blob: 1fd6157e1d23810189179ec4797c82ba0b42bbf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import javax.annotation.CheckReturnValue;
import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
* A view of a session snapshot that may be specialized or unspecialized.
public abstract class SessionView {
@Nonnull protected final SessionSnapshot snapshot;
@GuardedBy("this") @Nonnull protected AuthnSessionState.Summary summary;
protected SessionView(SessionSnapshot snapshot) {
this.snapshot = snapshot;
summary = null;
* Creates a session view specialized for a given authentication mechanism.
* @param snapshot The session snapshot the view is a specialization of.
* @param mechanism The authentication mechanism to specialize for.
* @return A view of the snapshot specialized for the mechanism.
static SessionView create(SessionSnapshot snapshot, AuthnMechanism mechanism) {
return new SessionViewForMechanism(snapshot, mechanism);
* Creates a session view specialized for a given credential group.
* @param snapshot The session snapshot the view is a specialization of.
* @param credentialGroup The credential group to specialize for.
* @return A view of the snapshot specialized for the credential group.
static SessionView create(SessionSnapshot snapshot, CredentialGroup credentialGroup) {
return new SessionViewForCredentialGroup(snapshot, credentialGroup);
* Creates an unspecialized session view.
* @param snapshot The session snapshot the view is a specialization of.
* @return An unspecialized view of the snapshot.
static SessionView create(SessionSnapshot snapshot) {
return new SessionViewUnspecialized(snapshot);
* Gets a new view identical to this one except that it contains the given
* user-agent cookies. Used to update a view after returning from a
* credentials gatherer.
* @param userAgentCookies The new user-agent cookies.
* @return A new view as specified.
SessionView withNewUserAgentCookies(ImmutableCollection<GCookie> userAgentCookies) {
return withNewSnapshot(snapshot.withNewUserAgentCookies(userAgentCookies));
protected abstract SessionView withNewSnapshot(SessionSnapshot snapshot);
* Is this a mechanism view?
* @return True only if this view is specialized for an authentication mechanism.
public boolean isSpecializedForMechanism() {
return false;
* Is this a credential-group view?
* @return True only if this view is specialized for a credential group.
public boolean isSpecializedForCredentialGroup() {
return false;
* Is this an unspecialized view?
* @return True only if this is an unspecialized view.
public boolean isUnspecialized() {
return false;
* Gets a summary of the view's session state.
public synchronized AuthnSessionState.Summary getSummary() {
if (summary == null) {
summary = snapshot.getState().computeSummary(snapshot.getConfig().getCredentialGroups());
return summary;
* Gets the session ID string.
* @return The session ID string.
public String getSessionId() {
return snapshot.getSessionId();
* Gets the URL that initiated the current authentication request.
* @return The authentication request URL, or null if we're not processing an
* authentication request.
public URL getAuthnEntryUrl() {
return snapshot.getAuthnEntryUrl();
* Gets the URL that initiated the current authentication request.
* @return The authentication request URL as a string, or null if we're not
* processing an authentication request.
public String getAuthnEntryUrlString() {
return getAuthnEntryUrl().toString();
* Gets the time at which this view's snapshot was taken.
* @return The snapshot time in milliseconds since the epoch.
public long getTimeStamp() {
return snapshot.getTimeStamp();
* Gets this view's authority, if it is a specialized view.
* @return The authority.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is not a specialized view.
public abstract AuthnAuthority getAuthority();
* Gets this view's credential group, if this is a specialized view.
* @return The credential group.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is not a specialized view.
public abstract CredentialGroup getCredentialGroup();
* Gets this view's mechanism, if this is a mechanism view.
* @return The mechanism associated with this view.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is not a mechanism view.
public abstract AuthnMechanism getMechanism();
* Is this view's credential group required to have a principal?
* @return True if a principal is required.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is not a specialized view.
public boolean getRequiresPrincipal() {
return getCredentialGroup().getRequiresUsername();
* Gets the configured expiration time.
* @return The expiration time.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is not a mechanism view.
public long getConfiguredExpirationTime() {
long trustDuration = getMechanism().getTrustDuration();
return (trustDuration > 0)
? snapshot.getTimeStamp() + trustDuration
protected abstract Predicate<AuthnAuthority> getCookieFilter();
protected abstract Predicate<AuthnAuthority> getCredentialFilter();
* Is this view satisfied?
public abstract boolean isSatisfied();
// **************** Cookies ****************
* Gets the cookies that were received from the user agent in the most recent
* HTTP request.
* @return The cookies.
public Iterable<GCookie> getUserAgentCookies() {
return snapshot.getUserAgentCookies();
* Gets a user-agent cookie by name. Note that there can be multiple such
* cookies; in that case one is chosen arbitrarily.
* @param name The name of the cookie to get.
* @return A cookie with that name, or {@code null} if none.
public GCookie getUserAgentCookie(String name) {
for (GCookie cookie : getUserAgentCookies()) {
if (name.equals(cookie.getName())) {
return cookie;
return null;
* Gets the cookies that have been received from this view's authorities.
* @return An immutable set of the authority cookies.
public ImmutableSet<GCookie> getAuthorityCookies() {
return getSummary().getCookies(getCookieFilter(), getTimeStamp());
// **************** Credentials ****************
* Gets the credentials that have been gathered for this view.
* @return An immutable set of the credentials.
public ImmutableSet<Credential> getCredentials() {
return getSummary().getCredentials(getCredentialFilter());
* Gets this view's principal.
* @return The principal, or {@code null} if there isn't one.
public AuthnPrincipal getPrincipal() {
return getUniqueCredential(AuthnPrincipal.class);
* Gets this view's password credential.
* @return The password credential, or {@code null} if there isn't one.
public CredPassword getPasswordCredential() {
return getUniqueCredential(CredPassword.class);
* Gets this view's group-memberships credential.
* @return The group-memberships credential, or {@code null} if there isn't one.
public GroupMemberships getGroupMemberships() {
return getUniqueCredential(GroupMemberships.class);
private <T extends Credential> T getUniqueCredential(Class<T> clazz) {
Credential uniqueCredential = null;
for (Credential credential : getCredentials()) {
if (clazz.isInstance(credential)) {
if (uniqueCredential == null) {
uniqueCredential = credential;
} else if (!uniqueCredential.equals(credential)) {
return null;
return clazz.cast(uniqueCredential);
* Does this view have a principal and a password?
* @return True if the view has exactly one principal and one password.
public boolean hasPrincipalAndPassword() {
return hasPrincipalAndPassword(getPrincipal(), getPasswordCredential());
private boolean hasPrincipalAndPassword(AuthnPrincipal principal, CredPassword password) {
return principal != null
&& !principal.getName().isEmpty()
&& password != null
&& !password.getText().isEmpty();
* Gets this view's principal and password.
* @return An immutable collection containing those credentials.
* @throws IllegalStateException unless both are available.
public ImmutableCollection<Credential> getPrincipalAndPassword() {
AuthnPrincipal principal = getPrincipal();
CredPassword password = getPasswordCredential();
Preconditions.checkState(hasPrincipalAndPassword(principal, password));
return ImmutableList.<Credential>of(principal, password);
* Gets this view's username.
* @return The username, or {@code null} if there isn't one.
public String getUsername() {
AuthnPrincipal principal = getPrincipal();
return (principal != null) ? principal.getName() : null;
* Gets this view's domain.
* @return The domain, or {@code null} if there isn't one.
public String getDomain() {
AuthnPrincipal principal = getPrincipal();
return (principal != null) ? principal.getActiveDirectoryDomain() : null;
* Gets this view's password.
* @return The password, or {@code null} if there isn't one.
public String getPassword() {
CredPassword password = getPasswordCredential();
return (password != null) ? password.getText() : null;
* Gets this view's groups.
* @return The groups, as an immutable set.
public ImmutableSet<String> getGroups() {
GroupMemberships groups = getGroupMemberships();
return (groups != null) ? groups.getGroups() : ImmutableSet.<String>of();
// **************** Verifications ****************
* Gets the verifications for this view.
* @return An immutable set of this view's verifications.
public ImmutableSet<Verification> getVerifications() {
return getSummary().getVerifications(getCredentialFilter(), getTimeStamp());
* Does this view have a verified principal?
* @return True if this view has at least one verification containing a
* principal, and if no other verification contains a different principal.
public boolean hasVerifiedPrincipal() {
return null != getUniqueVerifiedCredential(AuthnPrincipal.class);
* Does this view have a verified password?
* @return True if this view has at least one verification containing a
* password, and if no other verification contains a different password.
protected boolean hasVerifiedPassword() {
return null != getUniqueVerifiedCredential(AuthnPrincipal.class);
* Does this view have a jointly verified principal and password?
* @return True if this view has at least one verification containing both a
* principal and password, and if no other verification contains a
* different principal or password.
public boolean hasVerifiedPrincipalAndPassword() {
AuthnPrincipal principal = getUniqueVerifiedCredential(AuthnPrincipal.class);
CredPassword password = getUniqueVerifiedCredential(CredPassword.class);
return principal != null
&& password != null
&& areJointlyVerified(principal, password);
* Gets a verified principal.
* @return The verified principal. Returns {@code null} if
* {@code hasVerifiedPrincipal()} is false.
public AuthnPrincipal getVerifiedPrincipal() {
return getUniqueVerifiedCredential(AuthnPrincipal.class);
* Gets the verified groups for this view.
* @return The verified groups, may be empty.
public ImmutableSet<String> getVerifiedGroups() {
ImmutableSet.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (GroupMemberships credential : getVerifiedCredentials(GroupMemberships.class)) {
* Gets the expiration time of a credential.
* @param credential A credential to get the expiration time for.
* @return The credential's expiration time, or {@code 0} if the credential
* isn't verified.
public long getCredentialExpirationTime(Credential credential) {
return Verification.maximumExpirationTime(getJointVerifications(credential));
private <T extends Credential> T getUniqueVerifiedCredential(Class<T> clazz) {
Credential uniqueCredential = null;
for (Verification verification : getVerifications()) {
if (verification.isVerified()) {
for (Credential credential : verification.getCredentials()) {
if (clazz.isInstance(credential)) {
if (uniqueCredential == null) {
uniqueCredential = credential;
} else if (!uniqueCredential.equals(credential)) {
return null;
return clazz.cast(uniqueCredential);
private <T extends Credential> Iterable<T> getVerifiedCredentials(Class<T> clazz) {
ImmutableList.Builder<T> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (Verification verification : getVerifications()) {
if (verification.isVerified()) {
for (Credential credential : verification.getCredentials()) {
if (clazz.isInstance(credential)) {
private boolean areJointlyVerified(Credential... credentials) {
return Iterables.any(getVerifications(),
private Iterable<Verification> getJointVerifications(Credential... credentials) {
return Iterables.filter(getVerifications(),
* Gets this view's verification status.
* @return The verification status.
public VerificationStatus getVerificationStatus() {
return Verification.getStatus(getVerifications());
* Does this view have no refutations and at least one verification?
* @return True if this view is verified.
public boolean isVerified() {
return getVerificationStatus() == VerificationStatus.VERIFIED;
* Does this view have at least one refutation?
* @return True if this view is refuted.
public boolean isRefuted() {
return getVerificationStatus() == VerificationStatus.REFUTED;
* Does this view have no refutations and no verifications?
* @return True if this view is indeterminate.
public boolean isIndeterminate() {
return getVerificationStatus() == VerificationStatus.INDETERMINATE;
// **************** Logging ****************
* Annotates a log message with this view's session ID.
* @param format The format string to pass to {@link String#format}.
* @param args The arguments to pass to {@link String#format}.
* @return The annotated log message.
public String logMessage(String format, Object... args) {
return snapshot.logMessage(format, args);