[Delete] CartoMobileSDK 4.0.0-beta.090
diff --git a/Specs/5/e/e/CartoMobileSDK/4.0.0-beta.090/CartoMobileSDK.podspec.json b/Specs/5/e/e/CartoMobileSDK/4.0.0-beta.090/CartoMobileSDK.podspec.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 28d4b85..0000000
--- a/Specs/5/e/e/CartoMobileSDK/4.0.0-beta.090/CartoMobileSDK.podspec.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "CartoMobileSDK",
-  "version": "4.0.0-beta.090",
-  "summary": "CARTO Mobile SDK is advanced MapView with 3D, offline maps and other features",
-  "description": "Advanced MapView API\n\n* Offline map packages\n* 2.5D view - tilting, rotating, navigation view\n* 3D models on map\n* Use your custom map data sources\n* Same API for iOS, Android, Xamarin, Windows Phone\n\nProvided by CartoDB.com",
-  "homepage": "https://carto.com/mobile/",
-  "screenshots": "https://github.com/CartoDB/mobile-ios-samples/blob/gh-pages/carto-mobile-sdk-animated.gif?raw=true",
-  "license": "BSD",
-  "authors": {
-    "CARTO": "https://www.carto.com"
-  },
-  "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/carto",
-  "platforms": {
-    "ios": "7.0"
-  },
-  "source": {
-    "http": "https://nutifront.s3.amazonaws.com/sdk_snapshots/sdk4-ios-snapshot-latest.zip"
-  },
-  "source_files": "CartoMobileSDK.framework/**/*.{h,m}",
-  "public_header_files": "CartoMobileSDK.framework/**/*.{h,m}",
-  "preserve_paths": "CartoMobileSDK.framework",
-  "frameworks": [
-    "OpenGLES",
-    "GLKit",
-    "UIKit",
-    "CoreGraphics",
-    "CoreText",
-    "CFNetwork",
-    "Foundation",
-    "CartoMobileSDK"
-  ],
-  "libraries": [
-    "z",
-    "c++",
-    "stdc++.6"
-  ],
-  "requires_arc": true,
-  "xcconfig": {
-  }