blob: bf338168855528de17b4d955e866b2e154f8c5cc [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "DevMateKit_MAS",
"version": "1.4",
"license": {
"type": "Copyright",
"text": " © 2012-2015 DevMate Inc. All rights reserved.\n"
"homepage": "",
"social_media_url": "",
"authors": {
"DevMate Inc.": ""
"summary": "DevMate - tracking and analytics for OS X applications",
"description": "DevMateKit is the set of components necessary for collecting application usage data, tracking application health status and communication of end users with the developers.\n\nFeatures:\n\n- Sending application launch tracks\n\n- Sending application activation/trial status\n\n- Enabling and handling application trial mode: time-limited, action-limited or combination of the two\n\n- Handling activation process (including FastSpring embedded store)\n\n- Handling application updates (based on Sparkle engine)\n\n- Catching application crashes and exceptions\n\n- Sending crashes and exceptions reports with ability to add user comments, screenshots and other attachments\n\n- Restarting application after crash\n\n- Sending user feedback messages with ability to add screenshots or other attachments",
"platforms": {
"osx": "10.7"
"source": {
"http": ""
"requires_arc": false,
"vendored_frameworks": "DevMateKit.framework",
"preserve_paths": "*.{framework,sh}",
"resources": "DevMateKit.framework",
"user_target_xcconfig": {
"LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS": "@executable_path/../Frameworks",
"FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(PODS_ROOT)/DevMateKit/DevMateKit.framework/Frameworks"