blob: 86fe40d5b55ff1679f1fa5219daa8fd615131440 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "NSLayoutConstraint-SSLayout",
"version": "1.2",
"summary": "easy-to-use NSLayoutConstraint",
"description": "# NSLayoutConstraint-SSLayout\nsimple and easy-to-use, 2files only, 17kB size. \nsimilar usage as NSLayoutAnchor, but support iOS-8 and \"swiftable\". \n1.7 times faster than Masonry, nearly as fast as the system method. \ntrack all constraints and easy to activate/deactivate any one of them.\n## Example\n### Setup constraints\n```\n[self.redView activateConstraints:^{\n self.redView.height_attr.constant = 100;\n self.redView.width_attr = self.blueView.width_attr;\n self.redView.top_attr = self.blueView.top_attr;\n self.redView.leading_attr = self.blueView.trailing_attr;\n    }];\n```\n### Alter value of a constraint\n```\nself.blueView.width_attr.constant = 100;\n```\n### Obtain a constraint\n```\nNSLayoutConstraint *cons = [self.titleLabel constraintAccordingToAttribute:self.titleLabel.bottom_attr andAttribute:self.subtitleLabel.top_attr];\n```\n## Adding to your project\n### Using CocoaPods\nAdd pod 'SSBannerViewController' to your Podfile.\n\n### Including Source Directly Into Your Project\nAdd the files under \"Source\" folder to your project.\n\n# Licence\nThis project uses MIT License.",
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": {
"stevenSu": ""
"platforms": {
"ios": "8.0"
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "1.2"
"source_files": "Source/*.{h,m}",
"frameworks": "UIKit",
"requires_arc": true