[Add] TrailerVoteSDK 1.2.2
diff --git a/Specs/0/9/9/TrailerVoteSDK/1.2.2/TrailerVoteSDK.podspec.json b/Specs/0/9/9/TrailerVoteSDK/1.2.2/TrailerVoteSDK.podspec.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..933b432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Specs/0/9/9/TrailerVoteSDK/1.2.2/TrailerVoteSDK.podspec.json
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+  "name": "TrailerVoteSDK",
+  "version": "1.2.2",
+  "summary": "An official TrailerVote iOS SDK",
+  "description": "TrailerVote SDK for iOS is a proprietary marketing platform\nfor any movie ticketing app that enables capturing people's\ninterests in movie trailers and can be configured to show\nreminders when the movie goes on sale in the app.",
+  "homepage": "https://trailervote.com",
+  "license": {
+    "type": "Commercial",
+    "file": "LICENSE.txt"
+  },
+  "authors": "TrailerVote Corporation",
+  "platforms": {
+    "ios": "10.0"
+  },
+  "source": {
+    "http": "https://pods.dev.trailervote.com/TrailerVoteSDK-1.2.2.framework.zip"
+  },
+  "source_files": "TrailerVoteSDK/TrailerVoteSDK.framework/Headers/*.h",
+  "public_header_files": "TrailerVoteSDK/TrailerVoteSDK.framework/Headers/*.h",
+  "vendored_frameworks": "TrailerVoteSDK/TrailerVoteSDK.framework",
+  "preserve_paths": "TrailerVoteSDK/TrailerVoteSDK.framework/*",
+  "frameworks": "UIKit",
+  "dependencies": {
+    "Countly": [
+      "~> 19.08"
+    ]
+  }