
This patch releases re-builds the go.sum. This was not possible in the previous release.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


This patch release removes github.com/golang/lint from the transitive dependency list, resolving go get -u problems.

Please note: this release intentionally has a broken go.sum. Please use v0.3.2.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


go.mod modifications, including removal of go 1.12 statement and update of opencensus dependency.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


General improvements.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


Initial release along with Go module support.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.