blob: fcbd07f2c0c6c97e647128ed6710e9721d185a99 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "UIActionSheet-Blocks",
"version": "1.0",
"summary": "UIActionSheet+Blocks is a simple Block implementation for UIActionSheet created by Shai Mishali.",
"description": " \tUIActionSheet-Blocks\n ================\n\n UIActionSheet+Blocks is a simple Block implementation for UIActionSheet created by Shai Mishali.\n This allows you to use the power of blocks instead of implementing a delegate.\n\n USAGE\n ------\n\n Instead of allocating a new UIActionSheet and assigning a delegate, just call one of the static methods:\n\n ```objc\n UIActionSheet *sheet = [UIActionSheet presentOnView:self.view\n withTitle:@\"Select Picture\"\n otherButtons:@[@\"Camera Roll\", @\"Take a Picture\"]\n onCancel:^(UIActionSheet *actionSheet) {\n NSLog(@\"Touched cancel button\");\n }\n onClickedButton:^(UIActionSheet *actionSheet, NSUInteger index) {\n NSLog(@\"Selected button at index %d\", index);\n }];\n ```\n\n ![Simple UIActionSheet](\n\n **OR**\n\n ```objc\n\n UIActionSheet *sheet = [UIActionSheet presentOnView:self.view\n withTitle:@\"John - 555-1212\"\n cancelButton:@\"Dismiss\"\n destructiveButton:@\"Delete Contact\"\n otherButtons:@[@\"Call Contact\",@\"Message Contact\"]\n onCancel:^(UIActionSheet *actionSheet) {\n NSLog(@\"Touched cancel button\");\n }\n onDestructive:^(UIActionSheet *actionSheet) {\n NSLog(@\"Touched destructive button\");\n }\n onClickedButton:^(UIActionSheet *actionSheet, NSUInteger index) {\n NSLog(@\"Selected button at index %d\", index);\n }];\n ```\n\n ![Full UIActionSheet](\n\n\n The class will return the UIActionSheet object which you can manally dismiss if needed. \n",
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": {
"Shai Mishali": ""
"platforms": {
"ios": null
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "v1.0"
"source_files": "UIActionSheet+Blocks.**",
"exclude_files": "UIActionSheet-BlocksExample/**",
"requires_arc": true,
"screenshots": [