blob: b070ad82235b4e1d9efc212c4aae3c95c9ba54b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import org.joda.time.DateTimeUtils;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import javax.annotation.CheckReturnValue;
import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
* The structure that holds results from credential verification.
public final class Verification {
* A value for a verification expiration time that means the verification
* doesn't expire.
public static final long NEVER_EXPIRES = -1;
* A value for a verification expiration time that means the verification
* expires when the current servlet request is finished.
public static final long EXPIRES_AFTER_REQUEST = -2;
* Used internally to limit values accepted when making a verification.
public static final long MINIMUM_EXPIRATION_VALUE = -2;
@Nonnull private final VerificationStatus status;
private final long expirationTime;
@Nonnull private final ImmutableSet<Credential> credentials;
private Verification(VerificationStatus status, long expirationTime,
Iterable<? extends Credential> credentials) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(expirationTime >= MINIMUM_EXPIRATION_VALUE);
this.status = status;
this.expirationTime = expirationTime;
this.credentials = ImmutableSet.copyOf(credentials);
* Gets a verification object with VERIFIED status and given credentials.
* @param expirationTime The expiration time of this verification.
* @param credentials The credentials that the status applies to.
* @return A verification with the given components.
public static Verification verified(long expirationTime,
Iterable<? extends Credential> credentials) {
return new Verification(VerificationStatus.VERIFIED, expirationTime, credentials);
* Gets a verification object with VERIFIED status and given credentials.
* @param expirationTime The expiration time of this verification.
* @param credentials The credentials that the status applies to.
* @return A verification with the given components.
public static Verification verified(long expirationTime, Credential... credentials) {
return verified(expirationTime, Arrays.asList(credentials));
* Gets a verification object with REFUTED status and given credentials.
* @param credentials The credentials that the status applies to.
* @return A verification with the given components.
public static Verification refuted(Iterable<? extends Credential> credentials) {
return new Verification(VerificationStatus.REFUTED, EXPIRES_AFTER_REQUEST, credentials);
* Gets a verification object with REFUTED status and no credentials.
* @return A verification with the given components.
public static Verification refuted() {
return refuted(ImmutableSet.<Credential>of());
public static Verification make(VerificationStatus status, long expirationTime,
Credential... credentials) {
return new Verification(status, expirationTime, Arrays.asList(credentials));
* Gets the status of this verification.
* @return The verification's status.
public VerificationStatus getStatus() {
return status;
* Are the credentials valid?
* @return True if the credentials were verified and found valid.
public boolean isVerified() {
return status == VerificationStatus.VERIFIED;
* Are the credentials invalid?
* @return True if the credentials were verified and found invalid.
public boolean isRefuted() {
return status == VerificationStatus.REFUTED;
* Is the verification status indeterminate?
* @return True if the credentials were verified with indeterminate result.
public boolean isIndeterminate() {
return status == VerificationStatus.INDETERMINATE;
* Gets the expiration time for this verification. Positive is a time
* comparable to {@link System#currentTimeMillis}, zero means "already
* expired", negative means "never expires".
* @return The expiration time.
public long getExpirationTime() {
return expirationTime;
* Has the verification expired based on the given time?
* @param now The reference time.
* @return True if the verification has expired.
public boolean hasExpired(long now) {
return expirationTime >= 0
&& !SecurityManagerUtil.isRemoteOnOrAfterTimeValid(expirationTime, now);
* Compares the expiration time of this verification with that of a given
* verification. The result is a positive number if the expiration time of
* this verification is later than that of the other; a negative number if
* this time is earlier than that of the other; or zero if they are equal.
* @param other The verification to compare to.
* @return The comparison result.
public int compareExpirationTimes(Verification other) {
return compareExpirationTimes(getExpirationTime(), other.getExpirationTime());
* Compares two expiration times.
* @param t1 The first expiration time.
* @param t2 The second expiration time.
* @return A negative number if {@code t1<t2}, a positive number if
* {@code t1>t2}, or zero if {@code t1==t2}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either of the arguments is not
* recognized as an expiration time.
public static int compareExpirationTimes(long t1, long t2) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(t1 >= MINIMUM_EXPIRATION_VALUE);
Preconditions.checkArgument(t2 >= MINIMUM_EXPIRATION_VALUE);
if (t1 == t2) { return 0; }
if (t1 == NEVER_EXPIRES) { return 1; }
if (t2 == NEVER_EXPIRES) { return -1; }
if (t1 == 0) { return -1; }
if (t2 == 0) { return 1; }
if (t1 == EXPIRES_AFTER_REQUEST) { return -1; }
if (t2 == EXPIRES_AFTER_REQUEST) { return 1; }
return (t1 > t2) ? 1 : -1;
* Gets the minimum expiration time for some given verifications. Ignores any
* verifications that don't satisfy {@link #isVerified}.
* @param verifications Some verifications to test.
* @return The earliest expiration time for those verifications. Returns
* {@link #NEVER_EXPIRES} if there are no verifications.
public static long minimumExpirationTime(Iterable<Verification> verifications) {
long expirationTime = NEVER_EXPIRES;
for (Verification verification : verifications) {
if (verification.isVerified()
&& compareExpirationTimes(verification.getExpirationTime(), expirationTime) < 0) {
expirationTime = verification.getExpirationTime();
return expirationTime;
* Gets the maximum expiration time for some given verifications. Ignores any
* verifications that don't satisfy {@link #isVerified}.
* @param verifications Some verifications to test.
* @return The latest expiration time for those verifications. Returns
* {@code 0} if there are no verifications.
public static long maximumExpirationTime(Iterable<Verification> verifications) {
long expirationTime = 0;
for (Verification verification : verifications) {
if (verification.isVerified()
&& compareExpirationTimes(verification.getExpirationTime(), expirationTime) > 0) {
expirationTime = verification.getExpirationTime();
return expirationTime;
* Gets the credentials that were verified.
* @return An immutable set of the credentials that underwent verification.
public ImmutableSet<Credential> getCredentials() {
return credentials;
* Does this verification contain a given credential?
* @param credential A credential to test for.
* @return True if the given credential is contained.
public boolean containsCredential(Credential credential) {
for (Credential v : credentials) {
if (v.equals(credential)) {
return true;
return false;
* Does this verification contain all of some given credentials?
* @param credentials Some credentials to test for.
* @return True if all of the given credentials are contained.
public boolean containsAllCredentials(Iterable<? extends Credential> credentials) {
for (Credential credential : credentials) {
if (!containsCredential(credential)) {
return false;
return true;
* Does this verification contain any of some given credentials?
* @param credentials Some credentials to test for.
* @return True if any of the given credentials are contained.
public boolean containsAnyCredential(Iterable<? extends Credential> credentials) {
for (Credential credential : credentials) {
if (containsCredential(credential)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (object == this) { return true; }
if (!(object instanceof Verification)) { return false; }
Verification verification = (Verification) object;
return Objects.equal(status, verification.getStatus())
&& Objects.equal(credentials, verification.getCredentials());
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(status, credentials);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("{Verification: status=");
builder.append("; ");
if (expirationTime == NEVER_EXPIRES) {
builder.append("never expires");
} else if (expirationTime == EXPIRES_AFTER_REQUEST) {
builder.append("expires after request");
} else {
builder.append("expires at ");
if (!credentials.isEmpty()) {
builder.append("; credentials ");
return builder.toString();
private static final DateTimeFormatter ISO8601_FORMAT = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime();
* Gets a predicate that compares a verification's status to a given value.
* @param status A status to test for.
* @return The corresponding predicate.
public static Predicate<Verification> getStatusPredicate(VerificationStatus status) {
return Predicates.compose(Predicates.equalTo(status), GET_STATUS_FUNCTION);
private static final Function<Verification, VerificationStatus> GET_STATUS_FUNCTION =
new Function<Verification, VerificationStatus>() {
public VerificationStatus apply(Verification v) {
return v.getStatus();
* Gets a predicate that tests whether a given verification has status
* {@link VerificationStatus#VERIFIED}.
* @return The predicate.
public static Predicate<Verification> isVerifiedPredicate() {
private static final Predicate<Verification> IS_VERIFIED_PREDICATE
= getStatusPredicate(VerificationStatus.VERIFIED);
* Gets a predicate that tests whether a given verification has status
* {@link VerificationStatus#REFUTED}.
* @return The predicate.
public static Predicate<Verification> isRefutedPredicate() {
private static final Predicate<Verification> IS_REFUTED_PREDICATE
= getStatusPredicate(VerificationStatus.REFUTED);
* Gets a predicate that tests whether a verification is expired
* @param time The reference time for the expiration.
* @return The corresponding predicate.
public static Predicate<Verification> getExpirationPredicate(final long time) {
return new Predicate<Verification>() {
public boolean apply(Verification v) {
return v.hasExpired(time);
* Gets a predicate that tests whether a verification should expire after the
* current request.
* @return The predicate.
public static Predicate<Verification> getRequestExpirationPredicate() {
private static final Function<Verification, Long> GET_EXPIRATION_TIME_FUNCTION =
new Function<Verification, Long>() {
public Long apply(Verification v) {
return v.getExpirationTime();
private static final Predicate<Verification> REQUEST_EXPIRATION_PREDICATE =
* Gets a predicate that invokes the {@link #containsCredential} method on a
* given verification.
* @param credential The credential to test for.
* @return The corresponding predicate.
public static Predicate<Verification> getContainsCredentialPredicate(
final Credential credential) {
return new Predicate<Verification>() {
public boolean apply(Verification verification) {
return verification.containsCredential(credential);
* Gets a predicate that invokes the {@link #containsAllCredentials} method on
* a given verification.
* @param credentials The credentials to test for.
* @return The corresponding predicate.
public static Predicate<Verification> getContainsAllCredentialsPredicate(
final Iterable<? extends Credential> credentials) {
return new Predicate<Verification>() {
public boolean apply(Verification verification) {
return verification.containsAllCredentials(credentials);
* Gets a predicate that invokes the {@link #containsAllCredentials} method on
* a given verification.
* @param credentials The credentials to test for.
* @return The corresponding predicate.
public static Predicate<Verification> getContainsAllCredentialsPredicate(
Credential... credentials) {
return getContainsAllCredentialsPredicate(Arrays.asList(credentials));
* Gets a predicate that invokes the {@link #containsAnyCredential} method on
* a given verification.
* @param credentials The credentials to test for.
* @return The corresponding predicate.
public static Predicate<Verification> getContainsAnyCredentialPredicate(
final Iterable<? extends Credential> credentials) {
return new Predicate<Verification>() {
public boolean apply(Verification v) {
return v.containsAnyCredential(credentials);
* Gets a predicate that invokes the {@link #containsAnyCredential} method on
* a given verification.
* @param credentials The credentials to test for.
* @return The corresponding predicate.
public static Predicate<Verification> getContainsAnyCredentialPredicate(
Credential... credentials) {
return getContainsAnyCredentialPredicate(Arrays.asList(credentials));
* Determines the verification status from a set of verifications.
* @param verifications The set of verifications to check.
* @return The aggregate status of the verifications.
public static VerificationStatus getStatus(Iterable<Verification> verifications) {
VerificationStatus result = VerificationStatus.INDETERMINATE;
for (Verification verification : verifications) {
if (verification.isRefuted()) {
return VerificationStatus.REFUTED;
if (verification.isVerified()) {
result = VerificationStatus.VERIFIED;
return result;
* Determines the joint verification status for some given credentials from a
* set of verifications.
* @param verifications The set of verifications to check.
* @param credentials The set of credentials to look for.
* @return The joint verification status of the relevant verifications.
public static VerificationStatus getStatus(Iterable<Verification> verifications,
Iterable<? extends Credential> credentials) {
return getStatus(
* Determines whether one of a set of verifications has VERIFIED state.
* @param verifications The set of verifications to check.
* @return True if there's at least one VERIFIED element in the set.
public static boolean isVerified(Iterable<Verification> verifications) {
return getStatus(verifications) == VerificationStatus.VERIFIED;
* Determines whether one of a set of verifications has REFUTED state.
* @param verifications The set of verifications to check.
* @return True if there's at least one REFUTED element in the set.
public static boolean isRefuted(Iterable<Verification> verifications) {
return getStatus(verifications) == VerificationStatus.REFUTED;
* Determines whether none of a set of verifications has VERIFIED or REFUTED
* state.
* @param verifications The set of verifications to check.
* @return False if there's at least one VERIFIED or REFUTED element in the
* set.
public static boolean isIndeterminate(Iterable<Verification> verifications) {
return getStatus(verifications) == VerificationStatus.INDETERMINATE;
* Determines whether one of a set of verifications has VERIFIED state and
* contains all of the given credentials.
* @param verifications The set of verifications to check.
* @param credentials The set of credentials to look for.
* @return True if there's at least one VERIFIED element in the containing all
* of the credentials.
public static boolean isVerified(Iterable<Verification> verifications,
Iterable<Credential> credentials) {
return getStatus(verifications, credentials) == VerificationStatus.VERIFIED;
* Determines whether one of a set of verifications has REFUTED state and
* contains all of the given credentials.
* @param verifications The set of verifications to check.
* @param credentials The set of credentials to look for.
* @return True if there's at least one REFUTED element in the containing all
* of the credentials.
public static boolean isRefuted(Iterable<Verification> verifications,
Iterable<Credential> credentials) {
return getStatus(verifications, credentials) == VerificationStatus.REFUTED;
* Gets the newest of a set of verifications; in other words, the verification
* with the latest expiration time.
* @param verifications The verifications to test.
* @return The newest of the given verifications, or {@code null} if the given
* set is empty.
public static Verification newestOf(Iterable<Verification> verifications) {
Verification result = null;
for (Verification verification : verifications) {
if (result == null || verification.compareExpirationTimes(result) > 0) {
result = verification;
return result;
* Removes any expired verifications from a given collection.
* @param verifications A collection of verifications to process.
* @param timeStamp A reference time for determining expiration.
public static void expireVerifications(Collection<Verification> verifications,
@Nonnegative long timeStamp) {
Iterables.removeIf(verifications, getExpirationPredicate(timeStamp));
* Removes any expired verifications from a given collection. Uses the
* current time as a reference.
* @param verifications A collection of verifications to process.
public static void expireVerifications(Collection<Verification> verifications) {
expireVerifications(verifications, DateTimeUtils.currentTimeMillis());
static void registerTypeAdapters(GsonBuilder builder) {
ProxyTypeAdapter.make(Verification.class, LocalProxy.class));
builder.registerTypeAdapter(new TypeToken<ImmutableSet<Credential>>() {}.getType(),
private static final class LocalProxy implements TypeProxy<Verification> {
VerificationStatus status;
long expirationTime;
ImmutableSet<Credential> credentials;
LocalProxy() {
LocalProxy(Verification verification) {
status = verification.getStatus();
expirationTime = verification.getExpirationTime();
credentials = verification.getCredentials();
public Verification build() {
return new Verification(status, expirationTime, credentials);