chore: release main (#8598)

:robot: I have created a release *beep* *boop*

<details><summary>advisorynotifications: 1.2.0</summary>

## [1.2.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **advisorynotifications:** Add new RPCs GetSettings, UpdateSettings and new messages Settings, NotificationSettings, GetSettingsRequest, UpdateSettingsRequest ([#8611]( ([72b3ddd](

<details><summary>aiplatform: 1.51.0</summary>

## [1.51.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **aiplatform:** Add DatasetVersion and dataset version RPCs to DatasetService ([481127f](
* **aiplatform:** Add DatasetVersion and dataset version RPCs to DatasetService ([481127f](
* **aiplatform:** Add dedicated_serving_endpoint ([57fc1a6](
* **aiplatform:** Add feature.proto ([e9ae601](

<details><summary>alloydb: 1.6.0</summary>

## [1.6.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **alloydb/connectors:** Start generating apiv1 ([#8648]( ([c68448e](
* **alloydb:** Add support to generate client certificate and get connection info for auth proxy in AlloyDB v1 ([e9ae601](

<details><summary>artifactregistry: 1.14.2</summary>

## [1.14.2]( (2023-10-04)

### Bug Fixes

* **artifactregistry:** Make repository and repository_id in CreateRepository required ([02a899c](

<details><summary>asset: 1.15.0</summary>

## [1.15.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **asset:** Add support for directly attached and effective tags ([02a899c](

<details><summary>batch: 1.5.0</summary>

## [1.5.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **batch:** Add InstancePolicy.reservation field for restricting jobs to a specific reservation ([481127f](

### Documentation

* **batch:** Update batch PD interface support ([#8616]( ([8729aa0](

<details><summary>billing: 1.17.1</summary>

## [1.17.1]( (2023-10-04)

### Documentation

* **billing:** Update service documentation ([#8597]( ([e36b9c6](

<details><summary>contactcenterinsights: 1.11.0</summary>

## [1.11.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **contactcenterinsights:** Add optional SpeechConfig to UploadConversationRequest ([02a899c](

<details><summary>datacatalog: 1.18.0</summary>

## [1.18.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **datacatalog:** Enable Vertex AI Ingestion on DataPlex ([e9ae601](

<details><summary>dialogflow: 1.44.0</summary>

## [1.44.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **dialogflow/cx:** Add support for AdvancedSettings ([57fc1a6](
* **dialogflow/cx:** Add support for AdvancedSettings ([57fc1a6](
* **dialogflow:** Add the enable_partial_automated_agent_reply flag ([57fc1a6](
* **dialogflow:** Add the enable_partial_automated_agent_reply flag ([57fc1a6](

<details><summary>documentai: 1.23.0</summary>

## [1.23.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **documentai:** Added `SummaryOptions` to `ProcessOptions` for the Summarizer processor ([02a899c](
* **documentai:** Added field Processor.processor_version_aliases ([02a899c](
* **documentai:** Make `page_range` field public ([#8602]( ([02a899c](

<details><summary>metastore: 1.13.0</summary>

## [1.13.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **metastore:** Added EndpointLocation (v1, v1beta, v1alpha) ([e9ae601](

<details><summary>networkconnectivity: 1.14.0</summary>

## [1.14.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **networkconnectivity:** Add Network Connectivity Center APIs related to VPC spokes ([#8621]( ([57fc1a6](

<details><summary>oslogin: 1.11.0</summary>

## [1.11.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **oslogin:** Added SecurityKey.device_nickname ([57fc1a6](

<details><summary>recaptchaenterprise: 2.8.0</summary>

## [2.8.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **recaptchaenterprise:** Added FraudPreventionAssessment.behavioral_trust_verdict ([481127f](
* **recaptchaenterprise:** FirewallPolicy CRUD API ([#8635]( ([481127f](

<details><summary>run: 1.3.0</summary>

## [1.3.0]( (2023-10-04)

### Features

* **run:** Adds support for cancel Execution ([02a899c](

### Bug Fixes

* **run:** Removes accidentally exposed field service.traffic_tags_cleanup_threshold in Cloud Run Service ([57fc1a6](

This PR was generated with [Release Please]( See [documentation](
33 files changed
tree: 61e1306d26eff1c41ea048265f6ee9ecc68e67be
  1. .devcontainer/
  2. .github/
  3. accessapproval/
  4. accesscontextmanager/
  5. advisorynotifications/
  6. ai/
  7. aiplatform/
  8. alloydb/
  9. analytics/
  10. apigateway/
  11. apigeeconnect/
  12. apigeeregistry/
  13. apikeys/
  14. appengine/
  15. area120/
  16. artifactregistry/
  17. asset/
  18. assuredworkloads/
  19. auth/
  20. automl/
  21. baremetalsolution/
  22. batch/
  23. beyondcorp/
  24. bigquery/
  25. bigtable/
  26. billing/
  27. binaryauthorization/
  28. certificatemanager/
  29. channel/
  30. civil/
  31. cloudbuild/
  32. clouddms/
  33. cloudtasks/
  34. commerce/
  35. compute/
  36. confidentialcomputing/
  37. config/
  38. contactcenterinsights/
  39. container/
  40. containeranalysis/
  41. datacatalog/
  42. dataflow/
  43. dataform/
  44. datafusion/
  45. datalabeling/
  46. dataplex/
  47. dataproc/
  48. dataqna/
  49. datastore/
  50. datastream/
  51. debugger/
  52. deploy/
  53. dialogflow/
  54. discoveryengine/
  55. dlp/
  56. documentai/
  57. domains/
  58. edgecontainer/
  59. errorreporting/
  60. essentialcontacts/
  61. eventarc/
  62. filestore/
  63. firestore/
  64. functions/
  65. gkebackup/
  66. gkeconnect/
  67. gkehub/
  68. gkemulticloud/
  69. grafeas/
  70. gsuiteaddons/
  71. httpreplay/
  72. iam/
  73. iap/
  74. ids/
  75. internal/
  76. iot/
  77. kms/
  78. language/
  79. lifesciences/
  80. logging/
  81. longrunning/
  82. managedidentities/
  83. maps/
  84. mediatranslation/
  85. memcache/
  86. metastore/
  87. migrationcenter/
  88. monitoring/
  89. netapp/
  90. networkconnectivity/
  91. networkmanagement/
  92. networksecurity/
  93. notebooks/
  94. optimization/
  95. orchestration/
  96. orgpolicy/
  97. osconfig/
  98. oslogin/
  99. phishingprotection/
  100. policysimulator/
  101. policytroubleshooter/
  102. privatecatalog/
  103. profiler/
  104. pubsub/
  105. pubsublite/
  106. rapidmigrationassessment/
  107. recaptchaenterprise/
  108. recommendationengine/
  109. recommender/
  110. redis/
  111. resourcemanager/
  112. resourcesettings/
  113. retail/
  114. rpcreplay/
  115. run/
  116. scheduler/
  117. secretmanager/
  118. security/
  119. securitycenter/
  120. servicecontrol/
  121. servicedirectory/
  122. servicemanagement/
  123. serviceusage/
  124. shell/
  125. spanner/
  126. speech/
  127. storage/
  128. storageinsights/
  129. storagetransfer/
  130. support/
  131. talent/
  132. texttospeech/
  133. third_party/
  134. tpu/
  135. trace/
  136. translate/
  137. video/
  138. videointelligence/
  139. vision/
  140. vmmigration/
  141. vmwareengine/
  142. vpcaccess/
  143. webrisk/
  144. websecurityscanner/
  145. workflows/
  146. workstations/
  147. .gitignore
  148. .release-please-manifest-individual.json
  149. .release-please-manifest-submodules.json
  150. .release-please-manifest.json
  155. doc.go
  156. go.mod
  157. go.sum
  160. LICENSE
  163. release-please-config-individual.json
  164. release-please-config-yoshi-submodules.json
  165. release-please-config.json

Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go

Go Reference

Go packages for Google Cloud Platform services.

import ""

To install the packages on your system, do not clone the repo. Instead:

  1. Change to your project directory: cd /my/cloud/project
  2. Get the package you want to use. Some products have their own module, so it's best to go get the package(s) you want to use:
go get # Replace with the package you want to use.

NOTE: Some of these packages are under development, and may occasionally make backwards-incompatible changes.

Supported APIs

For an updated list of all of our released APIs please see our reference docs.

Go Versions Supported

Our libraries are compatible with at least the three most recent, major Go releases. They are currently compatible with:

  • Go 1.21
  • Go 1.20
  • Go 1.19


By default, each API will use Google Application Default Credentials for authorization credentials used in calling the API endpoints. This will allow your application to run in many environments without requiring explicit configuration.

client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)

To authorize using a JSON key file, pass option.WithCredentialsFile to the NewClient function of the desired package. For example:

client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, option.WithCredentialsFile("path/to/keyfile.json"))

You can exert more control over authorization by using the package to create an oauth2.TokenSource. Then pass option.WithTokenSource to the NewClient function:

tokenSource := ...
client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(tokenSource))


Contributions are welcome. Please, see the CONTRIBUTING document for details.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. See Contributor Code of Conduct for more information.
