blob: fb5c37de3e6273a7e69aa685cff92a4b25975b66 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "Appboy-iOS-SDK",
"version": "2.9.3",
"summary": "This is the Appboy iOS SDK for Mobile Marketing Automation",
"description": " This pod has two subspecs, please ensure you only choose one of them when you are adding Appboy-iOS-SDK pod to your podfile by:\n\n pod 'Appboy-iOS-SDK/AppboyKit'\n * This requires Facebook-iOS-SDK in the workspace. Installing this pod will automatically install Facebook-iOS-SDK is it's not incluced in the workspace.\n\n\n pod 'Appboy-iOS-SDK/AppboyKitWithoutFacebookSupport'\n\n\n Warning: Integrating both pods will cause the SDK to be integrated twice which will cause errors!\n",
"homepage": "",
"license": {
"type": "Commercial",
"text": "Please refer to"
"authors": {
"Appboy": ""
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "2.9.3"
"platforms": {
"ios": "5.1.1"
"requires_arc": false,
"documentation_url": "",
"frameworks": [
"weak_frameworks": [
"subspecs": [
"name": "AppboyKit",
"source_files": [
"exclude_files": "AppboyKit/**/*.txt",
"resources": "AppboyKit/Appboy.bundle",
"preserve_paths": "AppboyKit/**/*.*",
"vendored_libraries": "AppboyKit/libAppboyKitLibrary.a",
"dependencies": {
"Facebook-iOS-SDK": [
"~> 3.16.2"
"SDWebImage": [
">= 3.7.0"
"name": "AppboyKitWithoutFacebookSupport",
"source_files": [
"exclude_files": "AppboyKitWithoutFacebookSupport/**/*.txt",
"resources": "AppboyKitWithoutFacebookSupport/Appboy.bundle",
"preserve_paths": "AppboyKitWithoutFacebookSupport/**/*.*",
"vendored_libraries": "AppboyKitWithoutFacebookSupport/libAppboyKitLibrary.a",
"dependencies": {
"SDWebImage": [
">= 3.7.0"