chore(all): update all (#5020)

[![WhiteSource Renovate](](

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Type | Update | Change |
| []( | require | minor | `v0.1.0` -> `v0.97.0` |
| []( | require | digest | `26dff4f` -> `a5a8d57` |
| []( | require | minor | `v0.1.0` -> `v0.97.0` |
| []( | require | minor | `v2.0.5` -> `v2.1.1` |
| []( | require | patch | `v1.4.1` -> `v1.4.2` |
| []( | require | digest | `d303952` -> `69cdffd` |
| []( | require | minor | `v0.58.0` -> `v0.59.0` |
| []( | require | minor | `v0.54.0` -> `v0.59.0` |


### Release Notes


### [`v0.97.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **internal** add Retry func to testutil from samples repository [#&#8203;4902](

### [`v0.96.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **civil:** add IsEmpty function to time, date and datetime ([#&#8203;4728]( ([88bfa64](, refs [#&#8203;4727](
-   **internal/godocfx:** detect preview versions ([#&#8203;4899]( ([9b60844](
-   **internal:** provide wrapping for retried errors ([#&#8203;4797]( ([ce5f4db](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **internal/gapicgen:** restore fmting proto files ([#&#8203;4789]( ([5606b54](
-   **internal/trace:** use xerrors.As for trace ([#&#8203;4813]( ([05fe61c](

### [`v0.95.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **internal/gapicgen:** add a temporary import ([#&#8203;4756]( ([4d9c046](
-   **compute/metadata:** remove heavy gax dependency ([#&#8203;4784]( ([ea00264](

### [`v0.94.1`](

[Compare Source](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **compute/metadata:** fix retry logic to not panic on error ([#&#8203;4714]( ([75c63b9](, refs [#&#8203;4713](

### [`v0.94.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **aiplatform:** add XAI, model monitoring, and index services to aiplatform v1 ([e385b40](
-   **analytics/admin:** add `GetDataRetentionSettings`, `UpdateDataRetentionSettings` methods to the API ([8467899](
-   **asset:** Release of relationships in v1, Add content type Relationship to support relationship export Committer: lvv@ ([d4c3340](
-   **assuredworkloads:** Add Canada Regions And Support compliance regime ([b9226eb](
-   **cloudbuild/apiv1:** Add ability to configure BuildTriggers to create Builds that require approval before executing and ApproveBuild API to approve or reject pending Builds ([d4c3340](
-   **cloudbuild/apiv1:** add script field to BuildStep message ([b9226eb](
-   **cloudbuild/apiv1:** Update cloudbuild proto with the service_account for BYOSA Triggers. ([b9226eb](
-   **compute/metadata:** retry error when talking to metadata service ([#&#8203;4648]( ([81c6039](, refs [#&#8203;4642](
-   **dataproc:** remove apiv1beta2 client ([#&#8203;4682]( ([2248554](
-   **gaming:** support version reporting API ([cd65cec](
-   **gkehub:** Add request_id under `DeleteMembershipRequest` and `UpdateMembershipRequest` ([b9226eb](
-   **internal/carver:** support carving batches ([#&#8203;4623]( ([2972d19](
-   **kms:** add support for Key Reimport ([bf4378b](
-   **metastore:** Added the Backup resource and Backup resource GetIamPolicy/SetIamPolicy to V1 feat: Added the RestoreService method to V1 ([d4c3340](
-   **monitoring/dashboard:** Added support for logs-based alerts: feat: Added support for user-defined labels on cloud monitoring's Service and ServiceLevelObjective objects fix!: mark required fields in QueryTimeSeriesRequest as required ([b9226eb](
-   **osconfig:** Update osconfig v1 and v1alpha with WindowsApplication ([bf4378b](
-   **speech:** Add transcript normalization ([b31646d](
-   **talent:** Add new commute methods in Search APIs feat: Add new histogram type 'publish_time_in_day' feat: Support filtering by requisitionId is ListJobs API ([d4c3340](
-   **translate:** added v3 proto for online/batch document translation and updated v3beta1 proto for format conversion ([bf4378b](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **datastream:** Change a few resource pattern variables from camelCase to snake_case ([bf4378b](

### [`v0.93.3`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v0.92.3`](

[Compare Source](

As of this release the following directories have been made into their own standalone module:

-   cloudbuild
-   monitoring
-   analytics
-   area120
-   gkeconnect
-   gkehub
-   grafeas
-   security
-   video
-   secretmanager

This means they will no longer be found in the root module. When updating your code running `go mod tidy` should start pulling in the new sub-modules.

### [`v0.92.2`](

[Compare Source](

##### Announcement

As of this release the following directories have been made into their own standalone module:

-   datastream
-   dialogflow
-   dlp
-   documentai
-   domains
-   errorreporting
-   essentialcontacts
-   eventarc
-   functions
-   gaming
-   gsuiteaddons
-   iap
-   iot
-   kms
-   language
-   lifesciences
-   managedidentities
-   mediatranslation
-   memcache
-   metastore
-   networkconnectivity
-   networkmanagement
-   notebooks
-   orgpolicy
-   osconfig
-   oslogin
-   phishingprotection
-   policytroubleshooter
-   privatecatalog
-   profiler
-   recaptchaenterprise
-   recommendationengine
-   recommender
-   redis
-   resourcemanager
-   resourcesettings
-   retail
-   scheduler
-   securitycenter
-   servicecontrol
-   servicedirectory
-   servicemanagement
-   serviceusage
-   shell
-   speech
-   talent
-   texttospeech
-   tpu
-   trace
-   translate
-   videointelligence
-   vision
-   vpcaccess
-   webrisk
-   websecurityscanner
-   workflows

This means they will no longer be found in the root module. When updating your code running go mod tidy should start pulling in the new sub-modules.

### [`v0.92.1`](

[Compare Source](

#### Announcement

As of this release the following directories have been made into their own standalone module:

-   accessapproval
-   aiplatform
-   apigateway
-   apigeeconnect
-   appengine
-   artifactregistry
-   asset
-   assuredworkloads
-   automl
-   billing
-   binaryauthorization
-   channel
-   clouddms
-   cloudtasks
-   container
-   containeranalysis
-   datacatalog
-   dataflow
-   datafusion
-   datalabeling
-   dataproc
-   dataqna

This means they will no longer be found in the root `` module. When updating your code running `go mod tidy` should start pulling in the new sub-modules.

### [`v0.92.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **all:** remove testing deps ([#&#8203;4580]( ([15c1eb9](, refs [#&#8203;4061](
-   **internal/detect:** add helper to detect projectID from env ([#&#8203;4582]( ([cc65d94](, refs [#&#8203;1294](
-   **spannertest:** Add validation of duplicated column names ([#&#8203;4611]( ([84f86a6](

### [`v0.91.1`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v0.91.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **.github:** support dynamic submodule detection ([#&#8203;4537]( ([4374b90](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** add advanced settings for agent level feat: add rollout config, state and failure reason for experiment feat: add insights export settings for security setting feat: add language code for streaming recognition result and flow versions for query parameters docs: deprecate legacy logging settings ([ed73554](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** add advanced settings for agent level feat: add rollout config, state and failure reason for experiment feat: add insights export settings for security setting feat: add language code for streaming recognition result and flow versions for query parameters docs: deprecate legacy logging settings ([ed73554](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** added support for DLP templates; expose `Locations` service to get/list avaliable locations of Dialogflow products ([5996846](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** added support for DLP templates; expose `Locations` service to get/list avaliable locations of Dialogflow products docs: reorder some fields ([5996846](
-   **dialogflow:** expose `Locations` service to get/list avaliable locations of Dialogflow products; fixed some API annotations ([5996846](
-   **kms:** add support for HMAC, Variable Key Destruction, and GenerateRandom ([5996846](
-   **speech:** add total_billed_time response field ([5996846](
-   **video/transcoder:** Add video cropping feature feat: Add video padding feature feat: Add ttl_after_completion_days field to Job docs: Update proto documentation docs: Indicate v1beta1 deprecation ([5996846](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **functions:** Updating behavior of source_upload_url during Get/List function calls ([381a494](

### [`v0.90.0`](

[Compare Source](


-   **compute:** add pagination and an Operation wrapper ([#&#8203;4542](

##### Features

-   **compute:** add pagination and an Operation wrapper ([#&#8203;4542]( ([36f4649](
-   **internal/godocfx:** add status to packages and TOCs ([#&#8203;4547]( ([c6de69c](
-   **internal/godocfx:** mark status of deprecated items ([#&#8203;4525]( ([d571c6f](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **internal/carver:** don't tag commits ([#&#8203;4518]( ([c355eb8](

### [`v0.89.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **assuredworkloads:** Add EU Regions And Support compliance regime ([a52baa4](
-   **datacatalog:** Added support for BigQuery connections entries feat: Added support for BigQuery routines entries feat: Added usage_signal field feat: Added labels field feat: Added ReplaceTaxonomy in Policy Tag Manager Serialization API feat: Added support for public tag templates feat: Added support for rich text tags docs: Documentation improvements ([a52baa4](
-   **datafusion:** start generating apiv1 ([e55a016](
-   **iap:** start generating apiv1 ([e55a016](
-   **internal/carver:** add tooling to help carve out sub-modules ([#&#8203;4417]( ([a7e28f2](
-   **networkconnectivity:** Add files for Network Connectivity v1 API. ([a52baa4](
-   **retail:** Add restricted Retail Search features for Retail API v2. ([a52baa4](
-   **secretmanager:** In Secret Manager, users can now use filter to customize the output of ListSecrets/ListSecretVersions calls ([a52baa4](
-   **securitycenter:** add finding_class and indicator fields in Finding ([a52baa4](
-   **speech:** add total_billed_time response field. fix!: phrase_set_id is required field in CreatePhraseSetRequest. fix!: custom_class_id is required field in CreateCustomClassRequest. ([a52baa4](
-   **storagetransfer:** start generating apiv1 ([#&#8203;4505]( ([f2d531d](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **internal/gapicgen:** exec Stdout already set ([#&#8203;4509]( ([41246e9](
-   **internal/gapicgen:** tidy all after dep bump  ([#&#8203;4515]( ([9401be5](, refs [#&#8203;4434](

### [`v0.88.0`](

[Compare Source](


-   **cloudbuild/apiv1:** Proto had a prior definitions of WorkerPool resources which were never supported. This change replaces those resources with definitions that are currently supported.

##### Features

-   **cloudbuild/apiv1:** add a WorkerPools API ([19ea3f8](
-   **cloudbuild/apiv1:** Implementation of Build Failure Info: - Added message FailureInfo field ([19ea3f8](
-   **osconfig/agentendpoint:** OSConfig AgentEndpoint: add basic os info to RegisterAgentRequest, add WindowsApplication type to Inventory ([8936bc3](
-   **resourcesettings:** Publish Cloud ResourceSettings v1 API ([43ad3cb](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **internal/godocfx:** set exit code, print cmd output, no go get ... ([#&#8203;4445]( ([cc70f77](
-   **internal:** detect module for properly generating docs URLs ([#&#8203;4460]( ([1eaba8b](, refs [#&#8203;4447](
-   **kms:** Updating WORKSPACE files to use the newest version of the Typescript generator. ([8936bc3](

### [`v0.87.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **container:** allow updating security group on existing clusters ([528ffc9](
-   **monitoring/dashboard:** added validation only mode when writing dashboards feat: added alert chart widget ([652d7c2](
-   **networkmanagment:** start generating apiv1 ([907592c](
-   **secretmanager:** Tune Secret Manager auto retry parameters ([528ffc9](
-   **video/transcoder:** start generating apiv1 ([907592c](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **compute:** properly generate PUT requests ([#&#8203;4426]( ([a7491a5](
-   **internal:** fix relative pathing for generator ([#&#8203;4397]( ([25e0eae](

##### Miscellaneous Chores

-   **all:** fix release version ([#&#8203;4427]( ([2c0d267](

### [`v0.86.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **bigquery managedwriter:** schema conversion support ([#&#8203;4357]( ([f2b20f4](
-   **compute:** generate apiv1 as an alpha client

### [`v0.85.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **dataflow:** start generating apiv1beta3 ([cfee361](
-   **datastream:** start generating apiv1alpha1 ([cfee361](
-   **dialogflow:** added Automated agent reply type and allow cancellation flag for partial response feature. ([5a9c6ce](
-   **documentai:** update document.proto, add the processor management methods. ([5a9c6ce](
-   **eventarc:** start generating apiv1 ([cfee361](
-   **gkehub:** added v1alpha messages and client for gkehub ([8fb4649](
-   **internal/godocfx:** add support for other modules ([#&#8203;4290]( ([d52bae6](
-   **internal/godocfx:** different metadata for different modules ([#&#8203;4297]( ([598f5b9](
-   **internal:** add force option for regen ([#&#8203;4310]( ([de654eb](
-   **servicecontrol:** Added the gRPC service config for the Service Controller v1 API docs: Updated some comments. ([8fb4649](
-   **workflows/executions:** start generating apiv1 ([cfee361](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **internal:** add autogenerated header to snippets ([#&#8203;4261]( ([2220787](, refs [#&#8203;4260](
-   **internal:** fix googleapis-disco regen ([#&#8203;4354]( ([aeea1ce](
-   **kms:** replace IAMPolicy mixin in service config. ([5a9c6ce](
-   **security/privateca:** Fixed casing of the Ruby namespace ([5a9c6ce](

### [`v0.84.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **aiplatform:** start generating apiv1 ([be1d729](
-   **apigeeconnect:** start generating abiv1 ([be1d729](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** support sentiment analysis in bot testing ([7a57aac](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** support sentiment analysis in bot testing ([6ad2306](
-   **documentai:** Move CommonOperationMetadata into a separate proto file for potential reuse. ([9e80ea0](
-   **documentai:** Move CommonOperationMetadata into a separate proto file for potential reuse. ([18375e5](
-   **gkeconnect/gateway:** start generating apiv1beta1 ([#&#8203;4235]( ([1c3e968](
-   **lifesciences:** strat generating apiv2beta ([be1d729](
-   **tpu:** start generating apiv1 ([#&#8203;4199]( ([cac48ea](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **bttest:** fix race condition in SampleRowKeys ([#&#8203;4207]( ([5711fb1](
-   **documentai:** Fix Ruby gem title of documentai v1 (package not currently published) ([9e80ea0](

### [`v0.83.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **dialogflow:** added a field in the query result to indicate whether slot filling is cancelled. ([f9cda8f](
-   **essentialcontacts:** start generating apiv1 ([#&#8203;4118]( ([fe14afc](
-   **gsuiteaddons:** start generating apiv1 ([#&#8203;4082]( ([6de5c99](
-   **osconfig:** OSConfig: add ExecResourceOutput and per step error message. ([f9cda8f](
-   **osconfig:** start generating apiv1alpha ([#&#8203;4119]( ([8ad471f](
-   **privatecatalog:** start generating apiv1beta1 ([500c1a6](
-   **serviceusage:** start generating apiv1 ([#&#8203;4120]( ([e4531f9](
-   **shell:** start generating apiv1 ([500c1a6](
-   **vpcaccess:** start generating apiv1 ([500c1a6](

### [`v0.82.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **billing/budgets:** Added support for configurable budget time period. fix: Updated some documentation links. ([83b1b3b](
-   **billing/budgets:** Added support for configurable budget time period. fix: Updated some documentation links. ([83b1b3b](
-   **cloudbuild/apiv1:** Add fields for Pub/Sub triggers ([8b4adbf](
-   **cloudbuild/apiv1:** Implementation of Source Manifests: - Added message StorageSourceManifest as an option for the Source message - Added StorageSourceManifest field to the SourceProvenance message ([7fd2ccd](
-   **clouddms:** start generating apiv1 ([#&#8203;4081]( ([29df85c](
-   **dataproc:** update the Dataproc V1 API client library ([9a459d5](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** add support for service directory webhooks ([7fd2ccd](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** add support for service directory webhooks ([7fd2ccd](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** support setting current_page to resume sessions; expose transition_route_groups in flows and language_code in webhook ([9a459d5](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** support setting current_page to resume sessions; expose transition_route_groups in flows and language_code in webhook ([9a459d5](
-   **dialogflow:** added more Environment RPCs feat: added Versions service feat: added Fulfillment service feat: added TextToSpeechSettings. feat: added location in some resource patterns. ([4f73dc1](
-   **documentai:** add confidence field to the PageAnchor.PageRef in document.proto. ([d089dda](
-   **documentai:** add confidence field to the PageAnchor.PageRef in document.proto. ([07fdcd1](
-   **internal/gapicgen:** only update relevant gapic files ([#&#8203;4066]( ([5948bee](
-   **internal/gensnippets:** add license header and region tags ([#&#8203;3924]( ([e9ff7a0](
-   **internal/gensnippets:** initial commit ([#&#8203;3922]( ([3fabef0](
-   **internal:** auto-generate snippets ([#&#8203;3949]( ([b70e0fc](
-   **internal:** generate region tags for snippets ([#&#8203;3962]( ([ef2b90e](
-   **metastore:** start generateing apiv1 ([#&#8203;4083]( ([661610a](
-   **security/privateca:** start generating apiv1 ([#&#8203;4023]( ([08aa83a](
-   **securitycenter:** add canonical_name and folder fields ([5c5ca08](
-   **securitycenter:** add canonical_name and folder fields ([5c5ca08](
-   **speech:** add webm opus support. ([d089dda](
-   **speech:** Support for spoken punctuation and spoken emojis. ([9a459d5](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **binaryauthorization:** add Java options to Binaryauthorization protos ([9a459d5](
-   **internal/gapicgen:** filter out internal directory changes ([#&#8203;4085]( ([01473f6](
-   **internal/gapicgen:** use correct region tags for gensnippets ([#&#8203;4022]( ([8ccd689](
-   **internal/gensnippets:** run goimports ([#&#8203;3931]( ([10050f0](
-   **internal:** append a new line to comply with go fmt ([#&#8203;4028]( ([a297278](
-   **internal:** make sure formatting is run on snippets ([#&#8203;4039]( ([130dfc5](, refs [#&#8203;4037](
-   **metastore:** increase metastore lro polling timeouts ([83b1b3b](

##### Miscellaneous Chores

-   **all:** fix release version ([#&#8203;4040]( ([4c991a9](

### [`v0.81.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **datacatalog:** Policy Tag Manager v1 API service feat: new RenameTagTemplateFieldEnumValue API feat: adding fully_qualified_name in lookup and search feat: added DATAPROC_METASTORE integrated system along with new entry types: DATABASE and SERVICE docs: Documentation improvements ([2b02a03](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** include original user query in WebhookRequest; add GetTextCaseresult API. doc: clarify resource format for session response. ([a0b1f6f](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** include original user query in WebhookRequest; add GetTextCaseresult API. doc: clarify resource format for session response. ([b5b4da6](
-   **dialogflow:** expose MP3\_64\_KBPS and MULAW for output audio encodings. ([b5b4da6](
-   **secretmanager:** Rotation for Secrets ([2b02a03](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **internal/godocfx:** filter out non-Cloud ([#&#8203;3878]( ([625aef9](

### [`v0.80.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **appengine:** added vm_liveness, search_api_available, network_settings, service_account, build_env_variables, kms_key_reference to v1 API ([fd04a55](
-   **assuredworkloads:** Add 'resource_settings' field to provide custom properties (ids) for the provisioned projects. ([ab4824a](
-   **assuredworkloads:** add HIPAA and HITRUST compliance regimes ([ab4824a](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** added fallback option when restoring an agent docs: clarified experiment length ([cd70aa9](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** start generating apiv3 ([#&#8203;3850]( ([febbdcf](, refs [#&#8203;3634](
-   **documentai:** add EVAL_SKIPPED value to the Provenance.OperationType enum in document.proto. ([cb43066](
-   **documentai:** start generating apiv1 ([#&#8203;3853]( ([d68e604](
-   **internal/godocfx:** add prettyprint class to code blocks ([#&#8203;3819]( ([6e49f21](
-   **internal/godocfx:** handle Markdown content ([#&#8203;3816]( ([56d5d0a](
-   **kms:** Add maxAttempts to retry policy for KMS gRPC service config feat: Add Bazel exports_files entry for KMS gRPC service config ([fd04a55](
-   **resourcesettings:** start generating apiv1 ([#&#8203;3854]( ([3b288b4](
-   **speech:** Support output transcript to GCS for LongRunningRecognize. ([fd04a55](

##### Miscellaneous Chores

-   **all:** auto-regenerate gapics ([#&#8203;3837]( ([ab4824a](

### [`v0.79.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **apigateway:** start generating apiv1 ([#&#8203;3726]( ([66046da](
-   **channel:** addition of billing_account field on Plan. docs: clarification that valid address lines are required for all customers. ([d4246aa](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** allow to disable webhook invocation per request ([d4246aa](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** allow to disable webhook invocation per request ([44c6bf9](
-   **dialogflow:** Add CCAI API ([18c88c4](
-   **documentai:** remove the translation fields in document.proto. ([18c88c4](
-   **documentai:** Update documentai/v1beta3 protos: add support for boolean normalized value ([529925b](
-   **internal/godocfx:** keep some cross links on same domain ([#&#8203;3767]( ([77f76ed](
-   **internal:** add ability to regenerate one module's docs ([#&#8203;3777]( ([dc15995](
-   **metastore:** added support for release channels when creating service ([18c88c4](
-   **metastore:** Publish Dataproc Metastore v1alpha API ([18c88c4](
-   **metastore:** start generating apiv1alpha ([#&#8203;3747]( ([359312a](
-   **metastore:** start generating apiv1beta ([#&#8203;3788]( ([2977095](
-   **secretmanager:** added topic field to Secret ([f1323b1](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **analytics/admin:** add `` OAuth2 scope to the list of acceptable scopes for all read only methods of the Admin API docs: update the documentation of the `update_mask` field used by Update() methods ([f1323b1](
-   **apigateway:** Provide resource definitions for service management and IAM resources ([18c88c4](
-   **functions:** Fix service namespace in grpc_service_config. ([7811a34](
-   **internal/godocfx:** prevent index out of bounds when pkg == mod ([#&#8203;3768]( ([3d80b4e](
-   **internal/godocfx:** use correct anchor links ([#&#8203;3738]( ([919039a](
-   **internal:** fix Bash syntax ([#&#8203;3779]( ([3dd245d](
-   **tables:** use area120tables_v1alpha1.yaml as api-service-config ([#&#8203;3759]( ([b130ec0](

### [`v0.78.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **area120/tables:** Added ListWorkspaces, GetWorkspace, BatchDeleteRows APIs. ([16597fa](
-   **area120/tables:** Added ListWorkspaces, GetWorkspace, BatchDeleteRows APIs. ([0bd21d7](
-   **dialogflow:** add additional_bindings to Dialogflow v2 ListIntents API docs: update copyrights and session docs ([0bd21d7](
-   **documentai:** Update documentai/v1beta3 protos ([613ced7](
-   **gkehub:** Update Membership API v1beta1 proto ([613ced7](
-   **servicecontrol:** Update the ruby_cloud_gapic_library rules for the libraries published to google-cloud-ruby to the form that works with build_gen (separate parameters for ruby_cloud_title and ruby_cloud_description). chore: Update Bazel-Ruby rules version. chore: Update build_gen version. ([0bd21d7](
-   **speech:** Support Model Adaptation. ([0bd21d7](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **dialogflow/cx:** RunTestCase http template. PHP REST client lib can be generated. feat: Support transition route group coverage for Test Cases. ([613ced7](
-   **errorreporting:** Fixes ruby gem build ([0bd21d7](

### [`v0.77.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **channel:** Add Pub/Sub endpoints for Cloud Channel API. ([1aea7c8](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** supports SentimentAnalysisResult in webhook request docs: minor updates in wording ([2b4414d](
-   **errorreporting:** Make resolution status field available for error groups. Now callers can set the status of an error group by passing this to UpdateGroup. When not specified, it's treated like OPEN. feat: Make source location available for error groups created from GAE. ([2b4414d](
-   **errorreporting:** Make resolution status field available for error groups. Now callers can set the status of an error group by passing this to UpdateGroup. When not specified, it's treated like OPEN. feat: Make source location available for error groups created from GAE. ([f66114b](
-   **gkehub:** start generating apiv1beta1 ([#&#8203;3698]( ([8aed3bd](
-   **internal/docfx:** full cross reference linking ([#&#8203;3656]( ([fcb7318](
-   **memcache:** added ApplySoftwareUpdate API docs: various clarifications, new documentation for ApplySoftwareUpdate chore: update proto annotations ([2b4414d](
-   **networkconnectivity:** Add state field in resources docs: Minor changes ([0b4370a](
-   **networkconnectivity:** Add state field in resources docs: Minor changes ([b4b5898](
-   **recommendationengine:** start generating apiv1beta1 ([#&#8203;3686]( ([8f4e130](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **errorreporting:** Remove dependency on AppEngine's proto definitions. This also removes the source_references field. ([2b4414d](
-   **errorreporting:** Update bazel builds for ER client libraries. ([0b4370a](
-   **internal/godocfx:** use exact list of top-level decls ([#&#8203;3665]( ([3cd2961](
-   **kms:** do not retry on 13 INTERNAL ([2b4414d](
-   **orgpolicy:** Fix constraint resource pattern annotation ([f66114b](
-   **orgpolicy:** Fix constraint resource pattern annotation ([0b4370a](
-   **profiler:** make sure retries use the most up-to-date copy of the trailer ([#&#8203;3660]( ([3ba9ebc](
-   **vision:** sync vision v1 protos to get extra FaceAnnotation Landmark Types ([2b4414d](

### [`v0.76.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **accessapproval:** Migrate the Bazel rules for the libraries published to google-cloud-ruby to use the gapic-generator-ruby instead of the monolith generator. ([ac22beb](
-   **all:** auto-regenerate gapics ([#&#8203;3526]( ([ab2af0b](
-   **all:** auto-regenerate gapics ([#&#8203;3539]( ([84d4d8a](
-   **all:** auto-regenerate gapics ([#&#8203;3546]( ([959fde5](
-   **all:** auto-regenerate gapics ([#&#8203;3563]( ([102112a](
-   **all:** auto-regenerate gapics ([#&#8203;3576]( ([ac22beb](
-   **all:** auto-regenerate gapics ([#&#8203;3580]( ([9974a80](
-   **all:** auto-regenerate gapics ([#&#8203;3587]( ([3859a6f](
-   **all:** auto-regenerate gapics ([#&#8203;3598]( ([7bdebad](
-   **appengine:** start generating apiv1 ([#&#8203;3561]( ([2b6a3b4](



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: "before 3am on Monday" (UTC).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Renovate will not automatically rebase this PR, because other commits have been found.

👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get [config help]( if that's undesired.


 - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.


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12 files changed
tree: ea69d2f1653ec2440d14e0c5833f239702a69a53
  1. .github/
  2. accessapproval/
  3. accesscontextmanager/
  4. aiplatform/
  5. analytics/
  6. apigateway/
  7. apigeeconnect/
  8. appengine/
  9. area120/
  10. artifactregistry/
  11. asset/
  12. assuredworkloads/
  13. automl/
  14. bigquery/
  15. bigtable/
  16. billing/
  17. binaryauthorization/
  18. channel/
  19. civil/
  20. cloudbuild/
  21. clouddms/
  22. cloudtasks/
  23. cmd/
  24. compute/
  25. contactcenterinsights/
  26. container/
  27. containeranalysis/
  28. datacatalog/
  29. dataflow/
  30. datafusion/
  31. datalabeling/
  32. dataproc/
  33. dataqna/
  34. datastore/
  35. datastream/
  36. debugger/
  37. deploy/
  38. dialogflow/
  39. dlp/
  40. documentai/
  41. domains/
  42. errorreporting/
  43. essentialcontacts/
  44. eventarc/
  45. filestore/
  46. firestore/
  47. functions/
  48. gaming/
  49. gkeconnect/
  50. gkehub/
  51. grafeas/
  52. gsuiteaddons/
  53. httpreplay/
  54. iam/
  55. iap/
  56. internal/
  57. iot/
  58. kms/
  59. language/
  60. lifesciences/
  61. logging/
  62. longrunning/
  63. managedidentities/
  64. mediatranslation/
  65. memcache/
  66. metastore/
  67. monitoring/
  68. networkconnectivity/
  69. networkmanagement/
  70. networksecurity/
  71. notebooks/
  72. orchestration/
  73. orgpolicy/
  74. osconfig/
  75. oslogin/
  76. phishingprotection/
  77. policytroubleshooter/
  78. privatecatalog/
  79. profiler/
  80. pubsub/
  81. pubsublite/
  82. recaptchaenterprise/
  83. recommendationengine/
  84. recommender/
  85. redis/
  86. resourcemanager/
  87. resourcesettings/
  88. retail/
  89. rpcreplay/
  90. scheduler/
  91. secretmanager/
  92. security/
  93. securitycenter/
  94. servicecontrol/
  95. servicedirectory/
  96. servicemanagement/
  97. serviceusage/
  98. shell/
  99. spanner/
  100. speech/
  101. storage/
  102. storagetransfer/
  103. talent/
  104. texttospeech/
  105. third_party/
  106. tpu/
  107. trace/
  108. translate/
  109. video/
  110. videointelligence/
  111. vision/
  112. vpcaccess/
  113. webrisk/
  114. websecurityscanner/
  115. workflows/
  116. .gitignore
  120. doc.go
  121. go.mod
  122. go.sum
  123. header_test.go
  124. LICENSE

Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go

Go Reference

Go packages for Google Cloud Platform services.

import ""

To install the packages on your system, do not clone the repo. Instead:

  1. Change to your project directory:

    cd /my/cloud/project
  2. Get the package you want to use. Some products have their own module, so it's best to go get the package(s) you want to use:

    $ go get # Replace with the package you want to use.

NOTE: Some of these packages are under development, and may occasionally make backwards-incompatible changes.

Supported APIs

For an updated list of all of our released APIs please see our reference docs.

Go Versions Supported

We currently support Go versions 1.11 and newer.


By default, each API will use Google Application Default Credentials for authorization credentials used in calling the API endpoints. This will allow your application to run in many environments without requiring explicit configuration.

client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)

To authorize using a JSON key file, pass option.WithCredentialsFile to the NewClient function of the desired package. For example:

client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, option.WithCredentialsFile("path/to/keyfile.json"))

You can exert more control over authorization by using the package to create an oauth2.TokenSource. Then pass option.WithTokenSource to the NewClient function: snip:# (auth-ts)

tokenSource := ...
client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(tokenSource))


Contributions are welcome. Please, see the CONTRIBUTING document for details.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. See Contributor Code of Conduct for more information.
