
  • Disabled automatic switching to *.mtls.googleapis.com endpoints.

  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • WithGRPCConnectionPool is a no-op for some APIs.

  • correctly report Go version of runtime.

  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Add the WithClientCertSource option for mTLS (client TLS certificates), currently only supported for HTTP clients.

  • Allow host:port for endpoint overrides, rather than requiring the full base URL (for google.golang.org/api clients).

  • Make DialPool work with WithGRPCConn plus non-zero pool size googleapis/google-cloud-go#1780

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Revert sqladmin package name back from sql to sqladmin. (#448)

  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.


  • transport/grpc: add internal WithDialPool option for GAPIC clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Increase the default chunk size for uploads (e.g., for the storage package) to 16 MB.

  • transport:

    • Automatically populate QuotaProject from the “quota_project_id” field in the JSON credentials file.
    • Add grpc.DialPool, which opens multiple grpc.ClientConns based on WithGRPCConnectionPool option.
  • Added a check to prevent mixed calls to Add and AddWait.

  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • monitoring/v3:

    • Rename Service to MService; revert APIService to Service.
  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Fix for setting custom HTTP headers in the absence of UserAgent.

  • Add a client option for disabling telemetry such as OpenCensus.

  • Performance improvements to google.golang.org/api/support/bundler.

  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Changes to how media path redirection is handled in generated code.

  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.


  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

  • Module information now indicates go 1.11 as oldest supported version. As of October 1, 2019 versions 1.9 and 1.10 are no longer supported.

  • Removed the following APIs which are no longer available via the discovery service: dfareporting/v2.8, prediction/*.

  • The internal gensupport library has been relocated to the more idiomatic path internal/gensupport.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Small fix to chunking retry logic such that each chunk has its own retry deadline, instead of unbounded retries.
  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Add support for GCP DirectPath.
  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Better support for google.api.HttpBody.
  • Support for google.api.HttpBody in the healthcare API.
  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


  • Includes a re-pin of opencensus, greatly reducing the transitive dependency list.
  • Deletes photoslibrary/v1. The photoslibrary team hopes to fully support Go in the near future, but this autogenerated library is ready to be sunset. If you rely on this client, please vendor this library at v0.3.2.
  • Various updates to autogenerated clients.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


This patch releases re-builds the go.sum. This was not possible in the previous release.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


This patch release removes github.com/golang/lint from the transitive dependency list, resolving go get -u problems.

Please note: this release intentionally has a broken go.sum. Please use v0.3.2.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


go.mod modifications, including removal of go 1.12 statement and update of opencensus dependency.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


General improvements.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.


Initial release along with Go module support.

Please note: the release version is not indicative of an individual client's stability or version.