
changefinder will compare the current branch to the origin/master branch then determine which submodules, excluding internal submodules, had changes, and list them on stdout. The default is emit them in a simple newline delimited list.

The available flags are as follows:

  • -dir=[absolute path]: The directory to diff, defaults to current working directory.
  • -q: Enables quiet mode with no logging. In the event of an error while in quiet mode, all logs that were surpressed are dumped with the error. Defaults to false (i.e. “verbose”).
  • -format=[plain|github]: The stdout output format. Default is plain.
  • -gh-var=[variable name]: The variabe name to set output for in github format mode. Defaults to submodules.
  • -base=[ref name]: The base ref to compare HEAD to. Default is origin/main.

Example usages from this repo root:

# targeting a git repository other than current working directory
go run ./internal/actions/cmd/changefinder -dir /path/to/your/go/repo

# quiet mode, github format
go run ./internal/actions/cmd/changefinder -q -format=github

# quiet mode, github format, github var name "foo"
go run ./internal/actions/cmd/changefinder -q -format=github -gh-var=foo