * write it at all.
 	if (opts->action == REPLAY_PICK && !opts->no_commit && (res == 0 || res == 1))
-		update_ref(NULL, "CHERRY_PICK_HEAD", commit->object.sha1, NULL,
+		update_ref(NULL, "CHERRY_PICK_HEAD", commit->object.oid.hash, NULL,
 	if (opts->action == REPLAY_REVERT && ((opts->no_commit && res == 0) || res == 1))
-		update_ref(NULL, "REVERT_HEAD", commit->object.sha1, NULL,
+		update_ref(NULL, "REVERT_HEAD", commit->object.oid.hash, NULL,
 	if (res) {
 		error(opts->action == REPLAY_REVERT
 		      ? _("could not revert %s... %s")
 		      : _("could not apply %s... %s"),
-		      find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV),
+		      find_unique_abbrev(commit->object.oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV),
 		print_advice(res == 1, opts);
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
 	for (cur = todo_list; cur; cur = cur->next) {
 		const char *commit_buffer = get_commit_buffer(cur->item, NULL);
-		sha1_abbrev = find_unique_abbrev(cur->item->object.sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
+		sha1_abbrev = find_unique_abbrev(cur->item->object.oid.hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
 		subject_len = find_commit_subject(commit_buffer, &subject);
 		strbuf_addf(buf, "%s %s %.*s\n", action_str, sha1_abbrev,
 			subject_len, subject);
diff --git a/server-info.c b/server-info.c
index c82e9ee..5a86e29 100644
--- a/server-info.c
+++ b/server-info.c
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 		o = deref_tag(o, path, 0);
 		if (o)
 			if (fprintf(fp, "%s	%s^{}\n",
-				sha1_to_hex(o->sha1), path) < 0)
+				oid_to_hex(&o->oid), path) < 0)
 				return -1;
 	return 0;
diff --git a/setup.c b/setup.c
index 1a374f2..d343725 100644
--- a/setup.c
+++ b/setup.c
@@ -100,10 +100,7 @@
 			return NULL;
 	} else {
-		sanitized = xmalloc(len + strlen(path) + 1);
-		if (len)
-			memcpy(sanitized, prefix, len);
-		strcpy(sanitized + len, path);
+		sanitized = xstrfmt("%.*s%s", len, prefix, path);
 		if (remaining_prefix)
 			*remaining_prefix = len;
 		if (normalize_path_copy_len(sanitized, sanitized, remaining_prefix)) {
@@ -508,11 +505,8 @@
 	if (!is_absolute_path(dir) && (slash = strrchr(path, '/'))) {
 		size_t pathlen = slash+1 - path;
-		size_t dirlen = pathlen + len - 8;
-		dir = xmalloc(dirlen + 1);
-		strncpy(dir, path, pathlen);
-		strncpy(dir + pathlen, buf + 8, len - 8);
-		dir[dirlen] = '\0';
+		dir = xstrfmt("%.*s%.*s", (int)pathlen, path,
+			      (int)(len - 8), buf + 8);
 		buf = dir;
diff --git a/sha1_file.c b/sha1_file.c
index 7228969..73ccd49 100644
--- a/sha1_file.c
+++ b/sha1_file.c
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 static inline uintmax_t sz_fmt(size_t s) { return s; }
 const unsigned char null_sha1[20];
+const struct object_id null_oid;
  * This is meant to hold a *small* number of objects that you would
@@ -208,44 +209,25 @@
  * provided by the caller.  which should be "pack" or "idx".
 static char *sha1_get_pack_name(const unsigned char *sha1,
-				char **name, char **base, const char *which)
+				struct strbuf *buf,
+				const char *which)
-	static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
-	char *buf;
-	int i;
-	if (!*base) {
-		const char *sha1_file_directory = get_object_directory();
-		int len = strlen(sha1_file_directory);
-		*base = xmalloc(len + 60);
-		sprintf(*base, "%s/pack/pack-1234567890123456789012345678901234567890.%s",
-			sha1_file_directory, which);
-		*name = *base + len + 11;
-	}
-	buf = *name;
-	for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-		unsigned int val = *sha1++;
-		*buf++ = hex[val >> 4];
-		*buf++ = hex[val & 0xf];
-	}
-	return *base;
+	strbuf_reset(buf);
+	strbuf_addf(buf, "%s/pack/pack-%s.%s", get_object_directory(),
+		    sha1_to_hex(sha1), which);
+	return buf->buf;
 char *sha1_pack_name(const unsigned char *sha1)
-	static char *name, *base;
-	return sha1_get_pack_name(sha1, &name, &base, "pack");
+	static struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+	return sha1_get_pack_name(sha1, &buf, "pack");
 char *sha1_pack_index_name(const unsigned char *sha1)
-	static char *name, *base;
-	return sha1_get_pack_name(sha1, &name, &base, "idx");
+	static struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+	return sha1_get_pack_name(sha1, &buf, "idx");
 struct alternate_object_database *alt_odb_list;
@@ -671,13 +653,15 @@
 int open_pack_index(struct packed_git *p)
 	char *idx_name;
+	size_t len;
 	int ret;
 	if (p->index_data)
 		return 0;
-	idx_name = xstrdup(p->pack_name);
-	strcpy(idx_name + strlen(idx_name) - strlen(".pack"), ".idx");
+	if (!strip_suffix(p->pack_name, ".pack", &len))
+		die("BUG: pack_name does not end in .pack");
+	idx_name = xstrfmt("%.*s.idx", (int)len, p->pack_name);
 	ret = check_packed_git_idx(idx_name, p);
 	return ret;
@@ -1161,11 +1145,12 @@
-struct packed_git *add_packed_git(const char *path, int path_len, int local)
+struct packed_git *add_packed_git(const char *path, size_t path_len, int local)
 	static int have_set_try_to_free_routine;
 	struct stat st;
-	struct packed_git *p = alloc_packed_git(path_len + 2);
+	size_t alloc;
+	struct packed_git *p;
 	if (!have_set_try_to_free_routine) {
 		have_set_try_to_free_routine = 1;
@@ -1176,18 +1161,22 @@
 	 * Make sure a corresponding .pack file exists and that
 	 * the index looks sane.
-	path_len -= strlen(".idx");
-	if (path_len < 1) {
-		free(p);
+	if (!strip_suffix_mem(path, &path_len, ".idx"))
 		return NULL;
-	}
+	/*
+	 * ".pack" is long enough to hold any suffix we're adding (and
+	 * the use xsnprintf double-checks that)
+	 */
+	alloc = path_len + strlen(".pack") + 1;
+	p = alloc_packed_git(alloc);
 	memcpy(p->pack_name, path, path_len);
-	strcpy(p->pack_name + path_len, ".keep");
+	xsnprintf(p->pack_name + path_len, alloc - path_len, ".keep");
 	if (!access(p->pack_name, F_OK))
 		p->pack_keep = 1;
-	strcpy(p->pack_name + path_len, ".pack");
+	xsnprintf(p->pack_name + path_len, alloc - path_len, ".pack");
 	if (stat(p->pack_name, &st) || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
 		return NULL;
@@ -1207,9 +1196,10 @@
 struct packed_git *parse_pack_index(unsigned char *sha1, const char *idx_path)
 	const char *path = sha1_pack_name(sha1);
-	struct packed_git *p = alloc_packed_git(strlen(path) + 1);
+	int alloc = strlen(path) + 1;
+	struct packed_git *p = alloc_packed_git(alloc);
-	strcpy(p->pack_name, path);
+	memcpy(p->pack_name, path, alloc); /* includes NUL */
 	hashcpy(p->sha1, sha1);
 	if (check_packed_git_idx(idx_path, p)) {
@@ -1468,7 +1458,7 @@
 		return -1;
 	/* Generate the header */
-	hdrlen = sprintf(hdr, "%s %lu", typename(obj_type), size) + 1;
+	hdrlen = xsnprintf(hdr, sizeof(hdr), "%s %lu", typename(obj_type), size) + 1;
 	/* Sha1.. */
@@ -2934,7 +2924,7 @@
 	git_SHA_CTX c;
 	/* Generate the header */
-	*hdrlen = sprintf(hdr, "%s %lu", type, len)+1;
+	*hdrlen = xsnprintf(hdr, *hdrlen, "%s %lu", type, len)+1;
 	/* Sha1.. */
@@ -2997,7 +2987,7 @@
                    unsigned char *sha1)
 	char hdr[32];
-	int hdrlen;
+	int hdrlen = sizeof(hdr);
 	write_sha1_file_prepare(buf, len, type, sha1, hdr, &hdrlen);
 	return 0;
@@ -3027,29 +3017,31 @@
  * We want to avoid cross-directory filename renames, because those
  * can have problems on various filesystems (FAT, NFS, Coda).
-static int create_tmpfile(char *buffer, size_t bufsiz, const char *filename)
+static int create_tmpfile(struct strbuf *tmp, const char *filename)
 	int fd, dirlen = directory_size(filename);
-	if (dirlen + 20 > bufsiz) {
-		errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	memcpy(buffer, filename, dirlen);
-	strcpy(buffer + dirlen, "tmp_obj_XXXXXX");
-	fd = git_mkstemp_mode(buffer, 0444);
+	strbuf_reset(tmp);
+	strbuf_add(tmp, filename, dirlen);
+	strbuf_addstr(tmp, "tmp_obj_XXXXXX");
+	fd = git_mkstemp_mode(tmp->buf, 0444);
 	if (fd < 0 && dirlen && errno == ENOENT) {
-		/* Make sure the directory exists */
-		memcpy(buffer, filename, dirlen);
-		buffer[dirlen-1] = 0;
-		if (mkdir(buffer, 0777) && errno != EEXIST)
+		/*
+		 * Make sure the directory exists; note that the contents
+		 * of the buffer are undefined after mkstemp returns an
+		 * error, so we have to rewrite the whole buffer from
+		 * scratch.
+		 */
+		strbuf_reset(tmp);
+		strbuf_add(tmp, filename, dirlen - 1);
+		if (mkdir(tmp->buf, 0777) && errno != EEXIST)
 			return -1;
-		if (adjust_shared_perm(buffer))
+		if (adjust_shared_perm(tmp->buf))
 			return -1;
 		/* Try again */
-		strcpy(buffer + dirlen - 1, "/tmp_obj_XXXXXX");
-		fd = git_mkstemp_mode(buffer, 0444);
+		strbuf_addstr(tmp, "/tmp_obj_XXXXXX");
+		fd = git_mkstemp_mode(tmp->buf, 0444);
 	return fd;
@@ -3062,10 +3054,10 @@
 	git_zstream stream;
 	git_SHA_CTX c;
 	unsigned char parano_sha1[20];
-	static char tmp_file[PATH_MAX];
+	static struct strbuf tmp_file = STRBUF_INIT;
 	const char *filename = sha1_file_name(sha1);
-	fd = create_tmpfile(tmp_file, sizeof(tmp_file), filename);
+	fd = create_tmpfile(&tmp_file, filename);
 	if (fd < 0) {
 		if (errno == EACCES)
 			return error("insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s", get_object_directory());
@@ -3114,12 +3106,12 @@
 		struct utimbuf utb;
 		utb.actime = mtime;
 		utb.modtime = mtime;
-		if (utime(tmp_file, &utb) < 0)
+		if (utime(tmp_file.buf, &utb) < 0)
 			warning("failed utime() on %s: %s",
-				tmp_file, strerror(errno));
+				tmp_file.buf, strerror(errno));
-	return finalize_object_file(tmp_file, filename);
+	return finalize_object_file(tmp_file.buf, filename);
 static int freshen_loose_object(const unsigned char *sha1)
@@ -3143,7 +3135,7 @@
 int write_sha1_file(const void *buf, unsigned long len, const char *type, unsigned char *sha1)
 	char hdr[32];
-	int hdrlen;
+	int hdrlen = sizeof(hdr);
 	/* Normally if we have it in the pack then we do not bother writing
 	 * it out into .git/objects/??/?{38} file.
@@ -3161,7 +3153,8 @@
 	int hdrlen, status = 0;
 	/* type string, SP, %lu of the length plus NUL must fit this */
-	header = xmalloc(strlen(type) + 32);
+	hdrlen = strlen(type) + 32;
+	header = xmalloc(hdrlen);
 	write_sha1_file_prepare(buf, len, type, sha1, header, &hdrlen);
 	if (!(flags & HASH_WRITE_OBJECT))
@@ -3189,7 +3182,7 @@
 	buf = read_packed_sha1(sha1, &type, &len);
 	if (!buf)
 		return error("cannot read sha1_file for %s", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
-	hdrlen = sprintf(hdr, "%s %lu", typename(type), len) + 1;
+	hdrlen = xsnprintf(hdr, sizeof(hdr), "%s %lu", typename(type), len) + 1;
 	ret = write_loose_object(sha1, hdr, hdrlen, buf, len, mtime);
@@ -3224,6 +3217,11 @@
 	return find_pack_entry(sha1, &e);
+int has_object_file(const struct object_id *oid)
+	return has_sha1_file(oid->hash);
 static void check_tree(const void *buf, size_t size)
 	struct tree_desc desc;
diff --git a/sha1_name.c b/sha1_name.c
index da6874c..892db21 100644
--- a/sha1_name.c
+++ b/sha1_name.c
@@ -96,11 +96,15 @@
 	fakeent->next = alt_odb_list;
-	sprintf(hex, "%.2s", hex_pfx);
+	xsnprintf(hex, sizeof(hex), "%.2s", hex_pfx);
 	for (alt = fakeent; alt && !ds->ambiguous; alt = alt->next) {
 		struct dirent *de;
 		DIR *dir;
-		sprintf(alt->name, "%.2s/", hex_pfx);
+		/*
+		 * every alt_odb struct has 42 extra bytes after the base
+		 * for exactly this purpose
+		 */
+		xsnprintf(alt->name, 42, "%.2s/", hex_pfx);
 		dir = opendir(alt->base);
 		if (!dir)
@@ -368,14 +372,13 @@
 	return ds.ambiguous;
-const char *find_unique_abbrev(const unsigned char *sha1, int len)
+int find_unique_abbrev_r(char *hex, const unsigned char *sha1, int len)
 	int status, exists;
-	static char hex[41];
-	memcpy(hex, sha1_to_hex(sha1), 40);
+	sha1_to_hex_r(hex, sha1);
 	if (len == 40 || !len)
-		return hex;
+		return 40;
 	exists = has_sha1_file(sha1);
 	while (len < 40) {
 		unsigned char sha1_ret[20];
@@ -384,10 +387,17 @@
 		    ? !status
 		    : status == SHORT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
 			hex[len] = 0;
-			return hex;
+			return len;
+	return len;
+const char *find_unique_abbrev(const unsigned char *sha1, int len)
+	static char hex[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1];
+	find_unique_abbrev_r(hex, sha1, len);
 	return hex;
@@ -606,13 +616,13 @@
 	if (parse_commit(commit))
 		return -1;
 	if (!idx) {
-		hashcpy(result, commit->object.sha1);
+		hashcpy(result, commit->object.oid.hash);
 		return 0;
 	p = commit->parents;
 	while (p) {
 		if (!--idx) {
-			hashcpy(result, p->item->object.sha1);
+			hashcpy(result, p->item->object.oid.hash);
 			return 0;
 		p = p->next;
@@ -639,7 +649,7 @@
 			return -1;
 		commit = commit->parents->item;
-	hashcpy(result, commit->object.sha1);
+	hashcpy(result, commit->object.oid.hash);
 	return 0;
@@ -649,7 +659,7 @@
 	if (name && !namelen)
 		namelen = strlen(name);
 	while (1) {
-		if (!o || (!o->parsed && !parse_object(o->sha1)))
+		if (!o || (!o->parsed && !parse_object(o->oid.hash)))
 			return NULL;
 		if (expected_type == OBJ_ANY || o->type == expected_type)
 			return o;
@@ -726,9 +736,9 @@
 		return -1;
 	if (!expected_type) {
 		o = deref_tag(o, name, sp - name - 2);
-		if (!o || (!o->parsed && !parse_object(o->sha1)))
+		if (!o || (!o->parsed && !parse_object(o->oid.hash)))
 			return -1;
-		hashcpy(sha1, o->sha1);
+		hashcpy(sha1, o->oid.hash);
 		return 0;
@@ -741,7 +751,7 @@
 	if (!o)
 		return -1;
-	hashcpy(sha1, o->sha1);
+	hashcpy(sha1, o->oid.hash);
 	if (sp[0] == '/') {
 		/* "$commit^{/foo}" */
 		char *prefix;
@@ -889,7 +899,7 @@
 		int matches;
 		commit = pop_most_recent_commit(&list, ONELINE_SEEN);
-		if (!parse_object(commit->object.sha1))
+		if (!parse_object(commit->object.oid.hash))
 		buf = get_commit_buffer(commit, NULL);
 		p = strstr(buf, "\n\n");
@@ -897,7 +907,7 @@
 		unuse_commit_buffer(commit, buf);
 		if (matches) {
-			hashcpy(sha1, commit->object.sha1);
+			hashcpy(sha1, commit->object.oid.hash);
 			found = 1;
@@ -1012,7 +1022,7 @@
 		st = -1;
 	else {
 		st = 0;
-		hashcpy(sha1, mbs->item->object.sha1);
+		hashcpy(sha1, mbs->item->object.oid.hash);
 	return st;
@@ -1283,8 +1293,7 @@
 	const struct cache_entry *ce;
 	int pos;
 	unsigned namelen = strlen(filename);
-	unsigned fullnamelen;
-	char *fullname;
+	struct strbuf fullname = STRBUF_INIT;
 	if (!prefix)
 		prefix = "";
@@ -1304,21 +1313,19 @@
 	/* Confusion between relative and absolute filenames? */
-	fullnamelen = namelen + strlen(prefix);
-	fullname = xmalloc(fullnamelen + 1);
-	strcpy(fullname, prefix);
-	strcat(fullname, filename);
-	pos = cache_name_pos(fullname, fullnamelen);
+	strbuf_addstr(&fullname, prefix);
+	strbuf_addstr(&fullname, filename);
+	pos = cache_name_pos(fullname.buf, fullname.len);
 	if (pos < 0)
 		pos = -pos - 1;
 	if (pos < active_nr) {
 		ce = active_cache[pos];
-		if (ce_namelen(ce) == fullnamelen &&
-		    !memcmp(ce->name, fullname, fullnamelen))
+		if (ce_namelen(ce) == fullname.len &&
+		    !memcmp(ce->name, fullname.buf, fullname.len))
 			die("Path '%s' is in the index, but not '%s'.\n"
 			    "Did you mean ':%d:%s' aka ':%d:./%s'?",
-			    fullname, filename,
-			    ce_stage(ce), fullname,
+			    fullname.buf, filename,
+			    ce_stage(ce), fullname.buf,
 			    ce_stage(ce), filename);
@@ -1328,7 +1335,7 @@
 		die("Path '%s' does not exist (neither on disk nor in the index).",
-	free(fullname);
+	strbuf_release(&fullname);
diff --git a/shallow.c b/shallow.c
index 4dcb454..60f1505 100644
--- a/shallow.c
+++ b/shallow.c
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 #include "diff.h"
 #include "revision.h"
 #include "commit-slab.h"
-#include "sigchain.h"
 static int is_shallow = -1;
 static struct stat_validity shallow_stat;
@@ -106,7 +105,7 @@
 		if ((depth != INFINITE_DEPTH && cur_depth >= depth) ||
 		    (is_repository_shallow() && !commit->parents &&
-		     (graft = lookup_commit_graft(commit->object.sha1)) != NULL &&
+		     (graft = lookup_commit_graft(commit->object.oid.hash)) != NULL &&
 		     graft->nr_parent < 0)) {
 			commit_list_insert(commit, &result);
 			commit->object.flags |= shallow_flag;
@@ -168,7 +167,7 @@
 		if (!c || !(c->object.flags & SEEN)) {
 			if (data->flags & VERBOSE)
 				printf("Removing %s from .git/shallow\n",
-				       sha1_to_hex(c->object.sha1));
+				       oid_to_hex(&c->object.oid));
 			return 0;
@@ -427,7 +426,7 @@
 		if (parse_commit(c))
 			die("unable to parse commit %s",
-			    sha1_to_hex(c->object.sha1));
+			    oid_to_hex(&c->object.oid));
 		for (p = c->parents; p; p = p->next) {
 			uint32_t **p_refs = ref_bitmap_at(&info->ref_bitmap,
diff --git a/sideband.c b/sideband.c
index 7f9dc22..fde8adc 100644
--- a/sideband.c
+++ b/sideband.c
@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@
 		if (packet_max - 5 < n)
 			n = packet_max - 5;
 		if (0 <= band) {
-			sprintf(hdr, "%04x", n + 5);
+			xsnprintf(hdr, sizeof(hdr), "%04x", n + 5);
 			hdr[4] = band;
 			write_or_die(fd, hdr, 5);
 		} else {
-			sprintf(hdr, "%04x", n + 4);
+			xsnprintf(hdr, sizeof(hdr), "%04x", n + 4);
 			write_or_die(fd, hdr, 4);
 		write_or_die(fd, p, n);
diff --git a/strbuf.c b/strbuf.c
index 9583875..d76f0ae 100644
--- a/strbuf.c
+++ b/strbuf.c
@@ -245,8 +245,8 @@
 	static char prefix2[2];
 	if (prefix1[0] != comment_line_char) {
-		sprintf(prefix1, "%c ", comment_line_char);
-		sprintf(prefix2, "%c", comment_line_char);
+		xsnprintf(prefix1, sizeof(prefix1), "%c ", comment_line_char);
+		xsnprintf(prefix2, sizeof(prefix2), "%c", comment_line_char);
 	add_lines(out, prefix1, prefix2, buf, size);
@@ -744,6 +744,15 @@
 	strbuf_setlen(sb, sb->len + len);
+void strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(struct strbuf *sb, const unsigned char *sha1,
+			      int abbrev_len)
+	int r;
+	strbuf_grow(sb, GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1);
+	r = find_unique_abbrev_r(sb->buf + sb->len, sha1, abbrev_len);
+	strbuf_setlen(sb, sb->len + r);
  * Returns the length of a line, without trailing spaces.
diff --git a/strbuf.h b/strbuf.h
index 5397d91..7123fca 100644
--- a/strbuf.h
+++ b/strbuf.h
@@ -484,6 +484,14 @@
 extern void strbuf_list_free(struct strbuf **);
+ * Add the abbreviation, as generated by find_unique_abbrev, of `sha1` to
+ * the strbuf `sb`.
+ */
+extern void strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(struct strbuf *sb,
+				     const unsigned char *sha1,
+				     int abbrev_len);
  * Launch the user preferred editor to edit a file and fill the buffer
  * with the file's contents upon the user completing their editing. The
  * third argument can be used to set the environment which the editor is
@@ -500,10 +508,21 @@
 extern void strbuf_addstr_xml_quoted(struct strbuf *sb, const char *s);
+ * "Complete" the contents of `sb` by ensuring that either it ends with the
+ * character `term`, or it is empty.  This can be used, for example,
+ * to ensure that text ends with a newline, but without creating an empty
+ * blank line if there is no content in the first place.
+ */
+static inline void strbuf_complete(struct strbuf *sb, char term)
+	if (sb->len && sb->buf[sb->len - 1] != term)
+		strbuf_addch(sb, term);
 static inline void strbuf_complete_line(struct strbuf *sb)
-	if (sb->len && sb->buf[sb->len - 1] != '\n')
-		strbuf_addch(sb, '\n');
+	strbuf_complete(sb, '\n');
 extern int strbuf_branchname(struct strbuf *sb, const char *name);
diff --git a/submodule-config.c b/submodule-config.c
index 393de53..fe8ceab 100644
--- a/submodule-config.c
+++ b/submodule-config.c
@@ -228,6 +228,35 @@
 	return parse_fetch_recurse(opt, arg, 1);
+static int parse_push_recurse(const char *opt, const char *arg,
+			       int die_on_error)
+	switch (git_config_maybe_bool(opt, arg)) {
+	case 1:
+		/* There's no simple "on" value when pushing */
+		if (die_on_error)
+			die("bad %s argument: %s", opt, arg);
+		else
+	case 0:
+	default:
+		if (!strcmp(arg, "on-demand"))
+		else if (!strcmp(arg, "check"))
+		else if (die_on_error)
+			die("bad %s argument: %s", opt, arg);
+		else
+	}
+int parse_push_recurse_submodules_arg(const char *opt, const char *arg)
+	return parse_push_recurse(opt, arg, 1);
 static void warn_multiple_config(const unsigned char *commit_sha1,
 				 const char *name, const char *option)
@@ -257,78 +286,62 @@
 	if (!name_and_item_from_var(var, &name, &item))
 		return 0;
-	submodule = lookup_or_create_by_name(me->cache, me->gitmodules_sha1,
-			name.buf);
+	submodule = lookup_or_create_by_name(me->cache,
+					     me->gitmodules_sha1,
+					     name.buf);
 	if (!strcmp(item.buf, "path")) {
-		struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
-		if (!value) {
+		if (!value)
 			ret = config_error_nonbool(var);
-			goto release_return;
-		}
-		if (!me->overwrite && submodule->path != NULL) {
+		else if (!me->overwrite && submodule->path != NULL)
 			warn_multiple_config(me->commit_sha1, submodule->name,
-			goto release_return;
+		else {
+			if (submodule->path)
+				cache_remove_path(me->cache, submodule);
+			free((void *) submodule->path);
+			submodule->path = xstrdup(value);
+			cache_put_path(me->cache, submodule);
-		if (submodule->path)
-			cache_remove_path(me->cache, submodule);
-		free((void *) submodule->path);
-		strbuf_addstr(&path, value);
-		submodule->path = strbuf_detach(&path, NULL);
-		cache_put_path(me->cache, submodule);
 	} else if (!strcmp(item.buf, "fetchrecursesubmodules")) {
 		/* when parsing worktree configurations we can die early */
 		int die_on_error = is_null_sha1(me->gitmodules_sha1);
 		if (!me->overwrite &&
-		    submodule->fetch_recurse != RECURSE_SUBMODULES_NONE) {
+		    submodule->fetch_recurse != RECURSE_SUBMODULES_NONE)
 			warn_multiple_config(me->commit_sha1, submodule->name,
-			goto release_return;
-		}
-		submodule->fetch_recurse = parse_fetch_recurse(var, value,
+		else
+			submodule->fetch_recurse = parse_fetch_recurse(
+								var, value,
 	} else if (!strcmp(item.buf, "ignore")) {
-		struct strbuf ignore = STRBUF_INIT;
-		if (!me->overwrite && submodule->ignore != NULL) {
+		if (!value)
+			ret = config_error_nonbool(var);
+		else if (!me->overwrite && submodule->ignore != NULL)
 			warn_multiple_config(me->commit_sha1, submodule->name,
-			goto release_return;
-		}
-		if (!value) {
-			ret = config_error_nonbool(var);
-			goto release_return;
-		}
-		if (strcmp(value, "untracked") && strcmp(value, "dirty") &&
-		    strcmp(value, "all") && strcmp(value, "none")) {
+		else if (strcmp(value, "untracked") &&
+			 strcmp(value, "dirty") &&
+			 strcmp(value, "all") &&
+			 strcmp(value, "none"))
 			warning("Invalid parameter '%s' for config option "
 					"'submodule.%s.ignore'", value, var);
-			goto release_return;
+		else {
+			free((void *) submodule->ignore);
+			submodule->ignore = xstrdup(value);
-		free((void *) submodule->ignore);
-		strbuf_addstr(&ignore, value);
-		submodule->ignore = strbuf_detach(&ignore, NULL);
 	} else if (!strcmp(item.buf, "url")) {
-		struct strbuf url = STRBUF_INIT;
 		if (!value) {
 			ret = config_error_nonbool(var);
-			goto release_return;
-		}
-		if (!me->overwrite && submodule->url != NULL) {
+		} else if (!me->overwrite && submodule->url != NULL) {
 			warn_multiple_config(me->commit_sha1, submodule->name,
-			goto release_return;
+		} else {
+			free((void *) submodule->url);
+			submodule->url = xstrdup(value);
-		free((void *) submodule->url);
-		strbuf_addstr(&url, value);
-		submodule->url = strbuf_detach(&url, NULL);
diff --git a/submodule-config.h b/submodule-config.h
index 9061e4e..9bfa65a 100644
--- a/submodule-config.h
+++ b/submodule-config.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 int parse_fetch_recurse_submodules_arg(const char *opt, const char *arg);
+int parse_push_recurse_submodules_arg(const char *opt, const char *arg);
 int parse_submodule_config_option(const char *var, const char *value);
 const struct submodule *submodule_from_name(const unsigned char *commit_sha1,
 		const char *name);
diff --git a/submodule.c b/submodule.c
index a458100..14e7624 100644
--- a/submodule.c
+++ b/submodule.c
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@
 	struct strbuf objects_directory = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct alternate_object_database *alt_odb;
 	int ret = 0;
+	int alloc;
 	strbuf_git_path_submodule(&objects_directory, path, "objects/");
 	if (!is_directory(objects_directory.buf)) {
@@ -136,9 +137,10 @@
 			goto done;
-	alt_odb = xmalloc(objects_directory.len + 42 + sizeof(*alt_odb));
+	alloc = objects_directory.len + 42; /* for "12/345..." sha1 */
+	alt_odb = xmalloc(sizeof(*alt_odb) + alloc);
 	alt_odb->next = alt_odb_list;
-	strcpy(alt_odb->base, objects_directory.buf);
+	xsnprintf(alt_odb->base, alloc, "%s", objects_directory.buf);
 	alt_odb->name = alt_odb->base + objects_directory.len;
 	alt_odb->name[2] = '/';
 	alt_odb->name[40] = '\0';
@@ -247,7 +249,7 @@
 	for (list = merge_bases; list; list = list->next) {
 		list->item->object.flags |= UNINTERESTING;
 		add_pending_object(rev, &list->item->object,
-			sha1_to_hex(list->item->object.sha1));
+			oid_to_hex(&list->item->object.oid));
 	return prepare_revision_walk(rev);
@@ -595,7 +597,7 @@
 			diff_opts.output_format |= DIFF_FORMAT_CALLBACK;
 			diff_opts.format_callback = submodule_collect_changed_cb;
-			diff_tree_sha1(parent->item->object.sha1, commit->object.sha1, "", &diff_opts);
+			diff_tree_sha1(parent->item->object.oid.hash, commit->object.oid.hash, "", &diff_opts);
 			parent = parent->next;
@@ -873,7 +875,7 @@
 	/* get all revisions that merge commit a */
 	snprintf(merged_revision, sizeof(merged_revision), "^%s",
-			sha1_to_hex(a->object.sha1));
+			oid_to_hex(&a->object.oid));
 	init_revisions(&revs, NULL);
 	rev_opts.submodule = path;
 	setup_revisions(ARRAY_SIZE(rev_args)-1, rev_args, &revs, &rev_opts);
@@ -1004,7 +1006,7 @@
 			"by using:\n\n"
 			"  git update-index --cacheinfo 160000 %s \"%s\"\n\n"
 			"which will accept this suggestion.\n",
-			sha1_to_hex(merges.objects[0].item->sha1), path);
+			oid_to_hex(&merges.objects[0].item->oid), path);
diff --git a/submodule.h b/submodule.h
index 5507c3d..ddff512 100644
--- a/submodule.h
+++ b/submodule.h
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 struct argv_array;
 enum {
diff --git a/t/README b/t/README
index 35438bc..1dc908e 100644
--- a/t/README
+++ b/t/README
@@ -563,6 +563,11 @@
    argument.  This is primarily meant for use during the
    development of a new test script.
+ - debug <git-command>
+   Run a git command inside a debugger. This is primarily meant for
+   use when debugging a failing test script.
  - test_done
    Your test script must have test_done at the end.  Its purpose
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b1673b3..093832f 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -68,6 +68,13 @@
 	check_count A 2
+test_expect_success 'blame by tag objects' '
+	git tag -m "test tag" testTag &&
+	git tag -m "test tag #2" testTag2 testTag &&
+	check_count -h testTag A 2 &&
+	check_count -h testTag2 A 2
 test_expect_success 'setup B lines' '
 	echo "2A quick brown fox jumps over the" >>file &&
 	echo "lazy dog" >>file &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7548225..f9ae1d7 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,6 +6,14 @@
 # a subdirectory called "$git"
+# Some operations require multiple attempts to be successful. Define
+# here the maximal retry timeout in seconds.
+# Sometimes p4d seems to hang. Terminate the p4d process automatically after
+# the defined timeout in seconds.
 . ./
 if ! test_have_prereq PYTHON
@@ -36,6 +44,15 @@
 	echo "$path"
+# On Solaris the 'date +%s' function is not supported and therefore we
+# need this replacement.
+# Attention: This function is not safe again against time offset updates
+# at runtime (e.g. via NTP). The 'clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)'
+# function could fix that but it is not in Python until 3.3.
+time_in_seconds() {
+	python -c 'import time; print int(time.time())'
 # Try to pick a unique port: guess a large number, then hope
 # no more than one of each test is running.
@@ -57,6 +74,15 @@
+# Sometimes "prove" seems to hang on exit because p4d is still running
+cleanup() {
+	if test -f "$pidfile"
+	then
+		kill -9 $(cat "$pidfile") 2>/dev/null && exit 255
+	fi
+trap cleanup EXIT
 # git p4 submit generates a temp file, which will
 # not get cleaned up if the submission fails.  Don't
 # clutter up /tmp on the test machine.
@@ -81,6 +107,19 @@
 	# will be caught with the "kill -0" check below.
 	pid=$(cat "$pidfile")
+	timeout=$(($(time_in_seconds) + $P4D_TIMEOUT))
+	while true
+	do
+		if test $(time_in_seconds) -gt $timeout
+		then
+			kill -9 $pid
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		sleep 1
+	done &
+	watchdog_pid=$!
 	while test $i -gt 0
@@ -121,22 +160,36 @@
+retry_until_success() {
+	timeout=$(($(time_in_seconds) + $RETRY_TIMEOUT))
+	until "$@" 2>/dev/null || test $(time_in_seconds) -gt $timeout
+	do
+		sleep 1
+	done
+retry_until_fail() {
+	timeout=$(($(time_in_seconds) + $RETRY_TIMEOUT))
+	until ! "$@" 2>/dev/null || test $(time_in_seconds) -gt $timeout
+	do
+		sleep 1
+	done
 kill_p4d() {
 	pid=$(cat "$pidfile")
-	# it had better exist for the first kill
-	kill $pid &&
-	for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do
-		kill $pid >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
-		sleep 1
-	done &&
+	retry_until_fail kill $pid
+	retry_until_fail kill -9 $pid
 	# complain if it would not die
 	test_must_fail kill $pid >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
-	rm -rf "$db" "$cli" "$pidfile"
+	rm -rf "$db" "$cli" "$pidfile" &&
+	retry_until_fail kill -9 $watchdog_pid
 cleanup_git() {
-	rm -rf "$git" &&
-	mkdir "$git"
+	retry_until_success rm -r "$git"
+	test_must_fail test -d "$git" &&
+	retry_until_success mkdir "$git"
 marshal_dump() {
diff --git a/t/perf/ b/t/perf/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..15ee5d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/perf/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+test_description='performance of filter-branch'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'mark bases for tests' '
+	git tag -f tip &&
+	git tag -f base HEAD~100
+test_perf 'noop filter' '
+	git checkout --detach tip &&
+	git filter-branch -f base..HEAD
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7de8d85..f91bbcf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
 	x$(git config -f shared-honor-global/.git/config core.sharedRepository)
-test_expect_success 'init rejects insanely long --template' '
-	test_must_fail git init --template=$(printf "x%09999dx" 1) test
+test_expect_success 'init allows insanely long --template' '
+	git init --template=$(printf "x%09999dx" 1) test
 test_expect_success 'init creates a new directory' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1a56e5e..b343651 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -55,6 +55,26 @@
+create_NNO_files () {
+	lfname=$1
+	crlfname=$2
+	lfmixcrlf=$3
+	lfmixcr=$4
+	crlfnul=$5
+	for crlf in false true input
+	do
+		for attr in "" auto text -text lf crlf
+		do
+			pfx=NNO_${crlf}_attr_${attr} &&
+			cp $lfname    ${pfx}_LF.txt &&
+			cp $crlfname  ${pfx}_CRLF.txt &&
+			cp $lfmixcrlf ${pfx}_CRLF_mix_LF.txt &&
+			cp $lfmixcr   ${pfx}_LF_mix_CR.txt &&
+			cp $crlfnul   ${pfx}_CRLF_nul.txt
+		done
+	done
 check_warning () {
 	case "$1" in
 	LF_CRLF) echo "warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF" >"$2".expect ;;
@@ -62,7 +82,7 @@
 	'')	                                                 >"$2".expect ;;
 	*) echo >&2 "Illegal 1": "$1" ; return false ;;
-	grep "will be replaced by" "$2" | sed -e "s/\(.*\) in [^ ]*$/\1/" >"$2".actual
+	grep "will be replaced by" "$2" | sed -e "s/\(.*\) in [^ ]*$/\1/" | uniq  >"$2".actual
 	test_cmp "$2".expect "$2".actual
@@ -71,19 +91,10 @@
-	repoMIX=$5
-	lfmixcrlf=$6
-	lfmixcr=$7
-	crlfnul=$8
+	lfmixcrlf=$5
+	lfmixcr=$6
+	crlfnul=$7
-	# Special handling for repoMIX: It should already be in the repo
-	# with CRLF
-	f=repoMIX
-	fname=${pfx}_$f.txt
-	echo >.gitattributes &&
-	cp $f $fname &&
-	git -c core.autocrlf=false add $fname 2>"${pfx}_$f.err" &&
-	git commit -m "repoMIX" &&
 	create_gitattributes "$attr" &&
 	for f in LF CRLF repoMIX LF_mix_CR CRLF_mix_LF LF_nul CRLF_nul
@@ -99,6 +110,45 @@
 	check_warning "$crlfnul" ${pfx}_CRLF_nul.err
+commit_chk_wrnNNO () {
+	crlf=$1
+	attr=$2
+	lfwarn=$3
+	crlfwarn=$4
+	lfmixcrlf=$5
+	lfmixcr=$6
+	crlfnul=$7
+	pfx=NNO_${crlf}_attr_${attr}
+	#Commit files on top of existing file
+	create_gitattributes "$attr" &&
+	for f in LF CRLF CRLF_mix_LF LF_mix_CR CRLF_nul
+	do
+		fname=${pfx}_$f.txt &&
+		cp $f $fname &&
+		git -c core.autocrlf=$crlf add $fname 2>/dev/null &&
+		git -c core.autocrlf=$crlf commit -m "commit_$fname" $fname >"${pfx}_$f.err" 2>&1
+	done
+	test_expect_success "commit NNO files crlf=$crlf attr=$attr LF" '
+		check_warning "$lfwarn" ${pfx}_LF.err
+	'
+	test_expect_success "commit NNO files crlf=$crlf attr=$attr CRLF" '
+		check_warning "$crlfwarn" ${pfx}_CRLF.err
+	'
+	test_expect_success "commit NNO files crlf=$crlf attr=$attr CRLF_mix_LF" '
+		check_warning "$lfmixcrlf" ${pfx}_CRLF_mix_LF.err
+	'
+	test_expect_success "commit NNO files crlf=$crlf attr=$attr LF_mix_cr" '
+		check_warning "$lfmixcr" ${pfx}_LF_mix_CR.err
+	'
+	test_expect_success "commit NNO files crlf=$crlf attr=$attr CRLF_nul" '
+		check_warning "$crlfnul" ${pfx}_CRLF_nul.err
+	'
 check_files_in_repo () {
@@ -115,6 +165,31 @@
 	compare_files $crlfnul ${pfx}CRLF_nul.txt
+check_in_repo_NNO () {
+	crlf=$1
+	attr=$2
+	lfname=$3
+	crlfname=$4
+	lfmixcrlf=$5
+	lfmixcr=$6
+	crlfnul=$7
+	pfx=NNO_${crlf}_attr_${attr}_
+	test_expect_success "compare_files $lfname ${pfx}LF.txt" '
+		compare_files $lfname ${pfx}LF.txt
+	'
+	test_expect_success "compare_files $crlfname ${pfx}CRLF.txt" '
+		compare_files $crlfname ${pfx}CRLF.txt
+	'
+	test_expect_success "compare_files $lfmixcrlf ${pfx}CRLF_mix_LF.txt" '
+		compare_files $lfmixcrlf ${pfx}CRLF_mix_LF.txt
+	'
+	test_expect_success "compare_files $lfmixcr ${pfx}LF_mix_CR.txt" '
+		compare_files $lfmixcr ${pfx}LF_mix_CR.txt
+	'
+	test_expect_success "compare_files $crlfnul ${pfx}CRLF_nul.txt" '
+		compare_files $crlfnul ${pfx}CRLF_nul.txt
+	'
 checkout_files () {
@@ -169,7 +244,11 @@
 	printf "line1\nline2\rline3"     >LF_mix_CR &&
 	printf "line1\r\nline2\rline3"   >CRLF_mix_CR &&
 	printf "line1Q\r\nline2\r\nline3" | q_to_nul >CRLF_nul &&
-	printf "line1Q\nline2\nline3" | q_to_nul >LF_nul
+	printf "line1Q\nline2\nline3" | q_to_nul >LF_nul &&
+	create_NNO_files CRLF_mix_LF CRLF_mix_LF CRLF_mix_LF CRLF_mix_LF CRLF_mix_LF &&
+	git -c core.autocrlf=false add NNO_*.txt &&
+	git commit -m "mixed line endings" &&
+	test_tick
@@ -191,46 +270,72 @@
-#                         attr   LF        CRLF      repoMIX   CRLFmixLF LFmixCR   CRLFNUL
+#                         attr   LF        CRLF      CRLFmixLF LFmixCR   CRLFNUL
 test_expect_success 'commit files empty attr' '
-	commit_check_warn false ""     ""        ""        ""        ""        ""        "" &&
-	commit_check_warn true  ""     "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" ""        "" &&
-	commit_check_warn input ""     ""        "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" ""        ""
+	commit_check_warn false ""     ""        ""        ""        ""        "" &&
+	commit_check_warn true  ""     "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" ""        "" &&
+	commit_check_warn input ""     ""        "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" ""        ""
 test_expect_success 'commit files attr=auto' '
-	commit_check_warn false "auto" "$WILC"   "$WICL"   "$WAMIX"  "$WAMIX"  ""        "" &&
-	commit_check_warn true  "auto" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" ""        "" &&
-	commit_check_warn input "auto" ""        "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" ""        ""
+	commit_check_warn false "auto" "$WILC"   "$WICL"   "$WAMIX"  ""        "" &&
+	commit_check_warn true  "auto" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" ""        "" &&
+	commit_check_warn input "auto" ""        "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" ""        ""
 test_expect_success 'commit files attr=text' '
-	commit_check_warn false "text" "$WILC"   "$WICL"   "$WAMIX"  "$WAMIX"  "$WILC"   "$WICL"   &&
-	commit_check_warn true  "text" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" ""        &&
-	commit_check_warn input "text" ""        "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" ""        "CRLF_LF"
+	commit_check_warn false "text" "$WILC"   "$WICL"   "$WAMIX"  "$WILC"   "$WICL"   &&
+	commit_check_warn true  "text" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" ""        &&
+	commit_check_warn input "text" ""        "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" ""        "CRLF_LF"
 test_expect_success 'commit files attr=-text' '
-	commit_check_warn false "-text" ""       ""        ""        ""        ""        "" &&
-	commit_check_warn true  "-text" ""       ""        ""        ""        ""        "" &&
-	commit_check_warn input "-text" ""       ""        ""        ""        ""        ""
+	commit_check_warn false "-text" ""       ""        ""        ""        "" &&
+	commit_check_warn true  "-text" ""       ""        ""        ""        "" &&
+	commit_check_warn input "-text" ""       ""        ""        ""        ""
 test_expect_success 'commit files attr=lf' '
-	commit_check_warn false "lf"    ""       "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF"  ""       "CRLF_LF" &&
-	commit_check_warn true  "lf"    ""       "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF"  ""       "CRLF_LF" &&
-	commit_check_warn input "lf"    ""       "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF"  ""       "CRLF_LF"
+	commit_check_warn false "lf"    ""       "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF"  ""       "CRLF_LF" &&
+	commit_check_warn true  "lf"    ""       "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF"  ""       "CRLF_LF" &&
+	commit_check_warn input "lf"    ""       "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF"  ""       "CRLF_LF"
 test_expect_success 'commit files attr=crlf' '
-	commit_check_warn false "crlf" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" "" &&
-	commit_check_warn true  "crlf" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" "" &&
-	commit_check_warn input "crlf" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" ""
+	commit_check_warn false "crlf" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" "" &&
+	commit_check_warn true  "crlf" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" "" &&
+	commit_check_warn input "crlf" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" ""
+#                       attr   LF        CRLF      CRLFmixLF 	 LF_mix_CR   CRLFNUL
+commit_chk_wrnNNO false ""     ""        ""        ""        	 ""        	 ""
+commit_chk_wrnNNO true  ""     "LF_CRLF" ""        ""        	 ""        	 ""
+commit_chk_wrnNNO input ""     ""        ""        ""        	 ""        	 ""
+commit_chk_wrnNNO false "auto" "$WILC"   "$WICL"   "$WAMIX"  	 ""        	 ""
+commit_chk_wrnNNO true  "auto" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" 	 ""        	 ""
+commit_chk_wrnNNO input "auto" ""        "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" 	 ""        	 ""
+commit_chk_wrnNNO false "text" "$WILC"   "$WICL"   "$WAMIX"  	 "$WILC"   	 "$WICL"
+commit_chk_wrnNNO true  "text" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" 	 "LF_CRLF" 	 ""
+commit_chk_wrnNNO input "text" ""        "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" 	 ""        	 "CRLF_LF"
+commit_chk_wrnNNO false "-text" ""       ""        ""        	 ""        	 ""
+commit_chk_wrnNNO true  "-text" ""       ""        ""        	 ""        	 ""
+commit_chk_wrnNNO input "-text" ""       ""        ""        	 ""        	 ""
+commit_chk_wrnNNO false "lf"    ""       "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" 	  ""       	 "CRLF_LF"
+commit_chk_wrnNNO true  "lf"    ""       "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" 	  ""       	 "CRLF_LF"
+commit_chk_wrnNNO input "lf"    ""       "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" 	  ""       	 "CRLF_LF"
+commit_chk_wrnNNO false "crlf" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" 	 "LF_CRLF" 	 ""
+commit_chk_wrnNNO true  "crlf" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" 	 "LF_CRLF" 	 ""
+commit_chk_wrnNNO input "crlf" "LF_CRLF" ""        "LF_CRLF" 	 "LF_CRLF" 	 ""
 test_expect_success 'create files cleanup' '
 	rm -f *.txt &&
-	git reset --hard
+	git -c core.autocrlf=false reset --hard
 test_expect_success 'commit empty gitattribues' '
@@ -257,6 +362,24 @@
 	check_files_in_repo input "-text" LF CRLF CRLF_mix_LF LF_mix_CR CRLF_nul
+#                       attr    LF        CRLF      CRLF_mix_LF  LF_mix_CR 	CRLFNUL
+check_in_repo_NNO false ""      LF        CRLF      CRLF_mix_LF  LF_mix_CR 	CRLF_nul
+check_in_repo_NNO true  ""      LF        CRLF      CRLF_mix_LF  LF_mix_CR 	CRLF_nul
+check_in_repo_NNO input ""      LF        CRLF      CRLF_mix_LF  LF_mix_CR 	CRLF_nul
+check_in_repo_NNO false "auto"  LF        LF        LF           LF_mix_CR 	CRLF_nul
+check_in_repo_NNO true  "auto"  LF        LF        LF           LF_mix_CR 	CRLF_nul
+check_in_repo_NNO input "auto"  LF        LF        LF           LF_mix_CR 	CRLF_nul
+check_in_repo_NNO false "text"  LF        LF        LF           LF_mix_CR 	LF_nul
+check_in_repo_NNO true  "text"  LF        LF        LF           LF_mix_CR 	LF_nul
+check_in_repo_NNO input "text"  LF        LF        LF           LF_mix_CR 	LF_nul
+check_in_repo_NNO false "-text" LF        CRLF      CRLF_mix_LF  LF_mix_CR 	CRLF_nul
+check_in_repo_NNO true  "-text" LF        CRLF      CRLF_mix_LF  LF_mix_CR 	CRLF_nul
+check_in_repo_NNO input "-text" LF        CRLF      CRLF_mix_LF  LF_mix_CR 	CRLF_nul
 # Check how files in the repo are changed when they are checked out
 # How to read the table below:
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 93605f4..627ef85 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -266,15 +266,21 @@
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar index                    .git/index
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar HEAD                     .git/HEAD
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/HEAD                .git/logs/HEAD
+test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/bisect/foo     .git/logs/refs/bisect/foo
+test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/bisec/foo      bar/logs/refs/bisec/foo
+test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/bisec          bar/logs/refs/bisec
+test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/bisectfoo      bar/logs/refs/bisectfoo
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar objects                  bar/objects
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar objects/bar              bar/objects/bar
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar info/exclude             bar/info/exclude
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar info/grafts              bar/info/grafts
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar info/sparse-checkout     .git/info/sparse-checkout
+test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar info//sparse-checkout    .git/info//sparse-checkout
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar remotes/bar              bar/remotes/bar
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar branches/bar             bar/branches/bar
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/heads/master   bar/logs/refs/heads/master
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar refs/heads/master        bar/refs/heads/master
+test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar refs/bisect/foo          .git/refs/bisect/foo
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar hooks/me                 bar/hooks/me
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar config                   bar/config
 test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar packed-refs              bar/packed-refs
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 97406fa..af1b20d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1130,4 +1130,23 @@
+test_expect_success 'handle per-worktree refs in refs/bisect' '
+	git commit --allow-empty -m "initial commit" &&
+	git worktree add -b branch worktree &&
+	(
+		cd worktree &&
+		git commit --allow-empty -m "test commit"  &&
+		git for-each-ref >for-each-ref.out &&
+		! grep refs/bisect for-each-ref.out &&
+		git update-ref refs/bisect/something HEAD &&
+		git rev-parse refs/bisect/something >../worktree-head &&
+		git for-each-ref | grep refs/bisect/something
+	) &&
+	test_path_is_missing .git/refs/bisect &&
+	test_must_fail git rev-parse refs/bisect/something &&
+	git update-ref refs/bisect/something HEAD &&
+	git rev-parse refs/bisect/something >main-head &&
+	! test_cmp main-head worktree-head
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 36378b0..20b022a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -63,4 +63,33 @@
+test_expect_success 'create large ref name' '
+	# make 256+ character ref; some systems may not handle that,
+	# so be gentle
+	long=0123456789abcdef &&
+	long=$long/$long/$long/$long &&
+	long=$long/$long/$long/$long &&
+	long_ref=refs/heads/$long &&
+	tree=$(git write-tree) &&
+	commit=$(echo foo | git commit-tree $tree) &&
+	if git update-ref $long_ref $commit; then
+		test_set_prereq LONG_REF
+	else
+		echo >&2 "long refs not supported"
+	fi
+test_expect_success LONG_REF 'symbolic-ref can point to large ref name' '
+	git symbolic-ref HEAD $long_ref &&
+	echo $long_ref >expect &&
+	git symbolic-ref HEAD >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success LONG_REF 'we can parse long symbolic ref' '
+	echo $commit >expect &&
+	git rev-parse --verify HEAD >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 16d0b8b..c465abe 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -38,18 +38,20 @@
 	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
-test_expect_success 'git branch shows badly named ref' '
+test_expect_success 'git branch shows badly named ref as warning' '
 	cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
-	git branch >output &&
-	grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output
+	git branch >output 2>error &&
+	grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" error &&
+	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output
 test_expect_success 'branch -d can delete badly named ref' '
 	cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
 	git branch -d broken...ref &&
-	git branch >output &&
+	git branch >output 2>error &&
+	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" error &&
 	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output
@@ -57,7 +59,8 @@
 	cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
 	git branch -D broken...ref &&
-	git branch >output &&
+	git branch >output 2>error &&
+	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" error &&
 	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output
@@ -85,7 +88,8 @@
 test_expect_success 'git branch cannot create a badly named ref' '
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
 	test_must_fail git branch broken...ref &&
-	git branch >output &&
+	git branch >output 2>error &&
+	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" error &&
 	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output
@@ -95,7 +99,8 @@
 	git branch goodref &&
 	test_must_fail git branch -m goodref broken...ref &&
 	test_cmp_rev master goodref &&
-	git branch >output &&
+	git branch >output 2>error &&
+	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" error &&
 	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output
@@ -104,14 +109,16 @@
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
 	git branch -m broken...ref renamed &&
 	test_cmp_rev master renamed &&
-	git branch >output &&
+	git branch >output 2>error &&
+	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" error &&
 	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output
 test_expect_success 'push cannot create a badly named ref' '
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
 	test_must_fail git push "file://$(pwd)" HEAD:refs/heads/broken...ref &&
-	git branch >output &&
+	git branch >output 2>error &&
+	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" error &&
 	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output
@@ -131,7 +138,8 @@
 		cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref
 	) &&
 	git -C src push --mirror "file://$top/dest" &&
-	git -C dest branch >output &&
+	git -C dest branch >output 2>error &&
+	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" error &&
 	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output
@@ -159,7 +167,8 @@
 	cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
 	git update-ref -d refs/heads/broken...ref &&
-	git branch >output &&
+	git branch >output 2>error &&
+	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" error &&
 	! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index dc09797..e66b7cb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -176,6 +176,18 @@
 	grep "error in commit $new.*integer overflow" out
+test_expect_success 'commit with NUL in header' '
+	git cat-file commit HEAD >basis &&
+	sed "s/author ./author Q/" <basis | q_to_nul >commit-NUL-header &&
+	new=$(git hash-object -t commit -w --stdin <commit-NUL-header) &&
+	test_when_finished "remove_object $new" &&
+	git update-ref refs/heads/bogus "$new" &&
+	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/bogus" &&
+	test_must_fail git fsck 2>out &&
+	cat out &&
+	grep "error in commit $new.*unterminated header: NUL at offset" out
 test_expect_success 'malformatted tree object' '
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/tags/wrong" &&
 	test_when_finished "remove_object \$T" &&
@@ -276,6 +288,26 @@
 	grep "error in tag .*: invalid author/committer" out
+test_expect_success 'tag with NUL in header' '
+	sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+	q_to_nul >tag-NUL-header <<-EOF &&
+	object $sha
+	type commit
+	tag contains-Q-in-header
+	tagger T A Gger <> 1234567890 -0000
+	This is an invalid tag.
+	tag=$(git hash-object --literally -t tag -w --stdin <tag-NUL-header) &&
+	test_when_finished "remove_object $tag" &&
+	echo $tag >.git/refs/tags/wrong &&
+	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/tags/wrong" &&
+	test_must_fail git fsck --tags 2>out &&
+	cat out &&
+	grep "error in tag $tag.*unterminated header: NUL at offset" out
 test_expect_success 'cleaned up' '
 	git fsck >actual 2>&1 &&
 	test_cmp empty actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..75ebb1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+test_description='test git worktree list'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+	test_commit init
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees from main' '
+	echo "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) [$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)]" >expect &&
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf here && git worktree prune" &&
+	git worktree add --detach here master &&
+	echo "$(git -C here rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) (detached HEAD)" >>expect &&
+	git worktree list | sed "s/  */ /g" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees from linked' '
+	echo "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) [$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)]" >expect &&
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf here && git worktree prune" &&
+	git worktree add --detach here master &&
+	echo "$(git -C here rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) (detached HEAD)" >>expect &&
+	git -C here worktree list | sed "s/  */ /g" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees --porcelain' '
+	echo "worktree $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" >expect &&
+	echo "HEAD $(git rev-parse HEAD)" >>expect &&
+	echo "branch $(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" >>expect &&
+	echo >>expect &&
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf here && git worktree prune" &&
+	git worktree add --detach here master &&
+	echo "worktree $(git -C here rev-parse --show-toplevel)" >>expect &&
+	echo "HEAD $(git rev-parse HEAD)" >>expect &&
+	echo "detached" >>expect &&
+	echo >>expect &&
+	git worktree list --porcelain >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'bare repo setup' '
+	git init --bare bare1 &&
+	echo "data" >file1 &&
+	git add file1 &&
+	git commit -m"File1: add data" &&
+	git push bare1 master &&
+	git reset --hard HEAD^
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees from bare main' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf there && git -C bare1 worktree prune" &&
+	git -C bare1 worktree add --detach ../there master &&
+	echo "$(pwd)/bare1 (bare)" >expect &&
+	echo "$(git -C there rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git -C there rev-parse --short HEAD) (detached HEAD)" >>expect &&
+	git -C bare1 worktree list | sed "s/  */ /g" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees --porcelain from bare main' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf there && git -C bare1 worktree prune" &&
+	git -C bare1 worktree add --detach ../there master &&
+	echo "worktree $(pwd)/bare1" >expect &&
+	echo "bare" >>expect &&
+	echo >>expect &&
+	echo "worktree $(git -C there rev-parse --show-toplevel)" >>expect &&
+	echo "HEAD $(git -C there rev-parse HEAD)" >>expect &&
+	echo "detached" >>expect &&
+	echo >>expect &&
+	git -C bare1 worktree list --porcelain >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees from linked with a bare main' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf there && git -C bare1 worktree prune" &&
+	git -C bare1 worktree add --detach ../there master &&
+	echo "$(pwd)/bare1 (bare)" >expect &&
+	echo "$(git -C there rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git -C there rev-parse --short HEAD) (detached HEAD)" >>expect &&
+	git -C there worktree list | sed "s/  */ /g" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'bare repo cleanup' '
+	rm -rf bare1
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3fc484e..da257c0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -305,4 +305,29 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'negative patterns' '
+	git init reinclude &&
+	(
+		cd reinclude &&
+		cat >.gitignore <<-\EOF &&
+		/fooo
+		/foo
+		!foo/bar/bar
+		EOF
+		mkdir fooo &&
+		cat >fooo/.gitignore <<-\EOF &&
+		!/*
+		EOF
+		mkdir -p foo/bar &&
+		touch abc foo/def foo/bar/ghi foo/bar/bar &&
+		git ls-files -o --exclude-standard >../actual &&
+		cat >../expected <<-\EOF &&
+		.gitignore
+		abc
+		foo/bar/bar
+		EOF
+		test_cmp ../expected ../actual
+	)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 16efe7a..d3913f9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -156,4 +156,24 @@
 	test_i18ncmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git branch `--sort` option' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	* (HEAD detached from fromtag)
+	  branch-two
+	  branch-one
+	  master
+	git branch --sort=objectsize >actual &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git branch --points-at option' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	  branch-one
+	  master
+	git branch --points-at=branch-one >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7b5b6d4..db244d2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -160,6 +160,13 @@
 	test_path_is_missing .git/refs/top
+test_expect_success 'do not pack ref in refs/bisect' '
+	git update-ref refs/bisect/local HEAD &&
+	git pack-refs --all --prune &&
+	! grep refs/bisect/local .git/packed-refs >/dev/null &&
+	test_path_is_file .git/refs/bisect/local
 test_expect_success 'disable reflogs' '
 	git config core.logallrefupdates false &&
 	rm -rf .git/logs
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9067e02..544f9ad 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1006,6 +1006,22 @@
 	test $(cat file1) = Z
+test_expect_success 'interrupted rebase -i with --strategy and -X' '
+	git checkout -b conflict-merge-use-theirs-interrupted conflict-branch &&
+	git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
+	>breakpoint &&
+	git add breakpoint &&
+	git commit -m "breakpoint for interactive mode" &&
+	echo five >conflict &&
+	echo Z >file1 &&
+	git commit -a -m "one file conflict" &&
+	set_fake_editor &&
+	FAKE_LINES="edit 1 2" git rebase -i --strategy=recursive -Xours conflict-branch &&
+	git rebase --continue &&
+	test $(git show conflict-branch:conflict) = $(cat conflict) &&
+	test $(cat file1) = Z
 test_expect_success 'rebase -i error on commits with \ in message' '
 	current_head=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	test_when_finished "git rebase --abort; git reset --hard $current_head; rm -f error" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 890db11..646c475 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1431,4 +1431,18 @@
 	test_line_count = 2 list
+test_expect_success 'format-patch --zero-commit' '
+	git format-patch --zero-commit --stdout v2..v1 >patch2 &&
+	grep "^From " patch2 | sort | uniq >actual &&
+	echo "From $_z40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001" >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'From line has expected format' '
+	git format-patch --stdout v2..v1 >patch2 &&
+	grep "^From " patch2 >from &&
+	grep "^From $_x40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001$" patch2 >filtered &&
+	test_cmp from filtered
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 44f3d5f..89224ed 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 		git config receive.fsckobjects true &&
 		git config transfer.fsckobjects false
 	) &&
-	test_must_fail git push --porcelain dst master:refs/heads/test >act &&
+	test_must_fail ok=sigpipe git push --porcelain dst master:refs/heads/test >act &&
 	test_cmp exp act
@@ -111,8 +111,7 @@
 		cd dst &&
 		git config transfer.fsckobjects true
 	) &&
-	test_must_fail git push --porcelain dst master:refs/heads/test >act &&
-	test_cmp exp act
+	test_must_fail ok=sigpipe git push --porcelain dst master:refs/heads/test >act
 cat >bogus-commit <<\EOF
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7a8499c..dfaf9d9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -919,6 +919,19 @@
 	cmp expect actual
+get_url_test () {
+	cat >expect &&
+	git remote get-url "$@" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'get-url on new remote' '
+	echo foo | get_url_test someremote &&
+	echo foo | get_url_test --all someremote &&
+	echo foo | get_url_test --push someremote &&
+	echo foo | get_url_test --push --all someremote
 test_expect_success 'remote set-url bar' '
 	git remote set-url someremote bar &&
 	echo bar >expect &&
@@ -961,6 +974,13 @@
 	cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'get-url with different urls' '
+	echo baz | get_url_test someremote &&
+	echo baz | get_url_test --all someremote &&
+	echo zot | get_url_test --push someremote &&
+	echo zot | get_url_test --push --all someremote
 test_expect_success 'remote set-url --push qux zot' '
 	git remote set-url --push someremote qux zot &&
 	echo qux >expect &&
@@ -995,6 +1015,14 @@
 	cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'get-url on multi push remote' '
+	echo foo | get_url_test --push someremote &&
+	get_url_test --push --all someremote <<-\EOF
+	foo
+	aaa
 test_expect_success 'remote set-url --push bar aaa' '
 	git remote set-url --push someremote bar aaa &&
 	echo foo >expect &&
@@ -1039,6 +1067,14 @@
 	cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'get-url on multi fetch remote' '
+	echo baz | get_url_test someremote &&
+	get_url_test --all someremote <<-\EOF
+	baz
+	bbb
 test_expect_success 'remote set-url --delete .*' '
 	test_must_fail git remote set-url --delete someremote .\* &&
 	echo "YYY" >expect &&
@@ -1108,6 +1144,7 @@
 test_extra_arg remove origin
 test_extra_arg set-head origin master
 # set-branches takes any number of args
+test_extra_arg get-url origin newurl
 test_extra_arg set-url origin newurl oldurl
 # show takes any number of args
 # prune takes any number of args
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index cc0b31f..bc44ac3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -82,4 +82,45 @@
+test_expect_success 'hide namespaced refs with transfer.hideRefs' '
+	GIT_NAMESPACE=namespace \
+		git -C pushee -c transfer.hideRefs=refs/tags \
+		ls-remote "ext::git %s ." >actual &&
+	printf "$commit1\trefs/heads/master\n" >expected &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'check that transfer.hideRefs does not match unstripped refs' '
+	GIT_NAMESPACE=namespace \
+		git -C pushee -c transfer.hideRefs=refs/namespaces/namespace/refs/tags \
+		ls-remote "ext::git %s ." >actual &&
+	printf "$commit1\trefs/heads/master\n" >expected &&
+	printf "$commit0\trefs/tags/0\n" >>expected &&
+	printf "$commit1\trefs/tags/1\n" >>expected &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'hide full refs with transfer.hideRefs' '
+	GIT_NAMESPACE=namespace \
+		git -C pushee -c transfer.hideRefs="^refs/namespaces/namespace/refs/tags" \
+		ls-remote "ext::git %s ." >actual &&
+	printf "$commit1\trefs/heads/master\n" >expected &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'try to update a hidden ref' '
+	test_config -C pushee transfer.hideRefs refs/heads/master &&
+	test_must_fail git -C original push pushee-namespaced master
+test_expect_success 'try to update a ref that is not hidden' '
+	test_config -C pushee transfer.hideRefs refs/namespaces/namespace/refs/heads/master &&
+	git -C original push pushee-namespaced master
+test_expect_success 'try to update a hidden full ref' '
+	test_config -C pushee transfer.hideRefs "^refs/namespaces/namespace/refs/heads/master" &&
+	test_must_fail git -C original push pushee-namespaced master
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ec22c98..0a87e19 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1162,15 +1162,15 @@
 		mk_empty shallow &&
 			cd shallow &&
-			test_must_fail git fetch ../testrepo/.git $SHA1_3 &&
-			test_must_fail git fetch ../testrepo/.git $SHA1_1 &&
+			test_must_fail ok=sigpipe git fetch ../testrepo/.git $SHA1_3 &&
+			test_must_fail ok=sigpipe git fetch ../testrepo/.git $SHA1_1 &&
 			git --git-dir=../testrepo/.git config uploadpack.allowreachablesha1inwant true &&
 			git fetch ../testrepo/.git $SHA1_1 &&
 			git cat-file commit $SHA1_1 &&
 			test_must_fail git cat-file commit $SHA1_2 &&
 			git fetch ../testrepo/.git $SHA1_2 &&
 			git cat-file commit $SHA1_2 &&
-			test_must_fail git fetch ../testrepo/.git $SHA1_3
+			test_must_fail ok=sigpipe git fetch ../testrepo/.git $SHA1_3
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6507487..198ce84 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -64,7 +64,12 @@
 		cd work &&
 		git add gar/bage &&
 		git commit -m "Third commit for gar/bage" &&
-		test_must_fail git push --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git master
+		# the push should fail with --recurse-submodules=check
+		# on the command line...
+		test_must_fail git push --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git master &&
+		# ...or if specified in the configuration..
+		test_must_fail git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push ../pub.git master
@@ -79,6 +84,216 @@
+test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule commit not on remote but using on-demand on command line' '
+	(
+		cd work/gar/bage &&
+		>recurse-on-demand-on-command-line &&
+		git add recurse-on-demand-on-command-line &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse on-demand on command line junk"
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd work &&
+		git add gar/bage &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse on-demand on command line for gar/bage" &&
+		git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master &&
+		# Check that the supermodule commit got there
+		git fetch ../pub.git &&
+		git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+		# Check that the submodule commit got there too
+		cd gar/bage &&
+		git diff --quiet origin/master master
+	)
+test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule commit not on remote but using on-demand from config' '
+	(
+		cd work/gar/bage &&
+		>recurse-on-demand-from-config &&
+		git add recurse-on-demand-from-config &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse on-demand from config junk"
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd work &&
+		git add gar/bage &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse on-demand from config for gar/bage" &&
+		git -c push.recurseSubmodules=on-demand push ../pub.git master &&
+		# Check that the supermodule commit got there
+		git fetch ../pub.git &&
+		git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+		# Check that the submodule commit got there too
+		cd gar/bage &&
+		git diff --quiet origin/master master
+	)
+test_expect_success 'push recurse-submodules on command line overrides config' '
+	(
+		cd work/gar/bage &&
+		>recurse-check-on-command-line-overriding-config &&
+		git add recurse-check-on-command-line-overriding-config &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse on command-line overriding config junk"
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd work &&
+		git add gar/bage &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse on command-line overriding config for gar/bage" &&
+		# Ensure that we can override on-demand in the config
+		# to just check submodules
+		test_must_fail git -c push.recurseSubmodules=on-demand push --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git master &&
+		# Check that the supermodule commit did not get there
+		git fetch ../pub.git &&
+		git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master^ &&
+		# Check that the submodule commit did not get there
+		(cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+		# Ensure that we can override check in the config to
+		# disable submodule recursion entirely
+		(cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+		git -c push.recurseSubmodules=on-demand push --recurse-submodules=no ../pub.git master &&
+		git fetch ../pub.git &&
+		git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+		(cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+		# Ensure that we can override check in the config to
+		# disable submodule recursion entirely (alternative form)
+		git -c push.recurseSubmodules=on-demand push --no-recurse-submodules ../pub.git master &&
+		git fetch ../pub.git &&
+		git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+		(cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+		# Ensure that we can override check in the config to
+		# push the submodule too
+		git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master &&
+		git fetch ../pub.git &&
+		git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+		(cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master)
+	)
+test_expect_success 'push recurse-submodules last one wins on command line' '
+	(
+		cd work/gar/bage &&
+		>recurse-check-on-command-line-overriding-earlier-command-line &&
+		git add recurse-check-on-command-line-overriding-earlier-command-line &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse on command-line overridiing earlier command-line junk"
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd work &&
+		git add gar/bage &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse on command-line overriding earlier command-line for gar/bage" &&
+		# should result in "check"
+		test_must_fail git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git master &&
+		# Check that the supermodule commit did not get there
+		git fetch ../pub.git &&
+		git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master^ &&
+		# Check that the submodule commit did not get there
+		(cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+		# should result in "no"
+		git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand --recurse-submodules=no ../pub.git master &&
+		# Check that the supermodule commit did get there
+		git fetch ../pub.git &&
+		git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+		# Check that the submodule commit did not get there
+		(cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+		# should result in "no"
+		git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand --no-recurse-submodules ../pub.git master &&
+		# Check that the submodule commit did not get there
+		(cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+		# But the options in the other order should push the submodule
+		git push --recurse-submodules=check --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master &&
+		# Check that the submodule commit did get there
+		git fetch ../pub.git &&
+		(cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master)
+	)
+test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule commit not on remote using on-demand from cmdline overriding config' '
+	(
+		cd work/gar/bage &&
+		>recurse-on-demand-on-command-line-overriding-config &&
+		git add recurse-on-demand-on-command-line-overriding-config &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse on-demand on command-line overriding config junk"
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd work &&
+		git add gar/bage &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse on-demand on command-line overriding config for gar/bage" &&
+		git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master &&
+		# Check that the supermodule commit got there
+		git fetch ../pub.git &&
+		git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+		# Check that the submodule commit got there
+		cd gar/bage &&
+		git diff --quiet origin/master master
+	)
+test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule commit disabling recursion from cmdline overriding config' '
+	(
+		cd work/gar/bage &&
+		>recurse-disable-on-command-line-overriding-config &&
+		git add recurse-disable-on-command-line-overriding-config &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse disable on command-line overriding config junk"
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd work &&
+		git add gar/bage &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse disable on command-line overriding config for gar/bage" &&
+		git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push --recurse-submodules=no ../pub.git master &&
+		# Check that the supermodule commit got there
+		git fetch ../pub.git &&
+		git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+		# But that the submodule commit did not
+		( cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^ ) &&
+		# Now push it to avoid confusing future tests
+		git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master
+	)
+test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule commit disabling recursion from cmdline (alternative form) overriding config' '
+	(
+		cd work/gar/bage &&
+		>recurse-disable-on-command-line-alt-overriding-config &&
+		git add recurse-disable-on-command-line-alt-overriding-config &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse disable on command-line alternative overriding config junk"
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd work &&
+		git add gar/bage &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse disable on command-line alternative overriding config for gar/bage" &&
+		git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push --no-recurse-submodules ../pub.git master &&
+		# Check that the supermodule commit got there
+		git fetch ../pub.git &&
+		git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+		# But that the submodule commit did not
+		( cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^ ) &&
+		# Now push it to avoid confusing future tests
+		git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master
+	)
+test_expect_success 'push fails if recurse submodules option passed as yes' '
+	(
+		cd work/gar/bage &&
+		>recurse-push-fails-if-recurse-submodules-passed-as-yes &&
+		git add recurse-push-fails-if-recurse-submodules-passed-as-yes &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse push fails if recurse submodules option passed as yes"
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd work &&
+		git add gar/bage &&
+		git commit -m "Recurse push fails if recurse submodules option passed as yes for gar/bage" &&
+		test_must_fail git push --recurse-submodules=yes ../pub.git master &&
+		test_must_fail git -c push.recurseSubmodules=yes push ../pub.git master &&
+		git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master
+	)
 test_expect_success 'push fails when commit on multiple branches if one branch has no remote' '
 		cd work/gar/bage &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2250ef4..dfa1bf7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -210,4 +210,15 @@
 	test_line_count = 1 packs.txt
+test_expect_success 'clone, dissociate from alternates' '
+	rm -fr A B C &&
+	test_create_repo A &&
+	commit_in A file1 &&
+	git clone --reference=A A B &&
+	test_line_count = 1 B/.git/objects/info/alternates &&
+	git clone --local --dissociate B C &&
+	! test -f C/.git/objects/info/alternates &&
+	( cd C && git fsck )
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 878faf2..b7a7f9d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -69,4 +69,32 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'set up fake git-daemon' '
+	mkdir remote &&
+	git init --bare remote/one.git &&
+	mkdir remote/host &&
+	git init --bare remote/host/two.git &&
+	write_script fake-daemon <<-\EOF &&
+	git daemon --inetd \
+		--informative-errors \
+		--export-all \
+		--base-path="$TRASH_DIRECTORY/remote" \
+		--interpolated-path="$TRASH_DIRECTORY/remote/%H%D" \
+		"$TRASH_DIRECTORY/remote"
+test_expect_success 'ext command can connect to git daemon (no vhost)' '
+	rm -rf dst &&
+	git clone "ext::fake-daemon %G/one.git" dst
+test_expect_success 'ext command can connect to git daemon (vhost)' '
+	rm -rf dst &&
+	git clone "ext::fake-daemon %G/two.git %Vhost" dst
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9e2c203..e74662b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -759,4 +759,139 @@
 	git bisect reset
+test_expect_success 'bisect starts with only one new' '
+	git bisect reset &&
+	git bisect start &&
+	git bisect new $HASH4 &&
+	git bisect next
+test_expect_success 'bisect does not start with only one old' '
+	git bisect reset &&
+	git bisect start &&
+	git bisect old $HASH1 &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect next
+test_expect_success 'bisect start with one new and old' '
+	git bisect reset &&
+	git bisect start &&
+	git bisect old $HASH1 &&
+	git bisect new $HASH4 &&
+	git bisect new &&
+	git bisect new >bisect_result &&
+	grep "$HASH2 is the first new commit" bisect_result &&
+	git bisect log >log_to_replay.txt &&
+	git bisect reset
+test_expect_success 'bisect replay with old and new' '
+	git bisect replay log_to_replay.txt >bisect_result &&
+	grep "$HASH2 is the first new commit" bisect_result &&
+	git bisect reset
+test_expect_success 'bisect cannot mix old/new and good/bad' '
+	git bisect start &&
+	git bisect bad $HASH4 &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect old $HASH1
+test_expect_success 'bisect terms needs 0 or 1 argument' '
+	git bisect reset &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect terms only-one &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect terms 1 2 &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect terms 2>actual &&
+	echo "no terms defined" >expected &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'bisect terms shows good/bad after start' '
+	git bisect reset &&
+	git bisect start HEAD $HASH1 &&
+	git bisect terms --term-good >actual &&
+	echo good >expected &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	git bisect terms --term-bad >actual &&
+	echo bad >expected &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'bisect start with one term1 and term2' '
+	git bisect reset &&
+	git bisect start --term-old term2 --term-new term1 &&
+	git bisect term2 $HASH1 &&
+	git bisect term1 $HASH4 &&
+	git bisect term1 &&
+	git bisect term1 >bisect_result &&
+	grep "$HASH2 is the first term1 commit" bisect_result &&
+	git bisect log >log_to_replay.txt &&
+	git bisect reset
+test_expect_success 'bisect replay with term1 and term2' '
+	git bisect replay log_to_replay.txt >bisect_result &&
+	grep "$HASH2 is the first term1 commit" bisect_result &&
+	git bisect reset
+test_expect_success 'bisect start term1 term2' '
+	git bisect reset &&
+	git bisect start --term-new term1 --term-old term2 $HASH4 $HASH1 &&
+	git bisect term1 &&
+	git bisect term1 >bisect_result &&
+	grep "$HASH2 is the first term1 commit" bisect_result &&
+	git bisect log >log_to_replay.txt &&
+	git bisect reset
+test_expect_success 'bisect cannot mix terms' '
+	git bisect reset &&
+	git bisect start --term-good term1 --term-bad term2 $HASH4 $HASH1 &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect a &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect b &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect bad &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect good &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect new &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect old
+test_expect_success 'bisect terms rejects invalid terms' '
+	git bisect reset &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect start --term-good invalid..term &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect terms --term-bad invalid..term &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect terms --term-good bad &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect terms --term-good old &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect terms --term-good skip &&
+	test_must_fail git bisect terms --term-good reset &&
+	test_path_is_missing .git/BISECT_TERMS
+test_expect_success 'bisect start --term-* does store terms' '
+	git bisect reset &&
+	git bisect start --term-bad=one --term-good=two &&
+	git bisect terms >actual &&
+	cat <<-EOF >expected &&
+	Your current terms are two for the old state
+	and one for the new state.
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	git bisect terms --term-bad >actual &&
+	echo one >expected &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	git bisect terms --term-good >actual &&
+	echo two >expected &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'bisect start takes options and revs in any order' '
+	git bisect reset &&
+	git bisect start --term-good one $HASH4 \
+		--term-good two --term-bad bad-term \
+		$HASH1 --term-good three -- &&
+	(git bisect terms --term-bad && git bisect terms --term-good) >actual &&
+	printf "%s\n%s\n" bad-term three >expected &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7c9bec7..03873b0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 . ./
-# Mon Jul 3 15:18:43 2006 +0000
+# Mon Jul 3 23:18:43 2006 +0000
 setdate_and_increment () {
     GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$datestamp +0200"
     datestamp=$(expr "$datestamp" + 1)
@@ -61,21 +61,21 @@
 test_atom head type ''
 test_atom head '*objectname' ''
 test_atom head '*objecttype' ''
-test_atom head author 'A U Thor <> 1151939924 +0200'
+test_atom head author 'A U Thor <> 1151968724 +0200'
 test_atom head authorname 'A U Thor'
 test_atom head authoremail '<>'
-test_atom head authordate 'Mon Jul 3 17:18:44 2006 +0200'
-test_atom head committer 'C O Mitter <> 1151939923 +0200'
+test_atom head authordate 'Tue Jul 4 01:18:44 2006 +0200'
+test_atom head committer 'C O Mitter <> 1151968723 +0200'
 test_atom head committername 'C O Mitter'
 test_atom head committeremail '<>'
-test_atom head committerdate 'Mon Jul 3 17:18:43 2006 +0200'
+test_atom head committerdate 'Tue Jul 4 01:18:43 2006 +0200'
 test_atom head tag ''
 test_atom head tagger ''
 test_atom head taggername ''
 test_atom head taggeremail ''
 test_atom head taggerdate ''
-test_atom head creator 'C O Mitter <> 1151939923 +0200'
-test_atom head creatordate 'Mon Jul 3 17:18:43 2006 +0200'
+test_atom head creator 'C O Mitter <> 1151968723 +0200'
+test_atom head creatordate 'Tue Jul 4 01:18:43 2006 +0200'
 test_atom head subject 'Initial'
 test_atom head contents:subject 'Initial'
 test_atom head body ''
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 test_atom tag numparent ''
 test_atom tag object $(git rev-parse refs/tags/testtag^0)
 test_atom tag type 'commit'
-test_atom tag '*objectname' '67a36f10722846e891fbada1ba48ed035de75581'
+test_atom tag '*objectname' 'ea122842f48be4afb2d1fc6a4b96c05885ab7463'
 test_atom tag '*objecttype' 'commit'
 test_atom tag author ''
 test_atom tag authorname ''
@@ -107,18 +107,18 @@
 test_atom tag committeremail ''
 test_atom tag committerdate ''
 test_atom tag tag 'testtag'
-test_atom tag tagger 'C O Mitter <> 1151939925 +0200'
+test_atom tag tagger 'C O Mitter <> 1151968725 +0200'
 test_atom tag taggername 'C O Mitter'
 test_atom tag taggeremail '<>'
-test_atom tag taggerdate 'Mon Jul 3 17:18:45 2006 +0200'
-test_atom tag creator 'C O Mitter <> 1151939925 +0200'
-test_atom tag creatordate 'Mon Jul 3 17:18:45 2006 +0200'
-test_atom tag subject 'Tagging at 1151939927'
-test_atom tag contents:subject 'Tagging at 1151939927'
+test_atom tag taggerdate 'Tue Jul 4 01:18:45 2006 +0200'
+test_atom tag creator 'C O Mitter <> 1151968725 +0200'
+test_atom tag creatordate 'Tue Jul 4 01:18:45 2006 +0200'
+test_atom tag subject 'Tagging at 1151968727'
+test_atom tag contents:subject 'Tagging at 1151968727'
 test_atom tag body ''
 test_atom tag contents:body ''
 test_atom tag contents:signature ''
-test_atom tag contents 'Tagging at 1151939927
+test_atom tag contents 'Tagging at 1151968727
 test_atom tag HEAD ' '
@@ -146,95 +146,123 @@
 	test_must_fail git for-each-ref --format="%(authordate:INVALID)" refs/heads
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-'refs/heads/master' 'Mon Jul 3 17:18:43 2006 +0200' 'Mon Jul 3 17:18:44 2006 +0200'
-'refs/tags/testtag' 'Mon Jul 3 17:18:45 2006 +0200'
+test_date () {
+	f=$1 &&
+	committer_date=$2 &&
+	author_date=$3 &&
+	tagger_date=$4 &&
+	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
+	'refs/heads/master' '$committer_date' '$author_date'
+	'refs/tags/testtag' '$tagger_date'
+	(
+		git for-each-ref --shell \
+			--format="%(refname) %(committerdate${f:+:$f}) %(authordate${f:+:$f})" \
+			refs/heads &&
+		git for-each-ref --shell \
+			--format="%(refname) %(taggerdate${f:+:$f})" \
+			refs/tags
+	) >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
 test_expect_success 'Check unformatted date fields output' '
-	(git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(committerdate) %(authordate)" refs/heads &&
-	git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(taggerdate)" refs/tags) >actual &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	test_date "" \
+		"Tue Jul 4 01:18:43 2006 +0200" \
+		"Tue Jul 4 01:18:44 2006 +0200" \
+		"Tue Jul 4 01:18:45 2006 +0200"
 test_expect_success 'Check format "default" formatted date fields output' '
-	f=default &&
-	(git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(committerdate:$f) %(authordate:$f)" refs/heads &&
-	git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(taggerdate:$f)" refs/tags) >actual &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	test_date default \
+		"Tue Jul 4 01:18:43 2006 +0200" \
+		"Tue Jul 4 01:18:44 2006 +0200" \
+		"Tue Jul 4 01:18:45 2006 +0200"
+test_expect_success 'Check format "default-local" date fields output' '
+	test_date default-local "Mon Jul 3 23:18:43 2006" "Mon Jul 3 23:18:44 2006" "Mon Jul 3 23:18:45 2006"
 # Don't know how to do relative check because I can't know when this script
 # is going to be run and can't fake the current time to git, and hence can't
 # provide expected output.  Instead, I'll just make sure that "relative"
 # doesn't exit in error
-#cat >expected <<\EOF
 test_expect_success 'Check format "relative" date fields output' '
 	f=relative &&
 	(git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(committerdate:$f) %(authordate:$f)" refs/heads &&
 	git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(taggerdate:$f)" refs/tags) >actual
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-'refs/heads/master' '2006-07-03' '2006-07-03'
-'refs/tags/testtag' '2006-07-03'
+# We just check that this is the same as "relative" for now.
+test_expect_success 'Check format "relative-local" date fields output' '
+	test_date relative-local \
+		"$(git for-each-ref --format="%(committerdate:relative)" refs/heads)" \
+		"$(git for-each-ref --format="%(authordate:relative)" refs/heads)" \
+		"$(git for-each-ref --format="%(taggerdate:relative)" refs/tags)"
 test_expect_success 'Check format "short" date fields output' '
-	f=short &&
-	(git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(committerdate:$f) %(authordate:$f)" refs/heads &&
-	git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(taggerdate:$f)" refs/tags) >actual &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	test_date short 2006-07-04 2006-07-04 2006-07-04
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-'refs/heads/master' 'Mon Jul 3 15:18:43 2006' 'Mon Jul 3 15:18:44 2006'
-'refs/tags/testtag' 'Mon Jul 3 15:18:45 2006'
+test_expect_success 'Check format "short-local" date fields output' '
+	test_date short-local 2006-07-03 2006-07-03 2006-07-03
 test_expect_success 'Check format "local" date fields output' '
-	f=local &&
-	(git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(committerdate:$f) %(authordate:$f)" refs/heads &&
-	git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(taggerdate:$f)" refs/tags) >actual &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	test_date local \
+		"Mon Jul 3 23:18:43 2006" \
+		"Mon Jul 3 23:18:44 2006" \
+		"Mon Jul 3 23:18:45 2006"
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-'refs/heads/master' '2006-07-03 17:18:43 +0200' '2006-07-03 17:18:44 +0200'
-'refs/tags/testtag' '2006-07-03 17:18:45 +0200'
 test_expect_success 'Check format "iso8601" date fields output' '
-	f=iso8601 &&
-	(git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(committerdate:$f) %(authordate:$f)" refs/heads &&
-	git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(taggerdate:$f)" refs/tags) >actual &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	test_date iso8601 \
+		"2006-07-04 01:18:43 +0200" \
+		"2006-07-04 01:18:44 +0200" \
+		"2006-07-04 01:18:45 +0200"
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-'refs/heads/master' 'Mon, 3 Jul 2006 17:18:43 +0200' 'Mon, 3 Jul 2006 17:18:44 +0200'
-'refs/tags/testtag' 'Mon, 3 Jul 2006 17:18:45 +0200'
+test_expect_success 'Check format "iso8601-local" date fields output' '
+	test_date iso8601-local "2006-07-03 23:18:43 +0000" "2006-07-03 23:18:44 +0000" "2006-07-03 23:18:45 +0000"
 test_expect_success 'Check format "rfc2822" date fields output' '
-	f=rfc2822 &&
-	(git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(committerdate:$f) %(authordate:$f)" refs/heads &&
-	git for-each-ref --shell --format="%(refname) %(taggerdate:$f)" refs/tags) >actual &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	test_date rfc2822 \
+		"Tue, 4 Jul 2006 01:18:43 +0200" \
+		"Tue, 4 Jul 2006 01:18:44 +0200" \
+		"Tue, 4 Jul 2006 01:18:45 +0200"
+test_expect_success 'Check format "rfc2822-local" date fields output' '
+	test_date rfc2822-local "Mon, 3 Jul 2006 23:18:43 +0000" "Mon, 3 Jul 2006 23:18:44 +0000" "Mon, 3 Jul 2006 23:18:45 +0000"
+test_expect_success 'Check format "raw" date fields output' '
+	test_date raw "1151968723 +0200" "1151968724 +0200" "1151968725 +0200"
+test_expect_success 'Check format "raw-local" date fields output' '
+	test_date raw-local "1151968723 +0000" "1151968724 +0000" "1151968725 +0000"
 test_expect_success 'Check format of strftime date fields' '
-	echo "my date is 2006-07-03" >expected &&
+	echo "my date is 2006-07-04" >expected &&
 	git for-each-ref \
 	  --format="%(authordate:format:my date is %Y-%m-%d)" \
 	  refs/heads >actual &&
 	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'Check format of strftime-local date fields' '
+	echo "my date is 2006-07-03" >expected &&
+	git for-each-ref \
+	  --format="%(authordate:format-local:my date is %Y-%m-%d)" \
+	  refs/heads >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
 test_expect_success 'exercise strftime with odd fields' '
 	echo >expected &&
 	git for-each-ref --format="%(authordate:format:)" refs/heads >actual &&
@@ -546,8 +574,8 @@
 cat >expected <<EOF
-$(git rev-parse refs/tags/master) <> refs/tags/master
 $(git rev-parse refs/tags/bogo) <> refs/tags/bogo
+$(git rev-parse refs/tags/master) <> refs/tags/master
 test_expect_success 'Verify sort with multiple keys' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fe4796c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+test_description='test for-each-refs usage of ref-filter APIs'
+. ./
+if ! test_have_prereq GPG
+	skip_all="skipping for-each-ref tests, GPG not available"
+	test_done
+test_expect_success 'setup some history and refs' '
+	test_commit one &&
+	test_commit two &&
+	test_commit three &&
+	git checkout -b side &&
+	test_commit four &&
+	git tag -s -m "A signed tag message" signed-tag &&
+	git tag -s -m "Annonated doubly" double-tag signed-tag &&
+	git checkout master &&
+	git update-ref refs/odd/spot master
+test_expect_success 'filtering with --points-at' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	refs/heads/master
+	refs/odd/spot
+	refs/tags/three
+	git for-each-ref --format="%(refname)" --points-at=master >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'check signed tags with --points-at' '
+	sed -e "s/Z$//" >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	refs/heads/side Z
+	refs/tags/four Z
+	refs/tags/signed-tag four
+	git for-each-ref --format="%(refname) %(*subject)" --points-at=side >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'filtering with --merged' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	refs/heads/master
+	refs/odd/spot
+	refs/tags/one
+	refs/tags/three
+	refs/tags/two
+	git for-each-ref --format="%(refname)" --merged=master >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'filtering with --no-merged' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	refs/heads/side
+	refs/tags/double-tag
+	refs/tags/four
+	refs/tags/signed-tag
+	git for-each-ref --format="%(refname)" --no-merged=master >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'filtering with --contains' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	refs/heads/master
+	refs/heads/side
+	refs/odd/spot
+	refs/tags/double-tag
+	refs/tags/four
+	refs/tags/signed-tag
+	refs/tags/three
+	refs/tags/two
+	git for-each-ref --format="%(refname)" --contains=two >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '%(color) must fail' '
+	test_must_fail git for-each-ref --format="%(color)%(refname)"
+test_expect_success 'left alignment is default' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	refname is refs/heads/master  |refs/heads/master
+	refname is refs/heads/side    |refs/heads/side
+	refname is refs/odd/spot      |refs/odd/spot
+	refname is refs/tags/double-tag|refs/tags/double-tag
+	refname is refs/tags/four     |refs/tags/four
+	refname is refs/tags/one      |refs/tags/one
+	refname is refs/tags/signed-tag|refs/tags/signed-tag
+	refname is refs/tags/three    |refs/tags/three
+	refname is refs/tags/two      |refs/tags/two
+	git for-each-ref --format="%(align:30)refname is %(refname)%(end)|%(refname)" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'middle alignment' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	| refname is refs/heads/master |refs/heads/master
+	|  refname is refs/heads/side  |refs/heads/side
+	|   refname is refs/odd/spot   |refs/odd/spot
+	|refname is refs/tags/double-tag|refs/tags/double-tag
+	|  refname is refs/tags/four   |refs/tags/four
+	|   refname is refs/tags/one   |refs/tags/one
+	|refname is refs/tags/signed-tag|refs/tags/signed-tag
+	|  refname is refs/tags/three  |refs/tags/three
+	|   refname is refs/tags/two   |refs/tags/two
+	git for-each-ref --format="|%(align:middle,30)refname is %(refname)%(end)|%(refname)" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'right alignment' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	|  refname is refs/heads/master|refs/heads/master
+	|    refname is refs/heads/side|refs/heads/side
+	|      refname is refs/odd/spot|refs/odd/spot
+	|refname is refs/tags/double-tag|refs/tags/double-tag
+	|     refname is refs/tags/four|refs/tags/four
+	|      refname is refs/tags/one|refs/tags/one
+	|refname is refs/tags/signed-tag|refs/tags/signed-tag
+	|    refname is refs/tags/three|refs/tags/three
+	|      refname is refs/tags/two|refs/tags/two
+	git for-each-ref --format="|%(align:30,right)refname is %(refname)%(end)|%(refname)" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+# Individual atoms inside %(align:...) and %(end) must not be quoted.
+test_expect_success 'alignment with format quote' "
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	|'      '\''master| A U Thor'\''      '|
+	|'       '\''side| A U Thor'\''       '|
+	|'     '\''odd/spot| A U Thor'\''     '|
+	|'        '\''double-tag| '\''        '|
+	|'       '\''four| A U Thor'\''       '|
+	|'       '\''one| A U Thor'\''        '|
+	|'        '\''signed-tag| '\''        '|
+	|'      '\''three| A U Thor'\''       '|
+	|'       '\''two| A U Thor'\''        '|
+	git for-each-ref --shell --format=\"|%(align:30,middle)'%(refname:short)| %(authorname)'%(end)|\" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'nested alignment with quote formatting' "
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	|'         master               '|
+	|'           side               '|
+	|'       odd/spot               '|
+	|'     double-tag               '|
+	|'           four               '|
+	|'            one               '|
+	|'     signed-tag               '|
+	|'          three               '|
+	|'            two               '|
+	git for-each-ref --shell --format='|%(align:30,left)%(align:15,right)%(refname:short)%(end)%(end)|' >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'check `%(contents:lines=1)`' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	master |three
+	side |four
+	odd/spot |three
+	double-tag |Annonated doubly
+	four |four
+	one |one
+	signed-tag |A signed tag message
+	three |three
+	two |two
+	git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short) |%(contents:lines=1)" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'check `%(contents:lines=0)`' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	master |
+	side |
+	odd/spot |
+	double-tag |
+	four |
+	one |
+	signed-tag |
+	three |
+	two |
+	git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short) |%(contents:lines=0)" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'check `%(contents:lines=99999)`' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	master |three
+	side |four
+	odd/spot |three
+	double-tag |Annonated doubly
+	four |four
+	one |one
+	signed-tag |A signed tag message
+	three |three
+	two |two
+	git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short) |%(contents:lines=99999)" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '`%(contents:lines=-1)` should fail' '
+	test_must_fail git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short) |%(contents:lines=-1)"
+test_expect_success 'setup for version sort' '
+	test_commit foo1.3 &&
+	test_commit foo1.6 &&
+	test_commit foo1.10
+test_expect_success 'version sort' '
+	git for-each-ref --sort=version:refname --format="%(refname:short)" refs/tags/ | grep "foo" >actual &&
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	foo1.3
+	foo1.6
+	foo1.10
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'version sort (shortened)' '
+	git for-each-ref --sort=v:refname --format="%(refname:short)" refs/tags/ | grep "foo" >actual &&
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	foo1.3
+	foo1.6
+	foo1.10
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'reverse version sort' '
+	git for-each-ref --sort=-version:refname --format="%(refname:short)" refs/tags/ | grep "foo" >actual &&
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	foo1.10
+	foo1.6
+	foo1.3
+	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d31788c..3dd2f51 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1462,13 +1462,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'invalid sort parameter in configuratoin' '
 	git config tag.sort "v:notvalid" &&
-	git tag -l "foo*" >actual &&
-	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
-	foo1.10
-	foo1.3
-	foo1.6
-	test_cmp expect actual
+	test_must_fail git tag -l "foo*"
 test_expect_success 'version sort with prerelease reordering' '
@@ -1525,4 +1519,43 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '--format should list tags as per format given' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	refname : refs/tags/foo1.10
+	refname : refs/tags/foo1.3
+	refname : refs/tags/foo1.6
+	refname : refs/tags/foo1.6-rc1
+	refname : refs/tags/foo1.6-rc2
+	git tag -l --format="refname : %(refname)" "foo*" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'setup --merged test tags' '
+	git tag mergetest-1 HEAD~2 &&
+	git tag mergetest-2 HEAD~1 &&
+	git tag mergetest-3 HEAD
+test_expect_success '--merged cannot be used in non-list mode' '
+	test_must_fail git tag --merged=mergetest-2 foo
+test_expect_success '--merged shows merged tags' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	mergetest-1
+	mergetest-2
+	git tag -l --merged=mergetest-2 mergetest-* >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '--no-merged show unmerged tags' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	mergetest-3
+	git tag -l --no-merged=mergetest-2 mergetest-* >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..72596e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+test_description='blaming trough history with topic branches'
+. ./
+# Creates the history shown below. '*'s mark the first parent in the merges.
+# The only line of file.t is changed in commit B2
+#        +---C1
+#       /      \
+# A0--A1--*A2--*A3
+#   \     /
+#    B1-B2
+test_expect_success setup '
+	test_commit A0 file.t line0 &&
+	test_commit A1 &&
+	git reset --hard A0 &&
+	test_commit B1 &&
+	test_commit B2 file.t line0changed &&
+	git reset --hard A1 &&
+	test_merge A2 B2 &&
+	git reset --hard A1 &&
+	test_commit C1 &&
+	git reset --hard A2 &&
+	test_merge A3 C1
+	'
+test_expect_success 'blame --reverse --first-parent finds A1' '
+	git blame --porcelain --reverse --first-parent A0..A3 -- file.t >actual_full &&
+	head -n 1 <actual_full | sed -e "s/ .*//" >actual &&
+	git rev-parse A1 >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+	'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5b4a5ce..3c49536 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1555,6 +1555,88 @@
 	grep "^!someone@example\.org!$" commandline1
+test_dump_aliases () {
+	msg="$1" && shift &&
+	filetype="$1" && shift &&
+	printf '%s\n' "$@" >expect &&
+	cat >.tmp-email-aliases &&
+	test_expect_success $PREREQ "$msg" '
+		clean_fake_sendmail && rm -fr outdir &&
+		git config --replace-all sendemail.aliasesfile \
+			"$(pwd)/.tmp-email-aliases" &&
+		git config sendemail.aliasfiletype "$filetype" &&
+		git send-email --dump-aliases 2>errors >actual &&
+		test_cmp expect actual
+	'
+test_dump_aliases '--dump-aliases sendmail format' \
+	'sendmail' \
+	'abgroup' \
+	'alice' \
+	'bcgrp' \
+	'bob' \
+	'chloe' <<-\EOF
+	alice: Alice W Land <>
+	bob: Robert Bobbyton <>
+	chloe:
+	abgroup: alice, bob
+	bcgrp: bob, chloe, Other <>
+test_dump_aliases '--dump-aliases mutt format' \
+	'mutt' \
+	'alice' \
+	'bob' \
+	'chloe' \
+	'donald' <<-\EOF
+	alias alice Alice W Land <>
+	alias donald Donald C Carlton <>
+	alias bob Robert Bobbyton <>
+	alias chloe
+test_dump_aliases '--dump-aliases mailrc format' \
+	'mailrc' \
+	'alice' \
+	'bob' \
+	'chloe' \
+	'eve' <<-\EOF
+	alias alice   Alice W Land <>
+	alias eve     Eve <>
+	alias bob     Robert Bobbyton <>
+	alias chloe
+test_dump_aliases '--dump-aliases pine format' \
+	'pine' \
+	'alice' \
+	'bob' \
+	'chloe' \
+	'eve' <<-\EOF
+	alice	Alice W Land	<>
+	eve	Eve	<>
+	bob	Robert	Bobbyton <>
+	chloe
+test_dump_aliases '--dump-aliases gnus format' \
+	'gnus' \
+	'alice' \
+	'bob' \
+	'chloe' \
+	'eve' <<-\EOF
+	(define-mail-alias "alice" "")
+	(define-mail-alias "eve" "")
+	(define-mail-alias "bob" "")
+	(define-mail-alias "chloe" "")
+test_expect_success '--dump-aliases must be used alone' '
+	test_must_fail git send-email --dump-aliases -1 refs/heads/accounting
 test_sendmail_aliases () {
 	msg="$1" && shift &&
 	expect="$@" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9984c48..14a9384 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -47,1077 +47,1075 @@
 echo "$@"'
 ### series A
 test_expect_success 'empty stream succeeds' '
 	git fast-import </dev/null
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-mark :2
-data <<EOF
+test_expect_success 'A: create pack from stdin' '
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	blob
+	mark :2
+	data <<EOF
+	$file2_data
-mark :3
-data <<END
+	blob
+	mark :3
+	data <<END
+	$file3_data
-mark :4
-data $file4_len
-commit refs/heads/master
-mark :5
-data <<COMMIT
+	blob
+	mark :4
+	data $file4_len
+	$file4_data
+	commit refs/heads/master
+	mark :5
+	data <<COMMIT
+	initial
-M 644 :2 file2
-M 644 :3 file3
-M 755 :4 file4
+	M 644 :2 file2
+	M 644 :3 file3
+	M 755 :4 file4
-tag series-A
-from :5
-data <<EOF
-An annotated tag without a tagger
+	tag series-A
+	from :5
+	data <<EOF
+	An annotated tag without a tagger
-tag series-A-blob
-from :3
-data <<EOF
-An annotated tag that annotates a blob.
+	tag series-A-blob
+	from :3
+	data <<EOF
+	An annotated tag that annotates a blob.
-test_expect_success \
-    'A: create pack from stdin' \
-    'git fast-import --export-marks=marks.out <input &&
-	 git whatchanged master'
+	git fast-import --export-marks=marks.out <input &&
+	git whatchanged master
 test_expect_success 'A: verify pack' '
-cat >expect <<EOF
+test_expect_success 'A: verify commit' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-test_expect_success \
-	'A: verify commit' \
-	'git cat-file commit master | sed 1d >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual'
+	initial
+	git cat-file commit master | sed 1d >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<EOF
-100644 blob file2
-100644 blob file3
-100755 blob file4
-test_expect_success \
-	'A: verify tree' \
-	'git cat-file -p master^{tree} | sed "s/ [0-9a-f]*	/ /" >actual &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'A: verify tree' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	100644 blob file2
+	100644 blob file3
+	100755 blob file4
+	git cat-file -p master^{tree} | sed "s/ [0-9a-f]*	/ /" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-echo "$file2_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'A: verify file2' \
-	'git cat-file blob master:file2 >actual && test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'A: verify file2' '
+	echo "$file2_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob master:file2 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-echo "$file3_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'A: verify file3' \
-	'git cat-file blob master:file3 >actual && test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'A: verify file3' '
+	echo "$file3_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob master:file3 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-printf "$file4_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'A: verify file4' \
-	'git cat-file blob master:file4 >actual && test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'A: verify file4' '
+	printf "$file4_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob master:file4 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<EOF
-object $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master)
-type commit
-tag series-A
-An annotated tag without a tagger
 test_expect_success 'A: verify tag/series-A' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	object $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master)
+	type commit
+	tag series-A
+	An annotated tag without a tagger
 	git cat-file tag tags/series-A >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<EOF
-object $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master:file3)
-type blob
-tag series-A-blob
-An annotated tag that annotates a blob.
 test_expect_success 'A: verify tag/series-A-blob' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	object $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master:file3)
+	type blob
+	tag series-A-blob
+	An annotated tag that annotates a blob.
 	git cat-file tag tags/series-A-blob >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:2 `git rev-parse --verify master:file2`
-:3 `git rev-parse --verify master:file3`
-:4 `git rev-parse --verify master:file4`
-:5 `git rev-parse --verify master^0`
-test_expect_success \
-	'A: verify marks output' \
-	'test_cmp expect marks.out'
+test_expect_success 'A: verify marks output' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:2 `git rev-parse --verify master:file2`
+	:3 `git rev-parse --verify master:file3`
+	:4 `git rev-parse --verify master:file4`
+	:5 `git rev-parse --verify master^0`
+	test_cmp expect marks.out
-test_expect_success \
-	'A: verify marks import' \
-	'git fast-import \
+test_expect_success 'A: verify marks import' '
+	git fast-import \
 		--import-marks=marks.out \ \
 		</dev/null &&
-	test_cmp expect'
+	test_cmp expect
-new_blob=$(echo testing | git hash-object --stdin)
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-tag series-A-blob-2
-from $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master:file3)
-data <<EOF
-Tag blob by sha1.
+test_expect_success 'A: tag blob by sha1' '
+	test_tick &&
+	new_blob=$(echo testing | git hash-object --stdin) &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	tag series-A-blob-2
+	from $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master:file3)
+	data <<EOF
+	Tag blob by sha1.
-mark :6
-data <<EOF
+	blob
+	mark :6
+	data <<EOF
+	testing
-commit refs/heads/new_blob
-committer  <> 0 +0000
-data 0
-M 644 :6 new_blob
-#pretend we got sha1 from fast-import
-ls "new_blob"
+	commit refs/heads/new_blob
+	committer  <> 0 +0000
+	data 0
+	M 644 :6 new_blob
+	#pretend we got sha1 from fast-import
+	ls "new_blob"
-tag series-A-blob-3
-from $new_blob
-data <<EOF
-Tag new_blob.
+	tag series-A-blob-3
+	from $new_blob
+	data <<EOF
+	Tag new_blob.
-cat >expect <<EOF
-object $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master:file3)
-type blob
-tag series-A-blob-2
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	object $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master:file3)
+	type blob
+	tag series-A-blob-2
-Tag blob by sha1.
-object $new_blob
-type blob
-tag series-A-blob-3
+	Tag blob by sha1.
+	object $new_blob
+	type blob
+	tag series-A-blob-3
-Tag new_blob.
+	Tag new_blob.
-test_expect_success \
-	'A: tag blob by sha1' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
+	git fast-import <input &&
 	git cat-file tag tags/series-A-blob-2 >actual &&
 	git cat-file tag tags/series-A-blob-3 >>actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual'
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/verify--import-marks
-data <<COMMIT
-recreate from :5
+test_expect_success 'A: verify marks import does not crash' '
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/verify--import-marks
+	data <<COMMIT
+	recreate from :5
-from :5
-M 755 :2 copy-of-file2
+	from :5
+	M 755 :2 copy-of-file2
-test_expect_success \
-	'A: verify marks import does not crash' \
-	'git fast-import --import-marks=marks.out <input &&
-	 git whatchanged verify--import-marks'
+	git fast-import --import-marks=marks.out <input &&
+	git whatchanged verify--import-marks
 test_expect_success 'A: verify pack' '
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:000000 100755 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 A	copy-of-file2
-git diff-tree -M -r master verify--import-marks >actual
-test_expect_success \
-	'A: verify diff' \
-	'compare_diff_raw expect actual &&
-	 test `git rev-parse --verify master:file2` \
-	    = `git rev-parse --verify verify--import-marks:copy-of-file2`'
-mt=$(git hash-object --stdin < /dev/null)
-: >input.blob
-: >marks.exp
-: >tree.exp
-cat >input.commit <<EOF
-commit refs/heads/verify--dump-marks
-data <<COMMIT
-test the sparse array dumping routines with exponentially growing marks
-while test "$i" -lt 27; do
-    cat >>input.blob <<EOF
-mark :$l
-data 0
-mark :$m
-data 0
-mark :$n
-data 0
-    echo "M 100644 :$l l$i" >>input.commit
-    echo "M 100644 :$m m$i" >>input.commit
-    echo "M 100644 :$n n$i" >>input.commit
-    echo ":$l $mt" >>marks.exp
-    echo ":$m $mt" >>marks.exp
-    echo ":$n $mt" >>marks.exp
-    printf "100644 blob $mt\tl$i\n" >>tree.exp
-    printf "100644 blob $mt\tm$i\n" >>tree.exp
-    printf "100644 blob $mt\tn$i\n" >>tree.exp
-    l=$(($l + $l))
-    m=$(($m + $m))
-    n=$(($l + $n))
-    i=$((1 + $i))
-sort tree.exp > tree.exp_s
+test_expect_success 'A: verify diff' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:000000 100755 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 A	copy-of-file2
+	git diff-tree -M -r master verify--import-marks >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual &&
+	test `git rev-parse --verify master:file2` \
+	    = `git rev-parse --verify verify--import-marks:copy-of-file2`
 test_expect_success 'A: export marks with large values' '
+	test_tick &&
+	mt=$(git hash-object --stdin < /dev/null) &&
+	>input.blob &&
+	>marks.exp &&
+	>tree.exp &&
+	cat >input.commit <<-EOF &&
+	commit refs/heads/verify--dump-marks
+	data <<COMMIT
+	test the sparse array dumping routines with exponentially growing marks
+	i=0 l=4 m=6 n=7 &&
+	while test "$i" -lt 27
+	do
+		cat >>input.blob <<-EOF &&
+		blob
+		mark :$l
+		data 0
+		blob
+		mark :$m
+		data 0
+		blob
+		mark :$n
+		data 0
+		EOF
+		echo "M 100644 :$l l$i" >>input.commit &&
+		echo "M 100644 :$m m$i" >>input.commit &&
+		echo "M 100644 :$n n$i" >>input.commit &&
+		echo ":$l $mt" >>marks.exp &&
+		echo ":$m $mt" >>marks.exp &&
+		echo ":$n $mt" >>marks.exp &&
+		printf "100644 blob $mt\tl$i\n" >>tree.exp &&
+		printf "100644 blob $mt\tm$i\n" >>tree.exp &&
+		printf "100644 blob $mt\tn$i\n" >>tree.exp &&
+		l=$(($l + $l)) &&
+		m=$(($m + $m)) &&
+		n=$(($l + $n)) &&
+		i=$((1 + $i)) || return 1
+	done &&
+	sort tree.exp > tree.exp_s &&
 	cat input.blob input.commit | git fast-import --export-marks=marks.large &&
 	git ls-tree refs/heads/verify--dump-marks >tree.out &&
 	test_cmp tree.exp_s tree.out &&
-	test_cmp marks.exp marks.large'
+	test_cmp marks.exp marks.large
 ### series B
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/branch
-mark :1
-data <<COMMIT
-from refs/heads/master
-M 755 0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 zero1
 test_expect_success 'B: fail on invalid blob sha1' '
-    test_must_fail git fast-import <input
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/branch
+	mark :1
+	data <<COMMIT
+	corrupt
+	from refs/heads/master
+	M 755 0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 zero1
+	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/objects/pack_* .git/objects/index_*" &&
+	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
-rm -f .git/objects/pack_* .git/objects/index_*
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit TEMP_TAG
-data <<COMMIT
-tag base
+test_expect_success 'B: accept branch name "TEMP_TAG"' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit TEMP_TAG
+	data <<COMMIT
+	tag base
-from refs/heads/master
+	from refs/heads/master
-test_expect_success \
-    'B: accept branch name "TEMP_TAG"' \
-    'git fast-import <input &&
-	 test -f .git/TEMP_TAG &&
-	 test `git rev-parse master` = `git rev-parse TEMP_TAG^`'
-rm -f .git/TEMP_TAG
-git gc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
-git prune 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
+	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/TEMP_TAG
+		git gc
+		git prune" &&
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	test -f .git/TEMP_TAG &&
+	test `git rev-parse master` = `git rev-parse TEMP_TAG^`
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/empty-committer-1
-committer  <> $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
-data <<COMMIT
-empty commit
 test_expect_success 'B: accept empty committer' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/empty-committer-1
+	committer  <> $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
+	data <<COMMIT
+	empty commit
+	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/empty-committer-1
+		git gc
+		git prune" &&
 	git fast-import <input &&
 	out=$(git fsck) &&
 	echo "$out" &&
 	test -z "$out"
-git update-ref -d refs/heads/empty-committer-1 || true
-git gc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
-git prune 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/empty-committer-2
-committer <> $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
-data <<COMMIT
-empty commit
 test_expect_success 'B: accept and fixup committer with no name' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/empty-committer-2
+	committer <> $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
+	data <<COMMIT
+	empty commit
+	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/empty-committer-2
+		git gc
+		git prune" &&
 	git fast-import <input &&
 	out=$(git fsck) &&
 	echo "$out" &&
 	test -z "$out"
-git update-ref -d refs/heads/empty-committer-2 || true
-git gc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
-git prune 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/invalid-committer
-committer Name email> $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
-data <<COMMIT
-empty commit
 test_expect_success 'B: fail on invalid committer (1)' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/invalid-committer
+	committer Name email> $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
+	data <<COMMIT
+	empty commit
+	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/invalid-committer" &&
 	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
-git update-ref -d refs/heads/invalid-committer || true
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/invalid-committer
-committer Name <e<mail> $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
-data <<COMMIT
-empty commit
 test_expect_success 'B: fail on invalid committer (2)' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/invalid-committer
+	committer Name <e<mail> $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
+	data <<COMMIT
+	empty commit
+	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/invalid-committer" &&
 	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
-git update-ref -d refs/heads/invalid-committer || true
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/invalid-committer
-committer Name <email>> $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
-data <<COMMIT
-empty commit
 test_expect_success 'B: fail on invalid committer (3)' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/invalid-committer
+	committer Name <email>> $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
+	data <<COMMIT
+	empty commit
+	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/invalid-committer" &&
 	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
-git update-ref -d refs/heads/invalid-committer || true
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/invalid-committer
-committer Name <email $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
-data <<COMMIT
-empty commit
 test_expect_success 'B: fail on invalid committer (4)' '
-	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
-git update-ref -d refs/heads/invalid-committer || true
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/invalid-committer
+	committer Name <email $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
+	data <<COMMIT
+	empty commit
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/invalid-committer
-committer Name<email> $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
-data <<COMMIT
-empty commit
-test_expect_success 'B: fail on invalid committer (5)' '
+	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/invalid-committer" &&
 	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
-git update-ref -d refs/heads/invalid-committer || true
+test_expect_success 'B: fail on invalid committer (5)' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/invalid-committer
+	committer Name<email> $GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
+	data <<COMMIT
+	empty commit
+	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/invalid-committer" &&
+	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
 ### series C
-newf=`echo hi newf | git hash-object -w --stdin`
-oldf=`git rev-parse --verify master:file2`
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/branch
-data <<COMMIT
+test_expect_success 'C: incremental import create pack from stdin' '
+	newf=`echo hi newf | git hash-object -w --stdin` &&
+	oldf=`git rev-parse --verify master:file2` &&
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/branch
+	data <<COMMIT
+	second
-from refs/heads/master
-M 644 $oldf file2/oldf
-M 755 $newf file2/newf
-D file3
+	from refs/heads/master
+	M 644 $oldf file2/oldf
+	M 755 $newf file2/newf
+	D file3
-test_expect_success \
-    'C: incremental import create pack from stdin' \
-    'git fast-import <input &&
-	 git whatchanged branch'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git whatchanged branch
 test_expect_success 'C: verify pack' '
-test_expect_success \
-	'C: validate reuse existing blob' \
-	'test $newf = `git rev-parse --verify branch:file2/newf` &&
-	 test $oldf = `git rev-parse --verify branch:file2/oldf`'
+test_expect_success 'C: validate reuse existing blob' '
+	test $newf = `git rev-parse --verify branch:file2/newf` &&
+	test $oldf = `git rev-parse --verify branch:file2/oldf`
-cat >expect <<EOF
-parent `git rev-parse --verify master^0`
+test_expect_success 'C: verify commit' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	parent `git rev-parse --verify master^0`
-test_expect_success \
-	'C: verify commit' \
-	'git cat-file commit branch | sed 1d >actual &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+	second
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:000000 100755 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc A	file2/newf
-:100644 100644 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 R100	file2	file2/oldf
-:100644 000000 0d92e9f3374ae2947c23aa477cbc68ce598135f1 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	file3
-git diff-tree -M -r master branch >actual
-test_expect_success \
-	'C: validate rename result' \
-	'compare_diff_raw expect actual'
+	git cat-file commit branch | sed 1d >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'C: validate rename result' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:000000 100755 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc A	file2/newf
+	:100644 100644 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 R100	file2	file2/oldf
+	:100644 000000 0d92e9f3374ae2947c23aa477cbc68ce598135f1 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	file3
+	git diff-tree -M -r master branch >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
 ### series D
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/branch
-data <<COMMIT
+test_expect_success 'D: inline data in commit' '
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/branch
+	data <<COMMIT
+	third
-from refs/heads/branch^0
-M 644 inline newdir/interesting
-data <<EOF
+	from refs/heads/branch^0
+	M 644 inline newdir/interesting
+	data <<EOF
+	$file5_data
-M 755 inline newdir/
-data <<EOF
+	M 755 inline newdir/
+	data <<EOF
+	$file6_data
-test_expect_success \
-    'D: inline data in commit' \
-    'git fast-import <input &&
-	 git whatchanged branch'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git whatchanged branch
 test_expect_success 'D: verify pack' '
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:000000 100755 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 e74b7d465e52746be2b4bae983670711e6e66657 A	newdir/
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 A	newdir/interesting
-git diff-tree -M -r branch^ branch >actual
-test_expect_success \
-	'D: validate new files added' \
-	'compare_diff_raw expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'D: validate new files added' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:000000 100755 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 e74b7d465e52746be2b4bae983670711e6e66657 A	newdir/
+	:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 A	newdir/interesting
+	git diff-tree -M -r branch^ branch >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
-echo "$file5_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'D: verify file5' \
-	'git cat-file blob branch:newdir/interesting >actual &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'D: verify file5' '
+	echo "$file5_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob branch:newdir/interesting >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-echo "$file6_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'D: verify file6' \
-	'git cat-file blob branch:newdir/ >actual &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'D: verify file6' '
+	echo "$file6_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob branch:newdir/ >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 ### series E
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/branch
-author $GIT_AUTHOR_NAME <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL> Tue Feb 6 11:22:18 2007 -0500
-committer $GIT_COMMITTER_NAME <$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL> Tue Feb 6 12:35:02 2007 -0500
-data <<COMMIT
-RFC 2822 type date
-from refs/heads/branch^0
 test_expect_success 'E: rfc2822 date, --date-format=raw' '
-    test_must_fail git fast-import --date-format=raw <input
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/branch
+	author $GIT_AUTHOR_NAME <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL> Tue Feb 6 11:22:18 2007 -0500
+	committer $GIT_COMMITTER_NAME <$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL> Tue Feb 6 12:35:02 2007 -0500
+	data <<COMMIT
+	RFC 2822 type date
+	from refs/heads/branch^0
+	test_must_fail git fast-import --date-format=raw <input
-test_expect_success \
-    'E: rfc2822 date, --date-format=rfc2822' \
-    'git fast-import --date-format=rfc2822 <input'
+test_expect_success 'E: rfc2822 date, --date-format=rfc2822' '
+	git fast-import --date-format=rfc2822 <input
 test_expect_success 'E: verify pack' '
-cat >expect <<EOF
-author $GIT_AUTHOR_NAME <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL> 1170778938 -0500
-committer $GIT_COMMITTER_NAME <$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL> 1170783302 -0500
+test_expect_success 'E: verify commit' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	author $GIT_AUTHOR_NAME <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL> 1170778938 -0500
+	committer $GIT_COMMITTER_NAME <$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL> 1170783302 -0500
-RFC 2822 type date
-test_expect_success \
-	'E: verify commit' \
-	'git cat-file commit branch | sed 1,2d >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual'
+	RFC 2822 type date
+	git cat-file commit branch | sed 1,2d >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 ### series F
-old_branch=`git rev-parse --verify branch^0`
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/branch
-data <<COMMIT
-losing things already?
+test_expect_success 'F: non-fast-forward update skips' '
+	old_branch=`git rev-parse --verify branch^0` &&
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/branch
+	data <<COMMIT
+	losing things already?
-from refs/heads/branch~1
+	from refs/heads/branch~1
-reset refs/heads/other
-from refs/heads/branch
+	reset refs/heads/other
+	from refs/heads/branch
-test_expect_success \
-    'F: non-fast-forward update skips' \
-    'if git fast-import <input
-	 then
-		echo BAD gfi did not fail
-		return 1
-	 else
-		if test $old_branch = `git rev-parse --verify branch^0`
-		then
-			: branch unaffected and failure returned
-			return 0
-		else
-			echo BAD gfi changed branch $old_branch
-			return 1
-		fi
-	 fi
-	'
+	test_must_fail git fast-import <input &&
+	# branch must remain unaffected
+	test $old_branch = `git rev-parse --verify branch^0`
 test_expect_success 'F: verify pack' '
-cat >expect <<EOF
-tree `git rev-parse branch~1^{tree}`
-parent `git rev-parse branch~1`
+test_expect_success 'F: verify other commit' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	tree `git rev-parse branch~1^{tree}`
+	parent `git rev-parse branch~1`
-losing things already?
-test_expect_success \
-	'F: verify other commit' \
-	'git cat-file commit other >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual'
+	losing things already?
+	git cat-file commit other >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 ### series G
-old_branch=`git rev-parse --verify branch^0`
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/branch
-data <<COMMIT
-losing things already?
+test_expect_success 'G: non-fast-forward update forced' '
+	old_branch=`git rev-parse --verify branch^0` &&
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/branch
+	data <<COMMIT
+	losing things already?
-from refs/heads/branch~1
+	from refs/heads/branch~1
-test_expect_success \
-    'G: non-fast-forward update forced' \
-    'git fast-import --force <input'
+	git fast-import --force <input
 test_expect_success 'G: verify pack' '
-test_expect_success \
-	'G: branch changed, but logged' \
-	'test $old_branch != `git rev-parse --verify branch^0` &&
-	 test $old_branch = `git rev-parse --verify branch@{1}`'
+test_expect_success 'G: branch changed, but logged' '
+	test $old_branch != `git rev-parse --verify branch^0` &&
+	test $old_branch = `git rev-parse --verify branch@{1}`
 ### series H
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/H
-data <<COMMIT
+test_expect_success 'H: deletall, add 1' '
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/H
+	data <<COMMIT
+	third
-from refs/heads/branch^0
-M 644 inline i-will-die
-data <<EOF
-this file will never exist.
+	from refs/heads/branch^0
+	M 644 inline i-will-die
+	data <<EOF
+	this file will never exist.
-M 644 inline h/e/l/lo
-data <<EOF
+	deleteall
+	M 644 inline h/e/l/lo
+	data <<EOF
+	$file5_data
-test_expect_success \
-    'H: deletall, add 1' \
-    'git fast-import <input &&
-	 git whatchanged H'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git whatchanged H
 test_expect_success 'H: verify pack' '
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:100755 000000 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	file2/newf
-:100644 000000 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	file2/oldf
-:100755 000000 85df50785d62d3b05ab03d9cbf7e4a0b49449730 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	file4
-:100644 100644 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 R100	newdir/interesting	h/e/l/lo
-:100755 000000 e74b7d465e52746be2b4bae983670711e6e66657 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	newdir/
-git diff-tree -M -r H^ H >actual
-test_expect_success \
-	'H: validate old files removed, new files added' \
-	'compare_diff_raw expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'H: validate old files removed, new files added' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:100755 000000 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	file2/newf
+	:100644 000000 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	file2/oldf
+	:100755 000000 85df50785d62d3b05ab03d9cbf7e4a0b49449730 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	file4
+	:100644 100644 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 R100	newdir/interesting	h/e/l/lo
+	:100755 000000 e74b7d465e52746be2b4bae983670711e6e66657 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	newdir/
+	git diff-tree -M -r H^ H >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
-echo "$file5_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'H: verify file' \
-	'git cat-file blob H:h/e/l/lo >actual &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'H: verify file' '
+	echo "$file5_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob H:h/e/l/lo >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 ### series I
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/export-boundary
-data <<COMMIT
-we have a border.  its only 40 characters wide.
+test_expect_success 'I: export-pack-edges' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/export-boundary
+	data <<COMMIT
+	we have a border.  its only 40 characters wide.
-from refs/heads/branch
+	from refs/heads/branch
-test_expect_success \
-    'I: export-pack-edges' \
-    'git fast-import --export-pack-edges=edges.list <input'
+	git fast-import --export-pack-edges=edges.list <input
-cat >expect <<EOF
-.git/objects/pack/pack-.pack: `git rev-parse --verify export-boundary`
-test_expect_success \
-	'I: verify edge list' \
-	'sed -e s/pack-.*pack/pack-.pack/ edges.list >actual &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'I: verify edge list' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	.git/objects/pack/pack-.pack: `git rev-parse --verify export-boundary`
+	sed -e s/pack-.*pack/pack-.pack/ edges.list >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 ### series J
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/J
-data <<COMMIT
-create J
+test_expect_success 'J: reset existing branch creates empty commit' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/J
+	data <<COMMIT
+	create J
-from refs/heads/branch
+	from refs/heads/branch
-reset refs/heads/J
+	reset refs/heads/J
-commit refs/heads/J
-data <<COMMIT
-initialize J
+	commit refs/heads/J
+	data <<COMMIT
+	initialize J
-test_expect_success \
-    'J: reset existing branch creates empty commit' \
-    'git fast-import <input'
-test_expect_success \
-	'J: branch has 1 commit, empty tree' \
-	'test 1 = `git rev-list J | wc -l` &&
-	 test 0 = `git ls-tree J | wc -l`'
+	git fast-import <input
+test_expect_success 'J: branch has 1 commit, empty tree' '
+	test 1 = `git rev-list J | wc -l` &&
+	test 0 = `git ls-tree J | wc -l`
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-reset refs/heads/J2
+test_expect_success 'J: tag must fail on empty branch' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	reset refs/heads/J2
-tag wrong_tag
-from refs/heads/J2
-data <<EOF
-Tag branch that was reset.
-test_expect_success \
-	'J: tag must fail on empty branch' \
-	'test_must_fail git fast-import <input'
+	tag wrong_tag
+	from refs/heads/J2
+	data <<EOF
+	Tag branch that was reset.
+	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
 ### series K
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/K
-data <<COMMIT
-create K
+test_expect_success 'K: reinit branch with from' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/K
+	data <<COMMIT
+	create K
-from refs/heads/branch
+	from refs/heads/branch
-commit refs/heads/K
-data <<COMMIT
-redo K
+	commit refs/heads/K
+	data <<COMMIT
+	redo K
-from refs/heads/branch^1
+	from refs/heads/branch^1
-test_expect_success \
-    'K: reinit branch with from' \
-    'git fast-import <input'
-test_expect_success \
-    'K: verify K^1 = branch^1' \
-    'test `git rev-parse --verify branch^1` \
-		= `git rev-parse --verify K^1`'
+	git fast-import <input
+test_expect_success 'K: verify K^1 = branch^1' '
+	test `git rev-parse --verify branch^1` \
+		= `git rev-parse --verify K^1`
 ### series L
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-mark :1
-data <<EOF
-some data
+test_expect_success 'L: verify internal tree sorting' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	blob
+	mark :1
+	data <<EOF
+	some data
-mark :2
-data <<EOF
-other data
+	blob
+	mark :2
+	data <<EOF
+	other data
-commit refs/heads/L
-data <<COMMIT
-create L
+	commit refs/heads/L
+	data <<COMMIT
+	create L
-M 644 :1 b.
-M 644 :1 b/other
-M 644 :1 ba
+	M 644 :1 b.
+	M 644 :1 b/other
+	M 644 :1 ba
-commit refs/heads/L
-data <<COMMIT
-update L
+	commit refs/heads/L
+	data <<COMMIT
+	update L
-M 644 :2 b.
-M 644 :2 b/other
-M 644 :2 ba
+	M 644 :2 b.
+	M 644 :2 b/other
+	M 644 :2 ba
-cat >expect <<EXPECT_END
-:100644 100644 4268632... 55d3a52... M	b.
-:040000 040000 0ae5cac... 443c768... M	b
-:100644 100644 4268632... 55d3a52... M	ba
+	cat >expect <<-EXPECT_END &&
+	:100644 100644 4268632... 55d3a52... M	b.
+	:040000 040000 0ae5cac... 443c768... M	b
+	:100644 100644 4268632... 55d3a52... M	ba
-test_expect_success \
-    'L: verify internal tree sorting' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 git diff-tree --abbrev --raw L^ L >output &&
-	 test_cmp expect output'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git diff-tree --abbrev --raw L^ L >output &&
+	test_cmp expect output
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-mark :1
-data <<EOF
-the data
+test_expect_success 'L: nested tree copy does not corrupt deltas' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	blob
+	mark :1
+	data <<EOF
+	the data
-commit refs/heads/L2
-committer C O Mitter <> 1112912473 -0700
-data <<COMMIT
-init L2
-M 644 :1 a/b/c
-M 644 :1 a/b/d
-M 644 :1 a/e/f
+	commit refs/heads/L2
+	committer C O Mitter <> 1112912473 -0700
+	data <<COMMIT
+	init L2
+	M 644 :1 a/b/c
+	M 644 :1 a/b/d
+	M 644 :1 a/e/f
-commit refs/heads/L2
-committer C O Mitter <> 1112912473 -0700
-data <<COMMIT
-update L2
-C a g
-C a/e g/b
-M 644 :1 g/b/h
+	commit refs/heads/L2
+	committer C O Mitter <> 1112912473 -0700
+	data <<COMMIT
+	update L2
+	C a g
+	C a/e g/b
+	M 644 :1 g/b/h
-cat <<EOF >expect
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	g/b/f
+	g/b/h
-test_expect_success \
-    'L: nested tree copy does not corrupt deltas' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
+	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/L2" &&
+	git fast-import <input &&
 	git ls-tree L2 g/b/ >tmp &&
 	cat tmp | cut -f 2 >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual &&
-	git fsck `git rev-parse L2`'
-git update-ref -d refs/heads/L2
+	git fsck `git rev-parse L2`
 ### series M
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/M1
-data <<COMMIT
-file rename
+test_expect_success 'M: rename file in same subdirectory' '
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/M1
+	data <<COMMIT
+	file rename
-from refs/heads/branch^0
-R file2/newf file2/n.e.w.f
+	from refs/heads/branch^0
+	R file2/newf file2/n.e.w.f
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc R100	file2/newf	file2/n.e.w.f
-test_expect_success \
-	'M: rename file in same subdirectory' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 git diff-tree -M -r M1^ M1 >actual &&
-	 compare_diff_raw expect actual'
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc R100	file2/newf	file2/n.e.w.f
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git diff-tree -M -r M1^ M1 >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/M2
-data <<COMMIT
-file rename
+test_expect_success 'M: rename file to new subdirectory' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/M2
+	data <<COMMIT
+	file rename
-from refs/heads/branch^0
-R file2/newf i/am/new/to/you
+	from refs/heads/branch^0
+	R file2/newf i/am/new/to/you
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc R100	file2/newf	i/am/new/to/you
-test_expect_success \
-	'M: rename file to new subdirectory' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 git diff-tree -M -r M2^ M2 >actual &&
-	 compare_diff_raw expect actual'
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc R100	file2/newf	i/am/new/to/you
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git diff-tree -M -r M2^ M2 >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/M3
-data <<COMMIT
-file rename
+test_expect_success 'M: rename subdirectory to new subdirectory' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/M3
+	data <<COMMIT
+	file rename
-from refs/heads/M2^0
-R i other/sub
+	from refs/heads/M2^0
+	R i other/sub
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc R100	i/am/new/to/you	other/sub/am/new/to/you
-test_expect_success \
-	'M: rename subdirectory to new subdirectory' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 git diff-tree -M -r M3^ M3 >actual &&
-	 compare_diff_raw expect actual'
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc R100	i/am/new/to/you	other/sub/am/new/to/you
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git diff-tree -M -r M3^ M3 >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/M4
-data <<COMMIT
-rename root
+test_expect_success 'M: rename root to subdirectory' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/M4
+	data <<COMMIT
+	rename root
-from refs/heads/M2^0
-R "" sub
+	from refs/heads/M2^0
+	R "" sub
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:100644 100644 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 R100	file2/oldf	sub/file2/oldf
-:100755 100755 85df50785d62d3b05ab03d9cbf7e4a0b49449730 85df50785d62d3b05ab03d9cbf7e4a0b49449730 R100	file4	sub/file4
-:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc R100	i/am/new/to/you	sub/i/am/new/to/you
-:100755 100755 e74b7d465e52746be2b4bae983670711e6e66657 e74b7d465e52746be2b4bae983670711e6e66657 R100	newdir/	sub/newdir/
-:100644 100644 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 R100	newdir/interesting	sub/newdir/interesting
-test_expect_success \
-	'M: rename root to subdirectory' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 git diff-tree -M -r M4^ M4 >actual &&
-	 cat actual &&
-	 compare_diff_raw expect actual'
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:100644 100644 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 R100	file2/oldf	sub/file2/oldf
+	:100755 100755 85df50785d62d3b05ab03d9cbf7e4a0b49449730 85df50785d62d3b05ab03d9cbf7e4a0b49449730 R100	file4	sub/file4
+	:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc R100	i/am/new/to/you	sub/i/am/new/to/you
+	:100755 100755 e74b7d465e52746be2b4bae983670711e6e66657 e74b7d465e52746be2b4bae983670711e6e66657 R100	newdir/	sub/newdir/
+	:100644 100644 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 R100	newdir/interesting	sub/newdir/interesting
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git diff-tree -M -r M4^ M4 >actual &&
+	cat actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
 ### series N
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/N1
-data <<COMMIT
-file copy
+test_expect_success 'N: copy file in same subdirectory' '
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/N1
+	data <<COMMIT
+	file copy
-from refs/heads/branch^0
-C file2/newf file2/n.e.w.f
+	from refs/heads/branch^0
+	C file2/newf file2/n.e.w.f
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc C100	file2/newf	file2/n.e.w.f
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: copy file in same subdirectory' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 git diff-tree -C --find-copies-harder -r N1^ N1 >actual &&
-	 compare_diff_raw expect actual'
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc C100	file2/newf	file2/n.e.w.f
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git diff-tree -C --find-copies-harder -r N1^ N1 >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/N2
-data <<COMMIT
-clean directory copy
+test_expect_success 'N: copy then modify subdirectory' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/N2
+	data <<COMMIT
+	clean directory copy
-from refs/heads/branch^0
-C file2 file3
+	from refs/heads/branch^0
+	C file2 file3
-commit refs/heads/N2
-data <<COMMIT
-modify directory copy
+	commit refs/heads/N2
+	data <<COMMIT
+	modify directory copy
-M 644 inline file3/file5
-data <<EOF
+	M 644 inline file3/file5
+	data <<EOF
+	$file5_data
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:100644 100644 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 C100	newdir/interesting	file3/file5
-:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc C100	file2/newf	file3/newf
-:100644 100644 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 C100	file2/oldf	file3/oldf
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: copy then modify subdirectory' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 git diff-tree -C --find-copies-harder -r N2^^ N2 >actual &&
-	 compare_diff_raw expect actual'
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/N3
-data <<COMMIT
-dirty directory copy
-from refs/heads/branch^0
-M 644 inline file2/file5
-data <<EOF
-C file2 file3
-D file2/file5
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: copy dirty subdirectory' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 test `git rev-parse N2^{tree}` = `git rev-parse N3^{tree}`'
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: copy directory by id' \
-	'cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:100644 100644 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 C100	newdir/interesting	file3/file5
 	:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc C100	file2/newf	file3/newf
 	:100644 100644 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 C100	file2/oldf	file3/oldf
-	 subdir=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/branch^0:file2) &&
-	 cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git diff-tree -C --find-copies-harder -r N2^^ N2 >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
+test_expect_success 'N: copy dirty subdirectory' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/N3
+	data <<COMMIT
+	dirty directory copy
+	from refs/heads/branch^0
+	M 644 inline file2/file5
+	data <<EOF
+	$file5_data
+	C file2 file3
+	D file2/file5
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	test `git rev-parse N2^{tree}` = `git rev-parse N3^{tree}`
+test_expect_success 'N: copy directory by id' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc C100	file2/newf	file3/newf
+	:100644 100644 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 C100	file2/oldf	file3/oldf
+	subdir=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/branch^0:file2) &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
 	commit refs/heads/N4
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1127,9 +1125,10 @@
 	from refs/heads/branch^0
 	M 040000 $subdir file3
-	 git fast-import <input &&
-	 git diff-tree -C --find-copies-harder -r N4^ N4 >actual &&
-	 compare_diff_raw expect actual'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git diff-tree -C --find-copies-harder -r N4^ N4 >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
 test_expect_success PIPE 'N: read and copy directory' '
 	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
@@ -1202,14 +1201,13 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: copy root directory by tree hash' \
-	'cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+test_expect_success 'N: copy root directory by tree hash' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
 	:100755 000000 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	file3/newf
 	:100644 000000 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	file3/oldf
-	 root=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/branch^0^{tree}) &&
-	 cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	root=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/branch^0^{tree}) &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
 	commit refs/heads/N6
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1219,20 +1217,20 @@
 	from refs/heads/branch^0
 	M 040000 $root ""
-	 git fast-import <input &&
-	 git diff-tree -C --find-copies-harder -r N4 N6 >actual &&
-	 compare_diff_raw expect actual'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git diff-tree -C --find-copies-harder -r N4 N6 >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: copy root by path' \
-	'cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+test_expect_success 'N: copy root by path' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
 	:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc C100	file2/newf	oldroot/file2/newf
 	:100644 100644 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 C100	file2/oldf	oldroot/file2/oldf
 	:100755 100755 85df50785d62d3b05ab03d9cbf7e4a0b49449730 85df50785d62d3b05ab03d9cbf7e4a0b49449730 C100	file4	oldroot/file4
 	:100755 100755 e74b7d465e52746be2b4bae983670711e6e66657 e74b7d465e52746be2b4bae983670711e6e66657 C100	newdir/	oldroot/newdir/
 	:100644 100644 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 C100	newdir/interesting	oldroot/newdir/interesting
-	 cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
 	commit refs/heads/N-copy-root-path
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1242,21 +1240,21 @@
 	from refs/heads/branch^0
 	C "" oldroot
-	 git fast-import <input &&
-	 git diff-tree -C --find-copies-harder -r branch N-copy-root-path >actual &&
-	 compare_diff_raw expect actual'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git diff-tree -C --find-copies-harder -r branch N-copy-root-path >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: delete directory by copying' \
-	'cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+test_expect_success 'N: delete directory by copying' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
 	:100644 000000 OBJID OBJID D	foo/bar/qux
 	:000000 100644 OBJID OBJID A	foo/bar/baz
 	:000000 100644 OBJID OBJID A	foo/bar/qux
-	 empty_tree=$(git mktree </dev/null) &&
-	 cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	empty_tree=$(git mktree </dev/null) &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
 	commit refs/heads/N-delete
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1282,21 +1280,21 @@
 	M 040000 $empty_tree foo/bar/qux
-	 git fast-import <input &&
-	 git rev-list N-delete |
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git rev-list N-delete |
 		git diff-tree -r --stdin --root --always |
 		sed -e "s/$_x40/OBJID/g" >actual &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+	test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: modify copied tree' \
-	'cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+test_expect_success 'N: modify copied tree' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
 	:100644 100644 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 C100	newdir/interesting	file3/file5
 	:100755 100755 f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc f1fb5da718392694d0076d677d6d0e364c79b0bc C100	file2/newf	file3/newf
 	:100644 100644 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 7123f7f44e39be127c5eb701e5968176ee9d78b1 C100	file2/oldf	file3/oldf
-	 subdir=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/branch^0:file2) &&
-	 cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	subdir=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/branch^0:file2) &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
 	commit refs/heads/N5
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1317,14 +1315,14 @@
-	 git fast-import <input &&
-	 git diff-tree -C --find-copies-harder -r N5^^ N5 >actual &&
-	 compare_diff_raw expect actual'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git diff-tree -C --find-copies-harder -r N5^^ N5 >actual &&
+	compare_diff_raw expect actual
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: reject foo/ syntax' \
-	'subdir=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/branch^0:file2) &&
-	 test_must_fail git fast-import <<-INPUT_END
+test_expect_success 'N: reject foo/ syntax' '
+	subdir=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/branch^0:file2) &&
+	test_must_fail git fast-import <<-INPUT_END
 	commit refs/heads/N5B
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1333,11 +1331,11 @@
 	from refs/heads/branch^0
 	M 040000 $subdir file3/
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: reject foo/ syntax in copy source' \
-	'test_must_fail git fast-import <<-INPUT_END
+test_expect_success 'N: reject foo/ syntax in copy source' '
+	test_must_fail git fast-import <<-INPUT_END
 	commit refs/heads/N5C
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1346,11 +1344,11 @@
 	from refs/heads/branch^0
 	C file2/ file3
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: reject foo/ syntax in rename source' \
-	'test_must_fail git fast-import <<-INPUT_END
+test_expect_success 'N: reject foo/ syntax in rename source' '
+	test_must_fail git fast-import <<-INPUT_END
 	commit refs/heads/N5D
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1359,11 +1357,11 @@
 	from refs/heads/branch^0
 	R file2/ file3
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: reject foo/ syntax in ls argument' \
-	'test_must_fail git fast-import <<-INPUT_END
+test_expect_success 'N: reject foo/ syntax in ls argument' '
+	test_must_fail git fast-import <<-INPUT_END
 	commit refs/heads/N5E
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1372,13 +1370,13 @@
 	from refs/heads/branch^0
 	ls "file2/"
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: copy to root by id and modify' \
-	'echo "hello, world" > &&
-	 echo hello > &&
-	 git fast-import <<-SETUP_END &&
+test_expect_success 'N: copy to root by id and modify' '
+	echo "hello, world" > &&
+	echo hello > &&
+	git fast-import <<-SETUP_END &&
 	commit refs/heads/N7
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1392,8 +1390,8 @@
-	 tree=$(git rev-parse --verify N7:) &&
-	 git fast-import <<-INPUT_END &&
+	tree=$(git rev-parse --verify N7:) &&
+	git fast-import <<-INPUT_END &&
 	commit refs/heads/N8
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1406,15 +1404,15 @@
 	hello, world
-	 git show N8:foo/foo > &&
-	 git show N8:foo/bar > &&
-	 test_cmp &&
-	 test_cmp'
+	git show N8:foo/foo > &&
+	git show N8:foo/bar > &&
+	test_cmp &&
+	test_cmp
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: extract subtree' \
-	'branch=$(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/branch^{tree}) &&
-	 cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+test_expect_success 'N: extract subtree' '
+	branch=$(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/branch^{tree}) &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
 	commit refs/heads/N9
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1424,14 +1422,14 @@
 	M 040000 $branch ""
 	C "newdir" ""
-	 git fast-import <input &&
-	 git diff --exit-code branch:newdir N9'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git diff --exit-code branch:newdir N9
-test_expect_success \
-	'N: modify subtree, extract it, and modify again' \
-	'echo hello >expect.baz &&
-	 echo hello, world >expect.qux &&
-	 git fast-import <<-SETUP_END &&
+test_expect_success 'N: modify subtree, extract it, and modify again' '
+	echo hello >expect.baz &&
+	echo hello, world >expect.qux &&
+	git fast-import <<-SETUP_END &&
 	commit refs/heads/N10
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1445,8 +1443,8 @@
-	 tree=$(git rev-parse --verify N10:) &&
-	 git fast-import <<-INPUT_END &&
+	tree=$(git rev-parse --verify N10:) &&
+	git fast-import <<-INPUT_END &&
 	commit refs/heads/N11
 	data <<COMMIT
@@ -1461,676 +1459,692 @@
 	R "foo" ""
 	C "bar/qux" "bar/quux"
-	 git show N11:bar/baz >actual.baz &&
-	 git show N11:bar/qux >actual.qux &&
-	 git show N11:bar/quux >actual.quux &&
-	 test_cmp expect.baz actual.baz &&
-	 test_cmp expect.qux actual.qux &&
-	 test_cmp expect.qux actual.quux'
+	git show N11:bar/baz >actual.baz &&
+	git show N11:bar/qux >actual.qux &&
+	git show N11:bar/quux >actual.quux &&
+	test_cmp expect.baz actual.baz &&
+	test_cmp expect.qux actual.qux &&
+	test_cmp expect.qux actual.quux'
 ### series O
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-#we will
-commit refs/heads/O1
-# -- ignore all of this text
-# $GIT_COMMITTER_NAME has inserted here for his benefit.
-data <<COMMIT
-dirty directory copy
+test_expect_success 'O: comments are all skipped' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	#we will
+	commit refs/heads/O1
+	# -- ignore all of this text
+	# $GIT_COMMITTER_NAME has inserted here for his benefit.
+	data <<COMMIT
+	dirty directory copy
-# don't forget the import blank line!
-# yes, we started from our usual base of branch^0.
-# i like branch^0.
-from refs/heads/branch^0
-# and we need to reuse file2/file5 from N3 above.
-M 644 inline file2/file5
-# otherwise the tree will be different
-data <<EOF
+	# do not forget the import blank line!
+	#
+	# yes, we started from our usual base of branch^0.
+	# i like branch^0.
+	from refs/heads/branch^0
+	# and we need to reuse file2/file5 from N3 above.
+	M 644 inline file2/file5
+	# otherwise the tree will be different
+	data <<EOF
+	$file5_data
-# don't forget to copy file2 to file3
-C file2 file3
-# or to delete file5 from file2.
-D file2/file5
-# are we done yet?
+	# do not forget to copy file2 to file3
+	C file2 file3
+	#
+	# or to delete file5 from file2.
+	D file2/file5
+	# are we done yet?
-test_expect_success \
-	'O: comments are all skipped' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 test `git rev-parse N3` = `git rev-parse O1`'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	test `git rev-parse N3` = `git rev-parse O1`
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/O2
-data <<COMMIT
-dirty directory copy
-from refs/heads/branch^0
-M 644 inline file2/file5
-data <<EOF
-C file2 file3
-D file2/file5
+test_expect_success 'O: blank lines not necessary after data commands' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/O2
+	data <<COMMIT
+	dirty directory copy
+	from refs/heads/branch^0
+	M 644 inline file2/file5
+	data <<EOF
+	$file5_data
+	C file2 file3
+	D file2/file5
-test_expect_success \
-	'O: blank lines not necessary after data commands' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 test `git rev-parse N3` = `git rev-parse O2`'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	test `git rev-parse N3` = `git rev-parse O2`
-test_expect_success \
-	'O: repack before next test' \
-	'git repack -a -d'
+test_expect_success 'O: repack before next test' '
+	git repack -a -d
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/O3
-data <<COMMIT
-commit refs/heads/O3
-data <<COMMIT
-commit refs/heads/O3
-mark :5
-data <<COMMIT
-commit refs/heads/O3
-data <<COMMIT
-reset refs/tags/O3-2nd
-from :5
-reset refs/tags/O3-3rd
-from :5
+test_expect_success 'O: blank lines not necessary after other commands' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/O3
+	data <<COMMIT
+	zstring
+	commit refs/heads/O3
+	data <<COMMIT
+	zof
+	checkpoint
+	commit refs/heads/O3
+	mark :5
+	data <<COMMIT
+	zempty
+	checkpoint
+	commit refs/heads/O3
+	data <<COMMIT
+	zcommits
+	reset refs/tags/O3-2nd
+	from :5
+	reset refs/tags/O3-3rd
+	from :5
-cat >expect <<INPUT_END
-test_expect_success \
-	'O: blank lines not necessary after other commands' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 test 8 = `find .git/objects/pack -type f | wc -l` &&
-	 test `git rev-parse refs/tags/O3-2nd` = `git rev-parse O3^` &&
-	 git log --reverse --pretty=oneline O3 | sed s/^.*z// >actual &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+	cat >expect <<-INPUT_END &&
+	string
+	of
+	empty
+	commits
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/O4
-data <<COMMIT
-commit refs/heads/O4
-data <<COMMIT
-progress Two commits down, 2 to go!
-commit refs/heads/O4
-data <<COMMIT
-progress Three commits down, 1 to go!
-commit refs/heads/O4
-data <<COMMIT
-progress I'm done!
-test_expect_success \
-	'O: progress outputs as requested by input' \
-	'git fast-import <input >actual &&
-	 grep "progress " <input >expect &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	test 8 = `find .git/objects/pack -type f | wc -l` &&
+	test `git rev-parse refs/tags/O3-2nd` = `git rev-parse O3^` &&
+	git log --reverse --pretty=oneline O3 | sed s/^.*z// >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'O: progress outputs as requested by input' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/O4
+	data <<COMMIT
+	zstring
+	commit refs/heads/O4
+	data <<COMMIT
+	zof
+	progress Two commits down, 2 to go!
+	commit refs/heads/O4
+	data <<COMMIT
+	zempty
+	progress Three commits down, 1 to go!
+	commit refs/heads/O4
+	data <<COMMIT
+	zcommits
+	progress done!
+	git fast-import <input >actual &&
+	grep "progress " <input >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 ### series P (gitlinks)
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-mark :1
-data 10
-test file
+test_expect_success 'P: superproject & submodule mix' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	blob
+	mark :1
+	data 10
+	test file
-reset refs/heads/sub
-commit refs/heads/sub
-mark :2
-data 12
-M 100644 :1 file
+	reset refs/heads/sub
+	commit refs/heads/sub
+	mark :2
+	data 12
+	sub_initial
+	M 100644 :1 file
-mark :3
-data <<DATAEND
-[submodule "sub"]
-	path = sub
-	url = "`pwd`/sub"
+	blob
+	mark :3
+	data <<DATAEND
+	[submodule "sub"]
+		path = sub
+		url = "`pwd`/sub"
-commit refs/heads/subuse1
-mark :4
-data 8
-from refs/heads/master
-M 100644 :3 .gitmodules
-M 160000 :2 sub
+	commit refs/heads/subuse1
+	mark :4
+	data 8
+	initial
+	from refs/heads/master
+	M 100644 :3 .gitmodules
+	M 160000 :2 sub
-mark :5
-data 20
-test file
-more data
+	blob
+	mark :5
+	data 20
+	test file
+	more data
-commit refs/heads/sub
-mark :6
-data 11
-from :2
-M 100644 :5 file
+	commit refs/heads/sub
+	mark :6
+	data 11
+	sub_second
+	from :2
+	M 100644 :5 file
-commit refs/heads/subuse1
-mark :7
-data 7
-from :4
-M 160000 :6 sub
+	commit refs/heads/subuse1
+	mark :7
+	data 7
+	second
+	from :4
+	M 160000 :6 sub
-test_expect_success \
-	'P: superproject & submodule mix' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 git checkout subuse1 &&
-	 rm -rf sub && mkdir sub && (cd sub &&
-	 git init &&
-	 git fetch --update-head-ok .. refs/heads/sub:refs/heads/master &&
-	 git checkout master) &&
-	 git submodule init &&
-	 git submodule update'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git checkout subuse1 &&
+	rm -rf sub &&
+	mkdir sub &&
+	(
+		cd sub &&
+		git init &&
+		git fetch --update-head-ok .. refs/heads/sub:refs/heads/master &&
+		git checkout master
+	) &&
+	git submodule init &&
+	git submodule update
-SUBLAST=$(git rev-parse --verify sub)
-SUBPREV=$(git rev-parse --verify sub^)
+test_expect_success 'P: verbatim SHA gitlinks' '
+	SUBLAST=$(git rev-parse --verify sub) &&
+	SUBPREV=$(git rev-parse --verify sub^) &&
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-mark :1
-data <<DATAEND
-[submodule "sub"]
-	path = sub
-	url = "`pwd`/sub"
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	blob
+	mark :1
+	data <<DATAEND
+	[submodule "sub"]
+		path = sub
+		url = "`pwd`/sub"
-commit refs/heads/subuse2
-mark :2
-data 8
-from refs/heads/master
-M 100644 :1 .gitmodules
-M 160000 $SUBPREV sub
+	commit refs/heads/subuse2
+	mark :2
+	data 8
+	initial
+	from refs/heads/master
+	M 100644 :1 .gitmodules
+	M 160000 $SUBPREV sub
-commit refs/heads/subuse2
-mark :3
-data 7
-from :2
-M 160000 $SUBLAST sub
+	commit refs/heads/subuse2
+	mark :3
+	data 7
+	second
+	from :2
+	M 160000 $SUBLAST sub
-test_expect_success \
-	'P: verbatim SHA gitlinks' \
-	'git branch -D sub &&
-	 git gc && git prune &&
-	 git fast-import <input &&
-	 test $(git rev-parse --verify subuse2) = $(git rev-parse --verify subuse1)'
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/subuse3
-mark :1
-data <<COMMIT
-from refs/heads/subuse2
-M 160000 inline sub
-data <<DATA
+	git branch -D sub &&
+	git gc &&
+	git prune &&
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	test $(git rev-parse --verify subuse2) = $(git rev-parse --verify subuse1)
 test_expect_success 'P: fail on inline gitlink' '
-    test_must_fail git fast-import <input'
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/subuse3
+	mark :1
+	data <<COMMIT
+	corrupt
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-mark :1
-data <<DATA
+	from refs/heads/subuse2
+	M 160000 inline sub
+	data <<DATA
-commit refs/heads/subuse3
-mark :2
-data <<COMMIT
-from refs/heads/subuse2
-M 160000 :1 sub
+	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
 test_expect_success 'P: fail on blob mark in gitlink' '
-    test_must_fail git fast-import <input'
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	blob
+	mark :1
+	data <<DATA
+	commit refs/heads/subuse3
+	mark :2
+	data <<COMMIT
+	corrupt
+	from refs/heads/subuse2
+	M 160000 :1 sub
+	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
 ### series Q (notes)
-note1_data="The first note for the first commit"
-note2_data="The first note for the second commit"
-note3_data="The first note for the third commit"
-note1b_data="The second note for the first commit"
-note1c_data="The third note for the first commit"
-note2b_data="The second note for the second commit"
+test_expect_success 'Q: commit notes' '
+	note1_data="The first note for the first commit" &&
+	note2_data="The first note for the second commit" &&
+	note3_data="The first note for the third commit" &&
+	note1b_data="The second note for the first commit" &&
+	note1c_data="The third note for the first commit" &&
+	note2b_data="The second note for the second commit" &&
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-mark :2
-data <<EOF
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	blob
+	mark :2
+	data <<EOF
+	$file2_data
-commit refs/heads/notes-test
-mark :3
-data <<COMMIT
-first (:3)
+	commit refs/heads/notes-test
+	mark :3
+	data <<COMMIT
+	first (:3)
-M 644 :2 file2
+	M 644 :2 file2
-mark :4
-data $file4_len
-commit refs/heads/notes-test
-mark :5
-data <<COMMIT
-second (:5)
+	blob
+	mark :4
+	data $file4_len
+	$file4_data
+	commit refs/heads/notes-test
+	mark :5
+	data <<COMMIT
+	second (:5)
-M 644 :4 file4
+	M 644 :4 file4
-commit refs/heads/notes-test
-mark :6
-data <<COMMIT
-third (:6)
+	commit refs/heads/notes-test
+	mark :6
+	data <<COMMIT
+	third (:6)
-M 644 inline file5
-data <<EOF
+	M 644 inline file5
+	data <<EOF
+	$file5_data
-M 755 inline file6
-data <<EOF
+	M 755 inline file6
+	data <<EOF
+	$file6_data
-mark :7
-data <<EOF
+	blob
+	mark :7
+	data <<EOF
+	$note1_data
-mark :8
-data <<EOF
+	blob
+	mark :8
+	data <<EOF
+	$note2_data
-commit refs/notes/foobar
-mark :9
-data <<COMMIT
-notes (:9)
+	commit refs/notes/foobar
+	mark :9
+	data <<COMMIT
+	notes (:9)
-N :7 :3
-N :8 :5
-N inline :6
-data <<EOF
+	N :7 :3
+	N :8 :5
+	N inline :6
+	data <<EOF
+	$note3_data
-commit refs/notes/foobar
-mark :10
-data <<COMMIT
-notes (:10)
+	commit refs/notes/foobar
+	mark :10
+	data <<COMMIT
+	notes (:10)
-N inline :3
-data <<EOF
+	N inline :3
+	data <<EOF
+	$note1b_data
-commit refs/notes/foobar2
-mark :11
-data <<COMMIT
-notes (:11)
+	commit refs/notes/foobar2
+	mark :11
+	data <<COMMIT
+	notes (:11)
-N inline :3
-data <<EOF
+	N inline :3
+	data <<EOF
+	$note1c_data
-commit refs/notes/foobar
-mark :12
-data <<COMMIT
-notes (:12)
+	commit refs/notes/foobar
+	mark :12
+	data <<COMMIT
+	notes (:12)
-N inline :5
-data <<EOF
+	deleteall
+	N inline :5
+	data <<EOF
+	$note2b_data
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: commit notes' \
-	'git fast-import <input &&
-	 git whatchanged notes-test'
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	git whatchanged notes-test
 test_expect_success 'Q: verify pack' '
-commit1=$(git rev-parse notes-test~2)
-commit2=$(git rev-parse notes-test^)
-commit3=$(git rev-parse notes-test)
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify first commit' '
+	commit1=$(git rev-parse notes-test~2) &&
+	commit2=$(git rev-parse notes-test^) &&
+	commit3=$(git rev-parse notes-test) &&
-cat >expect <<EOF
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-first (:3)
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify first commit' \
-	'git cat-file commit notes-test~2 | sed 1d >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual'
+	first (:3)
+	git cat-file commit notes-test~2 | sed 1d >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<EOF
-parent $commit1
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify second commit' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	parent $commit1
-second (:5)
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify second commit' \
-	'git cat-file commit notes-test^ | sed 1d >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual'
+	second (:5)
+	git cat-file commit notes-test^ | sed 1d >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<EOF
-parent $commit2
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify third commit' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	parent $commit2
-third (:6)
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify third commit' \
-	'git cat-file commit notes-test | sed 1d >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual'
+	third (:6)
+	git cat-file commit notes-test | sed 1d >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<EOF
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify first notes commit' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-notes (:9)
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify first notes commit' \
-	'git cat-file commit refs/notes/foobar~2 | sed 1d >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual'
+	notes (:9)
+	git cat-file commit refs/notes/foobar~2 | sed 1d >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect.unsorted <<EOF
-100644 blob $commit1
-100644 blob $commit2
-100644 blob $commit3
-cat expect.unsorted | sort >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify first notes tree' \
-	'git cat-file -p refs/notes/foobar~2^{tree} | sed "s/ [0-9a-f]*	/ /" >actual &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify first notes tree' '
+	cat >expect.unsorted <<-EOF &&
+	100644 blob $commit1
+	100644 blob $commit2
+	100644 blob $commit3
+	cat expect.unsorted | sort >expect &&
+	git cat-file -p refs/notes/foobar~2^{tree} | sed "s/ [0-9a-f]*	/ /" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-echo "$note1_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify first note for first commit' \
-	'git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar~2:$commit1 >actual && test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify first note for first commit' '
+	echo "$note1_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar~2:$commit1 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-echo "$note2_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify first note for second commit' \
-	'git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar~2:$commit2 >actual && test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify first note for second commit' '
+	echo "$note2_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar~2:$commit2 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-echo "$note3_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify first note for third commit' \
-	'git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar~2:$commit3 >actual && test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify first note for third commit' '
+	echo "$note3_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar~2:$commit3 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<EOF
-parent `git rev-parse --verify refs/notes/foobar~2`
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify second notes commit' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	parent `git rev-parse --verify refs/notes/foobar~2`
-notes (:10)
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify second notes commit' \
-	'git cat-file commit refs/notes/foobar^ | sed 1d >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual'
+	notes (:10)
+	git cat-file commit refs/notes/foobar^ | sed 1d >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect.unsorted <<EOF
-100644 blob $commit1
-100644 blob $commit2
-100644 blob $commit3
-cat expect.unsorted | sort >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify second notes tree' \
-	'git cat-file -p refs/notes/foobar^^{tree} | sed "s/ [0-9a-f]*	/ /" >actual &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify second notes tree' '
+	cat >expect.unsorted <<-EOF &&
+	100644 blob $commit1
+	100644 blob $commit2
+	100644 blob $commit3
+	cat expect.unsorted | sort >expect &&
+	git cat-file -p refs/notes/foobar^^{tree} | sed "s/ [0-9a-f]*	/ /" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-echo "$note1b_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify second note for first commit' \
-	'git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar^:$commit1 >actual && test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify second note for first commit' '
+	echo "$note1b_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar^:$commit1 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-echo "$note2_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify first note for second commit' \
-	'git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar^:$commit2 >actual && test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify first note for second commit' '
+	echo "$note2_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar^:$commit2 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-echo "$note3_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify first note for third commit' \
-	'git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar^:$commit3 >actual && test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify first note for third commit' '
+	echo "$note3_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar^:$commit3 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<EOF
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify third notes commit' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-notes (:11)
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify third notes commit' \
-	'git cat-file commit refs/notes/foobar2 | sed 1d >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual'
+	notes (:11)
+	git cat-file commit refs/notes/foobar2 | sed 1d >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect.unsorted <<EOF
-100644 blob $commit1
-cat expect.unsorted | sort >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify third notes tree' \
-	'git cat-file -p refs/notes/foobar2^{tree} | sed "s/ [0-9a-f]*	/ /" >actual &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify third notes tree' '
+	cat >expect.unsorted <<-EOF &&
+	100644 blob $commit1
+	cat expect.unsorted | sort >expect &&
+	git cat-file -p refs/notes/foobar2^{tree} | sed "s/ [0-9a-f]*	/ /" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-echo "$note1c_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify third note for first commit' \
-	'git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar2:$commit1 >actual && test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify third note for first commit' '
+	echo "$note1c_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar2:$commit1 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<EOF
-parent `git rev-parse --verify refs/notes/foobar^`
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify fourth notes commit' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	parent `git rev-parse --verify refs/notes/foobar^`
-notes (:12)
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify fourth notes commit' \
-	'git cat-file commit refs/notes/foobar | sed 1d >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual'
+	notes (:12)
+	git cat-file commit refs/notes/foobar | sed 1d >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect.unsorted <<EOF
-100644 blob $commit2
-cat expect.unsorted | sort >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify fourth notes tree' \
-	'git cat-file -p refs/notes/foobar^{tree} | sed "s/ [0-9a-f]*	/ /" >actual &&
-	 test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify fourth notes tree' '
+	cat >expect.unsorted <<-EOF &&
+	100644 blob $commit2
+	cat expect.unsorted | sort >expect &&
+	git cat-file -p refs/notes/foobar^{tree} | sed "s/ [0-9a-f]*	/ /" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-echo "$note2b_data" >expect
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: verify second note for second commit' \
-	'git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar:$commit2 >actual && test_cmp expect actual'
+test_expect_success 'Q: verify second note for second commit' '
+	echo "$note2b_data" >expect &&
+	git cat-file blob refs/notes/foobar:$commit2 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >input <<EOF
-reset refs/heads/Q0
+test_expect_success 'Q: deny note on empty branch' '
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	reset refs/heads/Q0
-commit refs/heads/note-Q0
-data <<COMMIT
-Note for an empty branch.
+	commit refs/heads/note-Q0
+	data <<COMMIT
+	Note for an empty branch.
-N inline refs/heads/Q0
-data <<NOTE
-some note
-test_expect_success \
-	'Q: deny note on empty branch' \
-	'test_must_fail git fast-import <input'
+	N inline refs/heads/Q0
+	data <<NOTE
+	some note
+	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
 ### series R (feature and option)
-cat >input <<EOF
-feature no-such-feature-exists
 test_expect_success 'R: abort on unsupported feature' '
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	feature no-such-feature-exists
 	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
-cat >input <<EOF
-feature date-format=now
 test_expect_success 'R: supported feature is accepted' '
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	feature date-format=now
 	git fast-import <input
-cat >input << EOF
-data 3
-feature date-format=now
 test_expect_success 'R: abort on receiving feature after data command' '
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	blob
+	data 3
+	hi
+	feature date-format=now
 	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
-cat >input << EOF
-feature import-marks=git.marks
-feature import-marks=git2.marks
 test_expect_success 'R: only one import-marks feature allowed per stream' '
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	feature import-marks=git.marks
+	feature import-marks=git2.marks
 	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
-cat >input << EOF
-feature export-marks=git.marks
-mark :1
-data 3
+test_expect_success 'R: export-marks feature results in a marks file being created' '
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	feature export-marks=git.marks
+	blob
+	mark :1
+	data 3
+	hi
-test_expect_success \
-    'R: export-marks feature results in a marks file being created' \
-    'cat input | git fast-import &&
-    grep :1 git.marks'
+	cat input | git fast-import &&
+	grep :1 git.marks
-test_expect_success \
-    'R: export-marks options can be overridden by commandline options' \
-    'cat input | git fast-import --export-marks=other.marks &&
-    grep :1 other.marks'
+test_expect_success 'R: export-marks options can be overridden by commandline options' '
+	cat input | git fast-import --export-marks=other.marks &&
+	grep :1 other.marks
 test_expect_success 'R: catch typo in marks file name' '
 	test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=nonexistent.marks </dev/null &&
@@ -2234,62 +2248,62 @@
 	test_cmp expect io.marks
-cat >input << EOF
-feature import-marks=marks.out
+test_expect_success 'R: import to output marks works without any content' '
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	feature import-marks=marks.out
+	feature
-test_expect_success \
-    'R: import to output marks works without any content' \
-    'cat input | git fast-import &&
-    test_cmp marks.out'
+	cat input | git fast-import &&
+	test_cmp marks.out
-cat >input <<EOF
-feature import-marks=nonexistent.marks
+test_expect_success 'R: import marks prefers commandline marks file over the stream' '
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	feature import-marks=nonexistent.marks
+	feature
-test_expect_success \
-    'R: import marks prefers commandline marks file over the stream' \
-    'cat input | git fast-import --import-marks=marks.out &&
-    test_cmp marks.out'
+	cat input | git fast-import --import-marks=marks.out &&
+	test_cmp marks.out
-cat >input <<EOF
-feature import-marks=nonexistent.marks
-feature export-marks=combined.marks
 test_expect_success 'R: multiple --import-marks= should be honoured' '
-    head -n2 marks.out > one.marks &&
-    tail -n +3 marks.out > two.marks &&
-    git fast-import --import-marks=one.marks --import-marks=two.marks <input &&
-    test_cmp marks.out combined.marks
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	feature import-marks=nonexistent.marks
+	feature export-marks=combined.marks
-cat >input <<EOF
-feature relative-marks
-feature export-marks=relative.out
+	head -n2 marks.out > one.marks &&
+	tail -n +3 marks.out > two.marks &&
+	git fast-import --import-marks=one.marks --import-marks=two.marks <input &&
+	test_cmp marks.out combined.marks
 test_expect_success 'R: feature relative-marks should be honoured' '
-    mkdir -p .git/info/fast-import/ &&
-    cp .git/info/fast-import/ &&
-    git fast-import <input &&
-    test_cmp .git/info/fast-import/relative.out
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	feature relative-marks
+	feature
+	feature export-marks=relative.out
+	mkdir -p .git/info/fast-import/ &&
+	cp .git/info/fast-import/ &&
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	test_cmp .git/info/fast-import/relative.out
-cat >input <<EOF
-feature relative-marks
-feature no-relative-marks
-feature export-marks=non-relative.out
 test_expect_success 'R: feature no-relative-marks should be honoured' '
-    git fast-import <input &&
-    test_cmp non-relative.out
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	feature relative-marks
+	feature
+	feature no-relative-marks
+	feature export-marks=non-relative.out
+	git fast-import <input &&
+	test_cmp non-relative.out
 test_expect_success 'R: feature ls supported' '
@@ -2330,12 +2344,12 @@
 	cat-blob $blob
 	test_cmp expect actual.3 &&
-	test_cmp empty actual.1 &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.1 &&
 	git fast-import 3>actual.3 >actual.1 <<-EOF &&
 	option cat-blob-fd=3
 	cat-blob $blob
-	test_cmp empty actual.3 &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.3 &&
 	test_cmp expect actual.1
@@ -2549,17 +2563,17 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >input << EOF
-option git quiet
-data 3
 test_expect_success 'R: quiet option results in no stats being output' '
-    cat input | git fast-import 2> output &&
-    test_cmp empty output
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	option git quiet
+	blob
+	data 3
+	hi
+	cat input | git fast-import 2> output &&
+	test_must_be_empty output
 test_expect_success 'R: feature done means terminating "done" is mandatory' '
@@ -2604,16 +2618,16 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >input <<EOF
-option git non-existing-option
 test_expect_success 'R: die on unknown option' '
-    test_must_fail git fast-import <input
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	option git non-existing-option
+	test_must_fail git fast-import <input
 test_expect_success 'R: unknown commandline options are rejected' '\
-    test_must_fail git fast-import --non-existing-option < /dev/null
+	test_must_fail git fast-import --non-existing-option < /dev/null
 test_expect_success 'R: die on invalid option argument' '
@@ -2624,41 +2638,41 @@
 	test_must_fail git fast-import --depth="5 elephants" </dev/null
-cat >input <<EOF
-option non-existing-vcs non-existing-option
 test_expect_success 'R: ignore non-git options' '
-    git fast-import <input
+	cat >input <<-EOF &&
+	option non-existing-vcs non-existing-option
+	git fast-import <input
 ## R: very large blobs
-blobsize=$((2*1024*1024 + 53))
-test-genrandom bar $blobsize >expect
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/big-file
-data <<COMMIT
-R - big file
+test_expect_success 'R: blob bigger than threshold' '
+	blobsize=$((2*1024*1024 + 53)) &&
+	test-genrandom bar $blobsize >expect &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/big-file
+	data <<COMMIT
+	R - big file
-M 644 inline big1
-data $blobsize
-cat expect >>input
-cat >>input <<INPUT_END
-M 644 inline big2
-data $blobsize
-cat expect >>input
-echo >>input
+	M 644 inline big1
+	data $blobsize
+	cat expect >>input &&
+	cat >>input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	M 644 inline big2
+	data $blobsize
+	cat expect >>input &&
+	echo >>input &&
-test_expect_success \
-	'R: blob bigger than threshold' \
-	'test_create_repo R &&
-	 git --git-dir=R/.git fast-import --big-file-threshold=1 <input'
+	test_create_repo R &&
+	git --git-dir=R/.git fast-import --big-file-threshold=1 <input
 test_expect_success 'R: verify created pack' '
@@ -2667,17 +2681,18 @@
-test_expect_success \
-	'R: verify written objects' \
-	'git --git-dir=R/.git cat-file blob big-file:big1 >actual &&
-	 test_cmp_bin expect actual &&
-	 a=$(git --git-dir=R/.git rev-parse big-file:big1) &&
-	 b=$(git --git-dir=R/.git rev-parse big-file:big2) &&
-	 test $a = $b'
-test_expect_success \
-	'R: blob appears only once' \
-	'n=$(grep $a verify | wc -l) &&
-	 test 1 = $n'
+test_expect_success 'R: verify written objects' '
+	git --git-dir=R/.git cat-file blob big-file:big1 >actual &&
+	test_cmp_bin expect actual &&
+	a=$(git --git-dir=R/.git rev-parse big-file:big1) &&
+	b=$(git --git-dir=R/.git rev-parse big-file:big2) &&
+	test $a = $b
+test_expect_success 'R: blob appears only once' '
+	n=$(grep $a verify | wc -l) &&
+	test 1 = $n
 ### series S
@@ -2710,46 +2725,46 @@
 #   Invalid dataref ..
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/S
-mark :301
-data <<COMMIT
-commit 1
-M 100644 inline hello.c
-data <<BLOB
-blob 1
-commit refs/heads/S
-mark :302
-data <<COMMIT
-commit 2
-from :301
-M 100644 inline hello.c
-data <<BLOB
-blob 2
-mark :403
-data <<BLOB
-blob 3
-mark :202
-data <<BLOB
-note 2
 test_expect_success 'S: initialize for S tests' '
+	test_tick &&
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/S
+	mark :301
+	data <<COMMIT
+	commit 1
+	M 100644 inline hello.c
+	data <<BLOB
+	blob 1
+	commit refs/heads/S
+	mark :302
+	data <<COMMIT
+	commit 2
+	from :301
+	M 100644 inline hello.c
+	data <<BLOB
+	blob 2
+	blob
+	mark :403
+	data <<BLOB
+	blob 3
+	blob
+	mark :202
+	data <<BLOB
+	note 2
 	git fast-import --export-marks=marks <input
@@ -3001,103 +3016,103 @@
 ### series U (filedelete)
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/U
-data <<COMMIT
-test setup
-M 100644 inline hello.c
-data <<BLOB
-blob 1
-M 100644 inline good/night.txt
-data <<BLOB
-sleep well
-M 100644 inline good/bye.txt
-data <<BLOB
-au revoir
 test_expect_success 'U: initialize for U tests' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/U
+	data <<COMMIT
+	test setup
+	M 100644 inline hello.c
+	data <<BLOB
+	blob 1
+	M 100644 inline good/night.txt
+	data <<BLOB
+	sleep well
+	M 100644 inline good/bye.txt
+	data <<BLOB
+	au revoir
 	git fast-import <input
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/U
-data <<COMMIT
-delete good/night.txt
-from refs/heads/U^0
-D good/night.txt
 test_expect_success 'U: filedelete file succeeds' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/U
+	data <<COMMIT
+	delete good/night.txt
+	from refs/heads/U^0
+	D good/night.txt
 	git fast-import <input
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:100644 000000 2907ebb4bf85d91bf0716bb3bd8a68ef48d6da76 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	good/night.txt
-git diff-tree -M -r U^1 U >actual
 test_expect_success 'U: validate file delete result' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:100644 000000 2907ebb4bf85d91bf0716bb3bd8a68ef48d6da76 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	good/night.txt
+	git diff-tree -M -r U^1 U >actual &&
 	compare_diff_raw expect actual
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/U
-data <<COMMIT
-delete good dir
-from refs/heads/U^0
-D good
 test_expect_success 'U: filedelete directory succeeds' '
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/U
+	data <<COMMIT
+	delete good dir
+	from refs/heads/U^0
+	D good
 	git fast-import <input
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:100644 000000 69cb75792f55123d8389c156b0b41c2ff00ed507 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	good/bye.txt
-git diff-tree -M -r U^1 U >actual
 test_expect_success 'U: validate directory delete result' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:100644 000000 69cb75792f55123d8389c156b0b41c2ff00ed507 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	good/bye.txt
+	git diff-tree -M -r U^1 U >actual &&
 	compare_diff_raw expect actual
-cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/U
-data <<COMMIT
-must succeed
-from refs/heads/U^0
-D ""
 test_expect_success 'U: filedelete root succeeds' '
-    git fast-import <input
+	cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
+	commit refs/heads/U
+	data <<COMMIT
+	must succeed
+	from refs/heads/U^0
+	D ""
+	git fast-import <input
-cat >expect <<EOF
-:100644 000000 c18147dc648481eeb65dc5e66628429a64843327 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	hello.c
-git diff-tree -M -r U^1 U >actual
 test_expect_success 'U: validate root delete result' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:100644 000000 c18147dc648481eeb65dc5e66628429a64843327 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	hello.c
+	git diff-tree -M -r U^1 U >actual &&
 	compare_diff_raw expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4cff6a7..37b42d0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -417,11 +417,8 @@
 		! p4 fstat -T action text &&
 		test_path_is_file text+x &&
 		! p4 fstat -T action text+x &&
-		if test_have_prereq !CYGWIN
-		then
-			stat --format=%A text | egrep ^-r-- &&
-			stat --format=%A text+x | egrep ^-r-x
-		fi
+		ls -l text | egrep ^-r-- &&
+		ls -l text+x | egrep ^-r-x
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 78f1d0f..d808c00 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
 . ./
+if test_have_prereq CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS
+	skip_all='skipping P4 case-folding tests; case insensitive file system detected'
+	test_done
 test_expect_success 'start p4d with case folding enabled' '
 	start_p4d -C1
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7b83e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+test_description='Clone repositories with non ASCII paths'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'start p4d' '
+	start_p4d
+test_expect_success 'Create a repo containing iso8859-1 encoded paths' '
+	(
+		cd "$cli" &&
+		ISO8859="$(printf "$ISO8859_ESCAPED")" &&
+		echo content123 >"$ISO8859" &&
+		p4 add "$ISO8859" &&
+		p4 submit -d "test commit"
+	)
+test_expect_failure 'Clone auto-detects depot with iso8859-1 paths' '
+	git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot &&
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		UTF8="$(printf "$UTF8_ESCAPED")" &&
+		echo "$UTF8" >expect &&
+		git -c core.quotepath=false ls-files >actual &&
+		test_cmp expect actual
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Clone repo containing iso8859-1 encoded paths with git-p4.pathEncoding' '
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init . &&
+		git config git-p4.pathEncoding iso8859-1 &&
+		git p4 clone --use-client-spec --destination="$git" //depot &&
+		UTF8="$(printf "$UTF8_ESCAPED")" &&
+		echo "$UTF8" >expect &&
+		git -c core.quotepath=false ls-files >actual &&
+		test_cmp expect actual &&
+		echo content123 >expect &&
+		cat "$UTF8" >actual &&
+		test_cmp expect actual
+	)
+test_expect_success 'kill p4d' '
+	kill_p4d
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1f2dc36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+test_description='Clone repositories and store files in Mock LFS'
+. ./
+test_file_is_not_in_mock_lfs () {
+	FILE="$1" &&
+	CONTENT="$2" &&
+	echo "$CONTENT" >expect_content &&
+	test_path_is_file "$FILE" &&
+	test_cmp expect_content "$FILE"
+test_file_is_in_mock_lfs () {
+	FILE="$1" &&
+	CONTENT="$2" &&
+	LOCAL_STORAGE=".git/mock-storage/local/$CONTENT" &&
+	SERVER_STORAGE=".git/mock-storage/remote/$CONTENT" &&
+	echo "pointer-$CONTENT" >expect_pointer &&
+	echo "$CONTENT" >expect_content &&
+	test_path_is_file "$FILE" &&
+	test_path_is_file "$LOCAL_STORAGE" &&
+	test_path_is_file "$SERVER_STORAGE" &&
+	test_cmp expect_pointer "$FILE" &&
+	test_cmp expect_content "$LOCAL_STORAGE" &&
+	test_cmp expect_content "$SERVER_STORAGE"
+test_file_is_deleted_in_mock_lfs () {
+	FILE="$1" &&
+	CONTENT="$2" &&
+	LOCAL_STORAGE=".git/mock-storage/local/$CONTENT" &&
+	SERVER_STORAGE=".git/mock-storage/remote/$CONTENT" &&
+	echo "pointer-$CONTENT" >expect_pointer &&
+	echo "$CONTENT" >expect_content &&
+	test_path_is_missing "$FILE" &&
+	test_path_is_file "$LOCAL_STORAGE" &&
+	test_path_is_file "$SERVER_STORAGE" &&
+	test_cmp expect_content "$LOCAL_STORAGE" &&
+	test_cmp expect_content "$SERVER_STORAGE"
+test_file_count_in_dir () {
+	DIR="$1" &&
+	find "$DIR" -type f >actual &&
+	test_line_count = $EXPECTED_COUNT actual
+test_expect_success 'start p4d' '
+	start_p4d
+test_expect_success 'Create repo with binary files' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	(
+		cd "$cli" &&
+		echo "content 1 txt 23 bytes" >file1.txt &&
+		p4 add file1.txt &&
+		echo "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" >file2.dat &&
+		p4 add file2.dat &&
+		p4 submit -d "Add text and binary file" &&
+		mkdir "path with spaces" &&
+		echo "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" >"path with spaces/file3.bin" &&
+		p4 add "path with spaces/file3.bin" &&
+		p4 submit -d "Add another binary file with same content and spaces in path" &&
+		echo "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" >file4.bin &&
+		p4 add file4.bin &&
+		p4 submit -d "Add another binary file with different content"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Store files in Mock LFS based on size (>24 bytes)' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init . &&
+		git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileSystem MockLFS &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 24 &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFilePush True &&
+		git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all &&
+		test_file_is_not_in_mock_lfs file1.txt "content 1 txt 23 bytes" &&
+		test_file_is_in_mock_lfs file2.dat "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_is_in_mock_lfs "path with spaces/file3.bin" "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_is_in_mock_lfs file4.bin "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/mock-storage/local" 2 &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/mock-storage/remote" 2
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Store files in Mock LFS based on extension (dat)' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init . &&
+		git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileSystem MockLFS &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileExtensions dat &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFilePush True &&
+		git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all &&
+		test_file_is_not_in_mock_lfs file1.txt "content 1 txt 23 bytes" &&
+		test_file_is_in_mock_lfs file2.dat "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_is_not_in_mock_lfs "path with spaces/file3.bin" "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_is_not_in_mock_lfs file4.bin "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/mock-storage/local" 1 &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/mock-storage/remote" 1
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Store files in Mock LFS based on extension (dat) and use git p4 sync and no client spec' '
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init &&
+		git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileSystem MockLFS &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileExtensions dat &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFilePush True &&
+		git p4 sync //depot &&
+		git checkout p4/master &&
+		test_file_is_not_in_mock_lfs file1.txt "content 1 txt 23 bytes" &&
+		test_file_is_in_mock_lfs file2.dat "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_is_not_in_mock_lfs "path with spaces/file3.bin" "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_is_not_in_mock_lfs file4.bin "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/mock-storage/local" 1 &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/mock-storage/remote" 1
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Remove file from repo and store files in Mock LFS based on size (>24 bytes)' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	(
+		cd "$cli" &&
+		p4 delete file4.bin &&
+		p4 submit -d "Remove file"
+	) &&
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init . &&
+		git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileSystem MockLFS &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 24 &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFilePush True &&
+		git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all &&
+		test_file_is_not_in_mock_lfs file1.txt "content 1 txt 23 bytes" &&
+		test_file_is_in_mock_lfs file2.dat "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_is_in_mock_lfs "path with spaces/file3.bin" "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_is_deleted_in_mock_lfs file4.bin "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/mock-storage/local" 2 &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/mock-storage/remote" 2
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Run git p4 submit in repo configured with large file system' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init . &&
+		git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileSystem MockLFS &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 24 &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFilePush True &&
+		git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all &&
+		test_must_fail git p4 submit
+	)
+test_expect_success 'kill p4d' '
+	kill_p4d
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0b664a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+test_description='Clone repositories and store files in Git LFS'
+. ./
+git lfs help >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
+	skip_all='skipping git p4 Git LFS tests; Git LFS not found'
+	test_done
+test_file_in_lfs () {
+	FILE="$1" &&
+	SIZE="$2" &&
+	cat "$FILE" | grep "size $SIZE" &&
+	HASH=$(cat "$FILE" | grep "oid sha256:" | sed -e "s/oid sha256://g") &&
+	LFS_FILE=".git/lfs/objects/$(echo "$HASH" | cut -c1-2)/$(echo "$HASH" | cut -c3-4)/$HASH" &&
+	echo $EXPECTED_CONTENT >expect &&
+	test_path_is_file "$FILE" &&
+	test_path_is_file "$LFS_FILE" &&
+	test_cmp expect "$LFS_FILE"
+test_file_count_in_dir () {
+	DIR="$1" &&
+	find "$DIR" -type f >actual &&
+	test_line_count = $EXPECTED_COUNT actual
+test_expect_success 'start p4d' '
+	start_p4d
+test_expect_success 'Create repo with binary files' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	(
+		cd "$cli" &&
+		echo "content 1 txt 23 bytes" >file1.txt &&
+		p4 add file1.txt &&
+		echo "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" >file2.dat &&
+		p4 add file2.dat &&
+		p4 submit -d "Add text and binary file" &&
+		mkdir "path with spaces" &&
+		echo "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" >"path with spaces/file3.bin" &&
+		p4 add "path with spaces/file3.bin" &&
+		p4 submit -d "Add another binary file with same content and spaces in path" &&
+		echo "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" >file4.bin &&
+		p4 add file4.bin &&
+		p4 submit -d "Add another binary file with different content"
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Store files in LFS based on size (>24 bytes)' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init . &&
+		git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 24 &&
+		git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all &&
+		test_file_in_lfs file2.dat 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_in_lfs "path with spaces/file3.bin" 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_in_lfs file4.bin 26 "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 2 &&
+		cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+		#
+		# Git LFS (see
+		#
+		/file2.dat filter=lfs -text
+		/file4.bin filter=lfs -text
+		/path[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]spaces/file3.bin filter=lfs -text
+		EOF
+		test_path_is_file .gitattributes &&
+		test_cmp expect .gitattributes
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Store files in LFS based on size (>25 bytes)' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init . &&
+		git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 25 &&
+		git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all &&
+		test_file_in_lfs file4.bin 26 "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 1 &&
+		cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+		#
+		# Git LFS (see
+		#
+		/file4.bin filter=lfs -text
+		EOF
+		test_path_is_file .gitattributes &&
+		test_cmp expect .gitattributes
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Store files in LFS based on extension (dat)' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init . &&
+		git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileExtensions dat &&
+		git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all &&
+		test_file_in_lfs file2.dat 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 1 &&
+		cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+		#
+		# Git LFS (see
+		#
+		*.dat filter=lfs -text
+		EOF
+		test_path_is_file .gitattributes &&
+		test_cmp expect .gitattributes
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Store files in LFS based on size (>25 bytes) and extension (dat)' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init . &&
+		git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileExtensions dat &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 25 &&
+		git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all &&
+		test_file_in_lfs file2.dat 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_in_lfs file4.bin 26 "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 2 &&
+		cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+		#
+		# Git LFS (see
+		#
+		*.dat filter=lfs -text
+		/file4.bin filter=lfs -text
+		EOF
+		test_path_is_file .gitattributes &&
+		test_cmp expect .gitattributes
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Remove file from repo and store files in LFS based on size (>24 bytes)' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	(
+		cd "$cli" &&
+		p4 delete file4.bin &&
+		p4 submit -d "Remove file"
+	) &&
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init . &&
+		git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 24 &&
+		git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all &&
+		test_file_in_lfs file2.dat 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_in_lfs "path with spaces/file3.bin" 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_path_is_missing file4.bin &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 2 &&
+		cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+		#
+		# Git LFS (see
+		#
+		/file2.dat filter=lfs -text
+		/path[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]spaces/file3.bin filter=lfs -text
+		EOF
+		test_path_is_file .gitattributes &&
+		test_cmp expect .gitattributes
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Add .gitattributes and store files in LFS based on size (>24 bytes)' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	(
+		cd "$cli" &&
+		echo "*.txt text" >.gitattributes &&
+		p4 add .gitattributes &&
+		p4 submit -d "Add .gitattributes"
+	) &&
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init . &&
+		git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 24 &&
+		git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all &&
+		test_file_in_lfs file2.dat 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_file_in_lfs "path with spaces/file3.bin" 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" &&
+		test_path_is_missing file4.bin &&
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 2 &&
+		cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+		*.txt text
+		#
+		# Git LFS (see
+		#
+		/file2.dat filter=lfs -text
+		/path[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]spaces/file3.bin filter=lfs -text
+		EOF
+		test_path_is_file .gitattributes &&
+		test_cmp expect .gitattributes
+	)
+test_expect_success 'Add big files to repo and store files in LFS based on compressed size (>28 bytes)' '
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	(
+		cd "$cli" &&
+		echo "content 5 bin 40 bytes XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" >file5.bin &&
+		p4 add file5.bin &&
+		p4 submit -d "Add file with small footprint after compression" &&
+		echo "content 6 bin 39 bytes XXXXXYYYYYZZZZZ" >file6.bin &&
+		p4 add file6.bin &&
+		p4 submit -d "Add file with large footprint after compression"
+	) &&
+	client_view "//depot/... //client/..." &&
+	test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+	(
+		cd "$git" &&
+		git init . &&
+		git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS &&
+		git config git-p4.largeFileCompressedThreshold 28 &&
+		# We only import HEAD here ("@all" is missing!)
+		git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot &&
+		test_file_in_lfs file6.bin 13 "content 6 bin 39 bytes XXXXXYYYYYZZZZZ"
+		test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 1 &&
+		cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+		*.txt text
+		#
+		# Git LFS (see
+		#
+		/file6.bin filter=lfs -text
+		EOF
+		test_path_is_file .gitattributes &&
+		test_cmp expect .gitattributes
+	)
+test_expect_success 'kill p4d' '
+	kill_p4d
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6dffb8b..c64e5a5 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -145,6 +145,14 @@
+# Wrap git in gdb. Adding this to a command can make it easier to
+# understand what is going on in a failing test.
+# Example: "debug git checkout master".
+debug () {
+	 GIT_TEST_GDB=1 "$@"
 # Call test_commit with the arguments "<message> [<file> [<contents> [<tag>]]]"
 # This will commit a file with the given contents and the given commit
@@ -561,6 +569,21 @@
+# Returns success if a comma separated string of keywords ($1) contains a
+# given keyword ($2).
+# Examples:
+# `list_contains "foo,bar" bar` returns 0
+# `list_contains "foo" bar` returns 1
+list_contains () {
+	case ",$1," in
+	*,$2,*)
+		return 0
+		;;
+	esac
+	return 1
 # This is not among top-level (test_expect_success | test_expect_failure)
 # but is a prefix that can be used in the test script, like:
@@ -574,18 +597,34 @@
 # the failure could be due to a segv.  We want a controlled failure.
 test_must_fail () {
+	case "$1" in
+	ok=*)
+		_test_ok=${1#ok=}
+		shift
+		;;
+	*)
+		_test_ok=
+		;;
+	esac
-	if test $exit_code = 0; then
+	if test $exit_code -eq 0 && ! list_contains "$_test_ok" success
+	then
 		echo >&2 "test_must_fail: command succeeded: $*"
 		return 1
-	elif test $exit_code -gt 129 && test $exit_code -le 192; then
+	elif test $exit_code -eq 141 && list_contains "$_test_ok" sigpipe
+	then
+		return 0
+	elif test $exit_code -gt 129 && test $exit_code -le 192
+	then
 		echo >&2 "test_must_fail: died by signal: $*"
 		return 1
-	elif test $exit_code = 127; then
+	elif test $exit_code -eq 127
+	then
 		echo >&2 "test_must_fail: command not found: $*"
 		return 1
-	elif test $exit_code = 126; then
+	elif test $exit_code -eq 126
+	then
 		echo >&2 "test_must_fail: valgrind error: $*"
 		return 1
@@ -604,16 +643,7 @@
 # because we want to notice if it fails due to segv.
 test_might_fail () {
-	"$@"
-	exit_code=$?
-	if test $exit_code -gt 129 && test $exit_code -le 192; then
-		echo >&2 "test_might_fail: died by signal: $*"
-		return 1
-	elif test $exit_code = 127; then
-		echo >&2 "test_might_fail: command not found: $*"
-		return 1
-	fi
-	return 0
+	test_must_fail ok=success "$@"
 # Similar to test_must_fail and test_might_fail, but check that a
diff --git a/tag.c b/tag.c
index 5b0ac62..d72f742 100644
--- a/tag.c
+++ b/tag.c
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 	while (o && o->type == OBJ_TAG)
 		if (((struct tag *)o)->tagged)
-			o = parse_object(((struct tag *)o)->tagged->sha1);
+			o = parse_object(((struct tag *)o)->tagged->oid.hash);
 			o = NULL;
 	if (!o && warn) {
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 struct object *deref_tag_noverify(struct object *o)
 	while (o && o->type == OBJ_TAG) {
-		o = parse_object(o->sha1);
+		o = parse_object(o->oid.hash);
 		if (o && o->type == OBJ_TAG && ((struct tag *)o)->tagged)
 			o = ((struct tag *)o)->tagged;
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 	nl = memchr(bufptr, '\n', tail - bufptr);
 	if (!nl || sizeof(type) <= (nl - bufptr))
 		return -1;
-	strncpy(type, bufptr, nl - bufptr);
+	memcpy(type, bufptr, nl - bufptr);
 	type[nl - bufptr] = '\0';
 	bufptr = nl + 1;
@@ -127,14 +127,14 @@
 	if (item->object.parsed)
 		return 0;
-	data = read_sha1_file(item->object.sha1, &type, &size);
+	data = read_sha1_file(item->object.oid.hash, &type, &size);
 	if (!data)
 		return error("Could not read %s",
-			     sha1_to_hex(item->object.sha1));
+			     oid_to_hex(&item->object.oid));
 	if (type != OBJ_TAG) {
 		return error("Object %s not a tag",
-			     sha1_to_hex(item->object.sha1));
+			     oid_to_hex(&item->object.oid));
 	ret = parse_tag_buffer(item, data, size);
diff --git a/test-dump-cache-tree.c b/test-dump-cache-tree.c
index 54c0872..bb53c0a 100644
--- a/test-dump-cache-tree.c
+++ b/test-dump-cache-tree.c
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 		struct cache_tree_sub *rdwn;
 		rdwn = cache_tree_sub(ref, down->name);
-		sprintf(path, "%s%.*s/", pfx, down->namelen, down->name);
+		xsnprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%.*s/", pfx, down->namelen, down->name);
 		if (dump_cache_tree(down->cache_tree, rdwn->cache_tree, path))
 			errs = 1;
diff --git a/test-match-trees.c b/test-match-trees.c
index 2ef725e..109f03e 100644
--- a/test-match-trees.c
+++ b/test-match-trees.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 	if (!two)
 		die("not a tree-ish %s", av[2]);
-	shift_tree(one->object.sha1, two->object.sha1, shifted, -1);
+	shift_tree(one->object.oid.hash, two->object.oid.hash, shifted, -1);
 	printf("shifted: %s\n", sha1_to_hex(shifted));
diff --git a/trace.c b/trace.c
index 7393926..4aeea60 100644
--- a/trace.c
+++ b/trace.c
@@ -277,25 +277,24 @@
 static const char *quote_crnl(const char *path)
-	static char new_path[PATH_MAX];
-	const char *p2 = path;
-	char *p1 = new_path;
+	static struct strbuf new_path = STRBUF_INIT;
 	if (!path)
 		return NULL;
-	while (*p2) {
-		switch (*p2) {
-		case '\\': *p1++ = '\\'; *p1++ = '\\'; break;
-		case '\n': *p1++ = '\\'; *p1++ = 'n'; break;
-		case '\r': *p1++ = '\\'; *p1++ = 'r'; break;
+	strbuf_reset(&new_path);
+	while (*path) {
+		switch (*path) {
+		case '\\': strbuf_addstr(&new_path, "\\\\"); break;
+		case '\n': strbuf_addstr(&new_path, "\\n"); break;
+		case '\r': strbuf_addstr(&new_path, "\\r"); break;
-			*p1++ = *p2;
+			strbuf_addch(&new_path, *path);
-		p2++;
+		path++;
-	*p1 = '\0';
-	return new_path;
+	return new_path.buf;
 /* FIXME: move prefix to startup_info struct and get rid of this arg */
diff --git a/transport-helper.c b/transport-helper.c
index 63d5427..0eb3cf0 100644
--- a/transport-helper.c
+++ b/transport-helper.c
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
 		strbuf_addf(&buf, "fetch %s %s\n",
-			    sha1_to_hex(posn->old_sha1),
+			    oid_to_hex(&posn->old_oid),
 			    posn->symref ? posn->symref : posn->name);
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@
 			private = xstrdup(name);
 		if (private) {
-			if (read_ref(private, posn->old_sha1) < 0)
+			if (read_ref(private, posn->old_oid.hash) < 0)
 				die("Could not read ref %s", private);
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
 		private = apply_refspecs(data->refspecs, data->refspec_nr, ref->name);
 		if (!private)
-		update_ref("update by helper", private, ref->new_sha1, NULL, 0, 0);
+		update_ref("update by helper", private, ref->new_oid.hash, NULL, 0, 0);
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@
 			if (ref->peer_ref)
 				strbuf_addstr(&buf, ref->peer_ref->name);
-				strbuf_addstr(&buf, sha1_to_hex(ref->new_sha1));
+				strbuf_addstr(&buf, oid_to_hex(&ref->new_oid));
 		strbuf_addch(&buf, ':');
 		strbuf_addstr(&buf, ref->name);
@@ -827,14 +827,14 @@
 		 * The "--force-with-lease" options without explicit
 		 * values to expect have already been expanded into
-		 * the ref->old_sha1_expect[] field; we can ignore
+		 * the ref->old_oid_expect[] field; we can ignore
 		 * transport->smart_options->cas altogether and instead
 		 * can enumerate them from the refs.
 		if (ref->expect_old_sha1) {
 			struct strbuf cas = STRBUF_INIT;
 			strbuf_addf(&cas, "%s:%s",
-				    ref->name, sha1_to_hex(ref->old_sha1_expect));
+				    ref->name, oid_to_hex(&ref->old_oid_expect));
 			string_list_append(&cas_options, strbuf_detach(&cas, NULL));
@@ -878,13 +878,13 @@
 	for (ref = remote_refs; ref; ref = ref->next) {
 		char *private;
-		unsigned char sha1[20];
+		struct object_id oid;
 		private = apply_refspecs(data->refspecs, data->refspec_nr, ref->name);
-		if (private && !get_sha1(private, sha1)) {
+		if (private && !get_sha1(private, oid.hash)) {
 			strbuf_addf(&buf, "^%s", private);
 			string_list_append(&revlist_args, strbuf_detach(&buf, NULL));
-			hashcpy(ref->old_sha1, sha1);
+			oidcpy(&ref->old_oid, &oid);
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@
 					name = resolve_ref_unsafe(
-						 sha1, &flag);
+						 oid.hash, &flag);
 					if (!name || !(flag & REF_ISSYMREF))
 						name = ref->peer_ref->name;
@@ -1016,12 +1016,12 @@
 		if (buf.buf[0] == '@')
 			(*tail)->symref = xstrdup(buf.buf + 1);
 		else if (buf.buf[0] != '?')
-			get_sha1_hex(buf.buf, (*tail)->old_sha1);
+			get_oid_hex(buf.buf, &(*tail)->old_oid);
 		if (eon) {
 			if (has_attribute(eon + 1, "unchanged")) {
 				(*tail)->status |= REF_STATUS_UPTODATE;
 				if (read_ref((*tail)->name,
-					     (*tail)->old_sha1) < 0)
+					     (*tail)->old_oid.hash) < 0)
 					die(N_("Could not read ref %s"),
diff --git a/transport.c b/transport.c
index 37e4f5e..67f3666 100644
--- a/transport.c
+++ b/transport.c
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 			next = alloc_ref(path->buf + name_offset);
 			if (read_in_full(fd, buffer, 40) != 40 ||
-					get_sha1_hex(buffer, next->old_sha1)) {
+					get_oid_hex(buffer, &next->old_oid)) {
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
 		if (!(*list)->next || cmp < 0) {
 			struct ref *next = alloc_ref(buffer + 41);
 			buffer[40] = '\0';
-			if (get_sha1_hex(buffer, next->old_sha1)) {
+			if (get_oid_hex(buffer, &next->old_oid)) {
 				warning ("invalid SHA-1: %s", buffer);
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
 		if (!ref->peer_ref)
-		if (is_null_sha1(ref->new_sha1))
+		if (is_null_oid(&ref->new_oid))
 		/* Follow symbolic refs (mainly for HEAD). */
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
 	for (i = 0; i < data->; i++) {
 		struct ref_list_entry *e = data->header.references.list + i;
 		struct ref *ref = alloc_ref(e->name);
-		hashcpy(ref->old_sha1, e->sha1);
+		hashcpy(ref->old_oid.hash, e->sha1);
 		ref->next = result;
 		result = ref;
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@
 			delete_ref(rs.dst, NULL, 0);
 		} else
 			update_ref("update by push", rs.dst,
-					ref->new_sha1, NULL, 0, 0);
+					ref->new_oid.hash, NULL, 0, 0);
@@ -649,29 +649,30 @@
 	if (ref->deletion)
 		print_ref_status('-', "[deleted]", ref, NULL, NULL, porcelain);
-	else if (is_null_sha1(ref->old_sha1))
+	else if (is_null_oid(&ref->old_oid))
 			(starts_with(ref->name, "refs/tags/") ? "[new tag]" :
 			"[new branch]"),
 			ref, ref->peer_ref, NULL, porcelain);
 	else {
-		char quickref[84];
+		struct strbuf quickref = STRBUF_INIT;
 		char type;
 		const char *msg;
-		strcpy(quickref, status_abbrev(ref->old_sha1));
+		strbuf_addstr(&quickref, status_abbrev(ref->old_oid.hash));
 		if (ref->forced_update) {
-			strcat(quickref, "...");
+			strbuf_addstr(&quickref, "...");
 			type = '+';
 			msg = "forced update";
 		} else {
-			strcat(quickref, "..");
+			strbuf_addstr(&quickref, "..");
 			type = ' ';
 			msg = NULL;
-		strcat(quickref, status_abbrev(ref->new_sha1));
+		strbuf_addstr(&quickref, status_abbrev(ref->new_oid.hash));
-		print_ref_status(type, quickref, ref, ref->peer_ref, msg, porcelain);
+		print_ref_status(type, quickref.buf, ref, ref->peer_ref, msg, porcelain);
+		strbuf_release(&quickref);
@@ -1139,8 +1140,8 @@
 		strbuf_addf( &buf, "%s %s %s %s\n",
-			 r->peer_ref->name, sha1_to_hex(r->new_sha1),
-			 r->name, sha1_to_hex(r->old_sha1));
+			 r->peer_ref->name, oid_to_hex(&r->new_oid),
+			 r->name, oid_to_hex(&r->old_oid));
 		if (write_in_full(, buf.buf, buf.len) < 0) {
 			/* We do not mind if a hook does not read all refs. */
@@ -1224,8 +1225,8 @@
 		if ((flags & TRANSPORT_RECURSE_SUBMODULES_ON_DEMAND) && !is_bare_repository()) {
 			struct ref *ref = remote_refs;
 			for (; ref; ref = ref->next)
-				if (!is_null_sha1(ref->new_sha1) &&
-				    !push_unpushed_submodules(ref->new_sha1,
+				if (!is_null_oid(&ref->new_oid) &&
+				    !push_unpushed_submodules(ref->new_oid.hash,
 				    die ("Failed to push all needed submodules!");
@@ -1236,8 +1237,8 @@
 			struct string_list needs_pushing = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
 			for (; ref; ref = ref->next)
-				if (!is_null_sha1(ref->new_sha1) &&
-				    find_unpushed_submodules(ref->new_sha1,
+				if (!is_null_oid(&ref->new_oid) &&
+				    find_unpushed_submodules(ref->new_oid.hash,
 					    transport->remote->name, &needs_pushing))
@@ -1290,8 +1291,8 @@
 	for (rm = refs; rm; rm = rm->next) {
 		if (rm->peer_ref &&
-		    !is_null_sha1(rm->old_sha1) &&
-		    !hashcmp(rm->peer_ref->old_sha1, rm->old_sha1))
+		    !is_null_oid(&rm->old_oid) &&
+		    !oidcmp(&rm->peer_ref->old_oid, &rm->old_oid))
 		ALLOC_GROW(heads, nr_heads + 1, nr_alloc);
 		heads[nr_heads++] = rm;
diff --git a/transport.h b/transport.h
index 4336dd3..8ebaaf2 100644
--- a/transport.h
+++ b/transport.h
@@ -74,15 +74,15 @@
 	 * Push the objects and refs. Send the necessary objects, and
 	 * then, for any refs where peer_ref is set and
-	 * peer_ref->new_sha1 is different from old_sha1, tell the
-	 * remote side to update each ref in the list from old_sha1 to
-	 * peer_ref->new_sha1.
+	 * peer_ref->new_oid is different from old_oid, tell the
+	 * remote side to update each ref in the list from old_oid to
+	 * peer_ref->new_oid.
 	 * Where possible, set the status for each ref appropriately.
 	 * The transport must modify new_sha1 in the ref to the new
 	 * value if the remote accepted the change. Note that this
-	 * could be a different value from peer_ref->new_sha1 if the
+	 * could be a different value from peer_ref->new_oid if the
 	 * process involved generating new commits.
 	int (*push_refs)(struct transport *transport, struct ref *refs, int flags);
diff --git a/tree.c b/tree.c
index 413a5b1..f79ff98 100644
--- a/tree.c
+++ b/tree.c
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
 				    base->buf, entry.path);
-			hashcpy(sha1, commit->tree->object.sha1);
+			hashcpy(sha1, commit->tree->object.oid.hash);
@@ -212,15 +212,15 @@
 	if (item->object.parsed)
 		return 0;
-	buffer = read_sha1_file(item->object.sha1, &type, &size);
+	buffer = read_sha1_file(item->object.oid.hash, &type, &size);
 	if (!buffer)
 		return quiet_on_missing ? -1 :
 			error("Could not read %s",
-			     sha1_to_hex(item->object.sha1));
+			     oid_to_hex(&item->object.oid));
 	if (type != OBJ_TREE) {
 		return error("Object %s not a tree",
-			     sha1_to_hex(item->object.sha1));
+			     oid_to_hex(&item->object.oid));
 	return parse_tree_buffer(item, buffer, size);
@@ -248,6 +248,6 @@
 			return NULL;
 		if (!obj->parsed)
-			parse_object(obj->sha1);
+			parse_object(obj->oid.hash);
 	} while (1);
diff --git a/unpack-trees.c b/unpack-trees.c
index f932e80..8e2032f 100644
--- a/unpack-trees.c
+++ b/unpack-trees.c
@@ -1350,9 +1350,7 @@
 	 * Then we need to make sure that we do not lose a locally
 	 * present file that is not ignored.
-	pathbuf = xmalloc(namelen + 2);
-	memcpy(pathbuf, ce->name, namelen);
-	strcpy(pathbuf+namelen, "/");
+	pathbuf = xstrfmt("%.*s/", namelen, ce->name);
 	memset(&d, 0, sizeof(d));
 	if (o->dir)
diff --git a/upload-pack.c b/upload-pack.c
index d0bc3ca..b3f6653 100644
--- a/upload-pack.c
+++ b/upload-pack.c
@@ -130,14 +130,14 @@
 	for (i = 0; i <; i++)
 		fprintf(pipe_fd, "%s\n",
-			sha1_to_hex(want_obj.objects[i].item->sha1));
+			oid_to_hex(&want_obj.objects[i].item->oid));
 	fprintf(pipe_fd, "--not\n");
 	for (i = 0; i <; i++)
 		fprintf(pipe_fd, "%s\n",
-			sha1_to_hex(have_obj.objects[i].item->sha1));
+			oid_to_hex(&have_obj.objects[i].item->oid));
 	for (i = 0; i <; i++)
 		fprintf(pipe_fd, "%s\n",
-			sha1_to_hex(extra_edge_obj.objects[i].item->sha1));
+			oid_to_hex(&extra_edge_obj.objects[i].item->oid));
 	fprintf(pipe_fd, "\n");
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
 		if (!commit->object.parsed)
-			parse_object(commit->object.sha1);
+			parse_object(commit->object.oid.hash);
 		if (commit->object.flags & REACHABLE)
 		commit->object.flags |= REACHABLE;
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
 		if (!is_our_ref(o))
-		memcpy(namebuf + 1, sha1_to_hex(o->sha1), 40);
+		memcpy(namebuf + 1, oid_to_hex(&o->oid), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ);
 		if (write_in_full(, namebuf, 42) < 0)
 			goto error;
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
 		o = want_obj.objects[i].item;
 		if (is_our_ref(o))
-		memcpy(namebuf, sha1_to_hex(o->sha1), 40);
+		memcpy(namebuf, oid_to_hex(&o->oid), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ);
 		if (write_in_full(, namebuf, 41) < 0)
 			goto error;
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@
 		o = want_obj.objects[i].item;
 		if (!is_our_ref(o))
 			die("git upload-pack: not our ref %s",
-			    sha1_to_hex(o->sha1));
+			    oid_to_hex(&o->oid));
@@ -646,8 +646,8 @@
 			struct object *object = &result->item->object;
 			if (!(object->flags & (CLIENT_SHALLOW|NOT_SHALLOW))) {
 				packet_write(1, "shallow %s",
-						sha1_to_hex(object->sha1));
-				register_shallow(object->sha1);
+						oid_to_hex(&object->oid));
+				register_shallow(object->oid.hash);
 			result = result->next;
@@ -658,10 +658,10 @@
 			if (object->flags & NOT_SHALLOW) {
 				struct commit_list *parents;
 				packet_write(1, "unshallow %s",
-					sha1_to_hex(object->sha1));
+					oid_to_hex(&object->oid));
 				object->flags &= ~CLIENT_SHALLOW;
 				/* make sure the real parents are parsed */
-				unregister_shallow(object->sha1);
+				unregister_shallow(object->oid.hash);
 				object->parsed = 0;
 				parse_commit_or_die((struct commit *)object);
 				parents = ((struct commit *)object)->parents;
@@ -673,14 +673,14 @@
 				add_object_array(object, NULL, &extra_edge_obj);
 			/* make sure commit traversal conforms to client */
-			register_shallow(object->sha1);
+			register_shallow(object->oid.hash);
 	} else
 		if ( > 0) {
 			int i;
 			for (i = 0; i <; i++)
-				register_shallow(shallows.objects[i].item->sha1);
+				register_shallow(shallows.objects[i].item->oid.hash);
 	shallow_nr +=;
@@ -688,11 +688,12 @@
 /* return non-zero if the ref is hidden, otherwise 0 */
-static int mark_our_ref(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid)
+static int mark_our_ref(const char *refname, const char *refname_full,
+			const struct object_id *oid)
 	struct object *o = lookup_unknown_object(oid->hash);
-	if (ref_is_hidden(refname)) {
+	if (ref_is_hidden(refname, refname_full)) {
 		o->flags |= HIDDEN_REF;
 		return 1;
@@ -700,10 +701,12 @@
 	return 0;
-static int check_ref(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid,
+static int check_ref(const char *refname_full, const struct object_id *oid,
 		     int flag, void *cb_data)
-	mark_our_ref(refname, oid);
+	const char *refname = strip_namespace(refname_full);
+	mark_our_ref(refname, refname_full, oid);
 	return 0;
@@ -726,7 +729,7 @@
 	const char *refname_nons = strip_namespace(refname);
 	struct object_id peeled;
-	if (mark_our_ref(refname, oid))
+	if (mark_our_ref(refname_nons, refname, oid))
 		return 0;
 	if (capabilities) {
diff --git a/url.c b/url.c
index 7ca2a69..2d89ad1 100644
--- a/url.c
+++ b/url.c
@@ -120,8 +120,7 @@
 void end_url_with_slash(struct strbuf *buf, const char *url)
 	strbuf_addstr(buf, url);
-	if (buf->len && buf->buf[buf->len - 1] != '/')
-		strbuf_addch(buf, '/');
+	strbuf_complete(buf, '/');
 void str_end_url_with_slash(const char *url, char **dest) {
diff --git a/utf8.c b/utf8.c
index 28e6d76..00e10c8 100644
--- a/utf8.c
+++ b/utf8.c
@@ -644,3 +644,24 @@
 	*text += strlen(utf8_bom);
 	return 1;
+void strbuf_utf8_align(struct strbuf *buf, align_type position, unsigned int width,
+		       const char *s)
+	int slen = strlen(s);
+	int display_len = utf8_strnwidth(s, slen, 0);
+	int utf8_compensation = slen - display_len;
+	if (display_len >= width) {
+		strbuf_addstr(buf, s);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (position == ALIGN_LEFT)
+		strbuf_addf(buf, "%-*s", width + utf8_compensation, s);
+	else if (position == ALIGN_MIDDLE) {
+		int left = (width - display_len) / 2;
+		strbuf_addf(buf, "%*s%-*s", left, "", width - left + utf8_compensation, s);
+	} else if (position == ALIGN_RIGHT)
+		strbuf_addf(buf, "%*s", width + utf8_compensation, s);
diff --git a/utf8.h b/utf8.h
index 5a9e94b..7930b44 100644
--- a/utf8.h
+++ b/utf8.h
@@ -55,4 +55,19 @@
 int is_hfs_dotgit(const char *path);
+typedef enum {
+} align_type;
+ * Align the string given and store it into a strbuf as per the
+ * 'position' and 'width'. If the given string length is larger than
+ * 'width' than then the input string is not truncated and no
+ * alignment is done.
+ */
+void strbuf_utf8_align(struct strbuf *buf, align_type position, unsigned int width,
+		       const char *s);
diff --git a/walker.c b/walker.c
index 44a936c..7b7e72b 100644
--- a/walker.c
+++ b/walker.c
@@ -17,10 +17,9 @@
 static void report_missing(const struct object *obj)
-	char missing_hex[41];
-	strcpy(missing_hex, sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
 	fprintf(stderr, "Cannot obtain needed %s %s\n",
-		obj->type ? typename(obj->type): "object", missing_hex);
+		obj->type ? typename(obj->type): "object",
+		oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 	if (!is_null_sha1(current_commit_sha1))
 		fprintf(stderr, "while processing commit %s.\n",
@@ -79,9 +78,9 @@
 	if (commit->object.flags & COMPLETE)
 		return 0;
-	hashcpy(current_commit_sha1, commit->object.sha1);
+	hashcpy(current_commit_sha1, commit->object.oid.hash);
-	walker_say(walker, "walk %s\n", sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+	walker_say(walker, "walk %s\n", oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 	if (walker->get_tree) {
 		if (process(walker, &commit->tree->object))
@@ -131,7 +130,7 @@
 	return error("Unable to determine requirements "
 		     "of type %s for %s",
-		     typename(obj->type), sha1_to_hex(obj->sha1));
+		     typename(obj->type), oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
 static int process(struct walker *walker, struct object *obj)
@@ -140,14 +139,14 @@
 		return 0;
 	obj->flags |= SEEN;
-	if (has_sha1_file(obj->sha1)) {
+	if (has_object_file(&obj->oid)) {
 		/* We already have it, so we should scan it now. */
 		obj->flags |= TO_SCAN;
 	else {
 		if (obj->flags & COMPLETE)
 			return 0;
-		walker->prefetch(walker, obj->sha1);
+		walker->prefetch(walker, obj->oid.hash);
 	object_list_insert(obj, process_queue_end);
@@ -171,13 +170,13 @@
 		 * the queue because we needed to fetch it first.
 		if (! (obj->flags & TO_SCAN)) {
-			if (walker->fetch(walker, obj->sha1)) {
+			if (walker->fetch(walker, obj->oid.hash)) {
 				return -1;
 		if (!obj->type)
-			parse_object(obj->sha1);
+			parse_object(obj->oid.hash);
 		if (process_object(walker, obj))
 			return -1;
@@ -191,7 +190,7 @@
 	if (!check_refname_format(target, 0)) {
 		struct ref *ref = alloc_ref(target);
 		if (!walker->fetch_ref(walker, ref)) {
-			hashcpy(sha1, ref->old_sha1);
+			hashcpy(sha1, ref->old_oid.hash);
 			return 0;
diff --git a/worktree.c b/worktree.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..981f810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worktree.c
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#include "cache.h"
+#include "refs.h"
+#include "strbuf.h"
+#include "worktree.h"
+void free_worktrees(struct worktree **worktrees)
+	int i = 0;
+	for (i = 0; worktrees[i]; i++) {
+		free(worktrees[i]->path);
+		free(worktrees[i]->git_dir);
+		free(worktrees[i]->head_ref);
+		free(worktrees[i]);
+	}
+	free (worktrees);
+ * read 'path_to_ref' into 'ref'.  Also if is_detached is not NULL,
+ * set is_detached to 1 (0) if the ref is detatched (is not detached).
+ *
+ * $GIT_COMMON_DIR/$symref (e.g. HEAD) is practically outside $GIT_DIR so
+ * for linked worktrees, `resolve_ref_unsafe()` won't work (it uses
+ * git_path). Parse the ref ourselves.
+ *
+ * return -1 if the ref is not a proper ref, 0 otherwise (success)
+ */
+static int parse_ref(char *path_to_ref, struct strbuf *ref, int *is_detached)
+	if (is_detached)
+		*is_detached = 0;
+	if (!strbuf_readlink(ref, path_to_ref, 0)) {
+		/* HEAD is symbolic link */
+		if (!starts_with(ref->buf, "refs/") ||
+				check_refname_format(ref->buf, 0))
+			return -1;
+	} else if (strbuf_read_file(ref, path_to_ref, 0) >= 0) {
+		/* textual symref or detached */
+		if (!starts_with(ref->buf, "ref:")) {
+			if (is_detached)
+				*is_detached = 1;
+		} else {
+			strbuf_remove(ref, 0, strlen("ref:"));
+			strbuf_trim(ref);
+			if (check_refname_format(ref->buf, 0))
+				return -1;
+		}
+	} else
+		return -1;
+	return 0;
+ * Add the head_sha1 and head_ref (if not detached) to the given worktree
+ */
+static void add_head_info(struct strbuf *head_ref, struct worktree *worktree)
+	if (head_ref->len) {
+		if (worktree->is_detached) {
+			get_sha1_hex(head_ref->buf, worktree->head_sha1);
+		} else {
+			resolve_ref_unsafe(head_ref->buf, 0, worktree->head_sha1, NULL);
+			worktree->head_ref = strbuf_detach(head_ref, NULL);
+		}
+	}
+ * get the main worktree
+ */
+static struct worktree *get_main_worktree(void)
+	struct worktree *worktree = NULL;
+	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf worktree_path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf gitdir = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf head_ref = STRBUF_INIT;
+	int is_bare = 0;
+	int is_detached = 0;
+	strbuf_addf(&gitdir, "%s", absolute_path(get_git_common_dir()));
+	strbuf_addbuf(&worktree_path, &gitdir);
+	is_bare = !strbuf_strip_suffix(&worktree_path, "/.git");
+	if (is_bare)
+		strbuf_strip_suffix(&worktree_path, "/.");
+	strbuf_addf(&path, "%s/HEAD", get_git_common_dir());
+	if (parse_ref(path.buf, &head_ref, &is_detached) < 0)
+		goto done;
+	worktree = xmalloc(sizeof(struct worktree));
+	worktree->path = strbuf_detach(&worktree_path, NULL);
+	worktree->git_dir = strbuf_detach(&gitdir, NULL);
+	worktree->is_bare = is_bare;
+	worktree->head_ref = NULL;
+	worktree->is_detached = is_detached;
+	add_head_info(&head_ref, worktree);
+	strbuf_release(&path);
+	strbuf_release(&gitdir);
+	strbuf_release(&worktree_path);
+	strbuf_release(&head_ref);
+	return worktree;
+static struct worktree *get_linked_worktree(const char *id)
+	struct worktree *worktree = NULL;
+	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf worktree_path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf gitdir = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf head_ref = STRBUF_INIT;
+	int is_detached = 0;
+	if (!id)
+		die("Missing linked worktree name");
+	strbuf_addf(&gitdir, "%s/worktrees/%s",
+			absolute_path(get_git_common_dir()), id);
+	strbuf_addf(&path, "%s/gitdir", gitdir.buf);
+	if (strbuf_read_file(&worktree_path, path.buf, 0) <= 0)
+		/* invalid gitdir file */
+		goto done;
+	strbuf_rtrim(&worktree_path);
+	if (!strbuf_strip_suffix(&worktree_path, "/.git")) {
+		strbuf_reset(&worktree_path);
+		strbuf_addstr(&worktree_path, absolute_path("."));
+		strbuf_strip_suffix(&worktree_path, "/.");
+	}
+	strbuf_reset(&path);
+	strbuf_addf(&path, "%s/worktrees/%s/HEAD", get_git_common_dir(), id);
+	if (parse_ref(path.buf, &head_ref, &is_detached) < 0)
+		goto done;
+	worktree = xmalloc(sizeof(struct worktree));
+	worktree->path = strbuf_detach(&worktree_path, NULL);
+	worktree->git_dir = strbuf_detach(&gitdir, NULL);
+	worktree->is_bare = 0;
+	worktree->head_ref = NULL;
+	worktree->is_detached = is_detached;
+	add_head_info(&head_ref, worktree);
+	strbuf_release(&path);
+	strbuf_release(&gitdir);
+	strbuf_release(&worktree_path);
+	strbuf_release(&head_ref);
+	return worktree;
+struct worktree **get_worktrees(void)
+	struct worktree **list = NULL;
+	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	DIR *dir;
+	struct dirent *d;
+	int counter = 0, alloc = 2;
+	list = xmalloc(alloc * sizeof(struct worktree *));
+	if ((list[counter] = get_main_worktree()))
+		counter++;
+	strbuf_addf(&path, "%s/worktrees", get_git_common_dir());
+	dir = opendir(path.buf);
+	strbuf_release(&path);
+	if (dir) {
+		while ((d = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
+			struct worktree *linked = NULL;
+			if (!strcmp(d->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(d->d_name, ".."))
+				continue;
+				if ((linked = get_linked_worktree(d->d_name))) {
+					ALLOC_GROW(list, counter + 1, alloc);
+					list[counter++] = linked;
+				}
+		}
+		closedir(dir);
+	}
+	ALLOC_GROW(list, counter + 1, alloc);
+	list[counter] = NULL;
+	return list;
+char *find_shared_symref(const char *symref, const char *target)
+	char *existing = NULL;
+	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct worktree **worktrees = get_worktrees();
+	int i = 0;
+	for (i = 0; worktrees[i]; i++) {
+		strbuf_reset(&path);
+		strbuf_reset(&sb);
+		strbuf_addf(&path, "%s/%s", worktrees[i]->git_dir, symref);
+		if (parse_ref(path.buf, &sb, NULL)) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (!strcmp(sb.buf, target)) {
+			existing = xstrdup(worktrees[i]->path);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	strbuf_release(&path);
+	strbuf_release(&sb);
+	free_worktrees(worktrees);
+	return existing;
diff --git a/worktree.h b/worktree.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4b3dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worktree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#ifndef WORKTREE_H
+#define WORKTREE_H
+struct worktree {
+	char *path;
+	char *git_dir;
+	char *head_ref;
+	unsigned char head_sha1[20];
+	int is_detached;
+	int is_bare;
+/* Functions for acting on the information about worktrees. */
+ * Get the worktrees.  The primary worktree will always be the first returned,
+ * and linked worktrees will be pointed to by 'next' in each subsequent
+ * worktree.  No specific ordering is done on the linked worktrees.
+ *
+ * The caller is responsible for freeing the memory from the returned
+ * worktree(s).
+ */
+extern struct worktree **get_worktrees(void);
+ * Free up the memory for worktree(s)
+ */
+extern void free_worktrees(struct worktree **);
+ * Check if a per-worktree symref points to a ref in the main worktree
+ * or any linked worktree, and return the path to the exising worktree
+ * if it is.  Returns NULL if there is no existing ref.  The caller is
+ * responsible for freeing the returned path.
+ */
+extern char *find_shared_symref(const char *symref, const char *target);
diff --git a/ b/
index 701d233..db0ec6a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -19,4 +19,10 @@
-exec "${GIT_EXEC_PATH}/@@PROG@@" "$@"
+if test -n "$GIT_TEST_GDB"
+	unset GIT_TEST_GDB
+	exec gdb --args "${GIT_EXEC_PATH}/@@PROG@@" "$@"
+	exec "${GIT_EXEC_PATH}/@@PROG@@" "$@"
diff --git a/wrapper.c b/wrapper.c
index 0e22d43..c95e290 100644
--- a/wrapper.c
+++ b/wrapper.c
@@ -601,18 +601,6 @@
 	return ret;
-struct passwd *xgetpwuid_self(void)
-	struct passwd *pw;
-	errno = 0;
-	pw = getpwuid(getuid());
-	if (!pw)
-		die(_("unable to look up current user in the passwd file: %s"),
-		    errno ? strerror(errno) : _("no such user"));
-	return pw;
 char *xgetcwd(void)
 	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -621,6 +609,22 @@
 	return strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL);
+int xsnprintf(char *dst, size_t max, const char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list ap;
+	int len;
+	va_start(ap, fmt);
+	len = vsnprintf(dst, max, fmt, ap);
+	va_end(ap);
+	if (len < 0)
+		die("BUG: your snprintf is broken");
+	if (len >= max)
+		die("BUG: attempt to snprintf into too-small buffer");
+	return len;
 static int write_file_v(const char *path, int fatal,
 			const char *fmt, va_list params)
diff --git a/wt-status.c b/wt-status.c
index ced53dd..bba2596 100644
--- a/wt-status.c
+++ b/wt-status.c
@@ -1346,7 +1346,7 @@
 	    (!hashcmp(cb.nsha1, sha1) ||
 	     /* perhaps sha1 is a tag, try to dereference to a commit */
 	     ((commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(sha1, 1)) != NULL &&
-	      !hashcmp(cb.nsha1, commit->object.sha1)))) {
+	      !hashcmp(cb.nsha1, commit->object.oid.hash)))) {
 		const char *from = ref;
 		if (!skip_prefix(from, "refs/tags/", &from))
 			skip_prefix(from, "refs/remotes/", &from);