blob: 4b956bd387e7ba4315dbc733ab886945b8991051 [file] [log] [blame]
#summary Commands to produce a new release.
This is not a script. It is intended to be performed manually to notice errors and be aware of what is happening.
# Tag version.
cd pre-existing-plexi/
git checkout origin/master # This is the commit we are going to tag
git tag -a v$VERSION -m "Version $VERSION"
git push --tags
# Build.
cd ~
git clone
cd plexi
git checkout v$VERSION
ant -Dadaptorlib.suffix=-$VERSION dist
# Upload dist/ files. Mark new files featured, remove featured from old files.
cd dist
unzip adaptor-$ adaptor-$
# Update online documentation.
cd ~
git clone
cd plexi.documentation
rm -r *
mkdir javadoc && cd javadoc
unzip ~/plexi/dist/adaptor-$
git add -A
git commit -m "Update for version $VERSION"
git tag -a v$VERSION -m "Version $VERSION"
git push --tags
# Update "External links" to point to new documentation.
# Update main page to point to new release.
To create release branches:
# Make sure local code is up-to-date
git checkout master
git pull
# Create branch
git checkout -b $BRANCH
# Push branch for others to see
git push -u origin $BRANCH
#### In other local clones (optional) ####
# Get new branch
git fetch
# Create a local branch that pulls/pushes to origin/$BRANCH
git branch $BRANCH origin/$BRANCH