blob: 9675d199e03b75301d421e6bdd55d51e2ae8edc1 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "CJNetworkFileModel",
"version": "0.1.0",
"summary": "要上传的文件的数据模型",
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": {
"dvlproad": ""
"description": "- CJNetworkFileModel/Upload:要上传的文件的数据模型\n会使用到该类的库目前有如下:\n①网络请求库 CJNetwork\n②图片选择上传库 CQImageAddDeleteListKit/AddDeletePickUpload\n\n\n A longer description of CJNetworkFileModel in Markdown format.\n\n * Think: Why did you write this? What is the focus? What does it do?\n * CocoaPods will be using this to generate tags, and improve search results.\n * Try to keep it short, snappy and to the point.\n * Finally, don't worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it!",
"platforms": {
"ios": "9.0"
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "CJNetworkFileModel_0.1.0"
"frameworks": "UIKit",
"requires_arc": true,
"subspecs": [
"name": "Upload",
"source_files": "CJNetworkFileModel/CJUploadFileModelsOwner/**/*.{h,m}"