blob: 338d12d2cf8166efd6c603ff746867ab8249fd98 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "CollectionAndTableViewCompatible",
"version": "0.1.1",
"summary": "A set of Swift protocols and Xcode snippets that will make it easy to do clean UICollectionView and UITableView code.",
"description": "The project consists of three protocols:\n- `TableViewCompatible`\n- `Configurable`\n- `TableViewSection`\n\nCreate a view model that conforms to the `TableViewCompatible` protocol. The view model could either be a separate class or an extension to your existing model obejct. Your choice.\n\nThe create a `UITableViewCell` subclass that conforms to the `Configurable` protocol. Make the function `configureWithModel` take an instance of your view model as parameter.\n\nFinally create a class or struct that conforms to the `TableViewSection` protocol and let your `UITableViewDataSource` data model be an array of `TableViewSection`.\n\nFor a more detailed explaination see this [blog post](",
"homepage": "",
"license": {
"type": "Apache Version 2.0",
"file": "LICENSE"
"authors": {
"Jimmie Jensen": ""
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "0.1.1"
"platforms": {
"ios": "8.0"
"source_files": "Classes/**/*",
"frameworks": "UIKit",
"pushed_with_swift_version": "3.0"