Edited wiki page DevelopmentProperties through web user interface.
diff --git a/DevelopmentProperties.wiki b/DevelopmentProperties.wiki
index 953805c..bd2513a 100644
--- a/DevelopmentProperties.wiki
+++ b/DevelopmentProperties.wiki
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
   # Make CLs direct. eg. no unneccesary indirection eg. put the String constant in instead of having unnecessary finals declared.
   # Prefer plain/idiomatic/obvious over clever.
   # Name things!     
-  * make specific exception classes
-  * don't use "abstract" in class name
-  * don't use "impl" in class name
-  * name sub-blocks of code by converting to methods
+    * make specific exception classes
+    * don't use "abstract" in class name
+    * don't use "impl" in class name
+    * name sub-blocks of code by converting to methods
 = Particular considerations =