blob: d7e3c378830d28d7d479a164d774a42ee945d2d3 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "Spry",
"version": "2.1.1",
"summary": "Spry is spying and stubbing framework for Apple's Swift language.",
"description": "Spry allows developers to test a specific object without having to test dependency objects that the subject under test uses. Spyable allows a developer to check whether or not a function was called on an object with the correct arguments. Stubbable allows a developer to stub return values (or the entire implementation of a function) to ensure proper encapsulation during tests.",
"homepage": "",
"license": {
"type": "MIT",
"file": "LICENSE"
"authors": {
"Brian Radebaugh": ""
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "2.1.1"
"platforms": {
"ios": "9.0"
"source_files": "Example/Source/*",
"pushed_with_swift_version": "3.0"