blob: 9c7559c50c1c7d92450262213cc6248d0c3fbeaa [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "couchbase-lite-ios",
"version": "1.0-beta3.1-32bit",
"summary": "Couchbase Lite is an embedded lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine.",
"homepage": "",
"license": {
"type": "Apache License, Version 2.0",
"file": "cblite_ios_1.0-38/LICENSE.txt"
"authors": {
"Jens Alfke": ""
"platforms": {
"ios": "6.0"
"source": {
"http": ""
"preserve_paths": [
"vendored_frameworks": [
"public_header_files": "**/*.h",
"frameworks": [
"libraries": [
"description": " **Couchbase Lite** is an embedded lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine. \n\n Get more info and downloads of Couchbase Lite (for iOS and Android) via [the Couchbase mobile portal](\n\n [Click here for **official documentation for Couchbase Lite iOS**](\n\n Latency matters a lot to users, so a local database takes frustration out of the equation. It’s got JSON documents, and the same map/reduce as Couchbase Server, in a pint-sized edition.\n\n Couchbase Lite compiles natively for iOS and Android. Half a megabyte optimized, for quick launch and snappy user experience on occasionally connected devices when data matters.\n\n **Lightweight** means:\n\n * Embedded: The database engine is a library linked into the app, not a separate server process.\n * Small code size: currently under 600kbytes. This is important to mobile apps, which are often downloaded over cell networks.\n * Quick startup time on relatively-slow CPUs: currently under 50ms on recent iPhones.\n * Low memory usage with typical mobile data-sets. The expectation is the number of documents will not be huge, although there may be sizable multimedia attachments.\n * \"Good enough\" performance with these CPUs and data-sets. (Exact figures depend on your data and application, of course.)\n\n **Document-oriented** means:\n\n * Like Couchbase Server, it stores records in flexible [JSON]( format instead of requiring predefined schemas or normalization.\n * Records/documents can have arbitrary-sized binary attachments, like multimedia content.\n * Your application's data format can evolve over time without any need for explicit migrations.\n * Map/reduce indexing allows fast lookups without needing to use special query languages.\n * Documents can contain free-form text or geographic coordinates, which are efficiently indexed for full-text search or geo-querying.\n\n **[Syncable](** means:\n\n * Any two copies of a database can be brought into sync via an efficient, reliable, proven REST-based [protocol][23].\n * Sync can be on-demand or continuous (with a latency of a few seconds).\n * The sync engine supports intermittent and unreliable network connections.\n * Conflicts can be detected and resolved, with app logic in full control of merging.\n * Revision trees allow for complex replication topologies, including server-to-server (for multiple data centers) and peer-to-peer, without data loss or false conflicts.\n\n The native APIs are Objective-C (iOS, Mac) and Java (Android), but an optional internal REST API adapter allows it to be called from other languages like JavaScript and C#, for use in apps built with PhoneGap, Titanium or MonoTouch.\n",
"requires_arc": false