Send REVERT command to reset the session FocusOut in ibus-mozc

This is a quick workaround against a regression in ibus-mozc caused by r77.

Currently ibus-mozc specifies |IBUS_ENGINE_PREEDIT_COMMIT| flag to |ibus_engine_update_preedit_text_with_mode| IBus API, which means that the existing preedit text (if any) will be committed by IBus runtime every time when ibus-mozc loses focus.  Hence it is ibus-mozc's responsibility to tell mozc_server to reset the text composing session when focus is lost in order to keep consistency of the preedit.

Closes Issue 255.

BUG= Issue mozc:255
TEST="GTK_IM_MODULE=xim gedit" on Ubuntu 14.04

git-svn-id: a6090854-d499-a067-5803-1114d4e51264
2 files changed
tree: 023521be6fa6dde4ea8aba20ac57bd48e8719a66
  1. src/