blob: 0f0ae8052210a3e88d5e54161410d3fd52aafbda [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "geos",
"version": "3.4.2a",
"summary": "GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS).",
"homepage": "",
"license": {
"type": "GNU LGPL 2.1",
"file": "COPYING"
"authors": {
"Yury Bychkov": "",
"Martin Davis": ""
"source": {
"svn": "",
"tag": "3.4.2"
"platforms": {
"ios": "4.0",
"osx": "10.6"
"prepare_command": "type -P autoconf &>/dev/null || alias autoconf 'xcrun autoconf'\ntype -P autoheader &>/dev/null || alias autoheader 'xcrun autoheader'\ntype -P aclocal &>/dev/null || alias aclocal 'xcrun aclocal'\ntype -P automake &>/dev/null || alias automake 'xcrun automake'\ntype -P glibtool &>/dev/null || alias glibtool 'xcrun glibtool'\ntype -P glibtoolize &>/dev/null || alias glibtoolize 'xcrun glibtoolize'\n\nsh\n./configure\n./tools/\n\nsed -i \"\" \"s/\\/\\* #undef HAVE_INT64_T_64 \\*\\//#define HAVE_INT64_T_64 1/\" include/geos/platform.h\nsed -i \"\" \"s/#define HAVE_LONG_INT_64 1/\\/\\* #undef HAVE_LONG_INT_64 \\*\\//\" include/geos/platform.h\n\ncat <<EOT >> include/geos/platform.h\n #undef ISNAN\n #define ISNAN(x) (std::isnan(x))\nEOT\n\npatch capi/geos_c.h <<EOF\n 149c149\n < #include <geos/export.h>\n ---\n > #define GEOS_DLL\nEOF",
"preserve_paths": [
"source_files": [
"exclude_files": "**/*tests*",
"public_header_files": [
"xcconfig": {
"HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "${PODS_ROOT}/geos/include ${PODS_ROOT}/geos/capi",
"CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY": "libstdc++"