blob: dbe88eef9e67eeaa9d74e2d0b69f650bead90c12 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# limitations under the License.
"""Wrapper of key-value pairs, which can be de/serialized from/to disk.
import re
from google.protobuf import text_format
from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile
from biology import model_config_pb2
class ModelConfig(object):
"""Wrapper of key-value pairs which can be de/serialized from/to disk.
A given key-value pair cannot be removed once added.
This wrapper is mostly meant to read
a config from disk or a python dict once, and subsequently the
values are read through the object's attributes.
De/Serialization is done through a protocol buffer with a text format,
so files on disk are human readable and editable. See the unittest
for an example of the protocol buffer text format.
_supported_types = [bool, int, float, str, unicode, list]
_supported_overwrite_modes = ['forbidden', 'required', 'allowed']
def __init__(self, defaults=None):
"""Creates a config object.
defaults: An optional dictionary with string keys and
possibly heterogenously typed values;
see class attribute _supported_types for supported types.
The newly constructed object will gain attributes matching
the dict's keys and values.
self._config_dict = {}
if defaults:
for key, value in defaults.iteritems():
self.AddParam(key, value, overwrite='forbidden')
def _ValidateParam(self, key, value, overwrite):
"""Checks param has a valid type, name, and enforces duplicate key handling.
key: str or unicode. Must be an allowable python attribute name,
(specifically, must match r'^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]+$')
value: bool, int, float, str, unicode or homogeneous list thereof.
The value to be stored.
overwrite: String, how to handle duplicate keys.
'forbidden': raise ValueError if key is already present.
'required': raise ValueError if key is *not* already present.
'allowed': key will be added or updated silently.
ValueError: if parameters are not valid types,
or if the key is not an allowable python attribute name,
or if duplicate key validation failed.
if overwrite not in self._supported_overwrite_modes:
raise ValueError(
'overwrite mode "{}" not allowed, must be one of {}'.format(
overwrite, ','.join(self._supported_overwrite_modes)))
if type(key) not in [str, unicode]:
raise ValueError('Key must but a string, but is: {}'.format(type(key)))
if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]+$', key) is None:
raise ValueError('Key is a bad attribute name: {}'.format(key))
if key in self._config_dict:
if overwrite == 'forbidden':
raise ValueError('Not allowed to specify same key twice: {}'.format(
if (not isinstance(value, type(self._config_dict[key])) and
{str, unicode} != {type(value), type(self._config_dict[key])}):
raise ValueError(
'Not allowed to change value type ({} -> {}) for a key: {}'.format(
type(self._config_dict[key]), type(value), key))
if overwrite == 'required':
raise ValueError('Must specify default for {}'.format(key))
if type(value) not in self._supported_types:
raise ValueError(
'Only {} values allowed: {}'.format(
','.join([str(t) for t in self._supported_types]),
if type(value) is list:
if not value:
raise ValueError('Only non-empty lists supported: {}'.format(key))
type_set = {type(v) for v in value}
if len(type_set) > 1:
raise ValueError('Only homogenous lists supported, found: {}={}'.format(
key, ','.join(str(t) for t in type_set)))
def AddParam(self, key, value, overwrite):
"""Adds one key-value pair to the dict being stored.
key: str or unicode. Must be an allowable python attribute name,
(specifically, must match r'^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]+$')
value: bool, int, float, str, unicode or homogeneous list thereof.
The value to be stored.
overwrite: String, how to handle duplicate keys.
See _ValidateParam for allowed values and descriptions.
ValueError: see _ValidateParam for raising conditions.
self._ValidateParam(key, value, overwrite)
self._config_dict[key] = value
setattr(self, key, value)
def GetOptionalParam(self, key, default_value):
"""Returns the param value or the default_value if not present.
Typically you should directly read the object attribute for the
key, but if the key is optionally present this method can be convenient.
key: String of the parameter name.
default_value: Value to return if key is not present in this config.
May be int, float or string.
Value of the parameter named by key or default_value if key isn't present.
return getattr(self, key, default_value)
def WriteToFile(self, filename):
"""Writes this ModelConfig object to disk.
filename: Path to write config to on disk.
IOError: in case of error while writing.
ValueError: in case of unsupported key or value type.
config_proto = model_config_pb2.ModelConfig()
for key, value in sorted(self._config_dict.iteritems()):
proto_param = config_proto.parameter.add() = key
if type(value) is int:
proto_param.int_value = value
elif type(value) is float:
proto_param.float_value = value
elif type(value) in [str, unicode]:
proto_param.string_value = value
elif type(value) is bool:
proto_param.bool_value = value
elif type(value) is list:
list_type = type(value[0])
if list_type is int:
elif list_type is float:
elif list_type in [str, unicode]:
elif list_type is bool:
raise ValueError('Unsupported list type: {}'.format(list_type))
raise ValueError('Unsupported value type: {}'.format(type(value)))
with open(filename, mode='w') as config_file:
def ReadFromFile(self, filename, overwrite='required'):
"""Reads into this ModelConfig object from disk.
filename: Path to serialized config file.
overwrite: String, how to handle duplicate keys.
See _ValidateParam for allowed values and descriptions.
IOError: in case of error while reading.
ValueError: if no value is set in a parameter.
config_proto = model_config_pb2.ModelConfig()
with open(filename) as config_file:
text_format.Merge(, config_proto)
for p in config_proto.parameter:
value_name = p.WhichOneof('value')
if value_name:
value = getattr(p, value_name)
elif p.int_list:
value = list(p.int_list)
elif p.float_list:
value = list(p.float_list)
elif p.string_list:
value = list(p.string_list)
elif p.bool_list:
value = list(p.bool_list)
raise ValueError('No value set for key: {}'.format(
self.AddParam(, value, overwrite)