blob: cc6d263ae96d302c49e145e18365140d9a94e8dc [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "XiangZhanBase",
"version": "0.0.1",
"summary": "XiangZhanBase is a basic class",
"description": "XiangZhanBase can display one or more images or videos by providing either UIImage\nobjects, PHAsset objects, or URLs to library assets, web images/videos or local files.\nThe photo browser handles the downloading and caching of photos from the web seamlessly.\nPhotos can be zoomed and panned, and optional (customisable) captions can be displayed.\nDESCRIPTION",
"homepage": "",
"license": {
"type": "MIT",
"file": "LICENSE"
"authors": {
"codeLufei": ""
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "0.0.1"
"platforms": {
"ios": "8.0"
"source_files": "XiangZhanBase/Classes/**/*",
"requires_arc": true,
"dependencies": {
"AFNetworking": [
"GTMBase64": [
"WebViewJavascriptBridge": [
"MJRefresh": [
"Masonry": [
"JSONModel": [
"MBProgressHUD": [
"~> 0.9"