
1.4.0 (2022-02-23)


  • securitycenter: set versionClient to module version (55f0d92)

1.3.0 (2022-02-14)


  • securitycenter: add file for tracking version (17b36ea)

1.2.0 (2022-01-04)


  • securitycenter: Added a new API method UpdateExternalSystem, which enables updating a finding w/ external system metadata. External systems are a child resource under finding, and are housed on the finding itself, and can also be filtered on in Notifications, the ListFindings and GroupFindings API (c8271d4)
  • securitycenter: Added mute related APIs, proto messages and fields (3e7185c)
  • securitycenter: Added resource type and display_name field to the FindingResult, and supported them in the filter for ListFindings and GroupFindings. Also added display_name to the resource which is surfaced in NotificationMessage (1f5aa78)

1.1.0 (2021-10-11)


  • securitycenter: Added vulnerability field to the finding feat: Added type field to the resource which is surfaced in NotificationMessage (090cc3a)


Stabilize GA surface.


This is the first tag to carve out securitycenter as its own module. See Add a module to a multi-module repository.