all: release v0.24.0

This commit will be tagged v0.24.0.

Change-Id: I6bff6980dad461fba9f534bcd55bc427522b5264
Reviewed-by: Tyler Bui-Palsulich <>
diff --git a/ b/
index bcb3117..e9e8b74 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+# v0.24.0
+## Changes
+- googleapi:
+  - Return more details with errors.
+- sqladmin
+  - Make StorageAutoResize a pointer type for v1.
+- transport/http:
+  - When provided, use the TokenSource from options for NewTransport. This fixes
+    a bug in idtoken.NewClient where the wrong TokenSource was being used for
+    authentication.
+- Various updates to autogenerated clients.
+_Please note:_ the release version is not indicative of an individual client's
+stability or version.
 # v0.23.0
 ## Changes