blob: 620da5f4982a0cf19876bf3a839ed31dc3eb0406 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "JFOpenWeatherMapManager",
"version": "1.0.0",
"summary": "Easy to use Objective-C Wrapper to retrieve weather from the OpenWeatherMapApi.",
"description": " JFOpenWeatherMapManager for iOS provides a quick and easy, drop in component to consume and manipulate the Open Weather Map API directly as Objective-C objects, no casting required. Weather data can be retrieved in a couple of lines of code with the help of a Block.\n",
"homepage": "",
"license": {
"type": "MIT",
"file": ""
"authors": {
"Jonathan Field": ""
"social_media_url": "",
"platforms": {
"ios": "6.0"
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "1.0.0"
"source_files": "*.{h,m}",
"exclude_files": "Classes/Exclude",
"dependencies": {
"AFNetworking": [
"APTimeZones": [
"requires_arc": true,
"frameworks": "CoreLocation"