blob: 01bc69140c46294d3b0aa75c47cc04ba927e851f [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "PNChart",
"version": "0.5.6",
"summary": "A simple and beautiful chart lib with animation used in Piner for iOS",
"description": " #PNChart\n\n [![Build Status](](\n\n You can also find swift version at here\n\n A simple and beautiful chart lib with **animation** used in [Piner]( and [CoinsMan]( for iOS\n\n [![](](\n\n ## Requirements\n\n PNChart works on iOS 6.0 and later version and is compatible with ARC projects. It depends on the following Apple frameworks, which should already be included with most Xcode templates:\n\n * Foundation.framework\n * UIKit.framework\n * CoreGraphics.framework\n * QuartzCore.framework\n\n You will need LLVM 3.0 or later in order to build PNChart.\n\n\n\n\n ## Usage\n\n ### Cocoapods\n\n [CocoaPods]( is the recommended way to add PNChart to your project.\n\n 1. Add a pod entry for PNChart to your Podfile `pod 'PNChart', '~> 0.5'`\n 2. Install the pod(s) by running `pod install`.\n 3. Include PNChart wherever you need it with `#import \"PNChart.h\"`.\n\n\n ### Copy the PNChart folder to your project\n\n\n [![](](\n\n ```objective-c\n #import \"PNChart.h\"\n\n //For LineChart\n PNLineChart * lineChart = [[PNLineChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 135.0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 200.0)];\n [lineChart setXLabels:@[@\"SEP 1\",@\"SEP 2\",@\"SEP 3\",@\"SEP 4\",@\"SEP 5\"]];\n\n // Line Chart No.1\n NSArray * data01Array = @[@60.1, @160.1, @126.4, @262.2, @186.2];\n PNLineChartData *data01 = [PNLineChartData new];\n data01.color = PNFreshGreen;\n data01.itemCount = lineChart.xLabels.count;\n data01.getData = ^(NSUInteger index) {\n CGFloat yValue = [data01Array[index] floatValue];\n return [PNLineChartDataItem dataItemWithY:yValue];\n };\n // Line Chart No.2\n NSArray * data02Array = @[@20.1, @180.1, @26.4, @202.2, @126.2];\n PNLineChartData *data02 = [PNLineChartData new];\n data02.color = PNTwitterColor;\n data02.itemCount = lineChart.xLabels.count;\n data02.getData = ^(NSUInteger index) {\n CGFloat yValue = [data02Array[index] floatValue];\n return [PNLineChartDataItem dataItemWithY:yValue];\n };\n\n lineChart.chartData = @[data01, data02];\n [lineChart strokeChart];\n\n ```\n\n [![](](\n\n ```objective-c\n #import \"PNChart.h\"\n\n //For BarChart\n PNBarChart * barChart = [[PNBarChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 135.0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 200.0)];\n [barChart setXLabels:@[@\"SEP 1\",@\"SEP 2\",@\"SEP 3\",@\"SEP 4\",@\"SEP 5\"]];\n [barChart setYValues:@[@1, @10, @2, @6, @3]];\n [barChart strokeChart];\n\n ```\n\n [![](](\n\n\n ```objective-c\n #import \"PNChart.h\"\n\n //For CircleChart\n\n PNCircleChart * circleChart = [[PNCircleChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 80.0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 100.0) andTotal:[NSNumber numberWithInt:100] andCurrent:[NSNumber numberWithInt:60] andClockwise:NO];\n circleChart.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];\n [circleChart setStrokeColor:PNGreen];\n [circleChart strokeChart];\n\n ```\n\n\n [![](](\n\n ```objective-c\n # import \"PNChart.h\"\n //For PieChart\n NSArray *items = @[[PNPieChartDataItem dataItemWithValue:10 color:PNRed],\n [PNPieChartDataItem dataItemWithValue:20 color:PNBlue description:@\"WWDC\"],\n [PNPieChartDataItem dataItemWithValue:40 color:PNGreen description:@\"GOOL I/O\"],\n ];\n\n\n\n PNPieChart *pieChart = [[PNPieChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(40.0, 155.0, 240.0, 240.0) items:items];\n pieChart.descriptionTextColor = [UIColor whiteColor];\n pieChart.descriptionTextFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@\"Avenir-Medium\" size:14.0];\n [pieChart strokeChart];\n ```\n\n #### Callback\n\n Currently callback only works on Linechart\n\n ```objective-c\n #import \"PNChart.h\"\n\n //For LineChart\n\n lineChart.delegate = self;\n\n\n ```\n\n ```objective-c\n\n //For DelegateMethod\n\n\n -(void)userClickedOnLineKeyPoint:(CGPoint)point lineIndex:(NSInteger)lineIndex pointIndex:(NSInteger)pointIndex{\n NSLog(@\"Click Key on line %f, %f line index is %d and point index is %d\",point.x, point.y,(int)lineIndex, (int)pointIndex);\n }\n\n -(void)userClickedOnLinePoint:(CGPoint)point lineIndex:(NSInteger)lineIndex{\n NSLog(@\"Click on line %f, %f, line index is %d\",point.x, point.y, (int)lineIndex);\n }\n\n ```\n\n\n ## License\n\n This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the [MIT license](LICENSE).\n\n ## SpecialThanks\n\n [@lexrus]( CocoaPods Spec\n\n",
"homepage": "",
"screenshots": "",
"license": {
"type": "MIT",
"file": "LICENSE"
"authors": {
"kevinzhow": ""
"platforms": {
"ios": "6.0"
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "0.5.6"
"source_files": [
"public_header_files": "PNChart/**/*.h",
"frameworks": [
"requires_arc": true,
"dependencies": {
"UICountingLabel": [
"~> 1.0.0"