Add documentation for building a adaptor instance release
diff --git a/ b/
index 36e12f8..785c86a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -58,4 +58,29 @@
 git fetch
 # Create a local branch that pulls/pushes to origin/$BRANCH
 git branch $BRANCH origin/$BRANCH
+To release an adaptor:
+# Tag version.
+cd pre-existing-plexi.repo/
+git checkout origin/master # This is the commit we are going to tag
+git tag -a v$VERSION -m "Version $VERSION"
+git push --tags
+# Get adaptor library for packaging.
+cd plexi/dist
+unzip adaptor-$ adaptor-$VERSION-withlib.jar
+# Build.
+cd ~
+git clone
+cd plexi.repo
+git checkout v$VERSION
+cp ../plexi/dist/adaptor-$VERSION-withlib.jar lib/
+ant -Dadaptor.suffix=-$VERSION -Dadaptor.jar=lib/adaptor-$VERSION-withlib.jar dist
+# Test and upload dist/ files. Mark new files featured, remove featured from old files.
\ No newline at end of file