blob: 3d5196ebd8bf78886c58cd8c52002c6400edfc51 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "MuPDF",
"version": "1.8.2",
"summary": "A lightweight PDF and XPS viewer.",
"cocoapods_version": ">= 0.39",
"description": "MuPDF is a small, fast, and yet complete PDF viewer. \nIt supports PDF 1.7 with transparency, encryption, \nhyperlinks, annotations, searching and more. It also\nreads XPS and OpenXPS documents. Commercial\nlicensing is also available, contact",
"homepage": "",
"license": {
"type": "Affero GNU GPL v3",
"file": "COPYING"
"authors": "Artifex",
"source": {
"git": "git://",
"tag": "1.8-ios",
"submodules": true
"platforms": {
"ios": "6.1"
"requires_arc": false,
"source_files": [
"resources": [
"public_header_files": [
"header_mappings_dir": "include",
"prepare_command": "cd platform/ios\n# release armv7 + arm64\nxcodebuild -scheme MuPDF -configuration Release CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=\"\" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO\n\n# debug 64bit sim\nxcodebuild -scheme MuPDF -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=\"\" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO\ncd ../../build/\nfor i in freetype jbig2dec jpeg mujs mupdf openjpeg z; do\n LIB=lib${i}.a\n lipo -create -output $LIB release-ios-i386-x86_64/$LIB release-ios-armv7-arm64/$LIB\ndone\n\n# avoid any conflict with the libMuPDF.a that the pod generates\nmv libmupdf.a libmupdfcore.a",
"vendored_libraries": "build/*.a",
"xcconfig": {
"USER_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/MuPDF/platform/ios\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/MuPDF/platform/ios/Classes\""