feat(eventarc/publishing): promote to GA (#8308)

- [ ] Regenerate this pull request now.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 549868874

Source-Link: https://togithub.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/02aeb715005c633115bc77d563d6920731c98189

Source-Link: https://togithub.com/googleapis/googleapis-gen/commit/e308933094c803964d1704ffa448ac2bbfd5df22
Copy-Tag: eyJwIjoiLmdpdGh1Yi8uT3dsQm90LnlhbWwiLCJoIjoiZTMwODkzMzA5NGM4MDM5NjRkMTcwNGZmYTQ0OGFjMmJiZmQ1ZGYyMiJ9
feat(kms): add interoperable symmetric encryption system

PiperOrigin-RevId: 549699686

Source-Link: https://togithub.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/68e699a6d7c764d9be0d92de22a9b009b6a6abff

Source-Link: https://togithub.com/googleapis/googleapis-gen/commit/f2314eb25d07b6a95a85999cfca8bbda6848d204
Copy-Tag: eyJwIjoiLmdpdGh1Yi8uT3dsQm90LnlhbWwiLCJoIjoiZjIzMTRlYjI1ZDA3YjZhOTVhODU5OTljZmNhOGJiZGE2ODQ4ZDIwNCJ9
feat(servicedirectory): added network and uid fields in Endpoint message
feat: added uid field to Namespace message
feat: added uid field to Service message
feat: enable Location methods
docs: updated docs for ResolveServiceRequest message
docs: updated docs for ListServicesRequest and ListEndpointsRequest message

PiperOrigin-RevId: 549683092

Source-Link: https://togithub.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/c661ee0ec7aa53e87fa14033c8e9e3689b830021

Source-Link: https://togithub.com/googleapis/googleapis-gen/commit/e3c7b0298a532a7101d2ae8ec1dc0a0e2cfbb2c5
Copy-Tag: eyJwIjoiLmdpdGh1Yi8uT3dsQm90LnlhbWwiLCJoIjoiZTNjN2IwMjk4YTUzMmE3MTAxZDJhZThlYzFkYzBhMGUyY2ZiYjJjNSJ9
feat(video/livestream): added support for slate events which allow users to create and insert a slate into a live stream to replace the main live stream content
feat: added a new asset resource which can be used as the content of slate events
feat: added a new pool resource for protecting input endpoints within a VPC Service Controls perimeter

PiperOrigin-RevId: 549682971

Source-Link: https://togithub.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/e43e3d650ec81de8e69be745766744f58f0c78b2

Source-Link: https://togithub.com/googleapis/googleapis-gen/commit/47b82671ba10862a68df4c11a978131c2c92124c
Copy-Tag: eyJwIjoiLmdpdGh1Yi8uT3dsQm90LnlhbWwiLCJoIjoiNDdiODI2NzFiYTEwODYyYTY4ZGY0YzExYTk3ODEzMWMyYzkyMTI0YyJ9
46 files changed
tree: b420c14af4c2af333f1f6c5178d9cd70fc5cb804
  1. .github/
  2. accessapproval/
  3. accesscontextmanager/
  4. advisorynotifications/
  5. ai/
  6. aiplatform/
  7. alloydb/
  8. analytics/
  9. apigateway/
  10. apigeeconnect/
  11. apigeeregistry/
  12. apikeys/
  13. appengine/
  14. area120/
  15. artifactregistry/
  16. asset/
  17. assuredworkloads/
  18. automl/
  19. baremetalsolution/
  20. batch/
  21. beyondcorp/
  22. bigquery/
  23. bigtable/
  24. billing/
  25. binaryauthorization/
  26. certificatemanager/
  27. channel/
  28. civil/
  29. cloudbuild/
  30. clouddms/
  31. cloudtasks/
  32. compute/
  33. confidentialcomputing/
  34. contactcenterinsights/
  35. container/
  36. containeranalysis/
  37. datacatalog/
  38. dataflow/
  39. dataform/
  40. datafusion/
  41. datalabeling/
  42. dataplex/
  43. dataproc/
  44. dataqna/
  45. datastore/
  46. datastream/
  47. debugger/
  48. deploy/
  49. dialogflow/
  50. discoveryengine/
  51. dlp/
  52. documentai/
  53. domains/
  54. edgecontainer/
  55. errorreporting/
  56. essentialcontacts/
  57. eventarc/
  58. filestore/
  59. firestore/
  60. functions/
  61. gkebackup/
  62. gkeconnect/
  63. gkehub/
  64. gkemulticloud/
  65. grafeas/
  66. gsuiteaddons/
  67. httpreplay/
  68. iam/
  69. iap/
  70. ids/
  71. internal/
  72. iot/
  73. kms/
  74. language/
  75. lifesciences/
  76. logging/
  77. longrunning/
  78. managedidentities/
  79. maps/
  80. mediatranslation/
  81. memcache/
  82. metastore/
  83. migrationcenter/
  84. monitoring/
  85. networkconnectivity/
  86. networkmanagement/
  87. networksecurity/
  88. notebooks/
  89. optimization/
  90. orchestration/
  91. orgpolicy/
  92. osconfig/
  93. oslogin/
  94. phishingprotection/
  95. policytroubleshooter/
  96. privatecatalog/
  97. profiler/
  98. pubsub/
  99. pubsublite/
  100. rapidmigrationassessment/
  101. recaptchaenterprise/
  102. recommendationengine/
  103. recommender/
  104. redis/
  105. resourcemanager/
  106. resourcesettings/
  107. retail/
  108. rpcreplay/
  109. run/
  110. scheduler/
  111. secretmanager/
  112. security/
  113. securitycenter/
  114. servicecontrol/
  115. servicedirectory/
  116. servicemanagement/
  117. serviceusage/
  118. shell/
  119. spanner/
  120. speech/
  121. storage/
  122. storageinsights/
  123. storagetransfer/
  124. support/
  125. talent/
  126. texttospeech/
  127. third_party/
  128. tpu/
  129. trace/
  130. translate/
  131. video/
  132. videointelligence/
  133. vision/
  134. vmmigration/
  135. vmwareengine/
  136. vpcaccess/
  137. webrisk/
  138. websecurityscanner/
  139. workflows/
  140. workstations/
  141. .gitignore
  142. .release-please-manifest-individual.json
  143. .release-please-manifest-submodules.json
  144. .release-please-manifest.json
  145. CHANGES.md
  148. debug.md
  149. doc.go
  150. go.mod
  151. go.sum
  152. go.work
  153. go.work.sum
  154. LICENSE
  155. migration.md
  156. README.md
  157. release-please-config-individual.json
  158. release-please-config-yoshi-submodules.json
  159. release-please-config.json
  160. RELEASING.md
  161. SECURITY.md
  162. testing.md

Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go

Go Reference

Go packages for Google Cloud Platform services.

import "cloud.google.com/go"

To install the packages on your system, do not clone the repo. Instead:

  1. Change to your project directory:

    cd /my/cloud/project
  2. Get the package you want to use. Some products have their own module, so it's best to go get the package(s) you want to use:

    $ go get cloud.google.com/go/firestore # Replace with the package you want to use.

NOTE: Some of these packages are under development, and may occasionally make backwards-incompatible changes.

Supported APIs

For an updated list of all of our released APIs please see our reference docs.

Go Versions Supported

Our libraries are compatible with at least the three most recent, major Go releases. They are currently compatible with:

  • Go 1.20
  • Go 1.19
  • Go 1.18
  • Go 1.17


By default, each API will use Google Application Default Credentials for authorization credentials used in calling the API endpoints. This will allow your application to run in many environments without requiring explicit configuration.

client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)

To authorize using a JSON key file, pass option.WithCredentialsFile to the NewClient function of the desired package. For example:

client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, option.WithCredentialsFile("path/to/keyfile.json"))

You can exert more control over authorization by using the golang.org/x/oauth2 package to create an oauth2.TokenSource. Then pass option.WithTokenSource to the NewClient function: snip:# (auth-ts)

tokenSource := ...
client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(tokenSource))


Contributions are welcome. Please, see the CONTRIBUTING document for details.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. See Contributor Code of Conduct for more information.
