SharePoint Powershell Utility to size SharePoint deployments
Code Review :
diff --git a/tools/diagnose_sp.ps1 b/tools/diagnose_sp.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c907e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/diagnose_sp.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+param (
+ [string]$identity,
+ [switch]$summary = $false
+$ver = $host | select version
+if ($ver.Version.Major -gt 1) {$host.Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"}
+if ((Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)
+ Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
+Function OutputIdentity() {
+ $FQDN = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName(($env:COMPUTERNAME)).HostName
+ $UserInfo = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name
+ Write-Output "diagnose_sp 1.0"
+ Write-Output ""
+ Write-Output "Local Time: $(Get-Date)"
+ Write-Output " UTC Time: $($(Get-Date).toUniversalTime())"
+ Write-Output ""
+ Write-Output "I am $($UserInfo) running on $($env:COMPUTERNAME) ($($FQDN))"
+ Write-Output ""
+ $wos = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem
+ $os = $wos.Caption.Trim()
+ if ($wos.CSDVersion -ne $Null) {
+ $os = "$os - $($wos.CSDVersion)"
+ }
+ Write-Output "OS: $os"
+ Write-Output ""
+if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($identity) -eq $false) {
+ $virtualServers = Get-SPWebApplication -identity $identity | where {$_.IsAdministrationWebApplication -eq $false} | Select-Object Url
+} else {
+ $virtualServers = Get-SPWebApplication | where {$_.IsAdministrationWebApplication -eq $false} | Select-Object Url
+$allmembershipcount = 0
+$allgroupcount = 0
+$allitems = 0
+foreach ($url in $virtualServers) {
+ $webapp = Get-SPWebApplication -identity $url.Url
+ $virtualServer = $webapp.Url
+ [String]::Format("Web Application : {1} ({0})", $virtualServer, $webapp.Name);
+ [String]::Format("Sharepoint Version: {0}", $webapp.Farm.BuildVersion);
+ try {
+ $contentdbs = Get-SPContentDatabase -webapplication $webapp.Url | Measure-Object;
+ } catch {
+ $contentdbs = Measure-Object
+ }
+ try {
+ $sitecolids = Get-SPSite -WebApplication $webapp.Url -limit all -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object ID
+ $sitecols = $sitecolids | Measure-Object
+ } catch {
+ $sitecolids = $null
+ $sitecols = Measure-Object
+ }
+ if ($summary -ne $true) {
+ "Number of Content DBs = " + $contentdbs.Count
+ "Number of Site Collections = " + $sitecols.Count
+ }
+ if ($summary -ne $true) {
+ $mappings = $webapp.AlternateUrls
+ if ($mappings -eq $null -or $mappings.Count -eq 0) {
+ "Alternate Mappings: 0"
+ } else {
+ "Alternate Mappings: " + $mappings.Count
+ foreach($mapping in $mappings) {
+ $zone = $mapping.Zone
+ [String]::Format(" {0,8} {1}", $zone, $mapping.IncomingUrl);
+ $iis = $webapp.IisSettings[$zone]
+ if ($iis -ne $null) {
+ $authmode = $iis.AuthenticationMode
+ $anonymous = $iis.AllowAnonymous
+ $wia = $iis.UseWindowsIntegratedAuthentication
+ $kerberos = ($iis.DisableKerberos -eq $false)
+ $claims = $iis.UseClaimsAuthentication
+ $claimsforms = $iis.UseFormsClaimsAuthenticationProvider
+ $claimstrusted = $iis.UseTrustedClaimsAuthenticationProvider
+ $claimswindows = $iis.UseWindowsClaimsAuthenticationProvider
+ " Auth Mode: " + $authmode
+ " Use WIA: " + $wia
+ " Use Claims: " + $claims
+ if ($claims) {
+ " Use Claims Forms: " + $claimsforms
+ " Use Claims Windows: " + $claimswindows
+ " Use Claims Trusted: " + $claimstrusted
+ }
+ " Allow Kerberos: " + $kerberos
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ""
+ if ($sitecolids -eq $null) {
+ continue
+ }
+ $groupcount = 0
+ $usercount = 0;
+ $membershipcount = 0;
+ foreach ($siteid in $sitecolids) {
+ if ($siteid -eq $null -or $siteid.Id -eq $null) {
+ continue
+ }
+ $site = Get-SPSite -identity $siteid.Id
+ $rootweb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb]$site.RootWeb
+ [string]::Format("Site Name = {4} Site Url = {0} Users = {1} Groups = {2} RoleAssignments = {3}", $site.Url, $rootweb.SiteUsers.Count, $rootweb.SiteGroups.Count, $rootweb.RoleAssignments.Count, $rootweb.Title)
+ $groupcount = $rootweb.SiteGroups.Count;
+ $membershipcount = 0
+ foreach ($grp in $rootweb.SiteGroups) {
+ $membershipcount += $grp.Users.Count
+ }
+ $allgroupcount += $groupcount
+ $allmembershipcount += $membershipcount
+ if ($summary -ne $true) {
+ foreach($web in $site.AllWebs) {
+ $totallists = $web.Lists | Measure-Object
+ $versionedlists = $web.Lists | where { $_.EnableVersioning -eq $true} | Measure-Object
+ $itemcount = $web.Lists | Measure-Object -Property ItemCount -Sum
+ if ($totallists.Count -gt 0) {
+ [string]::Format("Web --> {0}", $web.Url)
+ [string]::Format("Versioned Lists: {0} of {1}", $versionedlists.Count, $totallists.Count)
+ [string]::Format("Items: {0}", $itemcount.Sum)
+ $allitems += $itemcount.Sum
+ ""
+ }
+ $web.dispose()
+ }
+ [string]::Format("# SP Groups = {0} # SP Memberships = {1}", $groupcount, $membershipcount)
+ ""
+ }
+ $rootweb.dispose()
+ $site.dispose()
+ }
+ ""
+[string]::Format("Global # SP Groups = {0} Global # SP Memberships = {1} Global # Items = {2}", $allgroupcount, $allmembershipcount, $allitems)