blob: 1e802a903630ea8f89d6dbbbedf98db503e063bf [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
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<!-- Keyboard name -->
<string name="cd_keyboard_kana">Kana keyboard</string>
<string name="cd_keyboard_alphabet">Alphabet keyboard</string>
<string name="cd_keyboard_number">Number keyboard</string>
<!-- Keys -->
Policy: Use Kanji as long as possible in order to improve the quality of TTS.
If written down in Hiragana, many information which is required for accent lacks.
But some entries are written down. For example, raw 'g' is spoken as "ぐらむ"
so explicitly "じー" is used instead.
<string name="cd_key_shift" translation_description="When 'Shift' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">shift</string>
<string name="cd_key_up" translation_description="When 'Up' arrow key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">up</string>
<string name="cd_key_left" translation_description="When 'Left' arrow key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">left</string>
<string name="cd_key_right" translation_description="When 'Right' arrow key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">right</string>
<string name="cd_key_down" translation_description="When 'Down' arrow key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">down</string>
<string name="cd_key_chartype_to_kana" translation_description="When the keyboard is switched to the 'Kana' (Japanese phonogram) mode, this string is spoken up for accessibility">switch to Kana keyboard</string>
<string name="cd_key_chartype_to_abc" translation_description="When the keyboard is switched to the 'Alphabet' mode, this string is spoken up for accessibility">switch to Alphabet keyboard</string>
<string name="cd_key_chartype_to_abc_123" translation_description="When the keyboard is switched to the 'Symbol' mode, this string is spoken up for accessibility">switch to symbol keyboard</string>
<string name="cd_key_undo" translation_description="When 'Undo' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">undo</string>
<string name="cd_key_symbol" translation_description="When 'Symbol' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">symbol input screen</string>
<string name="cd_key_alt" translation_description="When the keyboard is switched into alternative symbol mode, this string is spoken up for accessibility">alternative symbols</string>
<string name="cd_key_alt_unmodified" translation_description="When the keyboard is swtiched back from alternative symbol mode to normal symbole mode, this string is spoken up for accessibility">normal symbols</string>
<string name="cd_key_capslock" translation_description="When the keyboard is switched into caps lock mode, this string is spoken up for accessibility">caps lock</string>
<string name="cd_key_capsunlock" translation_description="When the keyboard is swtiched back from caps lock mode to normal mode, this string is spoken up for accessibility">caps unlock</string>
<string name="cd_key_menu_dialog" translation_description="When the menu dialog is opened, this string is spoken up for accessibility. 'Open' is a verb.">open menu</string>
<string name="cd_key_globe" translation_description="When the input method is switched to another, this string is spoken up for accessibility">switch input method</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_backspace" translation_description="When 'Backspace' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">backspace</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_linefeed" translation_description="When 'Linefeed' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">linefeed</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_space" translation_description="When 'Space' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">space</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_exclamation_mark" translation_description="When '!' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">exclamation mark</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_quotation_mark" translation_description="When [&quot;] key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">quotation mark</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_number_sign" translation_description="When '#' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">number sign</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_dollar_sign" translation_description="When '$' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">dollar sign</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_percent_sign" translation_description="When '%' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">percent sign</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_ampersand" translation_description="When '&amp;' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">ampersand</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_apostrophe" translation_description="When [&apos;] key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">apostrophe</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_left_parenthesis" translation_description="When '(' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">left parenthesis</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_right_parenthesis" translation_description="When ')' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">right parenthesis</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_asterisk" translation_description="When '*' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">asterisk</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_plus_sign" translation_description="When '+' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">plus sign</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_comma" translation_description="When ',' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">comma</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_hyphen_minus" translation_description="When '-' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">hyphen</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_full_stop" translation_description="When '.' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">period</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_solidus" translation_description="When '/' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">slash</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_digit_zero" translation_description="When '0' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">0</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_digit_one" translation_description="When '1' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">1</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_digit_two" translation_description="When '2' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">2</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_digit_three" translation_description="When '3' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">3</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_digit_four" translation_description="When '4' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">4</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_digit_five" translation_description="When '5' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">5</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_digit_six" translation_description="When '6' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">6</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_digit_seven" translation_description="When '7' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">7</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_digit_eight" translation_description="When '8' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">8</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_digit_nine" translation_description="When '9' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">9</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_colon" translation_description="When ':' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">colon</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_semicolon" translation_description="When ';' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">semicolon</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_less_than_sign" translation_description="When '&lt;' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">less than sign</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_equals_sign" translation_description="When '=' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">equals sign</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_greater_than_sign" translation_description="When '&gt;' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">greater than sign</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_question_mark" translation_description="When '?' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">question mark</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_commercial_at" translation_description="When '@' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">at mark</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_a" translation_description="When 'A' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">A</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_b" translation_description="When 'B' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">B</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_c" translation_description="When 'C' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">C</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_d" translation_description="When 'D' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">D</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_e" translation_description="When 'E' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">E</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_f" translation_description="When 'F' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">F</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_g" translation_description="When 'G' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">G</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_h" translation_description="When 'H' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">H</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_i" translation_description="When 'I' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">I</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_j" translation_description="When 'J' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">J</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_k" translation_description="When 'K' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">K</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_l" translation_description="When 'L' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">L</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_m" translation_description="When 'M' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">M</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_n" translation_description="When 'N' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">N</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_o" translation_description="When 'O' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">O</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_p" translation_description="When 'P' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">P</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_q" translation_description="When 'Q' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">Q</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_r" translation_description="When 'R' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">R</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_s" translation_description="When 'S' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">S</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_t" translation_description="When 'T' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">T</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_u" translation_description="When 'U' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">U</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_v" translation_description="When 'V' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">V</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_w" translation_description="When 'W' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">W</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_x" translation_description="When 'X' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">X</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_y" translation_description="When 'Y' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">Y</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_capital_letter_z" translation_description="When 'Z' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">Z</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_left_square_bracket" translation_description="When '[' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">left square bracket</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_reverse_solidus" translation_description="When '\' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">back slash</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_right_square_bracket" translation_description="When ']' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">right square bracket</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_circumflex_accent" translation_description="When '^' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">hat</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_low_line" translation_description="When '_' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">under score</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_grave_accent" translation_description="When '`' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">grave</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_a" translation_description="When 'a' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">a</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_b" translation_description="When 'b' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">b</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_c" translation_description="When 'c' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">c</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_d" translation_description="When 'd' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">d</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_e" translation_description="When 'e' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">e</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_f" translation_description="When 'f' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">f</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_g" translation_description="When 'g' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">g</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_h" translation_description="When 'h' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">h</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_i" translation_description="When 'i' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">i</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_j" translation_description="When 'j' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">j</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_k" translation_description="When 'k' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">k</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_l" translation_description="When 'l' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">l</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_m" translation_description="When 'm' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">m</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_n" translation_description="When 'n' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">n</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_o" translation_description="When 'o' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">o</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_p" translation_description="When 'p' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">p</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_q" translation_description="When 'q' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">q</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_r" translation_description="When 'r' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">r</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_s" translation_description="When 's' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">s</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_t" translation_description="When 't' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">t</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_u" translation_description="When 'u' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">u</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_v" translation_description="When 'v' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">v</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_w" translation_description="When 'w' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">w</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_x" translation_description="When 'x' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">x</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_y" translation_description="When 'y' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">y</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_latin_small_letter_z" translation_description="When 'z' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">z</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_left_curly_bracket" translation_description="When '{' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">left curly bracket</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_vertical_line" translation_description="When '|' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">vertical line</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_right_curly_bracket" translation_description="When '}' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">right curly bracket</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_tilde" translation_description="When '~' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">tilde</string>
<string name="cd_key_action_done" translation_description="When 'done' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">done</string>
<string name="cd_key_action_go" translation_description="When 'go' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">go</string>
<string name="cd_key_action_next" translation_description="When 'next' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">next</string>
<string name="cd_key_action_previous" translation_description="When 'previous' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">previous</string>
<string name="cd_key_action_search" translation_description="When 'search' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility">search</string>
<string name="cd_key_action_send" translation_description="When 'send' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility. This key is used when the composed text will be sent like chat app.">send</string>
<string name="cd_key_composing_done" translation_description="When 'submit' key in the keyboard is pressed, this string is spoken up for accessibility. This key is generically used when text composing is finished.">submit</string>
<!-- Keys in Kana keyboard -->
<string name="cd_key_kana_line_a" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese A column (あ行: A, I, U, E, O) in the keyboard is pressed.">A column</string>
<string name="cd_key_kana_line_ka" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese KA column (か行: KA, KI, KU, KE, KO) in the keyboard is pressed.">KA column</string>
<string name="cd_key_kana_line_sa" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese SA column (さ行: SA, SHI, SU, SE, SO) in the keyboard is pressed.">SA column</string>
<string name="cd_key_kana_line_ta" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese TA column (た行: TA, CHI, TSU, TE, TO) in the keyboard is pressed.">TA column</string>
<string name="cd_key_kana_line_na" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese NA column (な行: NA, NI, NU, NE, NO) in the keyboard is pressed.">NA column</string>
<string name="cd_key_kana_line_ha" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese HA column (は行: HA, HI, FU, HE, HO) in the keyboard is pressed.">HA column</string>
<string name="cd_key_kana_line_ma" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese MA column (ま行: MA, MI, MU, ME, MO) in the keyboard is pressed.">MA column</string>
<string name="cd_key_kana_line_ya" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese YA column (や行: YA, YU, YO) in the keyboard is pressed.">YA column</string>
<string name="cd_key_kana_line_ra" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese RA column (ら行: RA, RI, RU, RE, RO) in the keyboard is pressed.">RA column</string>
<string name="cd_key_kana_modifier" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese voiced sound mark (゛) in the keyboard is pressed.">voiced sound mark</string>
<string name="cd_key_kana_line_wa" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese WA column (わ行: WA, WO, N) in the keyboard is pressed.">WA column</string>
<string name="cd_key_kana_punctuation" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese punctuation mark (、 。) in the keyboard is pressed.">punctuation</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_katakana_middle_dot" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of middle dot mark (・) in the keyboard s pressed.">middle dot</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_ideographic_comma" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese comma character (、) in the keyboard is pressed.">comma</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_ideographic_full_stop" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese period character (。) in the keyboard is pressed.">period</string>
<string name="cd_key_uchar_katakana_hiragana_prolonged_sound_mark" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of Japanese prolonged sound mark (ー) in the keyboard is pressed.">prolonged sound mark</string>
<!-- Keys in Alphabet keyboard -->
<string name="cd_key_alphabet_abc" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of ABC characters in the keyboard is pressed.">ABC</string>
<string name="cd_key_alphabet_def" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of DEF characters in the keyboard is pressed.">DEF</string>
<string name="cd_key_alphabet_ghi" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of GHI characters in the keyboard is pressed.">GHI</string>
<string name="cd_key_alphabet_jkl" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of JKL characters in the keyboard is pressed.">JKL</string>
<string name="cd_key_alphabet_mno" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of MNO characters in the keyboard is pressed.">MNO</string>
<string name="cd_key_alphabet_pqrs" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of PQRS characters in the keyboard is pressed.">PQRS</string>
<string name="cd_key_alphabet_tuv" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of TUV characters in the keyboard is pressed.">TUV</string>
<string name="cd_key_alphabet_wxyz" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button of WXYZ characters in the keyboard is pressed.">WXYZ</string>
<string name="cd_key_alphabet_capitalize" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to capitalize alphabet characters in the keyboard is pressed.">capitalize</string>
<string name="spoken_use_headphone_for_password" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the system starts reading the characters in the passowrd field.">Plug in a headset to hear password keys spoken aloud</string>
<string name="cd_keyboard_fold_button" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to expand/fold the candidate word list is pressed.  More details are described in Page 33 of">Change the size of candidate window</string>
<!-- Views -->
<string name="cd_close_symbol_window" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to back to the keyboard is pressed.">Back to keyboard</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_number" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to go to the number keyboard is pressed.">Number</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_symbol" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to go to the symbol keyboard is pressed.">Symbol</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_emoticon" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to go to the emoticon keyboard is pressed.">Emoticon</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_emoji" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to go to the emoji keyboard is pressed.">Emoji</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_enter" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the enter key is pressed.">Linefeed</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_backspace" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the backspace key is pressed.">Backspace</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_history" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show symbol/emoticon/emoji history is pressed.">History</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_symbol_general" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show general symbols is pressed.">General symbol</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_symbol_half" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show full and half width symbols is pressed.">Full and half width symbol</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_symbol_parenthesis" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show parenthesis is pressed.">Parenthesis symbol</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_symbol_arrow" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show arrow symbols is pressed.">Arrow symbol</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_symbol_math" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show math symbols is pressed.">Math symbol</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_emoticon_smile" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show smile emoticon is pressed.">Smile emoticon</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_emoticon_sweat" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show sweat emoticon is pressed.">Sweat emoticon</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_emoticon_surprise" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show surprise emoticon is pressed.">Surprise emoticon</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_emoticon_sadness" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show sadness emoticon is pressed.">Sadness emoticon</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_emoticon_displeasure" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show displeasure emoticon is pressed.">Displeasure emoticon</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_emoji_face" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show face emoji is pressed.">Face emoji</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_emoji_food" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show food emoji is pressed.">Food emoji</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_emoji_activity" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show activity emoji is pressed.">Activity emoji</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_emoji_city" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show city emoji is pressed.">City emoji</string>
<string name="cd_symbol_window_minor_emoji_nature" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show nature emoji is pressed.">Nature emoji</string>
<string name="help_userdictionary_dictionary_name" translation_description="Label asking the user to input the dictionary name.">Input dictionary name</string>
<string name="help_userdictionary_edit_word_value" translation_description="Label asking the user to input the word.">Input word</string>
<string name="help_userdictionary_edit_word_key" translation_description="Label asking the user to input the reading (pronunciation) of the word.">Input reading</string>
<string name="cd_voice_input" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when voice input button is being pressed. Note that typically suffix 'button' is also spoken (e.g., 'Voice input button' in English).">Voice input</string>
<string name="cd_narrow_frame_widen_button" translation_description="This string is spoken up for accessibility, when the button to show the software keyboard is pressed. This button is available iff a physical keyboard is available.">Show the keyboard</string>