blob: 8134aa4bb9c4899515ba5fbd1207cff983f74d16 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "SwiftyAvatar",
"version": "1.0.1",
"summary": "A UIImageView class for creating circular or rounded avatar images, IBDesignable to make all changes via storyboard",
"description": "> A `UIImageView` class for creating **circular or rounded avatar images**, IBDesignable to make all changes via storyboard\n\n[![2.0](](\n[![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url]\n[![Apache](](\n[![CocoaPods Compatible](](\n\nSwiftyAvatar let's you create easily rounded or circular avatar images.\n\nSimply change the UIImageView with SwiftyAvatar class and adjust the available properties.\n\nYou can see the changes in storyboard because SwiftyAvatar is @IBDesignable!\n\n![Alt text](\n\n## Features\n\n- [x] @IBDesignable\n- [x] Border Width & Color\n- [x] Background Color (if the image has trasparent background)\n- [x] Spin animation\n\n## Requirements\n\n- iOS 8.0+\n- Xcode 7.3\n\n## Installation\n\n#### CocoaPods\nYou can use [CocoaPods]( to install `SwiftyAvatar` by adding it to your `Podfile`:\n\n```ruby\nplatform :ios, '8.0'\nuse_frameworks!\npod 'SwiftyAvatar', '~> 1.0'\n```\n\n``` swift\nimport UIKit\nimport SwiftyAvatar\n```\n#### Manually\n1. Download and drop ```SwiftyAvatar.swift``` in your project.\n2. Congratulations!\n\n## Usage example\n\nFrom storyboard, just change the class of your 'UIImageView' to 'SwiftyAvatar' and adjust the available properties.\n\nWith code:\n\n```swift\n@IBOutlet weak var avatar: SwiftyAvatar!\n\navatar.borderWidth = 2.0\navarar.borderColor = UIColor.redColor()\navatar.roundness = 2.0\n```\n\n## Release History\n\n* 1.0\n * First release\n\n## Contribute\n\nWe would love for you to contribute to **SwiftyAvatar**, check the ``LICENSE`` file for more info.\n\nThanks to RishabhTayal ( for readme spelling corrections, example and Pod support\n\n## Meta\n\nDimitrios Kalaitzidis – [@kalaitzidis34]( –\n\nDistributed under the Apache license. See ``Apache License`` for more information.\n\n[](\n\n[swift-image]:\n[swift-url]:\n[license-image]:\n[license-url]:\n[travis-image]:\n[travis-url]:\n[codebeat-image]:\n[codebeat-url]:",
"homepage": "",
"screenshots": [
"license": {
"type": "Apache 2.0",
"file": "LICENSE"
"authors": {
"Dimitrios Kalaitzidis": ""
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "1.0"
"platforms": {
"ios": "8.0"
"source_files": "SwiftyAvatar/Classes/**/*"